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5,236 thoughts on “The Complete Guide To Getting An Ex Boyfriend Back In A Long Distance Relationship”

  1. Jessie

    April 23, 2015 at 11:58 pm

    My ex-boyfriend and I broke up because he said he couldn’t handle not being together after we visit anymore.. that it hurt too much. He says that the love he has for me is always going to be there and he still wants me in his life as a friend if I am okay with that. I’m not ready to give up and be just friends knowing that it was the distance and not us as a couple that was the reason we broke up. I’m worried the no contact rule will just make him think I hate him though.

    1. Jessie

      April 25, 2015 at 4:05 pm

      Yes, we would have been under the ‘Internet To Person LDR’ I think. We were together for a year and a half, I live in the US and he lives in Scotland. We visited three times in that year and a half for about 2-3 weeks at a time and we had a trip planned out.

    2. Chris Seiter

      April 24, 2015 at 10:51 pm

      You guys are LD?

  2. swallowtail

    April 23, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    Hi Chris,

    my situation is all the more complex as my boyfriend (46 yrs) is in the military and lost his family to a car accident
    four years ago, while away from home on a mission. I am a busy woman with three children.
    We have been in LDR for 6 months. I accepted this, knowing I’d have to learn if I wanted to stay with him.
    All was great until I
    convinced him he should let his walls down and spend some intimate time with me – something he had not done
    with anyone since his wife’s death. Following that night, he started slowly pushing me away.
    Generally I am not a controlling or clingy woman, but his gradual withdrawal which involved refusing to send me
    his photos or go on Skype, and eventually making up excuses why he can’t visit….
    caused me to become more forceful, basically fighting for our relationship to survive. I made an extra effort for his sake.
    He would accept and respond
    with happiness to my photos but would not send me any of his, so as not to cause my emotions to well up and wanting
    to slow and calm things down as much as possible.
    Basically, the way i see it now, I made myself too available.
    Eventually, two weeks ago, after a not very successful PS session, I had a mild breakdown and asked him if
    he still wanted us to keep in touch. He wouldn’t respond immediately. Finally, when I reached him, I found out
    he had just lost his father 🙁 He sounded distant and said I should “give him time… to sort out things”… that he
    needs to stay in peace. “Deep inside I feel that, besides his personal life being too tumultuous right now,
    I had pushed him and things happened too soon. What do you think,
    besides me staying away at this point (30 days or as long as it takes), is there anything
    I could have done differently? AM I losing him?


    1. Chris Seiter

      April 24, 2015 at 10:39 pm

      I think staying away is a smart move at this juncture.

  3. chathu

    April 23, 2015 at 4:42 am

    Hey chris
    We broke up 3 months ago coz i lied to him that i was pregnant and i lost my virginity coz of him.we slept five times and i didnt get pregnant.i lost my virginity coz of my previous afair.but i never cheated him with someone else.now we are talking.he told me he cant make his my to love me.he told me if you want to wait then wait but there is no garuntee.so started talk like friends.yesterday i hooked up with him.i told him my parents proposing me anotherguy.he was so angry and told me do what ever u want i dont care leave me alone i dont have feelings for you.so today i didnt cl him.chris tell me what should i do now.he didnt blocked me.do you think i should start nc.then for how many days.he lives 200km away from me.plz i needyour help

    1. chathu

      April 30, 2015 at 2:07 am

      Plz plz chris need your help…..what should i do now.

    2. chathu

      April 29, 2015 at 2:31 am

      Chris plz i really need your help cn you plz gv me a advice

    3. chathu

      April 28, 2015 at 3:30 am

      Plz chris i need your advise pls.what do you suggest me to do.plz tell me.

    4. chathu

      April 26, 2015 at 1:33 pm

      Plz chris i need an advice.what do i do?i didnt cl him for 3 days.

    5. chathu

      April 25, 2015 at 12:49 am

      What is your advice chris.what do you suggest me to do..?

    6. chathu

      April 24, 2015 at 2:47 pm

      Yes i did but that wasnt true.i just needed his attention.plz need your advice.should i do nc.if so.how long? plz rply me asap….

