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1,382 thoughts on “The Male Mind AFTER The No Contact Rule”

  1. April

    February 7, 2017 at 1:56 am

    So I did the 30 day no contact rule. I sent a message to my ex kinda saying that I feel bad about how I acted when we broke up and the things I said I don’t and realized that the breakup was good for both of us and hope we could be friends in the future. He responded likewise and that all he wants is for me to be happy. I’ve sent him a text reminded him of a good time we had together and his responses were very short. I waited a few days to text him again and asked if he wanted to go see a movie cause my friend could come with me, he responded with sorry he can’t and that was it. We haven’t carried a full conversation over text cause he just seems distant and short over text. What would be my next step? Do I give him more space ?

    1. April

      February 7, 2017 at 8:28 pm

      Yes I did it within days. I’ve been posting only happy stuff on my Facebook. Then my friend saw he posting something which was obviously referring to me saying something like “When your not happy with yourself how are you suppose to make someone else happy? Your front will only carry you for so long” So I was so weirded out by that! Ever since we broke up he has been the one posting stuff about our relationship. Does he need more space? Should I do the no contact again?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 8, 2017 at 12:17 am

      just rest for a week and then take it slow in building rapport

    3. April

      February 7, 2017 at 1:58 am

      And I have been improving myself in the month we broke up.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 7, 2017 at 7:52 pm

      Hi April,

      dont rush.. the meet ups are better done after the calls stage and the memory texts are better when you’ve already built rapport.. you did all of within days right? I think you should rest for a week before trying again and click the links below and start over on initiating texts..
      EBR 053: Deconstructing The Perfect First Contact Text Message

      Texting An Ex Boyfriend (The New Rules)

  2. Lucy

    February 6, 2017 at 9:57 pm

    My partner of four years ended our relationship three weeks ago.
    He has always had lots of insecurities and was extremely jealous throughout our relationship. Other than some issues with that we had a great life together.
    Things came to a head when I went on a mini break with my best friend. He was awful while I was away, moody and sending me very pointed and sarcastic messages. When I got home we had a bit of an argument about his behaviour and, although things were a bit tense, I thought we’d resolved things. However, a few days after my return, he moved out of our home, told me he no longer lived me and that we were over for good.
    I have no idea what just happened. He’s always been very loving, and was messaging me and phoning me while I was away telling me how much he loved me (when he wasn’t being moody).
    He said he can’t cope with how he feels, his heads a mess and he’s now telling me to go out dating and move on. Can someone seriously change from telling someone that they’re the love of his life, to being nothing to them, in the space if a few day.
    Do you think NC will help, or will he get more suspicious and paranoid and thus push me further away

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 7, 2017 at 6:18 pm

      Hi Lucy,

      if you want, give him a week.. if he initiates, talk.. if he doesn’t, start the count of nc from there..

  3. Kayla

    February 3, 2017 at 11:25 am

    I was with my husband for almost 9 years and during those 9 years we began to try and have a child which lasted four very long painful years. August 2016 I found I was pregnant, he left and was living in another county while I stayed in my county and worked. He went to three doctor appointments at first and then just started acting very different he began saying it was not his child which I turned around and did a prenatal DNA paternity test to prove him wrong. After he found out it was indeed his child he began to get worse. He moved back for a week before leaving one night and never coming back could not find him for a week and began to freak out. Finally found him and he came back for a night before leaving me again on Thanksgiving morning. I found out he was seeing someone else that he fell into the drug world with people. I chased him and became a victim of his trap by giving him money and buying him things to “buy” him back. The lies that he would tell about how he still wanted his family and how he still loved us and so on was beginning to be a nightmare. Then one night here recently we sat down and talked and cried while he was kissing on my 7 month pregnant belly, we had a moment then he left again and I found him at the woman’s house yet again with him trying to hide his car. The anger finally began to set in after that however I still wanted to save him and saw him two days later to give him gas money and turn to the hug, kiss my belly and looks in both of our eyes that we knew this was it. I have not heard from since. It took me this log to get where I am which I’m not okay but I’m better. I’m pregnant with his son that we tried so very hard for and he left me to figure my life out in a time that I truly needed him. I learned I’m not worth a phone call, a message or anything even to check on his own child and see if we might need anything at all. I let someone destroy me and take who I was away from me and I’m trying to figure it out while carrying his child. It hurts like hell not to have the man you love even contact you or even think about you at all. I really hope by me finally cutting the ties that maybe it will help him for the sake of his son and maybe I will end up being okay faster even if we don’t talk again.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 3, 2017 at 7:13 pm

      Hi Kayla,

      Im sorry that happened but you still have a great reason to be grateful and happy. Your child is a great blessing with or without a man.. Focus on making your baby happy while he’s still in your belly because he can feel your sadness and stress..

