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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. em

    May 19, 2016 at 3:59 am

    hi me and my ex were together for 2 years and in December he split up with me and totally blocked me from everything, he found himself a new girlfriend but they have now split and since then me and him started sleeping together and i started to get feelings for him, i told him this and he didn’t care and just said we need to learn to be friends, i have tried but it is very hard when he is always staying at my house, we don’t sleep together or anything he just stays here, i’m confused because he tells me it’s like nothing has changed but then he will say he talks to all these other girls. he will also tell me how he is sick of being single but he does not want me, but he always asking me if he can come round and chill, and when i tell him i get upset about him talking to me about all these girls he tells me to grow up and that i need to lean to get over the fact he is moving on, i just don’t know what to do!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 24, 2016 at 8:07 pm

      Hi Em,

      Tell him politely that it’s not workable for him to stay in your house because you need to take time for yourself and then do no contact.

  2. Xenia

    May 18, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    Hi There,
    Me and my ex lived together and was in a relationship for 2 years, the night before he dumped me we was in bed having a cuddle and a kiss things couldn’t of been more perfect but then the next morning he woke up and decided he didn’t want to be with me and wanted to “focus on his career” This was a month ago.

    I was heartbroken and begged and begged but we just argued and argued, he admitted things are hard for him and he misses me and says things like “Its not goodbye” Things got sour we kept arguing and he then went to Rome with his mum where we celebrated our 2 year anniversary and he started texting me that everything there reminded him of me and all the memories we had there which was nice of him but when he was home more fighting happened.

    He has now blocked my number as I have his number, ive seen him twice now on nights out and all he does is stare at me and look so miserable….is he regretting dumping me or does he feel miserable because im out looking good and having a good dance?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 24, 2016 at 3:30 pm

      Hi Xenia,

      I think it’s both

  3. Tam

    May 13, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    Hi team I am so confused, my husban left me 10 weeks ago after being together 14 years, can’t do the whole no contact as have two kids. he says he loves me but not in love with me. But the odd thing is, he keeps doing things for me like charge my car battery without being asked, he drops everything if I ring him to sit with the kids, he is constantly asking me how I am and how Uni is going. He tells me all the time about his life, he text me to wish me good luck in my driving test then shared memories with me of other people we know who had failed theirs, when he comes to get the kids he has a cuppa and a chat, and just a lot of little things like that all the time.
    Is he regretting leaving and just won’t tell me??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 15, 2016 at 5:51 am

      Hi Tam,

      yeah, it looks like it..

  4. H

    May 2, 2016 at 7:20 pm

    I was with this guy for 3 years and a half and it didn’t work out. 6 months after we broke up i met this new guy who seemed perfect for me and he told me he was looking for something serious, which is also what i wanted. Everything was great up until I made this mistake of lying to him when he asked me something that I hid because I didn’t want to fight over, and he knew the truth. So, he lost trust in me. Even though I didn’t cheat and it wasn’t a big lie. i promised him I wouldn’t lie ever again and we decided to move past it but afterwards everything I did seemed suspicious to him. he would always think i’m lying and explicitly told me he doesn’t trust me anymore and that it would take time for him to trust me again and I was fine with that because I wasn’t doing anything wrong. That was up until my ex contacted me once ( the 3 year and half one), and I told my then current boyfriend that he’s talking to me and he asked me to figure out what he wanted and let him know. So, I did that, and ended up on the phone with him for 30 minutes listening to him sob about how he misses me..etc. My then current boyfriend got so mad that I stayed on the phone for that long with him, and since he doesn’t trust me he thought that I still have feelings for my ex and that I was just using him to get over my ex. Which is not the case. he said he wanted a break because he is going through alot and can’t think of this now, and that we may figure things out later. a couple of days later i discover that he blocked me on all social media and he tells me that he is reconsidering things and just wants to be friends, and that he’ll unblock me soon. Then the next day he tells me that he doesn’t want to talk to me because he is better off without me. then I try to explain to him how he’s judging me wrong and how I’m trustworthy but he doesn’t read anything and sends me a funny video instead. I’m so confused, my boyfriend always tells me that he knows how stubborn he is and that he becomes so harsh when he’s stubborn. It was only a 2 month relationship but I think if we get a second chance things could get much better because when we weren’t fighting, we were perfect together. what should I do ? and can you explain to me what his behavior indicates because he is so harsh and keeps changing his mind about me so many times. he says he doesn’t have feelings for me anymore, then he says he stopped missing me and just a week ago he was head over heals for me.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 4, 2016 at 8:31 am

