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136 thoughts on “My Ex Blocked Me On Everything”

  1. Tabitha Coetzee

    June 30, 2020 at 9:03 pm

    Hey Chris and team

    What if it is after 2 months of no contact, then there was a reason to initiate contact, but even if you gave the option he could reblock you on WhatsApp again, you didn’t give him reason to and had a polite conversation then got reblock Ed and only unblocked when you had reached out via other avenues to try and ask a question.. And now I’m at the point I just said I was there for him and wrote a nice message and promised to leave him be and hoped we both could heal and arrive at the point where we could talk like friends again. Currently my profile picture is not even a picture of me.

  2. Tabitha

    June 27, 2020 at 10:18 am

    Hi Chris and team

    What to do if he unblocks you if you needed to ask something and have civil convo only to reblock you even after rmonths… And more than once? Does that mean he is still not over me?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      June 27, 2020 at 9:16 pm

      Hi Tabitha, if you are in no contact then oyu do not reach out – unless you share children or bills (rent for example) there is no excuse to breaking NC. Blocking and unblocking means that he is struggling seeing your profile from time to time, but is unblocking you as he wants to also know what you are doing. So be sure your social media is looking good and positive

  3. ghazish

    June 4, 2020 at 4:54 pm

    So me and my ex were dating for six months and we recently broke up about three weeks ago. We were doing all right the first five months before quarantine/lockdown happened and that’s when the tiny arguments started happening. He said he needed space so I gave him space. I texted him a week after and we became friends again. Until couple days ago I asked him a question about a guy and he accused me of having him in my phone and that I was talking to him. He had blocked him on my other account but not my actual account. He said that if I’m so worried about him I should get with him instead. that’s when he told me he doesn’t want to go through this anymore and that he’s done with me for good. After that I tried to explain myself. I’ve sent many text messages but still no response. He has also blocked me on all social media and I’m pretty sure my number as well. Do you think he’s really done with me for good? I want to try the no contact rule but I’m afraid he’s never going to unblock and text me or talk to me ever again. what do I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      June 7, 2020 at 12:39 pm

      Hey Ghazish, lock down has affected many people in many different ways including new relationships. So keep in mind you are not alone right now. You need to complete a 30 day minimum no contact where you work on your Holy Trinity and work to become Ungettable. Then use the articles that Chris has written to compose your first reach out text to get your exes attention. While you are blocked, be sure that your social media shows that you are in a positive mindset and doing well so that he can see you are happy with or without him.

  4. Keegan

    June 4, 2020 at 10:59 am

    My ex abruptly left me about 2 weeks ago, while I was having a depression, claiming she needed time for herself. I was already in a bad place after losing my job and I really couldn’t take the pressure of losing my girl too at the same time so I excessively messaged her then left. I came back to no response so I messaged again. The next day, still no response at all so I called her a bunch of times to get one and was subsequently blocked. I can’t call, text, dm, all I can do is email and she never answers me when I do. I’ve tried everything possible to contact her because just before the breakup she was fully able to call me babe and tell me she loves me so I dont understand how someone can do something like that. It wasn’t like I didn’t listen, I expected her to at least come to me and say okay I need some time for myself especially since she put me through breakups 4 times before and we’ve only been together for 6 months. Yet still I love her so much and I cant get her out of my head. Truth be told I don’t really want to and idk what to do. Will someone please help.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      June 7, 2020 at 8:24 pm

      Hey Keegan, so while you feel you dont want her out of your head. Right now you do need to put her to the back of your mind while you focus on yourself. You need to work on your Holy Trinity and working to be the best version of yourself. Working on your mental health is going to be key in getting your ex back if she found it difficult to deal with being depended on in the relationship.

  5. JorNyece Cox

    June 2, 2020 at 8:07 pm

    I recently just broke up with my boyfriend a week ago we had been going through a rough patch for a while and we were contantly happy one minute and arguing and mad the next. It all came crumbling down when told me to change my wegdes becasue it made him feel like less of a man to have his girl friend taller than him. He took me back home and said I needed to go change my shoes or we couldnt hangout, i tried to compromise with him but he only wanted his way. He eventually told me to get out of his car twice and I turned to him and told him I loved him and that I couldnt do this anymore and left his car. I sent me some negative messages soon after, to which I did not respond. He then blocked me on everything. The next day I tried to message him to let him know that I would always love him and wanted us to stay friends, but he had blocked my number too.

