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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. Gaby

    December 10, 2014 at 4:55 pm


    My ex broke up with me on October 25th. We were together for 3 years and leave together for one of those. One day out of the blue he told me he wasn’t as happy as he thought he should be because I’m not at home on the weekends before 4 pm. He works a 9 to 5, Monday to Friday job and I work weekends and 3 days during the week. He is also a little uncomfortable with my weight; I’m about 20 lbs overweight, the problem with this, to me, is that I’m smaller then when we met so this makes no sense to me. The first time we talk about the time issue on, a Wednesday, he said he was willing to work it out, I was supposed to change my schedule. On Saturday he say that it didn’t matter how things changed he knew himself and he wasn’t going to be happy anymore and that the idea of working on a relationship was just a romantic notion people have. I moved out of his house on Monday, a few days later I had questions and asked him out for a coffee, I told him his sedition was rush and that every couple has problems and it’s up to them to fix them. He said he didn’t want to have kids and that that he knew that was something important to me. We had already discussed this some time ago and he was OK with the idea of kids.
    I kept contacting him because he still had some of my stuff but there was always the hope that he would change his mind and come back to me. We never had problems before this, we were friend for a while before we started dating and everything else just seemed to fall into place until he broke up with me. He is very stubborn and when he makes a decision he sticks to it, he has never gone back to any of his previous girlfriend since he said he doesn’t believe on that.
    Do you think he really doesn’t want kids? Would he come back? We haven’t have any contact for 10 days and he hasn’t even try to 🙁

    1. admin

      December 15, 2014 at 5:05 am

      Well, first things first. Lets work on you first. Lets rebuild your self esteem so you feel very confident about yourself. Once that happens the other stuff will begin to fall into place.

  2. anjali

    December 2, 2014 at 8:43 am

    but the thing is till now he didnt contact and on 10 dec m going to change my city which is in too far from my current city. wat u think this nc wil work or not?? wil he contact me before going??

  3. anjali

    December 1, 2014 at 11:24 am

    hi chris

    me and my bf was in a relationshp frm last 3 yrs. everythinh was fine till frst two yrs but we had so many fights wid each other and last tym we had a casual fight but after tat he said he dont want to continue nymore and he wants to be alone in lifr. he dont want anyone. and he also said that nw he is not feeling any love for me as i hav finished all love from fights. on my bday also he didnt cl and wished. i only called him. he said on my bday that i can talk to you twice in a month but i cant talk daily. he is not in fb nor he is coming to whatsapp more nwadays. i am going to shift another city. and i am doing nc from last 15 days but nothing happened till nw. pls reply soon wat to do. wil he come back??

    1. admin

      December 1, 2014 at 3:46 pm

      Youa re only halfway through NC though.

    2. anjali

      December 2, 2014 at 10:26 am

      i forgot to tell you tat we broke up 3 months back and i made all mistakes like i begged and cried alot to make him convince but he is not ready to make up again.

  4. Rachel

    October 29, 2014 at 5:37 pm

    Hi Chris,

    First of all, thanks so much for all the work you do, I’ve really learned a lot from your advice and this website! My question is this: My boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up almost 3 months ago. I did no contact like you recommended and we have briefly texted about once/twice a week since it ended. Anyways, the other day he texted me and called me back a nickname that he used back when we were together. Then the VERY NEXT day he posts a picture of himself on Facebook holding flowers for “his lady” (she was not in the picture). Before then he had not posted anything on Facebook in over a month. I know he is just trying to make me jealous, so I have continued to act calmly…Should I continue to try and reach out to him or do no contact again? Thanks

    1. admin

      October 30, 2014 at 6:15 pm

      Wouldn’t it be funny if you were the lady he was referring to.

      Reach out but let a few days lapse before you do.