      Hi H,

      he said it himself.. he’s stubborn. since you already explained everything to him..let it marinate in his mind and do nc.. don’t chase him coz the more you chase him the more stubborn he will be

  5. Crystal

    April 30, 2016 at 4:21 pm


    Here’s my story. I hope you can help me. I have this boyfriend who I talked to for 2 months and we’ve been dating for 2 months. During some parts of our dating I treated him like trash. All he would do is try to make things better with me. Then one day he came over around 6 in the morning. He payed his mother to take him to my house. He lives an hour away from me. The whole time he was at my house I completely ignored him. We even went to the mall and he would try to hold my hand and I would try ignoring him and walk away but I showed just a little bit of interest. Then later on like 2 weeks later I told him “Do not tell me what to do. Thank you very much” and he broke up with me. He was very mad. He is a very serious boy who is very caring. Two days later I try asking him for forgiveness but he still mad. I tried everything but he keeps bringing the past stuff that I did. Like ignoring him and so on. Yesterday I told him “Oh okay. I’m not going to force you no more lol it’s annoying having someone begging and shit lol but I just thought you still liked me or whatever so it was worth a try but you can’t blame a girl for trying lol” and he replied saying 
    “Its not annoying its just im all fucked up right now, I gotta get my mind right”. I’m confused. He replies to all my text. I just don’t understand. He did tell me he cared a lot about me but feelings don’t go away that quick. 
    Sent from my iPhone

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 1, 2016 at 2:18 pm

      Hi Crystal,

      yes it doesn’t go away that easily but that doesn’t he won’t get fed up.. at this point, it looks like he doesn’t trust that you will not go back to treating him badly, so he’s being cautious.

  6. Shandy

    April 22, 2016 at 1:48 pm

    Hi there, Me and my ex met on instagram….after weeks of chatting and me refusing to meet I recently gave in. We met and bonded I then shared my birthday he suggested a weekend away anywhere I want to go. we went away all was good and we shared our past pains and he told me how his ex hurt he has insecure and doubt problems when it comes to women, which i had picked up anyway. Two weeks after the trip I told him I miss him he snapped and told me we were just together two weeks ago. It turned into a big fight and hr broke it off…saying he has alot on his mind. I was devastated we didn’t speak for like three weeks I approached him then we had another fight….31 Dec he tried talking to me….to fix things we fought again and eventuallyI told him lets just agree to disagree and say goodbye…we didn’t talk for a two good months…but we still followed eachother on ig..he would like my pictures that’s all. Now in march he whatsappd me commenting on my profile picture….we laugh and talk like friends, flirt and sometimes like we still dating! He then said he misses me just that his a coward…..sometimes he would say who are you with snap a picture and he would say his jealous! We still send eachother funny memes like always…..he throws shade to me on things id do when we met etc…he teases me all the times we would go a day or two not speaking only! Mind you all this talking we have not inked up or discussed the past. It was his bday two days back…i requested Netflorist….. to deliver a “mans crate” it included wine nuts n biltong….. depending on his reaction il book as a sky lunch didn’t wanna book not knowing how he will react! when it arrived he sent me a message calling me “mommy” its a nickname he called me when we dated…i then knew he received the gift as he started sending inlove emoticons! He was like “slick move” and he knew its me cause i knew he loves biltong..he told me how he really appreciated it and that i made his day his happy etc….He then said he wont open the wine….we will drink it together…….. I then shared the sky lunch thing..he was even more surprised…and sadly dates were sold out till two weeks he said we can still book for then so i booked! What he did for my bday is not comparable but i thought doing something wont kill me. Il admit i miss him and still want him…..but will he make the move? will we actually get back together? I know he doesn’t like discussing things over the phone but i feel his at a better place emotionally but why hasn’t he made an effort to say lets meet and talk or i’m i just being impatient?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 11:36 am

      Hi Shandy,

      it’s good that he’s making positive reactions bur cut back a little after the sky thing.. let him be the one to pursue you..because if you keep making grand moves it would look like you’re chasing him

  7. Stephy

    April 21, 2016 at 10:02 pm

    hi there I’m wondering if you can help me out here.

