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5,236 thoughts on “The Complete Guide To Getting An Ex Boyfriend Back In A Long Distance Relationship”

  1. Angel

    August 18, 2015 at 10:37 am

    i would be very thankful to get ur advice in this painful period of time. it’s been 2 months for our breakup . we were together for 4 years which includes 1 year of distance(currently). in this distance there wasn’t a day when we didnt skype. Apart from that our religion,life style and race differs completely. he knew this from the beginning that we got to work hard for our relationship and he was ready for it to fight till the end. during distance relationship,he came to meet me for 2 weeks. it was all good.he was happy ( at least i thought so) and i was happy too. but one day he said to me that he talked with his sister about our relationship and she rejected our relation .As she is the only who can convince his family,he lost hope and gave up when she said no. he said that our relationship is over and doesn’t want to hurt his mother in future. 4 years and he just tried to convince once.just reminds me of every promises he made to fight till the end. i really don’t know what caused our break up whether different religious background or distance he requested me to be friend and i talk with him only when i cannot control myself to talk in 3-4 days of gap.it’s happening for 2 months now. i really do not know what should i do.till this time,in one hand he says to me he loves me and i m perfect for him but on the other hand he says,’he will pray for me to get a better man’. i don’t know whether there is a hope to get him back. i know he loves me in the same time i don’t think he has courage to fight for our love which he had in our relationship.please i m stuck in the middle of now where.neither i seem to move on nor i m getting him back . my ex never ignores me,replies mine every single text, Skype with me whenever i want even i have ignored him for few times,and loves me still .just the problem is he doesn’t want to get back together. how can i get him back ? he is a very good person and i don’t want to lose him in any cost.

  2. Kat

    August 17, 2015 at 11:45 am

    I have come across your website after over a month of successful no contact, in which I travelled in Australia and have now arrived home to start freelance work which I am loving. I feel I am in a much better place than when I was in our relationship before and can see that having no plan or aim to us ultimately ending our long distance and being together made it impossible (and was the main reason for us splitting up), it was a rushed and sudden decision by my ex to end our relationship but I do think the good one to certain extent, I have been able to clear my head work out what I want to do with my career clear about how my true feeling for my ex and feel in a position that I could actually make it work where as when we were together I was not in any state of mind or position to do so. I think it would have been impossible to work out these issues together. After over a month of no contact I text my ex first on his birthday, I sent him best wished and told him the news that I had got a first in my degree. I got a very positive response from him back, and said he hoped I was having an amazing time away, but did not reply.. I was still in Australia at the time. It has been over three weeks since then and I feel I am in the right place to begin contact following your steps here and hopefully ultimately aim for a conversation where we can discuss our past relationship and feelings.
    I have a few questions about the contact.
    In the position as I am having already contacted him but then cut off and left it for a while, where should I start with breeching contact again?
    How long should I leave it between the various stages of contact you suggest?
    Also my ex is and always was slow with messaging, when we were together but we tended talked regularly on the phone with texts in between and pretty much every day, but even when things were going well it could take several hours or be the next day for him to reply. I feel like this could cause an issue, do you have any advise?

    Thanks 🙂

  3. Giselle

    August 17, 2015 at 6:41 am

    It’s been a month since I and the guy who I dated last year spoke to each other online. He doesn’t send me interesting messages anymore and sounds dry to talk to…he wouldn’t talk about how his day goes or ask about mine unlike before. I replied to his last text, where he told me he’s really busy with work, and since then he didn’t answer. I just feel bad because he’s often online. Is there a way for me to change everything and bring it back to how it was when we were happily chatting with each other every week? Need help, it hurts.

  4. Gabrielle

    August 13, 2015 at 8:50 pm

    I’ve done everything in this article, and so far everything has worked very well. Thank you, Chris! I’m actually meeting my ex boyfriend soon because he wants to see me. We talked about our relationship over Skype and he is still very confused about his feelings and thinks we should decide when we see each other in a couple weeks, but he said he really wanted to have sex with me and if I would be okay with that without committing. I said I wasn’t sure I would have to wait and see. I am getting the vibe that he only wants to have sex and not commit to me, I read other articles about not doing it until he commits. I live in Texas and he lives in Pennsylvania and we dated for 3 years. So what is your advice? Should I not do it until he commits? It is a very powerful tool I’m just afraid that he might get tired and say she is so far away, I’ll stop chasing her.