  4. Kerry

    February 1, 2017 at 4:44 pm

    I was dating a guy for about 6 weeks and he slowing started contacting me less. One night I got drunk and said some mean stuff and the next day he said he wasn’t ready to date. After that I begged and tried again to date but he wasn’t open to it. Anyway did the NC for 3 weeks and heard some bad news about his family so sent him a message saying I was thinking of him and his family. He responded right away and kept the conversation going. Even after I ended the convo he sent a meme hours later and I responded but was short. What do you think my next move should be? This was 2 days ago and he hasn’t contacted me since but either have I. Any advice I would greatly appreciate. thanks!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 2, 2017 at 4:13 pm

      Hi Kerry,

      did you improve yourself in those 3 weeks? You should continue to be active in improving yourself and build rapport through texting..it’s ok to initiate, what’s more important is that youre the one ending the conversation at high point

  5. Natalie

    January 31, 2017 at 1:28 am

    So I was dating someone for almost a year but we separated because of distance and because I found out he was seeing someone else also so I left him alone. During that time he did everything he could to get a reaction from me by flaunting this girl on social media to blocking me on it. I did not contact him for about 8 months so I am confused. I decided to reach out earlier this month with a text saying that I was at the place we first met and that I thought about him and that I hoped he was doing well. I did not get a response. Today almost a month later I sent another text just saying his name. And this time he responded rather quickly with a question mark. What is up with him?. Should I respond to him or should I ignore him? Why do I feel like he’s playing games.

    1. Natalie

      April 30, 2017 at 2:56 am

      So I did make my posts public at least on facebook. It has been two months since that and he has not reached out. Do you think he’s still waiting for me to respond?. Should I respond or is it too late?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 30, 2017 at 2:03 pm

      it’s too late to respond, initiate a new topic instead.

    3. Natalie Gonzalez

      February 3, 2017 at 12:13 am

      Well there’s no way he could see what I’m doing or if I have improved. He still has me blocked on all social media and my social is private, it has always been private. And we have no mutual friends. So he has no idea what I’ve been up to these last 8 months. The fact that he responded to the second message is confusing because even he became curious to see if I needed something wouldn’t he have ignored it as well in order to avoid any future awkward and emotional conversations. Yet he responded very quickly. I’ve decided to not respond. I don’t want to make it seem like I’m still holding on.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 3, 2017 at 4:55 pm

      hmm.. it would be better if you make your posts public now, if you’re going to try rebuild rapport..

    5. Natalie

      February 1, 2017 at 6:48 pm

      That actually makes sense. I haven’t responded to his text and it’s been two days. Do you think I should respond or should I just let curiosity get the best of him?. What would I even say if I were to respond?. I would like to reconnect but not in a way that’s pushy because I just don’t think he would respond.

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 2, 2017 at 4:58 pm

      one of the possible reasons why he doesn’t want to reconnect is because he think you haven’t moved on and he doesn’t want to give false hopes.. if he looks at your posts in the past month, does it look like you’ve moved on and improved? even though you haven’t talked fir 8 months, I think your first text was too emotional and awkward for him, it sounded like you wanted him back because you missed him

    7. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 31, 2017 at 3:25 pm

      Hi Natalie,

      I think he got curious that maybe you needed something and he didn’t reply to the earlier text because to him, it sends a message that you’re trying to reconnect

  6. sara

    January 28, 2017 at 6:05 pm

    my ex dumped me and im confused one night he took me out spoiled me quiet a bit dinner shopping etc took me bck to work said he loved me n kissed me, i got home from work and he messages on facebook saying can we just be friends i said are you dumping me he said no and i replied with that will be hard when im in love with you than next message i get saying we are over im sorry but i want to remain friends but you cant cope with that i said ok he replied i would still like to remain friends and than he goes and blocks me on social media im so confused right now why block me if he wants remain friends

    1. sara

      January 28, 2017 at 6:08 pm

      oh and he never asked about no contact rule nothing just said i like remain friends i went to reply and hes blocked me on everything

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 29, 2017 at 10:13 am

      Hi Sara,

      are you together officially or just dating? are you going to do the no contact rule?

