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5,236 thoughts on “The Complete Guide To Getting An Ex Boyfriend Back In A Long Distance Relationship”

  1. Christina

    April 23, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    Hi, I’m in this quite messy situation that I hope you’ll be able to give me some advice. My LDR boyfriend of 2 years and I broke up 2 weeks ago (well, I said break up during a fight first and he agreed) he blocked my phone number, FB and whatsapp, he told me it broke his heart to do it but he had to. I was extremely sad and devastated and I felt like there was a huge misunderstanding so I flew to him 2 days after the breakup. He was surprised to see me. In the beginning he didn’t want to let me in but he was still willing to talk. I stayed with him for 3 days and we talked about the breakup. He basically said he had to do it, I had issues to deal with and he had his own problems as well. He said he didn’t want to cut me off it’s just the relationship he didn’t want and he promised me we’d see each other again, but I shouldn’t just sit and wait for that day to come. I can tell he really didn’t want to break up with me, he still loves me. After I came back I got a message from him telling me I should look for this particular life-coach to help me master my emotions and get my life together (I’m emotionally not very stable and have trust issue, mainly the reasons of the breakup) he ended the message with “until we see each other again” and told me to live like I love myself. I haven’t replied to his message although I’m tempted every single day, but I know I shouldn’t because he said we needed time and space I should respect that and I’ve decided to follow the no contact rule for at least 30 days so I’m not going to break that. But I’m hell confused, would a guy promise the girl he broke up with that they’ll see each other again? And how to get him unblock me without the help of mutual friends? (since we don’t really have mutual friends on FB…)
    Many thanks

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 25, 2016 at 8:21 pm

      Hi Christina,

      sometimes guys just say it so, not to make the girl more emotional during a break up but upon knowing him, do you think he’s telling the truth? But regardless of that, given his reason of the breakup, use the nc to improve yourself. Not just for him but mostly for yourself… Set him aside for a month.. and focus on you.. most unblock after 2-3 weeks of silence.. so just keep it up on nc..

  2. Sarah

    April 22, 2016 at 5:32 am

    My boyfriend and i have been best friends for 12 years, and together dor 3 and a half. We have been doing long distance for about a year and a half now, and though its been tough, we have always stuck together. Long distance wasnt that tough after a while

    This coming month is his most important exam, and in the begining of the month, we got into a huge fight, but as usual we got past it and sorted it out. He got upset and tired of me not giving him 100%. of my attention which i completet agree with, that it was a mistake. I told him id change for the better. A week later he told me he felt he didny care even if i was trying. He said he felt this way for a long time and wanted to let it go.

    We have always planned for marriage, and to be married in the next 5 years. Just a month ago we were talking about our home, and our upcoming trip to paris he planned for, and how he was really excited to see me. I was also his first crush, and first girlfriend. He’s liked me since we met in high school and has said that his love for me started there 12 years ago.

    He said that this upcoming exam will determine the rest of his future. and is under a lot of stress, and feels like i always tell him hes at fault or wrong about everything. I feel guilty for making him feel this way, i had no idea until he told me he wanted to end things.

    I still think we are perfect together, we balance each other out so well and we are good at loving each other. We make each other better and there are definately more good times than bad. Please help.

    Its been about 2 weeks and i have no contacted him at all. I dont know what hes thinking- i heard he threw away our photos and felt nothing. :/

    Would love some advise.

    1. Sarah

      April 28, 2016 at 6:02 am

      Hi amor,

      after speaking with him. we decided to cancel our trip. He said he doesnt mind seeing me when he comes home but he stands by his decision and meeting might not change a thing.

      Im just going to leave him alone for now, and do nc. Just dont know what to do when hes done with his exams. it will be in about a month too, so, i dont know what to expect or how to react.

      Hes also going away with some friends before coming home. He didnt tell me when hes back so I have no clue whats going on, just know that i want him back

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 10:42 am

      Hi Sarah,

      maybe he’s just really stressed… two weeks is long enough, try to initiate contact if it didn’t go well..then do nc and try to rebuild rapport after his exams

