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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. emma

    March 29, 2014 at 6:08 pm

    hey my ex split up with me a few weeks ago and he is now seeing some girl that she is young 15 and he is 20 weve been split up for a month nearly anda few weeks ago the first week he waa seeing this other girl and litterally just two 3 weeka ago he is seeing this younger girl, is this a rebound thing?

    1. admin

      March 30, 2014 at 8:19 pm

      Rebound definitely.

  2. Lucy

    March 29, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    We knew each other about 6 months, he tried to date me for 4 months when he had time, I always refused him to have deep relationship. But we started after 4 months. He was always busy, we only could meet once or twice a month. He broke up with me after two months, he felts I pushed him, we are not good match etc. He had a new life plan for his future career, it was the start and cause, and I had my problems too. I asked him to tell me sincerely if he likes me, he answered me yes, always and still like me. I wanted to fix the problem, I did everything during breakup, and I tried to do NC, but I broke it many times, I didn’t ask him to get back together, just tried to talk to him, he never answered. Two weeks ago, he blocked my phone number, unfriend with me on Facebook. He said he doesn’t want to be my friend, don’t contact him again, end of story, but he still said take care, even if he was being rude. He was annoyed by my texts from time to time. I still can contact him via email or others, he didn’t delete me on another social media, didn’t delete me on a project that we were doing together before. He was angry, he let me move on many times. But I don’t contact him since he blocked my phone number anymore, I don’t blame him, or hate him. I try to understand him, and feel sorry sometimes. I still like him, and miss him a lot. I feel it’s over, since he did that. But I don’t know why I still have a feeling that it’s not end yet, I just feel him sometimes, like last night, I was with my coworker in the street, I felt him suddenly. Is it possible to start a new relationship with him after all these happened? I really know what are the problems, how to deal with them, and understand him more now. I just need a chance that he opens his mind to me again.

    1. admin

      March 30, 2014 at 9:01 pm

      Were you in a long distance relationship or something? Is that why he couldn’t see you?

    2. Lucy

      March 31, 2014 at 5:51 am

      No, but he traveled for work often, and the timing was not good. Christmas, new year etc, then he decided to work on an important exam for a degree. We just started, many things happened at the same time. Both of us were stressful and tired from work and other things. And I was hesitate to talk to him, I told him my feelings and the reason of not talking to him much. I just wanted to do something for him, the ways were wrong. I realized that now. There are many things that I wanted to do with him, regret and pity on my mind. Is there still a chance between us?

    3. Lucy

      April 1, 2014 at 3:47 pm

      Could you give me some advice?

    4. admin

      April 1, 2014 at 4:37 pm

      Sure! On what?

    5. Lucy

      April 1, 2014 at 7:13 pm

      Is there still a chance for me? And what should I do?

    6. Lucy

      April 3, 2014 at 9:42 am

      I’m waiting for your advice, hope you can give me some advice as soon as possible. I really need it, people are around me only let me forget and move on. But I prefer to give it a try the last time, if not, I feel like I will regret in the future.

  3. gemma

    March 29, 2014 at 7:59 am

    I really need some advice….

    Me and my now ex had a bit of a rocky start we were both going through some family and financial issues seperarely(we dont live together) so he decided to have a break i wasnt happy with this it was his decision and it came as a bit of a shock i begged pleaded n text all the time… surprise it didnt work just made him angry to the point he said he dint want to be with me…. i left it 2months with low contact…

    Finally three weeks ago i asked to meet up to talk we managed to sort things out and promised we would be more open with eachother… all was going well until he asked me what i had been upto during our time apart i told him i had been out a couple of times he asked if there were guys there i said yes n he wasnt happy as one of them was someone i had previously dated. He said he was mad as i had not mentioned it to him. Any way i thought we had resolved that n a week later i slept at his house. The next morning he told me that in my sleep i called out some guys name. He asked me who this person was and i said someone at work i apologised and said i had no idea as i was asleel and this person from work i rarely even speak to so i dont know why he was in my dream. I never mentioned it again. 5 days later he text asking me about this again once again i apologised… he then called me drunk and said that he doesnt believe me and doesnt want to be with ke anymore because of it. He said i avoided talkin about it 🙁

    The next day i text him n asked if he meant it as i knew he was drunk anf he said yes i said someone elses name whilst sleeping next to him and its not normal…. now i dont know what to do i love him so very much

    1. admin

      March 30, 2014 at 8:48 pm

      hahaha I am sorry to laugh but I swear to god I have been waiting for this moment.