    I was dating my ex for 3 months and the first 1.5 months were really great. but at the end we got shaky cause I expected him to be available for me 24/7 either its just texting or calling or meeting up. He could never stay away from me at first as well and will always contact me if we didn’t contact each other less than 3 hours. But in the end he became really distant if we’re not together, but we were still really good when we were together in person. So in the end, he decided that we we were not on the same level and expectations for this relationship and he said he thought he was ready for a committed relationship but it turns out he wasn’t so we broke up. I’m really sad and I want him back because whenever we were together it was so perfect. He unfollowed me on my instagram and snapchat because he said that he didn’t want to know what I was doing because he was always checking up on my profile. so I don’t know if that means he loves me or not.
    So I decided to start my NC 4 days after we broke up, its been 2 weeks now and I haven’t heard anything from him at all! I really miss him but I’m thinking he doesn’t miss me. Do I still have a chance? I have a pretty good feeling that he’s not going to contact me at all…
    what should I do? its almost halfway of my NC period and I still get nothing from him.

    thanks alot 🙂

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 23, 2016 at 5:50 am

      Hi Stephy,

      it’s better if you finish nc and get focused on being emotionally stronger.. treat the nc as a restart with your relationship. But also, it’s normal that the convo and the time spent together will lower over time because the honey moon phase in ending but after that you will find your comfortable routine but if you’re really wanting him 247 that means you’re being clingy and you need to get busy so, your world won’t revolve around him

  8. Becca

    April 20, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    Hi im Becca and i broke up with my boyfriend a week ago we dated for about 5 months and the last month he was just being an ass and he told me he no longer wanted a title that he didnt want a relationship because he barely had time for me(which was true) and he said he had feelings for me and he wanted to continue seeing me then ir ealized hed comment on other girls pictures and i called his attenion on it and he said he wudnt do it again if it bothered me so he stopped then he just started standing me up on dated like oh sorry something came up i cant so i broke up with him i stopped answering his calls an texts and i miss him like crazy but yesterday he posted something on instagram talking badly about me with his cousins its been a week and i didnt say anything i want him back but i dont know if what he said was the truth i dont know what to do..

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 22, 2016 at 11:00 am

      Hi Becca,

      if he’s saying things like that, it’s better to just stay away from him.. but if you really want to try then are you going to do nc?

  9. Lisa

    April 14, 2016 at 8:30 am

    Hi! My ex and I dated for almost 7 years, we have a child together so no contact could not be done. We broke up in March and by middle March he already started dating again. Do you think it might only be a rebound relationship?

    Yesterday he sent me a text saying he wants to move on with his life but doesn’t like it when I speak to other men because he is jealous and he still cares a lot for me. I told him we can talk about it that evening and then he got angry with me later that day after I shared a post to one of my male friends’ Facebook page. But he did not admit that it was about that he made up a story.

    Please give me advice and tell me how I should handle this!

    Thank you

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 14, 2016 at 12:58 pm

      Hi Lisa

      you can still do it.. It’s just going to be limited.. you only talk about your daughter and other important stuff if needes but you don’t talk about feelings and the relationship.. Keep your distance..

      if you can talk to him.. he has tobe fair..he’s living his life, so he has no right now with whatever you want to do..if he doesn’t want other guys around you, he should be the guy for you

  10. Lola

    April 6, 2016 at 6:18 pm

    Hi, i have a problem i was with this guy for like 2 months we broke up more than a week ago and i straight went for the NC but over this week he’s been texting me…he wrote hey like a couple of times on Facebook but i didn’t answer because i want him back so i was doing the NC i didn’t break it yet…after the break up he also wrote some depressing snaps on snapchat like When you want to talk with that one person but you cant and stuff like this for the 1st 2/3 days (he broke up with me because we are Muslim and we cant boyfriends but we were together…and he’s family found out so he broke up). today he wrote me again on Facebook..he asked me “do u hate me” and i mark it as unread because i am on NC and i didn’t wanted to break it..(I’m already kind of over him) but i really want to talk with him and say that i don’t hate him.. and we didn’t even met each other but i will meet him in 4 days in school 🙁 it will awkward 🙁 what should i do??

