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746 thoughts on “The Definitive Guide To Making Your Ex Boyfriend Love You Again”

  1. Chemzm

    March 20, 2015 at 6:54 am

    Hi Chris… my boyfriend and I broke up about 3weeks ago. we’ve been together for 8 yrs and 5months. we broke up because he falls out of love with me because of our misunderstanding every month. I miss him thats why I am trying to text him everyday and I got angry everytime he cant reply. he said he is not happy everytime we fight. He loves me so much but now he is not inlove with me. He is trying to comfort me and he said time will come that he will fall again. But I am so hurt evertytime he ignores my text or calls. What should I do to make him fall again? I love him and we have a lot of plans for the future.
    Now I am trying not to communicate with him to make him realize my worth. Did I do the right thing?

    Thanks in advance

    1. admin

      March 22, 2015 at 4:14 pm

      Are you doing NC?

      You may be coming off in a bad light if you are texting him or calling him too much.

    2. Chemzm

      March 24, 2015 at 7:21 am

      Yes ive’d tried NC but it lasted for 3 days. I really missed him. What should I do next to make him fall in love with me?

  2. Mona

    March 17, 2015 at 9:56 pm

    Hi Chris! I was in a relationship with a guy for two and a half years. For 1.5years, everything was a fairytale for both of us. But since the last one year, I’ve been under lot of pressure because of my career and friend circle. I’ve was so frustrated with everything but he never left my side. However,my issues got the better of me and I was very mean and cruel to him. In my anger I would say a lot of things I never meant. He started parting from me and because of my troubles I was not available for him emotionally. I regret everything coz I was not myself since the last few months. But I love him and he loves me too. But he says he’s too hurt and worn out to give me a chance coz he’s scared it’ll affect my career and scar us even more. He’s always been a very sensitive overthinker. But I want to make him fall for me again and remove all his fears. Please help me. I’ll be thankful all my life.

    1. admin

      March 18, 2015 at 9:15 pm

      Have you implemented the no contact rule yet?

    2. Mona

      March 20, 2015 at 1:46 am

      I’m afraid that might create distance between us. Besides, he really wants to be in contact. But he still doesn’t want to get back together like old times.

  3. Mikayla

    March 12, 2015 at 10:02 am

    Me and my ex broke up months ago. We did everything together and he always made me feel safe. Yes, I am a junior in high school but that is beyond the point. We broke up a month into our summer break after out sophomore year. I admit, i felt like that was one of the hardest times of my life. We broke up in June-July of 2014. We broke up because he moved to Florida. Well a couple of months ago, he got in contact with me. He was saying that he missed me and still loved me. It made me feel great. Well recently he dosent even talk to me anymore. He reads my messages and just ignores me. What does that mean? I have gotten told to move on but it is so hard. I felt happy and all that with him. I love him still. Should I keep trying or just let go?

    1. admin

      March 13, 2015 at 8:09 pm

      Ya I hear where you are coming from.

      Well, doing a LDR in high school is incredibly hard I hope you are aware.

  4. jodee

    March 11, 2015 at 6:38 pm

    My now ex-bf broke up with me last night after 3 years if dating. He’s 27 and I’m 39. He is telling me he loves me, cares for me and we are eat fiends but he feels like we aren’t a couple and just like a friendship. I’ve been busy with helping my Mom who is sick from breast cancer and I have a son who is very active in sports. So the time together has diminished greatly. I asked him to just give us a chance to make some more time with each other and maybe even go in a trip to take some time alone. His response was “i think it’s past that now”. I’m extremely hurt and angry. He doesn’t seem to want to be with me romantically at all but insists he wants to still be friends. I told him I couldn’t be friends but maybe someday. He swears there no one else and he has always been faithful. I guess I’m wondering if it’s just simply because he doesn’t want the responsility of a relationship, especially one with a kid. (He has none and has never been married). I want to walk away for awhile and let him have his space and then slowly become his friend again and use that to entice his emotional highs of our relationship? I must add, he used to live with me and he moved out several months ago on my advice because he was becoming what seemed to be jealous of my son. He now lives with his mom and he ha everything taken care of for him. No bills other than a truck he just bought….he’s really into 4 wheelers, snowmobiles etc. I’m starting to wonder if the immaturity is what is really taking place here? I can’t make sense of a man who said he loves me but wants to be friends??

