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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. annie

    April 21, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    Hello. My ex and I broke up because of another girl. The girl had known that we were already seven yrs back then but he still saw my boyfriend. I did wrong because when i discovered about the girl i pressured him…and right before that i think i pushed him away by pressuring him…and saying that maybe he was cheating… he said i should trust him but i grew clingy and needy… then he decided to end things up with me 9 months ago. He blocked me on fb before that… after less than a month after the break-up they came out in public n started a relationship. I did not bother him first but i still saw him around town. I was crying and so down. Last january i knew he told commom friends he will not come back to me… and i texted him… grew angry with him because the people who told me got offended themselves…after every sacrifice i have done, he told them that… he said many people hve been txting him and the girl who are against the relationship and it made him angry… that many people are medling… then after that… i got angry at him…i also sent him long emails and messages showing my love… just when i thought he wont contact me anymore aftr that fight, just this end of march he texted me… then this april again after an accomplishment in his life came, he texted me too. I did not fight with him at first, but i sometimes get emotional and send him messages… i am too needy and clingy… what do you think and what should i do to get him back? Just sent him a text message that i will find myself… and that would be the last love message i would send. Hope i could still revive myself and get him back again…

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2015 at 6:06 pm

      Well, I would definitely not send him text messages saying tha tyou will find yourself. He will perceive that as needy or whiny possibly.

  2. Mary

    April 14, 2015 at 6:56 am

    My boyfriend and I were friends before dating. I started going out and having fun with life and was really happy and then he showed interest. We got into the relationship incredibly fast and moved in together within 5 months of dating. I was unsteady about how quickly we moved and then I learned more about his past my insecurities broke through with vengeance. I have no doubt he loved me and fell in love with happy/confident me. After I broke I became really insecure..more than I had been in a long time. I had never told him he was my first everything and I didn’t feel good enough at sex. Since we did love each other we tried to make it work for a year. I know I hurt the relationship with my secret and insecurities. We kept trying to make it work because we lived together, but I couldn’t regain myself in time before he ended it. He says he loves and cares about me, but he’s not in love with me and we can’t keep pretending everything is okay when its not. He thinks we have fundamental differences on how we deal with things that he longer wants to tolerate. We still live in the same house, so its awkward- I have to be nice because its already awkward, but I’m trying the NC rule to my best but being rude to him in the house will just piss him off more. I think we could work, we were good together when things were good…we just couldn’t recover from our own depression together. Am i too late for us to try again someday in the future? I know we will be living separately this summer, and I want to suggest we try just dating and going slow. See if there is a spark again? I plan on seeing a counselor to deal with my anxiety and anger (I’ve gotten better since dating him, but it was something he didn’t like). I want to tell him he was my first and why I lost the girl who he fell in love with. But once I find myself again I want us to try dating, slower, again. Is all hope lost?

  3. chelcie

    April 12, 2015 at 9:01 am

    Hi me and my boyfriend broke up about 2 weeks ago he was begging me to go back to him and then he had enough and said it’s better we’re apart he said he loves me and thinks about me through the day, we have 2 kids together and we was together for 4 year shall i start NC thanks.

