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5,236 thoughts on “The Complete Guide To Getting An Ex Boyfriend Back In A Long Distance Relationship”

  1. Keisha

    September 10, 2013 at 11:38 am

    Hi Chris! Ok since my long distance on again of again boyfriend broke up with me (He pulled the I’m not ready for a serious relationship card) Ihave have turned into a major texting gnat…and a mean one.I didn’t know about this site and I did all the wrong things.I Did something truly horrible…the emotional letter…we have Stayed in contact (well mostly me calling with no answer texting and messaging with no real reply. We even went on a date and we we talked and joked…he even kissed me at the end of the night. I thought everything was good until the next day when he said he still isn’t isn’t 100 percent he wants to be with me and and again I turned in into the texting gnat,with no replies and the caller with no answer. Chris I’m totally not this girl,but it’s just something so freaking magnetic about this guy I want him so bad. I want to be the cool hot carefree girl he fell in love with,but it’s like he isn’t that interested anymore. Is there any hope for me at the end of the crazy tunnel lol? And before you pump tell me to try your e-book,I already have it,now I need your personal advice and or opinion.

    1. admin

      September 11, 2013 at 2:04 am

      Hahahaha before I pump the E-Book.

      Hey btw have you seen my E-Book?

      Hahaha, well how long have you been in NC? I do have a post coming out that will have some new tactics to making him fall for you again. So, if you wait a couple of days you can hit on that.

      I think there is hope for you at the end of the tunnel for sure though.

    2. Keisha

      September 11, 2013 at 4:09 pm

      Chris, Chris, Chriiiis try to keep up lol. I haven’t even started the no contact it feels impossible…every time I try it’s like a gravitational pull pulling my hand towards the phone. But he’s being totally bipolar and hard to read. Sometimes he’ll call and call and message me sweet things theeeen he’ll be so mean. Like now, why do you think there’s hope when he keeps being such a butt-face? Seeeee he’s driving me crazy I’m 22 and I just said butt-face. HELP!!!

    3. admin

      September 12, 2013 at 3:32 am

      Sorry for not keeping up :(.

      But then again if you switched places with me you would understand why sometimes stories blend together.

      I have a post coming out tomorrow that may interest you.

  2. Jackie

    September 9, 2013 at 11:08 pm

    Hi Chris… I completed the 30 day NC rule he texted me week 3 and i never replyed. then on day 32 i text him like the same text u have put up and i never got a reply from him. I was just wondering what my next move should be?

    1. admin

      September 11, 2013 at 1:29 am

      Wait a week and text him again.

      DO NOT use my texts word for word though. They need to be personal to you and him and you have to put some thought behind it.

  3. Carolyn

    September 9, 2013 at 3:13 am

    Hi me and my boyfriend have been going out for like a year and a half and we love each other so much we’ve been through a lot together. In the beginning of this summer my boyfriend had to move to San Diego while I’m in New York. Ever since we’ve met we talk basically every day even since he’s moved. We’ve always said that we were gonna make this work. I visited him last month and everything was perfect. Now just recently he had told me he wanted to break up and experience other girls since I’m his first everything. He says we’ll get back together just not now. He had said that we will once I’m done with my schooling for the Navy and I’m stationed where he is next year. He already met a girl that he calls his best friend and says he likes. I started NC yesterday but I would really like some input. This whole break up came out of nowhere and he says he loves me and calls me his soulmate.

    1. Carolyn

      September 9, 2013 at 3:32 am

      From the situation is there a good chance I’ll get him back if I follow your steps?

    2. admin

      September 9, 2013 at 7:48 pm

      I can’t give you a guarantee. All I can say is that if you follow the steps here and on the E-Book (Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO) your chances will increase dramatically and you will be in a better place emotionally.

  4. Jonathan

    September 8, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    My partner broke up with me. I set up an automatic reply message that the email was deleted automatically and was not read. I am on day 6 of NC. I don’t think he’ll ever want to get back with me, but is it bad to have the automatic reply in place? I guess I wanted to emphasize silently I would get the last word in as I am too afraid to read an email he may send which, I’m sure, will be not very complimentary. What do you think?

    1. admin

      September 8, 2013 at 4:51 pm

      Whoa never thought of that.