    1. admin

      March 13, 2015 at 7:32 pm

      Seems like immaturity is taking a small place.

  5. Roro. M

    March 3, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    Hey chris,
    I have wrote about my problem before but i cant seem to find it, so what happened is me and my ex were having constant fights mainly because he stopped caring as much and doesnt ask to see me as much, and he prefers seeing his friends over me and meeting new girls but i get soo jelous and annoyed , and he seemed really careless whenever i want to tell him about a problem i have either with parents or any issue in life, he used to call me dramatic, then we had a huge fight and he was like im fed uppp with this, without making it clear that he wants things over or not, i texted him alot asking if we are on a break or a break up without getting any reply, tried contacting his friend to get closure but he didnt seem to help, 2 weeks passed by without a single reply from him, then he talked and said i wanted to talk and sit have a mature talk but u were too childish and dramatic about everything.

    When 2 weeks passed by i decided to travel away to clear my mind cuz i was so deppressed and sad, i replied back saying ur a bit late im on a vacation now to clear my mind ill c what happens when i get back..

    So i saw him yesterday and we reached the dicision to be friends for now and fix our mistakes that we hate about eachother, and then we will decide to get back togther or not..

    Now there is a new problem.. I got an acceptance from a college abroad to study for 8 months for a graduation cirtificate. My mom is telling me not to miss it cuz its a good degree.. But wont that make me loose him forever?

    Im afraid to stay here and regret it if he remained the same even if we got back together im afraid to get deeply hurt again.. But i do love him and he is a good person for putting up with all that but he did handle it in a very harsh way though. I dont know what to do. Help!!!!

    1. Moe

      April 30, 2015 at 7:00 pm

      Great article!!! What if your ex has started talking to someone and you would like to get him back before he is in to deep with the new girl?

    2. Roro. M

      March 4, 2015 at 3:21 pm

      Im pateintly waiting and refreshing this page everyday šŸ™ please reply

    3. admin

      March 5, 2015 at 8:38 pm

      Hi I am so sorry that you are waiting so long.

      Have you been reading any of the other articles and applied the advice to your situation?

    4. Roro. M

      March 7, 2015 at 1:30 pm

      Its okay..

      Yes i have read many of them and cant it feels like my situation is kind of different because we agreed to be friends for now and them this long distance thing came along so i really confused.. My friends are telling me u shouldnt be wasting sometimg good for ur future on someone who you dont guarantee or you dont trust.. But i rrally dont know

  6. Lulubelala

    March 2, 2015 at 4:05 pm

    Right now my ex is ignoring me. Im 19 he’s 18. He broke up with me using a bridge (my best friends). Anyway, these days I noticed that he ignores me every time he’s with people. He acts like I dont exist so I started doing the same to him.. But when we’re both alone, we look at each other and smile. Also, it’s been a month since the break up and i can say that he seems really happy not having me in his life, and he’s kinda different already. He kinda became overconfident in a way. Im so confused by his actions.

  7. P

    March 2, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    Everyone’s telling me to move on and stop trying to get my ex boyfriend back. Every time I look back to the relationship, yeah it was toxic cause we were arguing a lot and it was an on and off relationship but we both really loved each other. That I am sure of.. but right now my ex boyfriend said he doesn’t see me in his future and his doors closed by themselves. Im losing hope.

    1. Lulubelala

      March 3, 2015 at 10:01 am

      please help me.. i really need advice

    2. Mikayla

      March 12, 2015 at 10:04 am

      My ex moved away. He used to talk to me so much bu now he dosent.. I get told so much just to move on.. but i cant. If you love someone that much you wont listen to people and you’ll get back what you lost soon.

