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Heather Colbert
September 5, 2013 at 8:29 am
Hello came across your site and wanted to see if I could get some quick advice. About a month ago my girlfriend broke up with me, we were arguing about feelings she had four another girl. Originally we were going to take a break and we agreed it would be best if I went and busted my mom for a couple months because we live together. WhenI left I went a little crazy and I gps’ed her whereabouts on day. Of course when she found out she was pissed, she said she didn’t want to be with me anymore and that she didn’t want to try right now. Of course I did everything you aren’t suppose to do for about three weeks. Begging for us to start over blah blah blah. Well before I left I gave her my car to use until I got back. Originally the break was suppose to be for two months, but I figured since she was done with me I would come back early so I can work and do the nc. We work together and tomorrow I’m going to get my car from her. Aside from me crying and asking her why we never really talked about the relationship. First she said she was tired of the arguing. This was only our first big argument in three years. Then she said she wasn’t in love with me and hadn’t been for the past year, but she proposed to me in Feb and we had tried for a baby (her idea) in June. She claims that she thought things would get better. Between crying and begging she had also said that she’s unhappy and she couldn’t do it anymore. I keep thinking do what? In my mind we were fine until this argument. Then she said it was because when we use to have it little arguments I would say that I’m unhappy and that I didn’t want to be there. But clearly I did want to be there or I would have left. I just wanted her to try harder. Anyways my questions is do you think the nc might still work to getting her back, I love her. And should we talk about anything tomorrow when I get the rest of my stuff? I’ll takeany advice at this point, I just want us to start over. It was okay before and I know it would be great this time around if we could just talk about the issues. Also I forgot to mention the small fights were because I felt a certain way and she doesnt really express her emotions. Thanks.
September 6, 2013 at 1:57 am
Hi There Heather!
I am glad you had the courage to comment on this site.
Anyways, I think NC is the way to go but do it after you see her tomorrow. When you do see here just don’t talk about your relationship. Try to keep things light. You are there to pick up your stuff. When you do talk to her just keep things pleasant and simple. Make sure you smile a lot and seem really happy.
Oh, and I don’t have to tell you to look gorgeous do I?
Heather Colbert
September 5, 2013 at 8:59 am
Also if you haven’t guessed it’s a lesbian relationship, does your system work for my situation it do you know of anything that would help and Cater to my specific needs?
September 6, 2013 at 1:59 am
You are actually not the first lesbian to contact me. Actually I have had men, women, gays and lesbians contact me before. While this is a site about boyfriends I think most of the tactics are interchangable. Let me put it this way, if you like what I write here then you will like the E-Book. I think a lot of it is all about making your ex chase you and how to handle any texting interactions and what to do to really evolve into someone who people will find wildly attractive.
Heather Colbert
September 5, 2013 at 8:55 am
Also I broke down and bought the magic of making up ebook (didn’t come across this site quick enough) . Also like I said she was using my car while I was away. I wasthinking letting her continue to use it so she would know I still cared about her and I wanted to make sure she got to school and work ok. Is this a good idea or should I just take my stuff, nc, and go from there.
September 6, 2013 at 1:58 am
I have read the magic of making up. It’s not all that horrible. A little pricey for my taste but hey everyone out there is trying to make a living and sadly I am no different haha.
September 5, 2013 at 6:45 am
Hey! I’m on day 17 NC and my Bf who cheated on me and then in turn accused me of cheating, is calling me non stop, like almost everyday and sent me a text that he needs to talk to me. I’m tempted to take his call but at the same time I feel that, he needs to know that there are consequences 2 such behaviors and I know I’m still mad @ him, and also scared of loosing him. What do you think?
September 6, 2013 at 1:51 am
I think I lo…
All kidding aside you are doing AMAZING. You attitude I wish I could clone and give to other women on this site.