  5. S

    October 27, 2014 at 6:54 pm

    Hello. I’m wondering if you can help with this at all. My boyfriend and I were together for about 2 and a half years. We broke up about a month ago. Not an ugly breakup or anything. He really didn’t want to do it, but felt he had to. Said he felt like I was always bending over backwards for him but felt like he couldn’t do the same for me because he was so incredibly stressed out between work and school. His semester had been hell up to that point so I can say that this wasn’t just a cop out. Now, we have taken a break before and in that time he went out with a bunch of different girls and when we finally got back together I asked him why he did that and why he still chose me. He said it was because he constantly compared everyone else to me and nobody ever came anywhere class to measuring up to me and nobody could ever make him feel the way I do and that he thinks we were made for each other. So when we broke up he said he hopes that when school isn’t as big of an issue for him that he hopes we can be together. Of course, my fear is that he will give up on me and our relationship, but at the same time has given no indication that that is even a possibility. It just makes me nervous because we have a mutual agreement not to talk or anything now because we know how badly we want to be together and we don’t want to end up getting back together before we are ready. Plus I’ve talked to all my friends and our mutual friends who all say they think we are meant to work out and that they’re pretty sure we will end up back together in time. I guess based off of all that I’m just wondering if you think i have any reason to worry about him not coming back or giving up on me and the relationship?

    1. admin

      October 28, 2014 at 4:24 pm

      I think there might be more to the reason for the breakup but all in all I think you have a good chance of a reconnection.

    2. S

      October 28, 2014 at 6:36 pm

      The main reason for the breakup was because we both have individual issues we need to fix, basically the whole “you have to be happy with yourself and love yourself before you can let someone else love you” so we didn’t become too dependent. It has nothing to do with other girls if that’s what you were thinking. But thank you for your help, I’m glad you think there’s a good chance of reconnection.

    3. S

      October 28, 2014 at 6:51 pm

      Basically he wants to grow and become a better person and really figure himself out so that he can be the best he can be before a relationship and he wants me to work on my confidence. The breakup has been about being able to focus on ourselves and better ourselves first, if that makes sense. But he seems to realize what we have is special and hopes it’ll work out later on.

  6. M

    October 25, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    Hey Chris,

    My ex boyfriend broke up with me almost one month ago. We have classes together so I see him pretty much everyday. And when he first broke up with me things weren’t very different bc he would still hug me and be affectionate when he saw me. I got confused and confronted him if things had really changed and why he broke up w me and he just said he “didn’t want to be in a relationship” and “wanted to live his life without the pressure of being in one”. He said he’s not interested in anybody.
    So, after that I went NC for a little bit of time and one day he saw and went to hug me and everything. Kept saying I was beautiful and said he missed me and wanted to come back. I didn’t respond anything.
    The next day I asked him why he wanted us back and he said he missed me but he tought it would be better if we were on a open relationship and I said no.
    I went on NC again and was doing my best to don’t even look at him. Yesterday, he greeted me whe we met and I just like shook my head to him greeting him back.
    Later that night he texted me saying I just greeted him for obligation. I asked why he was thinking about that and he said he didn’t know. After that I tried to keep conversation casual but he kept putting this sad faces “:(“. I asked what was wrong and he got angry.
    I was seriously laughing at the entire situation bc he kept saying he was fine and texting ironic smiles and I kept asking what was wrong with him. He still didn’t respond so I just said “Ok then. Good night” and turned off the phone.
    Do you have any idea why he got angry?

  7. Miss prisms

    October 21, 2014 at 12:50 am

    Hello, I had read your article and was wondering if you could give me advice. Well I’ve been talking,seeing this guy for two and a half years. We have been off and on and the moment he’s off he talks or sees other girls right after and at times so have talked to other guys I. But we always come back together, every time he finds someone else he’s mean to me and or angry For some time. Then cools off and we’re together again. This has been our dynamic for some time, well I have moved away and I didn’t hear from him for two months then he finally texts me are you ok did you need anything. We talked and I had explained everything and we laughed and caught up with on another. I always remained happy and upbeat and positive and when I don’t text him for awhile he’ll text me how are you doing…..always this. And he’ll be a little offended when I don’t text him often. Out of nowhere one text message was from him saying that he missed me and he wanted me there but knew I had to get my things together. So what do you think?

