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September 10, 2013 at 8:10 pm
Hi Chris…
So I met the love of my life when we were both 19. We were best friends and I feel like he is the best and only man for me. We dated on and off for 4 years, (he is about to turn 25). We were engaged at one point and there is no denying how much I know we loved each other. Unfortunately, I think we were too immature to properly handle our feelings for one another. We drank and fought a lot but we were so passionate we always ended up getting back together the next day. But one day I suspected him of cheating on me (because a girl left a note on his car, and he had cheated in the past) so I broke up w him and left him for a boy I just met. He begged and pleaded and even threatened suicide and went as far as physically assaulting my new bf but I wouldnt take him back. I was mad at him for cheating on me and I had someone there to keep me from being lonely, so why would I right? Wrong, because I should have taken time alone and figured out my real feelings. After almost a year w my new bf, I broke down and tried reaching out to the one that got away but when he found out I was still w the replacement bf at that time he cut me off and told me he had a new gf himself anyway. So I broke up w the replacement boyfriend and tried again, but all he would do was see my physically and for physical reasons only if you know what I mean and made that 100 percent clear. It hurt me but I thought if I could be around him he would fall back in love w me. He didnt. After about 6 months of the physical love only deal we had going on I broke down and cried and told him to leave her and he told me he couldnt see me anymore. I have not contacted him in almost a year but I still love him and know he is the only one for me and vice versa. It hurts me to think of him without me, and it hurts me to think of another woman in my place. During all of our fighting he blocked my phone numer, email, facebook… everything. and I dont know where he lives because he has moved in w his old lady. (did i mention his old lady is his 37 year old boss and sugar mama)? I know this is a lot of information to soak in but I am so lost. I moved out of the city we lived in together that he now lives w his old lady and I think he would be very surprised to see how I have turned my life around and grown, but I dont know how I would ever get the opportunity to show him… I’ve done the NC rule (even if by default) for almost a year… except one time I tried messaging him from my friends facebook and he didnt respond just blocked her. I was going to write a note on a birthday card and send it to his address where we used to live together w his mother… but idk im out of ideas. I know he isnt in love w this lady I have seen the things he says to his friends about her. PLEASE HELP.
September 11, 2013 at 2:30 am
Do you have his number?
I think the smartest approach would be to text him the correct way.
September 11, 2013 at 7:38 pm
he changed his phone number and blocked his facebook/email the last time we had an argument, almost a year ago… i could easily get his number from a mutual friend but i wanted to respect him so I have done the no-contact rule ever since.
September 12, 2013 at 3:44 am
Wow, so you are in the dark here. Well, don’t text him out of nowhere that might be creepy. You need to find a way to get in contact with him without it seeming creepy.
September 12, 2013 at 2:25 pm
I have no idea how 🙁
my friends tell me when he breaks up with his old lady he will seek me out… so I just wait.
September 13, 2013 at 3:51 am
Your friend may be right.
September 10, 2013 at 5:36 pm
My ex broke up with me because he said he wasn’t sure if he felt a connection to me anymore are that there was a spark. I have been in NC for 3 1/2 weeks but he has also not contacted me either what does that mean? I was his longest relationship of almost 9 months and we were starting to talk about a future then he broke up with me out of the blue. I knew we had some off moments but most couples do and though everything was fine because of how he was normally acting with me. Also, we have known each other for years and finally took our friendship to more. Even his best friends think he made a mistake and are trying to reason with him. Any advice on my issue as I am still so confused as to what happened.
September 11, 2013 at 2:27 am
It means he is probably reallly stubborn.
Try not to sweat it you are going to contact him after your 30 days are up anyways.
September 11, 2013 at 5:23 pm
Thanks! I just really want him back and hope he realizes that he made a mistake.
September 12, 2013 at 3:30 am
If he doesn’t realize it make him regret it!
That’s the attitude I would have.
September 11, 2013 at 11:34 pm
Trying to understand the male mind, What does it mean when he is not sure if there is a connection anymore/spark and that the relationship felt flat on his end? To me it is not a real reason to break up when we loved each other.
September 12, 2013 at 4:02 am
I would say it means you aren’t giving him something he needs when he knows you are capable or thinks you were capable.
September 4, 2013 at 10:45 pm
Hi Chris.
I have a problem.
My boyfriend dumped me afther 4 years, when i asked him if he stil loved me. He said i actually don’t love you anymore and that he tried to love me and that he is sorry, but he just don’s have feelings for me anymore.
He is been acting weird for a long time, maybe like a year? I mean he used to be the one chasing after me. But after being together so long i was the one chasing afther him. As if the love became onesided.
I think it is because i became to depended on him. I kinda made him my world. I was not the confindent and smiling girl anymore, but the depressed girl, i think this made him lose intresst.
I asked him a lot of times these past few years to talk about our relationship or asked him if he loved me. But he never replies or says he doesn’t want to talk about it or not now. Till that one day he finnaly said he didn’t love anymore.
I thought i would be happy finnaly hearing the truth, but instead it teared me up. I really want him back. Not like this, but as the man who used to love me and do things for me. I want him back not because i can’t live without him or that i can’t get another man. I want him back, because we have the same intresst, same life goals, he understands me and because i just love him. My feelings never changed these past few years, even when sometimes he treated me cold and distant.
He is te kind of guy who doesn’t show emotion that soon. And the guy who is extremply stubborn.
When we fight about a little thing, most of the time it is me saying ok lets forget about it. I mean he could stay mad for days, that stubborn.
I know he still cares and is attracted to me, since i allways try to look on my best (and he can’t takes his hands/eyes of me even when we broken up right now) and I did everything for him and always tell him that he looks good, smell good, that he is the best and stuff. So i do admire him, that could not be the case he left me. I think more the emotional and clingy part that drove him away.
do you think the no contact rule will work for me? as he is very stubborn and most of the time gives bad or no reply when i text him lately. (like 2 months before and afther the break up)
Also becaus i broke every rule you can’t do when your broken up. I’m afraid i drove him away.
2 weeks long i did that, than did the no contact for 2 weeks. Texted him to go out and eat. we went out and nothing changed he felt the same. We did have sex, he couldn’t get his hands of me and i let him. then i stayed their for 1 day, because he was going on vacation. I even bought him things, helped him packed and brought him to the airport. I was thankful, but still did not wan’t me back.
we are also each others first gf and bf. I sometimes wonder maybe he wanted to experience more girls. But he doesn’t have one now and never cheated.