      Hmm… I would say no. I wouldn’t do an automatic reply if I was in your position.

  5. Karili

    September 8, 2013 at 2:03 pm

    Hi, my boyfriend and I dated for 5 months and then he broke it off because he said he wasn’t sure I was the one and that he needed space. I immediately started no contact and moved out of town 2 hours away. We were broken up for 2 months, during those 2 months we talked 2 times on the phone and I saw him one day because I showed up at his apartment. After those two months I decided to post some pics of me with a guy I was dating. He saw the pictures trhu one of his friends fb and he called me immediately crying, saying that he cared about me and loved me. I saw him the next day and we got back together. I took him back right away, he was really in love and came to visit me and talked to my parents and apologized to them, told me a million times we were gonna be together forever, he was in a bliss all over again. After a couple of weeks went by (2-3) I could tell he was starting to get cold again, (after telling me he even wanted to propose the week before), he said he was having doubts because he didn’t think the ldr would work. I told him it would because one of his complaints in our previous relationship was that I was to clingy and needy and this is a way to give him his time. I told him we could take turns every weekend to visit, but I could tell he was changing again so I asked him if he wanted to broke it off, first he said no, but then he said yes because he could not commit to me and marry me. That he was afraid of commitment, we both have divorces and kids. He also said that I was everything he ever wanted, that he doesn’t understand why he was having doubts, that he looks at me and see I am perfect and that he loved me very much. So we texted for a couple of days just as friends, but when I saw that it was hurting me too much, asked him one more time if he thought things would work out and he said that he was in love with me but he could not do anything in the near future. He said he had no interest in anyone and that he was a mess, he needed to find out what was wrong with him. He said he didn’t want to loose me forever or as a friend, and he wanted to stay in contact. I told him that that wasn’t a good idea and that I was going to start moving on. He said ok. I texted him shortly after : “Please do not contact me anymore, I will get a hold of you when I am ready to be friends ok?” He said,”ok, take care of yourself”. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks. I know he misses me because he told me he missed me a lot the time before. I really don’t know what to do at this point. Now we are two hours away. We really don’t have friends in common and he doesn’t have a fb or anything to look at my pics having fun or anything, (I unfriended that one friend who told him about me). On my NC message I told him that I would get a hold of him, basically because I wanted him to know that during the NC period I was not expecting by my phone waiting for him to call. Now I don’t know if I should keep the NC and wait and see if he contacts me anyway. I really don’t think he deserves for me to look for him, I took him back and he did it again. I feel he needs to come to me but since I told him not to contact me, would NC still work on him? I am taking care of myself and being healthy, I workout every day and work two jobs, I have friends and I don’t drink. I am buying a house and my life is changing and he knows it because he came here and saw all that. Also from the time he broke up with me the first time until he came back I lost weight and I was looking great when he came back, he was super in love with me because he saw me renewed. 2 hours is not that far, plus my kids father lives up there where my exbf lives and I usually go there every other weekend to drop my kids off. Please help! Thanks!

    1. admin

      September 8, 2013 at 4:58 pm

      Tricky situation.


      I say still contact him after NC BUT you have to message him the right way after NC. If you want advice on how to do that. I want to point you to my E-Book.

  6. julia

    September 5, 2013 at 10:37 pm

    my boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago. he said he would still love me and miss all the things I brought to his life, but it would be an ‘impossible time now to be together’ – whatever that means… the first week after the break up we kept writing each other via email/fb like we used to do during our 1yr ldr. but then he stopped writing me. it was then when I started no contact. 1 month ago he wrote me a short message which I ignored. last week he wrote me on fb again, that he would miss me intensely and loved me, but he also unfriended me. I was confused by that action, but I thought it was his way to say goodbye and I didn’t reply. so, I was even more confused when I received an email saying “miss you. hope you are well. x” three days ago. I’m wondering whether or not I should respond now. I’d love to, but I don’t know what to think about all this. I’m still not over him and I miss him a lot. but I don’t want to get hurt again…

    1. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 2:36 am

      So would you consider doing something like NC?