  3. Shelley

    April 20, 2016 at 12:03 pm

    Hi There, I hope you can help because i am really at a loss. I met someone in December 2014 he lives in the US i live in London. We are both 33. we did long distance for a few months and then things didn’t work out so we had quite a messy break up if you like. We then reconnected in Dec 2015 as i was visiting his city and we decided to give things another shot. He apologised for his mistakes and we decided to move forward. I visited him in Feb and again in March and considering he lives 10 hours away they were big trips for me and i dont know anyone in his city. The first trip was great and the one in March was ok but we did argue a little.
    Since i got back at the end of March he seemed very distant but i didn’t pester him as i know he hates communicating. This weekend i asked him what was wrong and that in order for this to work we do need some more regular communication even if it just a good night. This guy has told me he loves me , wants to marry me and have children with me. It then came down to him saying he is concentrating on his life and his future and is unsure whether i am a part of it. Obviously i was hurt and shell shocked. My emotions were all over the place, i dont understand why he would feel this way after discussing our future. Anyway i sent him a text asking for him to ship over an item of mine which i had left there as it has sentimental value to me which he said he would. He also said i have taken things the wrong way and he does want me in his life but not right at this moment. Obviously i was upset and told him he should have figured this out earlier and that he has really hurt me and that my values are such that i would have supported him ( i think he is trying to focus on setting up his business or so he says). I get no response from him until this morning when he says that i am the best girl he has ever dated but right now he is trying to figure his life out and cannot give me what i want or deserve and maybe when he figures things out it will be right for the both of us. Again i responded saying he should have told me this earlier and i cannot wait around a lifetime for someone who is unsure of having me in their lives. He says he didnt know earlier and things change on a daily basis. i tried calling him to wish him well and texted him to say i want him to be happy and successful and that i wouldn’t be reaching out to him.
    I dont know what to make of all this or whether i will ever hear from him again which breaks my heart. I am also scared that because of the distance he may meet someone else and forget me.
    Please help!

    1. Shelley

      April 25, 2016 at 10:54 am

      Thanks, i guess you are right. I ts so rough but i do want to keep my self respect. Its been nearly a week and no contact. I should work on myself rather than focusing on him.

    2. Shelley

      April 22, 2016 at 9:33 am

      I guess i have no choice. He hasn’t reached out for a few days, nor have I. I guess with NC i am frightened he will meet someone else and move on. His insecurity in figuring his life out has just come about so i don’t understand why now? Do you think NC is the right thing to do?

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 10:54 am

      well, it’s not 100% guaranteed but talking to him didn’t seem to do much difference..and besides he said that’s what he needs right? just make it to your advantage.. improve yourself..he should be the one to regret in leaving you

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 22, 2016 at 6:42 am

      Hi Shelley,

      it’s really hard to do long distance and now his business is going to add up, it means it’s not really the best time for him but if you want to try, do you want to do nc?

  4. Jt

    April 20, 2016 at 8:35 am

    Hello. I have read the LDR page.

    My boyfriend of 2 years almost lives in Holland and I live in Denmark. He just broke up yesterday because he cant take arguments anymore. We see each other every month to bond. Have vacations. Then he finally broke up because I brought up an argument again. Then he loves me and still wants to be friends. He even wants to see me after I finally changed my self in a month but only as friends or just a little chance of reconciliaton.

    We just started not contacting now and I am planning on Going to Holland to change his mind because he told me he might fall for me again if i fly to him or get mad so bad. If I wait for a month he might finally move on. Why would he say he loves me and shut down his feelings and just be friends. ?

    1. Jt

      April 22, 2016 at 10:03 pm

      I did not tell him about the NC . He did not know. He asked for it actually.

      Hey thank you for replying. I hope i can have your viewpoint. My ex stilk loves me i know .but he gets too protective of himself. He once said he is protecting me and himself.

      He said that we can see each other after a month or if he sees change but maybe friends more or just goodbye. He doesnt want to give me false hopes but its confusing. He said i shoul stop chasing him but instead work for me and only me . Only then we could contact.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 2:22 pm

      ah.. he basically said you should move on.. I know it hurts but that’s what it actually means.. and if he sees you’re just changung because of him.. he might not even want to be friends.. so you really have to start moving on.. and when you’re more emotionally stable and both of you have your own lives, then it would be easier to start over as friends..

      aim to be the ungettable girl..he’s expecting you to change but I think he’s not expecting you to really fully move on.. don’t caption any of your post that you’re doing it for a change.. make it like just a casual post of the activity for the hour or the day..

    3. Jt

      April 22, 2016 at 9:58 pm

      Yes he did on our break up. If i fly over he said i might change his mind and it will hurt us.
      Completely ruin our chances of being friends. But he said i can come as a friend in his house. No sharing beds tho.
      Day 2
      He deletes photos but did not untag. Still on viber fb skype. Texting and calling calmy and remotely. He said i could not come coz we need time to heal and i should respect him.

      Day 3
      He said we could not contact anymore but did not block me to all social media. He also UNTAG every photo of us maybe he saw that I deleted ( hide of course) our profile and cover photos. My arw Albums still there tho. With his case.he left nothing in fb and ig. Hurts a lot.

      He said “we can still be friends and who knows what future brings.”


      I accidentally called him. He rang quickly. I called back stupidly saying why did you call? He said hes worried thats why he called back. And he just pushed it accdentally too. We talked for 15 mins. But i ended it first. I asked him if he got the new job and he was spilling but said we should stop . He said that we can be friends or More maybe in the future. Then i cut off. I told him i needed to go to gym and i signed up for church volunteers. He told me im doing well and i said bye . Hang up.

      Nc now. Nothing frm hm.

      Thankkssss for reply . X

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 22, 2016 at 6:18 am

      Hi Jt,

      does he know you’re going to do one month nc? And he said if you want crazy for him he’ll change his mind?