    7. chathu

      April 24, 2015 at 4:07 am

      Yes but i wasnt pregnant.i just needed his attention.plz tell me what is your advice.do you think i should do nc.if so how long? It been 3 months since we broke up.but he anwer my calls and replying commenting on my fb photos…but he doesnt want to come to me.plz plz rply me soon.what do you recommand

    8. Chris Seiter

      April 24, 2015 at 10:50 pm

      Still dropping the pregnancy bomb he probably felt you were trying to trap him…

    9. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 1:06 pm

      You told him you were pregnant with his child?

  4. carol

    April 23, 2015 at 1:47 am

    Hi Chris,
    My long distance boyfriend of one and a half years broke up with me for a second time. The first time we broke up after 6 months, I did n/c and we reconnected and got back together. He broke it off with me again about 3 weeks ago due to the fact that he said he needed to get his life together before we could ever be together and it wasn’t fair to me to have to wait. I did no contact again and he reached out to me 3 times telling me he missed me and wanted to talk so I broke no contact to talk to him again. We started talking and it seemed great, he said he still loved me, missed me and wanted to spend time talking and skyping with me but, he still couldn’t commit to me because of our long distance situation. I foolishly thought I could change his mind by spending time with him for the last few days. I think I was being friend zoned but not sure since he kept saying he loved me and wished we could be together, but he needed to get his life together. I finally decided today to say I want to be more than friends . He told me he just couldn’t commit at this point in his life . So I said I’m sorry I want more I’m saying goodbye to you and if you feel like you can commit to me you can contact me..If I’m still available. So I will go back to no contact again, possibly forever. My question is do you think the no contact will work with such an ultimatum that I have given him? I know we both love each other still and I’m hoping he will miss me enough that we can work out a plan to finally be together.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 12:58 pm

      Well, my thoughts on ultimatums are simple.

      DON’T DO THEM.

  5. Shanice

    April 22, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    I was with a guy for almost 3 years and the last year was long distance. We’ve had a bad few months resulting in an argument and him breaking him, we then later spoke and argued again, he has now blocked me on everything!! I’m in the process of the NC but how can I contact him after when I’m blocked? I’m sure he does still like me deep down he is a very stubborn person,
    Your page it very helpful though so thank you!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 12:53 am

      Haha have you checked out my article on being blocked?

    2. Shanice

      April 22, 2015 at 9:18 pm

      Him breaking up with me *

  6. Claudia

    April 20, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    Thank you for this site

    My exboyfriend (now), broke up with me one month ago, our relationship started in Mexico, Im from here, He is from USA, I met him and date him for 2 years, but cause of his job, he had to moved and we were on a LDR for 2 years, 4 years of relationship in total, it was really working!, I went to see him, he came to be with me, until one month ago, he told me that because of his new job (hes going to be on the road for a long time, from 1 up to 2 years from now) we had to break up, cause it wasnt healthy for us to keep going like this, so I understood, he told me that he loved me, that he will always love me, that I have been one of the greatest gift and one of the best relationship he had ever had, but he also said that he might be the kind of guy who may never marry, I swear I never propose to him or did something like that (although I wanted), he also said that is easy to see me as his partner of life, so now its been a month since we broke up and im still suffering, and sad, lots of pain, so I wonder if this post will help me or I am totally wrong in getting him back. One thing is true, we dont want a LDR anymore, and if he doesnt want me in his future, do you think should I try to recovery him?? Please help me, or somebody help me, I need an advice. Thank you all!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2015 at 5:42 pm

      I think if you think the two of you have the potential to be together long term then it is definitely worth it.

  7. Katia

    April 19, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    I only met him for three times, but we’re love at the first sight, we decided to have the LDR starting from Nov. last year. Two months later, he said we’re moving ahead of ourself so he need time to think. I gave him time, took the time-apart for about 6 weeks and I had ever applied the skills you recommended in this artical which worked really well. So I finally flew to meet him for only 4 days. During these 4 days, everything seemed good, romantic and to me, I thought we got along well and had a chance to move to the next level.