    2. julia

      September 6, 2013 at 1:20 pm

      yeah, it’s almost 2 months now that I’m doing nc. I guess, after he was the one who broke it off, I’d like him to be the one who’s trying to get me back, but I don’t want to misinterpret the messages he sent me so far. I’m wondering if I should keep nc going to test whether he’s serious or not? I’m just afraid, if I keep ignoring him, he could think I don’t want anything to do with him anymore and stops trying?

    3. admin

      September 7, 2013 at 1:51 am

      Yea, I would say that is a risk and it might be wise to finally take the contact step after NC when you feel ready.

  7. Ashley

    September 5, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    Hi. Thanks for your site. My boyfriend and I are together but we are now long distance. It’s been very difficult because we can’t see each other in person. How often should we visit each other? Should we take turns back and forth when it comes to who visits who? Neither of us has visited yet. I don’t know what’s right. He’s the one that left. And I don’t want to chase after him. But I do want to visit. He had broken up with me recently and now were back together. I just don’t feel like chasing him. As much as I’d like to visit… :/

    1. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 2:05 am

      Complicated Question. I would say shoot for at least once every two weeks or once a week if you can. Maybe you should talk to him and both of you come to an agreement on when to meet eachother. A relationship can’t survive without facetime just sayin.

  8. Julie

    September 5, 2013 at 8:59 am

    Apologies in advance for my novel: My ex and i had been together for 6 years ( until April this year) and in long distance relationship since June last year. We broke up mid-May this year as he had grew tired of waiting for me to return to where he lives on other side of country ( where we both came from) and was lonely/wanted to move on with life in case i wasn’t returning. ( he is an impulsive sort of guy, changes his alot as in has a new job every few months) We hadn’t spoken since, until the end of August, I couldn’t take it anymore; I couldn’t stop thinking about him, how i was ready to return to where he lives and get on with life. I got up courage to text him to find out if it was indeed over, dreading the anger i experienced when he broke it off in May. Instead i received a long text message saying that he missed me terribly, regretted breaking up with me that i was his best friend etc, BUT that he had gone out and met someone from dating site AND moved in with her, in his own words too soon, but he had needed somewhere to stay. He also revealed that he had already told her ( prior to my initiating contacting him) that he was uncomfortable living there, that it felt too soon to move in and that he was going to move out and get his own place( and because he was also aware that he couldn’t live with one person having the feelings he does for another). Also that he has avoided speaking to his mum ( whom he is really close to) b/c she reminds him of me. And that he finally had 2 of the 3 things he’s always wanted ( job at coast and ability to pursue fishing/kayaking lifestyle ) but he still didn’t have the 3rd which is his life partner.
    But then consequential text messages, he clammed up and started to back pedal, as he said he was overwhelmed by the change in events ( me contacting him and saying I was wanting to move back over to where he is) and that there was certain things he missed about our relationship but other things he really doesn’t. That it’s a bad idea to go back to old relationships. That he has moved on and doesn’t think its enough for us to think about getting back together. That he is in another relationship right now and doesn’t want to hurt her either. He then finished by saying that he needs more time to think. ( that was a week ago). I, being a female in distress that cant help but meddle, then sent him an email changing my tact, trying to be cool, ( as opposed to my earlier responding text messages that blurted out all my feelings from last 4 months of no contact, how I had really been struggling emotionally etc, I think I did this after his first text message which sounded like there was every hope he was in anguish and that getting back together was in the bag and so I let my guard down and revealed WAY too much!) acknowledging my faults that contributed to breakup, that I knew that was aspects of relationship that hadn’t been working, that I had been doing a lot of self reflection/improvement, and that I was committed to returning to the area anyway and also pursuing the kayaking/outdoors lifestyle myself or with another. I tried to reflect back everything that I knew he wants in life. His response back was cryptic, he said that this was really really painful for both of us, that he is struggling to comprehend it all, that he wished he could go back in time and know I was returning, that we would end up in same town, but he cant go back and change things. He says he hates that I’ve been hurt by the breakup but doesn’t know what to do as he is now with someone else who cares a lot for him and would be devastated if he walked out on her. Then he says on the other hand he finds it impossible to say goodbye to me, that he misses sitting on our couch with our beloved cat very much, that he misses going out in our kayaks together. But then he finished with, that he thinks the easiest decision would be to say goodbye to me and hope that I meet someone special, and live the rest of his life regretting our break up and just move forward in a new relationship. What the…?

