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February 5, 2020 at 3:30 am
Does no contact work on someone you were only seeing for a few months?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
February 6, 2020 at 7:31 pm
Hey there if you were in a sort of relationship then yes it can work.
January 31, 2020 at 3:56 am
I’ve done the 30 days of NC whatsoever. Is it ok to start watching my ex’s FB or Instagram stories?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 31, 2020 at 11:36 pm
Avoid watching social media, reach out with a text that Chris suggests first and work your way up to watching their online activity
January 29, 2020 at 8:27 am
Me and my ex broke up roughly 5 months ago, we tried to work on the friendship and it just wasn’t working. It’s been 2 months now since I unfriend off of snap chat, and decided to go my separate ways as it was best for me. I went the route of out-of-sight out of mind and it was going great until 3 days ago. I’m randomly going through people viewing my snap story and find the ex back at it creeping my stuff although seeing someone else. I haven’t bothered to look at they social media in over months as I’ve been trying to get over the breakup myself. I can’t seem to understand why months later out of the blue, they want to check up on me if you’re seeing someone else. I’m dating someone and haven’t felt a slight need to see what they are up to.. help me understand!!
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
February 5, 2020 at 8:11 pm
Hi Jae, so I hope this doesn’t disappoint you too much but I wouldn’t think too much into it if he is just having a look at your stories, he probably looks at a few. If you don’t want him back and are just getting over the break up. Ignore all interactions he makes and focus on yourself 🙂
January 18, 2020 at 10:06 pm
my ex and I broke up a month ago. I immediately went into no contact, but had to pick something up from his house a week later. I have been in no contact since. It has been 26 days. He is seeing his ex again. In the last month, based on her public posts, they obviously have been spending time together, but also still fighting again. They have had a roller coaster relationship for the last 6 years. He obviously still needs that roller coaster, but they also still have those underlying problems that keep them from every truly committing (their break-up/back together cycle is over and over 2-4 times a year). With me, it was the first time he had become exclusive with someone during one of their “break-ups.” We didn’t fight. We got along great. We talked it over if an issue came up. It was more of an adult relationship (we are both in our 40’s). She always chases after him, waits on him, fights with him, publicly posts about their problems, and everything else that appears needy, yet he goes back. I have been working out, concentrating on me, and even gone out on a few dates (just not really feeling those). Both of them have been looking at my stories. Her on instagram as my instagram isn’t private because I don’t use it often. He has been viewing my facebook stories. But it seems he may have stopped. He didn’t look at the last one. I haven’t looked at his at all or done anything on his fb to indicate that I have looked. I guess I am wondering if the fact that he stopped looking at my stories an indication that he is getting over me? A friend of his did reach out to me this week and invited me to an event with his wife that is still 2 months away. That seemed a little strange, but even if he is still looking at my page, until he is done with his roller coaster, I would never take him back.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 18, 2020 at 10:13 pm
Hey Lynn, its rough when you see your ex with someone else I’m sorry you’re going through this! I understand what you are saying about being done with him until he is done with the other woman but consider reading this article https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/how-to-win-back-an-ex-who-is-with-someone-else/
Even if you do not want to try this, but you can understand what it is you need to do if you do want to get your ex back eventually
January 17, 2020 at 8:23 pm
My ex and I broke up 2 weeks ago. His first reason was he wanted to be alone. Finally I got it out of him.. I was too mean. I was mean towards the end because I was always stressed out and I took it out on him. We lived together and had a dog together. Since then we got in a bad fight, Called each other names. We made up the next day and ended up having s*x. It’s been a few days since then. I have started no contact but I can’t help but think, does he even miss me? Do I have a chance at getting him back? We dated for 2 years and we were perfect together. He’s not much of a communicator so I think he just had everything bottled up and just exploded. What should I do to get him back? Thanks
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 17, 2020 at 9:09 pm
Hey there so first thing you need to do, is show you are working on yourself to stop being mean. If you were snappy and grump then you need to learn how to control your emotions and if you are feeling frustrated how to control what words you use and how you treat people around you this does take more work than people realise. So start that today! Stick to a no contact for some time and reach out with one of the text styles that is recommended on this website!
January 17, 2020 at 1:31 pm
my ex doesn’t want anything to do with me , we were sleeping around for a year now . he is my ex from 2010. long story short he don’t want me anymore, but Everytime we have a falling out his sister page start watching my insta stories. for years his sister was following me but never paid me any mind but now she watches all my stories
January 14, 2020 at 4:00 pm
My ex and I have been broken up 2 months. He initiated the break up and he uses Instagram to send me memes daily. We ended up in a fwb situation and he still has his days where he starts arguments but no matter what he weirdly keeps sending those memes.. It completely throws me off. So I started no contact.. please help decipher why he would continue to send those?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 16, 2020 at 11:30 pm
The reason he sends those memes is to see if he gets a response from you. But you need to stick to a No Contact and not reply to those to show him you are no longer interested in a fwb situation and that you are setting a boundary that you are not looking for what he is willing to give you right now, you are going to work on yourself in that time and also consider going on some casual dates in that time too to show him you are looking for something real not part time.
