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March 16, 2017 at 5:04 pm
Hello, my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years and I broke up on march 10th but had been kind of building up to it for a couple weeks because the very first talk we had was a very emotional conversation. He said he was confused because he loves me with all of his heart but he feels like he’s missing out on his late teens early twenties, and he feels like the spark is gone. He says when he sees me and is with me he doesn’t want to let me go but when I’m not around he likes being alone. He also said he wants to be able to go out with friends without having someone back at home waiting up for him. After the first talk we had I moved out for a few days and tried to give space. Then he texted me after a few days saying he missed me and that he took me for granted and he wanted to meet up to talk again. We talked a second time, I suggested maybe we should just live apart but still be together and take it slow but he still said we was confused. Then I got my wisdom teeth out and ended up staying at moms while I recovered. After a couple days he texted me saying “I’m sorry but I don’t think we should live together right now. I’m sorry I’m giving you mixed emotions… but I think we should take it slow like we talked about. We can still be together but I don’t think we should be living together rn.” Now, I wanted to talk to him about how we would make that work because the last month of our relationship it had felt like his friends became more of a priority for him. I never told him that he couldn’t spend time with his friends, I actually encouraged it, but I told him it would be nice if he spent equal amount of time with me because I started to feel forgotten. So I wanted to hear him say that he would make time for me when we’re taking it slow and not living together but he couldn’t promis me it so I just said so it sounds like we’re breaking up and he didn’t really reply, he had more of an “I guess” expression on his face. So I moved all my stuff out and deleted him off all social media because it hurts too much. I texted him a day after we broke up and said I’m sorry I can’t get myself to delete your number and he replied “I won’t delete yours”. I gonna try the no contact rule but I miss him like crazy. We have been through so much together and everything reminds me of him and I find myself wanting to text him about something I saw or heard. We started dating when I was 19 and he was 18, and moved in together after dating for 10 months. He said he felt like we rushed into moving in with each other’s which I kind of agree but we made it work up until now. I think it was the best thing to even though it hurts so much because we both needed to work and focus on ourselves for a little bit but I know for sure that I love him with all of my heart and I know he loves me very much and I would want to get back together down the road. Do we have a chance of getting back together? I can’t just give up on us… he’s my best friend, and we were good together up until the last month we were together. Did I come off as too needy in the last month?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 16, 2017 at 7:48 pm
Hi Katherine,
what matters more is now.. if he broke up because he got suffocated, then that’s more reason to do nc.
March 16, 2017 at 6:36 am
Hello so Idk if my message went through, but I got a text from my ex two weeks ago and said “again you go smh you really go out every weekend ” he told me this because his friends spotted me at the club. I did not respond and ever since then he hasn’t messaged me at all. I am wondering if he will message me again? I have been improving myself and I am determined to not contact him but I do miss him.
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 16, 2017 at 11:04 am
Hi Emery,
it’s ok if he doesn’t message you again.. You can initiate contact after nc.. what’s more important is how much you improve now..
February 28, 2017 at 10:56 am
Hi, I had more than 3 years in this relationship, most of it was long distance, we made it work and were deeply in love,a few weeks before our wedding my ex (we’ll call him X) and my dad had a huge texting argument over details of the marriage. X broke off the engagement very nicely with me also through texting . His mom added to the problems I have to say. Anyway, I stared NC then sent him a you cant believe what I saw text after 40 days NC .He didnt respond. I sent him a good wishes text 20 days later when I saw he changed his profile pic on fb to a sad quote. Again, no response. X has a notorious man cave where he goes when upset. A few years back we had a short breakup and I got him back also by texting after NC , but at the time the breakup was smoother and he answered the first time. I dont know what to do . Help!
March 1, 2017 at 4:35 pm
5 days ago . Still no response yet. I dont know if he’s already moved on or he’s just shut down. I forgot to say I tried calling from a private number so he wudnt expect it to be me , that was 1st week of february , called a couple of times he didn’t answer that either. I have no idea how to go on from here, and my heart is just wrenched.
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 1, 2017 at 10:03 pm
I think you need to do one last try after two weeks, if he still doesn’t answer, that means you have to move on.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 28, 2017 at 9:05 pm
Hi T,
when was the last time you sent text?