    I haven’t responded to his email yet as it was so cryptic/confused/hurtful if I think about it too much and I don’t want to blow my chances up completely. Obviously without a doubt he still loves me but this new female is filling his emotional holes and preventing him from reaching out proactively bc he feels nurtured she is right there and I am literally 2000kms away until Xmas at least. Doesn’t it sound to you like it’s a rebound? Like he is staying with her bc he feels he ought to? One minute he is caught off-guard when I first texted and reveals that he isn’t happy with her ( his stomach is in knots at the thought of us not being together, growing old together) and that he is moving out, the next he is bunkering in preparing to stay! He never once has said how he feels about her. I am close to his mum and I have been on the phone to her a lot about this, she has told me to hold off responding for a couple weeks ( afterall we only got back in contact 9 days ago following the 4 month no contact.) to allow him to think more, that he sounds very confused…..but she also suggested I go out and find someone else! She has tried to call him but he wont return her calls.
    How do I handle long distance AND a new live in girlfriend?

    1. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 2:03 am

      Hey Julie,

      It doesn’t sound like a rebound to me…

      It sounds like something entirely different.

      An ULTRA rebound.

      Something he is using to keep himself occupied except his heart is with you. At least that is my two cents that I am getting from everything you are saying above.

  9. kawa

    September 5, 2013 at 7:52 am

    hi Chris,
    i met this guy about 3 years ago while he was on a visit.we fell in love and everything went well for about a year and a half – we kept in touch constantly. until last year when i got a call from his woman telling me she was 7 months pregnant with his child and she asked me not to contact him again.she was rather nice to me-we talked for over 30 minutes (asking me if i had met his family and friends, blah,blah) anyway, he denied this for about 8months-he finally came out and accepted. said he had been a fool, was sorry for what he put me through, and he still loved me.
    i also found out that his baby-mama is as old as his mother and i think he should have done better.anyway, now he says he wants to speak to me and see and that he thinks about me alot, and i dont know what to say to him.

    1. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 1:55 am

      So, is this a long distance relationship?

      Either way have you tried NC out yet?

      Also, I highly recommend my Ebook if you are looking for exactly how to get him back. Or at least get him chasing you hardcore.

  10. Pretty

    September 4, 2013 at 10:11 pm

    Dear Chris,

    Thanks for the awesome website! Great stuff!!
    My ex and I have been dating for 2 years till mid August. Or so I thought we were dating….. Apparently he had another lady in his life for about 4 months now. I found out and asked him, and he denied it. But it’s true…. It’s all over Facebook, and I am not on that network. I think he used it as an advantage. I believe a man publicly admits his feelings for a lady he really cares about… So a blind person could see that.
    Anyway, he promised me so much; marriage, his loyalty, then used me in my innocence. Took something I treasured….. My virginity. I really thought he was the one. I trusted him and he just betrayed me. My heart is laden with pain…. I just can’t believe he could do all this to me…. He has been lying to me and sing my money…… All i did was love him with all my heart, without holding anything back. I still do…. It’s a LDR, but I will be return into the country at the end of next year.
    After all this and when I look at all the hurt and pain that he has put me through, I still love him. I am trusting God’s good and perfect will to be done. I just pray that God could bring back our first love and even stronger and deeper. I really don’t want to loose him…. Or should I just give up hope?
    Any advise Chris?

    1. Belladonna

      September 6, 2013 at 1:11 pm

      Mine did the same FB thing to me too. I confronted him, of course he denied it, but its all over FB. So I broke up with him. Then tried to get back with him. He said we should take a break for a few months and reassess the relationship. I totally agreed. At first I would text him here and there which he ignored 50% of the time. So after a while I was like ok. I’m done. I didn’t do anything and I let him be. I stumbled on this site and now I am in NC. Wow how its turned the table. He has been calling me and having very intimate discussions with my VM. The only reason why I’m not taking him seriously is because as far as I know he is still talking to that girl. She lives in Africa and we are in the US.
      He wants to have his cake and eat it too. I value myself more to settle for that. I didn’t ask him to end the relationship with the FB girl because I know him. He’d want to pursue her even harder just because I asked. So I gracefully excused myself from the threesome without any anger or bitterness. Oh and the girl is 17 years you get than us…
      I would say like Chris says go into NC. It’s hard, but it works… If he is truly yours he will be back.