September 4, 2013 at 9:42 pm
Hello Chris, firstly i’d just like to say that i love your website, it has helped me to keep my head screwed on through out this painful process.
i am currently on Day 27 of NC and i haven’t heard a peep from my ex. i think this is partially to do with the fact that i ended on bad terms on him – he thinks that i am still angry at him (he did a ‘slow fade’ towards the end of the relationship and basically made me break up with him). he said he wanted to be ‘friends’ and that i should be the one to initiate contact in the future when i am ready, which annoyed me greatly, as i was always the initiator in the relationship. i stopped replying to him promptly after that and blocked him everywhere.
i don’t know if i’ve screwed things up in my rage in terms of getting him back and i was wondering what you think i should do when i reach 30 days, if i still haven’t heard from him? thanks in advance.
September 5, 2013 at 12:39 am
I think you should test the waters with a text message and then reevaluate from there.
If you need help with the texts I recommend checking out my E-Book.
September 4, 2013 at 2:40 pm
My name is Hanna and here’s my story.
So my ex boyfriend broke up with me 3 1/2 weeks ago. It was out of the blue and not really expected from my side. So the first 3 days I was begging him to come back, then we didn’t speak for 8 days and then I asked if we could talk about it, and if he could hear me out. (long story short we hadn’t talked about it rl. So we talked face to face Monday 19 august.
The conversation went like this:
I told him what I thought that went wrong, after that I went honnest with him and told him I couldn’t be friends with someone I love so much. Then I told him about my little movie night on my birthday (20 september ), and said if he comes, then I know he will give us a second chance.
He looked really sad during the conversation and on the phone he was crying really hard.
Also just before I went away I told him that I really hope that he will come, gave a little smile and walked away. (We were in a park and he wanted to stay there for a moment)
So, in 2 weeks and 2 days it will be my birthday.. I haven’t had ANY contact since that day. Not talking to him, not seeing him, not ‘accidently’running into him, nothing. I deleted him from fb for now, and the only thing we can see of each other is whatsapp pictures and statusses. (and ofcoarse in tags of friends we have in comment etc.on fb)
So, my story is different from the normal NC rule, and instead of dissapearing from his life without saying a word I let him know that I can’t be friends with him(So actually that would pretty much mean we won’t have any contact if we aren’t in a relationsship)btw the conversation went very mature just so you know.
Do you have any advice for me? It wil be a little bit more than a month that we didn’t see or speak to each other. Should I take on the last day a status on whatsapp that I hope that he comes, or should I just do nothing, or something like change my whatsapp pf picture in a hot picture of myself blablabla. I just want to know if there’s anything else I can do. Something that will increase my chances. I did it differently from what this site told me (and others as well) but it does kinda feels like I did the right thing.
Any advice? something?
September 5, 2013 at 12:29 am
I always say trust your gut so if you feel you did the right thing then good on you!
My advice is that when you do text him make sure you do a better job of controlling the conversation. Don’t be afraid to hit his emotional hot buttons.
September 5, 2013 at 2:20 pm
Hm okay, thanks
I think I wont text him. my story is different from the normal no contact rule. But if he doesn’t show up, I’ll just act like I don’t care. We have some friends in common, so if he wouldn’t come I’ll just smile and he probably would hear about it.
That way the psychology triggers thingy would work right? would that still work otherwise?
September 6, 2013 at 2:15 am
Haha yes they should work.
September 4, 2013 at 9:16 pm
There’s one more thing I forgot to say though.
I wish I had said one more thing during the conversation. “If I would get 1 other chance to make you happy that’s all I want. If that chance doesn’t work out then I’ll give up. (But I can’t now)”
I couldn’t describe it back then, and now I actually realllyy want to tell him this, but is it better if I don’t ? or just use it in whatsapp status?
I don’t know what to do with this feeling, it kinda is important to me and stuff. what should I do with this?