      I have talked to 30,000 women and the one specific scenario I have always wanted to hear about was this one. Where you are sleeping and call out someone elses name. For over a year I waited for it and now it is finally here.

      Ok, it is totally normal. Look, I am the most loyal guy on earth but I have dreamed about other women and they have no barring on how I really feel about someone in real life. You can’t hold a dream against someone. Hopefully he can understand that.

    2. gemma

      March 31, 2014 at 7:52 am

      I feel awful n the thing is the person i dreamt about does not even compare…. 🙁

      I text my ex this morning and asked if we could talk he said no and i said i said in the future? N he said maybe…

      I really am baffled as to what i can do, he simply doesnt believe nothings gone on. Ahhh men.. i dont know if hes just too proud and has a bruised ego (he is quite a proud person) n sees things like apologies and cryin as a sign of weakness. I hate this situation.

      Do you think i should just do nc until he calms down n realises hes being dumb?

    3. gemma

      March 29, 2014 at 8:04 am

      I then apologised further and said i loved him and that this was supposed to be our second chance… n he said i messed up first by not tellin him i went out with someone i once dated n second vy saying someone elses name.

      I asked if we could speak in the futurw.. he said why n i said i love you n he said its over n then. He said we will see

  4. rero

    March 28, 2014 at 11:50 pm

    Hi chris
    I have a problem with someone i can’t call him my boyfriend anyway he is with me in class he is my crush since 6th grade and now we are in the 8th grade.. this year he told my bestfriend that he is in love with me but i can’t show him that i love him in any way ..he talked to me on fb we were chatting for hours and hours in the summer holiday then we stopped before school he was hinting me that he loves me but i acted like i didn’t get it..he kept trying to get me he was very nice at school with me,helped me with like everything but then he said to my bestfriend that he gave up then after it with two weeks he said he couldn’t forget me ana tried to be around me alot it was good then after it with one week he said that he gave up again and doesn’t love me anymore but then he wanted to hold my school bag when i left it in class and we were all eating out and he asked my bestfriend again what iam going to eat so he can order like me but the most frustrating thingh is that he again after it with a day he told my b.f not to tell me that he wanted to hold my backbag or to order like me or any of that! Is he in love with me or not !

    1. a

      January 5, 2016 at 11:35 pm

      Yes he is like in love with you

    2. admin

      March 30, 2014 at 8:39 pm

      So, you haven’t officially dated him yet?

    3. rero

      March 28, 2014 at 11:55 pm

      Aw and when he said ge gave up for the second time he was acting very cold with me and was chatting slot with my g.f but didn’t talk to me alot like them also stopped borrowing any pens from me and just take it from any one else

  5. Katie

    March 28, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    I really need some advice but im afraid to post here
    Im just really crushed
    I need help its been so hard and ill i want is him back (though ive been strong and having NC and when i do see him i cat like the happy girl he fell in love with)
    Can you email me?

    1. admin

      March 28, 2014 at 4:27 pm

      I dont really respond to many emails anymore. However, I can talk to you here.

  6. Eas

    March 27, 2014 at 3:25 pm

    been broken up with ex of 4 years for 4 months now. Never initiated contact, he’s always been the first to contact me. Longest we have gone without talking is 3 weeks, our convos just surround around catching up. I’ll wait about a day to respond and when I do im friendly but still a bit distant. Issue is, he reads my messages and doesn’t respond for days. What game is he trying to play and how do I play it back without scaring him away?

