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December 28, 2017 at 4:00 pm
Ive been dating this guy for a little over 7 months. We met online and was together in person for 3 months in total. We argued a lot. And the 3 months were dividend into 2 visits. After the 1st visit he said if we argued the second visit we should break up. Second visit was even worse. But the last week we were good. He surprised me with gifts and bubble baths etc.
Then I left to go back to my country and we had 1 bad argument where he said he want in love with me but he loved me. So I told wait til we’re in person so we could figure it out. He would always bring up the arguments as an excuse to break up. I know it was mostly me arguing, but I told him I’ll change and I know I told him that after the 1st visit. But being away for so long gave me time to think and change.
A few weeks later he called me and the first thing he says is that he wants an open relationship. He said he still wants to be with me but he feels he wants an open relationship. I didnt see how that would help us and I didn’t see me getting anything good out of it. Again, I got him to change his mind and told him wait til we’re in person.
During the 2 weeks after everything was good, better than ever, he called me baby, babe, beautiful when texted good morning. And on FaceTime he’d sing to me and seem excited to talk to me. But then after those 2 weeks, he calls me and the first thing he says is he’s not in love with me anymore and he think we should break up. I asked twice if it’s because he found someone else, he said no.
I had already bought his ticket to visit me here in January and I was supposed to leave with him and he said he’ll just give me the money back.
I’m just so confused because we were so good just for him to break up and said he can’t keep fronting
So when I do ask for the money for the tickets back and etc. he tells me I’m childish and petty. But the way he broke up was childish and petty. And now he has blocked me off Instagram and Facebook. But not my number ….. yet
I still love him and all I wanted was to see him here in January because the last time we saw each other was late October
Please help me because I’m hurting and can’t function. (I’m 21 and he’s 29)
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 28, 2017 at 8:25 pm
Hi Kirsten
if he wants to pay for it, he will.. right now, do the advise above.
December 28, 2017 at 4:35 am
Hi, my boyfriend and I were in a LDR for 1.5 years. He broke up with me when I was 7 months pregnant, I cried for and begged him to work on the relationship but it did work out. After I gave birth to our child, I found out he was seeing someone else, I was deeply hurt and told him I would change to make our relationship work. He didn’t agree. I started ignoring him for a few weeks and he started calling saying how much he misses me and I am the perfect woman for him. He told me he is not in love with the other person, but I am still hurt. He told me he really wants to see changes in me so we can really work this time. What should I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 28, 2017 at 7:01 pm
Hi Deanna,
he’s the one who left you when you were pregnant and then cheated later, and yet you’re the one who needs to improve for the relationship?
December 24, 2017 at 11:43 pm
it has be almost 2 years since my ex and i broke up but he ruined my reputation at school. he told everyone that i was crazy and i tried to kill myself during our relationship and that i was suicidal and it has impacted everything i do at school. everyone calls me crazy and when guys are interested in me, somehow other people will tell him to stay away and to not lower their standards for me. they tell them that i am a hoe and that i am mentally insane. my ex ruined everything for me. and i cannot live like this anymore. i have been happy for 2 years without him and havent thought about him but so many guys will not date me or talk to me anymore once they figure out who i am. many girls know me and have heard bad things about me too.
December 22, 2017 at 7:59 pm
Hi. My ex and I were in a relationship for 3 years and we were only long a LDR for the last 5 months. We owned a house together for two years. We were both unhappy at work so he got a new job 3.5 hours away (where he’s from) and I was only waiting to move until our house sold and/or I got a new job there as well. Transitioning from seeing each other every day to a LDR was hard, but we saw each other every other weekend and talked most nights. We finally got buyers on our house and had an actual date that I was going to quit my job and move out there. Up to just a couple weeks before he broke up with me he was still sending me links for job postings out there and talking about how the next time I went there to visit I should go to the DMV to request my title and other things to prepare for moving. Then out of the blue he basically stops texting me. A week before he was coming back for his final visit while we still had the house he tells me that we need to talk but he wants to wait until he was here to do it in person. He came that weekend and broke up with me. The movers were coming in 3 days and were originally supposed to take everything but only ended up taking what we determined was his. He told me that he had becoming very pessimistic and negative overall and he didn’t like that about himself. He said he needed time alone to “figure it out” and couldn’t be with me or be talking to me all the time during that time. He wouldn’t commit to giving it another chance once he has his stuff figured out but I asked if he would at least talk to me when that time came so we could see what would happen. Its been 3 months (he said it could be at least 6) and we’ve had no contact for 2 months. We talked a few times right after we broke up to discuss the house selling/closing. I’m afraid that knowing his personality its going to be “out of site out of mind” and that I will just never hear from him again. I’m really trying to respect his need for space to figure his stuff out but I don’t know if I should continue to wait for him to contact me. Also, I should mention that we got a dog together that is now 1.5 years old and that I kept her. When we broke up I told him that she is still his too and that I would like for him to see her again some day.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 26, 2017 at 4:37 pm
Hi Melissa,
If he said it will talke 6 months, in other words he’s expecting you have moved on by then or he really thinks you’re really that hung up on him that you would wait… Do you want to try the advise above?