    2. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:43 am

      Yea, NC is a good idea for you.

      Follow the steps above and if you really really want a step by step plan to regain yourself and make him chase you again pick up the E-Book Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO

    3. Belladonna

      September 15, 2013 at 9:05 pm

      Hi Chris,
      After much deliberation I decided I don’t want my ex back. He has been calling me. But I found out today that he is still talking to the lady on FB. I try to tell myself that it is “nothing” but I am obviously not that important to him if he didn’t even bother trying to keep me. Hurts… But that’s life. So the next time he calls I will pickup and just tell him to leave me alone so I can move on with my life without him clouding my brain…

    4. admin

      September 16, 2013 at 5:18 am

      Good for you!

      I want you to read this page for what to do now: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/how-to-get-over-your-ex-boyfriend/

  11. Connie

    September 4, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Me and my boyfriend were together since April but we are in different countries, but we used to see each other every week for 3 days and texting a lot everyday. We went very well and we missed each other so much, he did mention LDR was hard but he couldnt give me up. We had a trip for 2 weeks in the beginning of Aug we both enjoyed. He introduced me to his family and friends, he even started planning our future, how many kids we would have etc.

    But 1.5 weeks ago he started getting cold on texts and I did complain a little bit, but I also know he was busying with his work and tired, after that arguement via texs he said he couldn’t go further with me anymore, I was heartbroken and switch the topic to something happy, on next day I saw him again in person, at first we were a bit embarrass but soon we back to normal, we had sex and kisses, hugs etc, we planned to cook in his home next week when Im there again. However since I back to my country he didnt text me, I texted him 10 he replied one, in a very cold tone. I couldnt accept this and I scared I would lost him so I kept asking what was wrong. Finally he said again he couldnt do it anymore, Im not the one he wants, he told me to accept it and move on with my own life, hurted me most is he said he doesnt love me anymore.. it happend on 1/9 and since that we didnt contact each other anymore… I missed him a lot and cried almost everyday, I really wanna get him back. After reading your website I think i will keep doing NC rule, but I have some questions.. 1) I have personal items in his home which I would like to take back with me. 2) I bought his cat a gift online before we break up and it already delivered to my home. 3) He still own me 400 Euro from the trip we had in early Aug. Should I keep following the NC rule before I ask him for all of those? Im flying there next week again and he knows that (if he still remember), I very much wanna see him of course but I dont think my emotion is well yet..

    1. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:31 am

      Yea, keep following the NC rule before you ask him all of that.

      Wait till you are emotionallly in the right place.

    2. Connie

      September 9, 2013 at 4:58 pm

      hi Chris,

      Its 10 days of NC, I was doing fine when Im in my own place but today Im in his country again, he didnt contact me so far, I dont know if he still remember Im arriving today.. I uploaded a picture in facebook I think he will know if he saw that, however he didnt contact me at all.. I feel so lonely here and cry alot when I recall the memeories we had together (I know I shouldnt do this).. Its so hard to keep NC when Im close to him but still I control myself dont whatsapp him.. I still keep checking his last seen time on whatsapp and wondering if he would do the same… I worry if he throws all my stuff away already.. :((( another 20 days…….

    3. admin

      September 9, 2013 at 7:57 pm

      You are doing fantastic Connie. I know it is hard.

      What are your fears. Lets talk about them.

    4. Connie

      September 17, 2013 at 3:55 pm

      Hi Chris, It’s me again. Day 17 of NC and my emotion is getting much better now 🙂 I try to keep myself busy, go out with friends, and I took a few days to read all your articles again and again, I have more ideas about Why He broke up with me – long distance, I was being needy, clingy and sometimes dramatic. Since He has these images in his mind do you think It’s too late to fix? It’s day 17 but I still hear nothing from him 🙁 is He standing very firm or waiting for me to contact him or He moved on already? I read comments on your site most people hear from.their exes in aaround week 2 of NC.. is my case less hope? I will go to his country again in a few days, bringing a friend with me so can spend all my time with her there to stop myself trying to contact him, as I’m on half way already!!

