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746 thoughts on “The Definitive Guide To Making Your Ex Boyfriend Love You Again”

  1. Emma

    September 21, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    Dear Chris,
    My ex broke up with me in February, we’ve been together for almost six years in a long distance relationship. It’s not the fist time he’s broken up with me, in 2006 we had a year long relationship and he broke up with me due to the distance, after a couple of months he got into another relationship that lasted three years and eventually came back to me in 2010 (I was in another relationship as well at the time).
    He treated me poorly, breaking up with a passive aggressive message on facebook (he started drifting away from me around this time last year, while I was having very bad stomach issues and eventually ended up going in and out the hospital for treatment, I don’t want to sound mean but he kinda caused/worsened my issues since they were stress induced) and last year has been just horrible for both of us (he lost his job and had an accident, I lost my grandmother and my mother had some health issues that took a while to get rid of).
    He said “there’s no going back” and that “it can’t work out for us/maybe we’re not meant to be together”, when I demanded to meet with him to get closure, or some answer (I know, bad move) since he really didn’t give me any reason about the break up; he just said “My father gave me my grandparents house and I had to move there, it’s a new start and I’ve decided to get a hold of my life”, which sounded like total bullshit. This place is so much closer to where I live and it broke my heart thinking that he felt that way instead of “oh, we live closer now, I’ve my own place, we can be together more easily!”.
    When we met he kept at a distance (phisically), telling me things like “find someone better” etc. and even joking about little things he knew would’ve annoyed me (like making fun of my nose…)
    He contacted me in May asking about my health and after that I contaced him in July. The thing is: he started dating another woman around May (at least, this is what he said), this made me feel so bad I eventually stopped talking to him and after 2 months of no contact he removed me from facebook because “you obviously don’t care about our friendship and you posted a picture with a stone wall behind you that looks like the one I’ve in my new house, I know you were here on vacation and I leave the front door open”.
    He basically called me a stalker. I was so offended (I’m not a crazy girlfriend, never stalked anyone in my life) and I got utterly mad; the stone wall was actually at my aunt’s place (she lives an hour and a half from him, they both did renovations last year and it was just a weird coincidence), so I had to explain it to him and show him proof (he’s 31, I felt like talking to a child).
    The other part is, well, bullshit. He knows I care deeply (he suffers from MS and this is why I care about having him on facebook so I can check up on him from time to time without having to bother him and make myself look desperate) and I had to tell him “listen, you are with someone else, it made me feel unconfortable. It’s not that I don’t care, is that I care about myself too. You knew I was treating my health issues and yet you never asked about it because when you don’t want to do something you just don’t do it, you’ve always said that. You’re also very rude to me when I contact you so why should I do it? I care about being friends with you on facebook so that I can see how you’re doing without having to annoy you and make myself feel unconfortable. It’s about respect for you and for myself as well!” and not only he ignored what I said but replied with “you didn’t even wish me happy birthday (early June)! And I wanted to do it for yours (actually next week)!”. He kept saying “I panicked, get over it! You’re making drama for nothing! You don’t give a f about what I do, you said it!” and I eventually got tired and said “I don’t care about who you do, it’s different” and he said “I don’t do.” and I really still don’t know what he meant with that…
    Long story short, I told him I was seeing someone else as well so my attentions weren’t out of jealousy or else, and that I was being annoying because I care about him and his health, regardless of the feelings. So, since then, I started asking him how he’s doing (it’s happened twice) but so far he’s still being incredibly cold, using short answers etc.
    With him is either black or white but with me he’s always said white and done black, even know… And of course I love him, never loved anyone like I love him, but I just don’t know what to do. I’ve always had this huge gut feeling that he’s the one, never felt the same with anyone else…
    He’s doing the exact same things he’s done the first time he broke up with me, even the girl he’s dating resembles his ex! I’m so confused…

    Sorry for bothering you with this dumb story!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 23, 2016 at 3:53 pm

      We were and are once again friends on facebook, and I’m sorry but to check up on him or any of my friends from time to time to see how they’re doing is not stalking. I don’t log in with his account, never did, if this is your concern!
      When we were together he asked me to show him all my social media accounts, (tumblr as well), he used to look at them daily and ask me about this or that if something bothered or pleased him, if someone had to be called a stalker, maybe he’s the one here (and I swear, he didn’t like getting a no as a response, he begged over 20 minutes for me to give him the link to my tumblr).
      As for the dating, I’ve started dating someone, yes, but I’m taking it very slowly.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 24, 2016 at 1:40 pm

      That’s good! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you.. Be consistent on what you have started now, and don’t check his account during nc, so that you get upset and to help you heal faster too.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 23, 2016 at 8:57 am

      Hi Emma,

      are you really in a relationship with someone else or you just said that to him?
      I know you don’t like being called a stalker, well no one does but checking up on his social media account is stalking. It’s understandable. You’re hung up on him, so you would really do that.

