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407 thoughts on “Legitimate Reasons You Should Get Back Together With Your Ex Boyfriend”

  1. Beck

    January 30, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    Um like a week ago he said that we should take a break (to say we use to see each other everyday and he moved states) and that he still loves me, but sadly I flipped out. We are trying to stay friends until we can really see each other but it’s not going that great…he seems so upset and I wouldn’t blame him…I screwed up bad. I know it was out of the blue after being together for a year but I had no right to do that 🙁 do you think that we’ll be okay and get back together? I guess I don’t really understand because we’re still engaged he said but we’re on a break it’s really confusing so if you could help please and thank you so much. And BTW I love reading this was a huge eye opener for me…can’t say that I would have thought of most of this, the girl sites don’t help much for a girlfriend that’s not understanding what’s really going on.

    1. admin

      January 31, 2014 at 6:35 pm

      Yes.. that is kind of the cool thing about this site. It is the Mans perspective on things.

  2. Sahba

    January 20, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    my boy friend did not answer my calls and my texts in a few days and he said he is too busy at work.I got confused because It was not a good reason and I said let’s finish our relationship… he said ok. without any shame or trying to calm me down… after two days I gave him a text and said we were in love why did it happen? and he said it sure was but it is over… I am really sad. I don’t know what to do. It is kinda like a joke…I don’t understand the situation. Chris please help me. what should I do now? We were together for almost 5 sweet months. and after years I found someone who can really make me happy. do you think he is playing with my emotions to test my love? should I start NC period?
    p.s: sorry I don’t speak English very well

    1. Leah

      January 31, 2014 at 8:34 pm

      that sounds so much like my situation, 5 months, not speaking in 4 days, being busy, cool reaction. Feel your pain girl 🙁

  3. Alice

    January 18, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    Hi,recently my boyfriend broke up with me about 2, 3 days ago and to be honest I was really depressed ever since. The reason he said that he broke up with me was because he wasn’t ready but later on I found out he lose his feelings for me. I’ve asked him whether I should move on or not and he told me that I should and he told me again to move on when he apologized to me for hurting my feelings. He was my first boyfriend in which I actually want to be serious about, but my friend also told me that he said no when she asked him whether or not he wants to get back together with me. I still have feelings for him but we kinda went on a agreement that we are just gonna be friends and i went along with it. I dunt know anymore…like can i still do the no contact rule or is it too late? He’s like the shy type and goes slowly, we went out for 1 month and we only knew each other for 2 months…how can I get him to like me again and get back together with me? Also I gave him a hoodie for christmas and he still wears it even after we broke up. We’re in high school so I see him sometimes in skool and i have a class with him…is there any method i can try to win his affection again?

  4. Sarah

    January 15, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    What about the fact that despite a large age difference (the reason I broke it off – I panicked) we were a great team, got on like a house on fire, could be ourselves 100% around each other, shared the same/similar goals and were usually laughing about something or another?
    Would u consider that legit reasons?

    1. Ayrricka

      January 30, 2014 at 9:31 pm

      Yes, these are legit reasons to give it one more chance.

  5. altonarzie

    January 14, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    How about the case of forbidden love? Like muslim guy and catholic girl?

    1. Ayrricka

      January 30, 2014 at 9:33 pm

      Follow your heart. There was once a couple that were happily married; one was Jewish, the other was Catholic or some other religion. They simply combined the religions into one.

    2. admin

      January 14, 2014 at 6:02 pm

      Its unfotunate that religions make this forbidden.

  6. Mariah

    January 10, 2014 at 12:10 am

    Is it ok to send a text saying “I’m sorry I lost my cool” referring to the way you freaked out after you broke up with them before the NC? I broke a lot of the rules by texting and calling him like crazy, but I haven’t done it in a little while and I was attempting the NC thing. Would it be too much to shoot him a text apologizing for my behavior (in a very positive way)?

  7. Anna

    January 4, 2014 at 3:28 pm


    I dated the same guy twice and he ended things with me due to him being uncertain of what he wants and it’s usually the situation that puts him to make rash decisions. When we tried the second time, we actually take things slow. But when he had to go to the army, it kinda triggered him off and he just lost all his confidence. He decided to end things off. It’s been nearly a month since we broke up. We just talked to each other recently but just the normal stuffs. He seems ok sometimes, but other times, cold.