  5. Kelly

    August 13, 2015 at 7:28 pm

    Hi Chris, thank you for posting this.. it actually helped me a lot on calming myself.
    I just need extra advice from you…
    My ex bf and I were in a long distance relationship. We met online and he approached me first.
    He told me that I am his ideal girl.. personality, looks,, and all.
    we were talking for 2 months straight and finally decided to meet up.
    He came to see me (5hrs away).. we had good time and he went back.
    About the following week, he invited me over and I went to see him.
    we were seeing each other 4 weeks consecutively. we were good back then.
    And after that, he asked me out and we were together (after 4 months of initial online encounter)
    However, after that, we were both busy with work and ended up seeing each other once in 3 weeks or maybe a month.
    and we had some conflicts and he started to realized that we have much different personalities and hard time understanding each other’s way of thinking..
    I asked him if he can talk to me as often as he used to when he tried to win my heart..
    and he said he will try.. I guess it wasn’t that easy for him..
    He saw me being sad and depressed because he wasn’t doing enough for me.
    He finally told me by text message that we should stop here.. (6 months from the initial online thing).. he said, apparently he cant fulfill my needs and he said im too needy..
    I called him that night cuz I wanted to talk out but he didn’t pick up.
    so I left him a voice note (messaging app we used to use)… telling him that I really liked him and I have tried everything I can to make this work. but apparently my hard work was overwhelming you and I can’t do much about it anymore. I told him I really liked him and will be missing him. it was very calm good bye message as if I will let him go… (this was 3 am since I saw his message at 2:30 am and it was sent at 12:30am that night)
    He replied me back with a voice note saying he’s sorry and he said he didn’t deserve me.
    basically telling me to meet a better man than himself. He told me that the fact that we are in LDR matters and we get more serious and start hurting each other, it is better to break up here…

    after listening to this message,, I wanted to send him a reply but I didn’t.. I tried to hold back and was thinking to go and see him on the weekend..

    would this 30 day NC rule work for this case also? Im afraid that he would just forget about me completely and start moving on… How should I win him back?
    please help me…

  6. Angel

    August 13, 2015 at 12:58 pm

    brilliant article, from the advice to the composition, simply genius. in fact, by the end of this article one should either have an excellent plan to work-over the male psyche ooooorrr… just say screw it, lol… it really is a lot of work for very little in return and only to find yourself in the same predicament with the same person, once you get tired of the head-games it takes to keep a male interested. women often get accused of using their ‘wiles’ or manipulating men to get what they want but, obviously, they encourage it. i find the whole shebang a total freakin’ bore. mature people don’t have to use these tactics, they just enjoy life together or move the f**k on. that being said, i will definitely be using some of these tactics to “leave him wanting more” as i walk out the door. it’s not easy to breakup with someone you love but know it won’t work out in the long-run but, whether you still love them or not, never be the last one to look back, i say.

  7. Melisa

    August 12, 2015 at 4:49 am

    Hey Chris,

    I purchased your Ex BF recovery pro guide awhile back and my boyfriend of 1.5 years broke up once I graduated college and he’s still in college.

    I implemented the NC rule which worked out well and we had been Skyping/FaceTiming where he would mention how much he missed me, when would be the next time we could see each other, give me compliments and examples of what he loved about me. We got into a fight over Skype and that’s when he distanced himself saying that we’re not in a relationship so I shouldn’t have gotten angry over nothing. Since then, he’s been more distant and hasn’t been as loving?

    Why is he acting this way and should I re-implement the NC? What’s the game plan now to put myself in a position where he’s chasing me again? And how do I do it now that we’re long distance?

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 19, 2015 at 3:35 pm

      What was the fight over? He sounds like he’s just very easy to throw in the towel which isn’t good for relationships. He will have a hard time with anyone. You will have to figure out a way to move closer together if you want to make it work long term. Short term, yes go into no contact for 21 days and then try again.

  8. Jane

    August 10, 2015 at 3:28 pm

    Hi again, Chris.