  8. Nins

    March 2, 2015 at 3:00 am

    Hello Chris. Me and my bf we used to be just friends in college and I was his senior .we fell in love in Jan 2013, in April he left to another province. Everything was good till dec 2014 , but suddenly in jan 2015 he is feeling irritation from me. He said he doesn’t like me any more and he doesn’t have any feeling for me . Please let me know how to make him feel love for me. We are in a distance relation .

    1. admin

      March 2, 2015 at 9:38 pm

      Have you read any of the LDR articles I have written?

  9. a girl :)

    February 27, 2015 at 11:07 pm

    when I tried to friend zoned him and ask for a guy opinion he doesn’t answer or he gives me a vague answer…

  10. P

    February 25, 2015 at 3:08 am

    My ex-boyfriend told me he closed his doors on me already and he doesnā€™t see a future with me. We had a really toxic relationship. He used my friends to break up with me and lied to me that he didntā€¦ heā€™s 18 and im 19. Do you think I still have a chance or should move on? We agreed to be friends.. He’s being cold with me and its hard to try NC cause we work together.

    1. admin

      February 25, 2015 at 9:35 pm

      Well at 18 he is very immature (I was too at that age I must say.)

      I am working on a post about NC I think you will enjoy.

      Also listen to episode 9 of the podcast.

  11. Nicki

    February 22, 2015 at 10:09 am

    I dated a guy for about 5 months, we did not quarrel. We met once or twice a week for sport or having dinner. I won’t be sure what has gone wrong after we back from a short holiday trip. When I asked him, was he ready to meet my family for xmas. He replied me he was happy with me, but not in love with me. He needs time to sort it out.We don’t see each other after that but I occasionally text him.

    I thought I can handle this break up till recently I dream of him. And realize I do have feeling for him. Is it possible for him to fall for me again?

    1. admin

      February 22, 2015 at 5:34 pm

      It is possible.

      The question you have to ask is are you willing to put in the work to raise your chances.

    2. Nicki

      February 25, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      Hi admin,
      How? I tried with the method of texting him of the unforgettable moment we had with CAP but he replied me with. “yes”;”yea”, “I know “.
      I asked him out at cafe to return his books and he replied me, he will meet me provided I understand he meet me at Cafe as friend not as date.
      Can I tell him I miss him although I know we wouldn’t be together again.

  12. ivette

    February 20, 2015 at 6:45 am

    Hi Chris, I have a question Is it ever a good Idea to text or talk to your ex and admit that you know you were responsible for the break up and your so sorry for the way it ended? My ex and I had been dating for 2 yrs and broke up about 1month ago. I have done no contact now for almost that entire month. We are on speaking terms and actually get along just fine. I just feel so guilty about our relationship. I know he has alot of negative feelings and emotions about me although he has been extremely civil and nice for the most part. For our almost 2 yrs (except the last 6months) we were really good. The last 6 months I was kind of interested in another guy(grass is greener) type deal. I pulled away alot with my BF, i became boring and just very complacent never really giving that reassurance or validating him as my bf or a man. Im sure still he has those negative feelings of me not being faithful (I Never once cheated) but being sneaky and going behind his back. Before we broke up things got pretty rocky and I actually found out that he was also getting to know another girl at this time.I honestly think he was waiting to find someone else for a easy transisition out of me and him. I have so much guilt knowing that I am responsible for our relationship being over. I want those negative feelings to just wipe away. Is it a good Idea to talk with him about this or will time heal everything? I realize now how much I love him and that this is what I want. It maybe to late knowing he has another girl now.

    1. admin

      February 20, 2015 at 11:56 pm

      At some point I think it is but at the beginning of the reconnection stage its best to stay away from it altogether.

    2. Ivette

      February 22, 2015 at 7:09 pm

      Why is he so ok with our break up? If I run onto him or see him its like nothing bothers him… I’m really starting to believe he is really ok with it all. Its almost like i’m just an old friend now. Why? Id almost rather him be alittle angry, then I would know he atleast cares.

