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4,280 thoughts on “The Male Mind During The No Contact Rule”

  1. Gwen

    March 9, 2020 at 10:29 pm

    So I would say my ex falls in the angry category. Long story short: did/ said some things I shouldn’t have, I apologized, he said he ‘accepted’ but wanted things to end. It happened over the phone and before he initially said he wanted to break up I asked if I could swing by and talk in person but he said that would be “too hard”.
    It’s been a month now since I’ve spoken to him, he unfriended me and hasn’t reached out at all.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 10, 2020 at 10:17 pm

      Hi Gwen if you have completed a 30 day NO contact then you can reach out with a text that Chris suggests to see what sort of response you get and we can work from there

  2. Coco

    March 5, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    My ex-boyfriend broke up with me last mid-February, a week after he asked for space. We’ve been LDR for 2 months and together physically for 3 weeks. I thought we were last forever, everything seems surreal and perfect but our problems started when he invited me to spend Chinese New Year at their home ’cause he wanted me to meet his parents and propose. His parents are nitpicky and complained a lot about me. I got so needy and I overthink a lot. He said that the reasons why he broke up with me are because of cultural differences, and that I am immature and teenager-like (cause I cant control my emotions). Im not really an emotional person but I was too emotional when I was staying for CNY. Because of this, my vacation at their house was cut short and I had to go back to my country a day before CNY. A lot has happened in the span of two weeks and I felt that he isnt the same anymore. My ex before him was trying to sabotage us as well. Eventually he gave up on me. After the break-up, he was sending me mixed signals (Liking my posts; reacting to my stories; sending me photo of him wearing my gift). 2 days after the break up he contacted me and invited me to Bali this April, but right now I’m trying to do the 30-day no contact; I think he knows I’m ignoring him because he is trying to ignore me as well. The whole month of March he’ll be traveling with his guy friend in South US. What do u think I should do? I stopped replying to him last 25 February because he said he is missing me but its just difficult to fix things. I asked him why and maybe we can do something about it, but he just replied hmmm. We’re both Asians but from different countries. When he broke up with me I tried to fix it but he doesn’t want to and so I said I respected his decisions.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 18, 2020 at 1:50 am

      Hi Coco, so you need to work on becoming Ungettable so that your ex sees how great you are doing and feels like they’ve let someone great go by not trying. And then reach out at the end of your NC with a text trying to re attract him. Read the texting articles so that you can do this correctly

  3. Lisa

    March 2, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    Thanks for the reply!! Ok .. ( I had a previous message dunno where it went ) BUT he did finally tell me to please come over to discuss things Last Sunday . I did. Told me Everything I had ever been dying to hear from him and thought he never would…. he loved me he was sorry and realized he never should’ve pushed me away his friends basically even told him he was an ahole because he told me that he told them I was the best thing that ever happened to him and he knows that he messed things up ( just with not prioritizing me) and asked for another chance and we were going to go out to dinner later that week to discuss what moving forward would look like and some ground rules so I was like yes !!we’re going to do it right this time !!! So. I made sure and got confirmation of why I was there did he really want to move forward and fix things and he assured me that I would not be there at his house right now if that is not what he intended… so. We talked. We played with His dogs. Had some wine. Annnd … I stayed over …But something interesting happened it wasn’t just sex …he woke me up at least twice in the middle of the night just to hold me really tight and tell me how incredibly happy he was again. And then … he went cold again not even 24 hrs later. Distant texts, not asking to see me , no mention of what we planned …I was devastated.When I pressed him he got super frustrated and defensive . I Tried to keep it calm all week long. That was a week ago and we actually had angry words over text this past weekend when I couldn’t take it anymore ( I said you’re friends are right, what kind of game are u playing… and some other not nice things. He just started getting passive aggressive and one-word answering me and that’s when I snapped , etc…)
    Don’t know what to do or what the hell happened he literally did 180° turn I have never seen this from him before..in 7 months . Oh and by the way this entire time his Instagram profile has been private ( I never followed him) and just this past weekend he goes and makes it public like Really?? !? Not that there’s anything wonderful on there that I would ever be upset over it’s just literally a bunch of frat boy pictures. Do i do NC again? I’m so upset , I have a coaching sesh booked.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 7, 2020 at 10:16 am

      Hi Lisa, its great you have a coaching session booked. You will benefit so much from this but yes you go into a No Contact now!

