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163 thoughts on “My Ex Stopped Talking To Me All Of A Sudden”

  1. H

    March 22, 2020 at 12:48 am

    I find myself so confused. I did no contact and my ex reached out like clockwork 30 days later. He asked to be friends and I have treated him as such. His texts are usually pretty lame, tbh… Hey, What are you doing, Can I see you, etc. We’ve flirted here and there and I usually rebuff anything suggestive in a coy way. I don’t reply right away and try to be casual as possible. He started out really strong and now he’s kind of distant again. Yesterday, he asks what I’m doing and I sent him a cute picture to show him. It’s been a full day and he’s not replied. I honestly just think I should ignore him next time. Not necessarily full NC. I do think he still cares for me, but I’m not sure what to do to reattract.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 23, 2020 at 11:35 pm

      Hi H, it really depends on what you want from the relationship. IF you want to get him back then you need to work up the value ladder and show your ex that you are not going to respond to “boring” messages but throw a pattern interrupt into the conversation where he is thrown by the conversation and cut it short so you leave him wanting more

  2. shell

    March 21, 2020 at 10:44 pm

    Me & My Ex have been texting again we done 3 months of no contact.
    It’s been all fine & his been telling me how amazing I am things like that. We haven’t met up yet he said he wants to.
    He said he was feeling under some stress one day so I said I’m here if you want to talk look after yourself and I gave him space for a week. I reached out asked how he was feeling he said a lot better and was less stressed.
    However I have noticed he looks really bad like really scruffy reason I have noticed this. He added me on social media he text me saying wow you’re looking stunning I said thank you but didn’t feel like saying the same as in his videos he looks pretty bad. After this it’s been 8 days and his gone completely silent. I’m not really sure what to do in a situation like this?
    Not sure if he wants me to be more loving, wants some space or what?
    Please HELP!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 28, 2020 at 9:13 pm

      Hi Shell so the hard part here is that you need to not act like a girlfriend… as you are not there at the moment. You are just talking. I would try to work up the value chain and see how things go. Other than that you need to limit the amount of effort you put in. Watch your word count and response times.

  3. Jasmine

    March 12, 2020 at 11:49 am

    Ex reached out to me after 6 years, hung out had a one night stand and now he says we shouldn’t talk anymore??? I’m so confused! When we met up it felt like old times , what do I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 12, 2020 at 12:54 pm

      Hi Jasmine, so he treated it as a booty call so you need to make it clear that you are not phased by this. You can go on to date others casually so he can see you are not waiting around to hear from him

  4. Amanda Panda

    January 17, 2020 at 6:23 pm

    HI i got back with my ex for a for about a six month period.We both are in relationships but we dearly miss each other. When we broke up it was confusing but we left on good terms. When he reached out to me six months ago we were exclusively texting and phone calls here and there. He lives on one side of the country and im on the opposite end. He convinced me to meet up with him for a vacation. We spent a week together it was relaxing and nice. During the vacation he dropped hints of exclusivity but because of the way he asked and the time bedroom talk I did not take seriously then the next few days he went cold. The first night we were together he held me in a death grab literally the best way i can explain it, i couldn’t barely breathe the whole night. This was very sweet but I dint want to overthink. Next few nights nothing. Few days later he tried to tell me at dinner that we should no longer contact but he couldn’t even finish and said i should only contact him when needed bc blah blah . I went back to my side of the country and the texts where sparse i was the one contacting first hed reply but they were not as before I feel like he is sad I miss him and its now been 4 months not hearing from him. How do i get him back ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 17, 2020 at 9:17 pm

      Hey Amanda, so you have not spoken at all in 4 months? If not then you can reach out with a text that Chris suggests, this requires a little bit of work and thought on your part but you should get a response from one of those types of messages but it does take input from you to be prepare yourself and become the best version of yourself before reaching out to him

  5. Jill T Kemp

    January 14, 2020 at 12:03 am

    My x boyfriend broke up with me 1st of sept 2019. We first started dating in 2011. I had some insecure issues after my divorce of 25 yrs with an abusive husband so my x boyfriend would break up with me off and on the next 4 yrs. In 2015 until sept 2019 we were together without any breakups. Once he broke up with me it wasnt long like 4 weeks and he was dating a new woman. He talked to me occasiinally because i was having a hard time of letting him go. He told me she was insecure of me and was afraid he and i would get back together because of our history. He even unfriended me on facebook because she asked him too. Long story short they didnt date but a few times and they were history. He will not friend me back on FB. He has called me like he use too when we were in a relationship and now he has backed off again. He will answer my calls and will txt back usually. I feel something has changed. I never did the NC rule with him because i fight for the man i love and dont wont it to end. He has never told me he loved me ever in the 8 yrs we have been together. I love him he doesnt love me. Should i cut my loss , get myself together and pray a man that will love me will find me. Thanks so much