  7. lizzy

    March 26, 2014 at 5:23 am

    Ok. Well heres one. My husband and I got married
    7 months ago. A month later he told me he wasnt inlove with me
    anymore. But later in came to find out he liked somebody else. Someone close to me. They had been talking as “friends”. Well in the last few weeks I noticed a change in him with me. His been coming around more (mind you we have a child together). His asked me to hang out with him and some close friends. And a few nites ago out of the blue in the middle of the nite asked if I was k. Which I found odd. I dont know what to think or feel about the situation. If I should just go with ot or ler him go.

    1. admin

      March 26, 2014 at 5:40 pm

      Have you read my page on getting an ex husband back?

  8. Jamie

    March 26, 2014 at 2:16 am

    Ok my situation is a complete mess, sorry. My ex and I were together for 9 months, on and off for another yr. before we started dating he chased me around for a yr, I just wouldn’t give him the time if day. Well the reason for us breaking up was I found he was talking to other girls on fb right after we moved in together so I couldn’t trust him after that. I accused him everyday of cheating. This went on for months until he broke up with me. We still lived together for 2 more months and then I moved out and we still hung out everyday, he always stayed with me until the accusing thing from me came back up. He got to where he wouldn’t come see me. We have never went more than two weeks without talking. Well two weeks ago we started to work through our problems and become friends again. He was trying to make me jealous by sending me a pic of some girl that wasn’t the girl he said it was, I googled the pic it was a pic stolen from other sites, so I did it back and sent him a pic of some other guy to make him mad. After that he got really upset, wouldn’t talk to me but to say go talk to your little boyfriend and 15 hours later got into a Relationship with some other girl. He now is really mean to me, blocked my calls and blocked me on fb. The situation is worse because we have a truck loan together in which we would have to go to court and fight ea other for it. I’ve asked him to get a new co signer, he won’t and now he won’t talk to me at all, when he does he’s very cold, distant and mean to me. What should I do?

  9. Jordan

    March 24, 2014 at 6:11 am

    So here is my situation,
    the breakup came out of the blue. i’m only in high school, i’m a senior though and we are both 18 but we were each others first relationship. it happened last thursday, the 20th, and he seemed perfectly fine until the 19th when he just seemed a little off. since it was the only day i didn’t think anything of it. thursday came and he texted me saying he needed to talk to me and he was coming over. Scared i was like ok…then we went into my room and he said he was breaking up with me. he pulled all the “it’s not you, its me.” “i don’t appreciate/love you as much as you do to me” “its brain chemicals” and that sorta stuff. devastated and shocked at the time i pretty much just begged him to stay and not leave. but after he left we havn’t talked or seen each other since. i got rid of all his stuff and what not, spent 2 and a half days crying the entire time and finally have gotten over there hurdle and I’m just mad and don’t really understand why it happened.and whats really hurting is that he didn’t seem too upset/hurt when he did it except he did say “if i wasn’t so much of a man i would be crying too”. we sit next to each other in a class, we are on spring break though so we have until april 1st to see each other, that is if i don’t see him before hand. I’m not taking this too well, especially because i don’t really get why it happened, and i just want to make him feel bad about breaking up with me, and show him what he’s missing when i see him. I don’t have anyone to talk to so i just need some advice. Thanks 🙂

  10. Mercedes

    March 24, 2014 at 1:49 am

    My boyfriend of a year broke up with me today. He said he didn’t think we should talk anymore and wants me to do what I want. We’ve had a rocky few months. We’ve both questioned each other’s trust, but it hasn’t involved infidelity. Just last weekend he talked to me about wanting to propose and have a family.

    We fell in love quickly and deeply. We’ve had heated arguments and he’s blocked my phone number for a week or two at a time. I would normally email him frantically and in time, he’d respond with telling me he loves me so much it hurts and he sees me as his life partner.

    He said today he didn’t want to block my phone number and instead tell me it was over. I love him very much and would be willing to work on fixing our relationship, but I feel like he’s given up and wants nothing to do with me anymore. I plan on cutting off all contact as well. Do I have a chance to get him back?