How do i get him back? what do i do from now on? do i text him when he is back? He does send me pictures when i text him about how he is doing, he doesn’t really reply on the things i say, but only with pictures or 1 ok.?
So what do i do?
September 5, 2013 at 12:44 am
I can’t answer all those questions unfortunately. I am better on a question by question basis.
I will say for you to do NC definitely!
September 5, 2013 at 10:21 pm
will it work? Even with the most stuborn person ever?
September 6, 2013 at 2:25 am
I can’t guarantee it will but it’s worth a shot certainly!
September 22, 2013 at 12:08 pm
I went to his house when he was not there and he googled some e-books that i bought…. -_-
I can text him without using whatsapp (im blocked there) and i can fb him
September 22, 2013 at 10:55 pm
Haha man the drama!
You are still good on texting though.
September 21, 2013 at 2:01 am
I already got your e-book. but it doesn’t help with my situation. I can’t text if he blocked me?
to make it worse. He found out about the e-book… 🙁 what do i do now?
September 21, 2013 at 11:09 pm
How did he find out about the E-Book?
That’s not good hahaha.
Ok, can you message him via Facebook or Email?
September 16, 2013 at 1:58 am
I am so sad right now. I talked to one of his friends and he said my ex bf didn’t felt happy in the relationship anymore and felt irritated by everything/move i did or made
( i noticed that, because sometimes when i am around him he is irritated, even when i am not doing anything) and that is also why he probably came to the conclusion he did not love me anymore. And that he was done with me and he probably want to find new advertures, since he just had 1 girlfriend. That is what his friends thinks. What does this mean? what did i do?
So my chances are lost are 0% aren’t they.
When i contacted him after 2 weeks of NC he was cuddling me and touching me, while saying it doens’t mean anything, but it’s weird because he doesn’t that anymore very often. So i’m very confused.
I really want to do 30 of no contact, but i feel like i’m dying inside 🙁 I know i’m prerty, sexy, good hearted person. I did everything for him. It just kills me he throws everything away like this.
September 16, 2013 at 5:31 am
I still say do the 30 days of NC. It’s for you and your ex so it still is the way to go here.
September 16, 2013 at 12:06 am
I am going to buy your e-book, as other e-books don’t really work for me. They only tend to give information instead of a clear step to step plan.
Will your e-book provide a step to step plan? and is the information in there tailored to most common situations or is it also a good book for my situation and the individual (my ex) that i’m dealing with. What i mean is that every person thinks and acts diffrently, so how is the e-book adjusted to that?
Also i am in my day 5 of No contact after failed attempts. (it actually would have been 30 days). But the last thing i told him was on a wensday onwatsapp and that was:
I told him I knew he is being short and ignoring me, because he doesnt want hurt me and give me false hopes. And this was my last text message to him. And we can friends in the future but not now. As we both need time apart to learn to live without each other. Calle me if it something urgernt.And that I hope he will find a girl he can truly love.
Then on thursday i came home from my driving lessons and looked at my phone. I saw an instangram notification from my bf that he liked a picture of 6 days ago from me. I clicked on the notification to go to instagram, saw which picture he liked. But his like was gone. So he probably gone on my instagram to check my pictures and accidentally clicked the like button. and clicked it away, so i won’t see it. But i did get the notification.
But now on saturday night, i can’t see his last seen on watsapp, so he blocked me.
But why? i was not spamming him with texts and i wasn’t talking to him eiter?
what do you think about these signs..?
By the way, thankyou for always responding. I’m deffinitley going to pick up your book, as soon i have enough money.
September 16, 2013 at 5:21 am
Yup, my E-Book pretty much covers everything you are asking.
Also, you always have me as a resource to fall back on in the comments, email or even on FAcebook.
September 14, 2013 at 2:45 am
* already acted needy and stuff for 2 weeks long and 2 days
September 14, 2013 at 2:43 am
Hi Chris
Im back, sorry but i really need your help.
I even bought 3 e-books about getting your ex back. But i don’t find them to helpfull as your blogs.
All the books tell you to do no contact and to do not act needy and all that stuff.
But as i mentioned before. I already did that for 2 weeks and 2 days long…
So did i really not push him away already?
You answered me by telling to do NC.
But i just can’t help but wonder, how high my chances are, after showing him that i was needy and stuff.
He is moving on with his life, going out, going clubbing and stuff. Like if it doesn’t botter him. I asked him after the break up once like why are you not hurt? He said because i dumped you.
I really want to know how a stuborn but smart male mind works and those books don’t help me in that. Will a guy ever miss you? or want you back? If he did the dumping and says that he wasn’t in love with you for a whole year?
My friends tell me that he will begin missing me if he had several bad relationships. Or else he won’t miss me and that nothing will get him back.
I feel so discouraged by them.
That I had to come back and ask you.
I really want the truth.
September 15, 2013 at 1:19 am
Yea, the acting needy stuff does turn men off but that is all the more reason to do NC to kind of distance yourself from that. Also, use the time to really work on yourself.
A guy will miss you TRUST ME. I miss aspects of my first girlfriend 5 years ago to this day.
I know you are feeling discouraged but take a deep breath and remove yourself from the situation a few days. Go on a mini vacation because obsessing over it isn’t helping you at all. It is just killing you inside.
September 10, 2013 at 11:50 am
Thankyou for all your answers 🙂
I just have 1 final question:
He broke up with me when i asked him if he still loved me. he sais actually i dont have feelings for you anymor. Then i begged, plead, cried and did all the things you shouldn’t do for about 2 weeks. Then i wen’t into no contact for 2 weeks and afther that i went to see him and stayed with him for 2 days and also cried and asked about getting back together. He has not changed his mind.
But the question is does it still work if i use the NC now? or did i already push him far away?
He is a very introvered, stubborn guy
September 11, 2013 at 2:06 am
I think ou should still do NC!
September 8, 2013 at 9:10 pm
he is the one who lost feelings for me, so i though maybe he will get over me within a month. he is not sad or anything.
September 9, 2013 at 7:22 pm
I don’t think you can get over anyone in a month unless the relationship was like a month long.
September 7, 2013 at 12:24 pm
But i’m scared of losing him. That he will get used to the idea of living withoud me after a month. I don’t see how it can work. I understand he will miss me, but won’t he try to forget and move on within the no contact month?
September 7, 2013 at 11:58 pm
Do you think you could get over him in a month?
I highly doubt it. The same applies to him probably.