      I think you need to check these:
      Stage 5 Clinger – Getting A Boyfriend Back If You Were Too Clingy
      EBR 003: Does Having Your Own Life Help You Get Your Ex Back?
      The Ungettable Girl

  2. Crumbling

    September 19, 2016 at 5:15 am

    The father of my child and I were together for almost 5 years. We were young when we had our daughter and it happened a little too quickly.. We broke up 4 years ago. It took a few years for us to rebuild a friendship and be able to be around each other in a civil manner. But we nailed it and had become the best of friends more so over this past year.
    He has dated others and so have I over the course of our break up but nothing to serious. Last year, after starting to hang out with him a bit more thought that maybe we could give it another go but was worried that too much time had pasted and I couldn’t reconnect my feelings for him like I use too. He jumped in with two feet and it scared me a bit so I backed off.
    A few months later he ended up needing a place to stay as his apartment building burnt down. I couldn’t leave the father of my child and best friend homeless..
    The first few days he slept in the spare room and we just carried on as friends. Then one night we ended up being together in the bedroom.. He again wanted to jump into with 2 feet but I had mixed feelings about it. But because we were in the same house I fought through my anxieties and thought well maybe I can get my feelings back for him.
    He was advised tho that he would still need to get his own place and if we were going to work on things it would be much better if we did it slowly.
    He did a month or so later found a new place and moved in. We still would do dinner most nights throughout the week and would stay at each other’s places a few times a week. As the weeks passed on, he seemed to drift away, and when I asked him about it he said he couldn’t feel the passion from me that he was needing.. I tried to show him what he wanted but couldn’t deliver because of my own anxiety and fear.
    In turn, we drifted away again but still remained friends and were able to co-parent our daughter.
    He has had this one girl that he has been on and off again over the years of our separation. I was never bothered too much by it because their relationship was just that, on and off. Recently they started doing the on thing again, usually it wouldn’t bother me and I would step back. This time, I couldn’t, I ended up telling him that I was in love with him and had been for quite some time but just couldn’t admit it to myself.
    He then told me that he would say goodbye to her and give us shot because having his family back was important. We spent every evening together, not the night, but supper and spending time with each other after the work day was done. Too me, it seemed like things were heading in the right direction, although I still had doubts of his feelings that he had toward this other girl regardless of what he said to me.
    One night he didn’t come to his place for supper and ignored my calls and texts. It turned out it was her birthday and he had decided to go be with her for the night.
    The next day I was irate and very hurt that he did this too me. Seeing me so upset and invested in him, he then told me that we need to work on getting our friendship back to where it was before we could go any further. That I could do! A few weeks pasted and everything seemed good, he was close again and seemed checked in this time instead of our. We ended up spending the night one night together and he was all on board for making this work. And I couldn’t be happier because I finally wanted it like he had several months back.
    A few weeks later, I could feel him distancing himself from me a bit. One day at work he had sent me a text saying that he needed time for himself because he had such strong feelings for the other girl. I was of course upset and very angry. I said a lot of mean things and then of course calmed down hours later to beg him to not do what he was doing.
    Two days later I drive by his place as it is on the way to my daughters school and seen her car out front. I seen red and blew his phone up while he was at work… Which never gets me anywhere because he won’t talk to me when I’m that mad.
    We had been invited to a wedding months back and it just so happened that the wedding was only days away after this happened. It took all the courage in the world to go with him but I did. That night, he invited me to stay the night. I didn’t even care at this point if we were going to have sex or not, I just wanted to be beside him. He ended up telling me he had a great time with me at the wedding and I broke down and cried like a 3 year old. He held me and squeezed me tight. He knew the hurt he had put me through that last week was hard on me. We ended up making love and spending the next day together.
    That day tho, I had noticed his phone was dinging a lot and she had been calling him. I then got very emotional again and ended up leaving, knowing that he would be going to spend time with her. He tried to tell me that he was just going to watch a movie together and that was it. Well she was still there the next morning when I took our daughter to school.

    I’m afraid that if I am too emotional it will push him away. But on the other hand, he’s my best friend and I need that friend to cry too although I know he’s not the right one to do it to.
    I want so badly for him to fall back in love with me and choose me. if I just let him go be with her my hope is that history will repeat itself and they will break up again but my biggest fear is that if I do that, he won’t come back to me.
    I’m not sure how to approach this but I feel like I need to fight for this

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 21, 2016 at 8:54 am

      Hi Crumbling,

      well, he will still be present in your life no matter what.. So, why not take a differenr step this time. Try minimal contact. Make it seem like you’ve accepted the situation and then focus in improving yourself..try doing 30 days

  3. Em101

    September 12, 2016 at 10:21 am


    I was with my boyfriend for just under two years before I fell pregnant. Before I fell pregnant, things were great. He admired me like crazy, he would do anything for me and I can honestly say he seemed madly in love, and I felt 100% the same. So much so, that I never thought things would end, which is why I was delighted about my pregnancy as I pictured us being a perfect family.