  8. anonymous

    September 13, 2014 at 10:12 pm

    Hi Chris!
    Thanks in advance for responding, and I totally read all your stuff before commenting and I appreciate all your wisdom. Ok so I’ve been successfully doing the NC for two weeks straight now. I was only with him for 3 months so I asked you on a different thread if I should contact him in 21 days instead of 30 and you said you thought I absolutely should. Now….I’m sort of wondering if I should wait even longer. I’ve seen some signs that he’s definitely out for the rebound/looking to fill that void inside because I know he is definitely torn about the breakup. So let’s say he does start dating this girl around the time of the 21 days when I was planning to send him a casual text…wouldn’t that be a bad idea? If his ego is being distracted by the attention of another girl and he feels “fulfilled” for the time being, chances are he will ignore me, right? Also, I get the sense (because of passive agressive subtle songs/lyrics on facebook he posts) that he wants me to grovel and in one of the songs it clearly states that he feels like a victim….and I haven’t been groveling/begging and I think it’s driving him crazy but he’s really good at hiding his anger. I don’t know if I should contact him or not! Should I wait and see if things hit off with the girl or not? Or text him on the 21st day regardless? We were madly in love by the way, he chased me really hard in the beginning and I resisted because I knew I wasn’t ready for a relationship, but finally gave in because we fell for each other hard. The timing was wrong so it didn’t work out. I almost wonder if I should let a few months go by with NC. What do you think?

  9. Kayla

    September 6, 2014 at 6:43 pm

    Hi Chris
    My ex boyfriend and I were together 6 months before we decided we wanted to have a child. Nine months into the relationship, I found out I was pregnant. Everything was storybook perfect until then. I became hormonal of course, and also lost my job on July 31, 2014. Everything went downhill from there. He moved in with his mom I had to move back in with my mom, its a mess. From the beginning when we have still hung out (he took the car) he has told me he regrets leaving like he did and he loves me more than I love him, etc. Still kisses my forehead, puts his arm around me etc. (That is practically every other day) the alternate days he says he’s confused, doesn’t know what he wants, etc. What is wrong with this guy? I forgot to mention that I four years older than him, and his mom has never given me a chance it makes me think she is behind all this. I am 4 months pregnant Now, and he says to me, how do o know it won’t be back to the same crap in a couple months… He is really stressing me out, when I need to be strong for this baby. O love him so much, but I just don’t know the best steps to take, I want nothing more than to raise this family with him.

    1. admin

      September 15, 2014 at 2:58 pm

      Have you read my pregnancy article?

  10. K

    September 2, 2014 at 2:44 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I’m on day 17 of no contact and I’m so worried he’s moved on from me. He doesn’t have Facebook so I can’t really tell, but we’ve been broken up for almost two months and before I went into NC I found out he had been casually hooking up with another girl. He has a lot of issues to sort out from his past and said he needed time to do so, but I’m so scared all of the mistakes I made before NC ruined my chances. He’s only texted me once on day 12 and it was a stupid text about an Instagram post. Should I do the 21 day NC? Is he over me at this point?

    1. admin

      September 3, 2014 at 2:31 pm

      Just keep doing what you are doing.

      If you are that worried about it though you can do 21 days instead of 30.

  11. admin

    September 2, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    When you did end up contacting him he was super responsive and supportive right?

    1. K

      September 15, 2014 at 2:59 pm

      He was excited to hear from me! I kept the conversation short and then he texted me again later that night. I’m trying to stay positive because he’s still really unsure about whether or not he wants a relationship but he asked me to meet up and talk. I’m really nervous about keeping my emotions in check, and I’m not sure where we’re going after this because I’m moving two hours away three days after we meet up. I just don’t want him to find someone else during our “personal time” or whatever this is.

