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February 10, 2014 at 5:44 pm
Hey Chris,
Wow I wish I saw this site sooner.
I was with my boyfriend for 5 years and we broke up for 4 months now.
We remained very close because we have the same group of friend.
I did not know I wanted him back until he started to date an other girl. I totally freaked out. I mean, 3 weeks ago he was holding my hand while we were walking and now he’s dating? That’s harsh.
We talked, cause he noticed something was up, and he told me he was done with the relationship we had but that I was still an important person in his life.
I cried, because well… it hurt. And he comforted me. This all ended up in us having sex. STUPID. Yes. I know.
I really don’t know what to do now, since NC seems nearly impossible because I see him almost every week because of our mutual friends.
I really want him back. I miss the times we had and we were a very strong and loving couple…
Please help me. Shine some light.
Emma robson
February 10, 2014 at 1:14 am
I went out with my boyfriend for 2 years and the reason our relationship was so strong is that he was constantly chasing me, I was his unattainable girl for at least a year, then we went to college and I became protective and in doing that pushed him away, I was the first girl he ever loved and now he is single and knows he can get other girls. When we broke up I was so angry when he kissed someone else I made him feel guilty and then he confessed his love for me again but it was only out of guilt this confused me and I told him how much I needed him and then I told him that I was sorry and ill always be here for him, I want him back so badly but know I have to start the chase again, how do I do that without losing him completely, as he is having the time of his life being single after I was his first love
February 10, 2014 at 5:57 am
Take things really really slow. don’t try to rush them.
February 6, 2014 at 7:48 pm
I’ve been trying NC for just over a week now since the break up, and he’s seen me several timebut hasn’t even tried to talk to me. Although he admitted to a friend that he sometimes misses me. And he has been talking to some girl he has a past with…what can I do to get him back?
February 7, 2014 at 6:26 pm
The girl is probably just a way to fill the void you left.
February 5, 2014 at 1:45 pm
Hi Chris, I wrote a comment once but it didn’t appear.
I hope you’re able to help me with this.
My ex bf and I broke up a year ago and one of the reasons was that I always made him insecure and worried. Recently we started talking again and behaved like a couple without any commitments.
When I asked if he still loved me, he would not give any definite answers and say things like ‘Even if I do, I wouldn’t. That is even if I do’
I don’t understand this but he is still very concerned and caring and demands to know who I go out with and where I’ve been.
Do you think he still loves me and I have a chance to get him back?
Thanks so much
February 5, 2014 at 7:01 pm
Hard to say. Are you doing NC?
February 5, 2014 at 7:47 am
Hello Chris.
I’m quite confused about my ex.
We broke up cause I’m always making him feel worried and insecure.
We stopped talking for a year but recently we’ve met up and do things that couples do. However when asked about whether he has feelings for me he refused to give me a definite answer.
He still cares for me and sometimes demands to know the names of my friends that I go out with too and gets angry if I refuse to tell him.
Does he care for me as a friend or does he still have feelings for me?
What should I do? ):
Its been so long but I still have feelings for him
Thank you.
Ray ray
February 3, 2014 at 8:01 am
Dear Chris,
I began dating my current ex via the internet out of state and we hit it off so well that I decided to move to his state and live with him! It was very quick too, after a few weeks of talking him. Obviously we were very into each other at this time. After moving in with him, we we together for over a year, and lived to together all of this time. During the last couple of months he began becoming more distant and restless and said on multiple occasions that he thought we should break up. I tried to get him to explain to me why, but he said he didn’t know, it was just a feeling. His distance and uncertainty tore me apart, and ultimately he decided to take a temp job in another state (where we had lived previously) and moved out about two weeks ago. For the last two weeks we have talked almost every day (he initiates every call) and contact. We both admit to missing each other, and he has said that he still loves me. He is even making plans to come back and see me soon. (It’s an eight hour drive) Since the break up we have not discussed the status of our relationship, and he still keeps our relationship status on facebook. My question is, when he finally does visit, do I bring up the relationship talk or let him initiate it. What should I say to him in person, and what should I do if we start getting physically intimate before we have had this talk? The problem is, he still has his stuff here and he is assuming he will stay here. Should he? Or should I tell him to stay somewhere else… Even though I really want him to stay with me, I am not sure how it will all go. Very confusing.