  4. Being strong

    February 25, 2020 at 10:26 pm

    So I was seeing this guy for about 6 months and he wanted to keep it hush as we worked for the sane company in the same office. Long story short his has this female colleague that he works directly with who likes him. When we started going on dates he would say that she cannot find out and I asked him why and he said she would be so mad. Apparently he rejected her as he is not attracted to her. Anyway fast forward 6 months she found out about use and we had a convo and I asked him why he didn’t tell me. I was acting cold because I just didn’t want to argue and I was stressed, anyway he randomly messaged me saying people at work are asking about me, what’s going on ? (They know me and him were seeing each other) I responded and said like who and said your colleague has just found out and you’re asking me why everyone knows :/ – anyway he has ignored me since it been about 2 months, we bumped into each other but he doesn’t acknowledge me when he is with her, I then bumped into him on his own and he said hey, how are you but this was in passing I didn’t stop and chat. I’m just wondering why he has chosen to ignore my message and why he hasn’t pulled me for a chat, especially as work for the same company and see each other frequently, it’s 2 months and 2 weeks into no contact and I’m starting to think he will never acknowledge what he has done, I also spotted him
    On hinge ( a dating app) he said he would never use, is he affected by it or should I just forget about him ? He was away on a business trip so out of the 2 months and 2 weeks I’ve seen him in office for 4 weeks! I’m just a bit confused by his behaviour :/

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 6, 2020 at 9:36 pm

      Hey there so I would question why he does not want the other woman to know about you, but the fact he has ignored you since work people have found out you have been seeing each other there must be something else going on that he has not told you about. I would work the Ungettable and focus on showing your work colleagues how well you are doing and start casually dating so that the information can work its way back to him and he can know you are not waiting around for him

  5. Lisa

    February 23, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    follow up… I won the duel! He texted last night after 6 days NC ( which was torment btw) ( after being out presumably on Sat night with the ‘boys’) and said
    ‘ Going out of my way to say I’m sorry… again.. Lisa .’ All he has done so far in last few weeks is say sorry but … no real movement like can we talk, can i see you, so (i also have a lot of stuff to get back at his house) i feel better, but I’m back to being in that limbo of , he dropped off.. do i answer him?, …What now? Thanks

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 27, 2020 at 10:24 pm

      So if you have to get your things make sure you go and collect them, look amazing but make sure you do not stay long. Make a comment how you are meeting your friend for lunch/dinner and avoid getting emotional. Let him do the talking

  6. Lisa

    February 22, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    Hi- with my bf for 6 mos and we had some difficulties in part to his sudden realization that he hadnt had enough healing after his divorce. We had been having agonizing conversations this past month, crying, ( both of us) etc I also think he’s depressed. I know he’s being honest that he’s in a bad place but now I’m starting to smell BS bc after he was on a work trip last week he said he would call me this week to talk when he got back. Never happened. I won’t reach out bc I wasn’t about to say ummm hey HELLOO?? It’s been a week we haven’t spoken – I have sooo much stuff at his house still. This was a serious relationship. Families were involved, my teenage daughters, etc we had 2019 holidays together and he was planning future stuff. This is excruciating and even tho it’s been a week of no contact … idk what to do here he was supposed to contact me this past Wednesday. I keep mindf***ing myself that he must be talking to someone else but given the state he’s in I don’t really think so. But…. help ! I’m sooo sooo sad. Like not sleeping and obsessing. But not contacting. Thanks …

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 2, 2020 at 9:49 pm

      Hi Lisa, someone going through a divorce is going through one of the most stressful times of their lives and they also struggle to deal with their emotions on average for 18 months after a marriage breakdown. So work out the timing with your guy and know that no matter what he is doing, if he is or isn’t speaking to others he is not ready for a relationship and he was honest with you about this. You can work on yourself in the mean time with the Ungettable girl information so that when your ex speaks to you again he realises how amazing you are and regrets letting you go