February 27, 2017 at 5:14 pm
Hi. The guy I was dating for a few months broke up with me because he found out he can’t move back to my country for another 1-2 years. He said it was too uncertain and he didn’t want to waste my time. He also wanted to remain friends (I told him I was not ready for that). Overall we parted on good terms, had an amazing relationship (if short) and I felt we both still loved each other.
One week after the breakup I texted him and we had a nice conversation. But the second time I texted him he was short (monosyllabic answers). So I didn’t initiate any other conversations since then. He hasn’t messaged me since then either (it’s now been 7 days of NC).
A couple of questions-> I know that things between us can’t really work out as long as his plan to come back remains unclear. So I am pretty sure that no matter what I say or do or don’t, nothing concrete can happen between us for at least a year.
What I want to know is, should I maintain contact with him during this period? If so, what’s the best way to start/maintain contact without getting friendzoned?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 27, 2017 at 8:14 pm
Hi Odare,
check this one:
What It Takes To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work
February 24, 2017 at 8:50 am
Okay so my ex and I have been talking but he just doesn’t trust me. He told me that he loves me but that I’ve played so many games to the point that he doesn’t care anymore and that he is tired of bs. I wronged him in many ways and it upsets him that I even go out with my friends. I regret everything and wanted to work things out with him but I feel like he is playing games. I feel embarrassed because I blew him up and he has been avoiding me. We agreed to have a talk on Monday but we argued instead . I messaged him telling him good bye, and still no response. I am going to try to not contact him.
February 26, 2017 at 5:01 am
I feel so humiliated and hurt. So I mentioned how my ex said he loves me but is tired of the games I’ve played and etc. Well yesterday I went out the club with my friends. Unfortunately I bumped into my ex. My dumb self decides to stick with him. I was pretty buzzed already. We hung out for a bit and i remember we kissed. I told him if he doesn’t want anything to do with me to tell him and he said he won’t say it and that he does want to work things out. He then says he wants to go get a drink with his friend and that he will be back in 5 minutes. I kept on insisting on going with him and he simply didn’t want me to go. I kept on insisting and it got to the point where his friend and my friends told me to just leave him. I then decided to leave him and went to the dance floor and he never came back. I felt so humiliated because I made myself look so needy and worst part was that I was pretty drunk and into my feelings. I once humiliated him before and now the tables turned and need some advice and I just feel horrible.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 26, 2017 at 7:27 pm
Restart the count of the no contact period.. and stick to it. Focus in improving yourself.
February 24, 2017 at 8:54 am
I just wondering if we will ever work things out again.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 24, 2017 at 3:45 pm
Hi Emery,
check this one:
This Is How To Make Him Trust You Again
February 17, 2017 at 9:50 pm
My ex and I have been broken up since June because he decided he didn’t want to have kids in the future and I know I definitely do.
We wanted to stay friends but it was too difficult because we still loved each other and found each other attractive. We ended up not talking for over a month and then only here and there up to Christmas.
I saw him at a friend’s party on Boxing Day and we were all over each other like the old days. We’ve been seeing each other regularly since and last week he confessed he was still in love with me and wanted to be with me again, asking if I’d go out on a few dates since I wasn’t ready to just jump straight back in. He’d bought me flowers, jewellery and chocolate as well as written love notes all over the house.
Two days later, I asked him out on a date and he said he “wasn’t in the mood to be social” yet went out with his friends.
He gave me one word answers to my texts so I gave him space for a few days. He didn’t send me anything on Valentines Day and then text me the day after to say that he was sorry he didn’t get back to me and made some lame excuse.
I haven’t responded and he hasn’t text for days either. There used to be a time when he’d message me across text/social media/email if I didn’t come back to him but now he seems content that we’re not talking.
I just don’t know how he can go from crying/begging to have me back to not being bothered just two days later.
What should I do?
February 18, 2017 at 11:42 am
He’d said he was considering kids as long as we could wait a few years when he was begging for me back.
But maybe you’re right, and he still doesn’t want them deep down. He was probably saying it out of desperation.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 20, 2017 at 5:36 pm
You have to think about that too.. if you ever talk again, talk about that.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 17, 2017 at 10:13 pm
Hi Tabitha,
he missed you but I think he realized you and his non-negotiables still clash.. Right?