Thanks for reading.
February 3, 2014 at 6:20 pm
I would say no sex until he commits…
Ray ray
February 3, 2014 at 10:53 pm
My other question is, should I initiate the talk or should I let him initiate it, should I even bring it up? Should I wait til he initiates sex and then bring it up? Thanks again.
February 3, 2014 at 2:47 am
So 2 and a half years ago I started at a new job. I met this guy from my department who was totally shy and awkward around me. Within a month we started seeing each other and we hit it off. I found out that he was a virgin and I was only the second girl he had ever kissed, which didn’t bother me at all. I actually could have cared less if sex were ever involved, I was enjoying the way things were without it. Things were hott and heavy even without sex and I felt the need to see where his intentions lie. I brought up the relationship question. He took a few days to answer and decided that between work and college, he didn’t have time for a relationship. Feeling hurt, I stopped talking to him for a few months eventhough we still worked together. One night and a few drinks later and he started flirting with me and I went with it and things sparked up again. We went on for a month before one night he, for lack of a better term, made himself not a virgin anymore. His doing, not mine. We would continue to work together and have sex randomly about once a month and he would insist right after that we shouldn’t keep doing it but it continued to happen. As time progressed and I ended up moving closer to where he lived, we got closer emotionally. He would hang out at my house and watch movies with me and even spend the night some nights. He brought me over to his house and introduced me to his family. He took me to hang out with his friends at times. He even spent my entire birthday weekend with me at my house. And then within a month things changed. He started lying about talking to another girl we work with who has a child by another guy we work with. Shortly thereafter he started chasing after her while still talking to me and she would make excuses not to hang out with him. And somehow, I felt bad for him. Things got crazy. I found out that he slept with me only a 2 days after taking her out to dinner for the first time. And I just left him alone. I started trying to date other people and ignored him completely. Me not talking to him drove him bonkers and he started seeking answers from mutual friends. He ended up at my place one night after we went drinking with friends and started having sex and I stopped him in the middle and said I didn’t want to continue things and I was done. We continued not speaking and I continued to try to date other people, but they all turned out to be losers. Well…he ended up at my place one night and we spoke about “her” and he explained that he was tired of her and decided to stop seeing her and we ended up having sex. Things with her at work became awkward and being the grown-up I decided to be as nice to her as I needed to be. Well he ended up talking her again and they ended up on another date. I left him alone for a while. Another drunk night out with friends led to a conversation about how she was using him and he deleted his Facebook (the usual method of conversation with her) that night. He stayed off of Facebook for about a week and ended up creating a new one and friended her. I was trying to be a friend, honestly, and tell him what I saw her doing to him, but he kept trying to be friendly to her. She messaged him and he told me he couldn’t be mean and ignore her and started talking to her again. She had, over the course of almost a year, only hung out with him twice and cancelled on him last minute several times and not shown up twice. As a girl, I know what that means. And I tried to warm him, but to no avail. I found out later that they ended up going on 5 more dates after that and “hooked up” only 3 of those nights. As he described it she didn’t even pleasure him manually but he did her and no sex was involved. Well as close as we stayed as friends, no sex, he kept it all from me. He finally confessed to me that he was interested in someone but wouldn’t tell me anything. It wasn’t until one afternoon while he was fixing something at my house, and stayed to hang out and watch a movie, that he confessed everything. That had happened. He proclaimed that he was done, he had enough and he was going to officially end things with her. Although I wasn’t trying to be naive, I believed he actually did want to. We ended up sleeping together for the first time in months that night. Two days later he came back to tell me he had told her things couldn’t go on and she threw a fit and deleted him off Facebook. I couldn’t believe he grew a pair and did it so I told him I was proud of him. A few days later they talked and settled things and went back to being Facebook friends and she told him it may take a while but she’ll get over him. Over the next few days we had a fight about something he said in regards to him considering telling her that we slept together, I was furious and I was ready to walk away from him for good. We talked about it and I calmed down about