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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. Jan

    February 19, 2014 at 8:50 pm

    Hi Chris my name is jan and I broke up with my boyfriend over 10 years. Our relationship has been hard. Its a long story but the past six months he’s been distant and only wants what he wants. I caught him with a female and he said there friends, but people in our circle say other wise and I agree. He status out 8 hrs. A day hanging with the people in the shelter and eating there even if I cook. So I saw him with the same woman not once but 3 times. The last time it was 11:30 at night. I ask him and her what do they want to do she said he can live with her and I ask him and he said yes he wants to be with her so I said great Friday pack your things and go be with the woman you love. Now during the summer he works and during the winter he does not. A day later he called me and ask can he stay another month I told him no. I refuse to let you treat method way and disrespect me
    I have not heard from him since
    He a very stubborn man. Do you feel he still had love for me?

    1. admin

      February 20, 2014 at 7:37 pm

      Have you tried NC yet?

  2. Meg

    February 19, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Hey Chris, my ex & i were together for two years. He was my first boyfriend & i was his second gf. His first gf cheated and left him hopeless. We started off slow and fell deeply in love. I would say our relationship.was amazing other than me not controlling how mean i got when we were upset with each other. After a year he broke up with me because of it. I saw how much i hurt him and realized i really loved him so i fought for him back. We eventually got back together and i stuck to my word. I was more understanding and didnt blow up when we argued. The second time around he seemed different. I assumed it was his ridiculous job schedule so i.ignored it. I soon felt that he was being unfaithful but he would deny it. Times he gave off signs that he wanted to give up but in the end he always fought for me and begged me to stay and that he loved me. Last august i found out that he was cheating and when confronted he admitted and begged me not to leave him. He fought for me back and i took him back. It was hard trusting him again but i knew i didnt want to give up becausefor the passed two year i had been extremely in love with this man and despite his unfaithfulness he had been a wonderful friend. We had our good days and bad and we were the type to not give up. One day i was having one of my bad days and from there he decided its best not to be together and from there we have been split for four months. I got better with time and i miss him frequently but i think i would just be ok knowing that he still wants me even though he moved on to his ex.

  3. mickie

    February 19, 2014 at 4:02 am

    hi chris.. ive been in NC for 33 days on my fist attempt of contacting him seems to be failed but then days after that he msg me asking for his stuff shoes and hard-drive only but i decided to give him everything that he owned when he came to my house its very casual i mean i act casual tried to asked him to do me a small favor only he can do but then he refused to do it then i said ok. then he walk away and left my place. 2 days after that my friends decided to have a drink (he was invited ofcourse) since his work finish quite late i dont expect him to join us but then he msg one of my friend and said he will come and his on the way because of what happen last time i felt negative so i decided to left the party right before he arrive.. but then 2 days after the party he msg me again but his just asking for some name of his medicine then i gave it.. but during our txting time i make sure that i reply late to make sure that he will not think something..then again few days after that weve met at the party again of my friend he seems very talkative always intiate the contact and he even asked me to keep his things so it wont get wet at the pool becuase its a pool party.. then i said why me.. then he said please keep it then ok i took his stuff then the party ends we go home together and on our way home he still talks to me topic from his work and at home the usual topic that we used to talk before. then he took me home and out of a sudden i act of kissing him goodbye he kiss me too but then we both say “ohh” next morning we didnt talk. i didnt msg him in short i dont want him to think that im already grabbing the opportunity.. what ive notice is in person he seems ok to me but trough txting seems very casual.. what does it mean? what should i do.. pls help me..i so confuse now

    1. admin

      February 19, 2014 at 7:25 pm

      Maybe he just doesn’t know how to approach the situation.

    2. mickie

      February 20, 2014 at 5:33 am

      hi cris..
      i tried to txt him again today just to open some topics which we both know but not really related to our past relationship. but then i got a 1 word reply every time so i cut off the talk..
      his acting this way everytime we txt but then in person his very talkative to me..what does it mean?

  4. ms.confused

    February 18, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    OK me and my ex was friends before we went out or whatever. We went out for like three days.and he still call me he be getting mad and wanting to know who i’m talking too. But also he calls to just to call. Question what does that mean. For a female teen

    1. admin

      February 19, 2014 at 7:17 pm

      You only dated him for 3 days?

