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February 23, 2017 at 11:40 pm
Okay so my bf of 6 months broke up w me. He said it was for no reason and I belive it because I know when he is trying to hide something. Anyways I wasn’t very sad about it, but rather positive because we were going to stay friends. I went out with him the other day and I was pshisically a little distant from him wich bothered him a lot but I smiled and really enjoyed it always talkin and being myself. He on the other hand, was really sad. It was and it is hard to understand it for me, because he broke up with me. I have posted since then some photos of me happy with other people enjoying life and all. Anyways he called me and we were both enjoying conversation and it was all nice, untill today I got into a fight with him because I was trying to prove he doesn’t care for me and he said that wasn’t true. Then after everything, he said it is better if he didn’t talk to me anymore and I was really upset for the first time, I cried and called him. I didn’t wanted to sound desperate but I just cried and he said he would continue talking to me. Meanwhile he said that I hurt him in a way I don’t see, and I belive that it has something to do with me enjoying life and posting pics on social media, and being distant with him on messenger app. Also he was the one who cried when he was breaking up with me, and he cried when i told him today in the fight that i dont know what have i seen in him and that i consider him as a bad person. Why do people break up with someone for no reason? What can I do to stay good friends with him? Can you advise me on this matter? It is clear he still has feelings, but how do I maintain good friendship with him so maybe one day it could be something else? Thank you for your help!
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 24, 2017 at 2:08 pm
Hi Elol89,
maybe the relationship got boring for him and he fell out of love, or he doesn’t feel that desire and attraction anymore. Yeah, he misses you, because that’s what he’s used to do, to talk to you. But right now, if you’re going to stay to talk, you’ll be friendzoned. Do you want to try the no contact rule?
February 18, 2017 at 2:16 am
I already wrote about my situation in another thread. So, my long time & long distance boyfriend called off our date almost 3 months ago. We never argued & he never officially broke with me. I know he did it because he lost his job & wasn’t able afford dating especially that he liked to pay for everything. I tried NC & I did well. He never contacted me during NC. I initiated contact via emails, he answered. We had several email exchanges since NC ended over month ago. I always initiated contact. Mostly he answers me, sometimes he does not especially when I ask him what was happening to him; it’s like he tries avoiding to tell me more about himself. Only one time, since the end of NC we exchanged several emails in one day, other than that I send him email, he answers (it takes him long, sometimes a day to do so), then I answer him back, but I get no response. So, I wait few days, shot email again, he answers & the cycle is repeating. Last time I waited 12 days before sending email, he answered & even asked me question how I was, I responded yesterday & have no answer from him.
You told me before, that he just was being friendly. But still his behavior is weird. I just wonder if it’s influenced by his financial situation, I don’t know how he’s doing now, we leave far away. Do you think that he may miss me? Do I start looking like I’m stalking him? Thanks.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 20, 2017 at 11:07 am
Hi Blue
He probably misses you.. but if he’s really set in fixing his life first, I think you should move on.. it’s been month of trying to build rapport.. it should have moved to calls from emails or atleast to texts..
February 16, 2017 at 6:39 am
THANK YOU CHRIS AND AMOR!! I’m so happy and confused at to how to reply to my exes text. I just got an apology text from him as we haven’t communicated for the past 6 months but i know he has been diligently watching my facebook the entire time. First, I have been patiently following all the methods in EBR and I’ve written in many many times describing my situation. I have worked on becoming the ungettable girl as much as possible and followed most of Chris advice. I have been at my wit’s end as our NO contact has always been prolonged. I think my ex is definitely a commitment phobe and that was his main issue in the back and forth relationship in the past. He didn’t know what he wanted, and he definitely had GIGs.
My ex and I dated off and on for about a year. He JUST texted me now (day after Valentines’ day interestingly) to apologize for talking to my girlfriend about me and betraying my trust. In the text, he referred to our “Friendship” and then later our “friendship/relationship” , saying that apologizing doesn’t make him more of a man but hopefully reinforces the fact that i’m a good woman. ” Not sure what he meant by that. Deep down, I really do want to get back together with him. I think I’ve improved. I’ know he’s been seeing a counselor.