  7. Becoming

    January 26, 2017 at 6:01 pm

    Hi. I did the 21 day no contact rule. I actually went 23 days. I initiated contact with a memory text. Just 2 text the first day and the 4 the next day. It went pretty well. He stated that he was disappointed and how he treated me. He said that he wanted to tell me what’s been going on in his life and will talk to me soon because he has so much to tell me. I ended the conversation saying that I was in a meeting and that I would ttyl. He responded by saying he was sure I was looking beautiful. I did not respond. This is the 3rd day so I won’t send a text. He is the definition of the scary guy so I think he is comfortable texting. Why am I afraid it won’t work? He has responded back to back. I guess I expected him to beg for forgiveness and ask for me back. He hasn’t done that so I feel like I’m twiddling my thumbs.

    1. Becoming

      June 26, 2017 at 5:25 pm

      I just wanted to give an update. I truly believe in the NC. It was very hard but so worth it. We have since been better than ever. He has been doing his absolute best on making changes. He almost reverted to going backwards and I hit NC for another week. I wanted to prove a point that I am valuable and I can do better. We go on dates, if he doesn’t answer my calls he returns them quickly, any insecurities I have he is understanding and puts me at ease. He admits his faults and does whatever it takes to improve. Stick with it ladies and gents. By the time we met up after NC he looked like skelator. I mean I could see the man’s ribs and he just looked terrible. You don’t appreciate what you have until it is gone. Now he shows me he wants this and that he will commit to making me happy. Thanks so much.

    2. Becoming

      February 1, 2017 at 11:25 pm

      I don’t want to start over again because I did complete the 21 day of nc. I have been walking and visiting friends. I have also started looking for a new job. We have a friendly date scheduled for sunday to watch the game. Ever since day 23 we have been chatting via text and it has been going really well. We have talked twice and we laughed and joked. I have not expressed any emotion towards the break up or brought it up. He has responded to every text. I’m wondering have I messed up by continuing to text everyday except one, we have talked on the phone only twice. I asked have I messed up because yesterday and today he seemed a little distant. I mean not texting as much. I could be overthinking things because he works 3rd shift. Wondering should I just not text again until he reaches out to me?

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 2, 2017 at 6:33 pm

      ok..just continue being active and lessen the texts..and always end the conversation at high note and be the one to end it

    4. Becoming

      January 31, 2017 at 3:35 pm

      I want him back. We have since then talked on the phone and he has stated that he wants to work on himself and change. The problem is everything was on his time during the relationship. He also came by on day 29 and we talked and he apologized for taking me for granted because I was really good to him but he wasn’t happy with himself. I guess I am unsure how to move forward. I’ve done nc, text, phone, and in person casual.

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 31, 2017 at 4:39 pm

      I think it was too short..and it was only 23 days because you initiated contact by then right? And how much did you improve during it? Are you still improving yourself? After nc, he has to think you’ve moved on or at least trying to and that you’ve greatly improve to spark attraction and for him to be willing to start out as friends again because he doesn’t think that you’re trying to get him back.. that gives you a higher chance of getting him back
      do you want to restart nc and try again?

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 27, 2017 at 10:55 am

      Hi Becoming,

      then think about what you really want first before texting him again..

  8. Sheela

    January 24, 2017 at 10:36 am

    Hi, We were broke up on Jan 14th. Its all because of his parents. They dint like inter caste marriage. But he likes me a lot. I want him to fight for me with his parents. But he doesn’t wanna do that. He doesn’t wanna hurt his parents. He loves them a lot. He wants me to move on. So I started NC from that day. But he texted me on 16th like normally. Reacted like nothing happened. Again I started NC from 16th Jan. But I did a mistake. I texted him Jan 22nd as good nit. He didn’t reply to me. But he saw my message. I want him back as badly. Please tell me in what kind of situation i’m. For your information, I’m from India. Here the inter caste marriages are very hard to make it successful.