December 13, 2017 at 12:14 pm
I broke it off with my LDR of 8months (2 months exclusive) after discovering he was still on dating apps. Supposedly only for the ego boost/loneliness and I sort of want to believe it despite the fact he lied about it a couple of times (flight or fight mode right?). I saw the messages and it seemed to add up. He had a lot of other stuff going on in his life so I sort of get some of the explanation not that it made it right. After I ended it I instantly regretted it and msgd straight away (bad I know), he messaged a few days later and we spoke a couple of times (the first one quite circular but the next we were getting into a decent conversation, him saying he wanted to do anything it takes to fix it. I told him to call me in the next couple of days so we could carry on the conversation and I’ve gotten nothing. I’ve left it for a week (as part of my attempt of initiating NC) and want to continue that but not sure if it’s even worth contacting him after the NC. I guess I thought if he really wanted to do whatever it took he would’ve called. Help.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 15, 2017 at 10:15 am
Hi leelee,
He was lonely even though he can talk to you instead?
Ash Adrian
December 10, 2017 at 6:57 am
Hello! I need help. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 6 or more months and we were happy in the LDR. A few arguments here and there but we were happy. He meant the world to me, he changed me for the better and I helped him through his depression. I adored him and he adored me too. Wed often have arguments about who loved who more too. A few days after my birthday my Router broke and I couldn’t message him for three months because my mother was busy for work and couldn’t buy a new one. (I am 14 btw. Hope you don’t mind.) Eventually, I messaged him using my grandfather’s WiFi only to find out he sent a brake up text. We talked for a bit and I was in tears. I told him to wait for me until I could get a new router.
A month passed and finally got a new router when I messaged him, he was treating me like a friend. Last time when I talked to him he was emotional and still acted like we were dating. He acted cold-hearted and was a bit rude to me. I understand he’s been through some rough stuff when I was gone (Can’t go into details for the sake of his privacy.) But he didn’t have to be mean. I was in tears because of how much he changed and he doesn’t really message me much. I’ve been talking to him for two days and I found out he may love another boy/girl. I don’t know what to do. He means everything to me but he’s just so cold, and no matter how much I beg he just shuts me out…
I’m doing the NC rule and I just started but I’d like more advise just in case this doesn’t work. I’d really appreciate it.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 12, 2017 at 4:25 am
Hi Ash,
So, you’ve been gone for 4 months..That’s too long but right now because you begged, yes, restart nc, and then after that take it slow in rebuilding rapport.
December 3, 2017 at 11:29 pm
My boyfriend and i broke up month ago after 5 months Long Distance relationship. We met 1 time and the rest relationship thru text messages. We share everything and the last month i was too needy on him and he was tired, asking for us becoming friend. I initiated NC and yesterday i start text him back after month. It was going well, because he said that he won’t leave me.
To be honest he is 1 of a kind man hr claimed he wouldn’t in date anymore and i was the only gf he ever had.
Im sure all of you will say BS. But that was happening since day 1 met him until last message with him . During NC there is no message from him but when i texted him for the 1st time his respond was faster than when we still together.
What shall i do after text message period? Because meet up is impossible.
EBR Team Member: Amor
December 5, 2017 at 2:00 am
Hi Vita,
that you means you need to keep building rapport until you can meet up again.
November 26, 2017 at 2:56 am
I have a LDR for 9 mos and this november he broke up with me. He said we cant be a couple anymore. I admit Im childish at times because i missed him so bad. He went here 2x this year. He told me after the break up that he cancelled his flight here but when I checked its not cancelled. He told my dad he has some issues mainly trust issues and he needed time to gather his thoughts together and see how we might able to get over this. He blocked me everywhere facebook viber whatsapp. I tried to create a new fb accounts to msg him but he just seen my msg and blocked me right after.