September 4, 2013 at 10:48 pm
he was thankful* and when i was with him he held me the whole time when sleeping and he hasn’t done this in 3 months time.
September 4, 2013 at 10:50 pm
How do i get him back? what do i do from now on? do i text him when he is back? He does send me pictures when i text him about how he is doing, he doesn’t really reply on the things i say, but only with pictures or 1 ok.?
^the above text is happening now. He is now on vacation and text me pictures while on vacation and will be back next week.
September 23, 2013 at 1:21 am
haha i know… the drama adds up.
But what do i do now?
it is almost my second week of NC
September 26, 2013 at 5:03 am
on day 16 of my NC there is a clubbing event, where i want to go to. But my ex will be there also, as we used always go together. Should i go? does that count as breaking NC.
If i go i plan on going with my girlfriends
September 27, 2013 at 3:47 am
Absolutely NOT. Go club your night away 😉
September 24, 2013 at 2:09 am
Keep doing NC you are smart to do that. I know ti is so hard but you have 2 more weeks left.
September 5, 2013 at 12:44 am
August 30, 2013 at 9:52 pm
My ex and I dated for 5 years, I found out he was cheating through the girl and when I told him I knew he cried and then said he is saving me from himself because he has deep rooted issues and blocked me from all social media and his cellphone. Things were going fine until I found this out and called him out on it. He said he wanted to marry me. Will he come back or ever contact me again?
August 31, 2013 at 2:28 am
So, he cheated on you?
August 31, 2013 at 2:36 am
Yea in and off for 3 years. But he just talked about wanting to move in together and just took me on a big vacation for my birthday. But when this came out he said he has deep rooted issues I don’t know about and just cut me out. Will he come back?
September 1, 2013 at 4:08 am
If you give him some time and follow the advice on this site (or the advice on my E-Book) you will certainly have a chance!
September 2, 2013 at 2:32 am
Why do you think he didn’t end this sooner? Why only now that this all came out?
September 2, 2013 at 2:31 am
He didn’t give me closure. He just said he cares about me and doesn’t want to see me in person because he would melt and want me back but would be afraid he would cheat again. He said he wishes we met later in life. Honestly I want to be with him because we have been together for 5 years and for some reason I cant be mad at him because I love him. We have shared so much of our lives together. Everyone is telling me to be glad he’s not talking to me because what he did is unforgivable. What do you think I should do?
September 3, 2013 at 2:45 am
Hmm… maybe NC is the best way forward.
September 1, 2013 at 4:54 am
he cheated with multiple girls at first, then 1 girl on and off for almost 3 yrs. she asked him to leave me for her and he wouldnt. she now has a bf that she cheated on with my guy but then stopped and is still with her bf. You think he will come bak even tho he blocked me from everthing right now? we are in week 2 of no communication.
September 2, 2013 at 2:07 am
I don’t know it is tough to say. Definitely stay in NC.
I have a question though. Why do you want to be with someone who would cheat on you like that?
August 31, 2013 at 12:40 pm
Also, The cheating was not constant. Apparently he would go months without cheating but then start again. I didn’t see it coming because he never became distant emotionally or physically. The only thing he was weird about sometimes was his phone.
September 1, 2013 at 4:22 am
Did he cheat with the same girl or multiple girls?
August 30, 2013 at 7:04 pm
Hi chris,
I split with my ex a month ago. Been together 8 months but friends for a long time. He ended it with its not you it’s me. Then he sends texts saying he’s sorry (doesn’t say why) and that he hates himself.
I struggled with NC but very limited contact for a few weeks. After a month I send my first message telling him I agree with the break up to take the pressure off him and made it friendly. He hasn’t replied to this, clearly my reverse psychology didn’t work. Sent another text a few days later saying I was sorry if I’d upset him but got no reply.
What do you think I should do now?
August 31, 2013 at 2:21 am
Sounds to me your major problem is your inability to go a full 30 days without contact.
September 17, 2013 at 9:12 pm
Hi chris,
I was wrong, it is so not going well. I haven’t heard from him in a week and a half, this is the longest since we split. I’m feeling that he doesn’t want anything to do with me. I don’t understand what I have done wrong.
I think I killed it with no contact, the one thing he hates is being ignored, it drives him crazy and makes him angry (he said this when we were together). I’m guessing he has met someone else. I feel that by contacting him to give his stuff back will just annoy him more. I’m stuck! I don’t know what to do.
I want to ask him what went wrong but I don’t want to annoy him. What do you think I should do now? I really didn’t want to be the next one to contact again!
September 18, 2013 at 3:05 am
I still think you should finish out your NC period. This isn’t about him right now. IT IS ABOUT YOU!
Use this time to better yourself. Besides, if you want a drastic change like getting back together to happen you have to do something drastic like the NC Rule.
September 18, 2013 at 7:15 pm
Hi chris, are you suggesting no contact again for a month? I’ve already done NC and a meet up…
September 19, 2013 at 2:14 am
Not a month maybe a few weeks.
August 31, 2013 at 8:45 pm
Hi chris,
Fair enough comment! 🙂
So, I bumped into him. Waved across the street and he beckoned me over, we had a walk and i suggested a drink. we chatted with ease about what we’ve been up to, it was quite relaxed and friendly. I think we both had a nice time and he said it was good to see me when i left. We didn’t talk about the break up.
What do I do now? Text him to say it was good to see him or hope that he will contact me?
September 1, 2013 at 4:43 am
Yea, I think you should!
September 8, 2013 at 8:35 pm
Update! I only sent one text after the meet up (a week later.)
He contacted me, two days later, said it was nice to catch up when we met. I kept the conversation going for a few texts, reminded him of some good times by asking for the name of a place we went to, said I was organising lunch but didn’t say who I was going with. I ended the chain of texts as I had to go…he used some pet names and kisses for the first time since we split.
I’m gonna take your advice and leave off a bit now, at least a week as you said. I’m hoping he’s the next one to contact now. Feel like things are improving.
I keep telling him about the things I’ve been up to which he rarely responds to (weekends away etc). He doesn’t share what he’s up to.
Do you think things are improving or am I clutching at straws ?
I’m going to read up on on “unmet table” 🙂
September 9, 2013 at 7:22 pm
If you feel like things are improving then they probably are hahaha.
September 8, 2013 at 10:32 am
Hi chris,
Despit the meet up going well and him calling me the next day. Things are not going so well. I sent a text the week after saying it was good to see him, it’s been two days and he hasn’t replied. I’ve sent three texts with no reply now (2 before we met up).