But my question is how do I reply? He didnt’ ask me a question but I want to reply thanking him for the apology and ask him a question so as not to close the door on any possible future relationship? To recap, he basically replied to a text I had sent him 6 months ago today with an apology. My text called him out on a couple of things.
My question is what would be his motive to send that apology text 6 months later? Just for closure? How do I know if he’s trying to possibly get romantically involved again (because that’s what I truly want) . I fhe wanted to get involved again then’ it makes sense he’d have to apologize to me first anyway. Please help on how I should reply . And THANKS again for all your help. I would not have made it this far without you guys!!
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 16, 2017 at 7:38 pm
Hi Cara,
maybe valentines day made him look at your message again and made him think. For me, that’s a good move. Thank and then ask a question. You would only really know what his true intention is, once you get to talk to him more.
February 3, 2017 at 4:03 am
Sorry…lost my previous comment…So I messaged him and a called him since the 5 days since his message that he was cancelling our date and taking time to think. We had had a fight 🙁 He completely ignored me since then. He read some of my messages or at least WhatsApp showed it was read. He read the messages right after I sent some of them, plus logged onto Tinder right when I sent a message thru it to him. Don’t know if that means anything, or necessarily that he actually read them. He didn’t block or delete me tho…
We never even talked about the issues we were having…I had no idea it was so upsetting for him…he doesn’t really talk about feelings good or bad. But the next day he just went on Tinder like it was going outta style (as the app shows your activity). Anyway, can I even expect I will here from him ever again? Cuz I went a little crazy with trying to contact him. Why would he message me after 30 days…he might worry I’m still psycho…We live in different cities so I won’t ever even run into him. I just wanna chance. Did I ruin it all will my crazy texting and calls? Will he even miss me?
February 8, 2017 at 1:30 pm
So the new guy I met is no longer an option. I still love my ex and I am trying to rebuild our friendship. I am not giving up on him through because I know he likes me. He just needs to trust me again. How do I show him he can trust me and free safe with me again? We still talk but there is tension between us.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 8, 2017 at 5:28 pm
Just know that building rapport and trust takes time.. Especially trust. So, before trust, build rapport first. Just keep taking and avoid doing the things that made him lose trust in you.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 3, 2017 at 5:01 pm
Hi Amanda,
i dont see any previous post, or did you use a different email add? or this is your first time to comment? do you mean you’re just about to do nc?
February 2, 2017 at 9:32 pm
Hi Amor.
I can’t find my last post but to recap. My ex never asked me out on a date because he said he is not ready for a relationship. We both like either and he treated me like his girlfriend. I told my ex that I want space. He was mad at first and ignored me.l. Its been close 3 weeks since I started the no contact. We work together so we have to have to be friendly but I have been keep him at a distance and keeping it professional. The last couple of days, he has been trying to have small chats at work but I keep them short. He finds excuses to ask me questions that he could ask someone else or already know just to talk to me. I am friendly but it on the go when I see he wants to talk. He complimented me. He even held my hand and squeezed it tightly in a flirtatious way. I did not squeeze back. I pulled my hand away and he looked surprised and started to comment about something irrelevant. I guess he just wants to talk. He held my hand again 2 days ago but he did not squeeze this time. He had the sorry puppy love on his face. What does it mean when he squeezes my hand when he holds it? It’s flirtatious and playful. I still care about him but sometimes I’m not sure if I want to be with him. He has not tried calling or texting since the no contact started. I was the one who asked for no contact and so I guess he is sticking to it. I can tell he miss me but he has not reached out outside of work. I still look at his social media everyday and I think I am beginning to lose interest. I am active on social media. He does not reach out but I know he looks at my posts and pictures. I wanted to unfriend or block him but decided not to. I even created a new account and added our mutual friends but I did not add him. Was that a good move?