  5. Brittany

    February 18, 2014 at 8:00 pm

    I’m not sure which of your posts to comment this to, but here goes: My ex and I have slowly gotten onto better talking terms, but following the texting steps in your e-book and whatnot. Finally got to a point where he is texting me, but he ended up asking to hook up, saying he just really missed the sex. I kindly declined, mentioning the current girl he’s sleeping with and said I didn’t want to be in the middle of something that seems to be making him happy. He said he didn’t want to be with her and would rather be with me. I mentioned it being ok to meet up for a quick coffee or lunch, to catch up, and he said that was fine. I ended the conversation, and he was like.. well, at least I tried, hope you have a good day.

    I’m so confused. Is he just trying to get at me for the sex, or is this his round about way of saying he regrets his decision and misses me. He also recently made a comment about rethinking some of his decisions. I just don’t know what to think. And i’m definitely not caving to the sex. Input, please?

    1. admin

      February 19, 2014 at 7:15 pm

      Well, the way to find out is to not sleep with him and see what he does. Thats the only way to know for sure.

  6. Sally

    February 18, 2014 at 2:08 pm

    Hi chris, do you think it is possible for someone who is very sensitive, very emotional and very committed to move on after breaking up for two months? He used to cry when we argued. Now he is very close with a girl.

    1. admin

      February 18, 2014 at 7:26 pm

      Its possible.

  7. Sasha-lee

    February 18, 2014 at 2:38 am

    Hi Chriss its me again let me give you the full version of my story and the reason my ex left me. I was fighting with my sisters and they like always say something bad so he just said I’m done and took my phone and told his sister to come fetch hom so he said he is not taking me with him and my mother told him that he can take me with him and he said no I don’t want her anaymore I begd him not to go without me and cried even try to kill myself well so he yelld at me and said f off and then imidiatly I started crying and went to my morhers room and sited there so about an half an hour went by he came to my mothers room and said he want to talk. I went to our room and he said he worte me a letter and ask me to come with and he was crying I said I will go any time with you and then he said then evrything goes back to number 1 so I said then why did you ask me to come with you then. So he ask me to kiss him goodbye and I said no I don’t want to say good bye to someone I love. He kept on for a goodbye kiss and didn’t rely want to leave without one and then time starts to run out and he left. So then I started crying and called him after an hour later and he awnserd and was rude so then I hanged up beacause he didn’t give me a real reason why he broke up with me and stuff he kept talking about gyme and wants to work 2 hours a day and stuff. well so as days passed I called him once a day and he put the phone down he didn’t want to awnser the phone and I found out that since he left two days later he got another girlfriend. So since that day I didn’t call him at all. So one week passed I started packing his stuff up and the weekend came my mothers workers went to drop off his stuff so what happend next 4 days later he send his cousin to my house and said he you ex wants his dog and I told him no he can’t get the dog back. So the second week passed no calling even since he never contacted me and I never called him so his friends started talking to me and said they can se he still thinks about me and stuff so I replied to them and said well I’m not thinking about him and I said I felt nothing and we’ll never love someone like him ever again. So his friends told me he is talking bad stuff about me how ugly I am and my body is and how it looks like real bad stuf. So 4 days later again in the third week almost so I got an random invite on bbm and this guy asked me do I miss my ex and I said no why should I miss soeone who doesn’t love me and who left me I said I don’t miss him and started to tel this weird guy I’m getting my nose pierced this guy beged me not to do it so 3 hours passed by and the guy removed me from bbm so ok I taught fine then. My ex showed up with the police and a slip and said he wants the dog and I said no he didn’t want to listhen and my mother said to him you stayed in my house for two years and you puted my daughter trough enough she said to him that he is cold and when I walked in I could see the guilt on his face I would never forget it. So he said to me I heard you were telling my friends bad thing about me I didn’t say I didn’t I didn’t explain because he didn’t listhen as soon as my sister told him of and said get another dog you already got another gf why not anther dog and he replied no why its my dog so I said nothing I went out side got the dog and just gave it to him so he can just leave me alone. So I rely hope there is a good awnser because I followed you rule. What does this mean please tell me something good