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 8, 2016 at 7:06 pm

      Hi Lola,

      if it’s a series of positive texts and him saying he really wants to talk about the relationship, then you can break it

  11. alice

    April 4, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    I don’t think someone could actually help me, but just want to tell my story. My boyfriend and I were together for 2 years and it was a relationship full of love, passion, respect…it had everything. My boyfriend would tell me how much he loved me and how important I am in his life almost every day. Last weak he started to act very strangely and I asked him what is the problem. He claimed it is just his own problem and my love and me – are not involved. Then yesterday I called him and he told me he doesn’t know whether he wants to be with me. He said in the beginning that he loves me but in the end of the phone call he said he cannot give me an answer for this question. We “talked” for one hour but he basically didn’t say anything, just that he doesn’t know….I also got an anonymous message that he was cheating on me – that writing was completely like he wrote it himself. I am so confused and sad since he told me always that he loved me and he even acted like that, I have no clue what could happen. Of course, here only time can show what is/was going on, but it hurts as hell. Thank you for at least reading my message 🙂

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 3:03 pm

      Hi Alice,

      it looks like that text was true.. Keep silent, if he doesn’t text for a week, proceed to nc

  12. Caroline

    March 29, 2016 at 10:54 pm

    My boyfriend and I broke up about 9 days ago and it’s been hard. We were together for almost 9 months. We had plans for him to meet my family in April and I was going out to his family reunion in May in another, we live in Texas. Well the next day we had a little argument, he says I’m not a great communicator. Which I’m not, I have been dealing with a lot on my plate with work, a legal issue and a miscarriage and for the last 2 month’s I’ve changed and become sad, emotional, stubborn, passive aggressive and not much fun. He knew about the stress work and the legal issue were on me so he suggested I go through therapy and that it would help me get my emotions together or he thought if I didn’t, we would continue having the same issues in which I can’t communicate and we would be going in circles. Seems legit.
    So after we broke up I was mad and told him about the miscarriage. Now he saw that I was dealing with a lot. He says I need to go through therapy and come to term with what’s happened. For the moment, he doesn’t think we can be in a relationship until I get it together. Says I cannot work on myself if I’m focused on him and for me to take my time and space and see what therapy helps me with. He’s right, I do need to get it together. But I miss him a lot and every day is a struggle not to reach out.
    Today I was at work and he texted me out of nowhere, the closest we’ve come to small talk since the break up. He texted me about an inside joke we have, he likes to say “That’s what she said” alot. And often times it’s not appropriate in his professional, corporate job. So when he needs to let it out, he texts me and shares it with me. Well I responded with a joke that played off his joke. He laughed and asked if I set that up on purpose and I said that I’m also funny too. And that’s where we left it but it was nice to see he can text me those things.
    What is your advice? Do you think he still cares and maybe we could work things out?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 3, 2016 at 6:31 am


      The breakup was recent. Are you still talking now?

  13. Les

    March 29, 2016 at 5:41 pm

    My bf and I broke up two months ago, we didn’t talk for 2 weeks then saw each other at the gym and he said he missed talking to me and seeing me etc. He was surprised when he realized we had only gone 2 weeks without speaking (in his mind he said he felt like it had been a month or so…) and we agreed to not text and just say hello when/if we saw each other at the gym. That lasted maybe a week and we started hanging out again and now we text regularly and see each other multiple times a week. He gets “stressed” every time I bring up “us” and has said that in his gut he wants to be with me but he’s “unsure” We have been in this limbo for about a month now and I’m starting to get sick of it. He wants us to only be “talking” to each other and not other men/women (and said if I spoke to other guys this wouldn’t work and if he spoke to other girls it wouldn’t either) but doesn’t want anything physical (as of yet he says) and is still unsure about us. I don’t know if I should wait and continue with how things are, or if I should write us off. I mean, I love being around him and we always have so much fun together, but there are times when I just feel empty and like I am disposable to him..like a place holder until he finds someone he thinks is better. I am worried that I will be investing my time and energy into this for him to randomly decide he doesn’t want to see if we will work out anymore and that I will feel more hurt than I did when we originally broke up. It’s hard to be so physically attracted to someone, see them all of the time and literally be dating, but without the official term… Especially when I try to address the situation and it “stresses” him out and he says its drama… I’m so confused.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 3, 2016 at 6:15 am

      Hi Les,

      Are you still talking to each other?

  14. jenny

    March 29, 2016 at 10:07 am

    My boyfriend of two years broke off with me due to noncommitment issues .He did this whilst i was not in town. I got back in town and went straight to his house and begged and cried but he wouldnt listen and later we ended up having sex. Since then hes in touch with me and we been hanging out ,holding hands and are like couples but he doesnt address me as “baby” anymore, I dont know what is he upto ? he messages me all the time and the routine we had before break up. I dont know if hes playing with my feelings ? should i stick with him or move on or is he trying to mend his way?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 3, 2016 at 5:51 am

      HI Jenny,

      Hmm.. Try to observe if you refuse sex and he’s still sweet, then maybe that’s his way of trying to work things out.