    So what should i do? Should i be friends with him again?

  8. Miss Marie

    December 26, 2013 at 9:27 pm

    All I said was that I am lonely without him. I wrote him a letter and gave it to him last Saturday but he hasn’t responded about it. I dunno. I don’t wantto give up. But I don’t want to annoy him.

    1. Miss Marie

      December 26, 2013 at 9:28 pm

      Sorry as well, it made me start a new topic.

  9. Anon

    December 26, 2013 at 10:02 am


    My husband left me and his 3 step daughters back in August this year no warning had a fight! Silly really we were going out to collect our new puppy we had reserved kids were excited but was the bank holidays and had to collect it that day as hubby was starting new job the next day. He was stressed as he’d been away and was tired he’d visited his grandad who was very unwell and when he got back the night before he left he was very distant and out of sorts and put it Down to this? Anyway we had kids in car to go collect puppy next thing I know after getting my coat, my husband had took girls out car and told them he was leaving us! I went nuts saying what he’ll are u playing at what’s going on he stormed out leaving me to pick pieces up with the kids not knowing what the heck was going off???? All I could pin point is money worries and starting new job to add to it his grandad being unwell too! But why leave?

    6 hours later I get a call he’d been over to my parents to say he was leaving me and kids and I was manic depressive and listed every past argument we’d had years old! And basically trying to justify him leaving! He said he’d be in touch with kids and he loved them.

    Few hours after that he came home sat on the bed opened a can of beer like nothing had happened? Well I flipped chucked all hid clothes at him and said your leaving what are u playing at my mum told me you’d been to tell her too! He took his stuff and left.

    Hour later he’s back saying he was giving Me one more chance!!! That he felt I was depressed which truthfully I have been but really worked hard on myself last few years! I was attacked few years back and that’s been the result my husband has been amazing thoughout that but always felt that Elephant in the room ?

    He wanted me to see my doctor which I refused as he said I was bipolar which annoyed me as I’ve been studying passed my diploma got a new job socialize and always try to be happy! I do snap sometimes but not all the time but I felt I was pretty level etc as did my doctor and family a d friends! Anyway agreed to see gp again and don’t to bed by now I was exhausted, he slept on sofa. I got up in the morning and he was loading his van I caught him as he was going out door he said he was going and tell girls he loved them I asked him not to go but he’d made his mind up.

    That’s last time I saw him! He text in sept for copy of his driving license and 2 weeks later for something else I got cross and phoned him as I’d found out I was pregnant we’d been trying for a baby of our own and he convinced could not have children! He answered and I said what’s going on tell me he says he wasn’t getting into this now! I snapped and told him I was pregnant he said did not believe me I was devastated and hung up that’s last I have spoke with him! I Do know he tried to call my doctor though?

    Sadly I miscarried month latter and tried really really hard to not contact him I cut his Mobile off so could not call him but have occasionally emailed him on our 1st wedding anniversary and his birthday sent him card to his brothers from the children as they wanted to send him one and u don’t know where he is? But NC since 6/12/13 and yesterday was tough but stuck to it!

    I should add his grandad sadly passed away and he was very close to him, I know financially he’s in debt he’s run away from it and sold his works van! Been told he’s living with another person but sources are not reliable ? What hurts more than anything apart from no answers and losing baby is the damage he’s done to my children their dad left 5 years ago and my husband has brought my youngest 2 up as his own and knowing they have been left before and him to do the same it’s very hard to understand accept or forgive.

    Just needed a mans view on it?

    Thank u

    1. Lou

      January 7, 2014 at 3:54 pm

      I just had to say, I really feel for you. What a horrible situation… I really hope for you and your kids that you can move past this. Sincere Condolences for your lost baby xxx

    2. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 6:31 pm

      Have you read my guide on getting your husband back?

