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1,520 thoughts on “Signs My Ex Wants Me Back”

  1. zane

    December 22, 2013 at 9:52 pm

    I was dateing a guy since a year everythng ws going well but all of suden he has started takeing me for granted started maintaing distance staying aloof he weeds alot i thot he is emotionLy chalenged as it was effect of weed.although i tried making an effort to know whats the matter is he rplys chill n for dAys he keeps on ignoreing and finally day has kum i have decided to break up with him and he neva wanted me to leav .but nowbi find him chilld up and i want him back ..what shud i do??

    1. admin

      December 23, 2013 at 8:00 pm

      Have you tried the NC rule yet?

  2. Nicole

    December 22, 2013 at 5:37 am

    Dear Chris,,
    My husband and I have just broke up after 10 years together. I also like many others wish I had read this sooner as I have made many mistakes. I have been desperate to get him back, calling like crazy proclaiming my love and telling him how sorry I am. IMy husband and I have huge trust issues as we both have cheated . Nevertheless. We still love each other. Since he has moved out he has come over to have sex many times. I believe that he has moved in with another girl right away after the big break up. This girl is a girl that has popped up many times in our marriage. My husband reassures me I do not know where he is and that he “don’t love them hoes” that he will never love another women like he does me. I really want to implement the no contact rule however we do have a daughter. With the holidays coming up so quickly this breakup has become more and more painful. I don’t know what to do. I love him so much and I cannot imagine my life without him. I feel as if I am just existing right now and I feel depressed very much. I do notice if I don’t call him for a day or so he will start calling and getting upset. I am not sure if that I because he misses me or if it’s because he misses our daughter. This relationship has been through many ups and downs and been to many dark times but we still have the spark and we love each other d early deep down. Divorce papers have not yet been filed but he says he is going to do it. I am scared to death. He has just recently gotten his 3rd OWI and I am not sure if his distance from us is because he knows he will be gone in jail in the near future. This has happened before and I was unfaithful to him. I don’t know what to do. I miss him to the depths of my soul and I don’t know what to do. Do this other girl hold any significance? He says no, it has nothing to so with her and he laughs. How do I do this right, you know, get him back with jeopardizing my daughters well being. At this point dropping her off at this girlfriends house isn’t something I can bring myself to do. He does say he will come visit but it just leads to him inevitably getting what he wants ( sex,reassurance that I still love him, seeing what going on at my house etc. but nevertheless he leaves with no problem. This is probably the most complex story ever but I desperately need help. I need my husband back,
    In love with me. Every second of the day hurts. What do I do? Please help me…. It’s going to be a blue Christmas And New Years without him.
    I cannot continue to live like this. I need a gameplay to get my man back. Please help!!!

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 7:42 pm

      Have you by any chance read my guide on how to get your ex husband back?

  3. Jess

    December 21, 2013 at 2:18 am

    So me and my ex dated for 5 months, everything was amazing and I’m not just saying that by ignoring the bad cause I want him back but legit everything was wonderful. A week ago he said that I had gotten lazy around the house a bit but didn’t express interest in leaving. All of a sudden he was gone after I freaked out one night when he was trying to blow off steam.

    So he knows he still has stuff at my house and has failed to come get it even though he said he would. He has also contacted me first TWICE expressing extreme anger towards the fact he thinks I took the things he did for me for granted. When asked if we could give it another try he just says… “no one would accept us”

    Question is, does he really just want the space he asked for and still might want to get back with me OR is he back burnering me incase he finds someone else?

  4. Bonsai

    December 20, 2013 at 10:48 am

    I have employed the NC tactic myself in the past. Maybe it was due to pride, not sure. Several years ago I was dumped cruelly by a guy. The break-up came as a shock to me (it was my first relationship, too), and as much as I wanted him back, I was also extremely angry and had a lot of unresolved emotions because the situation didn’t make sense, almost as if he was hiding something from me (and he was, he cheated on me several times). Despite the whirlwind of emotions, I employed NC even though it was extremely hard. When we attended mutual friends’ parties he’d treat me like I didn’t exist, but I still kept with the NC rule. I eventually managed to find closure within me and get over him, and when he sent me an email 4 years later asking to catch up with me for coffee, I ignored the email. Just like he ignored me at those parties, he could get a taste of his own medicine. I had no desire to meet up with him anyway. Even though the experience was hard, it may be possible that my NC rule might have lodged a memory of me in the back of his mind, where he’d occasionally wonder why I had never chased after him and begged him to take me back, which would have puzzled him as I DID look very heart-broken. And this may have ultimately caused him to send that email so many years later? Whereas if I had revealed all my cards, I would have lost that sense of mystery and he would have gotten bored of me. I don’t think he was looking to rekindle things (unless it was to get a quick f***), but if his purpose for sending that email was to feed his ego and see if I actually still longed for him to date, he’d have been very disappointed. I guess, regardless of his reason for wanting to meet up, I think the no contact policy was categorically wise, and I feel completely resolved. Whether or not he is is his problem.