    1. sheela

      March 27, 2017 at 7:44 am

      Hi..After a completion of NC period, I spoke with my bf on March 5th. it seems like he too missed me a lot. It’s been a month now. I had a plan to go for a movie with my friend yesterday. But suddenly my ex wanted to come with us. He showed up yesterday. We hadn’t spoke anything about marriage or about break up yet. We are just having a casual friendly chat. I don’t know where it is leading to. Are there any possibilities for reconnecting? Am I in correct track?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 28, 2017 at 4:23 pm

      you’re in the right track, just keep building up rapport

    3. sheela

      February 3, 2017 at 9:13 am

      I don’t know what to do partha. Anyhow i’m trying to move on. I hope I can change by maintaining NC. Thank you for your advice.

    4. Partha

      January 29, 2017 at 3:28 pm

      Hello Sheela,

      Its very difficult to change the mindset of the person who fall for parents black mail. If he had truely loved you, he would not have left you for them. Love should be unconditional, if he leaves you for his parents happiness then he had not loved you , it was just an attraction.

      I can feel your pain because even i am in the same situation like you. My girl left for their parents and now she is getting ready to marry a person whom their parents have shown. its has been around 7 months she left still i am not able to forget her, every second i am thinking about her, I feel like i am in hell.

      My advice to you is just talk to your parents/friends and ask them to take you out of this hell.


    5. sheela

      January 27, 2017 at 12:41 pm

      Okay. I will stick with NC then.

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 28, 2017 at 3:41 am

      ok..be active! 🙂

    7. sheela

      January 27, 2017 at 9:46 am

      We both are 26. We were colleagues actually. But not right now. Yes. I would like to stick with NC. Will that work?

    8. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 27, 2017 at 12:22 pm

      there’s no guarantee that it will work but it does help to increase your chances

    9. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 25, 2017 at 10:11 am

      Hi Sheela

      how old are you both, and are you ready to stick to nc this time?

  9. Jennifer

    January 19, 2017 at 10:50 pm

    I was with my boyfriend for only 9 months but it was amazing from the start, we had so much in common and everything was great. He ended it because he moved away for work and after a few weeks he said long distance was too hard. I reacted very badly and we had a long, nasty fight, but he started texting me again a few days later. I was heartbroken so I responded, and it went on for a few weeks until we were saying we loved each other again. I asked to talk about us and he withdrew again completely. So I left it for a few weeks, because I was angry and I sort of figured he’d been using my feelings to reassure himself until he was over me.

    I’d sent the last text, and I didn’t expect him to contact me again after the way he’d pulled away so I was surprised when he started again a few days before my ’30 days’. I left it and text him a few days later as planned and since then he’ll be super chatty, texting me again if I don’t respond straight away, etc, and the same day go to reading my texts immediately and ignoring me unless Im asking a direct question.

    I don’t know if he misses me, feels sorry for me or he’s just enjoying stringing me along for his ego but I can’t just ask him outright…can I??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 21, 2017 at 2:17 pm


      nope, build more rapport first before asking..texts firsts and then calls and then meet ups

  10. cupofcoffee

    January 19, 2017 at 6:49 am


    my ex boyfriend broke up with me about a month now. i used the nc rule. i was not aware of it until this week when i was able to read blogs but fortunately i did the same things that was advised. my ex told me that there no hope of getting back together in the future. we broke up because he has a college friend that i dated before casually and something happened to us after he learned about this he cant get it out of his head for 4months we tried to keep the relationship and tried fixing it but maybe his ego and pride cant take it. some of his friends were aware that something happened to us because his friend that i dated usually tells stories about women he dated. we were together for 8mos and so inlove. but you know boys they always want to solution to a problem so he told me that to refrain from future complications we should separate and needed to agree because theres nothing that i can do to change his mind. so i left and went abroad. do you think there still a chance of getting him back even though he told me that theres no chance of getting back?