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 18, 2020 at 4:41 am

      Hey Jill I suggest you work on yourself for sometime, while spending a little longer in No Contact and then reach out with a text that Chris suggests when you feel that you are in a better place

  6. cherry

    November 16, 2019 at 11:51 pm

    my ex brokeup with me in may, ever since then we’d talk and then cut ties and talk and cut ties. ive made the mistake of drunk texting and begging and making myself look meedy and clingy multiple times but then i pulled back and stopped. he came back apologizing for the reasons why our relationship did not workout after he got into a rs that did not last long and one that broke his heart. i texted a while later and suggested being friends, we talked for sometime and then stopped talking. he ran into my friend and decided it was a good excuse to text me, we talked alot and then stopped talking. he texted again and it got sexual, twice. he asked me to attend a concert in another city with him and things were supposed to get heated up afterwards (we were supposed to hookup) at first if go with the flow and not set boundaries and i even agreed to the concert day plan. but then i reconsidered it and told him i wont go. he stopped contacting me and then one day i needed someone to talk to so i texted him, i did not get the energy i wanted, it did not sound like he cared. we havent talked ever since then but we have a snap streak. what do i do now? i really want to get him back. ps: i dont think he’s over the other girl and he’s a serial rebounder so i have to move quick and smart.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 19, 2019 at 10:48 pm

      Hey Cherry, so you need to show how you are the best he ever had (The Ungettable Girl) In doing so even if he does go on to meet someone new he is forever going to compare the new people to you, which in turn will draw him back to you. Read up about the being there method incase he does meet someone else but you also need to show how you are living your life and also hints that you could be dating someone casually too

  7. Bt

    November 11, 2019 at 6:13 pm

    My ex and I have been back in contact for a few weeks now. He’s tried to get really flirtatious with me. I haven’t gotten mad.. just played coy and such since we’re not together in that way anymore. Yesterday he started in on wanting to see pictures. I sent a picture of my face and said behave more or less and let’s talk about life. He goes on to talk how he’s tired of being single but thinks things will change soon. I say to him.. being single has helped me grow and learn and that I’m ready to take this new me and find what I’m looking for : connection, a family atmosphere for my children, etc.

    He stopped responding after that. I don’t think anything was wrong with what I said. I reiterated my change and growth and said I was looking for the same things he was pretty much. But clearly something there pushed him back… either he thought I was referring to him or is confused on how to feel? Jealous possibly?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 12, 2019 at 8:20 pm

      Hi BT, him pulling back may be fear of where the conversation was going to lead after you telling him you wanted a family (he would have taken that as in with him more than likely)

      Have you done a NC? Have you worked on yourself to become Ungettable? You need to do these things to get your ex to miss you and to worry about losing you for good. Read some more articles that apply to your situation, and remember when you talk to your ex you need to keep conversations light and positive until they are investing more into you than just texting

  8. Jen

    November 8, 2019 at 11:01 pm

    My ex and I re-established contact this week after I called him out on not sticking to his word (he was adamant that we stay friends). We’ve been texting back and forth but I never get more than 3 texts a day at this point, and some days nothing. I don’t have him on social media but is this normal? I’ve been trying to get him curious with my texts but I also never send more than one in a row.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 9, 2019 at 1:21 am

      Thats not bad going considering you have just broken up. I you only want to be friends then texting straight away is fine, if you want him back you need to do a No Contact first

  9. Ivy Grace Villalon

    August 29, 2019 at 11:39 pm

    Hi Chris, i give him a second chance to be together again but after a few months, he never contact me and he never blocked me on facebook. I thought is only a space he wanted even though he never told me but when the notication pop up, i saw him with another girl. I texted him and told him that why did he lied to me and cheated me but he never texted back until another few months, i texted him and break up with him and i will never ever texted or even call him and i told him to be happy and don’t cheat on her but again he never replied to me. But why did he not blocked me or unfriend me on facebook?