What should I do. Is there any chances that we will getting back together?
I already wrote here but i think it didnt went through.
Thank you.
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 28, 2017 at 1:48 am
Hi Shey,
do you want to try the advice above?
November 21, 2017 at 9:22 am
I met a guy and he was in love and first sight, we had a lovley month where we were together all the time. He wanted to marry, I wasn’t 100% and we agreed I could see other guys, but he kept saying I can always come and marry when ready.
A lot of stuff happened, my old partner tried to come back to me and I left him, but it was messy.
I took the numbers of a few other guys but never met them.
I became homeless and did not make good choices with housing. I met a guy who wanted to also marry me, initailly I was curious but after a few dates wanted to be just freinds,
I thought my fiancee understood. I ended up sleeping in this mans’s house due to finding homelessness hard. Yes bad choices.
My fiancée left the country aftet the first month so we were in LDR. He said go live with your mum, and I did, but a few days later it was like he diddnt love me. Then he said, don’t see anyone or we don’t marry. I said yes, but he still diddnt want to marry and I tried to argue/explain and he no contacted.
So I mailed him lots about how sad I was. Eventually I called him lots and he said, we can be freinds.
During the last 2 months since he said be freinds, I told him every day I love him and goodnight, and tried to explain sometimes that he got me wrong and I can be better.
Gradually he has been phasing out contact.
I tried to not be needy or tell him about me at all the last 10 days, he asked if I was ok, but that was it.
Yesterday I found out he was in Dubai, I texted him to say I’d love to hear about it. He is not responding.
I’m wondering if no contact is useful here. I’m not emotional, I have taken steps to grow but could do more.
Its just that we don’t really have a relationship at the moment. He gradually made it go away. Its been 7 months since we saw each other. I don’t know if he has anything to miss. Won’t no contact just destroy what’s left of politeness?
He doesn’t use social media.
I’d love him so much and love to be his wife. What steps can I take? How can I reestablish trust and connection?
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 23, 2017 at 1:34 am
Hi N,
Sorry I’m confused.. If you were engaged, why didn’t you live with him temporarily when you were homeless and if you left him, that means you broke up and not engaged anymore right?
Check this one:
This Is How To Make Him Trust You Again
November 3, 2017 at 3:52 am
Hello Chris,
Thank you for this amazing advice, but would you suggest to someone who isn’t getting as many responses back through text? I mostly get them back when I ask a question. The first time, I mentioned a funny moment we had at a movie theater, then the second we talked about an assignment I had that he helped on with through long long messages, but then he has this habit of not answering mid conversation, every single time.
What can I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
November 4, 2017 at 12:54 am
Hi Yas
check this one:
The Stages of Not Getting a Text Back From Your Ex and How to Survive Them
October 8, 2017 at 3:43 am
Should the reunion be set after talking about being in a commited relationship?
October 9, 2017 at 1:52 am
Hi, yes meeting up. The final part of the article
EBR Team Member: Amor
October 10, 2017 at 1:51 pm
Ah nope,.. You can have a meet up to build more rapport
EBR Team Member: Amor
October 8, 2017 at 11:43 pm
Hi Ana,
By reunion, you meam meeting up?
October 4, 2017 at 6:06 am
Hi Chris
So I was in touch of the guy who lives 450 miles apart from. He is the one who started conversation, even we saw each other in person, he shared all of his secrets with me, we do video chat ones a week and also we chat daily he is the one who said I love you but after some time he just said all the time we spent was joke nd now just leave me nd stop irritating me. I also begged him but it doesn’t work. Now I want him back. I m following no contact rule nd I m not messaging him but he ‘likes’ all my FB and Instagram posts but he never text me. What to do now ?
October 6, 2017 at 7:41 am
Just wanna add one more thing, he remains online 24/7 which make me think that he is approaching new girls. Also he said to me that he never ever want a relationship but still there’s lot of girls in his friend list, even he is following many girls on Instagram which make me little tensed
EBR Team Member: Amor
October 6, 2017 at 10:24 pm
it doesn’t matter.. what matter is how active you are in improving yourself and in posting because you can’t control other people. You can only control yourself. If he sees you in your posts, would he regret not being with you because of how different and happy you are now?