February 15, 2017 at 10:55 pm
My ex & I broke up 3 months ago. He insisted on remaining friends so I continued to message him afterwards until he said we need to stop talking & not remain in contact 1 week later. So I started NC. 1 month after, we saw each other at a mutual friend’s party. I ignored him completely even when I saw him looking at me or trying to make eye contact. At the end of the party, he still made sure that I was safe & had a ride home. 2 more months passed & now our companies are working on a project together so we see each other once a week. 2 weeks ago I broke NC to ask him for a ride after a meeting cause my car broke down that morning. We caught up, joked around in the car, & talked about traveling. He told me about problems w/ his coworkers & even said he was lonely over the holidays cause his parents went on vacation & he was alone. As he was about to drop me off, my friend/neighbor asked me for a ride. So I asked my ex again & he agreed. It was the 1st time my ex & friend met. During the ride, my ex would refer to our inside jokes or tell my friend my traveling stories although he wasn’t on the trip w/ me. And he just made it obvious that we had history together. Anyway, after we dropped off my friend, my ex told me that it was nice to talk to me again, and told me to ask him if I had traveling questions cause he travels a lot. He then asked me if I were doing ok, and I told him yes. And he said that we should catch up sometime, but then I got nervous and just said “uh….” and he took it as a no and said “oh ok maybe not”. We didn’t talk for another 2 weeks, then 2 days ago, I texted him if we could meet up because I’m planning another trip & want to ask him questions but he hasn’t responded. What should I do?
March 2, 2017 at 6:14 am
Late update but I’m just really unsure. I texted him because I thought we were cool after that one hang out especially since he posted video of us together on snapchat where all our mutual friends can see (some even asked me about it). But then he ignored my text. However a week after I texted, he came up to me after a meeting and asked me how the trip planning was going & we talked about it for a while. Idk what to take of this. I’m scared to initiate or approach him again because his reaction is unpredictable. And my friends told me not to initiate because I’d come off as needy and clingy but I already did NC for 2-3 months. And from my perspective, he was insecure in our relationship and he always asked me where it was going or what he meant to me, but I didn’t show him a lot of affection. And we broke up because he felt like his feelings were one-sided and that I only saw him as a friend. So I should reach out first to show him I care. Should I just talk to him at work? Does he care?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 2, 2017 at 11:54 pm
It would be more awkward to text him if you see him at work. It would be easier to build at work slowly.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 16, 2017 at 5:46 pm
HI Daisy,
why not slowly rebuild rapport in person instead since you work together?
February 13, 2017 at 3:53 pm
My ex broke up with me and i contacted him after no contact. then we texted and started to get a rapport building, he also sort of initiated one topic but then not reply me when I replied. Why is that ? What should i do? We start texting: day one: 2 text from me (and second text from me ending on a high note), day two (the same-ending on a high note), day 3 (no texting), day 4 (text that continues from day 2, and he replied), day 5 (i replied day after because it was late at night when he replied and i did not want to reply back right a way)- and then nothing more.. but he saw text, and in text was also question mark, but not anything unappropriate. .. and all the text was funny and positive.