  10. TP

    December 21, 2013 at 4:08 am

    My boyfriend of 1.5yrs broke up with me because of the whole “it’s not you, it’s me” reason. He said that things weren’t working out between us and he just couldn’t give me the time for the relationship. He’s someone who values his time and space alone so much, but I have learned to compromise over the course of our relationship and let him have it. However, over the past few months, he said he felt more forced into caring for the relationship and he was confused as to why it was this way when I was doing nothing wrong. He just couldn’t open up to me anymore and let me in. He struggled so much because he knew he wanted me and wanted to be with me, but part of him was just confused. Eventually, he said that we were just two different people and he needs to find himself first. He said he did not love me the same way anymore, but did not love me any less. I had a hard time accepting this at first but we talked a week after and I calmly accepted this because we both still loved each other deeply. The decision seemed like it was for the best. He reassured me I did nothing wrong. We parted ways because it didn’t make sense to force things when they clearly weren’t working out.

    We agreed not to close our doors to each other and still be there for each other, just in a different way. We’re also both open to giving it another shot if he’s ready to be that person who can be in a relationship. We know the next few weeks will be awkward, but it is good that both of us will be on vacation. I want to follow the NC rule, but can I still greet him for the holidays (a short, polite message)? Also, is there potential in us getting back together again?

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 2:09 am

      No if you are going NC you have to be committed…. I know it is really tough.

    2. TP

      December 22, 2013 at 12:29 pm

      Alright! After NC though, is there potential for us to get back together given the breakup?

    3. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 7:57 pm

      Sure, but it hinges on some factors out of your control.

  11. Anon

    December 19, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    [First of all I’m anon because I don’t want him to ever read this].
    Is my reason really good enough to get him back? Is it a good idea or not , I wouldn’t want him to be harmed.

    Here’s my story, when I first met him, my goal was making him happy.
    But by being around him, I noticed how he looked so much like me (actually it even annoyed me when he was better at things we both liked).
    In the end I fell madly in love with him but I hadn’t told him until 2-3 years after.
    At first he rejected me but with time passing by he started liking me too and we started dating.
    When we were together I had a lot of flaws (I was in a depression and yadiya). He put up with me nonetheless and we were best friends, we had fights time to time but we got back together. I reflected enough on my flaws to know what I shouldn’t do.
    Now , the thing is we have so many things in common that I didn’t feel like losing someone that precious, he was my best friend and lover.
    But one day he found another, they got together for.. one week?
    At the moment his feelings for her still goes on and off not to mention the guilt he feels for me still hasn’t left his heart (it’s driving him so mad that he even considered suicide). [Note that this happened when we weren’t talking, we talked last Monday but he decided he couldn’t be friends with me because of the guilt, he doesn’t want to hurt me, if needed I’ll explain a more detailed version of this].

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:50 pm

      Have you started NC?

  12. Miss Marie

    December 18, 2013 at 6:47 am

    We were together for almost 8 months and I never really saw it coming. We see each other every week for two to four nights and text in between. We never argued and got along great. We have most things in common and want the same things out of life as well. He came over to my house the night before he broke up with me and everything was fine. We stayed up late and I gave him a back rub. He left his fur kid with me in the morning when he went to work and even kissed me goodbye and told me to text him. Three hours later he text me, telling me to read a letter he left under some stuff on my table and we should talk about it when he gets off work. It basically said we should split and used some weird excuses that made no sense. I did my best to keep it together. When he came over after work we talked for a short time and I cried. He cried a little but seemed frustrated even though my questions were calm and legitimate. He told me he’s changed a lot in the last decade and that he has weird baggage from passed relationships and was emotionally unavailable. He told me he cared for me and loved spending time with me but he cannot explain his feelings and why this has to happen. After he left I cried, but after a couple hours I text to let him know that I’m not like his exes, that I’m not a cheater or drug addict and that I’m kind and simple and he knows it. I told him I wanted to work it out and he said there was nothing to work out, that it isn’t working between us. Needless to say, I’m still sad and confused. It’s been two days since we spoke. I’d like to talk to him about this but I’d hate to bother him or annoy him. I do miss him already and it’s hard to find a good man who shares my views on life and i know that it’s why we got along so well. I dont want to lose him. Do you honestly think this is something that can be worked out? Or does it seem that he’s done with me for good? He said he wants to be friends and we will still have to see each other from time to time because of work and other obligations. Though I do blame myself, he says it isn’t me and I cannot find any real reasons why he would want to break up other than he’s afraid of a nice girl, when he’s seemingly wired to deal with crazy, dramatic ones. Any advice would be incredibly appreciated.