    He had his own business which meant he was very busy and still need to work even he was with me during the day time. The last day there’s an incident happened in his company. He need to stay at his company for the whole day make sure everything was okay. So we couldn’t go out as we planned. He wanted me to go shopping and kept contacting me to make sure I was okay along by myself. I first acted a little sentimental n doubtful if we would meet before I left. He comforted me but wondered why I made thing heavy. Guess he was stressful at that time due to his work and my reaction. Anyway, I went to swim and did my won things at the hotel. There’s guy approached me in the swimming pool. I texted my ex telling him about what happened to me. And when this guy asked me to a dinner, though I didn’t even want to go with him, I texted my ex that I might go. He texted me back only said “ok”. At that night when he finally finished his work and drove me to the airport, he asked if I did go to the dinner with that guy. I said of course not, he was a stranger to me, and I asked him “didn’t you say ok?” He answered “sure I said that since you said you might go.” I felt tension on the way. When we almost got to the airport, I raised the question about us. He said he need to think and we would talk on the phone. I understood. Then we said goodbye with a hug. After I checked in, I texted him something emotional. He only read two of the texts. After I came home, I texted him I arrived and thanked him… But he never read the texts again. (we used Line. It tells me if he read or unread my texts. and I guess he deleted my contact.) Its’ been almost a month that we didn’t contact to each other. I am thinking to send him a letter telling him my mind and saying sorry about my behavior on the last day.

    My question is, I’ve ever applied the skills once. Will those skills work twice? Since I felt I was completely cut off, should I send him the letter? or any suggestion you have? Thank you soon much!

  8. Victoria

    April 18, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    LDRs suck! I love this site! I started in an “in person” relationship for 4years and have only been LDR for one year (due to a recent job) I am on Day 2 of No Contact and I want to make contact sooooooo bad 🙁
    Its killing me!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 20, 2015 at 9:12 pm

      Haha I hate them too.

      I hate them so much I moved across the country to end mine (my wife and I got married 🙂 .)

  9. Katie

    April 17, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Ok, so I had written you a month or so ago. I tried the no contact rule and lasted two weeks. St. Paddy’s Day rolled around so I thought I would send him a friendly text. It worked – he texted back! Unfortunately, the text ended with “Take Care.” Which didn’t leave much room for me to keep the converstation going. I felt like I finally had him talking to me again so I texted back “Can we please talk?” He never responded.

    My friend was getting pretty worried about me as I had lost ten pounds (I’m already tiny to begin with) and was absolutely devesated as I still to this day do not understand why happened. She texted him and he texted her to talk. He told her that I have stronger feelings for him, that in a perfect world we would meet in the middle (geographically speaking), and that we weren’t at the point yet where he would want me to move there. And if this were to work I would have to move there or he would have to move here (only about a 4.5 hour drive). All in all, she still felt he had feelings for me as he wouldn’t deny it every time she asked. He sent me a text shortly after saying that he was sorry he didn’t develop the same feelings, that he’s been there and it sucks, and he hopes this helps with my closure. I texted back that I understood but then thought about it and was like, no – I still need a conversation. After all, he was the one who pushed for long distance in the first place! He refused to talk to me. I blocked called him and eventually got him on the phone. He was none too pleased. A week or so later I sent him a long email (I know how much guys hate this but I did it because it was the only way I could communicate anything I wanted to say to him). He never responded. I sent one last long email to him asking him to give us a chance and to respond one way or the other. He never responded. I blocked called him a week later and said “Look, I understand where you are coming from, but you need to understand where I am coming from – you never answer my question – do you have any feelings for me?? He responded, “NO, I don’t have feelings for you. I think you’re pretty, and smart, and funny, but this has to stop, you’re better than this, man.” I said, “Ok, that is what I needed to hear from you. I guess I did fall in love with you. I’m sorry.” He then texted my friend “You gotta tell her to move on. It’s not good for her.” I spoke with my friend and a few hours later, my friend texted him back “I have talked to her and because she was falling in love with you, it was hard for her to let go. She doesn’t fall easily for guys so I think that’s why she reached out many times. It sounds like the closure is now there.” He responded “Ok.”