it. Over the next few days the conversations started to lean towards how he was an idiot for never making things official with me and how he missed cuddling with me etc. We hung out one night and watched a movie and we ended up deciding to try it out officially and see what happens. We agreed to try for two months and if things went well, keep it going, if not end things and leave the emotions and the sex and everything in between in the past and be strictly friends. For the first 2 weeks things were amazing. We spent a lot of time together, what little we had to spare. We held hands, called each other babe, had great sex, etc. He even told his mom about me and how he felt we were compatible and he liked how he didn’t feel like he needed to impress me. So we went out for new years with friends, and ended up at my place having the most amazing sex ever. He went home and we went to work the next morning and after work we ended up out with a friend drinking. And she asked how everything was. He answered positively and I didn’t hear him so a little while later I asked him how he felt about things and after a pause he ended up saying he was unhappy and he wasn’t “feeling it.” This led into two days of fighting and then two days of me not speaking to him. I broke my silence and asked him to come over to talk and he was affectionate the whole night and we talked things out, watched a movie and he spent the night, had sex the next morning and he begrudgingly left to go get ready for work. Things were good for a few days and then a few days later he went and hung out with that girl one night and lied to me that night about what he was doing. Now let me say that I knew they would talk the whole time we dated and it didn’t bother me. I’m not THAT jealous that I felt threatened by him talking to her. Especially if he was open to tell me what they talked about if I brought it up. However, I was not alright with them hanging out. The next day he apologized to me for being too busy to talk because of what he told me he was doing that night. He didn’t know I knew what happened. I confronted him that day and he confessed to everything that happened. He said it was just dinner and a movie, she invited him out and he just needed to destress and insisted he never cheated and it was completely innocent. I confirmed later with a friend that he was telling the truth. But nothing was the same after that. He never seemed to be affectionate, we stopped having sex, he never made plans with me first, always seemed busy, and never messaged me first. I became very unhappy very fast. And I told him. The conversation didn’t end well. In summary he said that he had been stressed and he didn’t appreciate that I wasn’t being understanding eventhough he never explained how much he really had on his plate with school, he felt that he shouldn’t have had to. And he definitely didn’t like me bringing up the night he went out with “her” again. We didn’t talk for a day and the next things were ok. I spoke to him the next day and apologized to him for not being understanding about how stressed he was. He said that he was thankful for my apology but said that things were not going well. He was still unhappy and didn’t know why. He decided that he was ending things that night. I asked him what he wanted to happen now and he told me it was up to me. I confessed prior to the relationship being official I was considering walking away for good, and asked him if he cared if I did. He said he wouldn’t tell me he cared if I left if that’s what was gonna make me happy. It’s been 5 days now and I haven’t spoken to him. But I’m not sure what to make of everything, but do I care about him a lot and I want a relationship not a frienship/relationship-ish-thing like we had been for years. What’s going on and what can I do now?
February 3, 2014 at 6:10 pm
Do you fear he is just using you for sex?
February 3, 2014 at 10:28 pm
I don’t actually. I have had a guy friend or two tell me that when we were spending so much time together and not putting a title on it. I truly don’t believe that a guy, who values his mother above any person in the world, would waste his time telling her how he feels about a girl if she means nothing more than sex. Our breakup conversation lasted an hour, and he explained that he feels like we’re married and how everyone we know at work would tell him we fight like a married couple and we should just get married. He said the reason he wanted to end things was because we were fighting too much. I personally found it frustrating because he’s the first guy ever that didn’t just give up during a fight and let me win. But to answer your question further, what I fear most is being deceived. I used to trust him without question. But since this other girl came into the picture he started to be deceptive. She can’t disappear from the picture because we work in the same store as her. Now what I want most is the title. I can say that I was the only girl he had ever dated that hadn’t broken up with him and the only one who hadn’t cheated on him. I care enough about him that I never want to see him hurt. And I like to see him happy. So what does it all mean?