    You didn’t reply on my previous question, but I understand you can’t reply to all the comments, but I’ll give it a shot again and ask a new question. So, I have completed the 30 days of no contact successfully – I didn’t contact him at all, I’ve been posting on facebook pretty photos of myself, and with friends when I would go out, and he gave a like on pretty much everything I posted during the no contact period. After that, I’ve completed the steps: “Your first contact after NC”, “The random meme”, “The remember the good times text message”, and “Let’s sprinkle in a little jealousy”. I followed all the rules you’ve stated and the more we would talk, our conversations would get longer and deeper, but while his responses to all of that, and my jokes, were very positive, I don’t feel like I should go to the next step yet, I feel like – if I send him a message out of the blue like you said in the “Time to kick things up a notch” step, he would be startled or something. So, I’m kind of stuck right now and I don’t know what to do. Yesterday we didn’t talk at all, and I’m wondering if I should wait for him to contact me again, or should I contact him first again – which of those would be in my advantage? And if I should be the one to contact him again – what would I say? So far we’ve been talking about what we’re up to, he even sent me a pic of his face, and it’s been really positive and I feel like he still cares about me, but as I said – I’m stuck at what I should do next. Like, how long is too long to wait before we chat again? How often should we chat?

    I hope you respond this time. Thanks!

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 13, 2015 at 12:32 pm

      Go with your instincts, every person and relationship is different. Sounds like your doing all the right things so far. So to rebuild the attraction you should talk to him in the beginning 1-2 times per week and increase it slowly if you are getting positive responses. It sounds like you are at the point where your talking 3 times a week? Have you tried to meet up yet? If you do keep the dates short.

  9. Victoria

    August 10, 2015 at 5:57 am

    Hi Chris,
    I would appreciate your perspective and thoughts. My bf and I were together for 2.5 years, 1 year being LDR (transatlantic). I recently got a pretty good job that gets my foot in the door for starting my career, and includes benefits. My bf is still finishing up school, but there is little prospect for employment where he is (most others have gone elsewhere to work, London, Vienna, etc.). He’s launching his own business under a corp. that won’t start paying a meager salary till Sep.
    I did a lot of soul-searching myself about my future and us, and I decided that next September, I would like to do a Master’s Program in the UK–that way we could at least be in the same continent, and it would give me a year to complete this work experience for the resume and amass some funds.
    I don’t mind the LDR so much for logical reasons, in order for us to have real freedom to work and be together in each other’s respective countries is probably marriage, and I never inserted any pressure until now. I had tried to get Euro citizenship on my own through my heritage, but the process is tedious and I may not even be eligible b/c of a technicality (I wanted it before I met my bf).
    Chris, I loved my bf. I counted on him, and he was there for me in a way that nobody had ever been. He is the first person I think of when I wake and when I go to sleep. He was the first person I called when something went right or went wrong, someone I turned to for advice. I know that LDRs are difficult when you don’t see a light at the end. Towards the end of June, he finally finished exams, so I thought it would be easier to coordinate our conversations, but a week went by, and I felt like I was walking on eggshells when I reached out to him (which I had never felt before). I finally confronted him on fireworks day, if he even still wanted to be with me, and to my surprise he confessed he did not know. He said he felt inauthentic whenever he said the words: “I love you’ and did not know if he was in love with me anymore and he was sure he would not get married at this age (he’s two years younger than me). I got upset, I requested he think about what makes him happy and if he sees me in his future, to let me know because I was very sure that I saw him in my future and my feelings for him. He had to go, but he said he’d call me later–we have never gone a day without contacting the other and I did not hear from him till two days later to reiterate his confusion, and asking me to do what I wanted/needed to do (if I wanted to come visit in August, or whatever). There was a lot of crying, but I laid bare my devotion to him and my commitment to make it work. I did not really understand the do what I need to do b/c I am pursuing my dreams, and I’ve encouraged him to do the same.
    Because there was no definitive “breakup” from what I understood, I did not do any hardcore NC. He sometimes messaged me, sometimes I messaged him–however it was always light, on a friend level from his side, and I did not broach the subject because I had a pending exam that I needed to pass for work, so I did not want to add any more stress than I already had. He wished me luck, and I texted him first the next two days (my despair at these games is indescribable), but we did not talk on the phone–I was committed to having the conversation that I had been postponing for when he would/might call me. Then the Mon morning (dutiful to the game), I initiated NC from my end. Tomorrow will be the 15th day. I have not heard one word from him. No updates on FB, but the USA flag that had been the whatsapp status for over a year was changed to a funny icon.
    It seems to me at this stage, it’s rational to talk about marriage, esp. considering the circumstances. My soul-searching was real, and words can’t express how relieved I felt when I decided that direction. Is the breakdown in communication reparable? It’s been over a month since the initial conversation. It’s not so much the pain I feel now from the absence, but the prospect of killing my feelings for him that saddens me if that is what I have to do. How can you rekindle something with the unwilling? How will I know? It’s these thoughts that make me question whether it’s worth to ever reach out, or do I wait indefinitely for them to make the first move if they ever do? If they never do, isn’t that my answer?