June 16, 2017 at 2:32 pm
Hey Armor! So its been 3 months since I had no contact with my ex outside of work. It was hard at first because we work closely together on several projects. The tension was obvious but I tried to keep things professional. I was so hurt by the break up and I felt even worse because I cursed him out for everything he put me through. I was very mean to him and I pretty much made him feel emasculated out of anger. I know I hurt him even more than he hurt me. This made me think that he probably was denying his true feelings. I apologized for weeks for everything I said because he hurt me so much. He no contacted me as well and gave me the cold shoulders. Finally, I picked myself up and moved on. Now that I have moved on, he is always trying to pick a fight with me because I have been ignoring him. He mops up out of no where when there is no need to be close. We work in a large company so he dont have to be close to me that often. When I ignore him, he takes out his frustration on everyone. He gets angry, looks sad and depressed if I don’t acknowledge his presence. He behaves like a spoil brat in a nut shell. His behavior his so out of control that some coworkers are complaining to me. After all this time, I had a long chat with him about everything that has happened. He said he is not upset with me and he never was. It’s just that he is still hurt by things I said about him out of anger. He said he is not looking for an apology. He just need time to heal and that he wants to hurt to go away. He said he still see me as the woman he respects. What does this mean? Just when I am trying to move on, this happens. I still care about him but I don’t want to be hurt again. When we do talk, he is happy but I can tell there is a little hurt. He compliments me alot even when the conversation is about his accomplishments. He did not apologize for what he put me though but I know he is sorry about what happened.
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 18, 2017 at 7:19 am
so, what’s your plan now? For me, if he’s like that I would give him more space because I wouldn’t reward negative behaviour
March 9, 2017 at 4:35 pm
So we became friends again and gained his trust but I noticed he started to flirt with other people. He shows interest in me and says he is not ready for a relationship with me because he knows I am looking for a serious marriage minded relationship. He still stares but does nothing about it. I found out from reliable source that he slept with another coworker last year and they may still be sleeping together. Btw we never slept together and he never made a move because he respects me. He tells me that I am classy and amazing. He hates talking about the other woman. She is throws herself at him and she talks down at him in front of everyone. She is also making the work environment unhealthy for me because of the tension she has towards me. This makes me uncomfortable. I confronted him about it, he denied sleeping with this woman and claims it’s all rumors. I tried reaching out to him nonetheless regarding other matters just to be cordial and supportive. I wanted to be supportive because he is going through some personal challenges but I don’t think he appreciates me. He refuses to answer my calls or my messages. This tells me he is guilty and ashamed. I have decided to block him from everything. Outside of work, he cannot contact me because of the drama and his denial. I love him but I think I deserve better. He continues to stare at me but I am ignoring him.
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 12, 2017 at 11:44 am
Yeah, I agree that you should move on because you don’t have the same priorities as of now.
February 8, 2017 at 3:57 pm
My ex and I are also texting again. I sent him the first text since the no contact and he seemed excited. I asked him to do something for me so he will get back to me with his thoughts on that project.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 8, 2017 at 5:28 pm
Just know that building rapport and trust takes time.. Especially trust. So, before trust, build rapport first. Just keep taking and avoid doing the things that made him lose trust in you.
February 6, 2017 at 7:10 pm
Thanks Amor for your help. I had a chat face to face with him to find out exactly how he feels and if he is interested. He could hardly look me in the eyes but I made him tell me that he does not want me. So he says for now he is not interested. He says he sees me as a friend and he knows I am ready to tie the knot. He even said he don’t know if he can trust me as a friend anymore because of the emotional Rollercoaster of put his on with the no contact. So I am moving on. I actually met someone who wants to settled down.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 7, 2017 at 11:22 am
ok Lexie.. I agree you should move on because that’s a big thing to disagree on
February 4, 2017 at 4:18 am
Today I complimented him of his achievement. He was very happy about that and we had a good chat. He asked how are things with me and I told him that we need to talk. We were both happy to be speaking again. Did I break the no contact rule by telling him we need to talk?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 4, 2017 at 1:15 pm
it was actually already broken when you complimented him..