January 8, 2020 at 11:08 am
Hi. My Ex and I had been going out for 2 years. It’s been 3 month since the break up. Soon after the break up, he deleted all instagram pics of us apart from one, blocked me on FB messenger, and deleted some (but not all) pics of us on his FB. I haven’t contacted him in 2 months.
At the moment, we are still friends on FB (although I have deactivated my activate for couple of months as have exams). But recently he has deleted a few more pics on his FB. He also unfollowed me on instagram the other day, after I posted my first picture in a while.
Yesterday I noticed he deleted the last remaining picture of me off his instagram.
I am really confused with what is going on in his head. Why is is doing all these actions gradually. I initially thought this was him hurting and being irrational, but now I’m questioning whether he is just slowly moving on?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 13, 2020 at 11:26 pm
Hey Danni, so when exes go to the effort of deleting photos it shows that at that point in time you were on their mind (yay) but that they were not feeling positive emotions (upset, anger, missing you but not wanting to). So I wouldn’t say that they are moving on slowly, it just a sign that you are actually on their mind at this point. So giving that you are almost done with your No Contact and its been around 30 days, you can start reaching out and hopefully have short friendly conversations with your ex and start re building attraction
January 1, 2020 at 11:47 am
My bf broke up with me after we had a big fight tht dragged for 7 days.. He took some space then came back and said this was not working for him and he can nt be in a relationship with any one. Am his first.
He broke up with me 6 days ago.. And I did gnat him asking for him back every 2 days..
But started the NC yesterday..
During all tht period he has been checking every snapchat story.. Everyday..
Should I keep letting him watch? Or should I restrict him for a week to give him a clear space from me.. It makes no sense he broke up with me but so interested in knowing wat am up to.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 3, 2020 at 5:35 am
Hi James yes keep letting him watch your stories and see you are not sat at home waiting to hear from him. Live your life during No contact and show that you are fine with or without them.
December 28, 2019 at 8:40 pm
Hi I am struggling. I am on day 10 of NC. My ex was looking at my Snapchat and fb stories each and everyday since break up and me entering NC. Day 1 of NC he sent me two snaps and reacted to a fb post. On day 7 NC which was Christmas, he texted me “Merry Christmas”
I didn’t reply.
After that he no longer has watched my stories at all. I feel desperate. He texted me before flying to Middle East for vacation w family. When he landed he looked at my Snapchat story but I think then he realize that I hadn’t texted him back.. since then he has been on fb, IG, and Snapchat but has not looked at ANYTHING.
This is our first BU and I’m worried maybe NC will backfire in this case. No cheating or anything just me being insecure and needy.
Can you please help me? Why would he just stop viewing everything?? Yes he’s on vacation but we’d recently gone to Africa together and he looked at people’s stories then.. I strongly feel he stopped because I didn’t text him merry Christmas back. I do not think he will reach out anymore as he’s gone radio silent. Should I text him back? Literally watched my stories every single day until I ignored him
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 30, 2019 at 10:04 pm
Hey Kathy, stick it out, believe in the process and work on yourself in that time so that when you do speak to him again you are going to peak his interest
December 21, 2019 at 6:11 pm
iv’e been in no contact for almost two months now. I’m curious why he hasn’t unfollowed me on instagram after the breakup? there’s no hard feelings between us. I still follow him and choose not to unfollow him for many reasons. I just remember the first time we broke up, a week later he unfollowed me. Now this time in after two months he hasn’t? Is he still holding onto the possibility of us getting back together when the time is right? I am the only ex he is following on instagram too. Or am I just reading into it more than I should be? I just want to know if i’m on the right track of things if I plan to reach out soon.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 21, 2019 at 10:59 pm
Hey if you want your ex back then it could be time to draft a text that Chris suggests and reach out to him after the holidays
December 16, 2019 at 11:45 pm
Hi, I’m 14 days deep into N.C., I’ve posted really nice photos of me having fun with lots of friends on Instagram and I posted a video of my friend’s cat to my snapchat story. The difficulty is that my friend (male) was holding the cat. I thought this was a subtle way of implying he was losing me, especially as my ex doesn’t know the friend (I’ve been following all the social media rules!!), but when he saw it he immediately unfriended me on snapchat. Other social media’s still unblocked for now. What does this mean and what should I do????