February 2, 2014 at 1:11 pm
i want to make mt ex bf bac and fall inlove with me again but how? I don’t know how he feels now. it’s been 3 days since we broke up I am the one who end the relationship.. and it bother’s me, do I STILL Love him or just our memories together? I still a little bit hurt when i post a status on a site “Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end. It simply means I’ll miss you, until we meet again!” then he commented “Okay. hahaha” but he still chatting me. 🙁
January 30, 2014 at 7:39 pm
After years of marriage and having young kids my husband wants a divorce. One day he says he never loved me and married for the wrong reasons, other days he says its because we fight to much.
He has been withdrawing from me since he got a depression a few years ago and refused to work on the relationship or go to counseling.
Is there still a chance to turn this around?
January 31, 2014 at 6:33 pm
Have you read my guide on getting your ex husband back?
January 29, 2014 at 2:44 am
Heyy I broke up with my bf because of understanding problem…. bt I love him a lot….nd want him back…
Pls… help me… its been 4 months since our break up bt I love him nd want him back.. actually I annoyed him and things went wrong and he broke up with me.. pls help me
January 29, 2014 at 6:55 pm
Have you been in contact with him at all?
January 28, 2014 at 7:52 pm
Hi Chris!
Okay, so my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago, we talked about why and we sort of resolved it. Sometimes I’ll text him to apologize for the dumb stuff I did. Him and I have been bestfriends for over 7 years and we dated for 9 months. When I first met him we were just kids so I didn’t think he’d mean so much to me in 4 years. We dated for a little but I didn’t really want a relationship at that point in time, so I told him it wasn’t working for me and he was sad but apparently got over it quite quickly. We would talk once in a while after that, but not as much. Then about 2-3 years ago, we started talking again and I had discovered that I was starting to develop feelings for him that were much stronger than before, but he was in a relationship so I didn’t want to disturb him if he was happy with her. So I didn’t talk to him all that much afterwards. But then he broke up with her a few months later and by that time I had moved on and found someone else, and he would message me sometimes and they’d be wonderful conversations. But then I felt myself getting attached again so I would kind of push him away because I thought that he wasn’t interested in me like that and I didn’t want to embarrass myself. But about a year ago, he randomly messaged me and again, he was in a relationship. But it was different this time because he was having second thoughts and he didn’t want to be with her, so he seemed my advice on how to tell her. He ended up ending it with her and we started talking every day. Before I knew it, I had completely fallen in love with him, he’s my male equivalent and we fit perfectly. We slowly progressed into a couple and things were wonderful. Until near the end, he never had time to hangout so I began to become concerned that he didn’t want to be with me anymore, so I would be a little quiet whenever I saw him at school. And apparently I did that a lot because he broke up with me over it. We talk sometimes, but it’s not the same as before we dated. And he hugs me when he sees me in public. I want to try all of this, but I don’t know if it’s maybe too early? He said he would give me a second chance, just not under these circumstances. And he said he still wants to talk and stuff, but he needs space. I don’t know what he means in that sense considering he wants to talk and hangout but wants space? I don’t know what to do, I would really appreciate your help and your thoughts! I just don’t know if it’s too early to try any of your advice.
Thanks so much!
January 29, 2014 at 6:42 pm
Give him his space for now.
January 28, 2014 at 9:45 pm
Also, he said he still loves me but in a different way. Please help me, I don’t want him to fall in love with anyone else while we’re apart, mind you he did say he was just gonna stay away from relationships. But still, please, I’m desperate!
January 28, 2014 at 2:38 pm
I Have been reading your site over and over again.
my boyfriend and I were together for only four months, he ended the relationship early dec 2013. we are exactly the same,
so much in common, both run our own businesses, aspirations, very driven.
i’ve been a model for over 10 years, however perhaps my appearance slipped a little. and then he decided that i didn’t motivate him, and told me i wasn’t good enough to be with him.
Pretty crappy thing to do, but I’m in the middle, either move on, or try to show him that i am everything he ever dreamed of and make him beg for me back.