    Things were still great for a while, until around 5 months into my pregnancy he started acting different. He seemed distant to me, quiet, uninterested and this eventually progressed to him lacking empathy or consideration for me, and was disgustingly selfish. I tolerated this for a
    month until I questioned him on it, and he confessed that he “doesn’t know” if he feels the same about me anymore. As more weeks passed this eventually turned into “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” – with this, he moved out, and after finding this website I did not beg for him, I didn’t text him at all and sure enough he began to text me. He would just ask how I was, I would say fine, that kind of conversation, then suddenly he just wouldn’t reply, so I would not text again. But he kept on texting, and it was always the same conversation, and he would always end up just halting the conversation.

    Then, after 3 weeks of him moving out my waters broke three weeks early, and I phoned him and he immediately came over. When he came over we couldn’t stop cuddling, and we kissed a few times. I stayed home that night as wasn’t ready for birth yet and we shared the same bed and again, cuddled. In the morning when my pain intensified he was supportive and before you knew it we were in hospital and our son was born. Things were fantastic after this, he kept telling me how proud he was of me, and would often tell me he loved me, and we were on a high. I was certain that things had changed as everyone had said he would come around once the baby was born. I waited two weeks before I decided to talk to him about everything and see what was going on, but after two weeks of what seemed like pure affection and happiness, he told me that nothing had changed and that he was not in love with me still- (despite telling me he loved me multiple times over the past weeks). I was mad, we argued and he decided he wanted to work on things (see if his feelings change and if it can work, rather than immediately end things for good) we agreed, and again, things seemed great, but when I asked him about his feelings he told me nothing has changed, but again had been telling me he loved me and had been looking at moving into a two bed place with me. I started losing hope, and just said “if you don’t love me, why are you trying to love me? Just let go of everything, say it’s done and I will leave it at that, completely cut it all off” and he said “I can’t do that, I don’t want to do that”. I told him I think he’s confused, and he admitted he is. But weeks after saying this, he told me that what was left of his feelings for me had completely faded and he knows for sure that he won’t love me again. So I’m devastated, not only that I’ve lost the man I love, but that my son is going to experience life without his father around permanently, I had painted a perfect picture of what life would be like as a family with him and my son- but it has not worked out and I feel I can’t cope.

    When we first got together I was not all that interested, and he spent a long while sounding desperate and desperately chasing me- until I caved and started a relationship with him. I still love him like crazy and feel so shocked and sad that the man who once wanted to marry me doesn’t even love me.

    What steps do I take in getting him back and how possible does this sound?!

    1. Em101

      September 12, 2016 at 10:22 am

      I forgot to mention that we are both 20 years old.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 13, 2016 at 8:29 pm

      Hi Em101,

      Hmm.. I’m going to sound like a know-it-all because I don’t have the credibility of saying I understand because I don’t. I don’t have a child yet. I lived with my dad when I was younger but I didn’t have a really happy family even if it’s like that.

      Him being a partner to you, is different from him being a dad. My dad was always with me, but we didn’t have the same relationship compared to my relatives who had a “broken” family. When I was a child, I reached a point when I just wished my parents were separated to have peace in the house and you don’t want your child to wish the same thing just to keep the idea that a complete family lives in one roof.

      My relatives who had a “broken” family were more complete than we were because their parents gave their best co parent and to show that being a parent is more of having a good relationship with your child and from what I noticed, they made the most out of their schedules. Some have twice or thrice a week per parent, some have once a year but they know that their parents are just a call or text away.

      And I also think, maybe that’s just normal for you to feel because of course, you want the best for your child and you want to be with the man you love.

      So going back to your chances. It looks like he doesn’t like being asked or confronted. He feels like you’re putting a spotlight on him and it makes feel pressured. There’s a saying here in our place: The more you tell somebody to do it, the more they don’t or they do otherwise. It’s like you have to use reverse psychology on him.

      If he feels pressured, that means, don’t ask. Just let him be. It looks like his and your age has a big factor on that. He’s young. He wants to experience life but now he just had a baby. The situation screams responsibility but he’s not ready for it. He’s not ready to be a father, especially not a husband yet. But, despite that, I can see he wants to be a good father.

      He’ll be there for his child, you’ll have a lot of time together because of that. Right now, it would be better if you focus on one thing at a time. Focus on your child and set him aside. You’ll have a lot of time together to build rapport because of your child. Relish this moments with your newborn and then just enjoy those moment with him when he’s around.

      Try to take care of yourself too. As best as you can while you’re taking care of your new born. It’s going to be hard but just think of it that it’s for your baby too. The more you feel good, the more you can take better care of your baby and the more you can communicate calmly with everybody around you.

      You’re young. You’re hormones from pregnancy to giving birth, along with your age makes this all too much to take. That’s why you need to take it slow. One at a time. He’ll be there, but don’t let this moments with your child be out-shadowed by your want to get your ex back. Losing him is nothing compared to the blessing that you have right now.

      I’m not saying there’s no chance at all. I can see that there is, just don’t pressure him. Keep in mind, you’re both young.

