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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. Sasha Jackson

    April 12, 2014 at 1:50 am

    My boyfriend of almost a year broke up with me for no apparent reason. We had a great relationship, no arguments and we got along amazing. I feel the break up was rash and that he maybe panicked due to how our relationship progressed. Anywho when he broke up with me he told me he still wanted me in his life and vice versa and also that he may want us to get back together, so I did agree to become friendly toward him just so I wouldn’t burn any bridges. But I started feeling like he may be stringing me along so I read your book and articles and decided to try it out. Now I’m doing the No Contact and I would have been on day 3 but I felt bad and when he texted me yesterday I responded back after 2 hours of holding out. For this no contact period is there a shorter time frame I can respond instead of going the full 30 days?

    1. admin

      April 12, 2014 at 4:24 pm

  2. Confused

    April 10, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    So I was seeing this guy as fwb months back for 3 months, it was more than fwb but not a relationship, it ended badly and we parted our ways. We had not spoken, seen each other any contact for 3 months.

    He sends me a message through fb seeing how I am doing. I had deleted everything of his inclusive of numbers and photos.
    I was quite shocked. I replied and we eventually met up after an exchange of messages and he had kept my number and all of our pics etc we had taken and I stayed over as a friend.

    I am confused as wondering why he has all of a sudden re entered my life and asked at least over 8 times if I had hooked up with anyone while we were not seeing eachother. I on the other hand didnt care and never asked him.

    I have not contacted him since this happened its been one day.

    I am unsure of his motives and if I ignore him will that just make him more keen?

  3. Ellen

    April 8, 2014 at 7:52 pm

    Ok everyone my name is Ellen.I know my bf(Jeffrey) for 4 years going on 5 year’s as friends . We started dating Aug 7 2013 when he got the courage to ask me out . This came as a shock since I did friend zone him . But we dated everything was ok til he broke up with me through text on Nov 28 2013 2 weeks later . We got back because I offered a fwb relationship . He agreed but on February he told me he didn’t want a fwb because we were technically in a relationship and I’m his gf . He explained that the previous break up was because he wanted to date a co worker she said no and he knew he was going to go back with me . The relationship grew over time that eventually he said I love you and we had established a really good foundation. So good he kept telling me what happens at his friends(which I call the man cave ) and what they talk about. But recently he broke up with me through text saying ” babe I want to break up , I know we’re not together but I just want some alone time. I’m deleting your number so contact me through email.
    Instead of being angry at the moment I thought that’s how he feels I shouldn’t feel angry about it . So I wrote ” ok if that’s what you want fine but don’t think I will trust you again or take you back easily” . Basically after March 30 I read your article and did the no contact rule . Only to break it while I was near his job hanging out with my friend . I texted him on April 2 “hey I’m on a date but I still miss you” thinking jealousy will work and he will respond afterwards he didn’t respond and I haven’t text him at all . I’m feeling so horrible because resentment and the fact we didn’t have a closure . Why end something that was good . We had the relationship that when we went somewhere I didn’t have to tell him what I wanted he knew . Instead I’ve put all my focus on yoga and my friends . But today I want to email him I miss the happy moments we both shared and yes it hurts how a friendship along with relationship ended . So advice should I contact him If yes how without being desperate or needy.

    1. admin

      April 10, 2014 at 1:41 am

      How much time do you have left on NC?

    2. Ellen

      April 10, 2014 at 2:09 am

      Chris its 21 days lef and I feel really upset even if I’m keeping active. Started on March 30 2014 but had to start over on April 2 because I texted him I said “I was on a date but I still missed him” .I have 9 days today but it’s very hard not to text or email I’ve been able to talk myself out by calling someone else or texting another friend.The problem is when we broke up he didn’t give me a legitimate reason for the break up and no red flags. I want to communicate with him but I know the no contact is 30days even more depending on time needed to focus mentally on me . I just want to ask why he broke up with me without seeing needy.