    2. admin

      September 16, 2014 at 3:09 pm

      Keep them in check. You are making progress and that is amazing!

      But keep those emotions in check.

    3. K

      September 19, 2014 at 5:18 pm

      So it completely backfired. The day we were supposed to meet up (yesterday), he texted me and said he didn’t think it was a good idea if we met up after all, because he would be tempted to say or do something inappropriate because he was just “so attracted to me”. Whatever. At this point we had been texting regularly and so I texted him and asked him if I can call, and he agreed. So I called him and he said he wanted to fix himself and do therapy and work on being a better person because he wants to be able to be all the way there for me, not just some of the time which has been a problem in the past. He said we shouldn’t talk any more because it distracts him from his main goal, and he doesn’t want to be tempted to jump into something just because he misses me. I’ve done NC twice, first for 14 days (woops) before he asked me to meet up and go on a date and it was a disaster (we went on a date, I slept over, he freaked out, I cried). After, I did the 21 day NC and that’s when things seemed more steady and we were talking and he was saying how he would do anything to fix us, and he doesn’t want us to end because our “story isn’t over”, and he loves me so incredibly much but he wants me to move on with my life and we see what happens in the future because it’s not fair that I wait around for him. Where do I go from here? Is he BSing me? I’m so incredibly confused and I really, really, don’t want to move on. I don’t feel like it should be over between us.

      By the way, your site is so helpful, not just with getting exes back, but providing hope for the future with or without my ex. Great work! 🙂

    4. anxious

      March 22, 2015 at 2:12 am

      how did it go?

    5. K

      October 4, 2014 at 3:05 am

      Please help, I’m so confused.

    6. K

      September 19, 2014 at 5:25 pm

      Also I guess I should mention he started seeing that other girl again but tells me “she’s just a distraction, and she knows that too”. Wtf

  12. B

    September 1, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    Help! Ive been seriously talking to/dating this guy for a better part of 4 years. During which there were times when we were on and off and his ex gf of 4 years before me was still trying to be in the picture and he felt that he wanted to remain “friends” with her. and Ive felt with that up until we finally became bf/gf this summer. but to back track, when it was unclear of how he felt for me about 2 years ago I messed up and slept with his friend. his friend was actually a good friend of mine also and told me he had feelings for me and that the guy that i was dating did not and i was emotional and in a weird space and i slept with our mutual friend. the guy i was dating found out bc his friend told him and we didnt communicate for about a month during which time he started talking to this other girl. that didn’t last very long and me and my ex got back on good terms and continued to talk. When we didn’t talk for that month i went out on dates with previous guys i used to talk to/date and messed around with them. but once we got back on good terms i cut them off and continued to talk to my ex. he was trying to move passed me sleeping with his friend and it was difficult but finally last year things seemed a lot better. everything was fine seemingly but i found out that he slept with someone else in sept of this year and I moved passed it. So, shortly after that in december I decided to go out with someone else and i denied to my ex that i had seen someone else and so we finally just had a long talk about everything and we decided to actually try to be together and so this summer like i mentioned beforehand we were together finally after all the drama and back and forth and he even told me he cut contact with his ex so things were great i was changing for the better he was changing we were growing together and so now we are broken up. about a month ago we were having a normal video chat and he wanted to get into asking me questions about what happened years ago when we didn’t communicate and what happened with that other guy. and i didnt want to keep lying about it esp bc were we were going. he was talking about marriage and our future together and yes we both made mistakes but he sees things selfishly and doesn’t look at what he has done and just looks at what i have done. and we used to go back and forth all the time so i don’t know how to handle this one.. after i told the truth he told me everything that okay and that he still loved me and that he was glad that i could be open with him.. then two days later he wants to name call and break things off. and that caught me by surprise bc he was looking for honesty and i gave it to him and then he’s going to turn around after confirming that everything is okay and break up with me. and two weeks after he did that it was my birthday and he did not contact me but two days after my birthday wanted to text me to pick a fight and when i call him childish and petty he turns around and tries to act like the bigger person and say happy birthday and after that I put forth the NC. and it was day 30 yesterday and i contacted him and he responded. he asked me why i texted him and i told him the truth bc i missed him and then we were texting basically back and forth all day but he was being difficult and i told him my feelings and that i still cared for him and he told me that he doesn’t want to be with someone that everyone has been with and i told him that was unfair bc he’s made big mistakes as well. and then he saw that i had posted a picture and i was out with friends and he sent me a sad emoji text telling me to not drunk text him. which i really wasn’t and so he says that when he’s gotten over things he would contact me and then i responded and said that i hoped that we could move passed this we’ve been thru so much together and that i loved him and he replied then saying that he doesn’t do the love ting anymore and that he can’t relate and then said that we could be cordial with each other so i haven’t texted him back since then earlier in the evening idk what to do help!!