      Oh and by the way, my dad had me when he was less than 25 years old. Around 21-23 I think. I think that was the reason why he was detached with me. He was always out with friends, and for him just being in the house after that is enough to be called a dad.
      I’m not saying your ex is going to be like that but I think he won’t take your child for granted because he’s not forced to show up. I remember that I felt my dad felt he was trapped in his situation before, which realizing now, I think I was right.

  4. Madison

    September 11, 2016 at 4:45 am

    Hey there! Me and my ex have been broken up for a year. We separated and agreed we should move on. 2 months ago he wished me happy birthday and was being very nice out of no where. He’s been great and good to me. We’ve went out a many times and hooked up a few times as well too. He texts me everyday and calls here and there too. I am confused I want him back but I haven’t mentioned anything. All the feelings I lost have come back. He hasn’t said anything about us getting back together but he always mentions the times we used to have and the things we did and how much fun it was. He calls to hangout and offers to pick me up from work. I’m confused. What should I do? Should I let him know how I feel or move on?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 12, 2016 at 4:03 pm

      Hi Madison,

      it’s obvious that he likes you but I think you shouldnt sleep with him again.. coz I’m not sure if he’s in it because you’re friends with benefits or he’s just taking his time

  5. Brooke

    September 6, 2016 at 4:00 am


    I was with my boyfriend for over a year and to me everything was perfect. We were in love and happy, yes we had our fights and bumps in the relationship but we always agreed to try and work on it together. But less then a week ago he sent me a text message to say he wanted to break up. It was drawn out longer by me wanting to talk about it and fight for our relationship and I honestly thought he would want to but he ended up just getting more annoyed with me. He said he didn’t want to get back together with me. I left him alone a few days but then broke again and contacted him saying I accepted what I may have done to cause this and I was sorry but wanted another chance to get through it. But again he was nice for a while but then got frustrated and said he had had enough and didn’t want me and doesn’t have the love for the relationship anymore. But then he said he still wanted to be best friends which we always were when we dated so I didn’t understand why he wanted to be my best friend but not my boyfriend. I’m completely heart broken and need some advice.
    Will the contact rule still work for me?
    If he’s so annoyed at me and says the love is gone won’t he just move on?
    Why does he want to be my friend?
    Is there a chance for him to miss me and potentially want me back??
    How do I make him fall in love again?
    What do I do please help??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 7, 2016 at 6:07 am

      Hi Brooke,

      we canr guarantee that the no contact rule will work..but if he’s annoyed of you trying to talk to him, that means if you keep trying it wont help right? And if you keep being present, you’ll be friendzoned..

      do you want to try what Chris advised above?


    August 23, 2016 at 10:11 am

    hi ive been really having a hard time 🙁
    my ex of almost two years broke up with me saying he’s falling out of love (i realize it was probably the lack of appreciation i’d show him) it’s been almost two months since the break up but we’ve been keeping a bit of contact because we see each other at school so often & it really kills me inside to see him having fun with people i don’t know after he ditched me, we go to this new college so i’ve also been having a hard time socializing properly like i used to because i’ve been so affected, i’ve been trying not to talk to him at all but it really does kill me going around campus because i get lovely reminders of things that should’ve been great but aren’t anymore 🙂

    how do i make him want to talk to me & be with me again?? i want him to regret his decision & make him think life is terrible without me but i’m so upset he seems to be doing just fine

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      August 27, 2016 at 8:53 am

      Hi Struggling,

      you should be doing what he does.. make new friends, join new clubs or volunteer. Improve yourself and have fun

  7. STUCK

    July 24, 2016 at 1:07 am

    so my bf of a year & a half & I broke up around two weeks ago, I’ve been away on a trip for 3 months & I am coming back in two days & he is really pushing to see me so much, I of course want to see him but it was obviously because I was excited to see my boyfriend & go on a date.. anyways, he said he broke up with me because he was losing affection.. & that he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore in general (which to me is so selfish :-/) I know he’s not leaving for someone else, throughout our relationship, we did really well, we prioritized other things separately like school family friends etc, we never had jealousy or trust issues as well, we would end up having fights only because our personalities clashed, he still sees me as amazing & everything but he basically set off the “I love you but im not in love with you” bullshit, sigh, so right now, we agreed to meet up to spend some time together when I got back… I want to hang out with him but I don’t want him to think being friends is okay I want him to try to make moves on me… is there a way to get him to get re attracted to me without me trying “too hard”?? I want him to see me & think “wow no I love this girl & I want her what was I thinking” when we meet again, I want ️him to fall back in love with me & show me that by making moves.. do you think I have a chance?? & what should I do when I end up seeing him..??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 26, 2016 at 9:19 am

      Hi Stuck,

      don’t be too available.. if you can postpone the meet for now,.postpone it and meet other friends.. when you meet keep it fun and light and leave in high note.. maintain yourself and meet new people too and go out with them..