    3. Ellen

      April 10, 2014 at 2:14 am

      Lol misspelled left lol Chris what if the guy doesn’t contact the female (me) during or after the no contact rule???

    4. admin

      April 11, 2014 at 3:38 am

      No biggie, I still recommend you make first contact after NC no matter what.

      NC could still be working he is just too proud to show you its affecting him.

    5. Ellen

      April 11, 2014 at 1:14 pm

      Thanks Chris

  4. Faith

    April 7, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    Chris, I have a weird situation :/ I started dating this guy about 2 months ago. He did everything to signify we were in a relationship to go so far as holding hands in front of our friends. Asking people to take pictures of us. He even bought me an expensive ticket to a concert several months from now. He changed his profile picture on Facebook to us and he made sure everyone knew we were an item but 4 days ago he told me he doesn’t really want a relationship and he likes being single and doing his own thing. He told me it was too much too fast.

    I’m frustrated because I was following his lead. I wasn’t pushing for anything more. I didn’t change my profile picture and I didn’t expect him to make us an item to our friends. After trying to figure out where he was coming from through a series of texts (just asking him “so much so fast?” etc) he ended up not responding to my last one. saying “I’m ok with being single. I like hanging out with you and having fun with you. Maybe we should take a step back and see?” His roommate told me he said he didn’t want to break up with me. But he’s not talking to me either.

    I saw him Friday night with our group of friends. He came straight to first and I gave him a friendly hug. He kissed me on the forehead. He sat next to me and was elbowing me and so I asked him what was up lightheartedly and he said nothing. We were in close proximity all night though.. and our mutual friend came and told me that when I country swing danced with other guys he would get a mad look and turn his back on the dance floor. I pretty much did my own thing all night and gave him his space.

    Saturday night we were at the same place. I saw him again and again he came and found me. He gave me a hug and then when I sat back down he looked at me like he wanted to say something like 4 times and then just walked away. I left him alone then as well. I know he was really burned in the past by a girl who cheated on him with his best friend. I know he moves slow and I’ve tried to give him his space but I have no clue where we stand. Sunday he commented on my facebook status which he doesn’t usually do and I responded cordially and shortly.

    Our friends and one of his close friends since 3rd grade say I should “wait for him” and to just do my own thing for now. So I’ve implemented the no contact rule. But it’s driving me insane not knowing where we stand or what’s going on if he doesn’t consider us split up. Is there something I should do first before implementing this rule or just not contact him and see if he comes around and wants to talk? Please PLEASE help me. It’s driving me insane.

    1. admin

      April 8, 2014 at 5:40 pm

      Wait, this is a little confusing to me. It seems like he acted like you were his girlfriend. However, are you saying that he never officially said it to you?

    2. Faith

      April 8, 2014 at 6:04 pm

      But I just realized that just because we are “definitely together” doesn’t necessarily mean “relationship” :/

    3. Faith

      April 8, 2014 at 5:52 pm

      I also should clarify that I did not have the talk with him. I just could sense that something was different so I asked him what was up and his response was “Just life. I like doing my own thing sometimes. I don’t really want a relationship. I’m okay being single. There’s nothing really wron with what was going on I’m just not wanting so much so fast I guess.”

    4. Faith

      April 8, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      He said that we were definitely in a relationship and exclusive but that he didn’t like titles. He said that, ” You can call me whatever you want to call me but I don’t like labels. We are definitely together and I don’t share.” He did tell his roommate he didn’t want to “break up” so I’m assuming he considered us in a relationship?