    1. B

      September 1, 2014 at 5:34 pm

      ** not 30 days NC it was actually like 19

  13. Jackie

    September 1, 2014 at 5:00 pm

    I am baffled by my x boyfriend..
    My boyfriend of two years broke up with me 8 months ago. He started seriously dating someone a week after we broke up. In the aftermath I realized he had this girl picked out before we broke up.

    I saw him off and on after the break up, because I live at his families house- it was always clear he was confused.

    6 months after the break up he told me he was moving to a certain state to live and work for a friend. BUT the ended up moving in with his girlfriend- which I find out he lied to me and had told people he was moving in with her. BUT he also told people he was moving to this other state with his friend. Iv been told so many conflicting stories.

    We both went to a festival where I found out he was confiding in an older man about our relationship. I asked myself why is he talking about us when he is with someone else?

    After this trip I emailed him to tell him we needed to stop talking, he was confused, it was too much for me. I asked him to not contact me back. One month later he emailed me, apologizing for things in our relationship, he said things felt unclear, and that my communication (which I hadn’t made any but one short email in a month) was undermining his new relationship. I did not answer. He emailed me again one week later. The next night at 11pm he called me twice freaking out angry that I was jeopardizing his relationship, and I needed to move on. He also emailed me right after saying the same thing basically, being really mean and angry. I did answer me and was cordial and kind. I don’t wan tot play agates and try and continue this drama.

    Iv come to realize he is emotionally immature and he always withdraws in any even slightly emotional situation. BUT This behavior baffles me!!

    1. admin

      September 2, 2014 at 1:29 pm

      Sounds like he got a bit of the grass is greener syndrome.

    2. Jackie

      September 3, 2014 at 11:46 pm

      I just read your GIGS post – since he told me I was AMAZING when we broke up (and offered to stay a few more days to help me paint my new place and get settled ) Im guess its not because I was not a good girlfriend – and I was a great girlfriend, too good I think. We had issues but honestly I feel like most of them stemmed from him….

    3. admin

      September 4, 2014 at 12:17 pm

      The better gf you were the better your chances of him getting GIGS

    4. Melissa

      September 4, 2014 at 7:21 pm

      Why is it that, as you say, the better a gf you are, the higher chance the bf has of getting the gigs?

    5. admin

      September 5, 2014 at 12:21 pm

      B/c he will compare you to his current gf and realize that you are better than her which makes you more attractive in his eyes.

    6. Jackie

      September 1, 2014 at 5:03 pm

      he also said on this frantic message she loved her and wanted to one day marry her – why was this necessary when I wasn’t talking to him anyway..?

  14. amy

    August 25, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    Hey chris! When I meet my Ex’s mother in church. Should I say hi to her?
    my ex messaged me when I didn’t.

    1. admin

      August 26, 2014 at 1:45 pm

      You should yes!