I don’t understand why he is ignoring me when he broke it off and we got on so well when we met.
What could his reasons be for the no contact?
could he be getting his own back because of my NC? Maybe this was the wrong way to play him.
What do you think my response should be now?
Should I send his stuff back?
September 8, 2013 at 4:54 pm
I would say you sent too many texts after the hangout.
I think you should give him his stuff back BUT go into about a week of NC yourself before you reach out again.
September 6, 2013 at 8:31 pm
I’m not sure what is right. My head tells me that he’s used to women chasing him all the time, so I should be different and not needy.
My heart says if I don’t contact him he will give up on me. I want him to want to contact me. I think I should go back into no contact. I still have his stuff which is awkward.
Do you think a man like this wants a girl more if she’s harder to get?
September 7, 2013 at 2:08 am
I think almost every man likes the ungettable girl.
You really really need to read my E-Book like you have no idea haha.
September 5, 2013 at 8:23 pm
Hi chris,
I’ve heard nothing from him since he called to chat about nothing post our first meeting after breakup. I can’t help but think he’s not interested if he hasn’t done anything. He has a long weekend coming up and said he doesn’t know how to fill it. I don’t know why he said this as my tactic is to appear very busy all the time and he doesn’t feel this need.
Do you think I should contact him or leave it to him?
P.s his ex never left him alone and I don’t want to be needy like her. I also suspect he’s not very good at being on his own and tends to flit into relationships quickly (total opposite of me).
September 6, 2013 at 2:31 am
What do you feel is right? You know him better than me.
I think you know I will say leave him alone but what do you feel is right?
September 2, 2013 at 9:49 pm
To be honest his answer of “oh!” Sounded both confused and put on, I mean he can see my name on his phone right? Lol! It’s not like the old days of not knowing!
He sounded really chilled and almost bored, perhaps he was trying too hard to sound un phased. Then he said, I’m just calling to tell you about a new speed camera…that’s all.
I hoped he might call back being as he cut me off so quick and all, but no. I bumped into a female friend of his today who I thought was unsure of me when me and him were together, but she gave me a big hug even though I don’t know her that well. He confided in her allot.
I thought I should leave it a few days and hope I hear from him again.
September 1, 2013 at 5:07 pm
Well, I didn’t need to text him as he called me the next morning. I genuinely missed his call and then got very nervous about calling back, eventually forcing myself to do so 5 hours later.
When he answered he sounded surprised to speak to me? Then he casually said he’d just called to tell me about something really mundane that we had talked about the day before. We chatted for a few minutes about something and nothing then he said he had to go as was driving.
Why would he call about nothing? Why was he so quick to get off the phone? Weird!
I’m really confused about his intentions now and don’t know where to go from here. Would be grateful for your advice Chris! Keep up the good work, you’re an angel!
September 2, 2013 at 2:37 am
Did he sound nervous on the call?
It sounds like he is playing his emotions down by masking them with the famous line “oh, it’s no big deal.”
August 29, 2013 at 5:52 pm
My bf has never told me its over. It started with him slowly distancing himself, and when I would get that guy feeling something is wrong, he would say no just busy. Eventually he said he wanted to talk about thing we need to work on. I a couple times said if its over that’s fine I will move on. He would say no that’s not what I want. Things kept going this way for about three weeks and I would get frustrated and say fine it’s over, or why everytime u say u want to talk then u blow me off. We have been dating 8 months. Well I stopped contacting him for about a week and he showed up at a place where I was. He said he didn’t know I wld be there, but that’s off when I invited him to this. We spoke for about 20 min he seemed confused and stressed about a lot of things between work and us. Said he still wanted to talk about stuff. A day later I got so frustrated again I said just forget it and pick up ur stuff. He said I thought we were ginna talk? I just said I’m done with this. I haven’t contacted him and am just so confused. His actions for the last 3-4 weeks say over but I hold onto the things he says.
August 31, 2013 at 1:45 am
So, I am kind of confused here. Are the two of you still dating?
September 4, 2013 at 5:26 pm
I take we are not. Have not spoken with him. He never told me it was over.
September 5, 2013 at 12:34 am
Might want to talk to him about that then haha.
August 29, 2013 at 9:23 am
Hi Chris!
Can you please help me?
I got text your ex back since you recommeded it and followed the instructions.
So I started texting him after NC and got quick, quite neutreal responses he even joked a bit. I always took my time to answer and tried to end the conversation.
After I heard he had broken up with his rebound I thought I should try to hold a longer conversation. So when I would usually have ended the conversation I just sent another neutreal response with an easy-to-answer question- but got ignored.
It has been three days since and I have not sent any further texts…
When do you think I should send a text again?
and if I get a response how long should I let the conversation be?
Thank you for this site! 🙂
–Sorry if my comment is hard to understand; English is only my second language
August 29, 2013 at 5:51 pm
Your english is GREAT!
I would try texting him an interesting story. Or try sending a funny picture just to see what happens.
August 27, 2013 at 6:48 pm
My ex and I dated for 10 months. We were always around each other. We had classes together everyday, hung out at least 1 day of each weekend, took trips together just us 2, and were pretty much constantly around each other. At first it was fine. The last few months all this togetherness started to cause fights and problems for our relationship. After awhile I just started getting use to being always around him and I got a little clingy. He broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. We both just started college and he said that he couldn’t deal with all the fighting his first year and that I no longer was the independent girl he fell in love with. He said he still loved me, but was not in love with me.
During the break up talk I cried nonstop for half an hour in front of him. He kept saying he felt like the biggest douche on the planet for hurting me. He even waited at my dorm until my friend got back to comfort me and to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid. Right before he left I asked if we could meet up to talk in a week and he agreed. I felt insecure a few hours later and called him to make sure he was still okay with meeting up still. Once again he said we could. I texted him “hey” the next day and all he said was he didn’t feel like talking to me, but he would in a few days. A few days later he arranged a meet up time and that was the end of the convo. The day before the meet up he texted me asking if I was still free that day and I said I was and that was the end of that convo.