    5. admin

      September 18, 2013 at 3:02 am

      I wish I could multiply your emotions and give them to some of the people I am dealing with today. They are afraid to try NC haha.

    6. Connie

      September 10, 2013 at 8:34 pm

      Hi Chris,

      Thanks for your reply. Im very temptated to contact him while Im in his country, its really a tough task! however I control myself and write everything I wanna tell him on a piece of paper.

      He broke up with me via texts, all the excues are – he said we tried it but didnt work out (we were so happy in these 6months I have no ideas why he think we are not working out), he said Im not the one for him, we will not have future, he cant give me good life, he couldnt give me all his heart, we are so different.. blah blah blah, finally I asked if he still love me, he said ‘no not anymore like before’, then I stopped asking or pleading, sent him a last text told him to calm down and reconsider again, then I started NC its day 11 now. However my guts feeling is telling me that he still love me (I really hope Im right). what do you think? the biggest fear is he really stop loving me.. but isnt it possible to stop loving someone you used to love so much (if he was not lying) in 1-2 weeks?

      I have many stuff in his home, Im not sure if he throw all or just leave them there, I want to take some of the stuff back but I dont want to break NC as I have been doing for 11 days, its damn hard!

      p.s I can quite sure he is not seeing anyone else

    7. admin

      September 11, 2013 at 2:35 am

      I always say to trust your stuff.

      I think you can break NC to get your stuff if it is really important.

    8. Connie

      September 4, 2013 at 3:44 pm

      p.s. Please forgive my poor english :p

  12. Sarah

    September 4, 2013 at 11:50 am

    yeah the rebound moved in right away. he is very impulsive and seems desperate. it’s sad. Plus you can see how he’s going from one extreme to the other, he was in a LDR and now has a move-in GF. Am I right in saying the more angrier a man gets the more he cares?
    Ok i’m giving ANOTHER good 30 days, I don’t actually want him back but I want him to miss me and contact me, my fear is him not contacting me ever again….

    1. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:19 am

      In this case I would think yea the angrier he gets the more he cares.

      It’s crazy to me that the rebound is moving in that fast.

    2. Sarah

      September 5, 2013 at 7:12 am

      I know i’m shocked, I think the main part was rent $.
      I talked to a random male stranger about this who just got out of a 5 year relationship today….haha we met by fate so I could sort this out. He said right off the bat, my ex knew I was hot he couldn’t control me b/c of the distance. it must have been really hard for him to deal with and now he’s really losing it bc he f*cked up and lost me…meanwhile he’s now stuck with this unattractive girl bc that’s allllll he has. He said to block him out.

    3. admin

      September 6, 2013 at 1:54 am

      I recommend NC on him.

      Hahaha I have a feeling your ex will regret his decision very soon 🙂

  13. Michelle

    September 4, 2013 at 1:28 am

    I completed the 30 day NC (woohoo!!) and had planned to send my first text today (day 33 of NC) when he texted me this morning saying “Good luck and I know you’ll do great” on my first day of graduate school. I debated for a few hours about whether or not to respond. Ignoring him and then texting him a few days later with an intriguing text seemed like a bad choice so I texted him back this afternoon and just said, “Thanks!” I’m annoyed because he took my chance at being in control and initiating contact. Now do I need to wait a few more days before sending my intriguing first contact text?

    1. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:50 am

      Actually it’s perfect!

      You have an in so now the first contact text won’t be so out of the blue.

      two days wait two days and give the text a go.

    2. Michelle

      September 4, 2013 at 3:58 am

      Well now this just got fun! Should my text be school related or can it be the ‘you’ll never believe what I just saw’ message I was initially going to go with? We jokingly bought this ugly 2 foot spoon and fork to hang in his dining room and I went to a friend’s house and she actually had bought the same set and hung them. It cracked me up!

    3. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:05 am

      Hey, that is not a bad idea it might work 🙂

    4. Michelle

      September 7, 2013 at 10:12 pm

      No contact was probably one of the best things I’ve ever done for my relationships thank you! Going on dates and getting into new work out routines has helped me mentally accept what happened with my ex, even if it hasnt changed how I feel about him. My initial text and quick “running to dinner talk to you later” got a really positive responses from him (he was joking/teasing back with me). The next morning he posted a pic of himself wearing a shirt that says “I’d rather be in Ann Arbor” (my school town) for college game day. I’m not sure when the next appropriate time would be to talk to him again though. Regardless of what happens, thank you Chris for all of your help!