  8. sasha-lee

    February 18, 2014 at 1:30 am

    Hi there. I don’t have anyone to talk to I rely got it bad this time. my ex broke up with me about a month ago. I did call him a few times and he just put the phone down. my ex left me because of he only wants to work 2 hours a day and he wants to gyme but he has no car nothing he lived with me for 2 years. well he just didn’t want to be with me anymore. I called him and I did beg him for lets say about 2 days I called and he didn’t awnser. 2 days later I found out he girl so I said nothing to him and I didn’t call him ever again. he talks to his friends how bad looking I am and how he doesn’t want me back and its over and stuff. so about 4 days later I got a random invite on bbm and someone just asked me out of the blue do you miss your ex and I said no why should I miss him he left me and I wont miss someone who left me. So then the guy removed me I got no idea why so 4 hours later my bf brought the police and a pay slip to say he bought the dog and he wants his dog back and he shouted at me and said I was talking shit about him to his friends and I never did so I didn’t fight back with him because I thought why should I explain to him he wont listhen to me so why should I even try. my mother start telling him of and said to him he is could and has no heart so I respond and said stop what you are doing ill give the dog. my sister ask him why cant you buy another dog you got another girlfriend. I think he was angry that I never called again and said to others I don’t miss him when they asked me and didn’t let him to get his stuff at my house I send it to him with my mothers car and workers droped his stuff off. I never talked bad about him when he left I only talked to God and asked him why. please give me an awnser

    1. admin

      February 18, 2014 at 7:16 pm

      Wow, this is intense.

      Well, are you going to go into NC?

  9. Molly

    February 17, 2014 at 10:29 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me 4 months ago, and I of course have been annoying him nonstop (not intentionally) by seeming needy and begging to get back together. I obviously will try the NC order, but I am afraid he will consider this his relief for good. I can’t tell if he would be willing to get back together, considering he’s told me so many times that we won’t be and that “he’s done with dating forever”. How do I deal with that sort of defense mechanism?

    1. admin

      February 18, 2014 at 7:03 pm

      I don’t believe that done with dating thing one bit. Do you?

  10. Cori

    February 17, 2014 at 9:25 pm

    Hi Chris
    I must say I wished I would have found your site months ago (when my boyfriend and I first broke up). I must admit I have done every last one of the things you said not to do. Smh…the thing is I am older than he is and we still live together (although I am searching for another place to live). He keeps telling me that my moving out would be the best thing for our relationship because then it would give him a chance to actually miss me and my boys. In the meantime he is only here on the weekends his children are here and he usually lives as soon his kids leave to go stay with a female coworker that he has started spending a lot of time with. He keep telling me that he has only kissed her once and he sleeps on her couch when he is there but honestly I don’t believe that. I think there is more to their relationship than he is willing to admit. He will text me when he is with her to “check up” on me and he is constantly telling me how he knows his going to her house hurts me and he is sorry for hurting me. I officially started the NC rule today so I have not responded to any of his text today. My question to you is I know he will be home this weekend because its his weekend to have his kids. He feels as if I won’t go anywhere during that time because of the bond our kids have with each other. I actually have plans this weekend because I have been the one sitting at home waiting on him. Do I change my plans or do I proceed with them? By the way I am 11 years older than my ex (he’s 29 and I am 40). I do want him back because we do have a lot in common and we were working towards the same goals in life.

    1. admin

      February 18, 2014 at 7:01 pm

      I am so sorry to hear this.

      Is he the father of your kids?

  11. Sara

    February 14, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    Hi Chris it’s my second time reading your information. My ex break up with me the third time and this time he told me it was official. He did that last time and I took your advice and did NC and he call and text me few weeks later asking to be back and I went back. But this time we broke up he said its official and I still follow the NC method, but do you think he will come around the 4th time?

    1. admin

      February 15, 2014 at 1:52 am

      Impossible to say.

      Your saying he broke up with you 3 times before?