  13. Ivette

    February 20, 2015 at 5:45 am

    Hi Chris, my bf and I broke up after 2yrs about a month ago. I’m currently in NC its been 3 weeks. Although while we were on rocky ground about a month and half ago he met another girl. We were so solid up until 6 months ago, but I was the ungettable girl who lost the personality. I know I did, he was always head over heels for me even up until he met this girl, I feel like it was a easy transistion for him. Although when we see each other its like old times of having fun and laughing and im really suprised he not pissed but hes almost so disconnected that its like more time than just a month has gone by. But for the last 6months, I was kinda interested in another guy (Grass is greener)scenerio. I pulled away alot only doing the bare essentials to not lose him completely I became boring because I didnt care anymore. I know i’m for the most part to blame. I know the feelings of mistrust and being faithful to him still are in the back of his mind- I never cheated on him tho. I’m just wondering is it a bad idea to talk or send him a text saying I know I pulled away and that I’m sorry for the way the relationship ended. Try to give him some kind of validation and appreciation I never gave for the last 6 months. Or does time heal all that. I wish I could just wipe those thoughts and negative feelings from his mind. When a guy feels negatively is it hard to come back to that especially if he already has a new girl hes getting to know? I love him alot and i have so much guilt knowing that I really did screwed this up.

  14. P

    February 17, 2015 at 8:22 am

    My ex-boyfriend told me he closed his doors on me already and he doesn’t see a future with me… he’s 18 and im 19. Do you think I still have a chance or should move on? We agreed to be friends though.

    1. admin

      February 17, 2015 at 1:03 pm

      Of cousre you have a chance.

      Try NC… Him being so young he won’t know what hit him.

  15. Heart aches

    February 16, 2015 at 4:47 pm

    Got into a relationship with one of my best friend who i had known for almost 10 yrs .. dated for almost over a year .. everything was as perfect as it could have been .. no real fights no real issues , we practically needed noone around cause we were enough for each other .. but when it comes to marriage he has backed out .. its funny how he is still chasing me for friendship and to have me around him cause he says he really likes me but doesnt love me enough to marry me .. is there anyway i could change this or i should just let go of him and the so called “friendship” and move on ..? i havent been more confused in my life .. i hope ull guide me from a typical boy’s point of view as your article fit it perfectly ..

    1. Heart aches

      February 16, 2015 at 4:52 pm

      ive made no contact with him since 15 days and just blocked him off everywhere suddenly which he wasnt expecting .. and he is trying to get in touch through different means but somehow it isnt for what i want .. it is for that “friendship” for just having the comfort of me being around .. break ups are generally bad but this one has blown my mind cause just when everything seemed real seemed correct seemed right it came down to “he is just not that into you” .. probably familiarity breeds contempt ?? probably i gave toooo much of myself and didnt hold back at all.. what would your advice be cause losing love is one thing im even losing my best friend in this ..

  16. Jayden

    February 16, 2015 at 1:10 pm

    me and my ex were together for almost 2 years and lived together for 5 months and we broke up last saturday. i got jealous because he was hanging out with a girl he used to have a fling with. after constantly bringing it up that night he finally dumped me and i found him the next morning cuddling the chick. and he cuddled her again the next night. he told me he doesnt have feelings for her that he wants to be alone and independent that he was miserable with his life. he says he still loves me but he doesnt want to ever get back together yet he says he wants to be in my life and to be friends. and im so confused cause earlier that day before we broke up he asked his uncle to help move his bed over to my place yet he tells me hes being thinking about leaving for weeks. nothing seemed wrong with him both of our families (who we see quite often) said they never saw anything wrong with him. he says he doesnt see us ever getting back together and that he doesnt want to try again. i have been struggling with no contact and its quite hard to get ahold of him to be able to try being the ungettable girl around him now that he moved out. What should i do?

