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December 25, 2019 at 9:08 pm
Hi Chris,
So I followed your guide, and everything went great. We were together for 2 and a half years, kinda living together for the last year. We broke up in October due to him being unhappy with himself and depressed. Our break up was okay, but I was really hurt. I completed 30 day no contact, and after that, he reached out in person, we talked, a week later I sent a message, slowly building conversation, and everything was better than expected, we went on a date after 2 weeks, and after that we were together almost everyday for about a month, we talked non stop, and even talked about getting back together in future, going on vacation. Fast forward, I asked him what does he want and he said he is confused and he doesn’t know right know, so we talked after a week, and he said he doesn’t see future with me right now, and that he thought he will be happy with me, but he is unhappy altogether. And I said, I don’t want to get back together with someone who is unhappy, but we agreed to see each other. He is really depressed and he is feeling lonely and nothing seems to make him happy. And he is really weird towards me, at one moment he is kissing me, telling me that we kiss like we are in a relationship, then next moment he is going to see some other girl, he tells me that I am the only girl for him, and the only one who cares about him, and then tells me he doesn’t see a future with me. One night the other day, he had a panick attack, so I stayed awake all night to text him so he can go through it, he told me if I weren’t there, he would be a mess. And after that he goes to see that girl again. He is constantly sending me mixed signals, being hot and cold, being extremely jealous, being extremely affection, and then saying thinks like I can’t be happy even with you, and going to see some other girl. So I made a mistake, and told him, I want a relationship and if he is not ready, and if he thinks he is not the one, to let me go. That I know he is unhappy, but if he doesn’t see how happy he is because he has me, someone else will. I then send an angry message saying that I wish him a good life and that I am sorry because I wasted time, I know he will regret this later, but I won’t. He said he told me that he doesn’t want to lead me on, and that I am right and he agrees with my decision.
I really want to get back together and I really love him, but I can’t waste my time if he doesn’t see us getting back together, I can’t always be there for him if he doesn’t appreciate my effort. I don’t know if I made a mistake asking him what he wants, but he was all over me at one moment, asking me to marry him one day. I know I wanted to rush things, but I thought that’s what he wants too.
Is it actually over for good now, after I said that if he doesn’t see us getting back together, I want to move on, and that I wasted my time on him.
If not, what do I do?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 29, 2019 at 10:59 pm
Hey Caren, so if you want to try and get your ex back you do still have a chance but it starts with a no contact and learning to understand this program. Read all that applies to your situation and how to influence your lifestyle so that your ex starts to regret letting you go
December 25, 2019 at 3:41 pm
Don’t know where else to go at this point.
I cheated on my boyfriend almost two weeks ago now. I got drunk and I kissed somebody, then I lied to his face multiple times to cover it up. He’s broken it off, he says there’s no way he can ever trust me again and he still doesn’t believe it was only a kiss.
I made the classic mistakes, I apologized, I tried to convince him our relationship could be saved, and I tried to make him believe my story.
We live together. We’ve been intimate three times (again, making all the mistakes). The last time he referred to it as breakup sex and said it was more “nostalgic” than “emotional” for him, because he’s closed himself off the emotional connection.
I’ve been trying to let him initiate conversation, but I’ve been failing. We live together. I want to stay that way. Part of me worries that going out and trying to live my life will only convince him of the fact that he can’t trust me because he’ll be wondering where I’m off to.
I’m just at a loss for what to do.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 29, 2019 at 6:53 pm
Hey Miranda, so you need to be open with him in the sense that you are going to give him space but you are sorry for what you did. That you have told him everything that has happened. And then go into a limited no contact where you only speak to him about things that are shared responsibility (bills etc) you need to stop sleeping with him at all, literally not even a kiss unless you are getting back together. Because all you are doing is confirming that you are open to a sexual relationship with him even if you are not together.
December 22, 2019 at 10:01 am
My ex boyfriend left me 7 weeks ago. We were best friends first, were inseparable for almost 2 years, lived together & we work together. The week before it happened, on a Sunday, I paid a coworker to close for me. I also lied & told her my cat was throwing up. I’m not proud. I did this because he & I wanted to spend time together that night since he’d been out of town for 10 days prior. He was off til the following Tuesday. I had a gut feeling that I should tell him about the lie, but for some reason I’d convinced myself that I was just overthinking, as I tend to do.