  5. mel

    December 19, 2013 at 7:46 am

    Do I reply? what do I say? or should I give no response?

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:38 pm

      No response.

  6. mel

    December 19, 2013 at 7:38 am

    I’ve done the NC rule no problem, but i never really got a reaction out of him from him but after I contacted he was very calm but I could tell he has lack of interest however only recently I was talking to one of his friends, just a friendly conversation nothing much tbh and then I got this angry text from him about me having a conversation with one of his friends, so I’m slightly confused. Does that mean anything?

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:41 pm

      It means he has some trust issues…

  7. CatCC

    December 18, 2013 at 2:18 am

    My ex ended things with me. We had no no for a month then he contacted me then stopped but i wanted him to teach me to weld. so i called him back. but i have begin to see someone from my past. he began to talk to an ex. but said suddenly he was not felling the love. but then said to me well i am happy for you like 6 times. then i said ok i if you will still teach me i can come there for 2 weeks and he goes on twice well what would my new bf say about this. how does he feel about it. well i am always indep so in my eyes unless i am married or committed my call. then he insisted i stay with him .when i said i would stay at a motel while there. i need to learn ths to earn some extra cash since i have a autistic child and working full time has been harder as she ages. that is another story. Not sure what is going on his head. He good at trying to make me feel guilty.

    1. admin

      December 18, 2013 at 6:36 pm

      Well why should you feel guilty?

      Perhaps the better question is why do you put up with him making you feel guilty?

  8. Mike

    December 16, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    Biased BS. Coming from a man…The same can be said about women.

  9. Anna

    December 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm

    Me and my ex dated for two years, we split up about months ago. I did do the No contact rule for about 90 days. On my birthday he told me happy birthday, later me and my brothers and some friends went to go see a movie. My ex asked my brother if he could come with us knowing that I was going to see the movie too. We got along really well, he talked to me throughout the movie and sat as close to me as he could without touching. At the end of the night he rubbed my back and said goodbye. We texted for a short time I ended the conversation, but it’s been a while since we talked. Why hasn’t he tryed talking to me again?

    1. admin

      December 16, 2013 at 6:22 pm

      Well, have you tried reaching out to him?

  10. Gcav

    December 9, 2013 at 11:14 pm

    Well I can tell you my situation is far beyond this. I dd no contact for around two weeks after he was asking to be friends and I said no thanks. Then he was talking to my mom on fb about why we broke up and that “maybe one day” we can give it another shot. Those words are too uncertain. He then contacted me again to ask how I was as I told if he wants to go out for a drink sometime I would be okay with that, and we can be friends and I will see where that takes me. Now he asked me to hang out first, almost every time. I wait for him to Text me most of the time. We hang out at least twice a week. We watch movies and drink wine. He is very respectful and a little bit older than me. In fact maybe no one will believe me, but he said he doesn’t like Having sex with girls he’s not dating. So he doesnt pull moves on me. Last two times we hung out e invited me out to a bar and to stay at his friends beach house. We had a blast both times. His friends love me and then when we got Backto te house we cuddle an fell asleep tangled in eachother. Still didn’t try and do anything inappropriate. Idk where his head is at. We didn’t break up per much. Stress, a little jealousy, and miscommunication. But also we didn’t date fr long either. What do you think is going on? Using me? Or missing me and feeling his way back into dating me. He talks to my mom all the time which idk y an ex Would do that. I’m confused

    1. admin

      December 10, 2013 at 6:55 pm

      Have you tried NC yet?

  11. Samantha

    December 8, 2013 at 11:25 pm

    Hi, I dated my ex for four months and im 17. I know im young and have my whole life ahead of me. He was my first everything so I am super attached. He broke up with me exactly a year ago yesterday. He messages me all the time wanting to meet up, but he has a girlfriend that hes so ‘in love’ with. Im just wandering if maybe he wants me back? I haven’t been able to move on and I always ask myself why? He tried four years to get me to say yes and when I finally did he only dated me for four months. I have a few theorys as to why things went the way they did. and you seem like an expert with this stuff. can you help me with my confusion?

    1. admin

      December 9, 2013 at 7:19 pm

      I am assuming you haven’t tried the NC rule yet?