  17. P

    February 12, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    … He also told me he loves me but LESS. He said he’s emotionally stressed and our relationship to him became toxic. He said he’s not sure if we’re going back together but his doors aren’t closed yet and my door isnt closed either. I think the scars our relationship left him made him scared to go back to me… I told him I could change and I know he could change too and be more understanding of my situation as well. Right now I’m in good terms with my family which was our problem before.. But it’s just said that he had to break up with me in order for me to make a move in making my relationship with my family better. What can you say about this, Chris? I really need your advice cause I want him back. I know I can be independent without him but I just really love him.

  18. P

    February 12, 2015 at 1:13 pm

    Hey Chris! so it’s been almost 2 weeks since me and my boyfriend broke up and I’m just really confused now and I’m kinda still in denial about what happened. He broke up with me cause he thinks that I can’t grow as much as a person when I’m with him so he’s letting me go. Also, while we were together I’ve been kinda dependent on him cause I don’t really know who I could go to when I have problems. I’m not a really showy person when it comes to feelings.

    Long story short, we had our fights and I said things that shouldn’t be said and done things that shouldn’t be done.. Cause I snooped around his phone and facebook page cause I always find something to be angry about. He’s not cheating on me but i have jealousy problems. And before the break up, we’ve been fighting a lot but it’s not about us. We were fighting cause I wasnt getting along with my family and I was really stubborn to open up to them. I think my boyfriend got tired of me not dealing with my problems very well. We were also in an on and off relationship but we both think we never really broke up cause we continued talking until we become better again.

    You know what sucks? He broke up with me through my best friends. He didn’t break up with me to my face. Some of his reasons for breaking up with my were valid but he came up with a few untrue things about me and told my best friends about it, which really hurt. But I still love him anyway..

    We had a closure last week and we decided to be friends and to be professional cause we’re working in the same org in our university and we’re working on the same projects so I have no choice but to see and talk to him every week. I have been following the no contact rule though. I only talk to him when it comes to work. Recently I decided to change my look a bit so I dyed my hair. (It wasn’t a drastic change. just a small improvement) And he told me I looked good. Also there was a time he asked me why I wasn’t replying to his text, and i just shrugged and smiled. I also asked him if he deleted our photos and he said he didnt yet. He told me he still looks at them from time to time. Also, we recently had a meeting in for our project and when the two of us were the only ones left, he asked me if I was okay. I told him I was (I lied), and he told me not to lie about it but i still lied and told him I was okay. I asked him the same question he said he’s okay sometimes.. I gave in. I told him that I too was only okay SOMETIMES. Also one of his friends told me that he talked about my new hair with her and he said he really really likes it.

    That was our last conversation and now we’re not even talking in person anymore. He just smiles at me but doesn’t mind me afterwards. And during our meeting, he was laughing with this girl. Im not sure if he likes her or just friends. I’m so confused. He’s being kinda sweet to me one day and now we’re not even acknowledging each other’s presence.

    Can you help me understand and interpret what’s going on?

    1. admin

      February 16, 2015 at 10:19 pm

      I think he is just scared to make a move.

  19. melissa

    February 2, 2015 at 11:19 pm

    there is a guy. we liked each other a lot and we talked for 4 months and everything was perfect but there were some fights because of my insecurities. But then when I went to see him, he left me for anohter girl because I was giving him cold because of something he said. After that, we talked a bit, he returned to his city and we didn’t talk that much as we used to when he got back, I got pissed because he told me we would talked about what happened when we saw each other but when I asked him he said he never said that. I sent him a message that I missed him and no answer, so the next day I closed my account to trying to keep my distance better, he got angered because of that and blocked me and unblocked me saying that I shouldn’t be pushing him away and then pulling him back, I tried to cheer him up with some jokes but no answer. WE fought, and when everything was supposed to be calm he told me he has a new gf. I got really upset, because he always told me that I would be the perfect gf, before I went crazy, but because of the distance it wouldn’t work. I yelled at him that he was playing me, that I regret everything, and I told him to die, but I get the angered take me. He got really angre because I told him to die. he said that I was the worst friend, **** off, that he doesn’t want anything to do with me, any interest, that everything was really over and that I burnt the llast bridge with him. I was reallly upset because I always support him, even though we fought, I cared for him, and he said **** you, that I ruin his night, etc, so he blocked me, then unblocked me to say that I can’t control his life, and I said that I wasn’t doing that, at least not on purpose, that I wanted to remain in touch but all he said was **** you. I read old conversations with him, and I wasn’t bad with him at all. I think he never really cared at all.