    1. cupofcoffee

      January 26, 2017 at 4:13 pm

      we had a huge fight because he was insisting that i have a boyfriend and he keeps telling me why am i denying it. i got hurt he believed what other people told him, he didnt even consider to ask me first. it was really bad he ended telling me that his not gonna message me again and he said ill can message him if im ready to be his friend. i see no hope in getting him back. his ridiculous but i really love him. should i give up?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 27, 2017 at 10:41 am

      if you want, just rest for now.. if you’re that hurt and he doesn’t trust you, it doesn’t make sense to try to rebuild rapport now

    3. cupofcoffee

      January 25, 2017 at 3:09 pm

      were exchanging good messages but he keeps on assuming that i am now in a relationship and keeps on telling me that. i dont know what to reply to him what approach to use. should i tell him that im not? what to do?

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 25, 2017 at 4:11 pm

      just tell him you’re not in a relationship because that’s the truth…

    5. cupofcoffee

      January 24, 2017 at 9:42 am

      hi ebr,

      I already made contact with him something about our first meeting, he replied happily joking with me. im confused is this a sign that his moved on already or what? its like he still acts the same as before when were together teaching me and laughing at me. i ended the conversation after he replied. i said im going somewhere. enjoy your day. he said im always going out. i dont know what to do next or should i still continue to contact him. what approach to use or what to message him.

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 25, 2017 at 10:09 am

      it would be better if you act that you know that he has moved on.. So, that the goal is to attract him back..

    7. cupofcoffee

      January 23, 2017 at 6:02 am

      i dont know what to do exactly. im afraid if i initiate the first proper contact he might just reject me because he said before theres no hope of getting back. im afraid maybe ill make the wrong move. yesterday he started liking my post in instagram. does this mean his okay and moving on? if i initiate the contact what should i say? im so afraid. im sorry. i really appreciate your reply. this means a lot to me

    8. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 23, 2017 at 5:10 pm

      that’s a good sign..if he wants you to move on and he can see that you have, then there’s a higher chance of him being open to start over as friends..check this one for your first contact:
      EBR 053: Deconstructing The Perfect First Contact Text Message

    9. cupofcoffee

      January 21, 2017 at 12:02 pm

      no it was before its like he cant accept my past because its his close friend and his common friends knew about this thats why he just cant get it out of his mind. im very great, after the break up i went directly to uae im like travelling and meeting different friends. almost out usully enjoying, i watched the coldplay concert last new year. its been really great. is there really no chance of getting back because he said it when we parted?

    10. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 22, 2017 at 7:19 pm

      I think there is a chance. Especially now that he is initiating contact with you..just take it slow and dont open up topics about that

    11. cupofcoffee

      January 19, 2017 at 6:53 am

      last new year he greeted me and said i hope you will be fine soon.
      just lastweek his sent me message in instagram just correcting my
      grammar and also yesterday he did the same thing. this does not mean
      anything right? i didnt reply any of it because i think its just nothing

    12. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 20, 2017 at 3:58 pm

      Hi Cupofcoffee,

      how many days did you do nc and how much did you improve? did something happen to you and his friend during your relationship with your ex or during the time when you were still with his friend?

  11. Sheriden

    January 16, 2017 at 5:59 pm

    Neither of us are suppose to be speaking to eachother. When he was asked if he wanted to take an official break, he didn’t say yes. But technically that is what we are doing right now. I have moved out, gotten my own bank account, and he has gotten his own phone plan with the same number. Before I started executing the no contact rule and i would talk to him about getting back together he would just say he can’t do this right now and this is already so hard and he was sorry. So he is executing no contact..but i’m not sure if right now they are for the same reasons i’m doing it.

    I’m trying to work on myself but I worry he won’t feel the “i miss you” if we are both doing no contact. He doesn’t really use social media either..i want him back. We went through six years of happiness and our relationship was generally very good before all this. How can I make him realize?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 16, 2017 at 9:32 pm

      well, he wont miss you too if you’re going to chase him.. and there’s still the possibility that he will check your account once he wonders why you stopped asking him.. so, use this time to your advantage.. don’t just wait..if you want a restart, change and improve..