  15. Ana

    March 27, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    Hi! We broke up a few months ago, after we slept a few times, but later I started NC. Yesterday I contact him for the first time, he responded. But I noticed that he deleted every single photo of us or me, even his favorite one. It hurts, even after NC. I think, he tries to forget me, to move on. But! When I said that I’m late for a meeting (he calls me) and have no time for talking, the last thing I heard was “what a meeting?”. And later he texted me: “What a meeting? New acquaintances?”. I answered: “Not really, nothing serious”.

    1. Ana

      March 27, 2016 at 6:12 pm

      Sooo, what do you think? Does he still love me? We were dating for about years. Thank you!

  16. Nicki

    March 26, 2016 at 2:30 am

    Hi Chris,
    My BF of almost a year broke up with me last week and I’m having a really hard time figuring out how to move forward. We were in a long distance relationship (he lives in Europe and I live in the U.S.) and usually only saw each other every 2-3 months. We were very much in love and really happy when we were together. I’ve never felt so connected to someone on so many levels and I truly thought he was the person I’d end up with. I wanted to try living in the same city, but he was scared of a lot of things and that was preventing us from moving forward and being together. He had been hurt badly in the past (his ex cheated on him and he was devastated by it) and was afraid of getting hurt again. He was also afraid that if we were in the same place he’d somehow mess things up, that I’d regret leaving my job to be there, or that it wouldn’t live up to my expectations. When we broke up he told me that he needed to be on his own right now to figure things out and that he needed to sort his life out (he also had a stressful job and felt like he wasn’t financially secure, so that was also weighing on him). He said that he loved me and that I was everything he wanted, but he wasn’t ready for this. I protested at first and tried to suggest any alternatives to breaking up, but he insisted that he needed time on his own. I eventually relented and sent him a message saying that I understood he needed to be by himself right now, that I couldn’t wait for him, but I hoped he figured things out and I was here if he ever wanted to talk. I also said I loved him and would miss him. That was the day we broke up and its now been almost a week and he still hasn’t replied to me. I have not contacted him since and I’m trying to give him a month on his own before I decide what to do, but I’m terrified that we will never see each other or talk to each other again because of the distance. I feel like I just lost the first person in my life that I truly saw a future with and wanted to spend my life with (I’m in my 30’s and have had several serious relationships before, but I’ve never felt like I wanted to be with someone forever before this). I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to move on because I don’t know if he’ll ever regret his decision or how long it will take him to figure things out, but I don’t know if I can ever truly move on from this. Should I give him time and then contact him if he hasn’t contacted me? If he hasn’t contacted me doesn’t that mean he truly doesn’t want to be with me? I know it’s only been a week, and I’m willing to give it at least a month or maybe a few months, but how long is too long to wait?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 2, 2016 at 2:28 pm

      Hi Nicki,

      Give yourself a month first to heal. Let’s say you’re doing this to move on and to regain confidence and have your own life. And then assess after that month what you feel.

  17. Sarah

    March 18, 2016 at 12:35 am

    Chris/ Team Member,
    My ex bf & I broke up a few months ago. We’ve known each other for 7 years and dated 3. We didn’t break up because we weren’t in love, we were madly in love, and we both agreed it was an amazing relationship but I broke up with him bc he said he never wanted to get married & I did. I did the NC rule for over a month and was recently contacted by him saying how sorry he was for everything, that he missed me, and wants me to come & see him for a few days but hasn’t came right out and said what he wants. My question is, should I myself come right out & ask him what has changed or why he has contacted me or should I wait & see what happens between us and are these signs that he does want to get back together? Thank you.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 19, 2016 at 8:20 am

      Hi Sarah,

      yeah it’s a sign that he wants to get back together but let him do the work, he might still change his mind

  18. Tay

    March 12, 2016 at 5:06 am

    Hey Chris,

    My boyfriend of 8 months broke up with me last night. Night before last we had a ridiculous fight over having the fan on at night, he yelled at me, i asked him not to yell, he continued yelling so I left his house. I apologised yesterday morning, only for him to say that he can’t do this anymore. He came over last night, and told me that he’s really stressed out (his grandmother died last week & he’s busy at work) and needs to sort his head out, because we’ve been fighting quite frequently (over petty stuff like the fan, that’s generally sorted out not long after). Other than the fights, we’ve been happy and it’s somewhat come out of the blue. He cried and told me that he loves me and never stopped loving me, and when he hugged me goodbye he said “we’ll try again, I promise.”