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 21, 2019 at 11:21 pm
Its an emotional reaction so dont worry and keep doing what you are doing
December 7, 2019 at 11:03 am
me and ex was in a long distance, she cheated on me twice and then finally told me, we broke up, its been 2 months and she keeps checking all my insta stories, anything i post she is watching it
December 5, 2019 at 8:26 pm
So what does it usually mean if he stops watching your Instagram stories?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 6, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Hi Joselyn, if this is something he used to do when you were in a relationship I wouldnt over think it. I would focus on making sure you look UG
December 4, 2019 at 12:45 pm
Hey so I think my ex muted me on Instagram because he started to not watch my story anymore no matter how much I tweaked my story content (Instagram) (it’s day 10 of NC). Does this mean he is moving on?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 4, 2019 at 10:47 pm
Usually, blocking or muting someone is an emotional reaction after a break up. So most likely they have done it so that they do not see what you’re posting anymore
December 3, 2019 at 5:21 am
My ex hadn’t view6my snapchat since the break up and then I posted something he would definitely be interested in viewing and after viewing the whole story he deleted me as a friend but kept me on Facebook? I’m I reading into it or? Thank you for any feed back!
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 6, 2019 at 6:43 pm
Hi J so if this is something that would have been interesting to him he more than likely got emotional and deleted you so he didn’t see you doing these things so it is not a bad sign if you want him back.
December 3, 2019 at 3:20 am
Hi, so my boyfriend had been telling me to leave him alone and give him some space. And I did, for like three days only. And I did gnat at him, accusing him for cheating on me when all he wants is space. The last time I gnat at him, he told me he wants to be alone. He even told me to leave me because he thinks our relationship is toxic now because hes hurting me. After that, he unpinned my photo from Twitter but he didnt deleted our photos. Im not sure if he didnt delete them because he was lazy or it is some sort of indication that he still wants me, even a trace. But I posted an Instagram story and a post lately. He also looked at the story and liked my photo. Is that a good sign? And since he unpinned my photo, should I unpinned his photo from my twitter also?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 6, 2019 at 6:49 pm
Hey Olivia so dont over thing his social media actions, just take it as a good sign that he is watching your activity. But that’s it, hes just watching. I am going to assume you are not in your no contact phase which means that you need to do NOTHING on twitter that would send him a notification etc. Solely focus on yourself for the time being
December 2, 2019 at 3:32 am
My ex almost made a point of not engaging with my social media (stories and posts) while we dated. Two weeks after he dumped me he liked an insta photo of mine from 6 months ago (prior to us dating) and on the same night he watched 4 videos worth of an instagram story I had up. He continues to watch my stories but hasn’t liked any other photos. It was out of character and also a 2:00am (probably tipsy) like. Curious about your thoughts.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 4, 2019 at 9:17 pm
Shows you are on your exes mind and its not a bad thing if you wanted to get back together
December 1, 2019 at 6:15 pm
Hi everyone so im doing NC for almost like a month and i just follow the rules my ex tried to contact me a couple of times , the thing is that yesterday he asked me if i had his hoodie so i thought he wanted back so i told him yes and that my friend can give it to him at school, then he said no its okey i just wanted to know where it is. So im a bit confuse should i start NC again ?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 1, 2019 at 10:40 pm
Hey Marianne, I am afraid so as a hoody is something he could have waited a few days to hear back from you, or just given it to your friend to hand him when she knew she would see him. There is no need to do a 30 day no contact though just add an extra 7 days to how ever many you have left
November 29, 2019 at 9:35 pm
How can I combine the “being there” and the UG methods?
He needs lots of support (he is struggling with a depression fromm a broken heart and he has anxiety too) but also… Even if he is very attracted to me (he tells me), I feel invisible from time to time, I am VERY afraid of the greener grass (being at distance right now doesn’t help in order to get a chance). I need to shine WAY brighter than the others. He tends to idealize girls (which usually don’t feel the same) and having strong crushes (I was one), so I need to became the best UG ever but at the same time I have to keep being supportive because he needs it and he values it.
He is emotionally unavailable and gets driven for greener grass without usually get nothing. He is attracted to me in many ways and trusts me. But I need more. So, how can I be a UG to him to dazzle me and still being supportive? I need to be the best one.
Thank you a lot.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 4, 2019 at 7:41 pm
Hi Carol, so the being there method, you would do if he had another woman in the situation? So does he have a woman he is dating or more? And to be Ungettable girl, you need to be the woman who he thinks he cant have but every man wants. You have to be independent, also show that you are interesting and doing things that would seem adventurous or something he would want to do.
During your relationship he would have told you what he likes and dislikes, what he is attracted to it seems is the “chase” so thats something to keep in mind, firstly though you MUST do a no contact