February 2, 2017 at 10:59 pm
I will stop stalking him on social media and start to get involved in new activities. Was it a bad move for not sending him a friend request on my new social media account? I added our mutual friends so I’m sure he feels shut out. Meanwhile, I still post on the account he is on.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 3, 2017 at 4:09 pm
no, that’s ok! it would be better to add him once you’ve built rapport already
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 2, 2017 at 10:06 pm
Hi Lexie,
nope.. yoi shouldn’t social media stalk him.. it’s working that you’re ignoring him because he’s trying to flirt but you have to be focused in moving on without totally moving on, in having your own life.
howanu new activities have you done in the past amd how many new people did you meet?
February 2, 2017 at 9:13 am
My long-distance bf of 14 months broke up with me 4 months ago, basically because we both had too much stress & were taking it out on each other. At first we took a NC break for about 3 weeks, and then he ended it because he said he fell out of love with me during the break, but he said that he still loved me as a friend and wanted to stay in my life. After a couple weeks of trying to just be his friend, I did NC for about 2-3 weeks (not part of your ‘program’, I was just trying to get over him). When we started talking again, we immediately fell back into talking for hours practically every day. I didn’t (and still don’t) initiate contact with him and yet immediately, our friendship was basically the exact same as our relationship was, minus the “I love yous” and whatnot. It was too hard for me to just be friends when he wanted it the exact same but without being ‘in a relationship’ so I stopped talking to him again for about a month (also not related to your program). And again as soon as we started talking, it was for hours at a time, we’d stay up all night talking, etc. I stumbled upon your program about 2 weeks ago and have been trying to implement NC because ultimately I do want him back, but I haven’t been successful for more than 2-3 days at a time because we are each other’s closest confidant and he’s been under a lot of stress/pressure lately. I feel bad if I’m not there when he needs someone to talk to, plus tbh I am afraid NC may do more harm than good. I just read this article and he’s been doing several of these, especially in the past month. I started NC again on Monday and he texted me tonight, so my question is should I continue with NC even though we are on such good terms and so close to each other? There are a lot of other pertinent details (imo) to all of this, but I tried to keep it as short as possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide 🙂
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 2, 2017 at 8:23 pm
Hi Karen,
it looks like he friendzoned you.. yes, you did a lot of ncs, so there’s less chance of it working for you now but how much did you change during and after those nc? How much did you improve? And I think you need to date others this time because there’s a chance you already come across as someone who’s just always there
February 1, 2017 at 9:03 am
Well my bf and I, is in a rocky position. He wants to break up but one of his friend somehow fix it but he is distance from me. On the other hand I didn’t talk to him for two days and he was really mad at me because I ignored him and went out having fun. So he told me you are better off without me. I don’t see that you aren’t capable of living without me. So then he said I am giving you another chance but he is not getting close or anything he is acting distance. When I’m not around he misses me so when I come online he acts like a kid and a jerk then he continued his distance phase again. In ten days our anniversary I really don’t know what to do. Few advice will be a great help.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 1, 2017 at 3:14 pm
Hi Molly,
check this:
How To Prevent A Breakup With Your Boyfriend When You Know It’s Coming
January 27, 2017 at 2:45 pm
Hi been with my man for 8months we had laughs ad fun but he went quiet this 2 weeks and came round bust into tears ad said he doesn’t know if he just wants to be friends he wants time and he still care’s for me I asked him if there is anyone else but definitely not
He has problem’s down below but that was before me and I’ve always support him…
I just don’t know how to play this because I do want do be with him
Any advise please
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 28, 2017 at 6:31 am
Hi Lou,
you mean he broke up with you? or just a break?
January 23, 2017 at 8:06 pm
Hi Amor.