(I forgat to put this in my story ^ sorry about that)
September 5, 2013 at 12:41 am
Better if you don’t
September 4, 2013 at 2:59 am
Hey chris,
i did send you a quick question but thought be best to leave a comment explaining a few things. My boyfriend broke up with me a week before leaving for afghan he just spilled out doubts and said he couldnt do it anymore, he didnt want a relationship over in afghan as it would mess with his head when he wanted to keep his men and himself safe. However he also had text a girl a few days before i got there saying how amazing she looked and how he would love to ‘cuddle’ with her, and then when he sent his afghan address he sent it to his ex gf who was a year before me. When he got to afghan he messaged me and called me, he apologised for how he acted and knew he was wrong, saying how his friends are calling him an idiot for breaking up with me. He is really messing with my head, and i cant move on with him been like this, i feel like he wants me as security cause he hasnt mentioned actually wanting a relationship again. He wants to meet in his RNR on october 13th. I am thinking going No contact to clear my head and to try give him some time to think and possibly miss me? i just have this massive fear that all he wants to do is have someone who he can meet up with when his home and he could possibly be talking to his ex gf too? even though he said he only calls me.
Should i go no contact even though he is in Afghan? I keep wanting to but then when he calls I think it would be wrong not to answer since he has taken what little time he has on phones to contact me? Please help, I still love him but i cant stay like this for 8 months not knowing.
September 5, 2013 at 12:04 am
Yea I still think you should go NC. It seems like deep down you know that is the right thing to do too.
You saw the LDR post right?
September 5, 2013 at 1:02 am
Yeah i did read through it, im just scared he will get defensive and angry when i ignore him and if i do contact him do i just ignore everything he said before? like if he was saying he was missing me etc?
September 6, 2013 at 1:38 am
Oh, the dynamic is all wrong. It should be HIM that EARNS the right to talk to you.
September 6, 2013 at 9:28 pm
I think i will go ahead with the no contact, however he called me a few days ago and he told me he was going on front line and going to desert for 7 nights, i told him to call me so i know his safe. Should i answer that call and then from then go no contact? thank you for answering, i thought i was been cruel for even thinking going NC as he is in afghan
September 7, 2013 at 2:08 am
Yea, I think that is fair!
September 4, 2013 at 1:17 am
Hi 🙂 I have read all your articles and I feel like you have such a grounded perspective on things so thanks for that hahaha
My ex and I dated for a year and a half. He broke up with me about two months ago and I only recently began NC 17 days ago because I felt like he was using me and he was being really rude to me. He texted me 3 days after I began NC literally saying “I want to be friends”. I ignored his message. It has been 2 weeks since he sent that message and he has not attempted to contact me since. I heard through the grapevine that he likes another girl.
Is the fact that he hasnt contacted me since his last text a sign that he has moved on from me? I still have 13 days to go with NC.
September 4, 2013 at 2:56 am
No, it isn’t a sign. Just remember that you and him will end up talking to eachother eventually.
The new girl, try not to let it get to your head.
September 4, 2013 at 7:16 am
Thank you
I’ll stay strong with NC 🙂
September 5, 2013 at 12:08 am
You are doing great just keep it up!
September 3, 2013 at 11:53 pm
My boyfriend and I had a thing for each other for a few years.. We had a mutual friend but did not see each other much and both dated other people (we lived about an hour away for each other).. We were both at different colleges but a year ago we found out we were both going to transfer to the same university. He lives near campus in a apartment and I will be commuting from home. However this summer we began to talk and become a “thing” after about a month or two of talking we decided to start dating. Everything was good and he was always very upfront about how he liked me and wanted things to work. A week before school was supposed to start and only a month and a half after dating he became distant one weekend while he was living at school and I was home. At the end of the weekend he broke up with me because he wanted to keep his “options open” and did not want a commitment, He even told me a girl he wanted to hookup with at school. Its only been 2 days in the NC period and since he broke up with me… Do you think he will try to contact me or how should I contact him after the 30 days..?