  5. Demi

    April 6, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    Hey. My boyfriend broke up with me months ago. I got over him, I texted him once and I read the No Contact rule…Bad idea. His resonse to my text was 13 phone calls in total and than I got an angry text message sayinh he never wanted me, that I had a pigshead and that I shouldn’t be getting my hopes up. Which I’m not, ever. I just wanted answers. We’re in the same class. At the time of the phone calls he allready had a new gf. But now he looks at me in class, I sit side ways so I noticed him looking at me. It doesn’t cause an emotional reaction, it used to but not anymore. He avoids me and got angry because of the text but he had a new gf after a week…

  6. Please reply to this; I'm confused

    April 6, 2014 at 3:31 pm

    What if the guy already wants me back?
    I’m in a long distance relationship since summer 2013 (we can’t see each other very often). I’ve been in NC for 32 days after 4 days of breaking up (he deleted me from FB and I told him he lost me forgood for doing this). After 32 days of NC I sent him a message on Facebook. After a week he added me on FB and immediately told me to Skype with him (which I didn’t give in the first hour but did eventually after he pursued me more).
    On Skype, he played it cool at first but then repeatedly asked me if there’s another guy in my life. I was hesitant to reply, but told him after his few attempts for asking, that I’m not into a guy right now. Then he told me that he will call me back after he eats his sandwich. And when he called me again, he became very flirty with me. I told him off by telling him to stop this and he agreed. Our conversation led to him telling me that there was no girl in his life after he met me and that I am the only girl he wants to be with. I asked him why he came back, he told me he misses me. He also told me what he likes about me (pure, kind, sweet), and vice versa: I didn’t see the same things in other guys as I saw in you. [he’s my first bf btw]. I told him: our breakup was all my fault, you are a very good guy and loyal etc, and that I was very happy / satisfied when we were together, but I can’t be with you anymore, because of the hurt. He listened to me the entire time, talked in a calm voice, and apologized for hurting me before saying goodnight.
    2 days later, I called him and asked him if he’s available tonight. We agreed to talk that night. He called me during the night, and became flirty… but I resisted him again… I think it left him pretty an awkward feeling because he is a spoiled rich guy and I am the only girl who never did something he wanted, even when he begged me to. I didn’t give in to his extreme flirts because I was secretly planning to SLOWLY build the attraction before we meet up. But he was going way too fast for me, he told me he will call me again (after using a lame excuse for hanging up) before he hung up.
    It has been two weeks since our last awkward conversation. I think he’s into me, but he hasn’t contacted me. I am confused, should I make the first move or don’t because he told me he’ll call? I really do love him and really do want him in my life again.
    This makes me hesitant to contact him because he usually didn’t reply to me (or really late; up to the point where it didn’t matter to me anymore) when I contacted him. And no, I was not clingy. When I contacted him first after the 32 days of NC, he didn’t contact me for a week and that hurt me. I don’t want to contact him if it makes me look like a fool.
    Thank you very much, Chris… for your awesome blog!

  7. lina

    April 6, 2014 at 2:21 pm

    Hi, i just want to confide my feelings.me and my husband separated 3 years ago.he got a baby and a girlfriend already. after 1 yr and half i tried to contact him through email to meet. he didn’t know that I know already that he have a baby. after meeting over lunch,he confided to me that he have a baby. I just pretend to be cool and tell him that I know.he was a bit teary eyed. I re assured him I accepted it already. During our conversation,we just talk about our past lives. That we are 10 years in a relationship and he wouldn’t forget about me.By the away Im working overseas. It’s one of the reason why we broke up..long distance and trust issues.
    Going back,we started to become friends in our conversation.he ask about what is my hobby and what thing i do. then we drink beer and I become too dizzy already.he was beside me only and started to hold my hand and looking at my hand. I was feeling a bit happy that somehow we reminisce our time together.
    I just want to know if my ex already move on?

  8. Hannah

    April 6, 2014 at 4:21 am

    Hi, im Hannah and i was wondering how the no contact rule would work if you go to school with your ex. Im a senior in highschool and we have two classes together during the day we dont sit next to eachother as tht has been tried but we eventually had to be moved because we talked to much. Then after school our parent usually dont pick us up till late so we end up talking. How am i supposed to cut off communication with him then? And also I broke up with hin because we were to young and we talked about it and he said that he got rejected by me too many times and he lost the feeling he had before for me. What do i do then? Do I still have a chance? We go way back into 2nd grade and have had on and off relationships none of which were serious or lasted for a long time but we know now tht we want a serious long lasting relationship but word around town hes crushing on someone us but flirting hard with me. Idk what theese mixed signals mean I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!