    1. admin

      December 18, 2013 at 6:41 pm

      Don’t blame yourself. It is counter productive. Instead, accept that it happened and move forward. Are you doing a NC?

    2. Miss Marie

      December 18, 2013 at 7:46 pm

      I haven’t contacted him since that night. I made him a nice gift for the holiday that’s sitting on my table and I want to give it to him still, because I don’t want it. Would it be a mistake to text him and tell him he can still have it? He knows I worked hard on it.

      This is just so lame. It’s been a long time since I’ve met someone I enjoy being with and I thought we were doing great. It’s incredibly difficult to not dwell on.

    3. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:05 pm

      Sure, I think you can give it to him.

    4. Miss Marie

      December 23, 2013 at 12:12 am

      He showed up at work last night as we were closing and he gave me a coffee and some of my favorite candy. He said he was trying to be nice but I broke down crying. I couldn’t even keep it together no matter how hard I tried. I hugged him and told him I missed him and he said he missed me too. He seemed genuine when he said it. I was going to leave the gift I made at work for him to get in the morning, but I gave it to him when I saw him, along with a letter I wrote asking him to reconsider us. Do you think I even have a chance? Do you think he actually misses me? I have been just so sad and depressed without him. I haven’t been myself at all.

    5. admin

      December 23, 2013 at 8:07 pm

      I think you do. I don’t know how high percentage that chance is but I think a chance is there for sure.

    6. Miss Marie

      December 24, 2013 at 4:03 am

      How long do you think I should wait before talking to him again? Christmas is in two days and we are just hanging out alone (neither of us have family and we both dislike this holiday) but I’m not sure if it would be an appropriate day or too soon to say anything. Also, thanks for responding, even if you’re all about the one liners haha. I do appreciate it though. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about it.

    7. admin

      December 24, 2013 at 7:15 pm

      Sorry about the one liners. I remember back when I started this site I could give some killer advice but now there are so many people that isn’t possible anymore.

      Be safe this holiday 🙂

    8. Miss Marie

      December 24, 2013 at 11:20 pm

      You didn’t answer my questions though hehe.

    9. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 5:44 pm

      What were they specifically?

    10. Miss Marie

      December 26, 2013 at 7:43 am

      It doesn’t matter anymore though. I messaged him and he never messaged me back. 🙁 I don’t want to move on but it looks like I’m going to have to let go. It’s very hard. 🙁

    11. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 6:27 pm

      CAn’t you just message him again in a few days?

  13. Rana

    December 15, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me about a year ago and we stayed 3 months apart during these 3 months i went out with other guys one of which made a wrong move towards me and is stopped talking with all these guys. After these 3 months my boyfriend and I got back together he asked me several times what i did when we were apart but I didn’t tell him and kept hiding what happened because we were having a great fresh start and i didn’t want to ruin it. Until a few days a go he figured out everything that happened in the 3 months including that guy’s move but i kept denying it because i felt ashamed until i was forced to tell. He called me a liar, unfaithful and few other things. He said he hated me and believes everything we had was a lie to him but while we were together i was always faithful and never betrayed him. I dunno whether i want to get back to him will he let me ? and whether i should feel guilty or not?

    1. admin

      December 15, 2013 at 7:49 pm

      You need to figure that out then.

      Do you want him back or do you just want to move on from him?

  14. Angie

    December 11, 2013 at 8:45 pm

    I am just curious how to do the NC if we run a biz together…. He says I am the most important woman in his life and that he can never find anyone better, but he feels that we are in two different times of our lives and the timing is off. He feels that breaking up with me may have been the worst mistake, but he said only time will tell and if he figured it out he would tell me asap. He even told me if he met another woman and she told him that it would have to be me or her that he would tell her “goodbye”. We still say I love you, and see each other all the time. But I feel I am still giving him the “relationship” part of me so he is getting everything but with out having to commit. But we both do things for each other it just isn’t like it was when we were dating, he was more in tune then and now he’s not. How to do make him miss me or for him to see what I really mean to him and that he can see it does work? We had a great relationship and never had any issues, he just had a panic one day and broke up with me… I can’t go on NC because as I mention we work together daily… and are always in contact. Sorry I am all over the place! We have been broken up for about 7 mths. Thanks 🙂