  12. lucy

    February 14, 2014 at 5:24 pm

    Dear Chris.
    its going to be 3 months of break up fr my bf n i . .the first 2weeks of breekup i called 100 times n texted alot.which i never expected to do so.I did the NC and suddenly i post a pic of me n a male friend on whatsapp.after he started parking infront my building.started texting me alot.its my aim to get him back.but i acted crazy and told him i already moved on and pls stop bothering me. . .after i send that message im freaking out.what if he will listen to what i said to stop.did i ruin it.he start unblocking me in some chats which he did in the first week of breakup.pls help .happy valentines chris.thanks

    1. lucy

      February 14, 2014 at 5:33 pm

      as the time passing by im freaking out emotionally.but i am showing him that i have move on with cold no contact.i am worried that he will eventually fall with the girl in his rebound relationship.i am not worried about the girl beauty coz definietely know my score physically.will i keep continuing the NC rule.

  13. Michelle

    February 14, 2014 at 4:17 am

    You’re gonna be disappointed in me; I broke the NC rule. Its only been a week. He sent me a really angry text threatening me that if I don’t contact him he’ll block and remove my number and everything. I texted him back an hour or two later saying I was busy this week. He called me by the nickname he always used to call me and asked why I didn’t find the time to say hi etc. So I guess he missed me or something. I don’t know. I got him to call me for a bit and I tried to fix things and work it out like we always used to. Apparently he doesn’t have a new girlfriend and he doesn’t know if he still loves me but he has no intention of breaking the promises he made me before. He said we’ll be friends FOR NOW. He said he was pissed that I was ignoring him and I told him its cause I was busy but later admitted that I was mad. I talked about the good times we had and about my improvements over the past week, I apologized for what I did wrong this past month; I actually did treat him badly and pushed him away and eventually over the edge. I tried to own up to my mistakes and fix this in a mature way with him. I also tried to be the girl that he fell in love with.. I know I made a mistake though. He manipulated me with that message and after this phone call I opened up too much. I wasn’t ready for it.
    I just don’t understand how after being each others first and being in a more than two year relationship, how he can just fall out of love. He didn’t say he was doing good without me and didn’t say he was doing bad. He said he’ll call tonight so we could finish this but he probably won’t. I plan on just ignoring him for a while again but is there any guarantee it’ll work now? He said he meant all the I love you’s and wants to keep all the promises. But it’s probably all bull now anyway isn’t it?
    I know I made myself look bad in his eyes now, I just wanted to try to fix this. If two people love each other they should be able to look past the damage done and instead of starting from the same spot, start over in a better spot.. Right? We’ve been through so much crap together. The death of friends, a year and ten months in long distance, 4 months of him in boot camp, he visited me right away after my grandpa died a month ago, and worse fights. His actions proved that he really does or did love me.
    I’m going to focus on myself right now and stop chasing him. But is there a chance that he might still love me, despite how he feels right now? I think I made him run away a bit more with all my feelings and crap just now. I made myself so unattractive even though I tried to remain pleasant. Do you think I still have a chance? I want him to be in love with me again. can feelings really fade away in just one day?
    I’m going to do NC right now but if he sends me another message like that I don’t know what I’ll do.

    1. admin

      February 14, 2014 at 6:45 pm

      I am not disappointed in you.

      He definitely missed you.

      If he sends you another message like that don’t break. It is a completely childish thing to do.

    2. Michelle

      February 14, 2014 at 8:10 pm

      Thank you :c and ill try my best no matter how bad the message is, if he sends me more. I was just really scared that he was serious about it. He also made it clear that he knew I was ignoring him on purpose even though I kept telling him that I was busy. I feel like if I go and ignore him again the next time he sends the threat he’lll mean it because he was so angry before.
      I messed up so badly this time and now he feels as though I’m in the palm of his hand now. I showed that i still wanted him around. I wasnt even able to act like an ungettable girl or leave him wanting more. I’m literally his only friend too, well not anymore; but i feel thats why he wants to keep me around. I know for sure though that I was the best girlfriend he ever had. But I can’t figure out if he has feelings for me anymore..
      Even if he has no feelings for me anymore, I’m going to do my best with nc now. I’m not a dog and I don’t want to be manipulated anymore. I want to be respected.