  4. kt

    April 9, 2015 at 1:18 am

    I’m was with my BF for 2 yrs when we broke up for the second and final time. We broke up the first time because after one year of a wonderful start he started acting crazy – silent treatments, walking out of parties without me due to “minor” misunderstandings, etc. I’m always the one trying to figure out what is wrong, how to fix things, etc. Several times I suggested breaking up since he seemed unhappy and he was making me unhappy, no talk of the future or what we were doing (we both talked about what our goals were when we started dating – marriage, kids). At 1.5 yrs, after having a wonderful trip overnight to the coast for my birthday he decided not to speak to me for 5 straight days! No idea why, so I finally told him things were over and that was it. He started calling the next week and texting that he missed me and that he wanted to take me out to dinner. After 6 wks I relented and we sat down and talked for a long time. We both discussed what we wanted and were in agreement. A month later I find out he has a 18-yr old daughter I didn’t know anything about! I found this out through some girlfriends who knew his ex. The thing is, his entire family knows about her, his friends all know, his exes all know so I’m not sure why I was left out of the loop. I confront him and he admits everything. We then try to work through things AGAIN and go through all the holiday motions and I finally break down and try to talk to him in depth about all the stress and unhappiness, a BIG talk, not the little ones we usually stutter our way through – he puts it off for a week days (lets have dinner with my fam, I’m tired from work, etc) So I finally just say it’s over. Skip to four months later and he still calls, texts, sends long letters, shows up at random events and I’ve told him to leave, no drop by, no calls, and to go away. He still hasn’t. What the heck? He started showing up to talk to my parents (who don’t particularly care for him but are nice anyways) What gives? I literally have done the NC rule after the first month of “call if you need something” route. Blocked calls, emails, etc. Now he sent me a letter declaring he wants to marry me, etc. Trying to figure out what the point is since during our entire two yr relationship he wouldn’t discuss any future without curling into a ball.

  5. Beth

    April 6, 2015 at 5:33 am

    I broke up with my boyfriend January 16th 2015. We were together 8 months. He texts me once a week and I didn’t reply. No matter what he said. Until, this last Tuesday. He text me and told me his dog was at the vet and he wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. I instantly text back and asked what happened. Then he tried to call before answering my questions. I did not take the call, I was at work. I’m an Artistic and he wanted me to paint a picture of her for him. I said I would and mail it. He also included wanting to take me places and texts me constantly and calls 6 to 7 times a day, I’m nice to him..He wanted to take me to dinner tonight, but I told him I was busy, when I wasn’t. It was hard to break up with him in the first place because i loved him so deeply and still do.I’m not sure if I’m just something he’s looking at to get alittle or what? Help

  6. stephanie

    April 5, 2015 at 9:23 pm

    Hello my mame is Stephanie my ex brokeup with me last year September and now he is following or stalking for some reason I text him and ask him why are u doing that for if u told me that we dont have nothing in common and leave u him alone so can u tell me what is going on with him

  7. Briana

    April 2, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    Me and my ex broke like about 4 months ago, but now he has been talking to me texting me and calling me. He also told me that he still cares about me and misses me, but I am confused because supposedly he is dating this new girl… I don’t know what to think and it’s just all really confusing.

  8. C

    March 30, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me like three years ago with a text he said he didn’t had time enough for me because he’s like three years older then me (but I’m a lot more grown up).
    After that he did send me texts every year I said hi and stuff and then we talked.
    But he told me ones he was smoking and doing bad stuff (his school grades went much lower and he was like way depressive) the day after that I dreamed about him…
    So after that I showed my mom the texts and I felt weird why would I dream about him? And I was a shocked why would he do that?

    But now he starts texting again and he wants to meet me…
    I don’t want to but I don’t want to make enemies (our mom’s are co-workers) .
    So I told one of my friends that he was a kinda stalking me and I showed our chat after that she went talk to him on whatsapp, he told her he wanted me back but he didn’t want to hurt me again.
    I also did read it and was a kinda angry.
    Now my friends somethimes text him for fun and sometimes he sais hi but I don’t care anymore I do text him back with short anwsers because I think he’s annoying.
    But now I caught myself thinking of him!!!
    But I’m not in love with him I know that.
    What the hell is this?!!
    Help me

