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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. Emma

    June 10, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me. A week later he texted me and asked how I was getting in. We were supposed to be going to New York together for our 2 year anniversary, I’m still going. He asked me if I changed the tickets and taking my mum instead. I said I can’t change the tickets because of airline policy. It’s been 2 weeks after his message ( he only contacted me once), 3 weeks after break up there is no texts, calls or anything. He posted a night out with his friends and him smiling on Facebook. Do you think he is over me? Can I get him back? Please help

  2. mark

    June 10, 2015 at 9:08 am

    Ok I know this is a girls website but that’s why I’m asking on here. I’m really confused between what’s going on with me in my ex we dated for 19 months we are both in our late twenties and the entire time we were dating she always told me that I was her first serious relationship and it was entirely different from any other one she had been in.I’m slowly starting to drift apart just not seeing each other enough because she started a new job that was very demanding with long hours. you do not live together but we talked about it numerous times. at the time of our break up we both agreed that it’s what we needed right now. I was not getting the attention that I wanted or the time that I needed do you feel that I was in a true loving relationship. and she said that she was overwhelmed with work and that she just didn’t feel the same about me as she did previously. after the breakup I did the stupid let’s talk stuff for a couple days. I want to see if this was a sabbatical or if I should just really move on. when we did talk she told me that she doesn’t love me the same way that she did previously that now she only has love for me.I know her job is really demanding and that she is really very busy. but she still texting me occasionally just to say hello and ask how I’m doing. the truth is I never really wanted to break up I wanted things to go back to their previous place and continue moving forwards from there. I’m going to do the no contact thing and see if that works at all. but if she wanted to break up because she didn’t feel the same way about me why is she still checking in with me before work. I just feel really confused. I know some stories don’t have happy endings. I know that if we do break up its not the end of the world and I can move on. but the hardest part for me is I don’t want to move on if we do have a future together and she is sending so many mixed signals with the contact she is making. what should i do please help me.

    1. mark

      June 10, 2015 at 9:09 am

      Sorry about the bad grammar and such I was using Google voice to text…

  3. Kay

    May 31, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    My Bf of two years broke up with me out of the blue. Had all sorts of excuses but I really got an answer. I began the no contact. After a month and a half I emailed him to return my belongings. He asked to call me. I accepted. Our phone call was almost an hour of cracking up what he has been asking and what I have been doing. He ended it with talk soon. Another week goes by and still no return of my belongings. I send a text asking. He ignores the question and starts small talk and then we began to flirt a bit. That ended and no word again about my belongings. What is going on with this man? Won’t return my things, does he want back in again? Or what?

  4. Kelsie

    May 30, 2015 at 6:35 am

    I did the NC for literally 30-40 min after our huge fight and he changed his username on this app that we talk on to “I still care kelsie”, thank youu

  5. Jen

    May 28, 2015 at 12:11 am

    my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago because he wasn’t sure if I was the “one” or not. I was heart broken and left on vacation to the Dominican Republic 2 days later. I blocked him off of all of my social sites. A week into my vacation I get an email from him stating “did you block me off of everything? I’ve been trying to reach you for days to talk” (he didn’t know I left the country. He emailed me to both of my email addresses. I made the rookie mistake of emailing him back saying “what do you need to talk about” and he said he missed me and begged for me to speak to him when I got back to the states (I never replied to that request). The next day I get an angry email from him about me erasing out pictures from social media and me posting pictures in a bathing suit. I was angry and replied. It was his way of getting me to respond to the email about speaking when I got back to the states. I told him I needed time and space. Is there anyway to regain control of this situation because I truly effed up the NC rule royally.

  6. Laura

    May 27, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    I’ve been on what might seem to be a fwb kinda thing but I’m not sure if it is one. He pursued me for 5 months till I gave in and developed emotions for him, the problem is he’s 6 years younger than I am. We connected very well emotionally till he started disappearing on me so I confronted him & he got angry. We stopped talking for 2 months then I saw him somewhere & we started talking again. He apologized then he went MIA again after few weeks & I got sick of it and went on NC period. After 5 months he contacted me I asked him what he wants & he didn’t confess then I told him I’ve missed him & he did too, things went well for a day or 2 then he disappeared & I found him contacting other girls online. That’s when I told him I’m done and sick of this, he made it clear that he doesn’t want a relationship and he’s just there as a “passer by in life” I told him I can’t continue this friendship + emotional support thing because I’ve developed feelings already. Now I’m in NC again and I think it hurt his ego because he keeps posting things about being in love with someone right after I post something about enjoying life.. I’m sure about this not working out but do I still keep some hope that he might come back or shall I move on? And if he does contact me what shall I do?