EBR Team Member: Amor
October 5, 2017 at 7:15 am
Hi Tanu,
Just let him like your posts.. Focus in improving yourself and keep being active in posting
October 1, 2017 at 5:40 am
I have a unique situation to throw at you. My LDR boyfriend broke up with me a week ago. It was out of the blue. First off, I live in Ohio and he lives in Tennessee. Second, he is a wildland firefighter, so he goes out to Montana for about 4 months every year, and sometimes is travelling more than that. The breakup was out of the blue. We had been great, maybe a little distant but that was only because he had been out on fires (aka out of contact) for nearly a month. One night he calls me, sounds a little off, and when I ask him what’s up he says it’s not going to work. In his mind, there is no end to the distance, and the he “still loves me” he doesn’t want to cause either of us the pain of a relationship where he is always travelling. I’m willing to talk it through and work it out, but he is very obstinate. I haven’t talked to him all week, except to reply with an “okay” once when he texted about coming to get his stuff. I don’t anticipate really talking to him again until he arrives to grab his things 2 weeks from now. I want to approach him about how we might make this work at that time, because I dont think I’ll get another chance if I don’t take it then and there. Advice?
EBR Team Member: Amor
October 2, 2017 at 12:27 pm
Hi Keli,
That would be like begging..If you’re going to meet up about exganging things, only make it about that and then follow the advice above..
September 29, 2017 at 6:53 am
hi, am a Nigerian my ex broke up with me last two months I tried doing the no contact rule twice but I always end up breaking it we met in school but now he has changed his school though we are friends and he told me what I did wrong in the relationship is there a way I can get him back and the probability of us even seeing each other in the next five years is not sure yet and I realized that I am always eager to tell him a lot about me. is there something that can be done
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 30, 2017 at 6:04 pm
Hi Lola,
You mean you’re ldr now? If yes, restart nc, and follow the advice above..
September 22, 2017 at 11:55 am
Hello! I’ve broken up with my ex a month ago. We were in a long distance throughout our relationship for 1.7 months. He decided that he wanted to end it because he doesn’t have the romantic feelings for me as much.. but wanted to be friends. A few days before starting NC, he has told me that his feelings are still there but he is trying to move on. I didn’t want to be in the friendzone so I decided to start the NC. I am scared that he is moving on to someone new since he had a lot of female friends always around him. He was someone that was so special to me because we had a crush on each other for 4 years before we started dating. I felt like I was a bit needy towards the end because my personal life wasn’t going too well and I didn’t respect his space.. When he has an opinion on something, he pushes through it because he thinks that it’s what’s right. I am in Day 6 of NC and it’s killing me. I don’t get how he went from ‘you’re the one for me” to “let’s break up”…. please help
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 27, 2017 at 4:29 pm
Hi Kathryn,
have you read and followed the advice on this one?
The No Contact Rule Is Killing Me…
September 18, 2017 at 1:08 pm
My boyfriend of 2.5 years says he has no “relationship feelings” for me anymore but still “has caring love for me” and “isn’t in the place for a relationship in life right now.” This has been going on for three months now. I tried NC, he even contacted me two months ago to ask if i wanted to meet up then we didnt speak for three weeks then i let temptation give in and i called him four times and texted him that i missed him, and he agreed to meet up with me only to say the same things and also (i go to school across the country but we met in high school and dated before i went off to college), he said “i cant be in a relationship with someone across the country.” He told me he wanted to stay friends and that i could text him whenever i wanted, he always claims to be “so busy” with work which he is but it’s really b/c he doesn’t want to talk to me. He ignored me twice so then i stopped texting for 2+ weeks then reached out again and we texted for over an hour. I talked about his favorite car and stuff like that and he mentioned he misses the intimacy we had “but just doesnt have relationship feelings anymore.” He didn’t ask to hookup as I reminded him that I don’t do that but I agreed on missing the intimacy as well which kinda surprised him. I asked him to text me when he’a free this week and he told me he would. Then I offered to come to his new apartment since I hadn’t seen it and he told me he didn’t want “our emotions to raise being around a bed” so i said “omg that makes sense u seemed like u didn’t want me to cone before” and he assumed i was mad, but i reassured him that i wasn’t and that id just like to see him. So for a week, he was the one reaching out to me to set up a time to meet up. When we met, he was very formal and distant. He asked if i wanted a hug and he made it pretty short. I gave him some letters that i wrote for him saying that i really do love him and respect him. When I said I had some letters for him, he just sighed and said “ok.” I go back to school in today. Should I do NC again? I really do want him in my life.