  7. Anne

    February 21, 2020 at 9:57 pm

    Ok. We were only seeing each other for 2 months and I caught him lying to me. I let him know I was aware of the lie and the only response I got was “I’m sorry you feel that way.” I blocked him and haven’t talked to him since. However, I was hurt at work and he helped me out while I was waiting on my settlement money and I still have to pay him back. I should be getting it in a week or two. It’s been a week and I know I blocked him but it’s not hard for him to get in contact with me (he knows where I live) and it’s driving me crazy that he hasn’t tried to talk. We didn’t really end it I just stopped talking bc it was clear he wasn’t gonna take responsibility for what he did and I didn’t want to hear him tell me that my feelings were wrong rather than the fact that he got caught lying. I just don’t understand because right up to the day before everything seemed like it was going great. Do I wait out the whole 30 days or do I reach out when I get my settlement?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 22, 2020 at 10:04 pm

      I would do the right thing and pay him back when you get the money. However if you want to get him back you need to unblock him and reach out to him after your no contact has finished

  8. Ara

    February 20, 2020 at 10:49 am

    No contact since 13 months… he’s the typical stubborn guy and I have almost lost it so many times over the past year. However, I think that if he doesn’t reach out, it’s not worth it. But my question really is.. is there hope after so long? Can he still reach out? The problem between us is really very multi-layered and complicated.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 20, 2020 at 10:36 pm

      Hi Ara, so you are supposed to reach out to your ex after 30 days of No Contact, is there a reason you have not done this? If you want to get your ex back then you need to read the materials on this website and use that as a way to break the ice with your ex

  9. PA

    February 19, 2020 at 9:49 pm

    I broke up with him when all he needed were just space. Alot happened, and I was begging him for 3 nights. He told be that he already talked it over that he doesn’t want to work the relationship out because he didn’t want it to be off and on. I told him I would stop bothering him, and I totally ignore him. The next day, he messaged me “goodmorning” and I ignored him. Later he messaged me if I wanted to go workout with him and I said yeah, but I was in class and he left already. He started talking to me the way how he’s not that interested but just replying. SO I dry messaged him with the “okay” and “yeah. I messaged him today if we were still going to go work out and he kept ignoring me today. He said we will probably go workout later and I said “mhmm sounds good” and he just straight up ignored me. I think its funny. Is this him trying to get back at me? Should I do no contact and keep at 30 days?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 27, 2020 at 10:05 pm

      Hi Pa so I would say that you take some time apart (without telling him) and using that time to work on yourself so that you can reach out to him in 30 days as a happier person and he is also going to get some time to think about what he wants for himself and a chance to miss you

  10. Cat

    February 17, 2020 at 11:05 pm

    Hi, I dated a guy for 3 months, him 38, me 41. I know it was a short time but he was an amazing guy, he took me on short breaks away and we stayed in each others places, he brought me flowers for no reason (something no other man I was with ever did) He told me I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever been with and much more and that he had been waiting to meet a woman like me for a relationship for some time, he asked for exclusivity very early on. He suggested introductions to each others parents. We hadn’t said I love you’s but we agreed we had something amazing and we were very lucky and he had told me, he was crazy about me and I him. He wrote on my Christmas card that the last two months were amazing and couldn’t wait to spent 2020 with me. We went to a party (my family) a few weeks ago and we had our first fight ever and both behaved badly and drank too much, I didn’t spend a lot of time with him during the night, then he made a terrible accusation against a family member (it was absolutely untrue) and threatened to call his guard friend, he said he didn’t want to be with me anymore, I went home and left his stuff in his car and his car keys under the wheel. I text him to say not to worry, he would not hear from me again and blocked him because I was so hurt about the accusations. He had no where to stay except with a friend an hour away. I unblocked him five days later to say I’d sent a cheque for something he’d got for my parents on the night of the party, he thanked me. I text him again a few days later asking why he hadn’t apologised for the accusations he made and he said he was sorry, he had found it a weird confusing night, I apologised for not spending more time with him though still angry about the accusations. I text him the next day and asked if we could meet to try and understand better what went wrong that night after 3 perfect months, he agreed it was a good idea as long as I was comfortable and my family wouldn’t mind, I said I didn’t nor did they, they understood we both drank to much and had been very happy together up to that point. He cancelled the night we were to meet and said another night he had suggested wouldn’t suit either. I text him that weekend to ask about another night the following week and he agreed Monday, we text a bit asking about each others plans that weekend and how are respective nights out went and what plans we had for Sunday. On Monday morning of the evening we were to meet, he sent me a long message, explaining that he wasn’t in the right headspace for a relationship, citing issues like he’s wanting to look for somewhere new to live (never mentioned it before) wants to go travelling (we had agreed we’d go together, and the distance between us (one hour) was a problem which was never a problem before. I told him I understood but could we please hold on to our arrangement to meet that evening as there were still things I’d like to understand better, he said yes. In the afternoon, I received a message saying he had to work late (he never had to before) and what about the weekend comimg for an hour? I didn’t trust him to not let me down again, so I deleted his number (and gave a copy to a friend) to stop me making what I felt was a fool of myself. This means I can’t contact him cos she doesn’t intend giving me the number back only in the case he contacts me and I don’t recognize the number. Neither of us have social media, I am 7 days no contact as of today. The weekend he queried meeting came and went and he didn’t text me to ask what day suited or to firm up once I didn’t respond to his last message asking? Do you think it is possible I will ever hear from him again? I didn’t realise what he’d come to mean to me until I lost him, I miss our fun times together and i miss him. I know it was short but he made me happy. Do you think i could ask my friend for his number after 30 days and reach out again or that he might before that or should I steel myself to move on and expect nothing?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 28, 2020 at 8:03 pm