    1. admin

      April 6, 2014 at 5:24 pm

      It can be extremely effective. However, the thing you have to understand is that sometimes you may have to go into limited contact.

    2. Hannah

      April 8, 2014 at 12:18 am

      How do i do that? Also do I still have a chance with him?

  9. Tina

    April 6, 2014 at 3:21 am

    Hi so my boyfriend of 4 months broke up with me 6 days ago. He went on a school trip over the spring break (2 weeks), and came back saying he thought about us and he didnt have feelings for me anymore and i wasnt special anymore. It was a totally shocker because he never showed signs of this and right when he came back he was just over me. I asked him if there was someone else and he said no.I asked around some of friends and they said that he did buy stuff for me on that trip, so something must have happened, but everyone says nothing did happen. So for about 4 days after i started messaging him a bit and just getting us to talk, and i said us talking helped me cope with the break up so he said ok a little bit a day. on day 4 of talking he messaged me first, saying that a girl asked him out to the school dance (which is on my birthday btw), so it of course broke my heart yet again. Then i found this page and is on day 2 of the NC rule. yesterday he messaged me saying hello because i ignored him for a day. I did everything the page said about using facebook to the most of my abilities and having an awesome pic of me and showing around my social life. But im worried that the NC wont work fully because we have class with each other and see each other all the time. so question 1. maintain minimal contact in class? 2. should i go to the dance and celebrate my birthday and “show off a bit” to him and his date? 3. does he really miss me? because he is a bit of the jealous type, but when we broke up i asked if we could go on a break and he said “those things never work” and he wanted the full stop. 4. is he only messaging me to make me feel better because he knows im hurt, and i did say talking helped me cope.

    please respond and help thanks!

  10. Brittney

    April 5, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    Hi! My boyfriend and I broke up in December. We lived together and were together for 3 years. The break up wasn’t mutual by any means but we had gotten to a place that was unhealthy (there was no cheating involved). I did no contact with him for 2 months, until he contacted me because he had heard that I was seeing someone (which I wasn’t). We texted and talked here and there and even hung out a few times over a three week period (which we agreed to have no expectations) It was honestly great! It showed us both the couple that we used to he before all of the drama started. It was also clear that We both have been working on ourselves to fix some of the things in ourselves that helped to cause our breakup. In the end, he called me to tell me that he felt like we needed to stop talking because it had been all consuming for him and he wasn’t able to focus on things he still needed to do. He said It felt like it was too soon and he wasn’t ready to be back in a relationship. He was afraid the changes we both had made weren’t permanent and he needed more time to heal from the breakup, but that there was definitely still something there between us. He even said if I met someone else I shouldn’t hold back because if we were to get back together everything in the meantime wouldn’t matter.
    I guess I’m struggling because we did have such a good time and I’m not looking to rush into anything either. Since that conversation he has texted me once or twice but not anything of importance really. So, do I go back to no contact? I asked him if he was seeing someone else and he said no. Very confused!

    1. admin

      April 6, 2014 at 5:08 pm

      Well take things slow. It sounds like you are slowly progressing. Just keep doing what you are doing. I think you keep trying to build that rapport up.

    2. Brittney

      April 18, 2014 at 12:22 pm

      Hi Chris! So…it’s been a couple weeks now…and we haven’t had any contact. I haven’t contacted him because he said he needed more time. But, he hasn’t contacted me either…should I be worried? A mutual friend of ours told me that my ex has made numerous comments that “if we were to get back together, he knows he would have to propose sooner or later…so he wants to be absolutely sure” Should I continue with no contact, or is this situation hopeless and I need to move on?