February 14, 2017 at 9:30 pm
Text was about concerts this year… He told me at which concerts he will go, and then I reply that i also wanted to go, but that concerts are already sold out..and then I asked him, if he already have tickets for these bands that he wolud like to go…I just replied at his text and also added on which concerts I will go. , and try to keep conversation going, but then he did not reply…text was not long and not too short, it was like his… what now, i do not want to look like needy..should i text him again or wait for him to text me?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 14, 2017 at 10:26 pm
wait for a day before initiating again and start a new topic
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 14, 2017 at 4:19 pm
your last text was a question? Is about him? maybe he thought there’s no need to reply anymore because it looks like it’s just to answer his latest text to you
February 13, 2017 at 4:22 am
My boyfriend and I broke up in October 2016 and have been communicating regularly for the past 3 months. I broke up with him because he lives in California and I’m in Boston. I was living in California with him but moved back to Boston because it was hard being away from my family and friends. I also felt some what isolated because I didn’t have friends out there. My ex also has some health issues that cause him to be moody and depressed so that was kind of hard to deal with too. We also had a whirlwind relations hip because he was planning on moving out to CA from Boston when we first met and asked me to move out there with him after just 3 months of dating. I ended up moving 3000 mile across the country with him, away from my family and friends. As much as I loved being with him and felt really connected to him, his depression and moodiness started to affect me. I moved back to Boston after almost a year of living with my ex in CA and thought he was planning on moving back too but said he wasn’t sure so I had to end it in October because I didn’t want to wait for him to make a decision on whether or no he was going to move back. He still contacted me everyday for the past few months up until the last couple of weeks. I noticed he wouldn’t contact me and could feel some distance between us so I brought it up. He told me that he sees me as his best friend and loves me in a platonic way and started going on dates with other people even though “he couldn’t connect with anyone.” He also said he was acting distant because he’s was stressing out over finding a new apartment out in CA (he needs to move out of our old apartment because mold issues) I’m just worried that he is acting distant because of other reasons too. I know that we’re probably not the best match romantically but I still love him very much and grew very close to him emotionally during our time together. I just don’t know if he is pulling away due to his living circumstances right now or because he’s trying to detach himself from me. I started going on dates with other people but I’m really strugging to let go of this and don’t want to lose him.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 14, 2017 at 1:09 pm
Hi Sam,
the main hurdle is who is moving out to whom? If no one is, to be honest, the relationship is going nowhere
February 11, 2017 at 9:10 am
Me and my ex were dating for about a year, he told me he wasn’t sure if there was a future although we continued to see each other, we always have so much fun together and get on so well. about 4 weeks ago he said we should take an indefinite break, I’ve not contacted him at all until the other day he sent me a message asking how I was and how things were, I didn’t reply to him message. I want him to contact me again as I don’t think I can message him incase it looks like I am needy but I’m worried why he is contacting me, could he actually miss me? Or is he playing games. I miss him so much but I just don’t think he know what he wants.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 12, 2017 at 6:42 pm
Hi Cd,
how active were you in improving yourself in the past month? If you want, wait for a week if he initiates again.. If he doesn’t, accept that you have broken up because a month of no contact from is too long.. yeah, he might have missed you, but that doesn’t mean he wanted to go back at that moment.. And then start the nc rule if 30 days after that week if he doesn’t reply, and then slowly rebuild rapport after if you want to try again with him
February 10, 2017 at 5:15 am
Hey!! My ex and I have been broken up for a year. He randomly hit me up around my bday in July and from then we’ve been going out.. sleeping with each other and having good times. He picks me up from work and we talk for hours. Sometimes he just stops by to talk. I feel that he wants us to be together but he says he doesn’t want a relationship. He’s affection in public and is always there when I need him. However there are times where he gets distant and I don’t hear from him for a few days then he pops back up. Idk if I’m wasting my time. I love him and want us to be together again.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 10, 2017 at 5:17 pm
Hi Madysin,
it looks like you’re his friend with benefits.. if he can do what he want get what he wants without commitment, why would he right?
[email protected]
February 8, 2017 at 5:55 pm
Me and my ex broke up about 3 weeks ago. He became distant with me and said he needed space but has also cut all his friends off he appears to be depressed and isolating himself and he says he doesn’t want a relationship ever again with me and that Im better off finding someone who will make me happy. I’m not sure what to do because he’s not himself and by isolating himself there is obviously something going on for him to isolate himself from me and all his friends
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 8, 2017 at 6:19 pm
Hi Chez,
if he’s not suicidal, start the no contact rule and be focused in improving yourself. If he is suicidal, connect with his family and ask them to make sure he gets professional help before starting the no contact period.
February 8, 2017 at 1:29 am
I was broken up with about 6 weeks ago by someone i was seeing for about 7 months. He stated that he really needed to focus on himself and work for a while and didn’t want to disappoint me by not being able to see me as much as I wanted. For the next two weeks, nothing changed, we talked every day, hung out, had sleep overs ect. Finally one day he made a comment that i was making it hard (literally and figuratively) to do what he felt he needed to do to get himself back on track. I got upset that he was sending mixed messages and we got in a big fight and I said we needed to go no contact. He contacted me on day 18 and we picked right up where we left off, but I turned down his offer to meet him out that night or let him come over. I sent him one text message today about something that happened at work and no answer, but he liked and commented on my fb page? I’m pretty confused about what is going on…and it definitely hurt to get no answer so I won’t be reaching out again. Ive read in some no contact advice that if the ex reaches out to you its ok to respond but now Im thinking we got back in touch too soon. Help!