  14. Karin

    February 12, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    Hi Chris,

    It’s been 3 months since my ex and I broke up, there was a NC period of about 20 days. Since then we have texted back and forth. I usually initiate a text (nothing about getting back together, just random stuff). He has an exact 4 day respond time…it’s like clockwork. His responses are lengthy but do not reciprocate conversation, mainly just responds to my texts. I was able to get him out in person for a drink/dinner a few weeks ago. At that time he essentially said that I ended it, and he accepts it. He is not angry with me. It’s clear that he is not trying to get me back but at the same time, I can tell he is still attracted to me and I have some pull when we are together in person.

    My questions: (1) what is this 4 day response time about? (2) If he says that he accepts the breakup, is this a defence mechanism or is it a clear sign that he is past it? (3) would NC work again to get a warning sign manifested again?

    1. admin

      February 14, 2014 at 2:52 am

      It is impossible to say for sure. It is so complicated.

      Maybe he is playing a game or he read somewhere that 4 days responding time is how to approach your ex.

  15. Ann

    February 7, 2014 at 4:20 am

    Hey Chris i have been reading a lot of your writing and respect you a lot for reaching out to women like me and breaking your bro code x) anyways, my situation is completely sucky and I would like to know if I have completely messed up. So my story is: 3 years ago I had a friend, he was always there for me and cared for me when I was ill and gave me advice to use in my crappy relationships. A year later me and him got together after him begging for a chance with me haha. I was his first kisser and first girlfriend. I made sure his first kiss was somewhere special too because I am a hopeless romantic. 7 months later into our relationship he had to move to Washington state, i was bummed out but decided to pick up full-time shifts at my job so I can save up and visit him for Christmas. Once I had the money I traveled to Washington and stayed there for a month, after traveling back home me and him did long distance for 6 months and i worked full-time was again to get him back to Champaign (where i live). So he traveled back and now he is living here in Champaign once again with his mother and older brother. But the past 3 months have been stressful on me, and I think i smothered him, because I wanted to see him every day since i was stressed. I leaned on him so much that I think I pushed him away. December 26 he broke up with me, his reason was “we don’t agree on some things” “you I don’t want to be in a relationship, but if i do it’ll be with you” “I don’t have time for a relationship”. He changed the reasons a lot and he says he doesn’t know exactly what he is feeling. 2 weeks later he started dating someone else, it’s one of the girls his guy friends know. Well on the 15th of January i picked him up from college and we went back to my place to just hangout, we ended up making love though :”/ he told me “i don’t know how but i know we’ll end up together again” and he also said “you need to know the truth, i love you, i am still in love with you”. He had a date that night and wanted to cancel it because we just finished making love, he asked me if he should go or not but i said “it’s not my place to make that decision for you” . he decided to go to see how it would go. i dropped him off and picked him back up. he made the decision to stay with her over me. anyways Sunday night he said that he was really stressed out and begged me to stay on skype to talk to him because he loves my presence, but i told him no and to go talk to his new girlfriend. i was upset because he kept say “your a great friend” and Sunday night i acted off my emotions by blocking him from Skype and sending a Facebook message to the girl telling her about me and him making love on Wednesday. i knew it was a mistake and tried deleting the message but she still got it and thanked me for telling her. His friends found out and attacked me over Twitter and told me to stop telling lies. I guess they think i was trying to split him and her up but i sent the message cause i thought she should know His friend decided to take a picture with the girl laying on my ex’s chest and his friend himself pointing at the camera. So I don’t know if my ex and the girl are still together. It’s been 30 days since the last I have talked to my ex. Even though he hasn’t been himself lately, I miss him and wish he would come back because if I lose him fully I’ll be losing my lover but my best friend as well. We taught each other so much these past two years, it just sucks to lose all of that over petty arguments and my life stress. and not a day has past that i haven’t though about him or lost sleep. Well i hope you reply i really do. Sorry for the essay.
    p.s I finished the NC period, I know sleeping with him was a mistake. I have never text gnatted him, and I never said anything mean to him about his new girlfriend. I contacted him today and followed the rules of first contact. He replied “you are dead to me. Please forget everything from the past 3 years”. I didn’t respond. Should I keep trying is my question? Is all hope lost? I mostly refuse to give up because my ex is not just my ex, he is my best friend and the person I’ve grown with for 3 years, and the love of my life. He makes me happy like no other. I don’t understand why is he is how he is now though, he is not himself.