      Thanks for your help 🙂

    3. admin

      April 18, 2014 at 3:59 pm

      Yup continue with NC.

  11. Dorie

    April 4, 2014 at 3:08 pm

    Hey, your page is great I wish it applied to me because it really doesn’t. However, I see that you are very experienced and know what you are talking about so I was wondering if you could help me in my situation.

    My ex broke up but said he wanted to stay friends so I said I would think about it and he said to text him when I was ok. I haven’t texted him because I want to apply the no contact rule. BUT, what if me not contacting him gets his ego up because it might show that I’m not okay thats why I haven’t contacted him. Should I text him? Honestly, I want him back.

  12. Amber

    April 3, 2014 at 1:41 pm

    I have a quick question about the No Contact rule and someone moving out. A week ago, my boyfriend and I of 5 years split up. Its very hard, Ive been in a lot of pain… we never fought, we never cheated on each other, he couldnt figure out what he wanted in his life and said he was just confused and went to go “find himself.” He tried this last year and ended up not going anywhere because he said he could never leave me, he loved me too much, etc etc. I forgave him and told him he could never hurt me like that again. EXACTLY, almost to the date, a year later, he did the same thing. I feel like he did it because 1.) he didnt get it out of his system the first time and 2.) he hasnt had a job in a year and I feel like by me paying for everything- groceries, bills, everything- it made him feel insignificant and he slipped into depression. Basically, this time, he moved out- I told him to- I told him I didnt want to look at his stuff everyday while he kept me in limbo, so we just split completely. Well, he has become very BITTER and when he comes over to get his things, he acts like he doesnt even know me. Its very hurtful. I try to keep my cool while he is here gathering his things. My question is… he goes a couple days without contacting me and then usually gets in touch on the 2nd day to let me know he is coming to get his stuff. When I am here, and I see him, it really sets me back in my progress. Im ready to just not see him for a month, Im ready for him to just miss me (he says he still loves me very much), but that will not happen and I feel like this will not give us the space he needs if he keeps coming over to get things. When he contacts me every other day JUST TO ASK FOR SOMETHING, is he doing it as a way of reminding me? I want to pack the rest of his stuff and put it in boxes and have him come pick it up but I dont want to have ANY contact with him. Last night, he removed me from instagram but kept me on facebook (I guess he just got tired of seeing pictures of me- which im taking as a sign it is uncomfortable him seeing me). He is hiding his emotions so well.

    1. admin

      April 4, 2014 at 5:03 pm

      How old were you guys? Was there a plan for a future? Like marriage? 5 years is a long time after all.

  13. dineo

    April 3, 2014 at 7:54 am

    hi my ex bf broke up with mi 10months ago n i stil fil i want a relationship with him. the cause of the break up was because he got another girl pregnant which is my fault coz i used to drive him away. we did nt hav good communication. i constantly text him after a break up bt he did nt reply. four months after we broke up we meet at club n we slept together bt after 4dys he didnt reply my text after we slept together. 2months after that he text mi saying he mises mi that we hav to talk and i told him i was nt interested coz i didnt want to make de same mistke. now he saw mi wth a guy at the club and i saw that he wanted to talk n fix things. a day after that i text him sying i mic him den he reply after four days said he mic mi two den wen i ask him wen cn wi mit, he didnt reply til now. help mi i dnt knw wht to do anymo.

    1. admin

      April 4, 2014 at 4:55 pm

      Have you tried NC yet?

