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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. L

    August 8, 2015 at 10:16 pm

    My ex is in a rebound and the signs are so clear. I cant get over the things he’s done. His lack of remorse. His nastiness. Can’t put the story on here but it would make your hair curl. Im just so down about it all because I cant deal with the hurt of it all. Trying to understand why he does the things he does. I can’t just forget it all. Yes in NC. Not even sure why im writing this. I think having an unbiased opinion might help.

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 17, 2015 at 6:11 pm

      What is your question?

  2. Emma

    July 25, 2015 at 7:23 am

    My ex left me to date someone else but he didnt break contact with me if i didn’t reply within an hour i received text rants. He got really mad about no contact he blocked me from Facebook and whatsapp it’s like he was playing the victim. I completed nc and in that time I started Thai boxing I met a guy there and we have been on three dates. My exes birthday was not long after nc was finished so I wished him a happy birthday. His first text back to me was “Thanks I’m sorry I blocked you. How is it going with your new guy?” I know he is still with the women he left me for. My question is does this mean he is regretting dumping me?

  3. Nic

    July 23, 2015 at 8:10 am

    My ex and I have been in and off for about 3 years now- he has treat me horribly and been unfaithful to me a number of times (I know I shouldn’t of took him back, but I did) these past couple of months he keeps ending it with me and having no contact for a couple of weeks then gets back in touch declaring his love for me and how sorry he is however he then ignores me after a week of contacting and asking to meet up? he continuosly leaves and comes back within weeks and leaves again leaving no explanation, no goodbye nothing and witchin those weeks I do not contact him I don’t ring or email I leave him be. Im at breaking point, im so confused of why get in touch in the first place !?

  4. Maeda

    July 17, 2015 at 10:04 am

    Okay so my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago we had only dated for three months and but in a way liked each other for about a year, we were amazing friends and. He told me everything, all his tricks and basically became vulnerable to me. Anyhow the reason for the break up was that I wasn’t giving him attention, I wouldn’t appreciate all that he did for me and he didn’t want to date but he liked and thought he’d give it a shot and I didn’t see all he did and I would never compliment him and stuff. Anyway I said ill change but he didn’t beleive me and after twice I never called him back. Until last week which was almost three weeks after the break up ( our mutual friends told me he seemed happy however he did try to talk to me through his best friend pretending to be him and asking me if I was sad). I called him and told him I was in town and if he didn’t wish to see me it was alright however he agreed to see me and we met yesterday with our mutual friends and he was ignoring me but also trying to talk to me. He would be lis tensing closely to whatever I would be saying to this other guy friend of mine and will be noticing all my. Reactions( I was very normal with him, would talk to him whenever he would talk to me directly) anyway towards the end he just started sulking in a corner while I was laughing and talking to my friends and then he got and said he was tired and left. Now I don’t know what my strategy should be from here, I felt he missed me and my guy friend who wa there also confirmed it was bothering him.

  5. Cate

    July 16, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    Hi, I read your site and I have to say it seems right (I maybe I hope it is). I’m not in tears (at the moment) but more fed up is it normal for guy to be so stuburn or is he just not into me and playing games.

    This has been going on for 4 years nearly 5 now. And we are long dostance. I will be honest I love him lot and he does know it its easy to see. We have always had fights (its how we met) and thinking about it in days of having more confidence I accidently did the silence thing and then he asked me out so I gave him a chance. We did great for a year. But then he got permanent job on opposite side world after 6 month trial we broke up he broke it off.

    Now he got with girl moved back uk and lived with her within a few month and I was a mess. But I am ashamed we started talking again and he broke up wid her.

    But he since then has never officially asked me be his gf. And pretty much everyday we exchange words and like 2 weeks a year dnt talk if totalled it. Yet if I ask him be my bf he will say no (I do admit I been bad and I beg). I will admit too that after he moved i got close with someone and since then things been different. Just so you know I was 18 and innocent when we met and he was 21 and not so innocent. Sometimes be very distant and quiet where he wasnt before and had trust issues (even tho not together and he had a gf).

    Anywayyy….a while ago I started new job and met guy liked and told him and obvsly he was quite mad (I did rub it in a bit). He started saying awful things and then suddenly change and say he didnt mean it and was happy. Then say mean things again. When I didnt talk he texted me everyday asking how I was etc. This guy didnt work out (he didnt like something I said) and my ex was there which was weird. Then starting get passion bit. But moment I get into it he goes distant.