  15. Gabby

    December 3, 2013 at 3:33 am


    5 days ago my boyfriend broke up with me via text right before Thanksgiving (terrible, I know). He was out at the bar with friends and I texted him to ask how his night was. He didn’t respond so I said, just wanted to see you one last time before I went home on break. He then responded that he was out at the bar. I told him I thought he had been distant lately which he had. Earlier that week he came to a party with me and brought his friends, whom I met for the first time. I wasn’t feeling all that great that night and just wanted to go home. My ex wanted me to spend the night and throughout the whole night he was telling his friends how lucky he was to have me and that I was the most understanding person he’d ever met. You get the gist. Anyways, I spent the night even though I wasn’t very comfortable. I said some things to him that weren’t very nice and he took me home. He broke up with me once before just a two weeks earlier and told me it was just a miscommunication so we talked it out. Back to the text that night: he told me that the way I was that night was a deal breaker. But then went on to say that he didn’t think this was for him (referring to the relationship.) He said he was sorry and him breaking up with me had nothing to do with me. Is there hope or should I just let go of this? I feel like the break up was so sudden. I knew he was distant but I never saw it coming.

    1. admin

      December 3, 2013 at 7:46 pm

      Have you been able to do the NC yet?

    2. Justine

      December 3, 2013 at 8:43 pm

      I am 6 days in without contacting him and it’s been really hard. Once he texted me that he didn’t think this was right for him right now I stopped communicating. I never did any begging to get him back. Just thought that if he decided to break up that I couldn’t really change his mind so I let him be.

    3. Gabby

      December 13, 2013 at 1:33 am

      I am now 15 days into NC. After one week he called me twice at 3 in the morning. He hasn’t tried contacting me since and I’m starting to worry that he won’t. I’m pretty sure he broke up with me because of a mistake I made. I’ve been very conflicted with whether trying to get him back is a lost cause.

    4. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:25 pm

      What mistake did you make?

    5. Gabby

      December 15, 2013 at 5:36 pm

      He came over to my friend’s house for a party and brought two of his closest friends because he wanted me to meet them. There were some events that night that kind of put me on edge and I wasn’t in the best mood. Anyways he came over to the party with his friends and the entire time he was telling his friends how he couldn’t believe he got someone like me and just talking about how wonderful I was in general. He was very nice and I was just kind of in a melancholy mood. He asked me multiple times to spend the night at his place that night. I was really tired but after he kept asking me I decided to because I knew that is what he wanted. When I got to his apartment I sort of shut down because of everything in that night. He kept asking me multiple times if I hated him because I just wanted to go to bed and didn’t want to cuddle. I didn’t say anything and at one point he started telling me how I made him feel. He said he had a hard time describing it but that he wanted to try to explain. When he started talking I cut him off and said I was really tired and wanted to sleep. After going to bed, I woke up at 8 and we started talking more because he was trying to understand why I was in such a bad mood (to be honest I don’t even know why). It got to the point where I said I wasn’t comfortable and he took me home. I tried to apologize for the next three days. He was really mad though, but spent the night one of the three nights. The next day I told him I didn’t want to leave for Thanksgiving thinking we weren’t ok and that he’d been distant lately. He told me the way I acted was maybe a deal breaker and the next thing I know he tells me he doesn’t think this is for him right now and that it has nothing to do with me. I never pressed any further as to why he broke it off. I just let him leave.

  16. Candice

    December 2, 2013 at 4:21 pm


    My boyfriend of 3.5 years recently split about 5 weeks ago. It was truly my fault, I was stressed out and depressed from my grandfather’s passing back in Feb, that I was very close to. I never truly got a chance to grieve and I started lashing out at my boyfriend and not wanting to do the fun things that I use to do, like Exercising, Cooking, just being a happy person. I didn’t get a promotion at work that I knew I was suppose to get so I was really upset about it. I just wanted to talk to him about it and for him to be there for me. I asked him to meet me once I got off work, he told me he would. I missed his call and when I called him back to see where he was, he was already headed out to hang with friends. This made me really angry, like he didn’t have the time to talk to me and his friends were more important than us meeting and talking. He ended up meeting me that night but I was beyond upset and our convo turned into a very heated argument. The following day he comes back to the apt that we shared and moved majority all of his stuff out and when I asked if this was it after all this time, he replied, “IDK, I guess” then left. My (ex) boyfriend has not been back to the house but has been in contact with me wanting to know how I was doing, what I was doing, etc. I have tried to implement the NC rule but it has not worked. He ask for my help with things that I use to do when we were together, basically makeing sure to stay in contact with me. I have since worked on me and gotten the help that I needed to grieve. I know that I need to apologize to him. I have attempted to arrange a meeting with him and he keeps making excuses after he agrees to meet with me. I have since started to act like I no longer care and he has become more responsive and now wants to sit and talk. I really love him and we have been though so much together. Our goals, dreams are the same in life. Should I meet with him and apologize and tell him how I feel, or should I just leave the whole situation alone.