    The thing is, I know I through all my pride out the window the second ended things I and I was holding on to what little hope I could. I have NEVER been the needy, desperate girl and I am obviously embarrased and ashamed I acted this way. The thing is, I know what we had, and still find it hard to believe he could just randomly change his mind and cut me off so severely. I honestly thought he was falling in love with me too.

    I am clearly never reaching out to him again. My question to you is, do guys ever regret letting a good girl go. I know how much he was attracted to me and how he wanted me in his life. I just want him to want me, to miss me, to eventually realize he made a mistake… Have I completely sabotaged everything or do you think there could be a time down the road when he might want me back?

    1. Katie

      April 27, 2015 at 5:39 pm

      Chris – I am officially on day 15 of NC (after chasing him for 6 weeks after he dumped me!). Obviously, I am doing NC for 30+ days, but how long should I really leave it, given that I reached out to him so much after the break up? Or is there really any point? I’m so scared I have changed the way he sees me.

    2. Katie

      April 23, 2015 at 3:17 am

      You have no idea how much I appreciate your feedback. I really am at a loss as to what I can do moving forward, aside from NC (ever)? Where do I go from here? I need your help. Please. I’m so in love with him. I didn’t realize how much he meant to me until he ended things…

    3. Katie

      April 21, 2015 at 5:46 pm

      Do you think I have completely sabotaged everything by reaching out so much?

      Do they ever act on regret and contact the girl they broke? Or do pride and stubbornness ususally stand in the way?

    4. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 12:02 am

      Not completely sabotaged.

      Hurt a bit yes but not sabotaged I wouldn’t go that far.

    5. Chris Seiter

      April 20, 2015 at 8:49 pm

      Yes they do.

      That’s part of the premise of “moving on without moving on.”

  10. huda

    April 14, 2015 at 12:29 am

    Hi Chris,

    Please tell me where did it go wrong. I had a 3years LDR and it ended only yesterday. My bf said that it’s not gonna work out because it’s impossible for either one of us to move to over. He also said that he doesn’t want to feel pressured about getting married and havung having kids. I’m turning 30 and he’s turning 28 this year. We had this future problem before and talked about it and didn’t end it. But the problem arise again and he now thinks it’s really not gonna work out as it’s impossible for me or him to get a job at our countries. He said now he’s at the prime of his life and doesn’t want to waste his life because he knows it’s not gonna work out. My thought would be he can’t commit to this ldr. I asked him what he wants. He said he wants me to move. I feel it can be worked out but he wasn’t very positive about it. We have met each other 7times within these 3years and whenever we are together, we really had the best times together. It has only been a month apart as he came to visit me last month and now he suddenly change about ldr. Probably he has someone and i asked he said no. Help me Chris.

  11. Clara

    April 13, 2015 at 10:54 am

    Hi Chris. Ex boyfriend of 6 years got back in touch 2 months ago, said all the right things, I want you, want to start again, want to see you, want to be there with you etc.
    Great, however he lives in another country. Finally I called his bluff as I got over him and this had brought all my feelings back and I wanted to know what the purpose of contacting me was. I said I was arriving at the weekend, he was happy but said he was scared to get close, afraid of what would happen afterwards. Said he really wanted to see me though and spend time with me. Anyway 7 days later, I flew there and surprise visited him. He said it was the ‘surprise of his life’ he was very happy to see me. He said he’d loved me and he’d taken 2 years to get over me and he thought about me a lot in the interim. Back then he had wanted to make a commitment but hadn’t felt mature enough to do so and there were some family issues. I agree with this having had time since to step back from situation.
    Then the blow came. Next day a girl was visiting, an ex who broke up 3 months before. Ok I said, is she your girlfriend? No he said but we saw each other at the weekend and she is coming tomorrow for a few days. He got really upset, said he was so confused, had many feelings for me and still had some for her and it was really bad timing. Rest of evening, he cooked dinner, we spoke about many, many things. I was very clear, I am here for you because of all that has past in the last 2 months. I am not just here on a whim (in the interim I have started my own business in this county and I am connected to it and spend a lot of time there regardless of him).
    Next day, he said all he could say was ‘we’ll see and time will tell’, he was ‘very stressed’ and ‘so happy to see me’. He asked me where I was going and said we could be in touch if I wanted, I replied to neither question.
    I left and went to stay with friends for several more days. I sent him a couple more messages before I left making my intention clear, he saw them straight away (saw seen status) but no reply as the other girl had arrived. Day before I left he called me but I missed it. Sent me a message saying he hoped I was ok and he could not reply my messages before, was taking the girl home now. I rang him back but no answer, replied I was busy before, he saw these messages straight away but no reply. I flew home next day, text him that evening just happy easter. he responded to that the next day.
    Now I am back, what do I do…. My friend said you can stay in contact with a light message every few days but ask no questions as he has no answers for you right now. You need to get him to want to contact you. I know this is right BUT I also know the NC rule could be applicable. I just don’t want the other girl to get the advantage over me!