September 4, 2013 at 2:53 am
Ok, if you are wondering how to contact him after the 30 days NC you can visit this page: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/how-get-your-ex-boyfriend-back/
Make sure you skip down to the texting section. Also, if you REALLY want a good idea of how to text him pick up Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.
September 3, 2013 at 11:00 pm
How does nc help with getting your ex back? I’m sort of confused
September 4, 2013 at 2:45 am
So, NC essentially gives you ex time to miss you and gives you time to evolve into someone he would actively want to pursue.
Also, by not contacting him you get a lot of the power back and it makes him antsy for you to call.
I talk a lot about this in the PRO system.
September 5, 2013 at 3:36 am
Is there anyway I can contact you through email?
September 6, 2013 at 1:40 am
Yup, here
September 3, 2013 at 6:34 pm
Hello, I really love this page. I have a question my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday and I left kind of abruptly and dramatic. I keep getting the urge to contact him and tell him that I’m sorry about the exit and that its ok live your life. Should I do that or go with the NC rule.
September 4, 2013 at 2:27 am
I would say NC is what I would recommend.
You might also get a lot out of Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.
September 3, 2013 at 4:15 am
Hi I love your post. I had a quick question. After going to NC when bf conact after few weeks how should I repond or behave with him?
September 3, 2013 at 6:03 pm
Generally you don’t respond until the 30 days are up.
However, if you are looking for advice on how to respond to him I recommend checking out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.
September 3, 2013 at 6:21 pm
Dear Chris
Did you mean if he calls after 30 days I do not call him back until another 30 days ? My bf and I broke up in July 19th . He is seeing his ex more often since then, however he called me last week ( after 30 days) saying that he miss talking to me and wants my friendship. How should I procced in order to have him fall back for me? Should I start talking to him as a friend or go on NC for additional 30days.?
September 3, 2013 at 6:25 pm
No, if he calls you after 30 days you can pick up. I meant, you shouldn’t contact him DURING the NC period.
Check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO for information on the “plan” to get him back.
September 3, 2013 at 4:11 am
Hey Chris, I have been with my ex for about 4 years and about a year ago in August I moved across the country to another state to become a better man and chase a dream of mine. Since I’ve moved lots of opportunities and connections have been a plus for me. I have visited back home several times to see her and family. I must admit, I told here I was moving 2 weeks before I left which was pretty messed up and I have apologized over and over for what I did. I’m 35 and she is 45 and I am deeply n love with her and we have talked about getting married several times. Now, before I went home the last time I purchased a engagement ring to give to her but when I got there it just wasn’t the right time to get on one knee because of our previous fight which she ignored my 500 calls lol so I flew home to surprise her, which we spent time together before I left. Now we have been fighting over the phone lately and it got so bad that I took it upon myself to tell her we need some space right now to get our lives together because she was dealing with a lot with me being gone and her job etc. and I on the other hand was dealing with depression and being lonely. I started the NC rule but broke it and end up calling and texting her but no reply or response. Now that I have started the NC rule again I have been thinking tremendously to move back home and propose to her to show her that I am serious about her, but I don’t want to pack all my things and drive back home to be disappointed. So I am planning in 30 something odd days that I will fly back home and take the risk of asking her to marry me and when she says yes (being positive) I will then fly back and grab things and get home. Seeming the problem here is distance, what do you suggest I do, I’m already in shape but I plan to get in better shape and be a new me when she sees me. The time apart and not hearing the her voice has really got me thinking bout things and that I really need to mature and stop being selfish etc. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
September 3, 2013 at 6:09 pm
Well I did put together a long distance guide: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/the-complete-guide-to-getting-an-ex-boyfriend-back-in-a-long-distance-relationship/
Your situation is different though. I would say just don’t show up unannounced and ask her to marry you. I would say gauge her a little bit before you do anything. Though I will say that in the end it is completely up to you.