    Couple weeks ago we had biggest fight ever. I dont really know how it started but it was a biggie. I have never once said backed down to him (im usually cry pathetic one I was always scared loose him and never once said like block u etc and he knows my fear). Anyway he said was going block me forever. So I played it cool a loa mean things said and i was good. just went ok bye pretended. He did for three days (worst days of my life thought lost him). Then he suddenly popped up saying reallllyyyy…. and got mad didnt text callin me all names under sun so again I played it cool didnt react actuallllly ignored him which hugeeee deal for me. He went im blockin u again….understand…and then texted me say it and called me.. and did again 3 days. Not goin lie got used bein quiet but did miss him so bad. Then again unblock me threw abuse at me I caved went im busy and then asked me what was doing angrily and why been too buay talk him and strangely clicked into talkin like normal people it was great. He even talked about coming down (whixh neverrrrr does).

    Problem is I was stupiddd and pushed effort away completely by accident. And im slippin back into old habits twxtin too much etc.

    Im so sorry how long this is but it 4 years lol. Now does he like me? Would someone stick around that long and care if dont talk to him? Or is he playing games. He is a very stubborn person. And we are italian lol so passion in love and anger is in our blood. I will say he is bit control freak and I am ok wid that because im opposite need that. I mean my sister calls him the shadow coz he just never reallly goes away. I be honest it like fricking rollarcoaster dnt know whats going on in his head.

    What do you think and do I stick to tryinh be in charge or are we going to be banging are heads together still. I cant keep doin this for another 5 years I want babies lol. All I realllly want is him to go yes im ur gf.

    P.s im sorry for bad writin im sevre dyslexic. And look forward to a reply it could take a year to read.

  6. Henr

    July 15, 2015 at 3:57 pm

    Hi, there. I’m wondering if my ex would ever consider us getting back together. Here’s the story:
    We have been together for a year. Everything was perfect, he was crazy about me and I love him too. Then about 7 months into the relationship he got very mad at me for something I did which caused him to break up with me. We got back together shortly after. After this incident we got broke up and got back together several times. I noticed that whenever he got mad at me he would initate a break up. After a period of two months we were fine and everything seemed great again. We were finally happy. Then I said something bad because I got mad at him for something he broke up with me the next day but we got back together that same day and everything felt better than before. The relationship was better than it ever was before. Then about two weeks ago I got jealous when I saw that he was talking to some girls. I didn’t really confront him about it. I just asked him about it. He broke up with me. I noticed a complete change in him that I’ve never saw before and it was harder to get back with him but he accepted me back.Two days later (this Monday) he broke up with me again. This time he said he couldn’t see a future with me. He didn’t love me anymore and he didn’t want to. He said he didn’t want to be with me anymore. I cried and asked him if this is what he truly wanted. At first he said no then he went back and said yes. I left after saying a few words and I haven’t spoken to him since. I thinking about trying the no contact rule with him but mostly because I want to heal myself. I really want him to come back but I have a feeling deep in my heart that he’s not coming back

    1. Henr

      July 15, 2015 at 4:15 pm

      I would REALLY appreciate your advice.

  7. Kay

    July 15, 2015 at 1:11 am

    Hi, I stumbled across this page and was wondering if you could help me. Now my partner,30 and I,22 have been together 3 years on and off. He’s brought my daughter up from being new born and she calls him daddy of her own back. We’ve had alot of trouble with guys drinking he will go out drink and not come home. (alot more detail to this but it got very bad and 3 years worth of drama would take forever to write) …sooo anyway to the present we’ve been back together around 4 months after I split with him ‘ for good ‘ for 6 months, he got a rebound girlfriend and everything but I didn’t bite I didn’t even contact, infact it was the other way he would constantly change up his tactics in the end she caught him out and that was that. I got on with life still and about 4 months later after another message saying sorry and wanting forgiveness I actually felt really at peace with myself as I was on track and am a really like leave and love person and value positive mental attitude thus felt I couldn’t fully move in until I forgave him. Biggest mistake. I said we would be friends and civil, then we ended up back together and he was worse than before! He begged me for a child to which I refused but only my luck could I fall pregnant! Of all times. (i don’t have much luck lol!) now I’ve broke up with him because he just took the p**s and ive been really poorly with this so had to drop all his stress. What the hell can I do to make him fix up? I don’t wanna be a single mum to two kids at 22! I just want a loving family home that’s secure for my children. Sorry for the essay!! I’m just so desperate as a woman I’d do anything for my family but I’m running out of options.