  6. JorNyece Cox

    June 2, 2020 at 7:47 pm

    I broke up with my boyfriend last week, we had been in an in and out rough patch for a while and it all blew up when he told me to change my shoes because he said it made him feel less of a man because I was a little taller than him with wedges and then told me to get out of his car twice. I told him that I loved him but I couldn’t do this anymore and broke it off. He sent a few negative messages after and then blocked me on everything. I wanted to let him know that I will always love him and I hope we would be friends because we had a great friendship in our relationship. I feel so sad because I loss my best friend.

  7. Jane

    May 31, 2020 at 8:58 am

    My ex told me he was going to use apps to talk to women, he said I would get in the way and confuse things and then he told me he wasnt going to contact me anymore. I went into NC and then about 11 days later he blocked me on facebook. I dont know why or what I’ve done. Do I continue my NC or start again? I havent tried to contact him. I’m just a bit worried hes using facebook mesager to contact other women, when before he was heavily using WhatsApp and thats stopped. I just dont know what to do :-(.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      June 7, 2020 at 8:49 pm

      Hi Jane, I would suggest that you follow a 45 day NC to work on yourself. You need to focus on the Ungettable girl information and get yourself on the dating apps talking to guys. The way your ex has behaved is very disrespectful way to end things with you and that is not acceptable. During your NC I want you to work on what you want from a relationship. And what you want in a man. Then you keep that list to compare when you meet people and if they do not meet those expectations then you do not accept less for yourself!

  8. Alice

    May 22, 2020 at 7:03 am

    Me and my boyfriend broke up last week. We had been arguing a lot lately and this seems to be the final straw for him. I went down his phone and found that he had cheated on me early in the relationship, and I was willing to forgive and forget as it was 2 years ago and we had only been together 2 months, but he ended it as it’s the second time I looked down his phone. He has lied to me in the past about where he is on nights out and he claimed it was to avoid arguments & he would normally be at his friends house. After 2 days of emailing And talking about it all, I have now cut off conversation and doing the no contact rule. He has told me he will never trust me (even though he cheated), but had apologised for what he has done. He’s a very angry person and has told me he’s struggling and is very low with trying to move on, but he’s adamant that it’s what he wants to do. I can be childish too at times and it’s one of the things I’m working on myself. We always had a very loving conversation and he had some immaturities too with his lifestyle, but we clicked so well. Do you think no contact could really work for me? Or does it sound pretty adamant that he’s done? I’m scared he’s going to meet someone new or go bad to behaving like a lad in bars and clubs and sleeping with random girls…

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 29, 2020 at 10:19 pm

      Hi Alice so there is a chance that following the program can work, but its more than just No Contact, its a step by step program. So I would suggest while you are completing your No Contact you read some more articles about this process. With how your ex has treated you and has cheated on you, I would say him not being able to trust you to not go through his phone, you not trusting him when he goes out. Is a sign that this relationship is not healthy. So I would spend some time working on yourself, your self esteem and confidence. Read and work on your Holy Trinity

  9. Nic

    May 20, 2020 at 10:04 pm

    Hello my ex left me 3 days ago for her ex and blocked me on everyting and said I was going nowhere in life and I just don’t know how to take this I wanna talk to her I wanna reach out and work this out

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 20, 2020 at 10:15 pm

      Hi Nic you will need to complete a 30 day No Contact before attempting to reach out

  10. Brooke

    May 19, 2020 at 3:36 am

    My ex an I broke up last week and she blocked me on pretty much everything. Instagram, phone, even Venmo! Her and I were best friends before we started dating and this has been a pattern of
    Hers when we fight or argue, to shut me out, block me so she “can’t be in pain seeing me” (from what she says) and then reaches out months later. Idk if this will happen again this time around but I miss her like hell and want to give her that space but also don’t want to let go

  11. Lisa

    May 17, 2020 at 4:23 pm

    My boyfriend and I broke up four months ago. Although I wouldn’t leave him alone to begin with he never responded to my messages but he didn’t block me. I have had no contact whatsoever for one month and only one neutral text sent in the last 2 months, but then 4 days ago he blocked me on WhatsApp but nowhere else. I’m just curious as to the timing of this because it seems very random and why he would actually go through the effort of blocking me because although minimal it certainly takes more effort than just not clicking on my story (which would have been the only thing he saw of me) when I was leaving him alone.

