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2,564 thoughts on “What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Blocks You”

  1. Faith

    April 27, 2018 at 12:10 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I had a 7-month relationship with this guy I met online. He lives in the states and I live on the other side of the world. After a few months of chatting with him, I decided to fly to America to meet up with him. Our meeting was very great and we were very happy we did it. We decided to pursue the relationship before I left America. After a few months of being LDR, he had a serious depression that worried me a lot, so after 3 months, I flew back to him so I could be there to support him. He got well before I left. I stayed for a couple of weeks there but I had to leave again because I had important things to do back home. He got better and we were skyping ang texting a lot. I think that part, our relationship got stronger and he told me that he loves me so much and he appreciates the love and support that I give him. It was a tough time for us but we were able to surpass it. But early this year, it was my turn, I had problems with some things here at home that was affecting our relationship. We always had fights and we had a petty fight that led to the break up. He got mad at me and insulted me that led me to telling him to find another girl, and this hurt him really bad. The next day he deleted all our pictures on his facebook and ended it with me after 3 days of arguing. I tried to do the No Contact Rule, but before the 30th day, I saw him posted a photo online with another girl. I just shrugged it off and was in denial. I still texted him on the 30th day but I can feel that he’s still mad and not interested anymore. I did NC again for a week and then since it was his birthday, I sent him a friendly greeting. 2 weeks after, he posted another photo of them on snapchat and that’s when it’s clear to me that he’s back to dating. I confronted him and asked him about it and he said that he went back to a dating app a few weeks after we broke up. and he said “so far it’s good” and “he’s taking it one day at a time”. We were very civil with the conversations and I acted like I was cool about it. I asked him if she’s nice and all. He even gave me advices, he said that I’m a great person and someone will come someday. It was good. But I’m not going to deny that it hurt. The next day, I decided that I should accept and start moving on, so I unfriended him on facebook and I deleted all his messages and pictures on my phone. I also uninstalled my snapchat so I won’t stalk him anymore. But the next day after that, my friends were still updating me about him, so I asked them if they could unfriend him too. When they did this, on the same day, I think he figured it out and he blocked us. Everyone of my closest friends, even my sister who he never even gotten to meet/talk. They weren’t even friends on facebook. When I checked my snap, he blocked me there too. I don’t know what to feel, if I should be mad, sad or glad. I was think that maybe this is him helping me to move on. But when I checked my Whatsapp (which is “our” app, he doesn’t use it with anyone and I’m 100% sure about this), he was online 2 days ago (before the blocking) and this morning. During our break up, I noticed that he does that when I don’t post anything online. Since he blocked me on social media, and he cant access my IG and Twitter since its private, all he can access now to check up on me if I’m active or not is my Whatsapp. Now I’m confused on why he is checking up on me. He did say that they don’t have offical labels and that he’s just hanging out with the girl. Did I over react on unfriending him? Does this mean that he still cares about me? Should I message him and ask him why he blocked me? Or am I just overthinking things and acting blind and should just move on with my life and accept it?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 27, 2018 at 2:58 pm

      Hi Faith…as you explained, I think you blocked him as you were trying to protect yourself from urges to keep track of him (which was making you feel bad). So it seems he just acted in kind. It is not unusual for a guy to keep tabs on a girl he use to know, so that seems to be what he is doing with you. I do think there are better path in life to explore and moving forward is a healthy choice.

    2. Faith

      April 28, 2018 at 12:55 am

      Okay, thanks Chris! Sometimes, I still think if there are still chances for us both, even if there’s already another girl in the picture. I’m not sure if it’s a rebound, he said they’re not official, and that they hang out. It’s already been two months but it still hurts. I still want him back but I’m not sure if that’s possible anymore.

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 28, 2018 at 4:10 am

      Well Faith….sometimes our tomorrows will surprise. Follow the game plan I lay out in my posts and ebooks!

  2. Alexis

    April 25, 2018 at 4:02 pm

    Hi chris,
    I am going through the motions over here. I made a lot of mistakes with my previous ex boyfriend. I beg and pleaded and just kept trying to get his attention. This girl he was cheating on me with knew about me and tried to mess up our relationship. Although he messed our relationship up by dealing with her. He blocked my phone number and he refuses to speak to me. I don’t know what to do I love him and we were together for 2 years. I met his family and is super close to his mom. I attempt no contact several times but I always got a week then mess up. Can I get my boyfriend back or should I just move on.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 25, 2018 at 11:34 pm

      Hi Alexis…I know it hurts when you are in the midst of a breakup…but know this…you are very special and you are going to come out of all of this just fine. Being with him for two years creates this sense of loss. Its normal. But its not all over. That won’t be known until you complete you action plan. That’s right, to give yourself the best chance, you want to know as much as you can about how to recover from a breakup and how to optimize your chances of getting him back, if indeed that is what you want later on. So if you have not already done so, go pick up a copy of my Companion Guide, “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro” (website Menu/Products link) as it is probably the best step by step blueprint on things you can be doing to better your chances and find some healing. Let me know how things go for you Alexis. It’s going to be fine. There are so many happy paths for you, do remember that.