    2. amy

      August 28, 2014 at 9:07 am

      Hey chris my ex messages me when I dont say hi. Is that a sign that he likes me

  15. B

    July 31, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    Hi there could you help me on this. Ive been dating my bf currently my ex) for two years and six months. He used to have depression problems long time back. Since he started working he was stressed alot with work training and he used to get sick alot. We were rly close with each other and there was no way we could seperate. Our parents knew and we were going rly well. Jus oneday wen he sed he wanted to breakup. I was shocked cz v dint have a fight nothing. The previous day he jus spoke to me like other times said he loves me and the next day evening he was like he needs time. Den i left him alone for 3 days kinda dint go to trbl cz he was going thru a rough time with some family problem. Wen i called him again he jus sed he doesnt want any relationship or anybody in his life. He jus sed stuff unblvable cz he has never sed such stuff before. He sed he gave up on me six months ago that is wen he stopped comn to my place. I rly dont knw what to belive cz i guess he sed dat outta anger. Cz wen his dad got sick he knew how much i was with him did all i cud to make things normal for him and during that time he sed he was rly lucky to have me as his cz it was only me who understands him and can put up with him.
    Yet on june 3rd wen i called him he jus poured out all that anger on me and he even sed i was nt wt him even wen his dad was sick, i was busy wt my life, he had fallen out of love. Just to forget him and move on if i wanted to see him happy and not to tell his parents about this and if so he wud get rly pissed and dat wud get ugly. I was like oki. Den later after few days my mom spoke to him and dt was the last time still he sed he had fallen out of love. And dat was it never called him or texted. During the end of the month my classes strtd and i continued going to my usual institute. He joined newly to my institute jus few days before we brokeup. His and mine morning classes fall on the same time period. Iam on the 2nd stage he is on the 1st.The first day i came in early and left early because i was scared he wud scold me in front of everyone. But then again i thought y shud i hide cz i used to study here before he joined, i dint break up he did, he had no valid reason to breakup all what he sed was cz of my anger.
    On the 2day of my class i tries avoiding him but he actually saw me in the morning before calsses while i was waiting outside in the vehicle. He had gone in parked his vehicle and had been waiting staring at the entrance and had walked in. After i came in to the lobby area i saw him and ignored cz i jus dint want unnecessary problems. After our class finished same as his time he walked towards me and askd “hey can talk” i was like ya sure. And i dint go to show him how hurt i was instead wen he asked i jus wantes to c how u r doing seems to me that uve moved on. I was giving this biiiiig smile and sed yeah ive moved on. Cz theres nothing else i cn do after all this that happened. He was like a walkn dead vegetable while i was all smiling and all that. Wen his next class strtd and mine was to strt even after his second class finishes. So i jus had to idle or be at the library till mine strtd. During their break he was the first to come out. He smoked a cigar and walkes towards me and asked can ve not act like strangers anymore and be frns. I was like ya sure. He was then talkn to me for few mins. And he sed dat he dint throw any of the stuff i gave and he will never and if weda i threw the watch and the ring he gifted me cz i was nt wearing any even the phone he bought me cz i was nt using that either. He was very concerned what i did to kill time for 3 1/2 hrs who amd where i was hangn out wt. Weda i was seeing anyone. I sed no i actually enjoy my single life. He replied saying knowning you i can imagine. That day jus pass by then wen i went home he had blocked me on whatsapp. He called me in the middle of week and went on sayn how happy i was and what my whatsapp status says and how i posted a song on my fb wall. And now um no more on fb. I was shocked and confused as to y he was worried about my whatsapp status cz he already left and he has no right to my life. the Next sunday again i met him. I dint go behind yet he came behind and spoke. On the third day we happen to have a bday of a lecturer and he was in my exs class and all students were asked to go to that class. I wudnt have gone if nt for my frn. Cz for some reason i dint wanna go cz i thought my ex wud think that i walked into his class jus to see him. I tried avoiding him sooookk much and went and sat. And once the cake was cut and served we va asked to leave and then i saw that i had seated right behind my ex!! Unbelivable!! Out of 250 odd students i jus ended up right behind. Wen va stood up to leave cz my guys class was to strt next. He jus stopped me and sed my line is diconnected.. i was like hughh??!! I was thinkn so why does he need to tell me that?! I told him oki. See u amd i walked out wt the rest of thw crowd hu va not in the next class. Later while i was on my way i thought il drop him a text sayn sorry cudnt talk. And den i dropped him a text. He was like he wants to talk to me. I sed i had already left but if he wants il come back. Then he gave me this atitude and sed no need and that he is leavn. And i sed tsk um already near the class keep that atitude and mwet me as a frn not anyone else. Wen i walked in he was looking for me at the entrance and dint say a word or schold me as to y i came. Instead he was much better than the first day i saw him in class. Finaly once his break finished he kissed me on my cheek and went in again. Then again the same day evening he had blocked me from whatsapp. Then during on a weekday i texted and asked him weda he did his MRI scan he was like no. At first he was normal then i felt wierd with one wors answers so i dint go to trble.
    Next sunday too he came behind and spoke and. And i had to leave early cz my driver came. I hugged himlike in a normal way and he hugged me sooo tightly i asked weda he was oki. He sed he is alright but i saw his face was rly upset. And den last week he dint come for classes. I assumed either he is sick or got work or he is avoiding me. Cud u tell me isit possbile that he is still in love wt me and he wants me. Is there anytyn i cn do to get him back.