    1. martha aguila

      March 25, 2014 at 3:19 pm

      not if you stalk him. respect his space and yourself. dont message him dont contact him and if you think about him dont. i like to go out with friends and get distracted during those times. you will find that you have a busy enough time trying to stay busy with your friends and your personal work that if he does contact you you still keep doing your thing until he or another comes along that has what you want. it doesnt get easier and you may fall again but just think what do you really want and if that person (ex or non-ex) is not doing it for you then why even waste the emotional energy if they aren’t showing empathy?

    2. admin

      March 24, 2014 at 6:02 pm

      You have a chance yes.

      What would typically cause the fights on the phone?

    3. Mercedes

      March 25, 2014 at 1:34 am

      If he didn’t like something, he’d start an argument via text. He used blocking my phone number as punishment when I said or did something that upset him. He rarely communicated to me what hurt him. When he felt he’d punished me enough, he’d come back, but act as if nothing happened. He used this behavior regularly in the last 2 months.

      He’s very impulsive and I feel this break up occurred because I’d distanced myself in the last week and he was upset I’d been going out with my girlfriends. He also had been spending weekends with his guy friends rather than spending time with me like he’d done in the past.

      I hope this will be a temporary break and he’ll determine it’s better to try and work things out rather than giving up and starting new with someone else. I’ll leave him be and let him initiate any contact.

    4. Mercedes

      March 24, 2014 at 12:40 pm

      I received a text from my now ex boyfriend the evening after he broke up with me saying he was really sorry about today. Is he showing regret or just apologizing for breaking up with me?

  11. lisa

    March 24, 2014 at 1:10 am

    Woha this blog is popular!

    I dated this guy that i have madly fell i love with! We were in a relationship for four months.. Not long but alot happened! Then he decides he just doesn’t want a girlfriend:/ so i was super upset and angry! So i tried to talk to him during tbe first breakup month:( but he rejected me! So i did the no concact rule! A whole year later he decides to talk too me and askes if we could be friends with benifits? Does he just want sex or to rekindle our relationship? I truly believe he is the person i am ment too be with! So please could you help me?:)

    1. admin

      March 24, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      He just wants sex. I even wrote a guide on exes using you.

    2. martha aguila

      March 25, 2014 at 3:22 pm

      agree. just sex. don’t get it twisted. i am finding that guys, most of the time, are practical with their emotions and most of the time only say what they need or want and if they dont say it they find a way to show it.

  12. Jessica

    March 23, 2014 at 11:53 pm

    My bf and I of about 4 years broke up six months ago. I broke up with him bc I wasnt sure if he cared, he never seemed happy. I did no contact for a month, started hanging out with another guy (a rebound i think), then hung out with my ex bc he wanted to see me. He was awesome and we were about to get back together (bc i still love him so much and i thiknk he still loves me too but he is stubborn) but once he found out I was hanging out with another guy (after we broke up and after we agreed we could see other people) he got super angry and it has sucked since december. I only told him that I was seeing another guy for the sake of our relationship, I didnt want to start our new one off with a lie. I initiated no contact two months ago. He has facebooked me a couple times, I am short when I answer. But he always likes my instagram photos, calls my friends just to shoot the shit, and always posts on fbook when he is in my town at the bars (weird!). His birthday is on saturday. I want to call him that night (make him sweat it out a bit) and ask to go for a drink later next week. Bad idea? Good idea? Once again, it will be more than 60 days at that point.

    1. admin

      March 24, 2014 at 5:54 pm

      Would the call be out of the blue?

    2. Jessica

      March 24, 2014 at 10:27 pm

      yeah it would. I should probably just text him saying happy birthday and see if he is in a good mood or no and then text him the next day about hanging out. I don’t know. What do you think? Thanks for your help, it’s awesome that you actually answer these things!

  13. Ariel

    March 23, 2014 at 7:13 am


    I am in a sticky spot. Me and my ex had the most amazing relationship for the first 4-5 months of our relationship, (we dated for close to 10 months. Then everything suddenly started to go downhill. He started acting weird, demanding more space, phone calls got fewer in number, he became aloof and irritable, started finding all sorts of faults in me, without any reason he started to pick up fights. I on my part became more and more emotionally dependent and tried to save our relationship by showering/smothering him with affection, care and gifts.