September 3, 2013 at 2:03 am
The 30 no contact rule can i start it even if i already talked to him? He broke up with me a month ago and we started to talk again and even hang out but just this saturday i found out he is seeing someone :/ n during the time we would see each other we would flirt and he wiould kiss me. Now i did not know he was seeing somone so what should i do? Should i do the no contact even if he has somone i dont want him to forget about me. Also i really do love him we been together for 4years and he was a great boyfriend.
September 3, 2013 at 3:21 am
Absolutely! I would start it up.
Also, check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO you might get something out of it.
September 2, 2013 at 11:15 pm
Hi, I was dating my Girlfriend and it just turned over 3 years. A real serious true love relationship. Her reason was that she feels like our lives are on different paths. And she didn’t see it working out in the future. And a lot of I don’t knows. I feel like she wants to experience the freedom of her college life or she’s bored. She still loves me and I still love her. I read this page 3 times and I want to try it. She told me we shouldn’t talk or see each other until December but that’s only because she comes back to work. This happened on Friday. And we haven’t talked since. I know she needs time to herself and so do I. And I have a lot of things I need to do, things i said I was going to for myself and never did. I don’t even have the desire for anyone else. There’s an amazing story of how we met and just hit it off, I want her back. Would this work for me?
September 3, 2013 at 3:26 am
I think it would man!
September 4, 2013 at 2:39 pm
So what if she doesn’t contact me during the NC? Do I wait another 30 days? Or Man up and call her myself?
September 5, 2013 at 12:25 am
No, after 30 days YOU contact her.
September 1, 2013 at 11:33 pm
My boyfriend recently broke up with me on the second day of the school because our schedules are so misaligned that we only see each other 2 – 3 minutes in the morning. After that we don’t even have lunch together or pass each other in the hallways (except for occassionsally on Wednesdays). However, we got through the summer perfectly fine with email and meeting up on Friday nights to play MTG at the gamestore, so I’m personally of the opinion that it could work out. So I read a bunch of your articles and such (and he’s in a rebound relationship, which means so far so good, right?) but I do have a question about the no-contact rule. We both play a game called MTG, and there is organized play every Friday night and there are also going to be two large events/competitions before the 30 days is up. I think he has /mostly/ dropped the game since we broke up (his friends – well, our friends – told me he’d given them all his cards but kept one of his play decks and he did not come to last Friday’s night) but in the case that he does come to these events, how should I react? The gamestore isn’t much bigger than a classroom, we may be paired against each other in the contest, and everyone will be expecting me to at least talk to him. If I blantantly ignored him the whole time… well, let’s just say it would cause some issues in the 7 hours we would be there. How do I handle this situation?
(Also, if he waves at me in the hallway should I wave back or ignore him? Is it too late if I’ve already made eye contact?)
September 2, 2013 at 2:46 am
Yea, just talk to him!
Be pleasant, act really nice and happy.
Wave at him in the hallway.
September 1, 2013 at 4:43 pm
I just broke up with my bf of a year. What happen if both of us use the NC rule? Will normally the guy that need to initiate contact first?
September 2, 2013 at 2:33 am
Nah, I would initiate contact after 30 days no matter what. Meaning YOU will initiate contact after 30 days.
August 31, 2013 at 4:35 pm
So I was referred to the NC program by a guy who told me that this program is pretty reliable, but in my case I am not so sure. I had no break up, but a girl that care for very much and love more than anything has found a guy she likes and who likes her back. Would an NC program be a liable option? Or should just try to be a good friend?
September 1, 2013 at 4:34 am
NC really only works if you have dated the person and the person has shown that she has liked you back.
Has this girl given you indication that she has feelings for you? Romantic feelings I mean?
August 30, 2013 at 1:42 am
the no contact rule going to expire tomorrow.
I have a list of ‘first text message’ and hope I’m picking the right memories.
if things are ok (positively)
do u think it is good idea if I invite him to come to my house as my family and i plan to throw a birthday party for my little nephew?
how about if i ask him to be my partner for my friend’s wedding?