  16. shiny

    July 29, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    me and my bf broke up last week… I thought he would never talk to me as in his words I am at fault.. but he did… he calls me every day as before… talks out his heart but the difference is.. according to him, we are just friends now..!!! I mean how..???? we talk almost the same way but the romance part.. that I love is missing… even if I start, he is like “hmmm..ok” so I am confused about what’s going in his mind…?? is he really changed and here only as a friend or he is just angry and will be back one day..????

  17. Hope

    July 28, 2014 at 6:05 pm

    I have a predicament.

    My ex and I dated for nearly 3 years. We were each other’s first relationship and it was very serious.

    We finally broke up last summer. We were fighting a lot (he kissed another girl and I never really forgave him) and I couldn’t handle it. Then, in October of last year we got back together for a short period of time. I ended it around New Years again because I felt I wasn’t ready for it. Almost immediately (literally within a week) he was dating a new girl (still with her).

    We have tried to remain friends until recently, when something interesting happened.

    I was finally feeling like I could be actual friends with him again. I began to talk to him a bit more. One day, unexpectedly, he launched into a big show of emotion.

    He confessed that he still missed me sometimes, that he still thought of me, that he loved me when we were together, he couldn’t see me in person cause he might “get weak”. After he said all of this, he said “this is why we can’t be friends”, and defriended me.

    It did such a number on my psyche. I can’t stop thinking about it or him. All the emotions came back. I don’t know what to do. I want to talk to him, but I can’t. I would give so much to have one more day with him.

    Is there anything I can do to make him want to see me? I know it’s a stupid situation but God, I loved him and I just want to see him again.

    Any help??

    1. admin

      July 29, 2014 at 1:34 pm

      He cheated on you…. A lot of people can’t forgive that (I don’t think I could.)

      Go into NC right now. I think thats the smartest bet.

  18. Lindsay

    July 22, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    Hi, my name is Lindsay. My ex and I were together for over a year and a half. we have been broken up for about a month but has been dating his best friends ex for the last two weeks. I can safely assume that this is a rebound. I have read all of your tuitorials online and am finding them very comforting an helpful. however, he and I were suppose to take space and work things out. He is now dating someone else, flaunting it on facebook, and is now asking his friends (who are also my friends) if I have been asking about him and talking about him. I know everyone’s situation is unique but I’m a bit lost and need a little guidence if you could help. I have not spoken to him in over a week and am trying to implement the NC now seeing as I didn’t before. What do you suggest?

    1. admin

      July 24, 2014 at 2:18 pm

      How fast did he start dating this other girl.