    First I want to say thank you, your posts have managed to stop the tears and give me some hope/perspective. Second, I just want to know what you think about my situation? What do I do from here?


    1. Tay

      March 18, 2016 at 4:44 am

      Hey Amor,

      It’s been a week now, still no word (and I haven’t contacted him either) but he’s now deleted all photos of us from his social media. Thoughts?


    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 19, 2016 at 8:49 am

      It’s consistent to trying to forget you.. hold back.. he mighy just justify his action if you reach out now or won’t be open to being friends again

    3. Tay

      March 13, 2016 at 4:46 am

      Hey Amor,

      Thanks for your reply. He’s just changed his Facebook profile to ‘single’ (I was waiting for it, but it doesn’t hurt any less). Should I take this as a sign that he’s trying to move on?


    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 13, 2016 at 7:58 am

      yes it can be

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 12, 2016 at 2:59 pm

      Hi Tay,

      I think he just needs to clear his head and have a rest from the stress, give it a week or two of silence, if he initiates during that good and talk but keep it positive.

  19. Mayra

    March 11, 2016 at 1:23 am

    Funny how a few months ago I was on your site about how to get my ex back. I did the 30 day challenge & it wasn’t crazy hard, but I did it by the time it was over I didn’t want to contact him anymore. You see he dumped me for another girl on the same day he got with her he left me. So I was mad & just moved on to the loving arms of one of our friends. It was hard moving on but he had his girlfriend & I was starting over & it seemed like a good idea for all of us to hang out again. I don’t get personal with him anymore we keep it casual & friendly. At first he was ok with it I haven’t met his girlfriend & he won’t mention her in front of me. He will stop others from talking about her if I’m around. Lately he’s been super critical of me he won’t directly say anything because my new guy is with me, but he’ll randomly pick on me & show my weaknesses. I don’t know what his problem is since he broke up with me & I don’t know if he’s single or still with her but I don’t know what to think here any thoughts would be appreciated thank you. By the way 30 day challenge is no joke good luck ladies.

  20. Ann

    March 9, 2016 at 6:19 pm

    I just finished reading your amazing post but I have a certain situation that doesn’t allow the no contact advice.. We have a child together and we live in the same household for now. Just recently, my boyfriend of 3 years that I’m living with, got upset with me over an argument about him going to Vegas. I ended up hiding his car keys over the weekend when he was gone and when he came back, he decided to change the locks, cancel my cell phone, cancel my car insurance, emptied our shared account and called the police on me to have me arrested for theft and having me removed from the property because he then claimed I no longer lived there. Long story short, we have a written agreement that states I currently live in the residence until the end of the month, I get the bedroom and he gets the living room, he gets certain hours with our child and on weekends when our other kids are home from their other parents, he gets the bedroom with them. I have to see him everyday. I’m trying to keep to myself. But it seems as if he’s always trying to engage in conversation. Wether it’s rude or him being passive, he has something to say. Every other time we’ve broken up, I’ve always been the one to ask for him back. I’ve always been the one to apologize even if he’s the one trying to kick me out or turn off the cell phone (because this isn’t the first time) but this time I’m not going to give in. The whole moving or getting separate places to live is still up in the air only because our lease isn’t up until October of this year. I guess what I’m trying to figure out is, the whole anger and going to such extremes to get me out, why? If he cared so much, why get so crazy? The police had me in hand cuffs before he said he would drop charges and that’s only because the officer reminded him that I’m trying to get my nursing license and that an arrest would ruin that. Even before he returned from Vegas, he had deleted all my friends and family from social media and started adding old flings and new females I’ve never even seen. (I never brought it up) For the first time I wasn’t angry or yelling and I wasn’t in tears when everything happened. I’m just confused on what could be going thru this guys mind. It’s as if he’s bipolar..

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 9, 2016 at 9:48 pm

      Hi Ann,

      actuallu I’m surprised you’re still with him.
      Bipolar or not he went overboard..he’s just plain disrespectful and it’s a toxic relationship… For me you should leave.. if the lease is done, you can be financially independent right?

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