When we met up the next day to talk we didn’t really have any awkwardness. We acted like nothing happened between us. We shared what has been going on in our lives, what our plans for school are, how some of our friends from back home are doing, and pretty much anything that we normally talk about. We both had a great time. We were smiling and laughing nonstop. He kept stressing how many friends he made since we broke up and how he is having a great time with them. I kept a smile and said I was happy for him, even though it was killing me inside. Eventually he turned to me and said what did you want to talk about aka lets talk about the break up. All I really said was I was sorry for the fighting the past few months. He said he also had a role in it to and apologized. I told him I was working on my issues because I don’t like being clingy and switched the conversation back to what we were previously talking about. We probably talked about the breakup for 2 minutes tops. I never said I missed him, never said I wanted him back, or even asked how he felt about me. We talked for about an hour and he had to run off to class. Before he left I asked if he wanted to meet up again soon or if this was it between us. He said he was busy so he wasn’t sure.
I texted him a few days after the meet up and he gave me a reply 12 hours later. We had a short conversation. Some texts showed he was engaged in the conversation others not so much. It has been 9 days since I have talked to him and plan on going at least 30 days NC.
I guess I am wondering a few things. The first one being is there hope? Why is it that he had a great time when we met up, but he still won’t give me an answer on if he wants to talk/hang out again? I know he isn’t too busy with school because he isn’t taking that many classes and he only works 10 hours a week. I am taking twice as many classes as he is and work 14 hours a week and even I am not that busy. Lastly, do you think he even cares anymore? He will answer my texts, but he will never initiate a conversation if he doesn’t have to.
August 28, 2013 at 4:05 am
Tell me about him? Is he a bit of an introvert?
There is hope but that doesn’t mean you will succeed I hope you understand.
Oh, and you might want to check out my E-Book. If price is a big issue for you then contact me and I will make it affordable.
August 28, 2013 at 12:56 pm
Is is a bit of an introvert, but is trying to be more extraverted.
August 29, 2013 at 3:44 am
Introverted people tend to not reach out very much. I can relate because I am similar. Of course, I can be very extroverted at times as well. I guess I am in the middle then aren’t I hahaha.
August 28, 2013 at 1:24 pm
Up until the past 2 months or so he was more kept to himself and a tight group of friends. He would attempt talk to others, but it came across sort of awkward. Since college started he seems to always be out with people because he doesn’t want to be a loner in college. He used to really enjoy spending time alone, but it doesn’t seem like he does that anymore.
August 27, 2013 at 5:27 am
I had 2 year in a half with my ex we broke up but was on nd off till April yu got a new girl , nd he contact me in june asking bout how i was doing so some time past on aug i hit him up to say how yu doing , i didnt know he had a girl but we text fine ito i called him nd he answered said he was workking call me later , then hours later i got a text saying im his gurl thanks for f*cking up , i respond nd said if yu his girl why didnt yu pick the phone nd said why ur man has to lie about him working ,she or he neva responded back , wat do i do
August 28, 2013 at 3:18 am
Who cares about this girl? You shouldn’t if you want your ex back you want her to fail.
August 26, 2013 at 5:34 am
My relationship of almost 3 years just ended a few days ago. I made the mistake of calling him that first night but I haven’t talked to him since. And he hasn’t talked to me. I’m confused at why we even broke up. Things were great just two days before the breakup. I’m confused and hurt at why I haven’t heard from him at all. Not just to talk to me, but he has a ton of stuff left at my apartment. I also heard that he was out with a girl just a day after we broke up… What should I do? I want to work things out.
August 27, 2013 at 3:36 am
The new girl could be a rebound/ his way of dealing.
I say you enter NC.
August 28, 2013 at 12:58 am
He told me that he needs to be single. We’re 23, young I know. There are so many signs to me that show that he still loves me. However, this girl he was with, he used to have feelings for a long time before I came along. I’m not sure what’s going on. He says nothing, but he just wants to be single. How do I make him want to work things out with me? We saw each other yesterday and he explained that he just wants to be single. We were with each other for hours and even had “breakup sex”. However, I can’t help but feel like he does still have feelings for me. Yet I’m worried about this other girl..
August 28, 2013 at 4:22 am
Step one is the NC rule I guess.
No more breakup sex. The other girl may be a factor but if she comes into play relatively quickly it is likely she is a rebound. What does she look like? Are you prettier?
Oh, and you might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO. That has helped a lot of women on this site.
August 28, 2013 at 12:59 am
I forgot to include. We’ve practically been living with each other the last couple years. We’re exchanging things today.. Does that mean it’s really over?
August 28, 2013 at 4:22 am
That does usually mean it’s over.
August 26, 2013 at 12:44 am
So I’m having some trouble with this guy I was talking to. We were talking for three months and acted like boyfriend and girlfriend even though we weren’t official yet. He had said they he wanted to date me in the future. Well during this time I had a lot of personal issues going on. My grandmother was very sick and ended up passing away. There was a lot of drama going on and I ended up pushing him away. I really like this guy and I hate for things to end just because I went through a rough time. I waited three weeks before I apologized to him and told him I was sorry for the way I acted and it was just a bad time. He replied and said it was just water under the bridge. I like this guy and I’m scared he doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore. Is there anyway I can get him back? I don’t want to see desperate but I feel like we could have a good relationship if we warred over
August 27, 2013 at 3:22 am
I think you should just skip ahead to the texting section on this page and SLOWLY implement them.
August 27, 2013 at 5:41 am
would it be a good idea to ask if he wanted to start over and be friends?
August 28, 2013 at 3:13 am
Would an ungettable girl ask to be friends?
August 28, 2013 at 6:42 pm
I’m not sure. I am just interested in being friends for right now but I don’t think he wants to be.
August 29, 2013 at 4:01 am
Well give him some time to kind of let the dust settle.
August 27, 2013 at 5:42 am
( I go by both names btw)sorry for the confusion
August 26, 2013 at 10:26 pm
Started over
August 25, 2013 at 1:26 pm
…What do you do if your ex saw you out in public and ignored you. He would look at me when I wasnt looking. Should I have said something?
August 27, 2013 at 3:12 am
He is just too nervous to come up and say something. I would have broken the ice and act very nice and kind.
August 25, 2013 at 10:59 am
I think we are both doing the Nc, we have been together for 7 years. I broke up with him because he was taking me for granted, We haven’t talked to each other for 3 weeks. I don’t know if he is doing the NC or he dosent love me anymore.
August 27, 2013 at 3:11 am
Hmm… I think Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO can be really helpful for you. If the price is a huge issue just email me and we can make it affordable for your budget!
August 21, 2013 at 2:31 am
I’ve done no NC for 5 days now. Yesterday on FB he “liked” one of my posts about going to take pics of the bluemoon. Then today he “liked” a new pic I posted of myself, then later today he responded to my “words with friends” game I had started before NC. What is going on here? He hasn’t text me or anything else. Do I continue NC until real communication on his part?