  3. melann

    April 25, 2018 at 2:12 am

    hi chris i have a problem. a big problem and i need some advice. long story short. 30 yrs ago i was with this guy we were 16 and so in love. i ended up pregnant and he left me. ive kept my feeling bottled up for 30 yrs. about 10 yrs ago i sent him a friends request he accepted. i messaged him no response. a couple weeks ago he sends me a message that says. wow now heres a blast from the past how are you. i replied im doing good how are you. then it started the flirting , sex talk and so forth. my feelings for him have always been there they never left and when he messaged me my heart melted and the sparks began to flame. he opened that door and the skeleton came out. we talked everyday through messages on facebook. i wanted to hear his voice so i asked if i could call he said yes. so i did we talked for a bit then he called me back same night (whicjh was his birthday) we talked and talked told him about my kids 29, 27, and 20 he told me about his daughter 16, it was so real and we were gonna meet up and catch up on lost time. something told me to ask him the question so i did. i said do you remember when i told you i was pregnant and he said yes why? there was silence for a good while. i started crying. (hes my oldest boys father and nobody knows this not even my son). he said to me are you serious i said yes. then the conversation got deep. we talked about getting back together and it being the way it should have been. he also told me his mom made him break up with me and made him believe that the baby wasnt his. she hated me because her baby boy was all into me and she didnt like it. so i went on with life and kept him bottled up inside of me hoping and praying that one day he will come back to me and sweep me off my feet. well here it is 30 years later and he has resurfaced and so has all my love and all the feelings. nothing has changed. all the feelings i had for him are still here just as strong as they were when we were 16. he is still the love of my life. we talked all night he promised me he wouldnt hurt me ever again and kept apologizing for what happened and he also told me that he knew deep down that the baby was his and he has wondered all these years. so he wanted me to go live with him and i agreed. were planning all the details of how when and so forth. he asked me about our son i told him about him and he asked if i would send him pictures and i said yes. so he was getting real sleepy and had to get some rest because he was spending his birthday with his daughter. so when we hung up i sent him a lot of pic of our son and his kids and then when i woke up i messaged him and said was i dreaming or did this really happen. he messaged back and said yes it did, im with my daughter we will talk later. so i messaged him again when i was leaving for work and told him id be waiting to hear from him so he could tell me about how his day went with his daughter. he seen the message but no response. that was at 130pm then about 9 pm i still havent heard from him so i messaged again and said what happened did you fall asleep? he seen it no response. i was getting worried so i messaged again , and again, and again, he seen all of em. no response. i was then blocked. messaged from a different account blocked that one too. made another account.. blocked. what do i do chris? why did he do this to me. i dont understand. he is my one and only true love of my life and i have to get him back. he promised he would never leave me again and he wouldnt hurt me. but he did and i hurt worse now than what i did 30 years ago. please help me. i need to know what to do and what steps i need to take next. we belong together. we are soulmates. I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!! what do i do??? im so lost and confused. im so empty and wanting to go hunt him down and get answers but i know thats not the right thing to do. please give me your input and advice on this. please chris please help me! thanx

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 25, 2018 at 2:41 am

      Hi Melann….that is quite a story. Thank you for sharing it with me. You are right about pulling back. Marching out to go confront him is the last thing you want to do. When emotions run high, logic runs low and we make mistakes of judgement. Its unclear just exactly what is going on and why he is avoiding communications. Give it some time and let’s see if he comes out of the woodwork. I have a Private Facebook Support Group that is really helpful for women who have gone through all sorts of breakup situation.s It has about 1500 women in it now. You might want to take a look at that if you feel you would benefit from some emotional support. Trust me, there are many, many women who have had serious struggles, but are determined to help themselves and others. If you go to my website Menu/Products link you will find a lot of information there about that Group and other resources and services I offer.