  8. Jessica

    July 14, 2015 at 2:17 am

    Hey Chris basically I had my first kiss with a boy i had been talking to on and off for 10 months and 3 days after we kissed he ended our fling saying he didnt want to go any deeper as it’d be too hard to let me go and he thought I didnt care enough about him which was lies because I cared more than anything i just disguised it as I’d been hurt in the past and I live by the saying ‘whoever cares the most loses’. Anyways I ended up going out with his close friend who i swore to him at the time we were a fling that i didnt like (even though i didnt know him back then) and ended up really falling for his friend. That was a year ago and im now with my bf 8 months yet, this ‘ex’ goes out of his way to avoid me. After the ‘break up’ he said a lot of nasty things about me which relates to the point you made about anger and he tried to make contact with me in the months that followed and ended up starting a conversation with me which soon became very awkward as I realised he had a lot of anger still towards me, that was 4 months after we stopped speaking. 2 months after the split he went on a kissing spree and ended up kissing 2/3 overly drunk girls in one night. I just dont know what to do as I got into a rebound relationship and now I cant stop thinking about him yet my new bf is besotted with me and im so confused as to what I want, I convince myself I’m over it but im really not. He continually avoids me as its now summer and I see him a lot. Why is he avoiding me? Is it because he still has feelings? Keep in mind I only see my ex in summer as I live near him then but we have eachother on all forms of social media so he knows what, when im doing things throughout the year lol. I’ve just turned 17 and he is 16, I really need your help, I cant help but feel lost and someone who is honest but doesn’t cast judgement is what I need right now, Thanks in advance-Jess.

  9. Tiaunna

    July 13, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    So, i am currently in a relationship for 7 months going good but here the catch my high school sweetheart/crush whatever you wanna call it from like 3 years ago has recently been in touch and has been declaring how he misses me and loves me. The thing is back then we were serious but he broke my heart and it took a while to move on but now that i have, know that he has started to talk back to me my love for him just came back just like that and stronger than ever. I try to deny it so i can go away but by doing that it just makes it stronger and know i don’t even think that i am still falling for my current bf i think the love there is gone. My ex bf shows that he has changed a lot and he knows that i am in a relationship but for some reason he feels like it’s his job to protect me. Here’s the worst part i am now obsessed with my ex but he still shows mix emotions at times. I don’t know what to do. Can i please get some advice?

  10. kimmo

    July 11, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    my story is he is really angry with me for breaking his trust a month ago, we continued in relation but he seem to flirt with every girls after that and treat me like nothing,disrespect me and hurt me. we break up more than 5times after that and rejoin with his sorry and mine as well. But now we are break for a week and i said sorry but he said he dont want to be with me anymore. he update status like dont follow me i have moved on. but i really want him back in my life because before a month of problems,everything were so fine,he was really in love with me. what should i do?

  11. AJ

    July 9, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to deal with my situation myself, but to be honest i’ve hit a brick wall with it now and would like any advice you can give me.

    So i was in a relationship with my ex for almost a year and i loved him more than he can even imagine.

    We broke up 4 months ago but it was a very strange breakup, he got back from a trip he’d been on with his friends and i was getting angry with him because he hadn’t contacted me etc. Anyway soon after this we had a conversation on the phone and to cut a long story short he said his feelings hadn’t changed towards me he still loved me but he couldn’t be with me he needed to focus on himself and his career and that we should see what happens. I took this very personally and got very angry, mainly because i feel like it was a very cowardly way to break up with me and also because i’d lent him £600 a few months before this and there was still no sign of it.

    Right so its now 4 months later, i still haven’t had my money back and he is refusing to give it back to me. Any time i have mentioned the words money to him he becomes really aggressive calls me a bitch (and every other name under the sun) and tells me to fu** off and says to me thats all i care about. Yeah so he gets very aggressive and nasty, accuses me of sleeping with people (probably because he’s had a look at my instagram and decided that because theres a guy in a photo with me it means i’m sleeping with him) NOT TRUE.

    Anyway i hadn’t contacted him for the first month maybe 2 and then i bump into him on the street, i ignored him and just moved on because i didn’t want to see or deal with him. He text me after that saying he saw me and that he has my money. He then refused to give the money to me though saying that after he heard about me and his mate (NO IDEA WHAT HE”S TALKING ABOUT) he doesn’t owe me anything and that i should get the money of his mate. So i gave up with that one. He has initiated conversation with me a couple of times since this, but as soon as i mention meeting up and having a calm chat about things and my money he refuses, saying its not the time or whats the point or just being aggressive and nasty.