August 21, 2013 at 5:09 am
Yup, finish out your 25 more days.
August 22, 2013 at 11:05 pm
Another question. If he posts something about having “a series of bad events” am I a horrible person/friend if I keep NC? Or am I still seen as the “desperate ex” if I break NC?
August 23, 2013 at 7:11 pm
Stay in NC.
August 22, 2013 at 3:33 am
Will do. I just get confused by the actions. I never know if it’s working or if it’s really normal and I am just wishful thinking.
Thank you.
August 23, 2013 at 6:04 pm
Okie doke, what actions are confusing you?
August 24, 2013 at 1:24 am
Well before NC, he text me about this guy on my fb, who is just an acquaintance that has been making comments about hanging out with me. He said “so, you’ve been hanging out with J***, where did you meet him?” I replied telling him that we never met in person and I had met him online. I met the guy online months before he and I met. He doesn’t know that though. He did not respond, so I texted him again telling him I didn’t want to play games, I wasn’t seeing anyone. His response was that he had enough drama he was dealing with and is at a loss for words and that it doesn’t matter I can see/meet whoever, we’re not dating. I responded again with me telling him I am not seeing anyone, not bringing him drama, he asked. Anyways, since that he has not communicated with me. Just the fb “likes” and “words with friends” response to the
game. I am confused by the back and forth. I guess if he wants me back then he will make the effort.
August 25, 2013 at 7:07 pm
Sounds like a little jealousy to me.
August 21, 2013 at 12:16 am
Hi Chris,
I have been in a relationship long distance for 3 years. I broke up with my boyfriend because I feel like he has no ambition to grow our relationship or to make future plans. He has kids, I have kids, he was married for 18 years, divorced now but he has full custody and honestly can move if he really wants to. He tells me he loves me everyday, calls me all the time and when we are together we are so great together. But I want more. After I broke up with him he hung up on me. And then sorry to say I texted him way too many times. My heart is breaking because 1 part of me says I need to have faith in meeting someone knew one day but that means healing my heart. And on the other hand I can’t imagine my life without him in it. He knows I act a bit crazy sometimes, I always admit when I’m acting nutty. He knows me VERY well and ignoring me always makes me very upset. But WHY is he ignoring me? I mean, I told him I think I made a mistake breaking up with him. I realized my mistake within the hour. And now he hasn’t spoken to me in 24 hours, feels like forever. Yes I am being pathetic but 1 day apart is too long. I just really miss him and I feel like he is never going to talk to me again???
August 21, 2013 at 5:04 am
Hahaha 1 day and you are already broken. I think you are going to have to start a NC to be honest..
I do want to point out that I do plan on creating a really long in-depth guide (in the next few weeks) on long distance relationships so I can teach you guys the best way to get an ex back over a LDR.
August 20, 2013 at 10:36 pm
Hi chris!
I have tried NC & haven’t spoken to my ex for almost two months. Before I did NC, I became a text gnat 🙁 (I wish I found this website sooner, I’d probably be back together with him!) Well, I’ve been back to school this week and I’ve seen him a few times and he acts as if he never met me. Though I continue to not make the first move to talk to him again because I keep telling myself if he wants to talk to me, he’ll talk to me. He broke up with me over text message and hasn’t been able to face me since. It’s weird being that he was completely crazy about me and reminded me all the time of how much he loved me. We were very passionate for each other. I wrote to you on here before but, I don’t know if you remember me exactly because I know you get a lot of questions from everyone. Anyways, when he broke up with me he said he’d always care for me & I’d always mean something to him(I guess because we were both each others first) and he loved me the same but he needed a break. I just think MUST have happened because the situation was so odd, one day he’s talking about when I’m gonna meet his family and spending a whole week together in november and a few days later , He wants space from me? Someone told me to just walk up to him at school and say ” What the hell?! You say this stuff to me, then say you want a break but you don’t give me a real answer but its not because of anything I did, I didn’t cheat on you, never lied to you, I was 100% committed and I loved you and you can’t even talk to me or acknowledge my exsistence?! what the hell happened?!” I’m just so afraid the first contact text won’t work. I still feel like things aren’t over between us. Sometimes I think it’s his friends that influenced him to break up with me because their all single and one of his close friends has liked me for 3 years and all his close friends don’t know me that well except for two and the one thats liked me for 3 years but the others may just say it’s better to be single. I feel like I NEED to get this straightened out some how some way even if we’re not in a relationship again, I just want to know what happened and at least be on a friend basis with him. (even though I’d like to be with him again more than anything, that’s why I read all of your articles lol) It’s driving me even more crazy because I see him everyday again. Do you have any suggestions? comments? advice? for this situations im in? I have read everything you wrote but, I’m not sure if my situation is any different. I bet most girls think that though. Thank you for reading!!
August 21, 2013 at 5:01 am
Ok, friends can influence a guy as I explained in this post.
Umm… I think you need to really have an intriguing first contact text. What do you plan on sending him. I can look over it.
August 21, 2013 at 11:33 pm
I reread what you wrote in that post, do you think it’s still possible to save the relationship? (When I say that, I mean start over in a relationship obviously like you said you have to start a new better and stronger relationship than before)
It’s funny because in your complete guide to getting your ex bf back you used an example of someone referring to Harry Potter and my favorite movie is harry potter and my ex loves harry potter as well, he actually bought all of the movies on blu-ray to watch with me because, we both love it so much. So I think maybe something along the lines of “I’m watching Deathly Hallows right now and It reminds me of how we were going to watch all the movies together. Hope everything is going good with you. :)”
But maybe that’s…too much?( cant think of the right words) suggestions? Also, You definitely think the first contact text will be more effective then if i walk up to him in person? Maybe if I don’t get a good response I should walk up to him in a week or so? ( Sorry, I’m thinking of the worst things possible happening) Thanks!
August 22, 2013 at 3:56 am
No way! I love Harry Potter.
Around the end of each year I watch them all back to back to back. The Deathly Hallows are my favorite. I think that text would be awesome!
August 22, 2013 at 1:46 am
Also, I thought of another one while I was at the gym! There’s this new freshman at my school who rides my bus who looks just like his favorite rapper! & maybe I could say ” Hey, you’re not gonna believe this but, there’s someone on my bus who I think looks like Earl! lol “
August 23, 2013 at 5:47 pm
That is not bad, not bad at all.