  9. Christine

    March 27, 2015 at 6:27 am

    My ex-boyfriend and I were in a relationship for 4 years, we’re both 22. We have broken up many times during these years, but we always get back together. The longest we broke up for was 3 months so he could be with other girls because he had only dated and been with me sexually. He said he felt insecure and wanted to be on his own before settling down with me. This really hurt my feelings and made me feel insecure, but there was nothing I could do so we broke up and both had sex with other people.
    However, after the 3 months, we got back together because we both wanted each other and he said he was done being with other girls. We seemed to be happy and perfect for 4 months, until a week ago he brought up that he had been having second thoughts about me and our relationship due to the past things i have done. He said he was confused and didn’t want to lose me, but also felt that we weren’t right for each other. When I told him i couldn’t handle anymore of his unstable and mixed feelings, he immediately changed his mind and told me he loved me and wanted to stay together.
    After that, he was happy with me and really loving. UNTIL-he found out a big secret that I had been keeping from him. A year ago, while we were broken up for a short time, his childhood best friend and I made out while we were really drunk. This happened two times, but it nobody said anything until now. My ex found out about this and called me and told me he was done with me forever, and that there was better love out there and we would be happier. At the end of the conversation he told me he would talk to me later. When i asked why he would want to talk to me later, he said it is because we live near each other and go to the same college. I know what I did was terrible and I apologized to him many times, but i am worried this time our relationship is really over. He texted me this morning asking if I could set my Instagram to private because the other times we broke up he constantly checked my Instagram and would send me angry texts over the pictures i posted. He said that was the only thing keeping him from leaving me alone and moving on, so i need to set it to private. I respected his wishes. But i really don’t want our relationship to be really over and want to give us one last chance. Do you think there is any way he could forgive me after the initial anger is over? How should i handle this situation?

    1. admin

      March 29, 2015 at 2:57 pm

      He seems a bit unfair seeing as how he wanted to sleep with other people.

  10. sherrie

    March 27, 2015 at 3:15 am

    Ok me and my ex broke up in 2002ish. It was a bad breakup he told me if he did want to be with me anymore and that if he would of gotten me pregnant he would of stayed with me for the child. About the same time his cousin and his girl friend ended up pregnant. I had no contact with him since then. I don’t talk or look his way any time I have ever seen him.
    I am married have a daughter now. I took her to the park today. I noticed when we pulled in that a guy was checking out my mustang as we pulled in and parked. He continued to stare as we walk up to the play ground when I realized it was my ex with his wife and their kids where their. So because I couldn’t break my 7 year olds heart and just leave the park then. I let her run and play I just got to a spot that block any view of me cause this guy my ex just kept staring. He needless to say moved where he was to see me again. I could tell he was staring. Ever time I got out of his view he move to where he could see me. I finally had enuf and walked almost to the back side of the huge playground where I couldn’t see them at all. Less then 5 minutes their he was on the other side ugh. Started to feel like my ex was a creeper so I called my daughter over and we left to go to another park. He stared the whole time we walked to the car and as we drove away. So thank to today the ex knows my vehicle now. Not to happy about that. So this is now 2015 we split in 2002 so why on earth did he stare so much I didn’t look their way. I seen the staring I was messing with my phone and could see his stares out of the corner of my eye.ugh!

    1. admin

      March 29, 2015 at 3:00 pm


      Its been a pretty long time.

  11. Yimi

    March 24, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    Please I really need your help in this issue, there is this young man that saw my picture in his friend’s phone and liked me. After some weeks he contacted me and then made effort for us to meet, and so we met and liked ourselves but while trying to get along with each other very well i messed up by allowing my fears and insecurity to set in. i picked at everything he said and started asking him questions like you don’t seem to be excited and enthusiastic about the relationship again.i’m i not what you expected? One morning i called him to check on him but he told me he just got to his office,that he’s got a lot of people to attend to, and that he was going to call me back later in the day, but because i had already assumed he’s acting busy, i responded a bit harsh by saying ‘ AS YOU WISH’, you know where to find me if you need me. He replied and said to me Wow! did you just say as i wish? That was a bit harsh he added. Since then, he hasn’t contacted me nor take my calls. After about a week, i tried calling him to see if he’s calm but he wouldn’t take my calls. Few days later i tried again and when he picked and discovered it was me and ended the call, but i dialed again, when he picked he said to me ‘ Would you just understand that maybe i am busy now or that i am not in the mode of talking?’. so i just said to him; its alright, that’s fine and ended the call. Please do you think he will ever come back to me? I really like him.