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 20, 2017 at 11:10 am
Hi Eliza,
I think it would be better if you do again one last time for at least 30 days. The proper way of nc is not initiate, not reply, not social stalk him and not commenting back if he comments to your posts. To be active in improving yourself during and after nc and be active in posting in social media sites where posts last and then after nc, slowly build rapport while still improving yourself, being active in posting and having your own life..
September 16, 2017 at 6:50 pm
My boyfriend of 2.5 years says he has no “relationship feelings” for me anymore but still “has caring love for me” and “isn’t in the place for a relationship in life right now.” This has been going on for two months now. I tried NC, he even contacted me two months ago to ask if i wanted to meet up then we didnt speak for three weeks then i let temptation give in and i called him four times and texted him that i missed him, and he agreed to meet up with me only to say the same things and also (i go to school across the country but we met in high school and dated before i went off to college), he said “i cant be in a relationship with someone across the country.” He told me he wanted to stay friends and that i could text him whenever i wanted, he always claims to be “so busy” with work which he is but it’s really b/c he doesn’t want to talk to me. He ignored me twice so then i stopped texting for 2+ weeks then reached out again and we texted for over an hour. I talked about his favorite car and stuff like that and he mentioned he misses the intimacy we had “but just doesnt have relationship feelings anymore.” He didn’t ask to hookup as I reminded him that I don’t do that but I agreed on missing the intimacy as well which kinda surprised him. I asked him to text me when he’a free this week and he told me he would. Then I offered to come to his new apartment since I hadn’t seen it and he told me he didn’t want “our emotions to raise being around a bed” so i said “omg that makes sense u seemed like u didn’t want me to cone before” and he assumed i was mad, but i reassured him that i wasn’t and that id just like to see him. This convo was Saturday night. He then has been the one texting me to set up a time to meet up and when we did, he was cordial but distant. I was happy and positive and everything but he just wasn’t into me. I then gave him letters saying that i lovr him and cherish him and respect him, when i said i had some letters for him he sighed and said “ok” and then he said he was happy to see that everything in my life is decent and that im doing well, then he texted me after saying it was nice to see me and he was sorry he had to leave. I go back to school in less than 2 days. Should I do NC again? I do not want to lose this guy, for more than 2 years he was nothing but sweet and now he’s this. It’s awful.
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 20, 2017 at 10:20 am
Hi Eliza,
I think it would be better if you do again one last time for at least 30 days. The proper way of nc is not initiate, not reply, not social stalk him and not commenting back if he comments to your posts. To be active in improving yourself during and after nc and be active in posting in social media sites where posts last and then after nc, slowly build rapport while still improving yourself, being active in posting and having your own life..
September 16, 2017 at 11:36 am
My boyfriend of 2.5 years says he has no “relationship feelings” for me anymore but still “has caring love for me” and “isn’t in the place for a relationship in life right now.” This has been going on for two months now. I tried NC, he even contacted me two months ago to ask if i wanted to meet up then we didnt speak for three weeks then i let temptation give in and i called him four times and texted him that i missed him, and he agreed to meet up with me only to say the same things and also (i go to school across the country but we met in high school and dated before i went off to college), he said “i cant be in a relationship with someone across the country.” He told me he wanted to stay friends and that i could text him whenever i wanted, he always claims to be “so busy” with work which he is but it’s really b/c he doesn’t want to talk to me. He ignored me twice so then i stopped texting for 2+ weeks then reached out again and we texted for over an hour. I talked about his favorite car and stuff like that and he mentioned he misses the intimacy we had “but just doesnt have relationship feelings anymore.” He didn’t ask to hookup as I reminded him that I don’t do that but I agreed on missing the intimacy as well which kinda surprised him. I asked him to text me when he’a free this week and he told me he would. Then I offered to come to his new apartment since I hadn’t seen it and he told me he didn’t want “our emotions to raise being around a bed” so i said “omg that makes sense u seemed like u didn’t want me to cone before” and he assumed i was mad, but i reassured him that i wasn’t and that id just like to see him. So for a week, he was the one who contacted me to set up a day and time to meet and when we did, he was cordial and i acted happy and joking and calm. Talked about what’s up with each other. I’m leaving for school soon so we agreed to meet up some other time before. I gave him some letters I wrote to him saying how I truly love him, respect him, and cherish everything we had. When I told him I had some letters for him, he just sighed and said “ok” and thank you. He seems so emotionally unavailable, blaming his new job and saying “after college life is hard.” Should I do NC again? I do not want to lose this guy, for more than 2 years he was nothing but sweet and now he’s this. It’s awful.