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 8, 2017 at 12:34 pm
HI Rosie,
was that from a different website? Because with us, it’s only ok if it’s about a very important matter and you only talk about that. Like a child or stuff that really needed to be exchanged asap.. But other than that you should be focused in improving yourself and being active in posting in social media about your activities.
February 4, 2017 at 11:17 am
My ex boyfriend broke up with me 3 months ago because he didn’t know if he saw a future together and if he was still in love with me. After that we texted every day, both initiating. And we saw eachother almost every week with him sleeping over at my place. He sometimes says he still loves me and that maybe it’ll work out between us because he really likes hanging out with me. Now today out of the blue he said ‘we should leave eachother alone, it will never work out if we keep in touch’. And after that he said ‘i promise i’ll text you from time to time and we will see if we meet up again in a few weeks but we should stop texting every day’. I will try to not contact him except when he’s contacting me. But do you think it’ll work out this way?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 4, 2017 at 1:59 pm
Hi Lily,
nope, he already friendzoned you.
Replying whenever he messages you conveys you’re too available
February 2, 2017 at 8:59 pm
Me n my. Ex boyfriend separated 4 months ago but funny enough he is still bitter towards me although he ended things.He will start unnecessary fights with me,bad mouthing me to people.After the break up i tried chatting to,him he told me he is over me so i decided to stay away frm him using the Nc rule now he recently bombard my friend with messages asking her to be friends,i really dont know what he is trying to do cause he would block,me on facebook then unblock me befor using the Nc rule i tried asking him to meet up so that we can talk and have closure but he refuses to,meet up with me.im really confused cause he has been part of my life for a long tym and i ddnt think after the break up he would be so resentful and all,i do still love him cause we share alot together so what may be his problem,n,how should i handle everything cause we stil on the NC rule its been 2 months of him not seeing me at all and communicating
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 2, 2017 at 10:01 pm
Hi Rosey,
when did you ask him to communicate? How much did you change in improve during nc and how long have you been doing nc?
February 1, 2017 at 9:21 pm
Hi, my ex and I have been broken up for a year now. We were on and off for almost 3 years, and have known each other for 6 years altogether. After a year of being broken up and not seeing each other at all, he contacted me. Before that, we spoke a month prior- but no face-to-face. He initiated and asked to hang out the next conversation. We ended up sleeping together, and we had a great time hanging out. I regret it now because we haven’t talked much since and I asked him if he’d like to hang out again- I have yet to receive a response. I still love him, but I don’t know why he does this. Or if he still cares. I feel stupid. I don’t know what to do.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 2, 2017 at 6:14 pm
Hi Alyssa,
do you want to try the no contact rule? and check this one too:
EBR 018: I Hooked Up With My Ex… Now What?
January 26, 2017 at 5:43 pm
my boyfriend broke up with me on december 17 and we didnt talk until the nee years eve however he only came back and told me how much he missed me and that he loved me you know he felt regret. so we started talking again because to be honest i was really desperate for him to come back, after that we talked for like a week and he started to not write me and he always expected me to write so one night i decided to bot write him at all so he wrote me telling me that he is fine and thnx for asking so he went on vacation with his friend for a week and after that he didnt contact me at all so i called him and he told me that he had given up on me, now we arent talking at all and i see him every day. what are my chances of getting him back im really heart broken and i didnt want this to happen
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 27, 2017 at 10:50 am
Hi Avernus,
why do you see him everyday?
January 25, 2017 at 2:26 am
i brokeup with my ex boyfriend by last dec. He said his too busy and cannot focus on job and love at a time. otherwise, he said he dont feel it anymore. it happen several months ago but he said he still want to try. i sense of this changes early but i keep to myself and act normally but cannot help it when i feel the distance between us. when i told him what i feel, he then told me that we better be friends first because he cannot focus on me and dont want to disappointing me. i tried no contact for 2 weeks, he try to contact me early but i ignore. now i try to contact him, he rplied but never initiate to contact me.i didnt know should i continue to try to get him back or should i let him go. while actually i still love him
May 4, 2017 at 3:56 pm
hi Amor, i did no contact for 2 months after that. i totally ignore him including at works. i feel much control over my emotional feelings during this time.after 2 months i try to contact him. i initiate with apologize because ignore him for a while. he replied with friendly text said he understand. i will text him once in a while, but the conversation went friendly and ends shortly. if we collided, he smile to each other like we used to be. he also never initiate any conversation so far. i started text him in april, 3-4 times only. trying to give him space to start any conversation, but haven’t get any. is this a good sign? or he just being nice to me?