    1. admin

      March 31, 2015 at 6:49 pm

      Have you implemented NC on him yet?

  12. Natasha

    March 23, 2015 at 8:14 am

    I was in a relationship for 4 years we were friends for 2years before then.We basically had a mutual breakup, the last year of our relationship we was arguing alot which ended up breaking us up.But he said he wanted to remain friends which deep down I knew it was a bad idea, he still wanted to be sexual which we were but then I felt it wasn’t enough for me I wanted more I wanted him back.But instead of him trying to give our relationship another try he says he still just want to be friends.I found myself to stop communicating with him as much, but recently he called and told me still loves me and that the kind of love he had for me just don’t go away, he claims he wants to see me soon but didn’t set any date.What signs should I look for when I do see him to let me know he wants to retry our relationship, or that he still just want to be friends. I really love him any suggestions

  13. Confused

    March 22, 2015 at 7:36 am

    I broke up with my ex before he went on a 5 day trip when he was back he contacted me and we talked. He said he didn’t miss me and was not sure if he wanted me back, now he calls me and asks me to hang out saying that we are still figuring things out and if I find someone that it’s ok he doesn’t want me to waste my time. He said he needs time to go back to relationship mode. I think this is BS but I’m not sure if I’m wrong. Can this be possible? Should I continue picking up his phone calls and hanging out with me? I want to be with him. Do you think he is afraid I find someone before he does? I’m not sure how much time he needs.

    1. admin

      March 22, 2015 at 5:41 pm

      I don’t think so.

      I would just go into NC for maybe 21 days and then reapproach him.

      Though I think some jealousy tactics might work too.

  14. Kimberly

    March 18, 2015 at 7:33 am

    Hi im so confused me and my ex live together we are co workers i always wanted him after dating two months i moved in with four young kids we’re not together no more but we still live together I love him but don’t know what to do I went out with on a date with this guy and ever since then my ex has been really nice to me showing interest in me I really want him back I just know what you think does he want me back he went from I hate you I don’t want to be with you now he makes the point to call mewhen you going to lunch break to hang out with me but he offered to watch my kids so I can go out with the guy so I’m really confusedwhat do you think

    1. admin

      March 21, 2015 at 3:01 pm

      If you do use NC on your ex you are going to have to make some serious alterations,


  15. Maria

    March 14, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    So my ex and I were together for 17 months. He loved me more than I did. The last month we had a lot of fights and we werent happy so we broke up. He has now moved on with another girl. We talked 2-3 times after the break up and he told me that he still loves me and that he will never love a girl the same way he loved me and that this new girl has nothing to do with what i meant to him and that he is talking with her to fill in the gap I left when we broke up. He moved on just a week after we broke up. He is talking to my friends about me and he is saying that he is mad at me and that he didnt expect us to be enemies after the break up. He also said that he expects me to go talk to him so for us not to have a bad relationship now. We go to the same school and he is staring at me during break time even after he moved on. I didnt expect him to move on so easily and forget about me. And I dont know why he keeps talking about me and stuff. I really want us to get back together with him and I dont know if he does.

    1. admin

      March 15, 2015 at 4:46 pm

      If he is staring at you at a lunch break then he clearly isn’t over you yet.

  16. Kelsey

    March 10, 2015 at 10:08 pm

    Today I met with my ex boyfriend, it was supposed to be a short meet up for me to give him something, and it turned into us talking for about 45 minutes. We had dated for about two years and he broke up with me. I apologized for the things I’d done wrong and talked to him about how I was trying to better myself. He told me my appology meant a lot to him and he was happy that im trying to better myself. I told him I missed him, and he said he missed me too. He brought up another girl, and I think he was trying to see my reaction about it. He also kept talking about what was going on in his life and asked about me. He told me that it was really nice for us talk talk, and that it felt good to talk to me. He also agreed that on a basic level when I’m not being crazy, he and I get along really well and complement each other’s personalities. It was really easy for us to talk, and we both expressed that we have no Bad feelings for each other. I think he just needs more time to heal, but the conversations didn’t feel forced. I was just wondering if that was a good sign? Or if you think he was just trying to be friendly to me.