  10. Natalia

    August 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    Chris … I have been obsessed with your posts. I cannot stop reading them to find the answers that I want and with all due respect, they have helped me out so much.
    So I am in desperate need of help right now and can’t seem to find the answer to this. I feel as though I just be overthinking everything but I am unsure.
    I used the no contact rule on my ex and it worked like magic (I say this because I was the cliche woman messaging him for 2-3 months long paragraphs). I finally decided to try the NC rule. We started talking again last week. The response was so positive that we started speaking in more detail throughout the week. I was not displaying desperacy and was responding after few hours (ungettable, but was also busy with a wedding).
    It almost seemed like we were back to normal, messaging message after message, sharing details about our days and things like we use to before.
    He caught me off guard though because he stopped responding to my messages and was reading them. So I asked him if everything was okay. And he mentioned that everything was fine just that he was in zombie mode because of working double shifts.
    He shared a big milestone that happened to him just as we started talking again. He showed interest and complimented my photos.
    Upon him telling me that he was working double shifts, I let him breathe and told him it was alright and that he should catch up on sleep. So I let that be for a day. I messaged him again yesterday asking if he ended up catching up on sleep. He didn’t respond and he was never unresponsive. So I messaged toward the end of the night that I will just leave him alone because he seems to be ignoring me as a result, it also seems like he is playing a texting mind game.
    I am soooooooo lost and unsure of what to do. He read that message and hasn’t responded. So my take on this is to leave him be.
    He was invested in our conversations just three days ago and then a sudden change, so I am so lost.
    I do not want to seem desperate and keep messaging him. Please advice, I was to give him his space too and not over think things and that he prob has been working more double shifts because of a big milestone in his life that just happened.
    I have read your article about understanding where the person is coming from and maybe something big has happened and that is what I am taking from this but I would love some more insight on this, please.
    Thank you!

  11. Kelly

    July 15, 2019 at 11:42 am

    Hi Chris my ex and I reconnected a few weeks ago via texting n phone conversations then I went n caught up with him for the weekend just gone n then when I left I texted him and he text back but after that no contact what have I done wrong

  12. Isabel-Maria

    June 22, 2019 at 12:09 am

    Hi Chris,
    Me and me ex broke up 2018 in october, we wasnt that long together only 5months, well first I text him saying that Im tired that we dont see eachover so often and he dont want to be with me, that he tell me, he didnt reply nothing at all, after few weeks, i text him after couple of drinks, and he told me he really likes me, but at the moment he have to many problems to deal with and is not fair on me. After this i agree and we over, but when 3 times more i send him jelous message, when drunk message so he block me, the problem here was that we work together so my recovery time took me way longer when usual as i seen him every day, when after 4months i heard gossip that he comeback to the mother of his child they been separed for almost 3years. So step away from him as much as i could and start my own life and activities to keep myself busy and so on, so after he suddenly unlblock me,( they didnt even last month together) but i didnt text him or so, so he find lame excuse to text me about work and when all of sudden we start slowly talk again, so i though everything goes well and all of sudden he stopped texting me,was even once he didnt reply to me at all, now i receive message unless is related to our work and is not very often, i dont text him either, because to be fair i dont understand what he wants, and i dont want expect more, when it could be, I would be honest i was trying hard to recover my life, but when im with someone else i still think about him, so i wouldnt mind to comeback because it was nice time with him and i was happy we had our ups and downs,but we never fight and always respect eachover, would i be honest i still love him. What would you suggest to me in this situation to have no contact rule is not so easy when you see eachover on daily basis or need to communicate because of work matters. Thank You

  13. Joan

    June 3, 2019 at 6:41 am

    My ex and I had been together for well over a decade but I left because of reasons and he announced on social media we were through. We broke up five months ago, I left our house which we bought. My items are still at the house. We started to message each other but now he just gives short replies or doesn’t answer me for days. I’m tired of these mind games. I haven’t seen him in 2 months. Should I go NC? I want to work things out with him but how can I when he blocks my attempts. I have asked to meet for dinner to discuss future plans of giving us another shot or just come collect my belongings from our house. He has not answered. A mature person would have said yes or no. Over all I want closure.