EBR Team Member: Amor
May 5, 2017 at 3:40 pm
he’s just being nice..initiate more conversations when you bump in person.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 25, 2017 at 3:16 pm
Hi Ainee,
why just two weeks and how much did you improve on in that two weeks? I think if you really want a higher chance, restart the count, do 30 days,.focus in improving yourself during and after the no contact period and then slowly rebuild rapport and attraction after nc period..
January 23, 2017 at 6:33 pm
Hi my ex boyfriend and I we’re together for 5 years.. We wound go off and on now and then.. I broke up with him New Year’s Eve 2015 because I found out he was playing me this whole time we we’re together! After I found out I just left him and IGNORED him completely.. I IGNORED his calls and messages as well.. Idk how long we been apart now.. But I left him because he CHEATED on me again! So right now Idk what to do.. After the break up he tried contacting me by messaging me on Facebook! He tried calling me and texting me but I never answered my phone.. Then one day outta nowhere he texts me and tells me he got himself a new phone then calls me.. This was back in August 2016 then he decides to leave me alone! One day again outta nowhere he sends me a friend request on Facebook.. So I decided to add him then he calls me but I don’t answer because I was busy cleaning… Then he messages me instead.. But I don’t respond back because I was busy.. So I didn’t respond back til later that night! We talk only for a while then outta nowhere we just start arguing and I end up UNFRIENDiNG him! After that stupid argument we just stopped talking and left each other alone now.. Like we don’t talk at all.. I mean I tried to talk to him but it feels like now he’s ignoring me completely.. Idk what to do.. He says he misses me but I need to know if he means it! Idk it’s just confusing! But yeah that’s my break up story..
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 24, 2017 at 1:12 pm
Hi Candace,
so, when did you really last talked? Since then, how much did you improve?
January 19, 2017 at 3:07 pm
about a month ago my ex broke up with me out of the blue. or so i thought. truth be told, i had noticed himself distancing himself and that he had been liking and commenting on this girls facebook posts. i didn’t think anything about it though, because i knew that they used to be friends. when we broke up, we agreed to stay friends and talk everyday. for a few days things were fine, i had been a little hot and cold, not gonna lie, because trying to be friends with someone you love is not an easy task. and then four days after we broke up, i got a phone call from somebody saying they had seen my ex out with the girl who’s pictures i had noticed he had been liking and the next thing i know, they’re all over social media together. i let my emotions take over and went off on him,asking him what was going on because not even a day earlier we were talking about how one day we wanted to work it out and get back together. the next morning i apologized for the way i acted and got no response, so i decided to go into no contact for a while, because i felt like we needed some distance, and that i had been acting needy, which was totally out of character for me. i felt that if i kept talking to him i would just push him away further. i was in no contact for 15 days, i had come to terms with everything, i realized the reasons we broke up, and i realized that i wanted him back. i had started working on fixing certain traits, hanging out with friends, working out and just ultimately doing the things i stopped doing when we got together. i had been putting things on social media of what i was doing and i noticed he was keeping close tabs on my snapchat. i deleted him from facebook after the breakup and he blocked me on instagram before he started posting pics with his new fling, but he made sure to keep me on snapchat. well randomly, he deleted me from snapchat the other day. that freaked me out a little bit because that was the last “connection” i guess you would call it, and he randomly severed it. i felt that if i didn’t reach out to him, i would lose him for good. so i sent him a text saying “hey i realized we hadn’t talked in a few weeks and just wanted to see how you are doing.” i got no response. i have no idea what to do from here but i have a feeling i’m losing him. i want him back, and i’m willing to try anything but i need HELP
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 21, 2017 at 12:03 pm
Hi Advice,
so all in all, how many nc days did you do? How many days after he deleted you in snapchat did you send a text?