    I don’t know how to get through to this guy, if he ended things with me and doesn’t want me then i understand why he doesn’t want to meet me but why can’t he give me back my money.!?


  12. Saline

    July 6, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    Hello, Chris!

    I came across your page at the most opportune time. I could use a slight bit of guidance.

    My boyfriend and I were dating for two months. We started dating in March, dated for about two weeks, and then he broke up with me because he was really stressed out in his life (no money coming in, had a lot of bills to pay, work stressing him out, etc.) and didn’t need a relationship stressing him out too. I was calm, and accepted it. We didn’t see each other for two weeks. I followed the “No Contact” rule myself, but he didn’t. He was messaging me for stupid little reasons like puppies for sale or peanut butter Oreos, things like that. Finally, I got a message that said he missed me, he was thinking about me, yada yada, would I be able to come over, and so on.

    I went over, and I laid down the ground rules. I said I wasn’t just going to be some girl he could play with or some sex toy or whatever he wanted. If he wanted me back, we were going to work on this. We were going to take it slow, and not rush into anything. Everything was fine. We took it slow. He moved me into my new apartment, he even introduced me to his mother. I thought things were going GREAT.

    Then the end of May came. We were being intimate, and intimacy gets frustrating for him. He can’t perform because he stresses himself out with his life or whatever, and one night he got so frustrated he just stopped, put on clothes, told me he was too stressed out, wasn’t sure he wanted a relationship, and effectively we broke up. I left his house, and I reinstated the “No Contact” rule. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I was hoping that was true in this case.

    10 days later, the man was in a new relationship. They were posting it all over social media, something we never did. I didn’t want to scare him by doing anything like that. Every time they went out (something we never really did when we were together because he was always tired or just wanted to hang out at home) or every time they did something, they posted a picture. They get tattoos, they post a picture. They go out for dinner, they post a picture. But I stayed strong. I NEVER messaged him. After a while, he messaged me asking him to help find a rental home. I asked him for a couple things I left at his house, so he came over, dropped it off, left. No big deal. I put the “No Contact” rule in place again.

    Recently (and I’m talking like it happened yesterday), he messaged me out of the blue asking me what was up and how I was. I was always taught to kill people with kindness and happiness, to never let them see you suffering. I said I was doing great, asked him how he was. He said, “I’m good…no, not really. Having gf issues.” Of course, that made me giddy, but I was concerned. He really seemed happy with her. I said, “Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. I thought you guys were doing really great.” He said, “Were is the keyword here.” I said, “I thought you liked her a lot?” He said, “I did. Things happened that changed it though. Not sure if she wants to keep going either. Have to give it time.”

    I said, “Well, you know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?” He said, “Ah. Hmm. We shall see.” I said, “Well, I hope it works out, blah blah blah.” And then we turned the conversation to what was new with me, if I was still into the things we’d do together, if he was still into the stuff we did together, all of that. And then the conversation just kind of died. I didn’t want to talk anymore, didn’t have anything else to say, and neither did he.

    My concern is…why would you message you ex that you’re having issues with your current girlfriend? We’ve been broken up a month and a half, and he and the new girl have been dating for most of that time, mostly a month, really. Everyone I’ve talked to says he more than likely wants me back or something, but I don’t know.

    Any help you could provide on this subject matter AS SOON AS POSSIBLE would be GREATLY appreciated.

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 8, 2015 at 11:34 pm

      I explain this in my article on trying to get an ex back if he has a new girlfriend.

  13. Angelica

    July 3, 2015 at 9:37 pm

    I started no contact but yesterday my ex message me about getting my things from his place. ….. I wasnot going to respond but unfortunately I listened to a coworker that said not to play mind games bcuz he might take my silence and throw my things away. …. I did message him back today only to say car was in shop and not sure when would be by…… do I need to start no contact all over again? Confused if this fall into the exception. ….