  7. Brittany

    May 25, 2015 at 7:45 pm

    Chris, what if I made my ex angry because of the way I acted after the break up not related to the NC rule? We are living in the same house still (moving in 1 month), and of course I made a couple pleading mistakes-but nothing huge. So I tried NC (and of course failed after 2 weeks). He actually stopped saying hi to me because all I could actually muster was a cold ‘hi’ back. I didn’t realize my NC was probably working. One night he was out later than me, and I had already had an emotional day, but it got worse after a couple of drinks. I seriously lashed out at him, said things that weren’t true and I intentionally tried to hurt him via text, and then I confronted him when he got home. He got hurt and angry (first time he’s ever been mad at me). At this point he says he doesn’t even know if we can be friends again, at least not for a long while. There was hope for reconciliation before I did this (he even said so), and now I’m not so sure. I know he’s angry and hurt because he does love/care about me, and he’s tired of this irrational/explosive side of me. But I promised him it wouldn’t happen again. I’ve actually stopped drinking until I know I’m more emotionally stable/happy again, and I’ve worked with my therapist a bit longer to control my emotions and communicate better. I want to believe there is hope, but right now I’m scared there isn’t if he can’t forgive me, and I have apologized multiple times.

  8. Jacinta

    May 17, 2015 at 11:34 am

    Hi I’ve been dating for 6 years and engaged for 1 and at Christmas time he was struggling with work so he just left I have been previously married I have a child dog house and business which he said I took away from him he left me and took my ring back it’s been six months I’m struggling to move on I call him he just sais he misses me but he’s so angry from the day he left 6 months ago I havnt seen him however he now rents and works in my suburb so I pass him driving I havnt done the no contact well I’ve tryed but it only lasts a couple of weeks it’s been 6 months I’m confused I think he’s still struggling at work and I think he has narcassist traits he blames me for everything I don’t really know what I did wrong what to do

  9. Banjaxed

    May 15, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    Hi, I’ll try to make this short. My ex bf and I were together for 5 1/2 years. He ended things because I was clingy, needy, insecure. But he was no saint by any means either. The breakup was amicable, no fighting. I did NC and he called and texted me to ask how I was and what I have been up to. I haven’t begged for him back and I always tell him I’m doing well. Now he’s doing this hot then cold thing. Last night we texted and he fished for things to get mad at me about, like he was trying to pick a fight (he continues to blame me for the breakup and told me it was my fault that he was “going through all this”). I didn’t take the bait. He kept asking me how I was even though I already told him I was good. Then he asked what I hoped to get out of talking to him. He asked if I was hoping to get back together. I evaded his questions because I don’t want to put myself out there for him again, not yet at least. Last week he was nice and we were getting along well and he said he wanted to see me. This week he’s changed his mind, tells me there’s no point in seeing me, then tries to pick a fight. Also he’s picking up an insane amount of shifts at work. Like work is his rebound relationship or something. I’m talking 14 hour shifts, 3 days in a row. WHAT’S WITH THE HOT AND COLD ACT?! I’m trying to get an idea of what he is feeling but he’s so freaking proud he would never tell me!

  10. olivia

    May 14, 2015 at 7:39 pm

    Hi Chris, I need your help .. my ex contacted during 10days of NC. he msged 15 times with saying sorry then called a few times. I did not respond but for past two days he has stopped texting and calling. Should I call him back? Don’t kw what is going on in his mind now.

    1. Chris Seiter

      May 19, 2015 at 5:28 pm


      You didn’t expect him to keep calling every day during the NC did you?

  11. ANNA

    May 11, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    Hi Chris,
    My boyfriend at the time have been dating for a year in a half until he told me he needed some time to work on his career. Everything went well up until then. My heart is still hurting from when he told me he doesn’t want to be with me. Long story short, after we broke up, he still calls me every week during the weeknds to hang out. My crazy self goes back to see him every weekend. When we’re together it’s as if nothing changed. and Once Monday-Friday hits, we barely speak. He still tells me he misses me and loves me so why doesnt he just get back with me? I noticed he goes hang out with his friends more often. I’m so hurt and confused. I just want to know weather he wants to be with me or not. We both know we only have eyes for each other and noone else. I don’t think he would ever be with anyone else but me. or at least he tells me. I’m not sure what to believe. It’s be 7 weeks that we have been doing this. I’m not sure what to do. I want him back.