  5. Lindsay

    April 15, 2016 at 9:41 pm

    Hi Amor,
    My fiancé and I were together for 10 months. His work schedule is 2 weeks on and 2 off. He was working in my state and we met on a dating site. He moved him and his son to my side of the country for us to be together a month after we met. He was single for 10 years, I was in 2 different relationships in 10 years. He’s country and I’m city. So we are living together and he’s home half the month. About 4 months into us living together we start to have little fights about what we expect out of each other. We got into a big fight 6 months into our relationship and he left to go back home for a week, leaving his son here. He wanted to break it off then but didn’t and came back. I had started drinking a lot and becoming argumentative (I’ve been abused in every way shape and form in previous relationships and now I have this great country guy and don’t know how to treat him) we get into another huge fight 3 months later about legal trouble I didn’t want to handle (I’m stubborn) and he moved back with his son to his home state. I handled the legal troubles, stopped drinking, seeked professional help for my past. He said he didn’t want to argue anymore and if I could do that we would be fine. So he came back to me, and said I’m moving with him in a month to his house. Everything is going great…. I’m not arguing, treating him like a king and he tells me he doesn’t want to be intimate with me. So we argue about it lightly… I walk around the house for the next two days mumbling (complaining) under my breath. He’s getting ready to go back to work for two weeks, kisses me goodbye and says I love you, have the house packed up we are moving in 2 weeks. 4 hours later he TEXTS me and ends it, said its him not me. Then he doesn’t talk to me for a week. He blocked me. I went a little overboard in the crazy department and downloaded 2 free texting apps… He still didn’t respond…. I emailed him… Nothing! Then after a week he texts me and tells me he left because of my complaining under my breath… That he knows I can’t change being argumentative… Even though I’ve only been working on positive changes for a month now. He said I’m crazy and a drama queen. If I stated the nc today, am I wasting my time? Is he too far gone to come back? Both of the kids we have (not together) are heart broken… So am I!!! He works in my state, and the rental I’m in is in his name. He said I will see him again but he doesn’t want anything more then friends. We were engaged…. Then 4 days after he finally contacted me, we sent each other jokes for 5 hrs straight via text. But during that week he didn’t talk to me I said some pretty mean stuff, out of heartache and abondment issues. Can I get him back?!
    We still talk to each other’s kids everyday. As I’m the only mother his son has and my kids dad is crappy and she admired him. His whole family keeps telling him to not get back together with me, some of them I met for a couple of hours once and others I have ever met. So I know he’s listening to them as well. He says he sees our future being drama filled and argumentative.

    1. Lindsay

      April 16, 2016 at 7:49 pm

      I forgot to add, he still text messages me everyday, and this morning he text me to apologize for being crabby with me the last couple of days during his drive back home from work. I’m so confused….

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 18, 2016 at 4:39 am

      Hi Lindsay,

      The more important stuff is to work on how you communicate with each other.. because let’s say you do nc, you get a clean slate and you’re back to arguing to each other.. so, all of this is pointless if you don’t work out on how you to talk each other.. Talk about that stuff first.. If you’re talking now, and not fighting and having fun that’s good.. but talk about how you should handle disagreements before trying to do nc.. if you already talked about it and it doesn’t work, then yes do nc to break the cycle.. but keep in mind you have to maintain talking to each other calmly after nc when you have disagreements.

  6. Mel

    April 14, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    I had been dating my ex for about 1.5 years until he moved away for training (approx. 4 months). I had trouble with the decreased amount of communication in comparison to when we were in the same city. He heard me out and made an effort to try and call everyday. However, at times I would criticize him for not trying harder when he doesn’t message a “good morning” or “goodnight.” I know he has a busy and stressful life, but I couldn’t help but feel that it doesn’t take much effort to text a quick greeting. He got fed up and dumped me a few days ago saying he doesn’t care anymore. And the cliche thanks for all the memories and go find someone else who will treat you better. I now realize I was seeking attention and validation that he still cared which greatly affected our relationship. And I put so much value on these little things that I forgot to appreciate the things that he did do. A few days into NC and I’m wondering if there’s any hope to a reconciliation. What does “I don’t care” mean anyways from a guy’s perspective?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 17, 2016 at 1:37 pm

      Hi Mel,

      Maybe he said that out of frustration..