  19. Jean

    July 20, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    I have dated a guy for 6 months.He treated me really well. However, we are not official yet. And because of that, i became very insecure. Recently, he would chat with me halfway and stop replying. I thought he had lost interest in me,and causes a misunderstanding. I tried to talk to him again but he did not reply me. So I stop talking to him. Last week i received a text from him in the morning asking me to enjoy my trip on the day I am travelling for my business trip. I replied him and tried to chat with him. But he did not reply me. I have not talked to him for 4 days. Why does he acted this way?

    1. admin

      July 21, 2014 at 4:11 pm

      6 months and he didn’t make you his gf?

    2. Jean

      July 22, 2014 at 12:38 am

      Whenever we were about to have that talk, things happen. And he travelled alot, thus we have little chances to have a serious talk.
      should i contact him to apologize for the things i have did? This is the first time he is ignoring me.

  20. Kay

    July 15, 2014 at 7:24 pm

    My ex and I broke up a little over a month ago after dating for a year and a half. We had a wonderful relationship, rarely fought, and really loved one another. The problem is, it was long distance. He lived an hour and a half away. We saw one another every other weekend and made it work. He just graduated last year (I graduated this year) from college and has had a tough time finding a job in something he loves. I got really sick two months ago and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease so I became really moody and depressed. He was also going through a real rough patch and kept saying he was worthless and had three worthless degrees and how he was unhappy with everything in his life. I asked him if that meant our relationship as well and he said it didn’t, we were fine, and I was the best part of college for him. I think I had been sensing his unhappiness as well as my illness because about a month before we broke up, I had tried to go on a break with him, realized I wasn’t being myself, panicked, and told him I didn’t want to do it. We ended up not going on a break and seemed to work through it.

    After I was released from the hospital, I learned that my medication would make me have mood swings and depressive episodes. I told him that if he wanted to, he could cut ties and run because he was having such a rough time in life and I didn’t want to be a burden to him. He said we weren’t breaking up, he loved me, and everything would be alright. In between these events, he drove me home 120 miles when I was sick because he didn’t want me to crash, told me he loved me and missed me while he was at a music festival (I was in the hospital) completely unprompted, took videos of bands he knew I loved and wanted to see but was missing, and kept checking up on me. He almost hovered, to be honest, to make sure I was taking my meds and not doing anything to hurt myself.

    Then, about a week and a half after I told him he could cut and run in he wanted to, he broke up with me. He told me he didn’t have feelings for me, but took it back 5 minutes later and said that he did have feelings for me and would miss me. He kept repeating that he couldn’t drag me through the mud anymore, I wasn’t happy, and someone else would make me happier than he could. He also kept saying he needed a change and he didn’t know if he was making a mistake.

    I was and am still devastated and tried to tell him that it was wrong and that would could work through this, but he said it would only make things worse (I don’t know how?). He cried through the whole break up and wouldn’t get off the phone, I had to be the one to force him. The next day I tried to call him, but he wouldn’t answer. I ended up texting him and tried to convince him that a break up wasn’t the answer, but he said he thought it was the right thing to do for right now.

    In the month since, he hasn’t contacted me. I broke no contact once when I was in town to see if we could just meet face to face and talk, but he ended up having an excuse. However, when I texted him, he responded immediately. Unfortunately, I took his reason for not seeing me as avoiding me and told him I was getting the message. He got angry and thought I thought he was lying. I apologized for making him feel that way and he never responded after that.

    I don’t know what to do, I love him and feel like me trying to push him away when I was sick really hurt him. It wasn’t my intention, I was trying to save him from further pain. What the hell do I do? 🙁

    1. admin

      July 16, 2014 at 2:45 pm

      Wait, I am just having trouble understanding this fully, are you saying you gave him an out and he took it?

    2. Kay

      July 27, 2014 at 1:02 am

      When I gave him the out, he refused it and said we weren’t breaking up because he loved me and everything would be alright. It was later on that he broke up with me. :/

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