  14. Anna

    April 2, 2014 at 3:08 am

    I have been in a relationship for over three years with my daughters father. We were currently engaged. Stuff happens to where we weren’t getting along anymore an started fighting everyday. We live together still, my sons dad ( my ex) recently started getting into the picture again. He wants to be apart of his sons life an the feelings I used to have for him are starting to come back. I’m in a predicament because I live an hour away from him. My daughters father realized that I was talking to my ex again an he started being nice to me again which is something I wanted years ago. He has realized that I might go back with my sons dad. I’m just confused on what to do becAuse I care about both of them but with my daughters father he is acting the way i wish he would have a long time ago. My sons dad says he wants me to be hAppy an will do anything it takes to get me back. He admits that he messed up an realizes what he lost and wants a second chance. I don’t know whether to drop what I have (which honestly is my job I’ve had for three years) and move back down there or to try and work it out with my previously engaged fiancé .

  15. N

    April 1, 2014 at 8:47 pm

    PLEASE HELP ME! Hi, My ex and i were together 5 years and we had a wonderful relationship. He did everything for me, helped me in any way he could, we were very affectionate and loving, and bestfriends. We were great with the exception of him having a female best friend who was very intrusive and i felt crossed the line of respect so we primarily fought about her. She is the type that only goes after guys with girlfriends and pretends to be their “best friends” (its almost a game for her to get with guys with girlfriends). After he agreed to never speak to her again, he moved to another country to be with me we had a wonderful relationship and were really in love in our new town. Everyone would tell me how much he would talk about me and how much he loved me. Two years later, I caught him lying to me about going to meet up with her once again (one-on-one) so I had to break it off. he tried to get me back for about 6 months until i gave him one last chance. That chance lasted two weeks and i broke up with him for good after he started acting really mean, distant, and caught him lying about his whereabouts. The DAY after our breakup, he started dating the female best friend and has been with her for nearly 4 months. Shortly after our breakup, I was very ill and in the hospital and he told me he didn’t care and to find someone else to bring me my extra house key (that he had at the time). He has been absolutely cruel and evil to me during any brief contact we have had since our breakup. He will leave every place he sees me immediately, avoids all places I go, and pretends i don’t exist. Do you think he really has wanted to date this girl during our whole 5 years? why didnt he date her after I broke up with him initially? we really did have a wonderful relationship until he changed during the last year. I’m so hurt over this and its effecting my life. Please help me.. is he really over me? Why do you think he’s treating me this way?

    1. admin

      April 2, 2014 at 5:28 pm

      I don’t think he wanted to date her the whole five years. Maybe he got a little bored towards the end. Do you think?

    2. N

      April 2, 2014 at 11:56 pm

      well i just don’t get why he couldn’t have let her go from his life 5 years ago so our relationship could have been free of her drama..and i would have trusted him. that’s all i ever asked of him! I think near the end we both got tired of fighting because non of his stories added up. I just couldn’t believe he wouldn’t bring me my key when i was sick in the hospital a week after the breakup…especially since we were so loving for most of our 5 years. makes me think he didn’t care the entire time. I just find it so confusing why he’s being so cruel and acts like i don’t exist

  16. Hannah

    March 31, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    My ex and I broke up yesterday over a really ridiculous thing. He was basically jealous over a calendar event on my phone. Which is all due to my phone synching anything on Facebook. Anyway, we was meant to go away that day but he got mad and called me names and said he doesn’t want to go away anymore. So to avoid being hurt by his name calling I went. Now he blames me for ruining what could of been a lovely weekend. When it was him who said he is absolutely not going anymore. Not he’s saying he hasn’t loved me for a while and keeps blocking me number and unblocking it. He keeps on telling me it’s over for good like I don’t already know? He will just make sure it in there somewhere for me to hear again. Anyway, I simply rang to see if I was still unblock and he is just being greatly cruel and telling me to leave and blocked me again. I just don’t get his motives. He’s telling me I haven’t cared or loved him like I used too yet its me doing all the chasing? I have block him now. But I regret it incase he’s tried texting or calling. Which I probably already know he hasn’t. What should I do? I feel so pathetic asking this but I literally have no idea whether or not he’s just trying to hurt me by telling me or this or its genuine. if it’s genuine then I’ll leave but if not I’m still holding on somehow.

    1. admin

      April 1, 2014 at 4:51 pm

      My gut says he is trying to hurt you.