  7. Carla

    April 14, 2016 at 12:04 pm

    So my boyfriend and I had been in a LDR for 4 months. We are like perfect together, we texted all day and talked all night. Every time we were together, we couldn’t stop laughing and kissing… We had such a great time. But, here’s the plot twist. He got an UTI and he supposed that it was caused by an STI and accused me of cheating on him with many guys and lie to him multiple times, which isn’t true. Also, wrote that he didn’t wanted to see me or talk to me ever again, that we should just forget about our relationship. He means the world to me, and reading all those words over text really destroyed my heart. I tried calling him right away but he wouldn’t answer. So I went to the gyn and she said I didn’t have any STI so it couldn’t be me. Well obviously, I haven’t cheated on him! I tried calling him to explain it and he will just answer and leave the phone on the side. So I texted him explaining that I don’t have anything, that his UTI was probably caused by another thing and he answered with an OK. He doesn’t believe that Im faithful and it really hurts, after everything we had gone through and everything i had done to show him my love. He decides to just give all up on an assumption… I was planning on implementing the NC cause he will really feel my absence, as I said, we texted all day and talked all night. But I will have to break it to send him the lab results. I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t believe me anymore, but i didn’t cheated. HELP.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 14, 2016 at 1:14 pm

      Hi Carla,

      you already told the truth.. so you have to let him realize that coz if he doesn’t it’s not your fault anymore..give him space for now

  8. anonymous

    April 13, 2016 at 10:24 am

    hi.is it possible for me to get back my ex even afte he dumped me? i used the no contact already before i read your blog ,after 20 days he comes back and sent an e mail asking how am i doing hows work.but w/ my response,i dont know if it’s the appropriate ones.

    1. anonymous

      April 21, 2016 at 10:09 am

      the last message i had w/him is way back april 12,i asked if ” when can you have signal by chance,either in fb or viber,i wanted to talk to you,i hope you will grant me that request” it’s been 8 days now and still no response.but this is shorter period compared to last time he sent me an e mail again which took 17 days for him.i can assess that i became more conscious with my physical appearance,happy now to see changes somehow.i do more travels now,more photos taken in different nice places which ive never been before.more determined and productive in work.i come to realized things,but still i’m hoping that he’ll be coming back to me sooner.(is it fine to still think that way amor?”and
      oh,it’s a nice feeling to post photos(nice ones) in social media publicly and a lot of people recognized that it seems you’re enjoying every moment,(even if not that really,(wink)”.thanks a lot amor for being one great listener,adviser.would you still care to listen to my story if what will happen soon? ^_^

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 4:41 am

      it’s normal to still think about him, what’s more important is how you act on it.. take it slow.. right now, if it took 17 days before that means you have to wait along that time line for him to reply.. Of course you can share your story! We’d love to read it.

    3. anonymous

      April 19, 2016 at 2:46 am

      hi amor,

      what do you mean by it’s off? i’m sorry but i’m not sure if i understood the lines,and being proactive the time i used nc?,some days yes,but eventually it always comes back to missing him and tge memories,us.i reallt wanted to have him back w/me.do i still have a chance? and is there a chance of him going back to me again amor?kindly advise,thanks.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 21, 2016 at 8:59 am

      sorry I wasn’t clear! I meant it’s not a good sign that he didn’t reply to all of those.. and by proactive meaning doing activities to improve yourself and to help yourself heal.. it’s on that he still crosses your mind that’s normal.. you have to be active in helping yourself be more independent from him

    5. anonymous

      April 18, 2016 at 9:31 am

      hi amor,

      i replied,”even if my answer goes like i’m fine or not,there’s nothing would change right?you will care no more,right?”,and i sent again another e mail after 2 days stating ” you know what,if you’re just bored that’s why you’re sending me an e mail and asking how am i,you’re just giving me hope of having us back together again,which is another degree ofpain in my part,that’s why,if you don’t like me anymore,just don’t bother to ask if how am i.then i sent another message saying”i hope we can see each other before i leave so that things can be more formal this coming sept is my schedule to depart” then he replied,”so,you’re really leaving soon?,i hope we will see each other before you go,by sept,i’m in phils already”(he’s a seafarer by profession)

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 18, 2016 at 2:51 pm

      yeah, it’s off.. even if you used no contact, were you proactive for yourself during it? Did you improve yourself? Tried to find your independent happiness and heal?because you have to do that

    7. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 14, 2016 at 6:01 am

      Hi Anonymous,

      why,what did you send?

  9. Kelly

    April 13, 2016 at 12:09 am

    Okay so my ex boyfriend and I were together and a year and a half and then he broke up about a month ago because he said “we didn’t go well together and we just fought so much”. For the past month of us not being together, we’ve texted nearly everyday because I’ve texted him and thought he would come to his senses because he has once before. Well we had plans for me to visit him this weekend and he told me no because he didn’t want me to get my hopes up. So today is the first day of no contact. Is there still a chance for us if I start the no contact now, a month after our breakup…? He still says he’s in love with me and there’s a part that wants to be with me still but then he doesn’t want to text all the time and wants to stay broken up.