  10. Alexandra

    August 8, 2015 at 2:24 am

    Ok, it’s been 2 months i’m in a ldr, that in the beggining this guy would send a msg in every minute, but over the time i noticed a change, he started responding back some hours later, and then it’s been almost 2 weeks that he’s ignoring my msgs and calls on whatsapp, he checks my msgs but won’t respond, he goes online and upgrades his profile picture and status but still ignoring me, so i gave up on trying to contact him if he won’t respond back… this is hurting so bad, i don’t even know what’s going on with him, and it’s really confusing because in our last conversation everything was ok. Pls i’d like some help, what should i do??

  11. HILDA

    August 7, 2015 at 5:38 pm

    Hi Chris,
    my boyfriend of a year broke up with me because he says he does not feel we flow or connect. the next day he started sending text and calling. i ignored for about 22 days and picked his call on the 23rd now we are in contact and today he said he missed me which i ignored. what should i do. its a distance relationship.

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 17, 2015 at 6:09 pm

      Write him a totally different text today (Ignoring the miss you text he sent) Send one that is sweet. Something like I was watching _______ yesterday with my mom, and it reminded me of you. You don’t need to use jealously at this point yet. I’ll let you know if you need to bring it to that level.

  12. Louise

    August 7, 2015 at 6:01 am

    Hi Chris,

    My ex and I were together 5 years ( 4 long distance). We started having serious communication and trust issues two years ago and a few months ago he ended it saying that he was tired of waiting for me to trust him and decide what I want. I went NC and sent the engagement ring back. He was furious when he received it and vicious fighting ensued. I went back into NC after sending Jim a closure letter which he responded to with anger. I’ve been NC for 30 days, he called me almost two weeks ago – late at night (since the breakup he’s only ever called late at night, claiming he doesn’t want his teen daughter to hear our conversations – I don’t believe that), I didn’t answer. We’ve not spoken by phone, text etc. in two months but I sent a closure letter a month ago and didn’t reply to his response or call. He has also apparently unblocked me as he’s showing up on my online contacts lists. I’m not sure of what to make of his behavior. Should I remain NC until he makes his intentions plain?

    1. Louise

      August 30, 2015 at 4:28 pm

      I contacted him to get it off my chest. I’ve sent 5 emails and called once. I initially was thinking of reconciliation but that’s out now. It is definitely his sex profile because he’s using a photo of himself from over 15 years ago and lying about his age. No one but him has that photo. On the page he says he’s looking for someone to have sex with. It seems to be an act of desperation and it’s risky behavior I couldn’t abide even after reconciliation. I’m surprised by it actually. Now I just want to get things off my chest.

    2. Louise

      August 29, 2015 at 2:09 am

      Hi Chris,

      I was prepared to contact my ex but decided to Google him first and I found him listed on a hookup site looking for sex. It hurt quite a bit. I ended up sending him an email saying I wish he thought himself worth more than that.

    3. Chris Seiter

      August 30, 2015 at 3:30 pm

      If you contact him, are you doing it to not get back with him again and get those feelings off your chest? Personally I don’t think you should go back with him but if you want to that is up to you. How do you know it’s him for sure on the “hookup site?” Is it possible someone else created it, I know unlikely but it can happen. How do you know he is just looking for sex?