I’ve been following this site for about 9 months after my boyfriend and I broke up nearly a year ago. He has had a few, short relationships since then and a few weeks ago, after being on/off friends (after 6 months of nc), he admitted to me he still thought of me, he missed me A LOT. However, all this only came out after his gf of a month broke up with him. Due to this, I have some suspicion as to whether I am a rebound or not.
Now, he has had a history of drugs and alcohol (we are only 16 and 17). This does seem to be better as well, as far as I know he doesnt touch drugs and drinks at weekends. I do have suspicions with this as well though.
We have already met up, held hands, cuddled and kissed. We have admitted our feelings for each other. He speaks to me everyday and I do see an effort being made on his part.
Is there any moves I can make or lead the conversation in a certain way in order to fully regain his attraction/love towards me to lower my chances of being his rebound?
Thanks to this website, I am closer than ever to getting my bf back!
January 26, 2017 at 9:56 pm
Hi again Amor.
I checked the link and from what the article says, I’m leaning more towards the possibility that I am not a rebound. However, I do agree in changing something within our relationship in order to make it work and I know for a fact that that’ll have to be him changing his life around, getting a job, quitting weed etc. But I remember reading how ultimatums turn guys off completely, so how do I get this across to him without seeming controlling? Thanks again x
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 27, 2017 at 11:39 am
you really have to talk on what makes you uncomfortable and if he still does it, walk away.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 24, 2017 at 1:21 pm
Hi Amy,
first, don’t sleep with him.. Check this one:
EBR 034: Are YOU The Rebound For Your Ex Boyfriend?
January 23, 2017 at 5:26 pm
My ex and I broke up a year ago because after 4 years the honeymoon was over and we felt the distance wasn’t worth it while we’re both studying thousand miles away from each other. After a few months of NC, we met again with mutual friends in our home town and really connected again, but we decided not to start a relationship again and just stay friends. I don’t know if he’s just being friendly but he often writes to me, likes my Facebook photos, asks what I’ve done during the week, sends memes screenshots. He also sent me a Christmas card thanking me for ‘making everything so uncomplicated’ and that he’s happy we stayed friends.
January 26, 2017 at 1:11 am
We both change in a year, but it’s like he thinks he knows everything about me, but he just knows the ‘year ago me’. How can I get him to know who I am now without sounding like I brag about who I’ve become ?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 26, 2017 at 12:51 pm
dont be like before.. if you’re nit the same girl he knows, dont act the same way as before..that means dont make it easy for him.
be friendly but dont be too available
January 25, 2017 at 1:21 pm
I’ m a bit confused: it makes sense that he lost attraction and desire, but he also often tells me how beautiful I look but says he doesn’t love me anymore. When we were in our home town, he kissed me a few times but we were drunk so I don’t know how to interpret it.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 25, 2017 at 3:49 pm
that probably means he sees your physical improvement but he knows you’re still the old person he knows
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 24, 2017 at 12:35 pm
Hi June,
I think you’re friendzoned.. And this is not to sound all knowing ok? The honeymoon period doesn’t last 4 years, it ended before the relationship ended and then you entered a comfortable phase with each other. But I think what you meant is that he lost attraction and desire..
January 23, 2017 at 1:55 am
The current situation is that me and my boyfriend broke up last summer after dating for 9 months. After separating for 2 and a half months, we both had self improved and decided to give things another shot in September. We had the best relationship, not arguing at all really, always happy, spending time together and telling each other how happy we were being back together. Last weekend, he broke up with me because he said he had a lot of stuff happening and that he needs to focus on himself and find himself. We had a very emotional break up with us not wanting each other to leave, us hugging and I could tell he didn’t want to break up with me, but it was something he had to do. I proceeded to act stupid and get drunk most nights for the following week, on a couple of them even calling him and texting him saying I love you. One afternoon I had a break down and texted him saying that I really needed him and he came and looked after me. I then later on that night saw him again in a night club and was emotional and once again called him and acted unfairly. I wrote him a message in the morning saying how sorry I was and that I will give him space. However, we both go to uni together and the next day I saw him and we had a brief chat and hugged. I then later on messaged him saying he looked lovely and he said that I did too. I know I must start the NC rule and I will, but have I ruined things by reacting the way I did or is there still hope? He is the love of my life, I know this. What do you think I should do?