  17. Adrienne

    March 31, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    I’ve sent my ex boyfriend multiple texts telling him I miss him and love him, but he doesn’t acknowledge the statement and never responds by telling me he misses me. It’s only been a week since we broke up.

    I let my guard down last Wed and agreed to meet him at his place. My motive for agreeing to see him were because I missed and loved him. After I arrived we ended up in the bedroom. I felt taken advantage of and left immediately afterward.

    He sent me a text last night saying it upset him I only came over for sex and left right after. I explained I wasn’t looking to be his ‘late night’ girl because I have feelings for him and he didn’t make me feel like he wanted me to stay or that he wanted anything other than sex. That night I received a text from him asking me to come over. I asked him what that would entail and he responded with “whatever u want it to be I guess.” I ignored his text and didn’t hear back from him again last night.

    I don’t want to fall into the ‘booty call’ category. How do I keep him interested without being the girl who just fills in while he’s exploring his options? We were very much in love. We talked about getting married and having a family regularly.

    1. admin

      April 1, 2014 at 4:46 pm

      In other words, you feel he used you?

  18. Alisha

    March 31, 2014 at 10:43 am

    Hey. i and my ex wer in a long distance relationship over a year. he cheated on me but i forgave him. evrythng was great after that for a few months but suddenly he started fighting over my past. den said he cannot be with me anymore. he’s still talking to me. he says he doesnt want to break contacts. but doesnt want a relationship. i really dont know what does he want. just confused. what should i do.?

    1. admin

      March 31, 2014 at 4:35 pm

      Did you read my LDR page?

    2. Alisha

      April 1, 2014 at 10:57 am

      Yes i read that page. but He says he loves me. Just don’t want get into a relationship now. He thinks i’m lying about my past. But i’m not.
      I tried to make him understand that if i can forget about his cheating then why cant he just believe me.
      Everything was okey till last month. He even got a tattoo of my name to prove that he won’t leave me ever. But suddenly after a week of getting it, he brought out a very stupid topic to fight.
      I told him to stop talking, he doesnt want that too.
      He wants me in his life but not a relationship or commitment.
      i really cant understand what he actually wants.

    3. Alisha

      April 4, 2014 at 3:56 am


  19. coco

    March 31, 2014 at 2:24 am

    Would like your input. We were friends, tried dating but ended in disaster. We seemed to have move on occasionally talks on the phone I see him again as a friend but is seems weird that he wanted to hide from me that he got married and later that he had a baby. It does not bother me at all and I am happy for him but it does bother me that he is hiding stuff that should be normal to disclose. Your opinions are appreciated.

    1. admin

      March 31, 2014 at 4:12 pm

      Well, if he is married then why do you want him back?

    2. coco

      March 31, 2014 at 7:05 pm

      I don’t want him back at all, it just bothers me that he is hiding things like that, I wanted to have my friend back not a boyfriend but I think he is not on the same page and place that I am. It seems like you did not understand my post.

  20. k

    March 31, 2014 at 12:04 am

    Hi i have been with boyfriend @18months and I pushed him away by not communicating, some silent treatment and then I gave him an ultimatum. We have had a really large amount of positive interactions and i know he loves me. But since that day he has never been the same, i think i had expectations. Then i really messed up and tried convincing him and chasing him. I have kids and he does too so usually i had to schedule time with him. I have asked him if he wants a break or end realtionship but he doesnt. He just pulled away, doesnt return texts or calls, and acts distant. He said i worry too much and that if i dont have peace with myself then how can i have peace with someone else. I am going to gym meeting friends and keeping busy. I just dont know what to do, just straight into no contact? Is it too late. I also made the mistake of he called me last week and i came over and of course we had lots of great sex. But we havent officially broke up??

    1. admin

      March 31, 2014 at 4:08 pm

      So, you two aren’t broken up? B/c if you are you just ventured into FWB territory.

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