    1. Kelly

      April 13, 2016 at 12:46 am

      he’s an EXTREMELY stubborn guy. and I don’t think he would text me even if he wanted to…so what should I do?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 14, 2016 at 3:40 am

      Hi Kelly,

      I think he friendzoned you and because you were always talking, he’s not missing you.. Just be active in improving yourself and having fun.. show him that you can move on and what he will regret leaving you

  10. N

    April 12, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    Hi!! My boyfriend broke up with me last month. We were in ldr since a year. he is studying in USA. And going to come to india this may end. After our break up I literally tried to convince him alot and also begged alot. I think the reason he is giving is not the exact reason. He said that this break up is for the betterment of our future. Since our families are different. He also said that he is not happy with this relationship. Because we fought many times and I always broke up with him. But everytime we both get together because we cant live without eachother. I dont want to intentionally dominate but I think I did some mistakes with which he is not happy. I had often talked very rudely and he listened to it and did not spoke anything. But I think this time he broke his patience. Its been 5 days of nc and I dint get any text from his side. He said that this time his decision is final and he wont change it. I am going to apply 30 days nc period. And will text him next month. Also he is coming to india this may end. That time I will try to convince him. I cant afford your system as I am not working now and studying. Bt I really want him back. And I need your guidance for this. I want to know how to text him after no comtact period, how to approach him for getting back together and how to meet and what to say when we will meet this may end? And are you sure he will respond after this nc period?
    Please do help me to get him back. And please do reply on my comment. Waitingggg…

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 13, 2016 at 8:53 pm

      HI N,

      I’m sorry but we can’t assure that he will respond but here’s a guide on how to text him after nc and what to do:
      Texting An Ex Boyfriend (The New Rules)
      EBR 022- How To Text Your Ex Boyfriend
      What To Do If You Get The Dreaded “No Response” After No Contact

  11. Felicitas

    April 11, 2016 at 10:09 pm


    I had a 6 months LDR (we were already together for 1,5 years when I had to move away for work) and he broke up with me appr. 6 weeks ago. He broke up when I was actually just visiting him for a longer period (vacation) and the break up conversation came up, when I asked him why he was so distant, instead of beeing happy that I was there. I immediately left and went home, because he seemed very determined about his decision. But we kept in touch for almost a month, skyped, texted, talked through things a 1000 times. I know he was having a hard time during the LDR (way more than I did) and that the break up was hard for him too. So the reason why I kept in touch was, because I was hoping he would regret breaking up – and even though he cried a lot and was sad, he never changed his mind. Since things started to be redundant, I stopped talking to him almost two weeks ago. After one week he contacted me, asking me how I was and I didn’t reply. I am not sure what to do when the 30 days are over… That would be 2 months after we broke up, I am not sure if he will have changed his mind (since we talked about it before so many times) and I really don’t want to be the annoying girlfriend that can’t let go… What would you suggest?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 13, 2016 at 3:47 pm

      Hi Felicitas,

      If you hadn’t been active during the past weeks, you have to restart count and be proactive in having a new life… Do new activities and meet new people.. and then post it.. show him what he lost, to increase the chance that he regrets and miss you.. just don’t caption the post about him or the relationahip..yoh want him to think you are moving on

  12. Cecilia

    April 11, 2016 at 6:07 pm

    My (non-descript) SO and I broke up about a week ago. We’d only been seeing each other for a little over 2 months, beginning with hooking-up/friends with benefits then moving into dating in the last several weeks. Things moved really fast because of all the emotions involved, but other than seeing each other 2x a week we never spoke too much outside of it, and only texted occasionally. Finally, when I asked (over text) to speak to him in person about where this was going, he broke up with me over text. It was very surprising and out of the blue, since two days before he had told me how much he liked (almost loved) me, etc. etc. (and i know it was genuine). We met up in person a couple days later to talk out the break up, and he explained that he realized things were moving too fast. Since we wont see each other for 3 months over the summer before coming back to school in the fall, if we committed to a relationship now he would miss me like hell if we couldnt spend time together (we both have to work, etc). He said he still had a lot of feelings for me, but he wanted to break things off before they got even more serious. Also, he said there were some other family issues involved that he couldnt talk about.
    As I still very much care about him, I would like to keep in contact with him and maybe see where things go in the future (perhaps we can continue things next semester). If not that, then I would really like to stay friends with him at the least and keep in touch over the summer.
    I have done NC for the past week, but have not received any text messages from him. He showed up at an event of mine last week (which i had invited him to, but other friends of his were also there) and we did not speak to each other. Also, the day after we broke up was my birthday and he did not even congratulate me a happy bday. I am afraid that, since our relationship was so short (even though our emotions were extremely hightened), he will not contact me at all again. Should I do NC for a shorter period of time? Since I had initially told him I did not think we could be friends, I think he wont contact me because he doesnt think I want him in my life anymore. What other strategies can I use to get him back if our relationship was only short-term? (I feel like most of the stuff on this site applies mostly only to long-term/years of relationships)

    Thank you for your help!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 13, 2016 at 9:49 am

      Hi Cecilia,

      I think he would more likely not contact you if he thinks you want him back because he wouldn’t want to give you false hope.. So, be busy in nc.. show him you’re moving on but make it more for yourself. To regain self esteem..so, it can be easier to be back as friends.