  12. may

    December 8, 2013 at 8:17 pm

    my BF just broke up with me , he is emotionally fucked up the last days because he is tired of studying and working at the same time , besides he is an engineer and he is still waiting for a good position while he is working in a kiosk for the moment just because his parents are pressing him to work , the day i did something stupid not a big deal he get angry from me ( 4 days ago) and he broke up with me saying that he is so tired from his life and he can’t handle things anymore he said he need to find a good job then he may think about other areas in his life
    what should I do ?

    1. admin

      December 9, 2013 at 6:55 pm

      Have you tried NC yet?

  13. Julia

    December 8, 2013 at 5:42 am

    Hi Chris

    I broke up with my boyfriend at the begining of November after having been away for a month on holiday. The day before we left, we had a huge fight, lots of screaming and crying and all that stuff. I left for my holiday with this on my mind. While I was away, we contacted each other every day, I was missing him like crazy, but i wasn’t missing the fights.. Two weeks before I was to come home, I started to withdraw from him. When i arrived, i told him that i love him and missed him while I was away, but didn’t miss the fights and maybe we are better off as not being a couple. He didn’t even fight for me. He accepted it, we cried and hugged and said goodbye. Now, at the time, i thought i did the right thing. I went into no contact, so I could heal. I wanted him back, but I didn’t tell him that. There is no bad feelings towards us. He had sent me a couple of messages throughout my NC period, even asking to catch up. I did’t reply. We were at a mutual friends dinner party, they didn’t tell us each other were coming (I think it was their attempt to reunite us as they know we are both upset at what happened) but i just kept it civil and was the first to leave the party. He sent me a message saying it was really good to see me, that i’m beautiful and that he missed me. I didn’t reply as hard as it was not to. It’s been just over a month now, NC, he texted yesterday saying that he misses me. Asked to go for a walk. I said yes. It was lovely to see him. He could see by my smile how happy I was. He held my hand as we walked, all the things an EX shouldn’t do. But I let him. I liked it. Over the period of NC, he reminded me that this break up was my doing. We talked about us while we went for our walk. I put my heart and pride on the stage and said that I miss him, I love him and I want him back. He said he didn’t expect that as he hasnt heard from me. He said that he wants to be back with me, he is just scared of the bad habits kicking back in. I said that I understood and respected that. He can see that i’m doing things to put into place what was broken in our relationship in regards to our arguing etc. So we talked and he said that he knows that he wants to be with me, but he is scared and that he just wants to unwind from this year and enjoy no pressure or have any expectations and see what will happen next year. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!???
    I know him too well, and some things he is doing and saying is to get back at me. It seems that its okay for him to instigate conversations/contact with me, but when I instigate, he says, lets not rush things.
    I want him back Chris. That’s all I know. I broke up with him in haste and totally regret that and I want him back. Now what do I do? I fulfilled the NC rule.

    1. admin

      December 8, 2013 at 7:05 pm

      Were you able to make it through the entire 30 days?

    2. Julia

      December 8, 2013 at 11:00 pm

      Yes, he contacted me throughout the 30 days, i didn’t respond, this weekend just gone would have been 34 days, when he asked to catch up.

  14. Sydney

    December 8, 2013 at 4:39 am

    Hi Chris,

    My ex did text me on the 22nd day of no contact. He also contacted contacted the girl I worked with and neither one of us responded. 3 days later I changed my profile picture on FB and he just blocked me. What do you think? I’m about ready to just leave town and quit my job.

    1. admin

      December 8, 2013 at 7:04 pm

      He is probably just upset for not getting his way with you and the other girl not responding.

  15. kim

    December 6, 2013 at 2:36 am

    Hey I been dating my ex for 8 years and we just broke up he side it was cuz he want space and to find him self again and he was sick if all are dumb fights! os I tried hard to give him his pace we lived together and he staying at his moms until I can find my own place! I been trying hard not to be in touch with him and if I don’t answer his calls or txt.. he shows up and need to get some thing! he always trying to get me to help him out or do stuff for me to help me out!! I don’t get it if he broke up with me cuz he wanted space then why is he always to talk or see me? also be for are brake up we were talking about getting married and so on!! I really want him back that’s why I going to stay with a friend to give him that time to see what he really want!! but I don’t get what you are saying cuz he doing the opposite! ya he get up set alil if I don’t txt him back or pick up his call! but then he will just show up!! help plz

    1. admin

      December 6, 2013 at 7:51 pm

      Like show up physically at yoru door?