      Hi Cat giving his number to your friend and deleting it is a good way to stick to No contact and then work on yourself for that time. However I am not able to tell you if you should move on or try to get him back only you can decide that

  11. Chissy

    February 13, 2020 at 10:00 pm

    Hi, 11 days ago my boyfriend dumped me after being together for 5 years. We are still young: I’m 20 years old and he’s going on 19.
    Of course, we had fights sometimes and at moments they were pretty big but we got past it and we could not love each other more. We didn’t live together and he lives an hour from me. But when we saw each other we were very happy, we even went on vacation together. Anyways, it’s the second time he broke up with me and each time, the day before he starts with being really mean and saying really bad stuff to me and swearing. Then there was the crying and he said sorry but he couldn’t stay.
    The first time was because I didnt have a career plan. I wasnt going to college and he didn’t like it so he would push me in the roughest ways. I begged him to come back and I tried to contact him and he wouldn’t, but then I invited him at a party and he came, though he didn’t want to and thats when we got back together.
    This time, he left me because for two months i lived in montreal but couldnt make it so I moved back with my mother, and he didn’t like it. He was saying that i was too dependant and I wasnt trying enough. He was thinking only about himself. Anyways, the next day the only thing I told him is that if he really didn’t want to come back to me, to change our nicknames on messenger, and so he did. So I told him good bye he told me good bye and then I blocked him cause I couldn’t accept seeing that he was connected at times.
    Anyways, for 11 days I havent talked to him or anybody related to him cause I know that this time, if I beg, he’d push me away. Yesterday I spent time with a guy that I know since I was a teenager. Nothing happend and I’m truly not ready for another relationship and he knows, but he’s bringing me snowboarding soon and since I’ve got my ex on snapchat, I’ll just rub it in his face by posting on my story. The issue is that since my boyfriend went to live with his father, he’s been weird like that, and he tells everything to his father. The first breakup his dad told him not to get back with me. And just now, I realised that the father blocked me from facebook. I was feeling good about the 30 days no contact, but now I feel kind of scared, cause I really want my man back. Cause he is influenced.
    I wont break the no contact rule but I feel defeated somehow.
    BTW I read the whole article, and I love it. It kind of maked my day just reading it!

  12. Amanda

    February 11, 2020 at 10:16 pm

    Will NC still work if you tell them you’re doing it? My bf of just over a year just dropped the “I just don’t love you any more” bomb without any effort or attempt to fix the problem he decided that we were done. In the conversation he stated that he could still help me watch my dog and that we could still be friends. My response was that I didn’t want to talk to him for at least a month. Did I ruin NC by stating it? Or will it still give him time to stew and think about me?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 12, 2020 at 10:05 pm

      Hey Amanda, so ideally we do not tell our exes we are going to go into a No Contact, so you need to do the longer version of no contact which is 45 days. In that time you need to work on yourself to become Ungettable. and show through social media how great you are doing with life without your ex in it

