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November 7, 2018 at 5:25 am
I really find this useful but in my case that Mr and my ex has been broken up for already going on 8 months but we still talk and sleep with each other but that about it. Is there something I must do to make it come back instead of just having each other for company
November 7, 2018 at 4:34 am
I believe this is a great article for people who still have contact with their ex. I wish this could work in my situation but it’s impossible me and ex haven’t spoken in 8 months now. So I just learn to live life without him.
November 7, 2018 at 4:09 am
How do you implement this when an OW is involved? He has been traveling from Perth WA to Indonesia every 3rd week to see her and I believe this weekend he just introduced her to his brother, sister in law and niece.
Please help me
Chris Seiter
November 8, 2018 at 3:19 am
Hi Suz….certainly that makes it more challenging. I wrote a post about what I call the Being There approach. Ummmmmm. Don’t have this moment to get into it all but if you go to my Contact Form and email me a message I can give you more details!
Alondra Dorsey
November 7, 2018 at 12:18 am
Hey Chris so my exams I were together for 6 years. Two weeks after our breakup he got a new girlfriend. We have had a couple run ins, once while he was out with her! He hasn’t reached out or made any moves to even try to talk to me. I am wondering if this means he has really moved on. We broke up 9/30/18.
Chris Seiter
November 8, 2018 at 3:24 am
Hi Alondra!
So that is a solid amount of time to be together and builds traction which is good. Are you following my Program. I have lots of resources on this site….please tap in!
Allison Welka
November 7, 2018 at 12:16 am
We have a 2yr old child together, and through it was me that ultimately made the last mistake (no cheating on either side), I have not been able to apply the “no contact” rule. What else can i do? I’m working very hard, both workwise and counseling wise, but he wont admit HIS faults within the relationship making him convinced it was ALL me. He is the love of my life and I believe if we can work through our problems we could have a beautiful life together as a family. But hes also hot-n-cold….one time hugging me and giving me a kiss on the lips, then the next time telling me he wants nothing to do with me. And he goes back and forth like this for months now. What do I do? I’ve been very positive and reaffirming and have not said anything negative to him during this whole time. Hes been severely hurt by his exes in the past, and I believe hes projecting all his issues onto me. What do I do? How do I treat this? Where do I go from here? The best I can do is just keep proving to him that I AM a God person who sometimes makes mistakes, and that I’m working on being the best “me” I can for myself , him, and our daughter, and to just give it more time. Any other pearls of wisdom or sage advice? I would appreciate it.
Chris Seiter
November 8, 2018 at 3:27 am
Hi Allison!
God bless you and your beautiful 2 year old child. Proud of you on working to be the best “you”. Remember, you are not doing it just for him…but for yourself and those you love. I have no doubt that a person like you will land on their feet no matter what happens. And he is wrong. No single person is all at fault. Be kind to yourself and others and many wonderful things will happen for you.