  12. Min

    May 10, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    Hey Chris, need your help pls… I broke up with my ex 2 months ago and he blocked me after we broke up. But that was partial block so I reached out and he unblock me then we agreed to be fwb. Since then I have been acting like a crazy needy gf. I texted him all the time and he just ignored my message and I getting more crazy after he ignored the texts. He is acting real cold and he blocked me on everything two weeks ago. I installed a social media app which he will be able to see me joining the app. I wasn’t know he is using that app until I install it and he didn’t block me on that. I behave myself and doing no contact rule since the day he blocked me on everything. I wasn’t sure what should I do the next. Pls advice me T.T

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 20, 2020 at 2:09 pm

      Hey Min, so the issues is you agreed to friends with benefits… this means you dont get to behave like a girlfriend. If you want a relationship with him then you need to start the program where you do not give him any benefits while hes not your boyfriend. Work on your emotional control during your NC and make sure that when he reaches out to you, you ignore him for at least 30 days before you move on to the texting phase

  13. Anna

    May 10, 2020 at 1:24 pm


    So basically we were together for 11 months ended up moving in together but started arguing over money ect he has blamed me for everything since the break up but after a week of me doing no contact since break up he asked me to meet we ended up sleeping together and twice, he was being so cold and told me who knows in a few months we might start talking again, but then we had another argument and he said we were never ever getting back together and he has me now blocked on everything, is there anything I can do I love him with all of my heart and I am in the middle of counselling to sort my half of the problem as I was needy and relied on him for comfort all of the time.
    Please help

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 20, 2020 at 2:55 pm

      Hi Anna you need to complete a 30 day NC again and when you start talking to your ex again you need to avoid sleeping with him until you are back together. It sounds as if your ex still likes you but you are clashing in some way. Spend some time learning about communicating in relationships and see if this helps you express yourself differently. However this does not mean that he will be spending time improving himself so you may see that you continue to clash when spending time together

  14. Shanaya

    May 8, 2020 at 9:35 am

    My ex broke up with me 2 months back as he was thinking his freedom was being taken. Then later we started talking again and things were getting back to normal. He was even thinking to come back together when I fought with one of his female friends and he didn’t like that. It was out of jealousy. I said sorry. After 2 days he blocked me from everywhere as I was pleading him to come back together. Well he unblocked me the next day. But since then we have not talked. He does see my Stories on IG sometimes. Its been 4 days since this. What should I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 12, 2020 at 9:55 pm

      Hi Shanaya, I would suggest that you follow a second No Contact for 30 days. And then reach out again, I would avoid any drama as you do not want it to relate you to hostile arguments

  15. Kai

    May 5, 2020 at 11:28 am

    Hey, we dated for 6 months and we had some misunderstandings.we work together but she blocked me on Facebook , text and calls but do communicate through whatsapp. I still love her and she knows that. She ask for favors atimes but she tells me she is not taking any advantage. For the last one and a half months during weekends she comes to my place. We share same bed but never had any intimacy with her.She behaves cold and hot.i still love her but she does not want to understand for the mistakes I did.please help me.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 5, 2020 at 10:41 pm

      Hey there Kai, so if she is asking you for favours she knows that you are willing to do what she asks because you want to be with her. So you need to stop this and you need to start your No Contact period. This should be for at least 30 days maybe 45 if you feel that you are not emotionally in control by the time you are supposed to reach out to her starting the texting phase

  16. New

    March 31, 2020 at 9:14 am

    My ex BF decided to block me off his Phone and Instagram, but he kept my connection via LinkedIn. In fact he usually has his LinkedIn account in private mode, yet he checked my account same day of blocking me in other platforms with his LinkedIn account showing. I don’t understand why he did that as if sending a msg that “I am checking your account “! Before blocking me, he said it was too much drama for it’s worth and he has no time for that! Anyway, the day I saw him checking my LinkedIn, I sent him couple msgs explaining my points and said I wanted to be with someone who appreciates my kindness not a coward who just blocks people easily. Then I removed off my connections. Don’t know what to do, I feel so bad and miss him a lot.