  4. Kelsey

    April 17, 2018 at 12:55 pm

    Hi again. So my ex boyfriend unblocked me after 2 weeks. He phoned me and messaged me to tell me that he is approaching me of getting back together. I asked him if this is what he really wants and if he is serious about getting back together and trying again and if he’s not playing games. He told me he realised that leaving me was wrong and he messed up but now he is serious and he wants this relationship. He seriously wants to be with me. I decided to give him a chance and we cleared our misunderstandings. I was really happy. However just the very next day after getting back together, I saw he commented a very flirtatious comment under a girl’s picture on Instagram. I decided to ask about it. I asked him if he is really serious about being with me and he said yes. Then i asked so why would you comment something like that under another girl’s picture if you going to be pursuing me. He said that’s just a friend and he got upset with me and put the phone down on me. I ended up messaging him after that to try and clear the air and tell him what he did was wrong. He got so mad and told me he doesn’t want a relationship and he doesn’t believe in relationships. He said I was pressurising him when all I asked was that question. He said he is done for good. But he was saying such stupid things to me afterwards that he wasn’t making sense. He hurt me again and that is what I was afraid of. He wants to be in this relationship and he even told me he still has feelings but for some reason he doesn’t want to accept it. He is taking advantage over my kindness. I want him back. I still see myself with him. And he knows what i want and how i feel. But he is saying he will never be in a relationship. I ended up just reading his message and not replying and now i see he blocked me again from WhatsApp. What should I do now? Please help. He is the love of my life and i really do want him back but he is being immature about everything that he’s not able to understand. He is impulsive. While we were in a relationship we were really happy. It was a good relationship. However he broke up with me for nothing. And he knows this. What should I do now?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 17, 2018 at 11:19 pm

      Kelsey…I hear what you are saying. Some guys are just not emotionally mature or ready to be serious and disciplined in their commitment. And that is really what you want and its not asking too much. I really do think you would benefit from having a comprehensive guide on how to deal with a breakup and all the angles to consider. Having a blue and a blueprint of what to do can be valuable as it can optimize your chances. So go check out some of the resources I offer by visiting my website Menu/Products link. You probably will find a few things that will be a fit for your needs.

  5. Kelsey

    April 10, 2018 at 6:18 pm

    Hi. I was dating my boyfriend for 5 months, however we did know each other before that. He broke up with me after 5 months of dating and its now been 6 months after our break up. During the entire time of our break up we have contacted, however the relationship feels very off and on. He knows I still have feelings for him and he knows I still want to give another chance, but he’s not sure what he wants. Its like he wants me and then he doesn’t want me. About 2 weeks ago he insisted on just being friends and said maybe in the future we’ll get back. However, I can’t be kept on standby all the time. So I ended sending him a message telling him I don’t know if we can be friends and I don’t like the way I’m being treated with this whole off and on situation and he’s losing me (just to scare him a little). He did try to message me 3 times after that to which I ignored. A few days later he has blocked me from whatsapp, snapchat and instagram. I’m trying to initiate no contact again. I want to be apart of his life again, but I’m blocked and not sure if he would unblock me. What should I do? However we did bump into each other recently at the gym and it looked as though he was excited to see me because he was smiling, however i did not greet him and kind of showed no interest, because I’m still blocked. I’m not exactly sure from his actions what he wants now. What should I do?

    1. Jennifer Seiter

      April 10, 2018 at 6:34 pm

      When you see him in person you need to act “normal” as if nothing is bothering you. Wave hi and be on your way. How long have you been in no contact as of right now?

    2. Kelsey

      April 10, 2018 at 7:52 pm

      I haven’t spoken to him for 2 weeks as of now. I have been booed for a week. I’m scared he might move on. What should I do? I really want him back.

    3. Kelsey

      April 10, 2018 at 7:41 pm

      I’ve stopped speaking to him for about 2 weeks now. I’ve been blocked for a week. I’m scared he might move on. I don’t know what i should do?

    4. Chris Seiter

      April 10, 2018 at 10:11 pm

      Hi Kelsey, I stopped by to drop you a line. I know this is a tough time and none of us know the future.I have a suggestion for you! Take a look at my Ex Recovery Pro ebook which you can find in the Menu Section under”Products”. There are a ton of ideas in there for you! You don’t have to try and figure it all out by yourself!

  6. Eva

    April 7, 2018 at 1:39 pm

    Hello again

    so I was full blocked by my ex after a fight and me being a gnat and clingy.
    he was so angry even after days (he unblocked me to call and to give me a chance to explain), but until now he is vindictive and nasty. He does not want to hear and see anything of me any more. I absolutely don’t get that reaction but relationship was not easy from the begin and quite toxic from miscommunication. I fear now that we are on the point of no return. :((
    he unblocked me on facebook (yet not friended), but still blocked on messenger. and he told me he will direvtly block me again if I text him.
    I am devasteted and panicking but I wanna go NC now. I am happy quite obsessive so I wanna change. I yet feel he thinks I am crazy (even though we were really good before split up and he proposed even).
    So my question.
    .even after 4 days he is fullnof hate and disgust.. is it time to move on or should I try NC?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 9, 2018 at 11:36 am

      I think 45 days of NC is ideal for you!