Well, he left me because some people at work lied and said I was crying and making a huge deal about the cat. My ex asked why they’d lie & told me it was all just “too much.”
We did the no contact thing for the first month. He later told me that he found out that I didn’t tell him I took a pill to help me sleep months ago. Admittedly, it looks like I’m a liar, but the truth is that this is the first time I’ve given an honest effort in a relationship because it’s the first time I’ve been in love in my 28 years. I would do anything for this man because he has taught me so much about love, life, morality & partnership. I wasn’t trying to be deceitful when I didn’t tell him. In fact, I forgot about it as soon as it happened. I think that because I don’t get angry at things easily & I’m so used to having an independent mindset that it didn’t occur to me that it might be something he should know.
I realize how ridiculously full of it I sound. I wouldn’t believe me either, but it’s the truth.
All this has him convinced that he can’t trust me & that he doesn’t know what else I’ve lied about. He told me that maybe months down the line we will get back together if I can show him with actions, not words, that he can trust me. He said he doesn’t know how, but that’s what needs to happen.
(Ugh, there are so many details that go into our story. I wish I could just type it all out.)
Since the break up, we’ve had our fair share of arguments, awkward moments, hostility, drunk texting, no contact, social media blocking/unblocking, texting every day, crying, passionate & romantic moments, intimacy, heart to hearts etc.
I know I’ve made some key mistakes when it comes to getting him back. I’ve for sure had my crazy moments, but he’s been understanding about them all.
At the moment we’re on rocky terms because of an awkward moment we had, so I am slightly worried our chances are ruined, but at the same time I’m not. I don’t feel panic or anything so we’ll see. One thing’s for sure though. I have decided to initiate another no contact period so we can cool off.
My intuition told me that he was going to break up with me.
My intuition also told me that we were going to end up dating.
Now my intuition is telling me that he & I aren’t over for good. I don’t know when we’ll be together again, but I do know it’ll require self-healing on both ends as well as my dedication to regaining his trust (which I have no idea how to go about)
Part of me is scared that I’m just being a delusional ex for believing in my gut feeling. Especially being so aware of the vast array of emotions I feel when I think about the subject of us.
There’s so much work to do and I am so lost. I know life goes on and I’ll survive no matter the outcome. This just doesn’t feel…. right for some reason. I need all the help I can get with this haha
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 22, 2019 at 6:07 pm
Hi Ki, so the first thing you need to do is go into a No Contact and not argue or reach out to your ex at all, and dont reply to anything ether! 30 days of no contact whatsoever!! During which time if you read about the Ungettable girl and how to implement it to your life and how you can be the ungettable girl to your ex
December 17, 2019 at 4:56 pm
My ex came back after 2 years of NC but didn’t want anything serious so everything ended again. I’m on day 15 of NC again and he’s been liking my Instagram posts and watching my stories. Should I continue with NC or reach out again or just give up? These boys are so confusing!!