  12. Cheryl

    May 10, 2015 at 8:08 am

    I think my relationship with my ex is slightly complicated. He is always talking about ideology and big philosophical ideas, these were one of the reason why i admired him. But overtime, I realised he actually imposes his ideas to me and expect me to agree and think like him. And when I disagree with him, he would be upset with me, and calling me immature because I am unable to think for myself. A couple of times, we argued over things like ideas or what I post in facebook. To me its ridiculous but it seems to be of epitome importance to him. And he gets upset over the idea of me hanging out with some guy friends or to a photoshoot when he tells me he is not the jealous type of person. I never gotten upset with him when he hangs out with his best friend who is a girl by the way. Its like he does not trust me. A couple of time he talks about us not being good for each other because we think so differently and we are at a very different stages in life, which I actually agreed and told him we should stop seeing each other, but he end up asking me what I expect him to do as though he didn’t want the break up. The thing is, he likes to play games with me. But I really am not the type of girl that wants to play any game, because i hate to assume and get myself into deeper confusion. But he really confused me. I don’t know what he is truly thinking because he always puts on this front that he needs to be this cool man. But the fact is, he is giving me signs that he is just not bothered about me. I ended the relationship after I discover he was texting another girl calling her baby and they were sending photos to each other. I couldn’t bare it. I just packed my things and left his place. I later found out from his friend that the girl use to be his student that went back to her home country. They had a thing going on but he didn’t manage to have her. It made me sick to think of it actually, because i felt like I was just another girl. All his friends told me he is a flirt but he hardly went serious with any girl and for me to be with him for 6 months, it was unimaginable. He messaged me “how are you” a week after our break up, and I replied “I’m ok” like 2hrs later and i received another message from him after 10mins saying “good” I have no idea what he was thinking but i did not respond to him after that. Then after 3 days, he post some stuff on his facebook about the difference between in expectation of a wife and a daughter that a man is looking for. The skank of the girl commented on his post “do you still want a mife?” (like i know what the heck that is) he replied her “need” and tagging her to on of his old photos from facebook. That kinda pissed me off to know he is still in contact with her, so i deleted his contact from my phone. The next day he facebook message me a random wiki link about some old jokes we had when we were still together. This was 3 days ago.. Its been two weeks since we broke up. And I have no idea what the heck is going on between us now. I mean I don’t what he is trying to do. It annoys me because he can’t be straightforward with me. Especially the fact that after we broke up, his friend told me he got on to Tinder. And here I am, going out with friends and maybe a few dates but I don’t feel like dating anyone. Its crazy. Can you help me out here? I know its a pretty long read.. Sorry about that, but I’m just really confuse by his actions. And I don’t know if I should reply him again if he ever message me again… ARGH!!!

  13. Nichole

    May 5, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    I have an ex boyfriend who wants to “be friends”. We had a horrible break-up (I cheated with my ex at the time who is my current boyfriend now). It has taken a few years, but now he wants to be friends and hang out. He even wants to take me to baseball games. I’m so confused because we had a horrible break-up. Do guys really try to get back with an ex after she cheated?

  14. Amy

    May 4, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    So my ex dumped me brutally out of the blue after 3 years for no apparent reason other than he was bored of me. I did 3 months no contact starting from the day he dumped me…

    But I met up with him today. After texting for 4 days on/off, I initiated the meet up for closure. A lunchtime catch up turned into a 5 hour lunch/walk/coffee. He didn’t mention the break up, and everything felt exactly the same as before-we laughed, chatted, it was just really awkward at the end when we said goodbye-it was a little bit like a “lovely to catch up…see you er, soon? Later?…bye!” And a bit of an awkward hug.

    I’m so confused now-what do I do? I really want him back but I don’t want to be friend zoned! Is it too late? Have I already been put in the friend zone?!

  15. Confusedlady

    May 4, 2015 at 9:32 am

    Me and my ex bf dated for 3.5 months. It was going well until the honeymoon phase subsided. The arguments became countless until he told me that he’s getting sick and tired of it so I told him to just end things but then I didn’t hear from him for a week and just contacted me yesterday at work. In that frst day of 7 days I tried to reach out and asked what’s happening to our relationship but never heard from him since yesterday. I have a feeling that he went out with his ex gf in high school(10yrs ago). He saw me at work yesterday and texted me if we could talk blabblahblah but I told him that today is not convenient for me to spend time with him and talk. He seems like a player bf but I want to give this relationship another try. How am I going to test him if his intentions are real? We are both 27, he has a 2 yr old daughter but never married. I am single and I know that I deserve someone better. I just want to make sure that I am not wasting my second chance as he is going to work hard on it. We had no contact for a week. I didn’t beg him didn’t txt or call him whatsoever. I tried to keep my head up at work and totally in ignored him. Now that he saw I’m not affected he seems to want me back. I need advice. Thank you in advance.