    1. admin

      March 13, 2015 at 7:03 pm

      I think its a good sign. Especially what you said about it not being forced.

  17. Angela

    March 9, 2015 at 5:44 pm

    Ok my situation is kind of a long story. I dated this guy for about 2 yrs almost 14 yrs ago. I was in my early 20’s, the relationship ended, but we both loved each other and did so much for each other it was almost like a marriage. Fast forward in time, he married a girl and a few years later they divorced. I became involved and eventually married my soon to be ex husband of 12 years. So with that being said, my ex has came in and out of my life in the form of bumping into each other and catching up, conversation only! But then disappearing. Well this has happened at least 4 times in the last 14 years, just recently in December he reached out to me thru Facebook and we started talking again, we now talk and text everyday are involved back physically and he made the joke when I divorce my husband will I be ready to marry him? He even tried finding me a divorce attorney… What do you think?? Oh and for some strange reason a couple years ago when we were talking on the phone he kept referring to my husband as my boyfriend, it was disrespectful and made me upset but I think it was because he was jealous.

    1. admin

      March 13, 2015 at 4:12 pm

      Haha sounds like he really likes you to me!

  18. Nikita

    February 28, 2015 at 10:43 pm

    Grateful for your thoughts on this: I deleted my ex on Facebook because Iz could not stop myself from checking his profile everyday and obsessing. I was anxious it would be childish but my sanity was more important. A week prior to this, I had seen my date on what may have been a date! ( he saw me and the girl left soon after and he asked me if I wanted to meet up). Basically I want him back but I’m aware he is seeing other woman ( hence stalking his Facebook) but despite him getting in touch a few times before I deleted him, things were not moving forward and I feel that by protecting myself from seeing his profile I have actually ruined any future chance because he will not contact me now and it’s odd if I do?

  19. lyn

    February 20, 2015 at 8:10 am

    admin your replies are too short and half hearted

    1. admin

      February 20, 2015 at 11:54 pm

      I know… That is why I created the podcast to prevent that problem.

      Sorry if they are short though.

  20. Brandy

    February 20, 2015 at 6:35 am

    Hi Chris thank you for writing this article. But I am still a little confused about my situation. My ex boyfriend and I dated for 5 months. I was his first real girl friend. What I mean by real is his first girlfriend and him just texted and never went out or anything and it lasted less then a month. And we were the complete opposite we did everything together you couldn’t separate us. He did everything he could to keep me happy and I did the same for him. We had our share of little fights. But I never thought anything about them we’d make up and say I love you and see each other the next day. So to cut to my confusion. Christmas he wanted me to meet all of his family ie cousins aunts uncles and his brother who he is super close to. And I wanted him to come over with my family but he couldn’t so despite that my family was upset I went with him to his house to meet his family and have dinner with them. Then two days later we worked the same shift at work and he was acting weird.he avoided me I asked him if there was something wrong and he said he would talk to me after work. Then he broke up with me. He said it’s cause of distance because he leaves for college in August. But that was 6 months away and we agreed that we’d try it so that didn’t make sense. He wouldn’t give me anything else he took me home kissed me hugged and I said good bye and he said I love you. He quit his job and told me he wanted me to move on and forget him. It’s been a while and he came into work the other day to visit but he made sure I wasn’t working. I don’t understand what happen it was perfect and now it’s gone and he avoids me. I want to fix this but I don’t know what to do. I don’t know why he left. Sorry that this was really long and drawn out. Thank you for your time.

    1. admin

      February 20, 2015 at 11:52 pm

      You should listen to the episode 4 of the podcast. Your situation sounds similar.

    2. Nicole

      February 24, 2015 at 11:58 am

      What do I do if my ex contacted me 3 days after a breakup to give me my stuff back over some lunch ? Does this mean anything … ? I haven’t contacted him

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