April 22, 2017 at 9:29 pm
Hi there,
I need your advice as i’m not sure what to do. So i’ve been keeping you updated since we broke up in January, and I expressed that this is the second time we have broken up. I did you suggested and completed NC, he didn’t respond, I waited the appropriate time for after the NC period (i.e wait a week, contact, wait two weeks, contact) and he hasn’t responded even though he saw them. The message I sent was a few weeks ago. I’m not sure what to do, I know there is still a part of him that loves me, we didn’t have a bad break up, it was emotional but no hatred. A couple weeks ago, a week or so before we finished uni for the term, I went on a night out and ran into him in a club. He looked happy to see me, we hugged, held hands a little bit, we were both a little bit drunk, and then he went, his flatmate came over to me and asked how I was and came and sat with me and we had a chat. He told me that my ex has never said a bad word about me ever and that the break up was really tough on him and that in time he believes that we will talk again. I’ve been self improving, lost some weight, even slept with some people doing everything as possible but I don’t think there is anything else I can do now. I had a look at the article on here about how to get over an ex and the first thing it says is you have to be sure that you’re ready to move on and I still have this gut feeling that there is more to it and I still believe he loves me in that way. I can’t talk to any of my mates about this because when I did at the beginning, it was the same advice of just to move on. Hes my best friend and I really need your help. What do I do now and do you have any insight into what may be happening. Part of me feels like he feels like he can’t talk to me straight away because of this being the second time we broke up and last time we got back with each other after three months of being a apart and that he has to make sure that he is ready to fully be there in the relationship before he contacts me, as well as the fact that I was his first girlfriend and his first for a lot of other things or I don’t know whether i’m just pinning my hopes on this because I am still hopelessly in love with him. Sorry for the long message.
EBR Team Member: Amor
April 28, 2017 at 6:08 pm
You’ve initiated texts twice, that means you’re open to talking but he didn’t reply.. It more likely means he really wants you to move on and not to get your hopes up by not replying to you..
March 12, 2017 at 11:20 pm
So the update is that I sent the first text today after a NC period of about a month and one week, i kept it brief, brought up an old memory that we shared and how it made me think of him, nothing too intense, however, he hasn’t responded. I spoke to a mutual friend of ours and said i was feeling a bit rubbish because I messaged him and he didn’t respond and he said hes distancing himself because he still needs time, whether he just knows this or my ex mentioned that to him I don’t know, what do you think I should do now? I’m terrified of loosing him but i’m still moving forward and improving etc…
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 15, 2017 at 10:19 am
wait for a week before initiating again of he doesn’t reply…dont talk to his friend about that because that probably reaches him..
March 6, 2017 at 8:54 pm
Hi there,
My NC finished on Sunday however, last Friday I had sex with someone else, I went on a night out, got a bit drunk and it went from there. I know i’m perfectly in my right to do so as I’m single and my ex could do so too if he really wanted. I’m not sure what to do in terms of initiating NC as I still want him back but I feel like its a bit different now that I’ve slept with someone else.
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 10, 2017 at 2:57 am
it’s still the same procedure of slowly building up rapport.. if you want to be honest with him, I think reserve that for the meet up stage because it’s better to do it person..
February 24, 2017 at 7:48 pm
Yeh I think i’ll see how I feel on the Sunday and potentially extend by one more week. The thing is, yesterday he removed me off Twitter now, so hes removed me off all social media. I just feel like the timing is weird, like if you wanted to remove me off social media, just do it all at once, why would he unfollow me, wait two weeks and then day by day remove me off the rest? I feel like he is trying to get my attention almost, see how I react but I don’t understand because he is the one who broke up with me and I’ve left him to his own devices with this NC period? In your opinion, do you think that he may respond and also that he could be trying to get my attention?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 25, 2017 at 8:32 pm
that’s a high possibility.. that can be his way because of his ego.. So, yeah, there is a chance that he will reply once you initiate.