  12. Kate

    January 16, 2017 at 8:21 am

    My boyfriend broke up with me 4 days ago. He stated that he was going through a lot and that he needed time alone and that he did not want to string me along knowing very well that he won’t be there for me as a boyfriend would and didn’t want to hurt me. He also said that I should move on and that I’ll be fine. I begged him for 2 days before I realised I should probably use the NC..so I’ve been doing that for two days now. My question is what is the possibility that he will regret his decision and see that I can help him work through his problems and that being together is better than being alone….oh his family do not like me as much at the moment

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 16, 2017 at 7:59 pm

      Hi Kate,

      what is he going through? And why doesn’t his family like you?

  13. Kelly

    January 15, 2017 at 8:59 pm

    Hello, my ex and I dated for 6 months, and for the most part our relationship was good. We were both going through a tough time so we did have misunderstandings that caused us to fight often about big and small things, but we always worked through them. A lot of our disagreements stemmed from him being hyper critical of me and me not opening up as a result. Small disagreements would also happen. But we did love each other a lot and were in it for long term, and we had a lot of good memories too. However he broke up with me because he said he was stressed with how much we fought and wanted to have something easier. I was completely heart broken and said some nasty things out of anger, to which he said he wanted someone who would be nicer to him and respect him more. I started no NC and 10 days in to NC, I met up with him to return his things. I interacted well until he made a very mean comment, to which I reacted poorly and said some more nasty things out of anger. Now he is angry at me and tells me that he did the right thing in removing me from his life. I am starting NC again and will stronger and do it the right way this time, and improve on being less angry and more respectful. But he seems so angry and only see the bad parts of our relationships. Do I still have a chance?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 16, 2017 at 5:52 pm

      Hi Kelly,
      I think there is.. restart the count.of.nc..andblook like you’re moving on..if he sees you’re not angry anymore then he would probably realize that there’s no point of him being angry

  14. Sheriden VanHoy

    January 15, 2017 at 5:18 pm

    What if you have both been advised by a therapist to implement the no contact rule? I am starting the rule officially starting yesterday, but before that I would try talking to him and sometimes he would respond. His responses were usually “I’m sorry” or “i can’t do this right now”. He cheated on me and broke up with me because he feels like he can’t be with me because of what he did…or at least that is the core of it. I begged him to get back together and want to work on this with him. We need to work on ourselves and each other.

    All these articles talk about you using the ncr on them, and they don’t really know about. But in my case, I think he is also executing it because that’s what we were told to do. I’m nervous that because of this he’s not going to feel that “i miss you” and “not hearing from her or being around her for 30 days is the worst and i want to make this work”. Any thoughts?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 15, 2017 at 7:03 pm

      Hi Sheriden,

      do you mean he’s ignoring you? because doing nc means he has the intention of getting back with you after it

  15. Amy

    January 12, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    Me and my partner have been together for nearly two years. We started off doing long distance and then I moved in with him at his parents. I am now living far away at uni. I am 23 and he is 26.
    We started to talk about him moving to me because of how hard it is. We have constantly argued about stupid stuff our whole relationship, although never cheated or done wrong, we both assume and accuse etc.
    my tenancy is ending and he has known this for a long time, hoping he would be ready to move here.
    I got so fed up with asking him whats going on with me him, because of the arguments and about moving that i gave him an ultimatum out of anger. I know i shouldnt of done this! He chose to stay with his family and do a property development project. I was so torn by his desicion that we got into an arguement and i said goodbye – he instantly blocked me!!
    Ofcourse i didnt want it to actually be over, I just want to move forwards with him!
    We didnt speak for 3 hours and then he accidently called me.
    I called him back and we spoke, he has told his family that we are over!! Also i said that i Am willing to compromise and he said he doesnt know if he even wants to be with me anymore.
    He said he wanted a week no talking to think it over.
    He then text me 3 hours later asking some stupid question about bulbs i bought him. I called him instantly and said why did you text that, that could of waited a week, i asked him why the need was to text me now. He said it was both because he wanted to know and because he wanted to talk to me. We both got a little emotional but i could see he was trying “not to care or get upset”. We even said we might still see each other this weekend. He said he would text me at lunch and has just not text me at all. Is he playing a game? What is he thinking? What do i do? I love him so much and i feel so empty without him! Please help!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 13, 2017 at 2:28 pm

      Hi Amy,

      I think he only did those out of emotion. Are you going to do the no contact rule?