      be flirty when you meet but don’t overdo it


    July 1, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    Hi Chris,
    Me and my ex broke up 3 days ago because we have been fighting a lot. We fought a lot, i agree, but generally they were just small fights that often lead to me being angry at him or vice versa (usually it is because we tease each other and then misunderstood each other). We broke up once over a month ago because he was so busy with his work that he didnt reply me often enough that i got irritated by it and almost broke up with him. 3 weeks ago, we fought over something really huge and he broke up with me because he didnt want to keep hurting me and hurting us, he said it would be better if we stop seeing each other because we do not fit at all. I begged for him to get back together with me and promise that it wouldnt happen again, but he was different ever since. He started getting mad at no reason and I was tired of it. On the day of the breakup, he said he was acting differently because he subconsciously (maybe) wanted me to break up with him instead of him breaking up with me. I was mad and i said things I felt at that point of time (I said he was losing interest in me and he did not love me anymore). I begged for him to come back to me and start all over again because I realised my fault and I am sure that I can change, but he said let’s move on and leave things where they are. He did not want to see me anymore until we both have moved on, he blocked me on instagram but he did not block me on other social media. I am now on NCR (2 days into it) and I dont know what to do. Should I initiate a meeting after I have done the NCR? Does he really still love me or was it all just an act of pity?

    Thanks 🙂

    1. NATASHA

      July 2, 2016 at 4:32 am

      hi Amor,

      So what should I do after the NCR? Should i initiate a meetup or do i just let him be?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 4, 2016 at 12:50 pm

      slowly rebuild rapport again through texts, and then calls before meeting up

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 1, 2016 at 5:55 pm

      hi Natasha,

      it looks like he just agreed to get back for you to stop begging

  9. Serena

    June 25, 2016 at 5:15 pm

    Hello- It’s been a month since my ex ended our 3 year relationship because we’ve been fighting for months, and toward the end we “grew apart” (we stopped trying). I moved to a new city to be with him as he started his career. He was doing so well and working crazy hours, but it was putting a strain on our relationship because I was not happy and didn’t feel it was the right city for my career goals. We’re both 25 so we’re young and around the age that we should be focusing on our own career advancements, but we’ve definitely been putting a lot of energy into our relationship. We truly love each other so deeply, we would talk openly about marriage and what our future looks like etc. I started applying to jobs on the west coast (we live in texas) because I felt that’s where my career would blossom and I could be happy in my own life to be happier in our relationship. When he found out it was sad and he cried because he said he doesn’t believe in LDR and he can’t leave his job here. After that we took a break, I applied, interviewed, and received an offer to my dream job. I believe in the time we were apart, he realized how much the relationship was getting in the way of growing in his career (he got a promotion right after we took space) and at one point in the conversation he mentioned “he fell a little out of love” everytime we fought about me not being happy here and complaining about my career and being “bored” here. I leave in a few weeks to start the perfect job in a new city, but I don’t want to loose him. He says he believes we were only meant to be with each other for a chapter and it’s over and if it’s meant to be we’ll come back into each others lives. Is it possible to make him fall back in love with me over this distance? I’ll be back here every month or so for work/ different reasons so we could see each other. Do you think I’m just holding on to false hope? How do I keep in touch so he still feels our connection, but also knows I respect his space and that he is trying to live his life. I plan to move back here after a year/ year and a half anyway

  10. Jelena

    June 22, 2016 at 1:10 pm

    Hello, me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year now. 2 months ago, he cheated on me because “he ‘s a guy and he needs sex”. He broke up with me. I was begging him not to do that. I was broken. I’ve been in love with him for more than 6 years… He is my IDEAL man. Well… We got back together and everything was fine ( except our sex life because I had a picture in my head of him sleeping with another girl ). He lives in another town because of college and we haven’t seen each other for 20 days now. He broke up with me AGAIN 3 days ago and I still can’t stop crying. We had a deal-when we break up we won’t give back our “presents” if we still love each other. He told me today that he will give me back everything I gave him and also that he wants his stuff back. The reason for breaking up was:” It’s not going anymore. I love you but that’s not it and I don’t want to waste time on something that won’t work because of distance.” Can anyone give me some advice? :/

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 27, 2016 at 7:33 am

      Hi Jelena,

      did he really sleep with somebody or you just accused him? Because if he really did sleep with somebody else then you have think about if you really want him back. If he didn’t you should still go into no contact to let him cool off and to improve yourself.