    1. admin

      February 3, 2015 at 1:23 pm

      He was immature in the way he handled that for sure.

      However, do you think there was any truth to any of his claims or did anger just overtake him.

    2. melissa

      February 3, 2015 at 1:37 pm

      we used to fight a lot lately, for everything that had happened lately and because he was being so cold so that made me upset some of the times. But I was checking others conversations of the last months and I was so kind to him, maybe I accussed him of not wanting to see me or some stuff but I was still kind and he would had told me that I was the best, so lovely and kind girl, the perfect gf, and we used to fight because I was insecure and I like him to tell me that he wanted me, and he didn’t like to talk about feelings.
      But on our last fight he was mad because I told him bad things and to die. but it was the anger.

    3. admin

      February 4, 2015 at 1:51 pm

      Well, definitely go into NC.

      I know things ended up poorly but there might be a chance to reconnect.

    4. melissa

      February 4, 2015 at 4:55 pm

      I broke NC! and talked to him, he unblocked me. But I’ll start giving him less importance as he didn’t even apologize to me. He tought I was controlling him, which I didn’t, but I did like when he used to reassure his feelings to me and he took it as I liked to get reactions from him or control him, but I do like control situations but never him, like I like things to be on my own way (I’m working on that) He said it was a nice move from me to block him on fb, so I could have control on the situation, but I never did it because of that but because I wanted to avoid him. Well he has a gf now, Idk if they have problems, i think he wasn’t get along with friends of her. Anyway, he talked to me that I should have learn my lesson and I kinda joke about it.

    5. admin

      February 5, 2015 at 3:07 pm

      Make sure you aren’t too available for him.

    6. melissa

      February 5, 2015 at 4:33 pm

      can I make him change his mind? I told him that It was fine if he didn’t want to be friends with me anymore.

    7. admin

      February 6, 2015 at 1:56 pm

      Its possible to change his mind but it may take some time and patience on your part.

    8. melissa

      February 7, 2015 at 7:55 pm

      how? NC? he doesn’t want to remember the good stuff.

    9. melissa

      February 4, 2015 at 10:01 pm

      I answered him and then I got no aswer after his long answered first. and he made me go defensive and I texted to get an aswered, because he said he didn’t care about anyhting, so I lost control of the conversation.

    10. melissa

      February 4, 2015 at 11:08 pm

      and now, he said he has grown to dislike me and he doesn’t trust me even as a friend.

    11. melissa

      February 3, 2015 at 1:52 pm

      I really think I didn’t deserve it. altough he said I deserve allthe bad words he said to me. is just the last month was really painful. I told him I was going to work on my problems and give him an apology, he said that I should go and try harder with someone else’s.

    12. melissa

      February 3, 2015 at 2:03 pm

      and fuck you all the time, that i didn’t care and so on. so he ended up blocking me.so I’m blocked, I wanted to give him another apology but i don’t know what else to do. My friends says he did what he wanted with me. And that it was LDR so it wasn’t that real… don’t know what to do

    13. admin

      February 4, 2015 at 1:48 pm

      Wow, that must have been hurtful. I am so sorry about that.

      Don’t apologize to him.

      That would make you look weak and like you did something horrible which you didn’t.

    14. melissa

      February 2, 2015 at 11:26 pm

      also, we were on LDR.