I did the no contact rule for over 30 days.
i then txted him in a positive way like on your website, immediately got a response back, waiting a while to reply, he replied immediately and i ended the conversation. I have txted him on two occasions.
however he has not don’t anything or txted me back on his own accord since…
Should i keep trying. I’m really not sure what to do at this point.
I am using social media to show i am moving on having fun, being the unbeatable woman, however what else can i do to make him chase me, to txt me and make the initial contact.
i feel like if i contact him again that i am chasing,
and i want it to be the other way around.
January 28, 2014 at 6:41 pm
I get that.. However, sometimes you have to make the first move, get him attached and get him chasing that way.
January 27, 2014 at 9:28 am
Hi Chris,
my ex recently broke up with me due to the fact that I kept giving up on us. He says he needs time to fix himself and that he doesn’t feel that way to me anymore. The first time he said it was over the phone and we made an arrangement to see each other. However, when we saw each other it was just like old times and we were really happy, held hands and kissed, however I couldn’t restrain myself and asked about where we were in the relationship at the end of the date which he then repeated that he didn’t feel the same way but hugged me and made sure I was okay. I want to give him the space he needs but I dont want to make a wrong move which either makes him fall out of love with me because I’m not showing him that I care, or pushing him away because I care too much. Please help Chris, I really can’t see myself without him.
January 26, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Hi, will this work for long distance?
January 27, 2014 at 6:22 pm
It can!
January 26, 2014 at 8:11 pm
I mean long distance relationship
January 17, 2014 at 5:24 pm
Hi Chris. 🙂
First of all wana tel u that this article is very nice i read it today only.. hope it will help me in getting my ex back.. also, you can be a God to anyone man!! 🙂
You are handsome indeed man!! 😉 Not flirting, but telling the truth!
Listen to my story and do answer the questions i ask:
I am 17 years old. He is my classmate only. he proposed me on 17th August 13. We were damn happy and his friends were really sick of our relationship as he started giving more importance to me instead of his friends.. On Dec, he said that his mom came to know about that and he wants to break up.. i thought its okay as now he must start concentrating in his studies also.. and after exams are over, we both can be together.. he only said that.. i was okay but the main thing or the main twist was when i heard from others of him calling me slut and stuffs like that.. his friends washed off his brain so damn nicely.. also, now it seems ( i am not sure, maybe he is lying) that he made a new girlfriend.. Chris, truly speaking, i love him a lot!! Just can’t think of my life without him and i want him to be mine only!! just can’t see him with any other girl.. 🙁 :'(
we both don’t talk, he doesn’t even notice me in the class, no texts, no phone calls.. 🙁 i am already following the NO contact rule, i too have started avoiding him.. Now questions are:
1. Should I return him the gifts he gave me?
2. The ‘Ungettable girl’ concept- should i start showing attitude towards guys and stop talking to them?
3. Should i speak to him rudely/softly whenever he comes to talk to me?
Do reply Chris as i have seen you helping others.. please do help me dude i would be so grateful to you!! 🙂
Finally, if i ever get him back, i will do tell you first my mail.. Cuz that time you will be indeed a Jesus to me!! 🙂
Thanks for your time!! 🙂
January 20, 2014 at 12:15 am
1. If you want to. If they are big and you feel you should.
2. Have you read the ungettable girl guide on this site?
3. Softly. Be very classy.
January 20, 2014 at 2:14 pm
Ya its okay but will he come back to me even if he have got a new girlfriend?
January 20, 2014 at 7:45 pm
He might but it will obviously take longer.
January 21, 2014 at 12:13 pm
Will ur gameplan and thid whole guide will help me in such a situation to get him back for SURE?
January 21, 2014 at 6:14 pm
Again, I can’t guarantee it but I think it can help improve your chances.
January 22, 2014 at 3:17 pm
Its okay… I will trynna get him back… 🙁 hope your gameplan helps meh!!