September 16, 2017 at 11:49 am
Also, just to add, he’s always been very active on Facebook sharing videos and stuff. Recently, he shared a video about “log distance relationship bracelets” so i liked it, thinking he means me. But just now, Facebook sends a notification saying he just friended some girl from Ireland and his job has people from other countries and stuff…I suspected he liked another girl and that’s why he left me but at the time he told me he just doesnt have feelings for “anyone at all”
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 20, 2017 at 10:20 am
Hi Eliza,
I think it would be better if you do again one last time for at least 30 days. The proper way of nc is not initiate, not reply, not social stalk him and not commenting back if he comments to your posts. To be active in improving yourself during and after nc and be active in posting in social media sites where posts last and then after nc, slowly build rapport while still improving yourself, being active in posting and having your own life..
September 16, 2017 at 12:43 am
Hi It’s me again. I just have a question. Me and my ex met in an online dating app. And this week, I just found out that he was still using the app while were still in a relationship. I confronted him about it and he denied it. What happened is that I re opened that app so I could re-read our old conversation there when I noticed that he changed his photos on his profile, photos that are new and photos that he took when we’re still in a relationship. I asked him about it and he did denied it. Now how did I found out that he was lying? Well first it was obvious base on his answers, second a friend showed me their conversation and I saw that he admitted to him that he was using the app while we’re dating. That means he was talking to other girls. How can I get him back? What should I do? What shoulf I do to stop him from talking to other women? Please help me. On the other note, we’re in a long distance relationship and he wants us to be friends but I want to know if the NC will worl if he started using that app again and talked to other girls. What if he’s having fun talking to other women that he lose what he feels for me. Please help, I’m devastated.
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 20, 2017 at 10:15 am
Hi Amelie,
you can’t control other people. That’s why you need to have standards. If you’re strong with your standards, the right people will stay or they will change because they know that if they don’t, you won’t have second thoughts on walking away because you don’t have time for people who are not within your standards.
September 15, 2017 at 7:34 am
Hi I just want to ask. Well my boyfriend and I are actually a bit new to LDR. It’s his first time to actually be in a relationship, and then it’s a LDR. We met online 5 months ago when I was having a vacation in the states and when we met personally, we both felt a high connection and immediately clicked. Before I went back to PH, he asked if I can be his girlfriend and I actually said yes. But take note we just met a week before he asked me to be his gf. During the LDR, at first he was doing everything. We were skyping everyday, and chatting everyday. We would skype when it’s 1pm here and 11pm there. The time difference is a huge challenge because PH is 15 hours ahead from the states, basically one day ahead. So eventually our skype schedule changed. We would skype before he goes to sleep and that’s a huge sacrifice he makes because he has to woke up early in the morning for his work. Then we talked about making our relationship private, I usually post a lot about us on Facebook, and I realized he didn’t like it. It’s okay to post but not all the time, he wants us to be private so I respect that. I sent him care packages on his birthday, including open letters and some sentimental things laike hankies with sprayed with my perfume. He promised me he’d sent a care package for me but he never didx he had excuses, and I never asked about it because I didn’t want it to be a big deal. He also promised me that he’ll come down in my country to celebrate our anniversary which is going to early next year. But then he became emotionally detached from me during from the start of our 4th month till our 5th month, and when I confronted him, he said he needed a space. I know my faults are, one being emotionally unstable, as I got hurt a lot in the past, I was so scared of losing him that I always ask him for an assurance and I want to change that not only for us but also for myself. But here’s the thing. He asked for a space but he didn’t want to cut the connection. He said he wants us to be friends for awhile, and he didn’t want to cut the connection. He still wants us to chat and do our skype calls just like before. The only difference is he wants us to be friends for awhile. Is that a bad thing? How would I do the NC method? Should I tell him that we should not talk for awhile? I just feel like maybe by being friends with him, I can show him that I’m correcting my ways. I won’t beg him to be with me again or for us to be in a relationship again, I just want to start all over again by us being friends and building a strong foundation with him? What should I really do to get him back? I sure want him to miss me and him asking me to with me again. Please help me. Thank you.
EBR Team Member: Amor
September 15, 2017 at 5:49 pm
Hi Amelie,
Check this one:
What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Wants To Stay Friends