    It did not help! Eventually I was called “clingy” “desperate”, “unambitious” and he ditched me saying we are extremely incompatible and that he does not see a future for us.

    I cried, begged, was almost crippled with pain, remorse and humiliation. Although I have had relationships before, this was the first time I was being dumped (this was his first relationship though!). I could not bear the rejection! I was almost dying till I decided to take control of my life and end the excruciating pain I was enduring for days on end.

    I started concentrating on my school work, started socializing, playing sports, diverted my mind (or at least tried to! I was still haunted by the strong criticizing and demeaning words he called me). In any case, I strictly followed No Contact for 1.5 months.

    Then suddenly out of the blue HE CALLED! I did not answer for the first 2 days, On the 3rd day I texted him saying “I am busy, will get in touch when the time is right for me. Hope everything is fine at your end, take care :)”

    He went frantic, texting me back and forth pleading to take his calls, and said that he is going through a very tough time. I talked to him finally on the fourth/fifth day and boy we talked for straight 1 hour 45 minutes (I was trying to hang up, but he went on and on, we were talking about life in general about our common friends, nothing specific, the conversation was light and happy.

    But he time and again through his words made me feel and made it quite clear that we are now really good friends (like before our relationship, we were friends from high school. on the other hand he was sharing personal and family details, asking me about my plans, studies, health and life in general, he was very inquisitive.

    He even asked me to call him or else he is going to call he said he cannot do without talking to me for a long period of time. He even said he is planning to visit me soon, may be 3 weeks later (we leave in different cities now for we are at different Grad schools! And we were in a long distance relationship).

    My situation is that I still have feelings for him. But I dont know what he has for me! Is he serious on getting back with me? Or he is just playing mind games and fooling around?

    He has too much of pressure in the grad school and all he does is school work, does not have much time for recreation, he is social but bogged down with his research! I feel he is calling me and proposing to visit me because practically he has no girl as friends over there or to give him company. He has guy friend with whom he boozes around may be but cant have heart to heart chats.

    Please tell me what to do!?? Is he going to emotionally string me along and just dump me again when he finds a suitable match? This time it will be even easier for him, since he will assume and can give the logic …”but I thought u have already moved on…and leading a happy life…” to defend himself! I acted and sounded that I have moved on, or may be I have quite a bit for true but deep down I still have feelings for him!! Damn!!


    1. admin

      March 23, 2014 at 5:04 pm

      That first 4-5 months was the honeymoon period.

      I think him calling you is a good thing. Seriously.

    2. Ariel

      March 23, 2014 at 7:31 pm

      Thank you so much for replying. But is he planning to play mind games and use me for emotional support?? He is going through a rough patch in his career and seems to want to lean on me for just emotional support. What should I do? How should I react??

      Please Help!!

    3. admin

      March 24, 2014 at 5:44 pm

      He is probably using you for emotional support b/c he knows he can count on you. It’s not a horrible thing if you know how to turn it around on him.

  14. Courtney

    March 22, 2014 at 8:39 pm

    Loved reading your article!
    So I just needed some advice because I’ve never had this happen to me before with a boy. Incredibly confusing situation. I met this guy and he was really sweet, completely pursued me. I told him I didn’t want a relationship but he kept asking so finally I said yes to being his girlfriend. A month later he told me he loved me… That’s when it went downhill. He started working too much (has incredibly addictive personality especially to his job, he worked a lot when we first met but it got worse as it went on) he traveled for work but told me he really missed me emotionally and physically and when he came back he was very loving and I could tell was putting effort into showing me he cared. I loved it. The next week, he was back to being addicted to working, ignoring me except for texting me all day. Finally I left our friends house without saying goodbye because he was busy on the phone with work, he texts me asking where I had gone to. I told him I left and he asked why. I explained to him how unfair it was the effort I put into our relationship and how it was not given back. He agreed and apologized. The next day he broke up with me. He swore it wasn’t me he just knew I deserved better, he cried and I cried. He said he still likes me just doesn’t want a relationship and wants to be friends. I told him no. But if he cared would he have let me go instead of trying ? He says his work means a lot to him because he’s trying to help his family out since they have money issues and that theirs pressure on him to succeed. I believe it but would that ever make a reason for a man to let a girl go ? He keeps apologizing to me and says he was a shitty boyfriend but this is what he wants… Idk what to think.
    Thanks for your time

    1. A

      January 6, 2016 at 12:13 am

      Yes He will care..I can see that Chris’s advice is superb here.