    5. admin

      September 8, 2013 at 12:35 am

      Wow this is great to hear!

  14. Jamie

    September 3, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    I began the “no contact rule” exactly a week ago today when I didn’t reply to his message. The thing is, I’m certain he’s the type of guy that leaves relationships in a clean cut manner. He and I have been long distance for 7 months and was, in a sense, a perfect boyfriend. I initiated the NC after weeks of seeing him pull away and avoiding confrontation about his behavioral shift. (The last time I saw him was two weeks ago and he was extremely affectionate). I’m worried he no longer cares that I’m even doing NC because of his personality traits. Is it possible that this relationship still has a shot?

    1. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:42 am

      I think it could but only if you play your cards right. Keep in mind that right now distance and time might actually help you in getting him back!

    2. Jaime

      September 4, 2013 at 6:49 pm

      Thanks for getting back to me! One last thing, every guy has told me that him pulling away from me, before I initiated NC, was a sign he has already passively aggressively ended the relationship in his mind. Should I still contact him after 30 days even though he has made no effort to reach out to me? Or is it a sign that he’s completely lost feelings for me already?

    3. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:38 am

      I would do NC anyways. He may have lost some feelings but you can get them back if you play your cards right.

      Really look to evolve during NC. Your motto should be “I will make him regret leaving me.”

    4. Jamie

      September 3, 2013 at 8:06 pm

      **also, he has made no attempts to contact me since.

    5. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:42 am

      Keep the NC rule still.

  15. elodie

    September 3, 2013 at 7:30 pm


    Me and my ex broke up about a month ago. I did the things ur NOT meant to do when u want an ex back but at the time I didn’t really know about this site. I now want to work things out, I’m moving back to uni in two weeks so if things were to work out we’d have a long distance relationship.
    We met today for a friendly meet up at a gallery but having discovered your site I want to now fix things because we genuinely have potential and today just proved it even more. Would you advise me to start the process from the beginning with no contact etc? I would love some advise on how to go about this.

    Thanks a mill, love ur site!

    1. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:44 am

      NC is kind of essential for this guide to work. So, I would start there. HOWEVER, I would also say that maybe in your situation you can break it if something important happens (he asks you out on a date.)

      You might also want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.

  16. Belladonna

    September 3, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    Mmmnh. I’ve been in a long distance relationship now for 10 months. We used to live in the same city, but we broke up for 13 months with no contact and got back together after he moved. Things were generally ok except, I became well sorta needy and clingy. I would go a few weeks with not being clingy then I would find out something that’d make me “explode” you know what you guys call drama. Well my take he shouldn’t be flirting with unknown girls online. I guess because he assumed I wouldn’t see it. But hey I’m nosey. So the last blow up I broke up with him and tried to get back with him after we had settled. He said no. We should take a break for a few months and go from there. Anyways he texted me on Friday back and forth and the last text I sent was to ask what he wanted for his birthday. I got no response. So I texted him on Sunday basically telling him I was having a good time with an old friend and wanted to tell him all about it later. He texted back and said he was at a BBQ and would talk to me later. So yesterday Monday I texted him asking how the BBQ was and told him my friend had gone and things were going back to normal. No response yet… I hate being ignored. It’s rude! No I didn’t bombarded him with texts and calls. I’m crazy but not that crazy. Lol

    My question is so I do the NC even if we are on a break? The last time he asked for,a break because of me being too needy and “spying” on his every move I let him be for a week and he flew in after a week to talk to me. We got back together. I hate that he is ignoring some of my texts but then he texts me also and I respond… What do I do?

    1. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 6:35 pm

      I definitely say go into the 30 day NC period as I talked about above :).

      You might also want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO if you need ideas on texting him/talking to him.

    2. Belladonna

      September 3, 2013 at 6:46 pm

      Already bought it. Pretty good stuff. I know he is deliberately ignoring my texts because he knows it really p*sses me off. I will be coming back here for will power not to pick up his calls or texting him.

    3. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:29 am

      Come back here all you like!

      And thanks so much for purchasing YOU ARE AWESOME!