  12. Stephanie

    April 11, 2015 at 3:34 am

    Hi Chris, my ex-boyfriend and I had been long distance from the very beginning for FOUR YEARS. He recently broke up with me and I have been distraught ever since (its been about a month). When he had dumped me he had told me simply that ‘he had fallen out of love’ and used the line ‘its not you its me.’ excuse. He had told me he begun to have feelings for one of his girl friends, who I always knew she had feelings for him as she would always talk to him but he would call her annoying at times during our relationship and even to his friends! His friends had told me that just hours after our breakup for a straight week or more he had been sleeping with her (not sex just sleeping together) They aren’t dating but apparently have just been attached at the hip and she had left her boyfriend of four years to be with my ex-boyfriend as well this all happened after a spring break trip of them spending time together with a group of friends and at the time I was busy so I had not had enough time to give him the attention or talk as much texting/calling. I have on and off texting with him asking reasons as to why he did this so abruptly and how he could just ‘fall out of love’ when our relationship had been good! His mother loved me extremely and his sister does too basically his whole family and were extremely upset by the whole ordeal and never expected this because they thought we would be married some day as I was his first girlfriend ever and are very upset by the fact he chose her as they don’t like her very much for doing this. Every time I would beg and ask why he made that decision wouldn’t really give a straight-forward reason and say ‘i already told you’ or ‘stop just leave me alone’ and then he would say things like ‘i love you as a person’ ‘you mean more to me than anything I didn’t want to hurt you it tears me apart’ and when i asked him to be friends he said he couldn’t, at least not for ‘awhile’ because it makes things 100x harder on him because hurting me was the worst thing he ever did and that he could never live with himself ever for doing that. It’s all just so very confusing. After reading your article do you really think that this could work? That I have a chance of getting him back despite him being so condescending about talking to each other?

    I’d love to hear any thoughts thank you!

  13. Jaqueline

    April 10, 2015 at 7:42 pm

    3 years ago, I had to move away from where I lived. At the time I was dating a handsome, sweet, and charming country boy. I broke up with him because my parents constantly told me it wasn’t going going to work. We already lived an hour and a half away and because we were young teens and couldn’t really drive and now its about 6 hours. Now, I feel kind of dumb because even though my parents told me we were going to loose touch, we never did. Hes been my bestfriend and I want him back and I easily could… If he didn’t have a girlfriend… Help?

  14. Kay

    April 10, 2015 at 3:55 am


    My now ex-boyfriend and I have been together for 2.5 years. Originally I’m from the west coast. I moved to the upper East coast for a job and met my one true love there. He’s told me when we first started dating that he’s always wanted to live there. The bond we formed was nothing I’ve ever felt and he’s told me that he’s never loved anyone like this before. He was always opposed to marriage, but I was the first girl to change his mind on that. We planned out future, how we would move to the West coast, if we should have kids, and even a name for our son if we had one. We both knew that financially we weren’t ready for marriage but we could wait. Then I lost my job there and had to move back to the West coast and live with my parents. We tried the LDR for about 3 months, there was some tension. He doesn’t handle LDR very well. The way he wants it done is to have little contact and not be reminded of the good times. He hates missing me and he hates hearing the one that he loves but can not have with him. So we tried communicating daily on a friendship level and talked about a game we both play on our phones. One day, we were texting and I guess one of my texts closed him out of his game while he was in an “important battle”. He got upset, I thought he called me a horrible name, I got mad at him. After a couple hours, I recovered and texted him back saying that I was disappointed in how he handled the situation and that I will give him space and want him to call me 2 days later so I can apologise and hope to hear one from him as well. His response was that he didn’t mean to call me a horrible name, that he was just cursing via text as if he was here in person. He’s “done forever” and blocked my number from his phone.