    2. Courtney

      March 23, 2014 at 6:49 pm

      Yes I have not talked to him for two days now. On the third day. But do you even think he will care ?

    3. admin

      March 23, 2014 at 4:53 pm

      Lame reason to let a girl go.

      Have you attempted NC yet?

  15. Daisy

    March 22, 2014 at 2:48 am

    Hi there. I am really upset. I was in a relationship for 1.5 years. I love my boyfriend a lot. He broke up with me giving various reasons. He said i am not independent, i put a lot of restrictions on him, his mom won’t agree. I did all that i could – i begged, cried….it didnt work. He asked me to leave him alone.

    1. admin

      March 22, 2014 at 6:26 pm

      Leave him alone at this point. You are trying to hard and that could be viewed as desperation.

  16. Car

    March 21, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    Hey I’ve Ben dating this guy for almost 2 years and everything was great at first and of course my family did not approve of him I still choose him but now my entire family don’t want nothing to do with me and now I am pregnant with my first n his second child everything was great we was happy until things started changing he would go out and not come him just the past week he spent going on 5 days out I kept calling and texting no response and when I finally got a hold of him he told me that I deserve better and he want space and wants to be alone for awhile but I kept calling him tell him we can talk about this he hung up on me and told me he didn’t want to talk but when he finally came home he kissed me on my checks and told me he loved me and touched my belly and left again do you think our relationship has hope what should I do should I let him go and just move on from the relationship I am so confused I do not knw what to do with myself anymore I’ve been crying ever since btw he told me he cheated on me too wit someone I don’t know just don’t know if it’s worth staying or just leave

    1. admin

      March 21, 2014 at 5:13 pm

      Was the cheating by him a one time thing?

    2. Car

      March 21, 2014 at 11:34 pm

      That’s wat he said but not sure

    3. Car

      March 23, 2014 at 12:56 pm

      He told me he loves me but not in love with me could I still have a chance with him he says he doesn’t want to go backwards he ready to move on from relationships and just wants space and no relationships he wants to b free I’m just confused what does this means

  17. Nouran

    March 20, 2014 at 12:37 am

    I met my ex after not being together for 2 years. we used to be in love for 5 years. He is now 26 and when we saw each other again as ‘friends only’ he kept on texting me trying to be more than friends but he did not say lets be more than friends. But everything he said was like as if he was falling in love again with me…he even said u have most beautiful eyes and lips ever.
    I tried to play cool by keeping everything calm and not jumping into a relationship immediately bcuz i needed time to get to know him first all over again. I stayed in touch with him because also he was helping me find a new flat.
    Suddenly he disappeared. Ignored me half the time. Replying late. Not being helpful anymore. Any question i ask him i get the same answer, ‘i dont know’
    After some time he said plz dont talk to me too much bcuz i am comitted. Apparently he was talking to another girl at the same time for a few months. She jumped into him immediately in the romantic bullshit and to him I was something he needed to chase, something not so easy to get…
    I dont get it if men like to chase then y did he leave me and go for the easy option? He claims he wants to marry her…but this is how he said it ‘im serious about her and i want to marry her in 2 years time, I have talked to her sister and technically we want to get engaged’

    Do u really think he is serious about marriage? And do u think i acted a bit too hard to get?
    I dunno what to do…….I followed ur NC rule and didnt talk to him for over a month now. Before that i told him i dont wana talk to u ever again cuz there is no point and i said to him that i feel what i did was the right thing to react and that I should not be too easy.