  11. Girl

    June 16, 2016 at 7:00 am

    We were with each other for 18 months ,A few weeks back, I was asking why he never called much anymore I also did say some hurtful things (blamed him for another person running away but this person had issues/was living with them and had depression but they had to kick him out due to their sister moving in so I made him feel bad for doing that). He wanted a break because he “wasn’t sure if he fully loved me anymore” (said not physically)…but 10 minutes later said he did love me?!. I did used to push him a lot for not calling me much or taking me out but he’s bad with handling emotions and conflict so instead of fixing situations he runs away. So that day I said it’s over, I was hurt, and grabbed my laptop from his house without saying a word. Day after I had rebound sex. He was very hurt and we met up twice to talk. He cried a lot and sort of raged abit because he was hurt and jealous but i (thought) we made up and he wanted to “make love” to me I said “only if you say we’re back together” he said yes we are, but on a break.
    After the break up he asks if we can be friends i said no. The next night he calls me because he promised to, and expresses that he “doesn’t think we’re right for each other neither does HIS SISTER” that “our relationship is toxic and we dont have trust” bearing in mind HE CHEATED ON ME IN THE PAST ONCE. I said “I’m going to move on now, cya” he says “you’ll always have a place in my heart” crying.
    He sends a text saying “have fun with your rebound sex” Then he unfollowed me on Facebook and Instagram that same day because he said he couldn’t stop looking at my profiles and gets jealous) I reply 9 days later. And he says he has stuff to drop off to me and that he “would love to see my face again” and asks how many guys ive seen since the break up i said none and he said he isnt interested in anyone either
    Now he’s coming to give my stuff back in 2 days, how do I act? I’ve been stand of fish with the texts after applying NC for 9 days and he seems to be coming back to me slowly but I’m not sure. How do I act when he comes to my house? How do I act “ungettable” and should I start “friend zoning” him? Since I said no but if I say I’m happy being friends will this surprise him?

    1. Girl

      June 21, 2016 at 3:58 am

      He’s also doing petty stuff like liking my Instagram photo. If he wants me back why can’t he just say so and get to it?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm

      if he’s doing therapy, then that’s a very big step for him.. Be kind to him , just don’t be all over him 😉

    3. Girl

      June 20, 2016 at 6:00 am

      Yes he has. He was standing at the door staring hopelessly so I invited him in for a coffee. We had a laugh and were chatting without any serious chat until he kissed me then he said he “felt that he wasn’t on the same level as me emotionally” but then cried saying he does love me. He then asked me to dates he has planned in the near future. I asked him why he’s so emotionally unavailable (he abuses weed and I can tell he has some depression) and he started crying saying he’s unhappy with himself. Then I told him if I reconsider getting back with him that he has to see a therapist first and sort his life out and he’s agreed to do that but he’s such a confused soul.He mentioned he’s not interested in anyone else but I don’t know what to do I feel like I’m a standing ship with my anchor in one spot. Just don’t know what to do. We are now texting normally but I’m trying not to invest myself emotionally just yet.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 18, 2016 at 11:35 am

      Hi Girl,

      has he come to give you your things?

  12. Esther

    May 31, 2016 at 3:44 pm

    my boyfriend and i just broke up a month ago because his dad doesn’t like me because i’m from another tribe.when we broke up i fell sick and kept texting me to check up on me then i kept on texting him until i realized that i was the one texting him much until he i decided not to text him again. 2 weeks later he texted me asking how i’m doing. when we broke up he told me that he still loves me and i was the best friend he never had. for now i have kept my distance from him with no contacts but what are my chances of getting back together with him? please help

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 31, 2016 at 9:25 pm

      Hi Esther,

      How old are you both?

  13. Gab

    May 11, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    Hi and congratulations for the effort and the good suggestion you are delivering here.

    I’d like to tell you my story even if I’m still in the middle of it. I’m 36, Italian gay guy living in the UK. One year ago I met my ex bf (33, Spaniard) and we spent 9 months as a couple and things were amazing. But at certain point i started to be too dependent on him and on the other hand he felt not mature enough for a relationship. So after an amazing holiday he decided to break up (he was a bit desperate at the beginning and i tried to control myself). We always kept in touch (one night we kissed in a party, many times) but when i realised that i was thinking about him like the love of my life i tried to understand if there would be any possibility to be together again in the future and he told me that he doesn’t believe in second chances (because of his only other relationship that he had) that he wanted to move back to Spain, that he kissed me because was drunk etc…
    After that i decided to turn page and so no messages, no meetings…Apparently not for him because I know for sure that he is still thinking about me (even showing it on social networks). After 2 weeks he texted me saying that he wanted to change his life, that i was right he has not good friends here but that he wants to stay in the UK and stuff like that and then proposed to meet up few days later. We met and i felt for the first time really good with myself even if i was happy to meet him obviously. After spending the afternoon in a park we went to mine for a dinner and in the middle of watching a film we started to have sex, for the first time in 3 months. He even suggested that we could have it “next time”. The day after we had a very easy going chat and that’s it.
    I really think this time i want to be with no contact at all for more time than 2 weeks. And i’m realizing that I have nothing to loose: I have myself back, metting people and enjoying what I have.

    At the same time i know what i felt for him and how was being together (even if maybe not the right timing for both).

    So….I really don’t know if he will come back and part of me is still loving him, but I don’t want to have hopes anymore. Am I wrong?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 15, 2016 at 1:50 am

      Hi Gab,

      I think you’re starting a friends with benefits relationship here. Don’t sleep with him again next time.. You have attraction but if he remains stubborn, you have to be firm to that you’re not going to be with him just for sex.. you don’t have to talk about it very seriously but just refuse it… You can tell him, it’s not just you to be sleeping with someone you’re not committed with, and then let the topic go..

      it’s good that you have your own life right now because we have to be realistic.. if he’s not open to 2nd chances, then you have to be careful with him because it’s either he’s breaking his belief or he’s just doing things he likes with you with no commitments.