    1. admin

      February 7, 2014 at 6:36 pm

      So, you have completed the 30 days?

  16. Jenny

    February 6, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    Hmm, i don’t know what to do anymore. My BF and I broke up 5 weeks ago, because it didn’t work the way we wanted. Too many arguments and frustrations. First week I was very emotional and constantly texting him how I felt. He didnt want to have contact so it was a bit difficult. A week after the break up he came to my house and we talked. It was emotional for both of us, but he still thought it was for the best that we broke up. At this point I changed my attitude and decided I needed to work on myself before I could work on us again. I started to run and work out, partying with my lovely friends and focussing on study. After 2 weeks I went to his family to thank them for the great years and just to hug it out with them, theyre like my second family. He wouldnt be there, but later he was there and we kissed goodbye and stuff, still having a strong connection. Next day he was telling me again that the break up was for the best. After that I just tried to move on. I met up with some handsome guys, working out and still partying. I didnt contact him any longer. Then I received short messages from him, how I was doing and what I was going to do that weekend. I responded shortly and didnt really asked things back so that were short conversations. I saw him when I was going out and just played it cool. I was saying Hi and pretented like I was doing great! This evening he kinda collapsed and told me the first 2 weeks were a lot easier for him than the last few weeks. He said that he still cared about me and he even kissed me. He asked if he could come to me the next day and I said OK. We talked for 2 hours there and then we both were going home. When he got home he called me saying that he was so confused and stuff. So the next day he came to my house and tried to change te whole situation again by telling me he was worried that maybe he gave me false hope (he said that he was a bit drunk the other night) the way he was acting the other night. He said he just want to be friends and that it was not such a good idea to come and talk. After this talk we cuddled and made out. Even worse, we hooked up. Shame on me, and soooo weird. Ok, the week after that (last week) he was sending me texts. Just silly things once a day or once in two days. First I just responding shortly but since last monday something has changed. We texted almost constantly and it was fun and weird. Bringing up memories, a little flirting. When i didnt sent anything back he’ll sent another message. He’s mostly initiating. But I really don’t know what to do next. What does he wants? And what should be my next step?

    1. admin

      February 6, 2014 at 6:25 pm

      Progress things. Try to get a date.

    2. Jenny

      February 7, 2014 at 12:51 pm

      But how do I know what his intentions are? He can be really confusing and givin mixed signals…

  17. niathi

    February 6, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    hello,i am 22 and i have been in a relation for 1 and half years,we jst broke up 5 months back.he is a very angry type and wants to dominate me all the time that was the reason f breakup..after break up i contacted him 4-5 tyms…he behaved so angrily bt sometyms nice,he is now having a great ego that am under his foot and enjoys making me cry…he tells that he will never come to my life and askd me to move on as am not ready to obey him..and also told that he s completly over me and doing sex chat and he told me that he s very happy without me.he blocks me in facebook….i have been doing no contact for more than 1 month …PLS TELL ME FRANKLY THAT IF I HAVE ANY CHANCE TO GET HIM BY NO CONTACT RULE…HE S COMPLETELY OVER ME………….PLS HELP

    1. niathi

      February 7, 2014 at 3:55 am

      pls help me…by giving reply

  18. Amelia

    February 6, 2014 at 12:40 am

    i just found your site today and i really need your help and advice .
    i can’t seem to get over my ex of 3 months . we’ve been broken up since may 2013 .
    i seem him everyday and somehow he pops in my mind like twice a weak . i check his blog reguarly . i really just want to move on! but at the same time i just want to be best friends again . not even together . all i miss is all the fun we had together even when we weren’t together . he was the funniest person ever! and really made my freshman year amazing . When we we’re together it was like we were made for eachother . I also feel like i ruined the relationship .. everytime there was something wrong with me he would try and help me but i just wouldn’t crack . we’d fight over nothing but make up 2 hours later . it’s really just my outbursts that ruined the relationship and my lack of ability to tell the truth and not cry . All he wanted to do was help me and love me but i just couldn’t i just couldn’t commincate with him whenever i was down . i don’t ever talk to anyone when i’m down . I HATE IT but i CANT help it . overall i have no idea what i want to do . i miss him and all but idk . i have a limited time. whenever i do think about talking to him i’m just like ” omg he’s so stupid ” or ” ugh he hates me , i’m so stupid ” |

    ugh it’s so confusing . he stares at me almost every single time he gets , he texted me a new years text a half hour before new years .