  17. Jasmine

    December 2, 2013 at 9:41 am

    Hi there, I’m wondering what you’re thoughts are on my relationship with my ex. We have known each other since we were 17 (we’re now 30) and we had a friendship for several years before we became a couple in mid 2005, we were together and lived together for 2 years and then broke up after he came back from a stint serving overseas in the army. It was a nasty break-up and we had no contact for about 12 months while I went travelling around Europe. When i got back we slept together the first night we saw each other (whoops, as you do!) and then we eventaully moved to different towns and both got into other relationships (this went on for about 3 years, but we always still caught up in secret – just as friends) Now both of our relationships have ended, and I’ve found myself thinking about him again quite a bit. We caught up last weekend and one thing led to another – again! and now I’m really confused as to what i should do. I’ve always had a special spot for him in my heart and sometimes I wonder whether we’re ‘meant to be together’ since this has been going on for so many years, but I’m not sure if he feels the same, or even if i want to bring it up and revisit it after so many years. Do you have any thoughts on this? I know it’s not as straight forward as ‘no contact’, as we’re way beyond that now. Any advice would be great!

  18. Shelby

    November 27, 2013 at 1:03 pm

    My high school sweetheart and I were dating for 3.5 years. During that time we only had one major fight when someone spread a rumor about me messing around with him. My ex stayed by my side and we talked it all threw, I never cheated on him I was only texting this guy as a friend and never had any intentions. We broke up due to the fact that he started to ignore me and not wanting to spend time with me. I broke it off with him but in his mind it was only a “break”. I then started dating this other guy who I worked with and we dated for 8 months which was good at first. The whole time I was dating the second guy I could never shake the feelings I had for my ex. I have only talked to him once and that didn’t go to good since he was furious I started dating again. I never have stopped thinking about him and wondering if he is doing good. I always compared my 8 month relationship with my high school sweethearts relationship and how happy I used to be with him. I’m afraid he won’t want to hear what I have to say, or even want me back. He moved and now lives 5 hours away from me so I haven’t seen him. I tried to text him with the number that I had for him but it’s disconnected. I then tried messaging him on Facebook letting him know that I wanted to talk to him. Am I going about this the right way? I’m so lost on what to do but since the break up I haven’t been able to shake the love and feeling that I have for him. I really want to win him back.

    1. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 8:34 pm

      High School sweetheart!

      I thik you are going about things the right way. Just go SLOW. That is so important. Don’t rush this process.

  19. Chelsea

    November 20, 2013 at 3:05 am

    Hi there I’ve been reading all of the comments on the blog given on the site , and I just really needed advice with my relationship to know if I still hope in getting back with my ex. So one day he came over to my place and gave me a huge smile , and then came and sat next to me , gave me a kiss and then put his arm around my shoulder. And he told me that he couldn’t do anything anymore and that we needed to break up, I asked him what the problems were and he told me that is was because he was so frustrated with me because I have a learning disability and he could try and explain so many things so many times and I still would not understand what he’s talking about and I hate that part of my life cause it ruins everything for me and also because I do have an anger problem when it comes to people and I can’t control it and he couldn’t handle that. And when I told him that I never wanted to love him he told me that he never wanted to do it. And so I said well don’t then but he said he had too, but when I told him that I can’t see myself being with anyone else or wanting to be with anyone else he took my hand and squeezed it like he never wNted to let go and it made me cry more and he leaned his head over to lay on my shoulder , and I asked if we could just do a break and he said no but then after I told him that even when I’m angry or sad he’s all I ever think about he said maybe, and so I’m so confused, and so when he left he had given me a hug and kissed me on the forehead, and I said I would always love him and he replied saying same here, and so about 3 days later I text him just to say I’m sorry for bothering him , that I just wanted to say good morning and have a nice day he replied within ten seconds saying you too and the also said well mr. Flap flap doesn’t really care for the cat bed but Sam really does, which Is strange he has never really ever replied back so fast. An mr. Flap flap is my cats nickname from him but when he’s being serious he always just say my cat or simba so I’m so confused and he and I still go to the same chiropractor together , please help me I don’t know what to think about that or to know if I have a chance still or not