    4. Louise

      August 16, 2015 at 9:17 pm

      Hi Chris,

      Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. In answer to your question, the closure letter said that I forgave him and myself for all the things that were done wrong in our relationship and have decided to see it as a great lesson despite the pain and heart ache. I also thanked him for loving me and told him that I wished only the best for him. He replied saying he rejected everything good in the letter and doubted my sincerity. I never replied to his response and two weeks later I received the late night call from him that I didn’t answer – he left no voicemail and hasn’t called back, it’s been three weeks. Feels like he’s waiting me out. When I wrote the letter I didn’t want him back, I just wanted a peaceful parting. Now I do want him back but it has been almost two months of no contact and I don’t know his relationship status or if it would work since I’ve changed so much. I’m not sure what to make of his call and anger at the closure letter and returned engagement ring either. At what point do I stop NC, if I want him back? Right now NC feels safe for me. I’m not sure what I’d say if I decided to end it and reach out to him.

      Thank you,

    5. Chris Seiter

      August 17, 2015 at 8:52 pm

      If you’ve been in no contact for 2 months you can send him a test text now. Read the post about using texts to get your ex back. You will have to send him a creative sweet text to feel him out. It sounds like he was hurt by your letter and wanted you back at that point but was still angry. (This is actually good)

    6. Chris Seiter

      August 13, 2015 at 4:50 pm

      You said you sent a closure letter? What did the letter say? Why did you send a closure letter, do you want him back or are you trying to move on? Yes stay in no contact.

  13. Victoria

    August 2, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    Hey Chris,

    My ex boyfriend and I had been in a relationship for a little over 3 years before he broke up with me. Our breakup happened right after the new year, around the first week of January. Unfortunately, I did all of the things a girl is NOT supposed to do to get her ex back. I called, I texted, I argued, I cried, I whined, and it was horrible. However, that whole time, my ex was open to talk to me. He still picked up almost every phone call, he replied to every text message, but I knew that obviously he couldn’t explain more to me about the breakup. I just had so many unanswered questions. But he couldn’t answer them. If you asked me if my ex cares about me, I would say yes, because he has told me himself. The same goes for if he loves me. He does. Honestly, I would say the main reason why we are not together is because of long distance. We have planned for me to visit sometime in the beginning of September. So just recently, as of last night after he replied to a text message I sent him in a very rude and hateful way, I decided that I NEEDED to finally implement No Contact. I had tried a couple times before but always caved if he sent me a sweet text or a “remember when this happened” text. But not this time. This time I will not speak to him at all until my full 30 days are up. I just wanted to know if it was a good thing that we were both planning for me to go and visit him, and the fact that he WANTS me to visit him before I had even implemented the NC rule at all? You see, I know he is still attracted to me, I know he still loves me, and I know that he wouldn’t do anything to deliberately hurt me. He’s a good man. But, his priorities are all mixed up, and he doesn’t want to take the time to communicate with me at all. He came and visited around the end of March, and we talked and had sex and basically it was like we never broke up. We spoke about the break up and he told me it was because he didn’t have his shit together yet and that “when he was ready, this is what he wanted”. (“This” referring to a relationship with me). if you have any advice, feel free to give it to me straight out, I am not afraid of the truth.

    Thank you!