  17. rhobbie

    March 22, 2020 at 5:51 pm

    We were bestfriends before we were a couple. We broke up november last year of 2019. During this break up period, he didn’t block me on any social media or anywhere, and he still checks up on me on how i am doing occasionally, but I never got the chance to see him since then, until lately this january 25th 2020, we got to see each other again and he slept at my house. we had sex, after that we got out and eat together every dinner and every chance we get then, On valentines day, february 14th last month, we dated and we had sex again for the 2nd time after our break up last year. Then I’ve started to get feelings again, then this night, he video called me but i rejected because I was suspecting that he was talking to another girl, because of the days he’ll just talk to me when it was only convenient for him, after i rejected the video call, i sent him a message saying “why dont you call the one you’re calling the other day?” and he blocked me on facebook and my number was also blocked so i cannot call him. this is the 1st time i’ve got blocked since then.. what should I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 23, 2020 at 11:20 pm

      Hi Rhobbie, so it sounds as if he didnt like the fact you got emotional or angry with him. He will likely unblock you when he is hoping you are not mad at him anymore. As much as you were going on dates and sleeping together you were not back in a relationship. This means that he can chat and date others. This is also why we say not to sleep with an ex until you have commitment from them again. If he reaches out make sure you have completed a 30 day no contact before speaking with him again

  18. Chichang

    March 22, 2020 at 1:08 pm

    My boyfriend asked for time and space to rebuild himself for our future. He said that he need time to look for another work. By the way, We started a business of our own for our future as well. I agreed to give him time and space. He promised and asked me to trust me with it and he will be back, he just need time and space to rebuild himself. He even promised that we will start our family next year.. We parted ways with a kiss and a hug. I started the no contact rule after that. But since we have our own business, there are times that i need to send him messages and call me due to business issues, and found out that he changed his number and blocked me to everything.
    Later on, one of our employee told me that my boyfriend is transferring all the titles to my name and he wont be back anymore. Now im confused. Is he just lying to me, so he could leave me for good? Or do he really mean it when he say he will be back someday and just trust him with it.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 29, 2020 at 10:03 pm

      Hi Chichang, I am sorry but those questions I can not answer. Only he knows if he plans on coming back or not

  19. Dany

    March 18, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    Hi my ex and I broke up a few nights ago and she blocked me on mostly everything. I used the other platforms to beg. I immediately regretted my decision but it was too late. Did I ruin my chances of getting her back? Please help!!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 19, 2020 at 11:35 am

      Hi Dany, no you haven’t you will just have to complete a No Contact before you are able to start re attracting your ex.

  20. Sharma

    March 18, 2020 at 2:44 am

    Hey chris I urgently need your help me and my ex broke up 4 days ago..he was so sure about his decision..I begged I tried my best to save relation but all in vain.hecwas very abusive to me and directly asked me to move on..no matter how hard I tried it all went in vain.he said he wished he ever met me..then I started no contact rule..yesterday was my second day of no contact rule..he had an access to my Facebook account..I was sure that he is checking my account.. I add a new Male friend on fb nd started chatting to him as I knew that my ex is also reading.but I didnt flirt we just normally talked about hobbies and educations..then my ex unblocked me and said that he Is surprised that I am doing good nd easily getting move on..he told me that he was angry but now he is going for sure..but how the hell he can say that he was angry though he was very sure about his decision also he rejected my apologies..and now he blocked me on everything means full block out..before going he gave me hugs on messages and said that he was going to eraise my everything..me he fully blocked me out..is he gone now??

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 18, 2020 at 3:20 am

      Hi Sharma, your ex is just upset that you were not ignoring another man and that you were telling this person that you were moving on with your life. Work on yourself in this time that you are blocked so when your ex unblocks you they are going to see how well you are doing and want to talk to you again

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