    4. Belladonna

      September 3, 2013 at 5:53 pm

      Ok. He just called me this morning. I picked up. Why is he calling when he basically ignored my texts over the weekend? I got him off the phone first and did not act mad about him not responding to my texts. I didn’t even mention them. I think he is still interested, but its like he feels he has me. So even though he asked for the break I think he believes I’m not going any where. So starting today I am implementing NC…
      Yikes it’s gonna be hard because I’m pretty much the only “family” he has and we use to talk everyday about any and everything. He does not make a decision without asking me or seeking my opinion.

      Damn! Why do I have to be so needy and I secure sometimes!

    5. admin

      September 4, 2013 at 2:23 am

      You are not needy and insecure. You are perefect the way you are.

      PLUS you have an awesome name :).

      Good luck on NC we will all be here if you need us.

    6. Belladonna

      September 4, 2013 at 3:29 pm

      I’m pathetic. I got off FB to keep from obsessing over his wall. It’s been over a week. I noticed that every time I looked at his wall I get depressed so I cut that off.
      I read your page on understanding your boyfriend. It made me understand why my ex is ignoring most of my texts and calling me when he feels like it. It’s about control because he is waiting for me to crack and ask to make up. Well that’s not going to happen because I’m in NC till October 3.
      Funny thing is he had an attitude when he called yesterday. But here is what really made me mad and motivated me to really stick to NC. I sent him a picture of myself from a banquet I attended on Saturday. I sent it right after he called and we talked. I got no response back. Mad me angry!


    7. admin

      September 5, 2013 at 12:31 am

      Just relax take a deep breath.

      You might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO I think that can do wonders for you in inspiring you and showing you how to get HIM to chase you.

    8. Belladonna

      September 4, 2013 at 12:35 pm

      Thank you Chris. 🙂

  17. Sarah

    September 3, 2013 at 9:02 am

    Ok so my LDR boyfriend cheated on me most of July after a 1yr 7 months relationship and I didn’t know this at first he said we broke up bc of the 3hr distance (no $, time, energy) and I was never there. He sprung the break up on me, he never told me he was unhappy he gave me a warning but the warning was too late. Oh and I also had just found out my grandma died and I was on my way to break up hell (his house).

    He met a 21 yr old shockingly ugly girl (he is 28) at work that I guess is able to be there for him she even moved in with him! It was shocking. I think he needed her to pay rent … but he denies it.

    He wasn’t going to tell me about her his plan was to remain friends with me, keep me in the dark he didn’t want to hurt my feelings SHE said. But I of course found out and messaged her and did the whole facebook fight and got into a phone fight with the both of them. Psycho texting from him, he just totally crushed me. He made our relationship work he was my support, we talked constantly, we really were in love and I sense we still have residual feelings because we keep hurting each other and we are angry at each other. I did like 27 days not contacting him but then I caved…and he acted like he blocked my number…then I laid off but just tonight I texted him because i had an epiphany about the relationship but then he responded like don’t text me good bye i’m not reading this and the girl texts me on his phone and then they call me and then i want to talk to him and he can only talk to me in front of her and it’s degrading and he acts like a different person. It just hurts to see him like this.
    I don’t know what to do, I still love him even though he’s obviously a piece of shit. I don’t think we will ever be able to talk again he threatened me saying he was changing his number tomorrow and do I have any last words, and I really think I made the mistake of boosting his ego…. How to I save face from here?!?! Ok so the madder your ex gets the more they love you right? His emotions are all over the place, and he’s rebounding and living with the rebound !!!
    No contact 90 days? haha. i guess no contact forever….he doesn’t deserve it, but my heart is still holding on to those stupid feelings!!!!! I even have another guy interested in me. I did a little post breakup sexcapade with someone else but I’m stuck on my ex. I even told him about the sexcapade b/c the girl and him were being disgusting on the phone and then he got flustered and hung up. Ugh. What is going on here?

    1. admin

      September 3, 2013 at 6:33 pm

      A 21 year old ugly girl. Well, if you are prettier than her that certainly gives you an advantage.

      I would say 90 day NC is a little too long. I would go 30 days. And if he is living with the rebound this early then the liklihood of that relationship lasting isn’t great.

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