  16. Cathy

    December 5, 2013 at 9:41 am

    I dated my ex for 2 years, we really loved each other deeply and had so many good memories
    but in the last 5 months in our relationship, we had many problems and we were always fighting, he was always jealous from every single boy who even tried to talk to me !
    and I became so emotional and crying because I felt that everything between us is dying
    but somehow when we see each other we feel in love again
    at last I left him and after one week he dated another girl ! (this girl love him and he was flirting with her in the last months when we fight but when we get back again he leaves her)
    I began talking to him again after 2 weeks, I felt that he is falling for me again and wants me
    and he also said to that he still loves me and wants to be with me in the future but not now
    but then I don’t know what happened ! maybe because I cried or became so emotional again, he ran away again
    and when I talk with him about us or the past he gets so angry and ends the conversation
    I began the no contact rule 2 days ago but I have some questions
    1- he said to me that he still wants me in his future but not now because we are always fighting and he cannot bear it , and his new girlfriend doesn’t fight with him or even cries .. Will he miss me even if he remembers only the negative memories? and how can I make him remember the good ones?
    2- I saw him with his new girlfriend and I feel he is happy ! and it seems he really moved on and forgot all about me , he is with her all the time, is it possible that he forgot me after 2 years of deep love? .. you know? .. he cried for me many times, I know that he deeply loved me , how can he just move on and be happy without me after less than 1 month ?

    1. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 7:04 pm

      I have something coming up that will help you. Just be patient.

  17. sara

    December 5, 2013 at 5:38 am

    hi chris

    you know when you said you were very angry at your ex gf (but deep inside you cared for her)
    what is the best way for us to deal this. get angry at him back? ignore him? wait till he reach out first?

    basically i have done the NC rule, but he “accidentally” showed up 3 days before it finished so i ignored him, anyways i texted him a couple days later to meet up and talk about it, but he just went ballistic! so should i apply NC again? he is on rebound as well so he showed up all signs stated above..

    many thanks

    1. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 6:56 pm

      Ignore for a while until he reaches out and do a good job of the push pull stuff.

      At the same time understand that he is going to say some stupid stuff and don’t take it too personally.

  18. Pp

    December 3, 2013 at 3:45 am

    idk what to do 30 no contact again? Not looking foward to it

    1. admin

      December 3, 2013 at 7:48 pm

      Maybe 15 days instead?

  19. Pp

    December 3, 2013 at 3:43 am

    Feel like I messed this up..I maybe rushed things his feeling changed idk what to do 30 no contact again? Not looking foward to it

  20. Bluebird

    December 2, 2013 at 10:03 am

    Hi! I’m glad I found this. I’ve been reading to look for some answers. My story is kinda.long and complex.
    This guy and I dated for almost 9 months. But this guy is in a long distance relationship and they see each other every.now and then. I knew what I was getting into, yet I thought it would change his heart eventually.
    He decided to breakup with saying he couldn’t take it anymore, he wasn’t himself. But that he still loves me and there wasn’t an inside problem in our relationship. But that he couldn’t be with two girls at once. I did noticed he was pushing me away, but he would apologize.
    I said that I still wanted to be his friend because, after all, he is a really amazing and cool guy. He agreed, even though we were really sad.
    I wasn’t planning to talk to him the next day, yet he texted me to see how I was. We talked for a bit and later he sends me a song. He didn’t want a answer back, just wanted me to listen. I did.
    The next day, I sent him something I knew he would like because I was listening to it I thought of him, he liked it. And he also told me his phone was broken, so we would talk by dm. And we were like this for a week. A message a day, a faved tweet from both parts.
    A week after, at 2:30 am he replies a message I left him the day before and we started to talk about conspiracy theories (one of our favorite topics) until 5:30 am. A few days later, I sent him a song that made me think about our situation and I got him angry and confused (mostly confused) and I sent him a testament via dropbox yet, he dm’ed the next night about random things and told me he hadn’t read what I sent him.
    A few days later we were having small talk and ask him if he could do me a job-related favor. An hour later, he texts me from this number and tells me that it depends and also, that that one was his new telephone number. We were two days without speaking and he sends me a video about a joke that we have and I sent him another one back. Later we had small talk and that it.
    The next night, he just faves two more tweets at 3am and I did the same.
    Keeping in mind that he is still with his girlfriend, I don’t know what to think.

    1. admin

      December 2, 2013 at 7:25 pm

      Well, I think the first question you need to answer is WHY you want him back. What is your reason for wanting him back?

    2. Bluebird

      December 3, 2013 at 4:45 am

      Well, because I felt happy with him. And we were both pretty honest with each other. We could talk and talk about anything. For me, he still is one of my main supports, and like I said, we didn’t breakup because the feelings weren’t there anymore.

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