February 23, 2017 at 2:54 am
Hi there,
Thanks ever so much for responding to all these questions! I’ll keep actively posting as I usually do and see how that goes. My NC comes to an end next Sunday, should I still text him even though hes unfriended me off most social media sites? I just don’t want to message him too soon and him not to respond?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 23, 2017 at 8:33 pm
You’re welcome! It’s ok to extend a little bit more if you’re uncomfortable and if he still hasn’t cooled down.
February 22, 2017 at 2:21 pm
Hi there,
Thank you for all your responses. I do agree I think a) he is almost playing a bit of a game and b) its too tough for him to look at my pictures because i’ve been actively posting, not over doing it but changing my profile picture, posting pics of nights out. Anyway, last night I went out and put up a picture of me and my two friends. He looked at it this morning and removed me off there also. So now he has unfriended me off FB, removed me off Snapchat and unfollowed me off Instagram, i’m still nearly three weeks into NC. But why didn’t he remove me straight away off social media, it seems like each time I post stuff he removes me off each site but he has does this during the NC phase? How do I get him back if he can’t see me being active on social media?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 22, 2017 at 11:49 pm
believe me, he’ll keep checking if he’s that affected.
February 21, 2017 at 1:22 am
Hi there once again,
Thanks so much for all your advice, I once again have another update. Today I saw my ex boyfriend update his profile picture and it is clearly someone taking it of him, I didn’t like it or anything like that and just proceeded with my day. Later on that evening I saw that he had removed me off FB. Its been a month and a half since we broke up and i’m two weeks into NC. Two weeks ago, he unfollowed me off instagram and I didn’t unfollow him but today after he unfriended me, I unfollowed him off Instagram because it was hurting me to see his posts and he wasn’t seeing any of mine. Do I extend my NC period? Why did he unfriend me completely randomly, after updating his profile picture? All I have been doing is self improving and employing the tactics taught in these articles. I’m so confused and hurt.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 21, 2017 at 11:09 pm
no need to extend, he probably did that to see if you would react.. to see if you’re still checking the online connection.
February 19, 2017 at 8:25 pm
Hi there,
I’m on two weeks on NC and he hasn’t messaged me, reached out to me or anything like that. He is still unfollowing me on insta and also he avoids my watching my snapchat stories as it shows you who views them. Is this a sign that it still bothers him to see me and that he misses me? Also my friend ask about me to him and he said that he just isn’t ready to commit right now as he needs to focus on himself with everything going on, as I previously stated, I’ve been self improving, do you think there is still hope? Also because I still have him on social media, I’ve seen him recently beginning to like more of his female friends photos, and I saw a picture of them going out for food together today (By this i’m not actively searching for this, I just happen to see it) when he never really did that before, my friends assure me that they are just mates and that hes just spending more time with her now because he is no longer hanging out with me, but I can’t shake this gut feeling that there is something more going on, even though they are probably just friends and flatmates.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 20, 2017 at 11:19 pm
yes, it can still be a good sign that he’s checking your snaps, means he’s still curious.. That’s ok if he doesn’t message you during nc.. A lot of the girls experience that. You can still initiate contact after nc. Focus in improving yourself because whether or not he’s got a rebound, he has to see you better than your old self.