  13. Saloni Desai

    April 5, 2016 at 4:12 am

    My name is Saloni & I Am An Indian Citizen Living In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. First of all i would like to share that My boyfriend lives in Kolkata, West Bengal In India & It was a long distant relationship from the beginning that is since 3 months & , just had met him once at the beginning of our relationship & thn never met, connected through sms facebook whatsapp skype ..& i just had a breakup with my (now ex) bf before 11 days. It was a truely serious relationship; he planned the future with me & wanted to marry me. But here my strong point is that we are still friends. But as per every break up he is ignoring me now.His Last Words after break up was that maybe he will never marry and want to be single whole of his life.. & Suddenly He had some plans of his career changed in his mind and by not being concentrated in his job and due to some of reasons he couldnt give much time to me as before.. As he explained me I agreed and explained him in return that i would never mind him not giving time to me each day.. as though we talked once in a week so… But my main problem is that after my break up two of my friend interfered in our matter and the thing is that i didnt knew about this interference and they were too rude to him as per asking and explain about not breaking up with me… We both had many arguments about this and now he is too upset with me ..
    And as it was our long distant relationship i meet him every six months or yearly as he lives in my mom’s hometown and mine and his both our moms are greatly close friends.. i just want to know that what should i do to as i still feel he loves me even after so much of arguments and my biggest mistake was that before and post break up i texted him till 3 -4 days which i accept tht was not to be done.. although he doesnt reply much but i know he still loves me .. i am extremely sorry to say that i am a student so i dnt have money and dnt have any credit card to pay you for your secret tips and programs that you help me fr this further & dnt want anyone to know that i want your help to get my ex back.I am also applying the NO CONTACT RULE till 30th April, but as per i know him, he will not at all contact me during the No Contact period, he stated at the time of break up that he wants to pursue his career, but is that the reason of not having me from that day in his life,.. ?? i want help because its a long distance thing, i know that deep inside he still loves me, but as per most of every breakups he is ignoring me right now, guide me for what should i text or sms or do after the no contact period to bring him back ?? What should i do..???? suggest & help.

    1. Saloni

      May 10, 2016 at 5:45 pm

      ya i did read & listen to the podcasts but what should i do when i meet him,??? i mean i do get his news through his mom & his cousin bro but thats not i really think the way i know about him because i dnt trust his bro so much and the other thing u said is correct i will focus on myself now & how to know his current relationship status ?? not updating that stuff on fb or social media too,… & how to behave when i meet him after 3-4 months ??

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 14, 2016 at 3:56 pm

      nope, don’t ask the people around him.. it’s better if you stop talking to them too because if he finds out, he will view you as stalking him through his relatives.. just act natural.. if you did nc right be then, you would be confident and you would be more comfortable around him because no matter what the result is, you’re more focused on yourself and having balance.. You’re already complete and you’re just talking to him to see if he’s still a good addition to your life..

    3. Saloni

      May 9, 2016 at 1:18 pm

      Hey Amor, see today i got some news of him from his bro that is he is already in a relationship with a new girl .. and thats what we call a rebound relationship right ??so what should i do next ?? indeed he is too far away from me & that too in a rebound one,… now what to do ???

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 9, 2016 at 5:48 pm

      it can be but with what’s happening, you have to focus more on continuing what you did during nc to improve yourself and check this post out.

      What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Moves On To A New Girl (Video)

      EBR 040: He Dumped Me For Another Girl… What Do I Do?

      EBR 015: How To Get A Long Distance Boyfriend Back If He Has A New Girlfriend
      those are actually more of a grass is greener case but it’s still helpful..

    5. Saloni

      May 5, 2016 at 10:24 am

      hey Amor, as u said i did message him a funnt meme kinda pic in text on whatsapp but he just saw and didn’t reply, which was such a funny meme about ghosts & me & my ex have very funny memories about ghost topic & even a normal person can laugh it out but he didnt react at all…now here i have two way things to say for why he didnt reply is that one he must be too busy in his work place & at home too as his mom is not so well healthwise & the other way is natural, he is acting way too cold with me as if I am not his friend also, just as a distant ex bf behaves & so right now as per ur guidance & as per no contact rule, what should i do .. because he is acting like he is too happy & posting every app thing on facebook & didnt even opened instagram at all when we both were committed but now he opened it & posted his 1st pic & so he is acting like too much happy he is without me & so now next suggesnt me what should i do.. ??

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 8, 2016 at 3:47 am

      yeah, it looks like he’s telling you to move on..

    7. Saloni

      May 3, 2016 at 4:16 am

      what should i send him ?? a funny meme or a joke that he can laugh it out ?? suggest….

    8. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 3, 2016 at 12:38 pm

      try an interesting topic, be it funny or what, but the more important thing is that he can reply to it.. you can send a meme or a joke but you would most like just get a haha or lol, that’s ok, if you have a follow up topic to keep the conversation going.