August 19, 2013 at 10:29 am
Hi Chris,
This is such an awesome website. I am laughing my head off at some of the things said on this because I have been doing most of them. Yikes! Thank you so much for having this website up by the way. 🙂
The bit about writing love emails, I think I’ve been guilty of it. I have a friend, who was more than a friend to me.. we’ve been intimate but he was more of my rebound guy as I was on a break with my previous ex – who I had to walk away from because the relationship was toxic.
I fell for this “friend” of mine but he didn’t seem like the type who would commit and my ex at the time begged and promised me the moon to take him back. So I did. I walked away from my friend and cut contact with him only to realise that I was totally in love with him. By the time I ended my relationship and went back to my “friend” he had moved on but we were still in contact as friends with no funny business because he was seeing someone else. I had to once again cut contact because seeing him with someone else apart from me was too painful. After a little over 1 year of no contact, I sent him a few messages on FB and we exchanged light banter (I had to unfriend him from FB mind you).. But he started ignoring my last 2 messages and my 3rd one which was a pic from this site that I thought was really cute that said “I wish I could write I miss you on a rock and throw it at your face so that you know how much it hurts to miss you” That was ignored too! So after a week I sent him a serious email that was a love/apology/wishing him well email that went something like this….
I am emailing you because I just wanted to let you know that you’ve been on my mind.
Don’t you just wish you had a time machine where you can undo certain actions you made? I know they say that people shouldn’t regret things, but if I could I would undo so many things.. I would never have gone back to Allen (the ex I took back), I would have stayed with you.. But things are done. I’m happy if you’re happy.
I had to cut contact with you because when you came to my apartment that time you helped me move my tv, you had someone else. I was so hurt. I came back to this because of you and things have changed, you’ve moved on and I had to move on too. I don’t know why I’m telling you this just now. I guess it all came back to me when I saw a picture of the two of us.
I wish you the very best in life and thank you for being there when I needed someone the most.
~Lisa ”
That was almost 2 weeks ago and I haven’t heard from him! Was my email over emotional? I don’t know why he suddenly started ignoring me. Is it because he wanted to be as far away from me as possible and just want me to get over him as he is with me? Is there still hope? Help! Thanks!
August 20, 2013 at 3:45 am
The email might have been too much. Hahaha but all is not lost. I actually wrote a post recently about mistakes women make during a breakup. It might be education I recommend reading it.
August 24, 2013 at 3:20 am
Thanks Chris! I received a friend request from him after 2 weeks of NC. I haven’t accepted his request and that was 2 days ago. What does his friend request mean? He didn’t reply to my email. Should I just keep my NC until he declares that he misses me too? I’m confused. Definitely need your perspective. Thanks so much!
August 25, 2013 at 7:15 pm
I would keep NC and accept it only after you have initiated your texts with him.
September 7, 2013 at 11:24 pm
Thanks Chris. I had to block him. Him unfriending me just made me angry. I should have been the one who unfriended him first since he has A LOT of pics of him with other women on his profile. I’m not sure having contact with him is worth all the effort. If he was really into me then he wouldn’t give me such grief right?
September 8, 2013 at 12:37 am
I don’t know. Love and hate are really close together haha.
September 6, 2013 at 10:54 pm
Ok, so after NC I sent him a friend request on Facebook and he accepted within a few hours.
After 4 days he unfriended me on Facebook. What is up with that? By the way, we are living in different countries now. I was the one who did the unfriending before but this time he unfriended me! What is up with that?
Oh and I didn’t message him or talk to him on FB but he didn’t talk to me either. Maybe he’s moved on completely? I need your insight Chris. Thanks!
September 7, 2013 at 2:12 am
Check out my LDR post.
It must have been harder on him than he thought to see your profile
August 27, 2013 at 7:24 am
I can’t.. he cancelled it already 🙁 . What does that mean?
August 28, 2013 at 3:20 am
Its no big deal. It just means that he didn’t want to seem like a fool/loser for having an unaccepted friend request from his ex.
August 26, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Thanks. But what if he cancels his friend request before I finish my NC? What would that mean? Would he give up and think I’ve moved on?
August 27, 2013 at 3:42 am
If you are that worried about it just accept the friend request haha. It is no big deal in the grand scheme 🙂
August 25, 2013 at 7:44 pm
but he cancelled it yesterday. what does that mean? i haven’t broken NC.
August 25, 2013 at 11:45 pm
Shoot, I lost the context of our conversation. Could you refresh me?
August 25, 2013 at 10:33 am
Just to update this..Since I was still in NC (15th day) I ignored my ex’s Facebook friend request and he cancelled it today. After 3 days. Why would he do that?? I’m glad I didn’t break NC though but is that it? Is he still going to contact me? Help! Thanks.
August 27, 2013 at 3:10 am
Hahaha it is no big deal. He doesn’t want the friend request out there because it leaves him in a vulnerable position. It is kind of like “OMG she will log on and see it, I am not going to give her the satisfaction of holding that over me.”
No big deal. I actually think it is awesome b/c he is clearly still thinking about you.