August 31, 2013 at 2:02 am
I think it is a good idea but only if you kind of lead up to it and don’t do it right away.
August 31, 2013 at 3:58 pm
What do u mean by ‘dont do it right away’?
September 1, 2013 at 4:33 am
Oh, I mean you can’t right away say “hey LETS HANG OUT!” you have to slowly lead up to it.
I do a fantastic job talking about this in Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.
September 1, 2013 at 2:13 pm
Texted him..and no response..i will text him back tomorrow with something that related with him..
P/s: Bought ur ebook already..
Praying hard everything will go smoothly..
September 2, 2013 at 2:22 am
And thank you. I hope you get something out of that E-Book I really do.
August 29, 2013 at 6:32 am
Hey there!
Im in a really sticky situation and I need help. My boyfriend of 5 years just broke up with me about 3 weeks ago, but ever since we seemed to be acting normal, even though we were not together. At first, things were rough but soon after, he still called me/texted me every day all day, and we still went out together a lot. He is someone I really care about and he knows it. His reasoning behind his logic is that “I don’t feel the same about you anymore, we are not together any more, its for the best, I dont know blah blah.” I never got a straight, legitimate answer. And yet, he keeps throwing mixed signals. He says he still has major feelings for me and he really cares about me and he is super hurt over this, but Im just so confused. One second he acts all lovey dovey as he always has and holds me and kisses me, but the next second he acts so cold and will not let me forget the fact that “we are not together” and that “you’re single now”. I keep getting these weird mixed signals and I don’t know what to do. He obviously still has feelings for me, but at the same time he doesn’t want to be with me. It doesn’t make sense. It almost feels sometimes as if he didn’t break up with me, its like a book with no ending. We didn’t end on bad terms at all either, its almost like we are “unfinished” (if that is the right word). This kid is my best friend and I am willing to do anything for him, and he knows it. What should I do? Im so lost in this. Would the NC rule be a good idea? Please email me if anything. Thanks!
August 29, 2013 at 5:46 pm
Of course! I think it would be a great idea.
Oh, and you might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO if you want more in-depth instructions on getting him back.
August 29, 2013 at 2:30 am
My girlfriend and I of 11 months broke up with me because she just started college. Not even 5 days into college she broke up with me saying she needed a break to figure out if she wanted the freedom or she was just bored (She kept saying I don’t know A LOT). We had a good relationship and honestly, I know she’s just gotten bored and we need to stop the mundane pace we had and change it up.
We haven’t fought or anything terrible. I told her that we could talk casually I guess and we could see if talking a little would rekindle things and I told her to think about why.
Would NC be applicable in this case?
August 29, 2013 at 4:22 am
Yes, I definitely think it would.
August 28, 2013 at 7:20 pm
By Bf and I brokeup cause he still has feelings for his ex. I told him that I wanted to see him happy and left him alone for 4 weeks with no contact. He has been seeing his ex more frequently since we brokeup. However he called me twice during this 30 days period to check if I was doing ok. I didn’t pick the phone and let it go to VM. Does this mean he still has feelings for me. Should I call him back? Do I still have a chance to get-backtogther again. I unconditionally love him .
August 29, 2013 at 4:05 am
Is he back with his ex?
I wouldn’t rush into anything right now if I was you. Just take a deep breath and enter into a NC for a while. And yes, you have a chance to get back together again but that doesn’t mean you will.
September 3, 2013 at 3:21 am
Yes he is with is ex. He called me 4 days ago and says he misses talking to me and wants to be my friend. I told him that I need time. I want him back in my life. I am not sure how to procced.Should I pick up his call or start talking as a friend? I am so mentally devasted and miss him very much 🙁
September 3, 2013 at 6:06 pm
Only when you are ready.
My recommendation is to complete the 30 days I talked about on this page.