    9. Saloni

      May 1, 2016 at 11:37 am

      hey Amor, its a laughing stock of my case now.. but i just forgot to update u that yesterday i was busy in one of my music ( that’s side activity besides studies) exams and i was just thinking of re initiating texting him but before i do that his message arrived , texting me .. ” hey beautiful” 😛 lol… .. so what would i reply ?? i really didnt knew what to reply as i was busy too preparing fr exams.. i replied hii !! what’s up .. but then he again disappeared.. .. did i texted something wrong ?? and how can i know that it was him only from his phone.. i doubt because when his bro is with him they both are likely to flirt & have fun of such a thing flirt with girls and me especially…. ok if i also consider that he did so with his bro but what about the reply i gave,.. he just didnt reply me after seeing the msg… what should i do now.. ?? help

    10. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 1, 2016 at 3:26 pm

      at least you didn’t send another text after he didn’t reply. Try to text him what you were supposed to text before he sent that, try it 2 days from that incident

    11. Saloni Desai

      April 27, 2016 at 10:52 am

      i mean what to do next* ??

    12. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 1, 2016 at 4:17 am

      you can initiate texting now.. have you?

    13. Saloni Desai

      April 27, 2016 at 10:51 am

      ya finishing NC after 3 days & checked his post today he posts mostly of gymming & other workout session posts Bco he does a lot of gymming, workout & has a hectic schedule of as a hotelier.. so what to do net ??

    14. Saloni Desai

      April 24, 2016 at 3:31 pm

      hey amor as u said i listed all the interests and topics he likes but as mine was long distance one i dnt know him much as it lasted only fr 3 months and as u said to ask him i cant do that as i am in no contact rule with him right now since 24 days so suggest me wht should i do.. as i cant even call or text him right now & yes my plus point is that he said he still is my friend… suggest next step ??

    15. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 26, 2016 at 3:34 pm

      check out what he’s been currently posting when you finish nc,so you have an idea what you can work on.. 🙂

    16. Saloni Desai

      April 12, 2016 at 1:42 pm

      Ok thanxx Amor, i will list all his interesting topics that almost i know.. but what if i dnt know more ?? because my relationship was just of 3 months & i am keeping no contact rule since 1st of april .. suggest any other way to get through his interest ?? & his talks ?!

    17. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 13, 2016 at 8:56 pm

      Hmmm.. work around what you only know and present other topics that are connected with it in the current events or ask him about it. For example, if he likes motorcycle, get his opinion about a certain motorbike if it’s a good buy, or what it’s advantages are compared to other bikes.

    18. Saloni Desai

      April 9, 2016 at 10:21 am

      ok thanxx i read those two & should i use the 45 day no contact rule as its a long distance one ..?? and what should i text him firstly after no contact ??

    19. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 9, 2016 at 3:35 pm

      Try 30 days first, if you feel yoi need to extend that’s ok..think of interesting topics for him, list it down and then choose what he always talks about

    20. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 5, 2016 at 10:41 am

      Hi Saloni,

      make your no contact active and be active in posting about it. Maybe he’s really stressed with his career now but actually, a long distance relationship needs time, money and a plan to work. For texting you can refer to this blog posts:
      EBR 022- How To Text Your Ex Boyfriend
      Texting An Ex Boyfriend (The New Rules)

  14. A

    April 4, 2016 at 11:50 am


    I was with my bf for a year and a half, a year being long distance. We had a good system, we’d text once a day and I’d see him once a month. Eventually, the texting started to decrease, although I still saw him monthly, and it got hard for me. The last few months he has been going days without texting me and then when I would address it he would apologize – this happened on easter weekend (he ended up goingup north). The icing on the cake was when he did it again on my birthday. My mistake was jumping to conclusions and breaking it off out of anger, pain and impulse. Since then, I’ve texted him telling him that I’m sorry and I didn’t mean what I said (calling him a jerk and telling him not to talk to me)… also begging him to talk to me – he ignored all my messages. We were both in love and I feel like I broke my commitment by doing this. Do you think he is just really hurt right now? Would NC work?


    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 2:58 pm

      Hi A,

      he didn’t greet you in your bday? You have the right to be angry with that.. If he’s not replying, yes do nc

  15. Tina

    April 3, 2016 at 7:35 pm

    Hi, I did the 30 day no contacts rule (stayed strong even though he texted, I didn’t answer – yay), I initiated first contact via text, we’ve been texting very positively for a week now, almost like before and he even said that we would meet to talk when he’s back for business in my city (we live in different countries) and then suddenly with no warning he blocked me on whatsapp (after 6 days of contact) and I have no idea what I did wrong. What the hell does this mean again? I’m so confused.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 12:36 pm

      Hi tina,

      maybe it was an accident, or does he have a new girl?