    He didnt contact me until but my sis recently texted him saying ‘how r u BOTH together after ur new relationship’ he said we dont talk but i really want to check on both u to see if ur both ok



    1. admin

      March 20, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      Have you attempted to contact him recently?

  18. Care

    March 19, 2014 at 3:38 am

    80 Days of No Contact and this is what happened:

    I went NC on Christmas after texting to ask if he could meet, he said he was busy, I asked if he could talk, he said not a good idea. I made it to 80 days of no contact, and on that day, I received a text from him. He basically said he doesn’t want us hating each other, truly wished me happiness (and said it really sucked it couldn’t be with each other), told me he doesn’t want me to feel like this is easy for him b/c it’s killing him and wished me all the best. I wrote back 4 hours later and said that despite everything I still only wanted the best for him. He replied a second later and said “me too” but that was it. I never replied further. Do you think I’ll hear from him again?

    1. admin

      March 20, 2014 at 6:08 pm

      I think you will 🙂

    2. Care

      March 19, 2014 at 3:41 am

      Btw, I should mention I feel like he sent this text out of guilt but I don’t know.

  19. Jamie

    March 19, 2014 at 1:27 am

    Hey so I’m going to give a quick run down. Please any help will be wonderful!! I was with this guy for a few months and we really liked each other. His family loved me and mine loved him. It was great. A two days after Valentines day an important issue came up. It was a morality issue. Right and wrong thing. It was extremely important to me and we had different views. I broke it off and then the next day he called and sent a text. We then debated the issue again and decided it wasn’t going to work. A week later, no contact, I meet him and give him his stuff back. Dumb I know. Should have thrown it away and even dumber I said I wanted to be friends. He agreed. He told me how hard it was just to get out of bed since the break up and how bad it hurt. We talked during the week and then he says “I have tell you something if we’re going to make this work.” And then he told me he tried to commit suicide a few years ago. A few hours go by and he calls me and says we can’t talk anymore its not going to change anything(views on the issue). I laughed and said okay, I’ll see you around. A week later before I knew of NC rule I sent a lame text message joke not leaving the conversation open for anymore talk. No reply. Another week goes by and I ask if he can meet me if he can talk. He didn’t reply or show and I called once. So, I’m at 7 days NC. During our relationship a lot of it revolved around him. Not sure if I’m being selfish or not in this.. But we talked a lot about him. I was a feel good. He and his mom have a close relationship so he has a mamas boy mentality. His mom would criticizes him and they would fight a bit so he would call me and I would tell him how great he is and he has to listen to her until he moves out. I think after we broke his mom told him she wasn’t for it. His other relationship though she wasn’t for it either and he ended up moving out with his past gf. He still talked a few days after he told his mom. So it wasn’t all up to her. Things you should no about this guy
    1. He doesn’t have a job(meaning we spent a lot of time texting and seeing each other)
    2. Doesn’t really have friends
    3. Kind of a home body
    4. A little below average on self esteem
    Again we were always talking and I was a feel good. Boosting his confidence and ego, someone there to talk to. It’s been 7 days NC.
    My questions are
    What’s he thinking/feeling
    Will he contact me
    What time period should I give up on contact
    Thanks soo soo soo much guys!!!!!!!

    1. admin

      March 20, 2014 at 6:16 pm

      Do you think a lot of the issues lie with him?

      You just described him and he seems kind of like someone with a lot of confidence issues.

    2. Jamie

      March 20, 2014 at 8:38 pm

      I do think some of the issues are with him but I’m not blameless either. It was just a quick run down about him and all. Its been 9 days, yahooo!:)What do you think his thoughts are? Will he make contact? Thanks soo much!

  20. Taylor T

    March 18, 2014 at 12:21 am

    me an my ex broke up 3 years ago. he left me. anyways me and him still talk to this day and I still love him alot. But Im tried of being just his friend or whatever we are. I want to be in a relationship with him so recently I have started the no contact rule. it’s been a week So far. But I will go longer then a month since we havent been together in a while and he always thinks I’m going to be there. What should I do since we havent been together in so long.

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