  13. Dylan

    February 11, 2020 at 8:13 pm

    Hey so this isn’t the first time this has happened to me with my ex. We broke up last November because I was smothering him and he wanted space. But I wouldn’t give it to him and when he told me to just give up and leave him alone I did. And then a couple days later he texted saying he wanted to talk. Then we went back to not talking. And then a week later before New Years he texted me again and we talked normally and then he asked me to come see him for New Years. I went down to see him and stayed with him for a month. We had a couple arguments and a big fight. After the fight he still said I could stay and everything was normal. But when I left he was distant and said he just wanted some time and that if we were to get back together it would be sometime down the road. So I left him alone and then he called me and we talked. He said he missed me and thought about me coming down to try again, he even put back on one of our relationship bracelets we had. We talked a lot but I pushed too hard. I kept wanting to talk to him all the time and he wasn’t happy about it. He said he needed space and that he wasn’t talking me to get back in a relationship he was talking to me because he missed me. He said he wants space and I said to not give up because what we have is special. We haven’t talked in like a day but I’m scared he’ll find someone else. I keep thinking about what he said about me coming to see him to try again( it’s a long distance relationship). I don’t know what to do.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 15, 2020 at 5:15 pm

      Hey Dylan it sounds as if you need to learn to control your emotions, and stop being so needy in the relationship. Even if you are long distance it is not normal to want to talk all the time. You need that space so that you are not suffocating your ex! Just because you want to speak all day every day, does not mean that he is going to want the same. You need to meet him half way if he is willing to text you in intervals during that day that is still a lot of conversation, if he needs a day break then allow that! Its space to miss you and want to talk to you. I suggest that you go into a 30 day no contact where you work on this and learn to control your impulse to reach out to people too fast and too often.

  14. Confused Girl

    February 11, 2020 at 1:54 pm

    We dated for 3 months. As cliche as this sounds, it was one of the closest connections I’ve had with a guy. During the 3 months, we talked everyday (most text and sometimes phone calls), went on dates during the week and also stayed over houses at least once a week. He had made it quite clear to me that he’d just recently broken up with a long term girlfriend in September. We agreed despite this knowledge that we would still see each other given the connection between us. A few weeks later, he decided it’d be best for us to be friends ‘for now’, given his recent breakup and not wanting to string me on when he just wasn’t in the right place for a relationship. We mutually agreed to be friends and I sent him a nice message with no tough feelings as he was honest with me the whole time. I left it open on my text saying I’d be glad to hear from him in the future. I’ll admit here (but haven’t to him) that I do miss him a lot. I think it’s obvious that I’ve developed some feelings. I’ve not reached out and we haven’t spoken in roughly two weeks (he was the last one to message). I guess my mindset is that if he truly wants me in his life, he will make it happen and contact me. I’ve gone no contact to improve my own self-worth, but also to give it space. I guess I’m wanting to know, that in this situation of ‘short term dating’, is it wise to implement no contact? Or should I just reach out after a month?
    Thanks for your advice, I definitely need it! x

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 21, 2020 at 11:33 pm

      Hey Confused Girl… so No Contact is 30 days – which is essentially a month… So yes to both. Work on yourself in those 30 days so that you are at a more sound and happy place when you start talking to your ex again

  15. Confused Girl

    February 11, 2020 at 12:10 pm

    I dated this guy for three months, it was truly an amazing three months, such a spark. Spent every day talking, caught up weekly and stayed over houses too. He had let me know he’d recently broken up with an ex gf in September of last year, and had been clear he wasn’t in the right place for a relationship. We agreed mutually to keep seeing each other without ‘labels’ however about two weeks after that conversation he said it’d be better to be friends for now due to his emotional unavailability and not wanting to drag me through it all. And hoped in time we could be friends and to stay in touch. I agreed peacefully with a really nice message, and it ended with him having the last text message responding back.
    I have not initiated any contact since. It’s been almost two weeks since we spoke or caught up. I want to be his friend, but.. I do like him quite a bit. Missing him too. Just don’t want to mess it up when I know he has things to sort out in his life. Do I keep doing no contact with this guy, or should I message him to see how is it? Or forget it?
    Pretty lost. Any advice would be so helpful, especially since this was such a short term connection.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 12, 2020 at 9:54 pm

      Hey there if you want to give it a chance then stick with the No Contact for 30 days and then reach out with a text that Chris suggest that is linked to his interests.