  16. Upset Tiffany

    May 3, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    My ex fiancé and I broke up 4 months ago, recently we have been talking more and more and working on our relationship, without being together. Well the night of my birthday a month an a half ago I made the mistake of getting drunk and sleeping with his cousin, that’s like a brother to him. His cousin is also a friend of mine. Well this month I ended up getting pregnant with my ex and he found out about his cousin and now he doesn’t want anything to do with me and says he’ll never be able to let that go and I seriously burned that bridge, he now doesn’t believe the baby is his and wants a DNA, which is fine hut it’s his. And know I dont know if he’ll be able to forgive me to come around to be part of my life and the babies as a family…

    1. Upset Tiffany

      May 3, 2015 at 3:54 pm

      Also, the reason we broke up was bc he cheated on me twice when we were engaged to be married in less than 5 months

  17. Emma

    April 26, 2015 at 7:50 pm

    my ex broke up with me a month ago, we were best friends for 3 years before and together for a year, he one day out of nowhere reached a point where ‘it all got to much and he couldnt take it anymore’ and ended the relationship, we had got into a routine and we were both bored, however, i love him a lot as a person and the relationship was great for me and i can see where we went wrong, i have tried no contact but we work together and he texts me about once a week just casual conversation. He says he doesn’t want a relationship but then tells me he misses me and still cares about me, i am so confused, i want him back but i don’t know whether it will ever happen

  18. amanda

    April 24, 2015 at 12:13 pm

    He ask me to marry him says I’m the one n then a week or so later he kicks be out! Says he’s done cant stand my kids. Then he says its mostly him n he needs time to think! Idk what to do I’m so confused!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 24, 2015 at 10:59 pm

      Wait, AFTER he proposed?

  19. Nicole

    April 21, 2015 at 11:38 pm

    Hey! I didn’t know where else to ask you this question but here goes. My mom made me break up with my boyfriend about four months ago. We didn’t talk for two months and then he texted me out of the blue and we ended up arguing. He was saying I should let him go because our parents would never let us be together and I told him that I would never do that. Last Friday I talked to his best friend who said my boyfriend talks about me constantly and what’s to be with me again. However, something happened this weekend and my boyfriend says he’s angry at me and my mom and he doesn’t want to be with me again. I am thoroughly confused and I don’t know what to do. Please help!! Thanks!!

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 12:19 am

      Ok Nicole,

      I am going to give you some advice and whether you take it or not is completely up to you.

      I don’t think your mom should have that kind of control over your love life. She has no right to tell you to break up with someone. In fact, the fact that you did it means your ex boyfriend is scared it will happen again.

  20. annie

    April 21, 2015 at 4:41 pm

    Hello. My ex and I broke up because of another girl. The girl had known that we were already seven yrs back then but he still saw my boyfriend. I did wrong because when i discovered about the girl i pressured him…and right before that i think i pushed him away by pressuring him…and saying that maybe he was cheating… he said i should trust him but i grew clingy and needy… then he decided to end things up with me 9 months ago. He blocked me on fb before that… after less than a month after the break-up they came out in public n started a relationship. I did not bother him first but i still saw him around town. I was crying and so down. Last january i knew he told commom friends he will not come back to me… and i texted him… grew angry with him because the people who told me got offended themselves…after every sacrifice i have done, he told them that… he said many people hve been txting him and the girl who are against the relationship and it made him angry… that many people are medling… then after that… i got angry at him…i also sent him long emails and messages showing my love… just when i thought he wont contact me anymore aftr that fight, just this end of march he texted me… then this april again after an accomplishment in his life came, he texted me too. I did not fight with him at first, but i sometimes get emotional and send him messages… i am too needy and clingy… what do you think and what should i do to get him back? Just sent him a text message that i will find myself… and that would be the last love message i would send. Hope i could still revive myself and get him back again…

    1. annie

      April 23, 2015 at 3:11 am

      We talked over the phone and told me to stop sending him messages. He said he never said to anybody he will never come back to me… but he ia angry now. So i decided not to reply. Im lost…

    2. annie

      April 23, 2015 at 3:06 am

      Im sorry. He acted differently. We were in a long distance relationship that time. Then i found out thru facebook that he is really cheating… and the girl knows he was with me…now, i think i pushed him to the brim. The girl saw my emails. They fought and he got angry. He said he is mad and wants me out of his life. I blocked the girl on my mobile. I did not reply with my ex anymore because i know he is angry. What should i do? He is angry. I should have established no contact from the very start. 🙁

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2015 at 6:07 pm

      What made you think he was cheating exaclty?

      You were a little vague on that.

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