  14. Tiff

    July 3, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    I don’t know what to do…my boyfriend of two and a half years broke up with me two weeks ago. We’d been living together during pretty much most of our relationship and I was having trust issues, so we moved into separate places. A few days after moving in, he came over and broke up with me. He told he he loves me more than I’ll ever know and I deserve better. I am pretty positive he’d been cheating on me with a married girl, who shares one common interest with him. After the break up, he invited her on our mutual friend’s boat. They told me about it, and said he seems very depressed and she seemed to baby him. Do you think this is just a fling, to fill the hole in his life (me)? I have been trying the NC rule, but when I do he calls me off the hook and threatens to report me missing. I know he’s really upset about the break up and misses me a lot. He’s been drinking a lot and everyone tells me he seems really down and sad lately. If I push through with the NC rule, do you think there’s a possibility he’ll come back to me? I honestly don’t know if I’d take him back, but I kinda want him to feel the hurt I’m feeling. Even just knowing that would make life a little more bearable right now. He really pushed to be friends too, and told me he didn’t wanna lose me in his life. This I know, he misses me and still loves me. I think he wants to be around to help me cope, but I just want him to want me back. I feel like our two and a half years was just flushed down the drain and it’s eating me up inside. Our relationship towards the end was very rocky, mostly cause I couldn’t trust him. We argued and fought a lot, but no relationship is perfect. I feel like I pushed him away, and it’s all my fault. Also note that I attempted to break up with him when I suspected cheating (his family told me) and he begged and cried like a child to not leave him. Then 1 month later, he breaks up with me. I miss coming home to him and seeing him everyday. He was the one person I could depend on.

  15. angela

    July 3, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    Chris thank u so much for this guide. I was in a relationship for 4years and broke up because of some silly reason. He don’t even want to see my face but after applying no contact rule for 15days he called me and said he want me back and cried a lot. What to do? Should I continue no contact rule I am confused. Please help me

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 9, 2015 at 12:07 am

      If he called and wanted you back you are allowed to break NC for that.

  16. Erina

    June 30, 2015 at 8:08 am


    Okay I’ve read everything that you put on this site. My husband and I been married for 4 years now. We have 2 amazing kids. I am living with his parents now, but 9 months ago he left to FL to find him a job, then get a place to bring me and the kids along. However, just this April, he met this girl that has been friend with her. Suddenly without me knowing, they started to go out more but not as a friend this time but more than friends. He never told me about her but I found out myself. I kinda new he was seeing somebody because the way he was acting, plus at the times, he never contacted me unless i write to him first. Anyways, he finally told me he was seeing this girl, that he has lost hopes and has moved on. But I get so confused that he still hide this new girl. I mean I see every pictures that this girl would tagged him, but he doesn’t show these pictures on his Facebook timeline. Why is he hiding the photos of him and her together???… Does it mean anything? just thought I asked you this cause I see you’re a guy and you know better! hope I hear from you soonest.

    BTW: doing the NC rule. I haven’t talked to him in 2 weeks now!! but I still stall his Facebook. A little help on this one too.

    God bless. 🙂

  17. Franchesca

    June 27, 2015 at 5:01 am

    My ex boyfriend broke up 1 & a half years ago. We dated at a young age for 3 years and just recentky for 3 years. We also hace a teen daughter together. We had no contact for 4 months. All of a sudden he texts me saying he miss me and is popping up to my house saying he won’t ler me move on. Calls for nothing. He asked me to do something involving his email. I looked & seen that he talks to other girls during our relationship. I think he broke up with me because he cheated. Should I not mention it or tell him what emails I saw? And do you think he thinks he made a mistake. Thanks.

  18. Anks

    June 26, 2015 at 9:06 am

    Hey Chris !

    Me and my bf dated for 1.5 years and recently got into an argument which turned out into an ugly fight where i had slapped him twice. Accepting my mistake i ran after him for whole one week and tried apologizing in every manner. He has blocked me. my friends and my family from everywhere so that i cant reach out to him. I’d applied NC rule for 5 days thinking he might calm down but i guess he hasn’t. Its been total 13 days our of which i chased him badly for 7 days. I really love him a lot and genuinely sorry for whatever had happened. Please help me 🙁

  19. clarissa

    June 15, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    well my bf broke up with me cause he needed time …i was okay with it but.. hes Mad now he Blocked me from everything i did not do nothing ..idk why hes soo mad … if he broke up with me

  20. shayla

    June 15, 2015 at 3:16 pm

    hi chris. me and my boyfriend of 1 1/2 are expecting a baby in sept and 5 weeks ago he walked out on me. we met up and talked he said he needed to get his own place and take care of his kids and this new baby. he was living with me and i have asked him lots of time to come get his belongings but he will not, ive asked him home he wont come, he started avoiding all my text to him its almost 2 weeks i havent heard from him. my emotions are all over the place from hurt to angry to stress. i want us to work this out for our baby comes. when i saw him he said he loved me but than its been almost 2 weeks he didnt contact me. what is he thinking. i miss him like crazy. how can i fix this

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