  14. Olga

    August 2, 2015 at 11:39 am

    Hi Chris!
    My boyfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship for almost two years. Two months ago he moved to a new place and started working at a new job and meeting new people, so his life became a lot more exciting than it was before. I, however, was going through a bad time in my life dealing with a lot of stress and negative emotions, so I kept telling him how lonely I felt and how I was scared to lose him, even though he always told me not to worry and that he would always love me and never gave me reason to doubt him. I guess eventually he got tired of my constant whining and clingy behaviour and started being more distant. Then I started having panic attacks and we had fights several times because of me throwing a tantrum and repeatedly calling him on skype dozens of times like a crazy person. After we made up it seemed ok for a while, but then we arranged to skype one time and he wasn’t there. The morning after he apologized and said he fell asleep (we have a 7 hour time difference), and said that he didn’t feel like he was a worthy boyfriend anymore. I told him to call me, but he didn’t call or respond to my message for two days. Then I had another panic attack and sent him several long whining texts in a row and ended up telling him that he was acting cowardly and if he wants to break up he should grow some balls and just say that honestly. He replied that he never said he wanted to break up and just needed a few days to himself because he was tired and stressed, and added “but if you want me to say shit so bad then fine I need a break”.
    Now that I have read a lot of articles on the topic I realize how wrong and stupid I was acting from the very beginning and that I could have probably prevented all of it if I had read this guide a long time ago, but I didn’t do any reading before so I had no idea how to act and thought being pathetic and begging would help (stupid, I know).
    So after he said he needed a break I removed Messenger and didn’t contact him for three weeks. I didn’t know about the no-contact rule then so I thought three weeks would be enough. Then I made another mistake, I texted him saying I was sorry many times and asked if he still wanted to be with me. He said he was extremely offended I had called him a coward, but he still wanted to try again. We even skyped for a short time and he was really nice and said he loved me and still wanted to be with me, and it all seemed ok, but then I freaked out again and started pretty much begging him to be more affectionate and to devote more time to me and begged him to call me on skype again (he kept saying he was exhaused from work and had no time). Of course he got very annoyed and our texting became brief up to the point where we exchanged like three texts a day. Yesterday he didn’t text me at all (he has always texted me good morning for two years except for when we were on a break), so I’m guessing he will start ignoring me again.
    I’m really mad at myself because I realize I have spoiled everything from the beginning when I started acting too needy, and I’m frustrated because it would be easier for me if he said he wanted to break up, but he says he doesnt, yet he keeps being very distant and brief and now apparently is not talking to me at all. I really want him to fall in love with me again, but I understand that I need to work on myself a lot, so I just want to ask what I should do now and how I should act, will the NC rule help in this case?

  15. Kayla

    July 31, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    Hello Chris,
    I have reading the ex boyfriend recovery pro for the past few days and although I am beyond happy I found your website I am not sure if it will work for me ( I know you have heard that a thousand times). I was still in the “talking” stage (8 months) and i’m not sure if that will be enough to make a difference. Yes our friends always said it was more than just friends but I’m really just not sure. I nevertheless have started the NC 5 days in and I’m just hoping that something will work. I was the one to end things because of a number of things i.e distance, lack of communication skills, missing him all the time, feeling like a last priority, and feeling like i was never being taken serious. We ended on good terms and after I sent him this long thought out text he gave me a simple “makes sense, the distance makes things hard for us”. I was and have been emotional about it but I’m not sure if I a recovery is possible being that be was never my boyfriend. I really don’t know why I am so stuck on him because I am never really one to get hung up on people but something about this is different. I really don’t know what else to do. I have not contacted him and I know his pride will not allow him to do the same. With that i’m an trying to determine if it is worth it to go through all of this ? I don’t want to go back into the same situation and have insecurities break us apart again.

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 10, 2015 at 10:07 pm

      Just to give you a little hope, my wife and I were long distance before we got married so it can work. You will have to have a plan to end up together in the end though. Do the no contact and after 30 days you will have to be the one to contact him most likely but make sure you read the ex boyfriend recovery pro before reaching out to make sure you send him the right texts.

  16. mahria

    July 30, 2015 at 7:22 pm

    Hi chris i need so help,
    I did the no contact rule nd a few days a go i contacted him asking for a favor nd he said that he couldn’t help me because he would feel very uncomfortable because there is a girl that is staying with him, he said that they aren’t doing anything but that it would be uncomfortable.said that he wasn’t trying to be mean but why don’t i ask one of my friends. I told him that i was ok he said ok and have a goodnight. Nd 2 days later i txted him saying that i agree with the beakup and that i apologized for anything inconvenience i caused him and that i had some good this happene to me nd that i would like to share with him some day. He replyed na im good. So i told him how i have somethings that belong to him and he told me to keep them or do what i want with them. I told him that im not doing this to get him back nd he said that he just doesn’t want them any more. What should i do!?? Do i start the NC rule again? PLEASE HELP i want him back.

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 6, 2015 at 9:43 pm

      Yes you should restart the no contact rule, how long was the total time you were able to do the no contact for?

    2. Chris Seiter

      August 6, 2015 at 8:56 pm

      It sounds like he’s shutting you out. I would recommend going into no contact for another 30 days. Also asking him for a favor might not be the best first text. You need to test the waters first. Have you read the Ebook yet?