    I really love the little things he does like that . i really do , makes me feel like we are alright and okay . but as soon as the day ends , everything goes back to normal .

    i’m very confused about all this and it’s either or
    do we just pretend we’re strangers or …?

    1. admin

      February 6, 2014 at 5:46 pm

      Firs toff, don’t be thinking stuff like that it will do you absolutely no good at all.

      Have you done anything to escalate the attraction?

    2. Amelia

      February 7, 2014 at 3:21 am

      i’ve tried talking to him via text
      i even made him a card but others are telling me i’m doing to much .

      he says we should just be casual friends , yah know like the ones that just say hello to one another . He’s never came up to me even when i’m right next to him . never says hello but yet he wants to be casual friends … ( i’m sorry if i’m going off topic ) i know it’s not true because what cruel person would give it all up? why would someone not want your love?
      i don’t understand and i just wish he would tell me the truth and suffer like i do everytime i know he’s around

    3. Amelia

      February 6, 2014 at 12:42 am

      also he says he’s ” sprung ”
      and i’m like what? .. he couldn’t even talk tome first
      yeah . so that’s it

  19. kristen

    February 4, 2014 at 5:03 am

    Me and my ex were together for 2 1/2 years. We been through some rough tines but we made it through it everytime. We broke up a few times in the time being and he always said I’m over you, I’m done and after a while we end uo working it out. Well we recently broke up over a silly fight that people laugg about and we have a month old son together. And he claims that he’s done for good and he’s mean to me. Accuses me of being with other guys and doing all kinds of things which aren’t true. And he asjed me to marry him prior to the break up and I said in years time when we know we can stay committed and not break up over a silly fight and he agreed to that. But now his feelings have changed. He claims he’s done for good and he never wants to be with me again. And when I ignore him he gets pissed and blows my phone up. Does he reallt want to be done or is that just his anger speaking.because I dnt wanna throw our love away over a sily fight. I spill my feelings to him and he doubts me. It stressesme out. All I do is cry. I just want a happy family togerher like we planned and tlked about.

    1. kristen

      February 4, 2014 at 5:06 am

      Btw he’s 19 and I’m 20 I dnt know if age matters. But jist letting u know

    2. admin

      February 4, 2014 at 5:45 pm

      Age does matter… Do you think he get scared of a deeper commtiment?

    3. kristen

      February 5, 2014 at 8:30 pm

      Honestly marrige was always on my mind I just wasnt ready knowing we had a baby on the way and the stress that would bring along the way with it. I broke it off last because of a fight. So I don’t think he’s scares of the deeper commitment. I just believe he needs to grow up a little more.

  20. Nicole

    February 3, 2014 at 6:01 pm

    I started dating a guy I go to college with 5 months ago. We were doing great. I met his family and he met mine (including my little boy). He is 2 years younger than me. Im 26. I even went on a week long vacation with him and his family. He hasn’t had a girlfriend since high school. I felt we were on a great track then all of a sudden he cancels plans with my family dinner last minute and says “I’ve been very confused about us the last few weeks and have been thinking a lot about our future, lets talk more tomorrow”. Texted him the next day when we could meet but he said he was too hungover and could we talk the next day. I replied “If our relationship is important to you, and im important to you, you can at least come talk to me” His reply… “You are very important to me and so is our relationship. But I feel like my heart isn’t fully in this relationship”. I went on to ask him what happened to make him all of a sudden feel this way and he replied…” You didn’t do anything wrong. Everything is real good. I just don’t want to keep this going when im not fully into it and hurt you later down the road”. I simply replied…”Ok”. Well I wake up from a test from him saying “Good morning. I found my jacket by the way. I was behind the door. That would have been awkward if we would’ve questioned that guy lol”. I replied with “Good Morning. I’m glad you found it”.

    Why would he contact me about something like that a day after he broke my heart?

    1. admin

      February 4, 2014 at 5:26 pm

      Maybe he didn’t know any other neutral way to reach out without you being super upset?

      I don’t know I am just spitballing here.

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