February 5, 2017 at 12:10 pm
Hi there,
I had successfully been doing NC for two weeks and being active on social media. I went out on Friday night and because of this my friend posted some pictures of us out together with some of our mates on Instagram, following this I saw that my ex unfollowed both myself and our mutual friend. I got really upset as i’ve been struggling with the no contact the last week, never caved but i’ve been finding it difficult to focus on myself, as I also have loads of other stuff going on in my life. I decided to text him saying can we meet to have, not closure, but come together to figure out where we stand and deal with us potentially seeing eachother around the uni etc.. I had to do this because I felt like the break up was so open ended, I was confused and I just didn’t know what to do. Anyway, I texted him and he hasn’t responded, i’m not going to text him again asking to meet, as I know hes upset too, I’m just not sure where to go from here, I still want him back, i’m not going to text him anymore either. I just had to for some peace of mind.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 5, 2017 at 10:28 pm
Oh, too bad.. actually that could be a good sign because it shows he’s still affected.. just restart the count of nc..
February 1, 2017 at 9:18 pm
Hi there,
I’m on day nine of the NC Rule, I have a few other questions. When the break up occurred, along with everything else that happened as I previously discussed, he said that he doesn’t know if wants a girlfriend right now and that he doesn’t know with the place that he is in whether he can fully love me. He also said that us getting back together before was us trying again. However, we were literally both so unbelievable happy as I previously said and there were no issues between us, could the problems he is facing along with the stress cause him to react in the heat of the moment?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 2, 2017 at 5:42 pm
yes, it’s a possiblity..
January 28, 2017 at 9:56 pm
Thank you so much once again for responding to me, you’ve really helped me clear my head. I’ve been doing No Contact since Monday and will continue to do so. I decided to not be active initially, so to disappear for a little bit to give me a few days to clear my head and also disappear from him too. However, from tomorrow onward, i’m going to start being more active gradually uploading some pictures, changing my profile picture, uploading snap chat stories etc…. Is there anymore advice you can offer me?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 29, 2017 at 10:36 am
just enjoy..it will be hard, but overthink..just remind yourself that it’s a process..
January 23, 2017 at 4:30 pm
Thank you so much for responding, it means everything to me. What would you suggest that I do now?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 24, 2017 at 12:32 pm
You’re welcome! Be active during the no contact rule. If he sees you have your own life and that you have improved, he might regret the break up and see that you’re not an added responsibility.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 23, 2017 at 3:30 pm
Hi Unknown,
I think there is still a chance especially if he’s just stressed..
January 21, 2017 at 11:49 am
Hi Guys
My ex (who I’m trying to get back) has shown maybe a couple of these signs, mostly him posting lots of photos of things he’s been doing and him responding quickly to my messages sometimes (or sending long replies).
But I get a bit confused with these combined with his other behaviors such as not responding to my messages and ignoring my social media (things like Instagram and Snapchat that I can see if he’s looked at something). Recently, after having a good conversation where his replies were long and he sent multiple messages, he made sure to check my Instagram and Snapchat as I posted things on my stories for 4 whole days. I thought he might be cool if I initiated another conversation, but he replied nearly half a day later with a one sentence reply. He then started ignoring my posts, and when I initiated contact a few days later again he just ignored the message entirely.
Since I did NC, his replies have been interested in what I have to say or he’ll reply fairly quickly, and he would check my social media (again, what I can see he has looked at). In this last week it’s like he has frozen me out for some reason.
I wanted to ask whether he could be missing me, and what I should do. We have been talking again off and on for close to 2 months, but his hot and coldness has made it hard to keep our messaging consistent. Could I do a mini NC period or would that give him the chance to completely forget about me?
January 22, 2017 at 11:42 pm
Hi Amor
No, it was all text. I haven’t felt comfortable enough yet in our communication to progress because of how hot and cold he can be. Like I said, some times he’d be eager to talk and be responsive but others he’d wait a long time to reply. For the most part he has been engaged with what I’ve been saying, he has only totally ignored a message twice now.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 23, 2017 at 3:55 pm
Oh.. it dragged in too long.. since he’s not replying now, rest for two weeks.. if he does initiate, reply but be the one to end the conversation
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 22, 2017 at 6:19 pm
Hi britt,
during those two months, was it all just text? did you progress to calls?