  17. Alicia

    July 30, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    Hi Chris,
    Me and my ex was in LDR and he broke up with me using text saying “don’t bother contacting me.i am done.” He blocked me on whatsapp,wechat & even unfriend me on facebook.i assume he deleted everything he has about me..i am now feeling helpless and today it’s the 4th day..i love him veey much and i always speak with care.but i end up frust and both argue using text which didnt end up well. I’m very regret to send the awful sentence to him and i rarely this impulsive…what should i do now?will there be any hope for him to come back and contact me?

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 6, 2015 at 7:16 pm

      What was the arguments about? Long distance relationships can be tough. The best way through it is to have a plan to end up together. One of the two people will have to move for the other. You will have to do no contact for 30 days to have a shot. It sounds like it was an impulsive breakup and when emotion runs high like that it’s pretty common for people to block their ex from social media. Give him some time to cool down.

  18. Tanya

    July 28, 2015 at 9:33 pm


    SPoke to my ex yesterday. It’s been 2 years since our long distance break up.
    He says he still cares, but isn’t sure if it can go beyond caring, and the mean things we said to each other will always be on the back of his mind. He says that we should live the best we can where we are, and I should know that this may never happen.

    I know things went bad towards the end, but it was a lot of circumstances (like parents not on board for a wedding etc.) . We were together for 6.5 years.

    I am tired of waiting, but I do believe there is tonnes of misunderstanding, and I understand he needs his time and space. But its been two years. Is it really that hard for him to forgive and try again.

    What do you suggest

    1. TANYA

      August 1, 2015 at 7:17 am

      HI Chris

      Would really appreciate your inputs, if there is even the slightest chance, I would like to use it and get back.

      Many thanks

    2. Chris Seiter

      August 10, 2015 at 9:44 pm

      Yep, read the post on no contact and follow it exactly. That is your best bet.

  19. B

    July 22, 2015 at 9:25 am

    Please give me some advice 🙁

    My LD Ex and I have been together just a few weeks shy of a year. He failed his Masters degree and everything went spiraling out of control. He told me there were ‘high chances’ of us breaking up. He wouldnt even speak to me on the phone because he ‘didnt want to hear me cry.’ He was awful to me, really. Like an idiot I kept calling – he would pick up. He apologised for how he’d treated me. I asked if we should still talk and he said ‘You’re still my best friend I think we should stay in contact.’ But I felt quite disrespected so I ignored him. Finally, in response to his ‘hello??’ messages, I said I wanted to take time to reflect and he should do the same and that I’ll give him a call when I’m ready. He didn’t reply.

    He messaged me last week for some religious celebrations and I sent a short simple response. I haven’t heard from him since.

    What should I do? Should I call? Finish NC period?
    help 🙁 x

  20. Lisa Vermon

    July 21, 2015 at 6:38 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I am so happy I stumbled upon this website, it is very helpful and insightful. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. This passed year has been mostly long distance and very difficult. In august of last year I moved away for college though its only 4 hours it still became difficult for us since i waant able to go home every weekend or he wasnt able to drive down as well. In september i felt that i needed to be alone to get to know myself better and he was crushed that i broke up with him. Fortunately it only lasted 5 days and we got back together and everything was back to normal. For the first two years we were so happy and inseparable that you wouldnt think about him and not think about me and vice versa. It was always me and him all the time. So thats what i mean by normal. But his family had moved away to TN and he stayed back in IL to be with me, but i ended up moving to college. So up until this April (anniversary month) he told me one night that he decided to move with his family in TN but that he promised he would visit once a month. I told him not to make that promise cause i know how life works and it does not always work in our favor. Anyway, we both cried that night and now hes been moved for about two months and now hes the one that wanted space. I’m not sure if he wants payback or what but he says he felt claustrophobic and last week we barely talked and he said he had been feeling better. So he has told me he wanted to take a break and all last week i had begged him not to but yesterday i told him the break would be good for me too and he did seem a little surprised (reverse psychology ). But so we decided we would take a break for the next 20 days… And I am dying to know if it is possible that this can work on him.. He is still mine and he says he loves me but his actions say otherwise and I really want us to be the same lovable couple we used to be… So please let me know if this can possibly work. Thank you very much!

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