  14. Kim

    May 6, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    My bf broke up with me last november. He said he still loved me but needed time alone. I did all the wrong things, begging, crying… It didnt work. I had a horrible christmas and on new years eve he sent me a text to wish me a happy new year and I didnt respond. A few days later he texted me again and asked me if i was mad with him because I didnt respond. He said I was his best friend and didnt want to lose me. I got new hope after that. We sent each other some text again in february. He was really nice. Then in March I found out he was seeing someone else. A women with 2 children and he never wanted any children with me (he alredy has a son from a previous relationship). He said that if we would have a baby, we wouldnt have our freedom to do the things we loved like travelling when his son was all grown up. I agreed. And now he has a new relationship with a woman with 2 young children? I dont understand. He said he wanted to be alone. He didn’t tell me about the new relationship. I am so hurt right now. I hardly hear him anymore. Do I still have a chance. Should I contact him or leave him alone. I’m crying every day. He was my soulmate. Please can you give me some advice. I’m hurting so much. I’m all alone and he’s playing happy families with an ugly woman with 2 kids. The only thing they have in common is that his son plays soccer and her sons do as well. Please help.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 8, 2016 at 1:41 pm

      Hi Kim,

      let’s say she’s not attractively in advantage of you but with what you said, that he set aside what he doesn’t prefer mean there’s more to her.. maybe her personality and character? it’s better if you leave him be.. and if you want a last try..do no contact but after that yiur next steps should only be friendly.. because if he knows you’re doing it to get him back, he’ll protect his current relationship.. you should watch this video to understand more what I’m saying
      What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Moves On To A New Girl (Video)

  15. Eli

    April 30, 2016 at 5:46 am

    I’m doing no contact now. My plan is that after no contact, I will implement the friendzone tactics. However I did notice that you said that it’s supposed to be a last ditch effort. What’s the difference? Does that mean that my plan has a low chance of working?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 1, 2016 at 1:36 pm

      nope, it’s just a last resort because it’s risky..

  16. margot

    April 18, 2016 at 3:54 pm

    my boyfriend and I were together for 2 years and lived together. He broke up with me 3 weeks ago and although in the beginning I begged for another opportunity, I decided to apply the “No contact” for almost 2 weeks now. But times have been confusing to me… We had an amazing relationship, at least I thought so. We were very open with each other and shared the same dreams and goals together. Until three weeks ago he came to me and said he didn’t love me anymore and felt this way for a few months already. I mean, his actions, his eyes, his words never reflected this, but maybe I was completely blind with love. Looking back. we were feeling pressured with the amount of work and responsibilities, I was starting to feel insecure about myself and he was very anxious because of financial problems and about his future since he is moving abroad next year for a master degree, but we discussed that situation many times and he assured me that we were going to fight for us because we had something very special between us and he couldn’t picture his life with anyone else. I was living my dream. Anyway, a few days before he broke up with me he went to a competition in a different city, when he came back he said he had changed along with his dreams, I couldn’t understand what he meant until last week I found he started dating another girl he met during those 2 days… He said she wasn’t the reason we broke up, he just wanted to be alone and not have the pressure of any serious relationship now, his friends told me it wasn’t anything serious, but honestly I don’t know, I mean it was strong enough to end our relationship. I knew pretty well this guy and never thought he would do anything like this… He has been a wall to me, very distant and cold. We meet each other occasionally because we are at the same university. I really want to fight for him, but I seriously don’t know if it is worth it or if I stand a chance. I still have strong feelings towards this man and I respect him tremendously although his actions in the last few days. I know an incredible person behind those actions, but he said that person is dead… I have been trying not to judge him, not to hear anything everyone has to say about him, it’s pretty hurtful. I felt (feel) he was the one. I have been working really hard on my insecurities, have already lost the weight I gained, started meditation, yoga, eating well, volunteering. I have done this for me, for a new and healthier me, but I feel he doesn’t even care, just keeps ignoring me. I know now that he wasn’t entirely honest about his true feelings, but it is so confusing to trust this new person that speaks to me as if he was speaking to a wall without any emotion on his eyes, voice… The same person that used to say he respected me above all things in the universe, wrote the most beautiful poems to me, held me with all his strength. I still love him, all his faults and qualities, or at least the memory I have of him. I don’t know if this new girl is serious to him, or if she’s only filling an empty space in his life. He asked me to stay friends but I don’t know if he was serious about that as well.. I just wanted him to see this new and healthier me. I miss his love and friendship, I never met anyone like him. Also don’t know how or when I should contact him, I am willing to give him and myself the space and time we need, but I still have dreams, just don’t know if I should hold on to them…

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 18, 2016 at 6:15 pm

      Hi Margot,

      it looks like he sees her as a grass is greener case and is now in honeymoon phase with her.. for me you should move on.. for sure he will compare you two, but not until some time has passed.. if you want to wait that out, it’s your choice

  17. Annie

    March 25, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    Hey Chris!