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 22, 2019 at 4:06 pm
Continue to the end of your no contact, if you meet up with your ex again do not give him any hints that you are looking for relationship until you have been talking for some time, do not sleep with him or anything of that nature unless you are back in a relationship. Let him wonder if there is another guy in your life or not and read about the Ungettable girl as you need to work on this to make him want to invest his time and make him commit to a serious relationship in fear of losing you
December 14, 2019 at 4:10 pm
I’ve found reading the articles interesting, informative, and thought-provoking. A lot of it offers new perspective. But I’ve basically given up on my own intuition, which initially told me he still has feelings for me. Four weeks of NC and no sign that he’ll ever speak to me again make me think I’m delusional and should give up. A part of me has given up on getting him back because I tell myself my intuition is wrong; all I hope for is that I can somehow save our friendship. Is this self-doubt normal during NC? Or, is this a sign that I’m wasting my time?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 14, 2019 at 10:08 pm
Hey Kassandra it is very typical for someone to doubt themselves during No Contact, and it is totally your call if you are going to stick with it and attempt to get your ex back but it does mean reading the articles and knowing what stages there are and what you need to do in each stage
December 14, 2019 at 2:42 pm
My gut always told me he will come back, but it’s more than a year seperated and nothing happened. He only sent me for sex, we had sex and that’s all. I did the no contact and nothing changed.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 14, 2019 at 10:14 pm
Hey Kelly did you do any work on changing yourself, so that you would not allow yourself to have sex with someone who was only wanting you for that physical contact? You need to follow a no contact, work on yourself and reach out as a friend and not give your ex any benefits of relationship until a commitment is made
December 12, 2019 at 4:00 am
My ex husband told me he checked out a long time ago but was trying to fight towards the end but already was out of love with me. He says he wants to find love again with someone else and he wants me to find love again too. He said he can’t predict the future. What do you think about this?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 15, 2019 at 7:13 pm
Hey Victoria, it is common that people in long term relationships feel this way “it runs dry” when we stop doing the little things for each other the bigger things start to fall apart. I suggest you go into a limited no contact with your ex where you will only speak if you have shared responsibilities (house bills and children) other wise you need to do a no contact for at least 30 days and start reading and following the program, understanding what it is that made you distance and how to attract your husband again
December 12, 2019 at 12:11 am
My ex and I broke up but he doesn’t want to cut ties. He said he still loves me but he feels useless when he is with me that’s why we broke up. He still wants me to message him and update me from time to time. He also said he would visit me from time to time. And he said “we’ll see” when I asked him if we have the chance of getting back together in the future. I have this gut feeling that my ex will be coming back to me. Should I start No Contact?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 15, 2019 at 7:02 pm
Hi Felicity yes start no contact, can you understand why he says he feels useless when he is with you? Useless in what way?
December 11, 2019 at 11:34 pm
My ex broke up with me for the second time in four years. It’s been six months since the break up. I did no contact for one month or so, we started texting, starting hanging out then all of a sudden he said he needed space so I’m doing no contact again. For some reason my gut says he will come back again…but I just feel like I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do and he still pushed me away.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 15, 2019 at 6:54 pm
Hi Jamie, it sounds like he got scared by something so just keep doing as you are and keep emotional control through it all and allow him to have space when he does freak out. Make sure you do not give him any boyfriend privileges before he is your boyfriend again
December 11, 2019 at 8:36 pm
My gut or intuition tells me that my ex won’t be coming back. So i should probably not ignore that, correct?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 11, 2019 at 8:56 pm
Hey Marie, you’d be surprised how many people feel this way. Read the program and articles that apply to you while you follow the No Contact rule. Work on yourself and reach out at the end of your No Contact as a friend, if you use the information Chris has provided here you’ll see some great results
Paige Myers
December 11, 2019 at 4:29 pm
Hey Chris and whoever else might be reading this.
My boyfriend of 2.5 years and I just recently broke up about a month ago. He moved out and we talked a lot in the first 1-2 weeks, some of it was me begging in the first few days because I was so shocked and confused.
A little recap, we do not fight, ever but I am 23 and he’s 21, I’ve been in a long relationship before and his longest was about 4 months which both ended up in us getting cheated on by our exes. We’ve never had trust issues which was HUGE for both of us after our past relationships and we were always very verbal in the way that we felt about that trust that we had specifically. But now I’m thinking that maybe he didn’t take so well to the falling out of the “in-love” phase because he’s never hit that point in a relationship before.
I’m trying no contact now because he did ask for space but I just cannot ignore this gut feeling that I have that it’s meant to be.
The last talk we had was face to face for about 2 hours, again, no fighting, even during this breakup we have not faught at all. During this talk he told me that he’s just not sure if I’m his soul mate, which I understand, we wouldn’t be going through this if he thought I was. He also said that he needs to find himself and figure out what he wants.
I doing the best I can for myself right now and I am respecting his space but I’m wondering if there’s more that I can do or if you have any extra advice or incite for me?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 15, 2019 at 6:07 pm
Hey Paige, so you doing no contact is doing the right thing, you giving him space and not talking to him for a while is all you can do. If he starts to miss you, youll notice he will start appearing again but it is so important you dont fold at his attempts for your attention. You need to complete 30 days without speaking or replying to him at all. And during that time making sure your social media shows you are doing well and living your life. When your no contact is over you need to reach out with a text that Chris suggests on this website, just catered to his interests where you get him invested in talking to you again