  14. Radka Bilsakova

    April 23, 2019 at 5:47 am

    Hi…so my ex reached out to me 4 months after break up and we have been in touch for like 7 months in on/off period. We were going on dates and things were going well. But we ended up in fight 3 weeks ago. We talked about it afterwards and he said he wants to keep seeing me but he needs space and he will text me once he is ready to talk to me. 9 days later he texted me and he was nice and funny, we were texting the day after as well and and he said we could hang out next week. I was glad he initiated the contact. But then no reply. It has been 4 days and Idk what to do. Should I initiate no contact in case he replies soon or just continue talking and hanging out? I noticed before that whenever I ignored him he tried to get in touch with me and was more active. I want him back and I did everything you recommend in your book but I feel he takes me for granted and actually thinking if it wouldn’t be the best to give him the taste of loosing me. Whenever I am not available he seems interested but when I am he pulls away. He told me he is scared of commitment because of our past relationship

  15. Shanice

    April 10, 2019 at 8:09 pm

    Me and my ex having been seeing each other, going on dates/talking most days, he invites me to stay over, all was well so I thought. The next day we both go to work, he texted to see if I got to work..
    Since then I have BARELY HEARD FROM HIM?!
    He hasn’t texted in a whole week so I haven’t reached out to him..
    He’s still posting on social media so I know he hasn’t been taken hostage somewhere or eaten by a wild animal, so why has he stopped talking to me when I thought we was making progress?!
    HELP before I make every wrong decision and overthink every possible scenario, Is this a chance to reset and do no contact again or should I reach out??
    Thanks so much,

  16. Mira

    April 9, 2019 at 2:34 pm

    Hi ,just want to ask advice ,my ex bf just contacted me a week ago and after contacting me for a twice asking me a date in future ,I broke up with him about 3 years ago , he suddenly stopped messaging me after that messages , and he suddenly posted this on his fb account “If you treat me like an option i’ll Leave you like a choice , just wondering if it’s for me or another girl , I just saw this on our common Friend fb because I actually remove him from my friend in fb and actually his asking me to add him back , just curious what’s going on why he suddenly stop messaging me I thought we’re on our way to get back pls advice me what to do thank u

  17. Lilly

    March 29, 2019 at 6:13 am

    Hi Chris, my LDR boyfriend and I split a year ago after 2 years together . We had talked marriage & kids so it was a shock .We didn’t argue he just ghosted me all of a sudden . I did the usual begging but silence so I eventually I stopped .A couple of months later I messaged him why and he said it was to difficult being far apart so we couldn’t talk & then nothing . Last week (over a year ago) I messaged and he replied straight away , we spent the day messaging flirty & playful always initiated by him , he said he was single and asked if I was , I would leave time between replying . He messaged the next day to and I replied 40 mins later as was busy and then nothing , I messaged that evening & nothing . I stupidly messaged the next day just a silly message but still nothing so I have not messaged since ,it’s now been one week , did I do say something wrong ? He got very flirty last week but I tried to play it down was he just after sexy texts but as he didn’t get them he’s in a mood ? What do I do next ? I do really miss him . Many thanks in advance

    1. Chris Seiter

      March 29, 2019 at 10:13 pm

      Just pull back a few day, then try one of the texts I recommend in my Program to see if you can ignite things a bit.

  18. Jordan

    February 25, 2019 at 5:32 am

    Okay Chris… I actually got my ex back for 7 months only for it to fall apart again… he hasn’t very serious commitment issues and even explained that I was doing everything right and he loved me but he just couldn’t do the relationship.. well.. I did NC and he came back with the initiating; acting like a boyfriend taking me on dates.. I did slip up and we had sex.. it was okay for a few days but he mentioned he missed my hair and my smell and that the sex wasn’t just sex.. he mentioned meeting up to talk about it over the weekend.. well… 5 days later and not a word from him.. I haven’t messaged him assuming maybe he needed space but… what do I do?

    1. Chris Seiter

      February 26, 2019 at 1:38 am

      Hi Jordan….sorry things fell apart. These after quakes can sometimes happen. Sounds like a healthy dose of NC is in order.

  19. Sophie

    February 8, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    Hi! Me and my boyfriend break up last month, he is very insensible, it was a jerk, a bad break up, after a week of break up i texted him because i wanted to know why he used me and said that he stayed with me for obligation (which wan not true) he said he loves me and after 4 days he break up just like that. After texted him, he replyed after a day and said he has time only next week, and i did’t reply to him (i thought that will send me a msg that he is free in a day but he not), I really need a closure, a feedback about what causes him this rupture in 4 day, and after a month i don’t know if i need to text him or just let things like that, because he is very good now, drink like a man and party all night tipicaly.

  20. Katie

    January 30, 2019 at 8:10 pm

    So, what shall I do from here? NC again and see if he reaches out?

    1. Chris Seiter

      January 31, 2019 at 1:28 am

      Hey Katie…I going to refer you to my 485 page epic eBook on the topic, “EBR Pro” as I wrote it to cover all the details I don’t have time to talk about here!

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