    1. admin

      November 20, 2013 at 5:41 pm

      Have you been in NC?

    2. Chelsea

      November 21, 2013 at 7:13 am

      What is nc ?

    3. admin

      November 21, 2013 at 7:41 pm

      The no contact rule.

    4. Chelsea

      November 21, 2013 at 7:15 am

      I don’t think that I will need that anyways my ex and I are getting back together I think, he said he loved me and that he really missed me and that he was really happy

    5. admin

      November 21, 2013 at 7:45 pm

      Thats fantastic!

    6. Chelsea

      November 20, 2013 at 3:07 am

      Oops I meant never wanted to lose him

  20. Lostone

    November 19, 2013 at 3:50 am

    Hi. My bf broke up with me a week ago today. He first txted and said ‘I want break k….’ I txt back and said ‘ummm ok…’ then i txt bout half hour later and asked why… then i tried phoning never heard back from him. We were in our relationship for 5yrs next march, i was nervous to introduce him to my 3girls but i did. Over the years they have fallen in love with him and he with them. Over time I noticed I kept wanting him to leave, you see we never lived together and thats just how we both liked it to be, our thoughts on marriage were the same, just being together was marriage enough. I started getting pretty mean towards him which i truly regret my reasons for that is; he met my parents, my sisters, nieces and their partners, nephews and their partners alot of my aunties and uncles, and I met his father, his flat mate and his close friend of 20yrs, and yes honestly i had a few issues with that i kept thinking is there something wrong with me why you don’t want me to meet them, he can not stand his mother which shocked me because I am very family orientated and he knew this about me from the beginning. So I have no one i can contact to see how he is because his flat mate is a clown. When my daughter who is now 16yrs old commented him on fb she said ‘Hi C******’ he said ‘Hi baby’ she asked ‘C**** have you and mum broken up’ he then commented and said ‘Yip’. ITs just confusing me, he tells me he wants a break then tells her we’ve broken up? So i went into the township he lives and met him at the gym? he came over all smiles and said ‘Hiiiii :D’ i thought yay everything normal, however, when we were down stairs and i said ‘darling can I hug you?’ he said ‘I didn’t say we were getting back together’ then i asked if we could go somewhere to talk, coz the sun was hot and I know how he gets bad sunburn specially on the back of his neck, so we went to the park, I said ‘can i have one more chance? can we try and work it out we’ve done this before hun’ he said ‘ahhhh ive just got so much happening at work, just started at my new gym (which is my current gym)’ the worse things he was that really broke my heart was ‘we don’t even have sex anymore’ that killed me and i said ‘i try to hun, but ur always to tired’ he said ‘you don’t come to bed till late of course i’ll be tired’…I then asked ‘Is there any chance’ he said ‘its not just on you love, its on me too, just you need time to think bout things as well love, theres some good memories and some not so good,’ then as we parted he told me to prove to him that i can be a better person then he hugged me. When i got home my niece said ‘C**** txtd and told me to come down to your house because your going to need the support’ i was shocked then i txted him “hun Im home’ nothing, ‘baby, should i ring you, im home now,’ nothing so i phoned, nothing so i phoned again and he txtd ‘Im busy just…Leave it’ I txtd but hun you told me too he txtd ‘Im going to turn my phone off in a minute’? He then txtd my daughter and said ‘Im sorry baby :(‘ she is still heartbroken only started smiling a bit today, my eldest and my youngest, my middle daughter is more looking out for us making sure we ok.

    1. admin

      November 19, 2013 at 6:54 pm

      Sorry but what do you need my help on specifically?

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