  20. Stef

    February 2, 2015 at 5:06 pm

    my situation sucks and i was hoping for a little insightā€¦.i really believe me and my ex can work through our problems, we were together for 4.5 years had a life planned (i’m 26 he’s 24) he got laid off and money was tight for a few months, he got part time jobs to help but we bickered and argued over stupid stuff and he started some friendship with a 19 yr old girl at one of his part time jobsā€¦we fought about her being just his friend and we broke up because he said he loves me but is not in love with me anymore, he said he has a crush on this girl and that shouldn’t happen if he was in love with me. we broke up and he talks to this girl everyday there best friends now and they’ve kissed less then a week after we broke up, i was heartbroken. we had an amazing relationship i don’t understand how a few rough months can lead to our entire future being lostā€¦.he had been looking at rings to propose before our rough patch..now i want to work things out in time but this girl is still in the picture and i don’t know if she is a reboundā€¦i’m afraid he’s growing further away everyday he is with her and not meā€¦i just don’t know if i can even win him back at this pointā€¦advise? please..

    1. admin

      February 3, 2015 at 1:00 pm

      19 year old girl… Seems destined to blow up in his face to me.

    2. Stef

      February 5, 2015 at 5:10 pm

      Yea well i thought that as well. Do you mind if i give you a bit of an update? weve tried being friends, i started talking to some people and he’s seeing that girl unofficially. We talk and joke like normal but just friends, now we are in the process of seperating our lives still, next is his cell phone off my plan, then i found out he lied to me about having to leave early and not make it the store to switch plans because he is talking to ANOTHER girl. Why lie after the break up? he has no ties to me he could be honest Apparently he created a facebook and is reconnecting with everyone from his past including a girl who had problems with me in the beginning of our relationship. I think he was just trying to string me along, i’m issuing NC after tomorrow when we finally move his phone plan…honestly i just want a male opinion, weve been broken up for 2 weeks he’s hooking up with 2 girls and i stupidly still love him. if he can act like this he couldnt possibly love me and if thats the case should i even try and win him back? what do you feel my next move should be?

      love your articles btw!

    3. admin

      February 6, 2015 at 1:59 pm

      How do you know for sure he is hooking up with those two girls?

    4. Stef

      February 6, 2015 at 3:10 pm

      His best friend told me…the 19 yr old girl put a bunch of pictures of them up and his friend told me about the other girl my ex started talking to…a girl he was friends with before we dated…I thought this was a grass is greener case with the 19yr old but now I feel like he left and is just going crazy. He tells his friend that were deff gonna get back together but I feel like he’s using me or keeping me on the back burner for when he gets these girls out of his system which I’m not ok with…I could really use some guidance I feel like this situation is so weird because of what a wonderful relationship we had…he cried his eyes out and held onto me during the break up, and now 2 weeks later it’s like he never cared a day about me…I don’t know what he’s thinking but I’m at a loss right now on where to go from here…tomorrow starts no contact (have to see him for his stuff tonight)..do you think I should try and get him back or does it seem like he’s moved on? You probably get this all the time, I’ve read all the articles and I just don’t know where to turn

    5. Stef

      February 8, 2015 at 10:37 pm

      Update…he dropped the 19 yr old and is now basically dating the new girl…I know how swamped you are and it’s best to comment and wait for your advise, he told me I did nothing wrong before during and after the breakup, he wants to be my best friend again he says he can’t picture a future where he didn’t talk to me but he’s with this girl 24/7 and tells his friends he really likes her and if they date they’ll be together for a long time…every person in his life (friends and family) think he’s lost his mind, he’s all of a sudden turned into a completely different person…my heart can’t let go of him and the amazing life we had, this new girl is horrible for him, I’m lost, his little sister just had a baby and his family thinks he is having a mid life crisis and trying to be a teenager again…I just need a real outside opinion some people are trying to give me hope and I hold on and others are telling me to let go…I know I sound like all the others, I just need a real outside male opinion on what to do…

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