  16. Vanessa

    January 10, 2017 at 2:20 pm

    Good Morning!

    It’s been 8 days since I implemented the NCR, he was calling me after 3 days and texted me once. I haven’t heard anything from him since Saturday January 7th(Text). I am feeling the urge to call or text him.
    I need some encouragement. Has he forgotten me already? What Phase am in now?


    1. Tiffany

      January 12, 2017 at 10:21 am

      NO stupid. Tough it out for 30 days. Who the fuck cares if he’s no texting you back. Stop focusing so much on what his bitchass is doing and live your damn life. Jesus, caving in already because he’s not paying attention to you after the 7th day? If I were him, I’d dump your needy ass too. Now shut up and go and enjoy being single for 30 day. You already made it through one week, what the fuck is two more? Go. Get. A. Life. So you don’t look like some loser who has nothing going on in her life. Make him want you back.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 11, 2017 at 10:29 am

      HI Vanessa,

      He’s not intiating anymore because he’s probably respecting your space. Don’t focus on whether he texts you or not. Focus in improving yourself.

  17. Carolyn

    January 6, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    Good morning,

    As I was reading the comments I felt compiled to respond. I started the NC on Monday, January 9th. It was ready hard due to I was use to talking to him but I was made it to the point where I was tired of him treating me like I didn’t matter.
    So I decided to not call him at all, after day one I thought he would attempt to call me, I wanted to call him because I was thinking this maybe a big mistake. Then Wednesday came I just knew he’d call be but I held my ground and it was a little easier. I talked
    Friends I hadn’t spoken to in while, I starting painting my office (November) so I finished that(anything to stay focused). Thursday, January 12, at 6:27am he starts calling and he’s been calling ever since. I know by now he is wondering what the heck is going on but It feels so good to see him calling and having the willpower not to answer. So the NC is working we ladies just have to stay focused and always remember “ When we learn how much we are worth only then will we stop giving discounts”.

  18. carolyn

    January 6, 2017 at 4:14 pm

    Good morning,

    As I was reading the comments I felt compiled to respond. I started the NC on Monday, January 9th. It was ready hard due to I was use to talking to him but I was made it to the point where I was tired of him treating me like I didn’t matter.
    So I decided to not call him at all, after day one I thought he would attempt to call me, I wanted to call him because I was thinking this maybe a big mistake. Then Wednesday came I just knew he’d call be but I held my ground and it was a little easier. I talked
    Friends I hadn’t spoken to in while, I starting painting my office (November) so I finished that(anything to stay focused). Thursday, January 12, at 6:27am he starts calling and he’s been calling ever since. I know by now he is wondering what the heck is going on but It feels so good to see him calling and having the willpower not to answer. So the NC is working we ladies just have to stay focused and always remember “ When we learn how much we are worth only then will we stop giving discounts”

  19. Anaya

    January 6, 2017 at 3:19 am

    HI Amor!
    One more post and then Ill stop messaging! I just love how easy it is to talk to you– especially during this tough time.
    An update: my ex told his MOM to call me and then tell me that he will call me…. and then I looked at my phone and saw no call.. so I just left it as is. And then I see that he tried to call me on gmail!! Why in the world would he video call me on GMAIL?!! And why would he get his mom involved? first off, she’s one of the causes of our problems, and second of, he’s 30!!
    And if he is trying to get a hold of me, why does he still have my messages blocked on facebook? Also, I dont know truly why he blocked me (i think based on the ebook, he may have thought i was nagging him) because he didn’t know that I knew he left his parents house during new years.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 7, 2017 at 4:12 pm

      It’s ok to ask anytime Anaya. No worries! Well, maybe because to show you that his mom is willing to work with him for you, which is good sign but don’t give in too early yet. We don’t know what he said to his mom of why he’s going to call you. I still think he blocked you to prevent nagging, whether or not you know if he left. Maybe he’s leaning on the chance that you might find out.

  20. sheree thomas

    January 5, 2017 at 11:37 am

    MY boyfriend broke up on me on my bday in a email. After the fact making plans two before of us spending time and having fun.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 7, 2017 at 4:40 am

      Hi Sheree,

      when was that? How long were you together? Why did he break up with you? Do you want to try the no contact rule?

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