January 20, 2014 at 6:43 pm
Also, he said me to find someone else as my boyfriend and forget him.. this broke me almost completely..:'(
January 20, 2014 at 6:36 pm
One more thing Chris… he himself said me never contact him in ny way… calls, messages facebook nothing.. :'( so what should I do now? Follow the “No contact rule” still or something else? :'(
January 16, 2014 at 8:45 am
Hi Chris, i need your help. My boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago after we’ve been together for 18 months on and off. Although we were crazy about each other we had alot of issues mainly because I had some unresolved issues from a previous long term relationship. Three weeks after our break up he told me he wants to move on with a mutual friend of ours. This devastated me completely. Which of course led to me being extremely emotional. He told me he can’t do the drama and emotion any more that i bring to this relationship. I know he still has feelings for me, but the more I try to get him back the worse I make things. Last night we had one last conversation where I think I pushed him over the limit by not wanting to accept the breakup. Have I completely lost him forever? He is not an irrational, emotional person, so I can’t see him breaking up with this girl soon. He is very stable and secure. He’s not one for dating around either. Have I lost him forever? I can’t think of what else to do than accept defeat and move on. Please help.
January 16, 2014 at 4:29 am
I’m currently trying out the friendzone tactic. Asking him for his opinion on a man i’m getting to know. I’ve been asking him qns through texts and his replies sound like he’s annoyed or not interested. Replies like “how should i know” or “up to you”
Am i doing it wrongly? 🙁 i dont know how to go frm here. Do i go NC on him again or pressed him for his opinion?
January 16, 2014 at 5:56 pm
Nope, he is mad and that is good b/c it will mak ehim realize he really cares fo ryou.
January 18, 2014 at 3:55 am
I texted him saying “its so nice to hv a friend like u to talk to abt these things!” And he replied “no problem”
Does this mean that im in his friendzone too? 🙁 so the tactic failed?
January 20, 2014 at 12:25 am
He probably responded that way b/c he was hurt HE got friendzoned but didn’t want to show it.
January 21, 2014 at 8:55 am
Really? Cause the last time i went out with him. He mentioned about being in contact with at least 4 other ladies. And them all pushing him for commitment. I think i have indeed been friendzone 🙁 thats why im trying this tactic. By putting him in the friendzone too. Actually, how can you tell if a man has friendzoned you? Hahaha. Maybe you should do a guide on that! Or how to get your ex to commit to you if he’s dating a few ladies. Haha.
Anyway, He told me since he hasn made up his mind on the ladies. He keeps insisting on being friends with me and tells me to let go of any hopes of being in a rshp or anything serious with him.
Should i take his word for it and move on? Or keep trying using the friendzone tactic? I can’t really tell if this tactic is working so far..
January 21, 2014 at 6:09 pm
Ya… or he has commitment issues.
January 21, 2014 at 9:58 pm
Is there no hope or should i keep trying the friendzone tactic?
January 22, 2014 at 3:47 pm
He told me recently he injured his ankle from soccer. So i told him i can massage his feet for him. He said “so can i come over your place?” I didn reply to that, just changed the topic. A few days later i asked him hows your ankle? and he said it still hurts. I asked him so when r u coming over, i want to put my massage skills to use. He replied “really? I can come over?” And then, i didn reply.
Am i doing this push pull thing correctly? Hahaha.
January 21, 2014 at 9:16 am
And i asked him if i should ask this guy im getting to know out to a concert. And he replied saying “go ahead” i asked him “u dont mind i’m asking him out?” He replied one word “no”.
So chris! How am i to know if this tactic is working or not? 🙁 why is he responding so negatively like he doesn even care abt me.
January 21, 2014 at 10:37 am
Our text convo went on like this.
Me: do you want to go to this concert with me? Else i’ll ask someone else
him: No. U may go ahead. I hv to attend a course on that day.
Me: so you dont mind i ask other guy out?
Him: go ahead
me: u dont mind at all?
Him: no
Me:great, so i guess there’ll b no misunderstanding btwn us 🙂 i’m thinking of asking this guy’s family and my family out.
Him: okay, thats good.
Me: do u hv any ideas where we can go?
Him: go hv seafd maybe
Me: actually i dont know if im ready to bring him to meet my family. Bt i met his.