  16. Athena

    February 11, 2020 at 12:01 pm

    Hello. I broke up with my boyfriend for 6 years. It was a mutual agreement that we have to fix ourselves first but we did not talk about if we will come back to each other soon. It’s my 15th day of NC today and he still dont contact me. I miss him so much. What should I do? I want him back.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 12, 2020 at 9:54 pm

      Hey Athena, so the point of No contact is to spend that time apart for at least 30 days and you are not waiting for your ex to reach out. You are using this time to work on yourself so that you become the best version of yourself. And at the end of 30 days no contact you reach out with a text like Chris suggests in his articles and videos to get your exes attention

  17. Mymoena

    February 10, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    My bf and I are dating for 3 years now… We are currently inthe NC rule for 4 days I feel so weak like I should msg him.. He doesn’t have any time for me and he says that I complain alot… The rs is all about him.. And I keep it thay way because I really love him… How do I get him to commit to me fully and take things further I feel like we are stuck and his scared of taking things further.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 11, 2020 at 11:30 pm

      Hey Mymoena, so if you want a guy to commit to you more than he is willing to I suggest that you start subtly dropping hints that you are dating other guys now you are broken up. When he realises that other men are willing to invest their time into you, it makes you more appealing. Don’t over do the jealousy posts, just enough to make him worry that there could be someone new in your life

  18. shai

    February 10, 2020 at 5:07 am

    My boyfriend broke up with me about three weeks ago, it was very emotional for me. We’re both 22. We’ve been texting pretty much all day every day and hang out once a week. I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 a week after and it makes a lot of sense because I was pretty mean to him and irritable most of the time, after a while I got insecure and clingy and we were both paranoid that we’d cheat on each other. He told me initially that in a few months or so if we feel better and still like each other maybe we can get back together. He told me the reason was that we were both very depressed and made each other too comfortable and we need to work on ourselves. He also said that his love for me is different now but he also said he’s still attracted to me and always will be. We have a lot in common and get along very well but it was the mental illness that really ruined it I think. He tells me now that I need to tell myself it probably won’t happen but it’s possible so I don’t get my hopes up and don’t focus on it. He says he wants to be friends and wants me to be in his life forever.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 17, 2020 at 8:26 pm

      Hey Shai, so the fact you have been diagnosed that is something that is going to help you learn how to manage your emotions and thought processes better. And also helps you understand why some days you have lows and others high. If you take some time to get your medication sorted and then work on yourself to be happier and more settled in how your body deals with hormones you will find that speaking to your ex he is going to see a change in you for the better

  19. Ally

    February 7, 2020 at 1:07 am

    No contacts works. I’ve done it before. We dated six months he called me and broke up with me, I was devastated, but I was more stubborn than anything else. I wasn’t even aware of no contact. I’m just not the type to beg for a man. If he doesn’t want me fine, I’ll find another. Although I missed him and it hurt like hell, but I never messaged. I started looking up ways to heal, and I focused on me. Even when I ran into him a couple of times at school, I said hi and never talked outside of that even when he told me to. We had quick, pleasant encounters. I waited four months before I sent my first message only reason being was because he was a classmate of mine. We quickly started dating after that. We’re still together and happy. I recommend no contact but not to get your ex back but to find yourself again and learn to be satisfied without that man. Eventually, they always come back. If it was real love, he wouldn’t forget you even if he’s dating another. He’ll be back in your life, and you don’t have to worry and spend hours trying to figure it out. I only learned about no contact because a friend of mine is going through a break-up and decide to search. It’s how I ended up here.

  20. Irene

    February 5, 2020 at 2:04 pm

    My boyfriend and I were together for almost a year before we broke up last week.
    I have been doing the no contact rule for 3 days now but I highly doubt it will work on him. I miss him terribly and don’t know what to do.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      February 6, 2020 at 10:15 pm

      Hey Irene, No Contact is an essential part of this program and it has it has a strong success rate. Every one of our success stories starts with a period of No contact. So stick with it and work on yourself in that time, the more you work on yourself the better you start to feel and then you will re attract him and good things into your life

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