    I have completed NCR and from getting either ignored or getting rude responses, he now replies neutrally.. And I am pleased with it.
    Except we broke up in November, and he has been neutrally replying for about a month.
    The thing is, I am very confident that I can execute all your advice if I can actually get him to start replying enthusiastically. I am very sure of that. I am so sure of that, in fact that I’m sure that even he’s sure of this fact..which is why he is not letting his guard down, and replying with just as few words as possible, no matter what.
    So I really really need help in Breaking that wall down and actually getting him to reply enthusiastically, could you please help?
    I have sent memory messages, messages about topics of his interest and all that..I just get responses like “yeah” or “okay” or maximum “okay sure”
    I really feel like if I can get past this, the rest wouldn’t be a problem. Please advise!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 2, 2016 at 1:52 pm


      Sorry for the late reply. I read all your previous comments too. It looks like it’s because he knows you want him back and now you’re the one chasing him.. It would really take time after that because until he sees you’ve actually moved on, the he doesn’t think you’re trying to get him back, then that can increase the chances of him getting attracted to you again. Especially if you have already learned to love yourself and have your own life..

  18. Help!

    March 25, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    Hey Chris!

    I badly want to buy all your e-books, but you have only facilities to receive payments through credit card! Unfortunately I have only a debit card so I’m not able to buy them!
    I even missed out on your “recovery plan” offer because of that 🙁
    Please can you make changes for various forms of payment?

    1. Help!

      April 2, 2016 at 9:46 pm

      Sorry for spamming with multiple messages that time..I was just so confused!
      But here I actually asked something different! 😛 I would like to know if the ebr team could enable other forms of purchase besides credit cards?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 7:51 am

      Sorry for the late reply.. it may mean your messages are not that compelling, or he still thinks you’re getting him back and not just being friendly so he doesn’t want to engage…

      I’m afraid our only form of payment is credit card…

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 2, 2016 at 1:52 pm


      Sorry for the late reply. I read all your previous comments too. It looks like it’s because he knows you want him back and now you’re the one chasing him.. It would really take time after that because until he sees you’ve actually moved on, the he doesn’t think you’re trying to get him back, then that can increase the chances of him getting attracted to you again. Especially if you have already learned to love yourself and have your own life..

  19. Joanne

    March 14, 2016 at 12:48 am


    I was plan to get back with my ex but in a half way i mess it because of my uncontrolled emotion. The reason my ex break up with me is because of i’m possessive and he feel stress when with me. We have a happy time together for 1 year plus but everything change after he know a girl from DOTA. is it possible i get him to fall in love with me again? I now on 2nd times of NC. He still want to be friend with me and help me whenever I need.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 15, 2016 at 10:41 am

      Hi Joanne,

      I’m guessing your in your teens or twenties, So, I’m guessing too that he haven’t met the dota girl in person right? I think it’s not just because of the girl and not rally you’re possessiveness, although he might have not liked that before too but he just made it a reason to cover he’s real reason.. just don’t reply to him during nc of course, and are you being active?

  20. Adriana

    March 4, 2016 at 12:37 am

    Hi so recently my boyfriend broke up with me because we had issued and I kinda pushed him into a mindset where he “doesn’t want to deal with the responsibly or issues a realistic shop has” he tells me he loves me and cares about me and since the break up we’ve hooked up and I’ve also gone over to his house and spent the night without hooking up. I feel lik he’s being honest but I want to win him back, I don’t know if I’m doing things right but I feel like if I stick around he might change his mind. I don’t want to let go of what he have and although the I know I don’t need him I really love spending time and talking to him. We’re just amazing together

    1. Joanne

      March 16, 2016 at 6:46 am

      Hi Amor,

      Thanks for your reply. He have meet the DOTA girl and they keep texting each other everyday. He told me that he and the girl just a friend. I have told him that I trust him but I don’t trust the girl as the girl send the text message like flirting him although the girl have BF. Actually my age is almost 30 and my ex is 23. When we broke up he didn’t tell me the truth reason that why he want to brake. But recently I know the reason of break up from his buddy which he (my ex) said he feel stress because of i’m possessive and he with the girl just a friend but because of me he have to become a bad guy which he block her in every social network and never reply her text. When broke up I have try to please him back, because of this make him move far away from me. After a few month he text me and said he only want to be friend with me (he told me he don’t love me, don’t want to get back together again and he happy with his life now). I have control myself not to reply any message from him, but he never contact me since NC.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 16, 2016 at 9:38 pm

      that’s good..be firm and also.. be active.. if his issue is your possessiveness, he has to see yiu’re having your own life now.. yiu can also try jealousy posts

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 4, 2016 at 7:09 am

      Hi adriana,

      if you really feel sticking around will work, it’s ok to to do that and then observe as the days pass

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