    This to me seems unreasonable. It sounds extremely childish, but at this point in his life, he’s been going through some issues that he needs to work out. I know he loves me and I’ve seen it from the previous texts or the simple phone calls we had before all this. I just want to know what should I do?

    I know for sure the NC rule but how do I reach out to him if he’s blocked my number? If I email him, I feel that he would simply just deleted it or mark me as spam. I could of course write him a letter and mail it the old fashioned way.

    Please advise me or is this a lost cause and I should move on.

  15. Laur

    April 9, 2015 at 8:14 pm

    What if your ex wants a break? Is the NC still applicable? Also what if they contacted and you replied briefly?

  16. Zoe

    April 6, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    I’ll try make this as short and sweet as possible!

    I met him online in a music chat room 11 years ago. He took an interest in my profile as my picture was of an artist he had seen live a week prior. We struck a conversation and found that we had mutual interests and great banter. We were pen pals who drifted in and out of contact, I got a boyfriend and stopped using the chat room, however we maintained correspondence sporadicly. We reconnected via facebook. I sensed he may have fancied me a bit more than friends (commenting on my page, photos, sending links etc) but wrote it off as he was just being friendly/flirty, by that point I had broken up with the bf.

    I am 2yrs older and a few years before my 30th, he came up with a pact that if we were not married by the age of 30 we would marry, of course I laughed it off and didn’t actually think that it would eventuate as we live in different countries, with thousands of miles and oceans between us, we said if the time would come we would just figure it out!

    I deactivated facebook for a year andI reactivated last yr, he messaged and asked if I was back, and of course we began chatting, we were like old friends reunited. He mentioned that he turns 30 later in the year and that we said we would marry. I laughed as I had actually forgotten and thought it was interesting that he remembered. We chatted regularly and began to skype (no voice chats, just video and typing – which was fine with me) Needless to say our friendship turned romantic and he was asking if I had plans to travel (i am an avid traveller, he is not), also implying that I should get at a transfer and move there, it felt like he was planting the seeds. A friend and I were thinking of travelling and we set the wheels in motion for later in the year, we did our thing and then I visited his town and met him for the first time. We spent 10 wonderful days together, it was perfect. We were inseparable, when he was at work he was texting to make sure I was ok, he missed having me around. We did the tourist sites and of course were intimate. We laughed and had a lot of fun getting to know each other, it felt natural, it felt like we were meant to be.

    He never mentioned the pact but he did point out things that were related, i.e. walking past a cake shop he said “do you like that cake? i’ll send it to you on your wedding day” or walking down a set of stairs he said it’s like doing a bridal walk and walking past a jewellery store pulling me toward and asking if I liked anything… at a market asking if I liked any of the rings… Did I miss his subtle queues? Then there were instances were he was saying that we are “friends forever” and that we should get friendship bracelets (which we did lol). So I was not quite sure what he was thinking and being our first meeting I didn’t want to be pushy!! He was fishing and asking about my work and how much time I can take off, and that I should have come in the Summer, I said that I can always come back, and he liked that he wanted me to help him paint his walls (which he painted with his ex).

    I returned home and he turned 30 a week later, we continued our online relationship, however it was very difficult, as you can imagine, I tried to remain positive and he tried to keep it into perspective. He deactivated his fb page a month later and we kept in touch with email and skype, no worries.

    Fast forward to now. I found out (through an error of his) that he has profiles on online dating sites. I pointed it out in a light hearted way however I sensed defensiveness with his reply, I was stumped and immediately kicked into NC for a month. Prior to that message I had posted a thank you card and small parcel. A week later he sent an email to thank me for the lovely gift, and I still remained NC. A month later, I reconnected with a picture that was light and funny, he replied a week later, I replied and I never heard back. About 2weeks later on skype I sent a msg, he said he was tired and was going to bed, NC after that until my birthday were he was the first to send a msg, I replied, he replied, I replied and then nothing… Most recently we were both on skype and I didnt contact him, he sent a msg, we chatted for an hour then he needed to go, it feels like the wall is coming down slowly. I have seen that he has used a picture of me from the trip on a profile, it’s photo shopped and completely unrecognisable but it’s me!