August 19, 2013 at 3:15 am
So, my ex and I have been broken up almost 3 1/2 months now. We dated about 7 months, but we kinda knew each other for about a year before. We were each others’ first serious relationships, too. We had a very happy and loving relationship that actually ended up helping both of our lives, since we both had rough childhoods and it was nice to know someone was there that loved you. However, fights popped up here and there. Generally, they were misunderstandings, or an over reaction. And, things weren’t too well because we’re in high school, and high school girls are jerks. Multiple times I had “friends” confess to him, or girls made up lies about me never being able to love him because of his race. This caused him to start doubting my love, but after a while, things started to go back to us being happy and there were less people messing with us, and we didn’t really have that many problems. Seeing as the year was about to end we joined the musical together, which was all good and well, but then the stuff with the girls started to happen again. Plus, I didn’t really know anyone besides him so I was really only comfortable with him (thus making him, but first his friends, think I was clingy.) A few weeks before the show, (this is kinda tmi, but it kinda helps) my period hit. When this happens, I can either be a total jerk and not want to talk to anyone, or I kinda just want to hug someone and not let go. Well, this time, the latter happened. He took this as me being super clingy… And in a way, I agree, and I probably could have handled it much better, but I didn’t, soooo…. He started to act kinda weird. He told me he just wasn’t feeling the same. He wasn’t feeling happy and that he didn’t feel love anymore (I now found out that he felt our relationship was not about love, but physical.) But we decided, we’d give it some more time, just in case. Plus, we already had prom tickets and all that good stuff. Things weren’t going too great, but we went to prom, and genuinely had a good time. He said he felt some of the love and happiness come back. But the day of the first showing of the musical, he tells me he doesn’t want to be with me anymore and that he isn’t happy. We end up talking for about a good 2 hours. Eventually, we just kind of end it, with both of us crying. For the next few months I kinda flip-flopped between really friendly and supportive, a jerk, or completely ignoring him. I now found out that before summer broke he did still have feelings for me (not sure now though cause he always says that he has moved on, but anyhow.) Later in summer, his dad starts talking to me over facebook and I talk back. We discuss my ex and how his parents really are unhappy about the break up because my ex was actually happy when he was with me (before things went bad.) His dad tells me that my ex’s girlfriend is fake, and that my ex has been really down and depressed lately. I then decide to talk to my ex since we haven’t spoken in a while. He starts to push the conversation forward, but then we kinda get into a bit of a fight about something kinda stupid, then he says he’s over me and has moved on. He then says “goodbye for good.” Now, at school, whenever he notices me, he kinda continuously glances over at me. Yesterday, he said that being in the same class with me made the class worse, but that was only after he was asked if he left the class because of a girl, but he didn’t say why it was worse. I don’t know what to do. He’s confusing. And if he did have feelings for me, he probably wouldn’t tell anyone because it would make him look weak or something. And I’d find out about it, if he told anyone. Where do I go? He deleted me from facebook and lost my number. I don’t see him at school except occasionally for a few seconds/minutes. I’m on day 9 of a new no contact, too. Should I drop it, or keep trying?
August 21, 2013 at 5:32 am
I say keep trying, do everything you can before you throw in the towel.
August 21, 2013 at 5:47 am
Thanks. And I’m glad I read your latest post because I was almost planning a grand gesture. O.O That probably wouldn’t have ended well.
August 22, 2013 at 1:44 am
Hahahaha come to think of it any time I have planned a “grand gesture” with a girl I have dated it hasn’t ended well. But I just cringe when I see someone making a grand gesture to “win their lover back.” Glad you didn’t plan the gesture.
August 17, 2013 at 9:49 pm
Hi, I’m really confused and was hoping to get some insight. My boyfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. We have been having problems for months and after a petty argument led to a bigger one, he ended it. We live together and he made plans to move in with a friend a few days after the break up and told me that he wants us to start fresh again. He said he wants us to build a friendship and see if anything leads from it. I didn’t agree right away, I told him that it would be hard for me to see him as just a friend and I didn’t want to start over. I wanted us to either be together. After thinking about it, I agreed that we could try to build a good friendship when he moved out. On Thursday he moved most of his clothes and small belongings out and said he would be back this weekend to get some furniture out of a storage unit that I have. Now I’m confused because he has barely spoken to me since Thursday even though he insisted that he doesn’t want me out of his life. HE’S the one that said he wanted us to talk, text, skype, play games together (we’re gamers) and just try to rebuild everything. I’ve texted him to ask when he is coming to get the furniture and called him twice. He has read my texts, but hasn’t replied. Does he just need space? My mind is racing. It’s really hard not to spam his phone. I just want to know what to do in this situation. Help?
August 18, 2013 at 4:29 am
Your a gamer? What games do you play?
Oh, and NC I think is the smartest way to progress. Don’t spam his phone.
August 18, 2013 at 8:31 am
Yeah, I’m a “gamer”, I don’t like to use that phrase to described myself because it makes me feel pretentious haha, I just enjoy playing games. Just finished playing the first Uncharted and am currently playing Far Cry 3 to try to get my mind off of this break up, but I’m still thinking about him. I started no contact yesterday and spent time talking to friends to get my mind off of things, but still can’t shake the feeling that we won’t speak again. Thank you for replying, btw.
August 19, 2013 at 3:12 am
I will reply almost every time (the sad fact about me.)
Games I like: FF 7 (may be before your time), FF 9, FF10, Halo, Batman Arkham Asylum/City, Gears of War, Legend of Zelda (for nintendo 64,) Goldeneye (for 64)
A lot of those may be before your time but when I was a teenager those were the games to play!
Stick to NC I know it is hard but it is really the best course of action.
August 19, 2013 at 3:31 am
Oh no, those games were not before my time haha. Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye are actually some of my favorite games ever. My sister and I actually plan to get matching Triforce tattoos. I never really got into Final Fantasy, but my ex loves the franchise. That and Fire Emblem. Are you playing any games currently? Nice to have a little distraction from everything that’s going on to talk about some games. 🙂 Thanks, I appreciate it.
August 21, 2013 at 5:31 am
Hahaha I never lost a match in Goldeneye with “lasers only” as the setting. I swear, everyone tried but I smoked em! Ocarina of Time is the most epic game ever. I always hated the shadow temple for one reason, the creepy hands on the ceiling that would drop on you (chills to this day..)
Games I am playing now, nothing really. This site keeps me pretty busy. However, once the new Batman Arkham game comes on I will go into gamer mode where my life revolves around finishing a game ASAP.
August 17, 2013 at 8:31 pm
Hey Chris
i stumbled upon your page 2 weeks ago and i need to tell you my story.
My ex bf broke up with me 3 weeks ago after 2 years together. We are best friends for about 4 years.
He broke up with me cause he said his feelings about me had changed and he needed time and space for himself. The day after the break up i was devastated and he came to my place and just hold me for hours while i just cried my eyes out.
A week passed and we talked almost everyday cause i didn’t understand what happened. He got tired of talking about the same every single day (of course, every person would be!). Second week, we didn’t talk, third week i couldn’t resist and texted him…the conversation went really bad and we got mad at each other. We haven’t talked ever since..it’s day 4 of the NC rule.
I don’t know if i want him back cause i was really hurt with the breakup but i really do miss my best friend and i’m afraid he won’t talk to me again. Is the NC rule my best shot? Isn’t it too late now?
August 18, 2013 at 4:27 am
It is never too late. Ahhh… I wish that darn E-Book was out right now b/c all the answers to most of your questions are in there. The fact of the matter is that every person wants an exact detailed step by step plan to get their ex back and I want to give it to them! The only problem is that I am working tirelessly to get the ebook out so I can say “its in there.”
Sorry, I am just venting b/c what you need or the inspiration you need is about a week away (the ebook.)
August 18, 2013 at 7:32 am
Thank you for replying.
I can wait another week. I’ll stick to the NC rule until then.
August 19, 2013 at 3:07 am
Okie doke!