Him: okay gd, so what are u waiting for? Hahaha.
Me: waiting for you! Hahaha.
Him: Why waiting for me? Hahaha.
And then.. I didn reply. I figured its better i dont reply to that right? Sounds negative replies frm him, no? 🙁 Any idea what’s going through his mind?
Thanks chris, i really appreciate your advice very much!
January 16, 2014 at 4:39 am
And through his texts, he “laughs it off”
Replies “hahaha. How should i know”
Why does it seemed like he’s not taking me seriously. Sigh.
January 16, 2014 at 4:46 am
Sorry for spamming chris! But i just need to clarify. After awhile, he wont even reply my msgs anymore! Bad enough he’s giving short replies like the above examples i mentioned. But when i tried to continue the convo by asking another qns etc, he wont reply. What do i do now?
Appreciate your opinion on this pls, thank you.
January 16, 2014 at 5:59 pm
Hahaha just go into NC for a while.. like a day or two.
January 16, 2014 at 12:13 pm
I think its better if i give you a clearer picture. So hopefully you can explain to me why is he behaving as such?
I asked if i could get his opinion on something and i dont trust any other man. He replied saying “haha you’re funny. What is it regarding till you dont trust other men” I told him abt this new guy im getting to know. And this new guy talks abt marriage with me. (I was raped before, my ex is the only guy i told abt it) so i asked my ex if he thinks i should tell this new guy. He said, “slowly open up, you should be able to cope with it,and since it happened years ago, dont worry.” I asked him “am i good enough to be someone’s wife?” He replied saying “You were never my wife before, how should i know. Hahaha” i replied saying “i meant do u think i will make a gd wife despite my past” he replied saying “if you ask me, I think you can be” i replied saying “what makes you think so?” And he didn reply.
Judging from his replies, do you think he still has feelings for me? Any hope to win him back? How long should i do nc for since he didn reply my last msg? What should my first text be after nc? Asking him for his opinion on the new man again?
P.s please just delete my second and third comment. (4:39am & 4:46am comment) And after replying to this comment, please delete this and the first comment too as well, after a day; least till i read your reply.
And i want to say a special thank you to you chris, you have absolutely no idea how helpful your guides are. And i appreciate all your comments very much (im a coward, hiding behind anon for mths) hahaha.
January 16, 2014 at 1:39 am
do you have any advices on long distance relationships if they broke up how you can get your boyfriend back? we are 3 years together but he said that he is tired of distance and skype. got any ideas how i get him to want to be with me?
January 16, 2014 at 5:51 pm
Yes! I actually wrote an entire guide on them!
January 14, 2014 at 12:20 pm
Hey. So I started dating my ex a year ago. I ended up getting pregnant after only two months of dating but we both wanted to keep the baby and do what is right.We got married in November and we our both 18. This past month we fought alot because I am very needy during pregnancy. He starting seeing another woman. I tried to work it out but when he’d see how hurt I was he wouldn’t want to be around me. I told him to leave and the other girl came to get him and he has been with her for three days now. He says he loves me but isn’t in love with me anymore. Our baby will be here in less than 8 weeks and I want to make things work. How do I get him to come back. Is it even possible at this point? He left me and his family for this girl. He said he will continue to come to doctors appointments so I will see him at those.what can I do? Is there anything?
January 13, 2014 at 8:29 pm
Hi I love the website! Has given me so much strength to get through No Contact! My problem/question is this: my ex has rebounded (so we all think) onto another girl. He’s only been with her since December and we only split in October. However, before NC I did make some classic mistakes including tears, telling him I wanted him back (I dumped him) and telling him I still love him. His responses were “I love u too u dafty but I’m with vickie just now” and “yes but ain’t happening” I just wondered what u made of this and wether you think I still have a chance with him even though he said no then he said anything can happen in the future?
January 14, 2014 at 5:43 pm
I am glad you like it!
There is a chance of course BUT it’s up to you to decide if you have the patience to try.
January 14, 2014 at 8:24 pm
Thanks! Of course I do, I’ve nothing to lose 😉