    I want to clear the air and pick up where we left off. I accept the online dating thing esp. as we never said we were exclusive but I was quite hurt to see that he is on the look out. I am prepared to go back in the Summer (I have a wedding and I can do a stop over) but I’m not sure how to propose the idea.

    Can you share your thoughts?

    Thanks in advance.

  17. Sarah

    April 3, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    So I was wondering how long is too long for a no contact period? My boyfriend and I broke up a month ago and haven’t had any contact since, although we did agree that we would meet up for lunch in July. When we broke up we agreed that it was purely on the basis of the long distance circumstances and he told me that he still loved me. Is three or four months to long to wait without contact?

  18. Anastasia

    April 1, 2015 at 8:31 am

    Hey Chris,
    I had a boyfriend(LDR)for 4 mounts.We loved each oather and he was suppose to come to my city for two days,after he come back from Zagreb(Chroatia).He went there to play bascetball.I tood there will be no girls but when their choach posted a pic on facebook i saw a little group of girls standing there,next to the bus.I tood it was ok because i knew that he love me.The next two days he texted me sweet and lovely words but than on thursday and friday notting.I got a little bit conserned because his friends posted pics on facebook with him and he liked and comented but why he didnt texted me?On saturday i posted A post on his facebook page like “call me baby,love you

    1. admin

      April 2, 2015 at 11:39 pm

      Yes the call me baby I love you post you ddi was a mistake. It looks very desperate.

  19. Chia

    March 31, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    Hello Chris, my ex and I are in overseas ldr right now. We met in NYC last summer, spent two weeks together then I came back to my country, where he came to visit me for a month in January. It seems impossible but we fell immediately in love and agreed to stay in touch until I move there. I thought things would go well after I got into grad school in the Ida, but I’m actually not really sure what our relationship is right now. He said he still loves me but it is the distance pulling him back, so we should just be best friends now,, and he wants to reconsider being romantic again when I move near him in the summer. It’s still going to be ldr though, but by just four hours by bus.
    I believed him that he has his own life and a busy schedule, so I agreed that I’ll stop skyping him and wait for him to skype me, he does every two or three days, and when he does he acts like nothing is wrong, he still tells me how much he loves my smile and says it’s important for him to know I still care about him. However recently he stopped texting me good morning and goodnight, which we did every day before, and he only texts me once every two days, but replies to my texts. And in my opinion, if a guy loves me then he shouldn’t wait two days to ask me how I’m doing. So should I start NC, and if I do should I let him know I want to stop contact or just disappear? Thanks so much!

  20. Ceecee

    March 31, 2015 at 11:46 am

    Hi, well my and my ex dated for a year and a couple of months… Ldr of course we had problems but would always work it out.. The problem in which we separated was that I listen to my friend ignored him he tried contacting me but I never replied. When I finally caved in he argued and yelled at me for what I had and done I said I was sorry. The next morning he text me a long paragraph Saying he loves me and he cares about but he’s talking to another girl after that I got angry and ignored him he tried contacting me but I wouldn’t respond. Two weeks later I responded and we started to talk he told me he miss me and love me but he’s still with the other girl. So I began dating someone else when I told him this he got very angry. And said he don’t wanna talk to me anymore and how his girl wouldn’t want him talking to me and how he’s done and don’t want anything to do with me. I said okay then three days later texted me saying he loves me how he misses me and how he thought he could stop contacting me but he was wrong he can’t. Ever since then we’ve been talking 24/7 we FaceTime each other 24/7 text 24/7 we fall asleep on the phone EVERY night ! But he’s still with this girl she lives in the same state as me not him sooo what do I do ? I miss us he tells me he loves me everyday but he’s still with her.. I broke up with my recent bf because I didn’t really like him we often joke about us leaving the People we are with and getting back toghter we talk about marriage.., everything I just miss him I want him to be mines again

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