  16. Lisa

    April 3, 2016 at 7:24 pm

    My boyfriend moved away to another city to better his life that’s what he told me he never told me he was moving he just left but after that we kept in contact as long distance thing but he later told me he wants a break because he work alot and is to busy I got scared and I think it’s a break up but we still kept in contact then I started thinking maybe it’s not meant to be so I unfriend him on facebook deleted his number and pictures now I miss him but I don’t think he really cares about me anymore I just don’t know what to do about the situation

    1. Lisa

      April 7, 2016 at 9:51 pm

      OK thanks so much he text back actually

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 9, 2016 at 5:25 am

      you’re welcome! that’s good

    3. Lisa

      April 4, 2016 at 8:42 pm

      I sent him a text since able to add him he didn’t respond I think he really over me

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 5, 2016 at 8:03 am

      if he doesn’t message after a week, then that’s when you can really try to move on

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 12:37 pm

      Hi Lisa,

      hmm, try to add him first and see if he reacts

  17. Natty

    April 3, 2016 at 3:52 am

    Me and my ex-boyfriend was in a long distance relationship for 5 years. Now that we broke up, we still are in a long distance relationship. And I just decided to take a step of having to implement this No Contact Rule. Today is my 1st day of having no communication with him. He sent me a message through Facebook and I ignored him. But it’s his birthday next week. Do I have to greet him on his birthday during the duration of my NC rule? I dont want him to think that I forgot his birthday and not even greeted him. Yet, I also don’t want to ruin my 30-day no contact with his m. What should I do??? I don’t know what must be done. I hope you can help me decide. Thank you.

    1. Natty

      April 5, 2016 at 3:58 am

      Well, I just had to implement this nc since I thought this could help him realize how much he would miss me and to give him time to find himself and to know what he really feels. One time he told me he wants me back and he’ll do everything to win me. But then, he admitted that there is this time when he feels like giving up too. He even told me that he wants to feel challenged (maybe, he’s certain enough that I’ll go back to him). So, I thought this nc would be one challenge for him. To make him feel distant.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 5, 2016 at 10:35 am

      Oh okay… Yes, nc is one of the ways that could make him feel challenged.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 9:09 am

      Hi Natty,
      if he sends 10 positive texts that day you should break the nc, but why did you do nc in the first place?

  18. Stephanie

    April 3, 2016 at 12:58 am

    Hi, my fiancé broke up with me after a 3 year ldr. He got tired of waiting for me, and asked me to live with him. We tried to see each other once a monrh, and after a while, everyone I would live the visit, he Baca me more and more distant, and angry, with not communicating for days at a time. I told him to stop diapering and also be respectful without using name calling. I felt he was just too fustrated and he kept threatening to move out of state. Finally he broke up with me via text. And blocked me on facebook. Seriously not sure if your guide applies to me. Please advise what would really work in this situation. Much appreciated for the best advice at this time. Women are so much more sensitive and need re assurance on the bundles to overcome.

    1. Stephanie

      April 24, 2016 at 8:24 am

      It’s been a month now with no contact I’m still blocked on his Facebook and he doesn’t have a phone for me to text what’s the best way for me to get ahold of him? landline and if so what do I say when I call? And yes he broke up with me out of anger and fustration.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 26, 2016 at 3:00 pm

      It’s better if you don’t call if you don’t know what to say and when you’re not emotionally prepared.. That’s why we prefer texts first before calls because with texts, you can think about what you should say first.. You can try email but hat would be awkward, so the safer option is to continue to work on yourself while waiting to be unblocked.

    3. Stephanie

      April 8, 2016 at 1:13 am

      Do you think I have a chance of being in a relationship with him, even if he blocked me from Facebook & once I suspended his phone to make him stop the name calling and abusive language. He changed his phone number. Therefore I have no contact information to text him after the 30 day No Contact.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 9, 2016 at 6:38 am

      sorry about my previous post..I meants nc not ldr… it depends if he did out anger there’s a chance.. but right now, nc should be more for you so be productive and post it.. you’ll bever know if he checks through a friends account

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 8:06 am

      Hi Stephanie,
      if he’s being unreasonable then ldr would be good to make him think and reflecr

  19. EBR Team Member: Amor

    March 31, 2016 at 1:18 pm

    Hi Anna,

    sorry for the late reply.. Restart no contact but do it to regain balance.. You’re being clingy and chasing him.. Find your own happiness first, don’t beg.. Improve yourself and reflect.. I’m not saying this will solve your relationship problem but it will help you to be more ready in a relationship if ever you get back or get into a new relationship in the future

  20. Elizabeth

    March 31, 2016 at 4:03 am

    I’m 5 days in to NC. I have been with my boyfriend 4 yrs total, 8 months LDR. Recently I found out he cheated on me with another woman. When I confronted him via text and asked for an explication he completely shut down and has not spoken to me since. I have decided to cut him out of my life. I deactivated my FB and blocked his #. Problem is I’m pregnant with our second child and it’s high risk. Also our first child will soon have a birthday in a few weeks. How should I go about NC? We previously communicated at least twice a day and we visited each other regularly about every 2-3 weeks.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 3, 2016 at 10:03 am

      HI Elizabeth,

      Whatever lowers your stress right now do it for the baby.. But do it with as much as logic as you can. If you can’t talk to him, just be silent for now. Then unblock him if you need to tell something to him regarding the children.

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