    2. Eva

      April 21, 2018 at 2:16 pm

      Oh man I read quite late. well I got unblocked built.rapport…messed it up and got now full block out. Whatsapp/Line/phone number and facebook unfriend.
      I thought I was changing but nope.
      I even called from my other Ex BFs phone (and he propably realised that). How stupid can I be…
      tried now to send a clean slate sms text but not sure if it will go through.
      will go no contact otherwise I am a stalker…and he already detests me and told me I am pathetic and the pest.
      Will a no Contact of 45 days change the picture of me or will he just be relieved (as he is since I am harrassing atm)

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2018 at 11:52 pm

      No Eva, you are not pathetic or a pest. You are just trying to work through your emotions. Just stick with your plan and remember to focus on your healing during the NC phase.

  7. Maree

    April 7, 2018 at 1:13 am

    Hi, I was dating a seperated man for about 7 months who decided to go back to his wife ‘for the sake of the kids’. Since our break up he has continued to keep in touch. He lasted a week before initiating contact. Some of the texts implied that things aren’t going well with the marriage. I rang to question him what he was trying to achieve by telling me these things, he said he doesn’t know, that he’s still mixed up but agrees that he shouldn’t have sent them. I told him that I still have feelings from him and that hearing that the marriage isn’t going well was giving me hope that we may get back together. We spoke for an hour, he said that he likes me and wants to be friends but not sure if we can be. He has since sent a text saying he is going to block me for awhile. (blocked by phone, facebook and apps) I’m having trouble understanding why? What are my chances of being part of his life again and what should I do?

    1. Jennifer Seiter

      April 7, 2018 at 2:52 am

      He’s probably being told to block you from his wife. She probably has some control on him. Men that are seperated are tricky because they are known for going back and forth between the OW and the wife.

  8. Bella

    April 4, 2018 at 7:49 am

    This guy is not my ex, but I was his client until almost two years ago when we had a fall out. He really hurt me. I had developed feelings and he put someone else to reject me for him. We’ve had very limited contact since, it’s mostly awkward run ins and mostly avoiding each other. He apologized last year and tried to reach out, but I rejected him. Then late last year I texted him to try and reconcile. He reached out several times, but I rejected him mostly from nerves. My last message to him was almost four months ago. I’ve never contacted him via social media. I did try to text him the other day and I’m blocked. He sees me in person and walks or runs past me. And weirdly enough he blocked me on FB even though I never reached out to him……I’ve only looked at his public profile a few times out of curiosity but never contacted him. I guess I’m confused why the block when I haven’t really contacted him through any medium until the other day. Why would he even care? He acts like he could care less….

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 5, 2018 at 10:57 pm

      Hey Bella,

      Our research has suggested that going quiet on him and posting interesting things to catch his interest indirectly (or even through word of mouth) seems to work best.

      I’ll admit I am still looking for the best strategy when it comes to getting unblocked. It’s out there but seems to allude me.

  9. Dani

    March 28, 2018 at 9:29 pm


    My ex stopped talking to me for 4 months – I could tell I had said something to upset him but not what? I asked a few days later and he just ignored me. One day he said he wanted to meet up; so we did. I was obviously upset that he had ignored me for so long and started an argument; during which I said that I had slept with other people in that time. He took this badly. We met a month later but I accused him of not being interested and became a text gnat and then he told me he had met someone and wanted to move on. Just a week before he said how much he was looking forward to us being together and we’d planned to meet the following week? He then blocked my number. This was in December. I haven’t tried to contact him since so don’t know if my number is still blocked. I don’t use social media either. What do you suggest? Email is an option…

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 3, 2018 at 1:48 am

      If email is all you have after NC then that is what we have to work with.

  10. Saanvi

    March 25, 2018 at 7:07 pm

    Hello Amor,

    Thanks for your suggestion -‘Just talk to him in a calm way and ask what you need to ask because it’s to make things clear and ask him why he’s acting like that.’

    I was also thinking about the same, however, since he blocked him in whatsapp. Is it good to call him or I shloud just leave it like that. I want to talk to him, however, I do not want things to get worse.

    Thank you very much in advance for you suggestions.


    1. Saanvi

      April 10, 2018 at 9:24 am

      Hello, could anyone from the team reply to my question please as I would like to continue with expert suggestions…
      Thank you very much.

      best regards,

    2. Chris Seiter

      April 10, 2018 at 11:06 pm

      Hi Savani. Sorry I have not replied to your question. I am working through them now! Hang in there and when I find it, I will reply. Best regards.

    3. Saanvi

      April 15, 2018 at 1:28 pm

      Thank you Chris. I shall be waiting for the reply.

      Thank you in advance.

      Best regards,

  11. jess

    March 22, 2018 at 5:06 am

    i broke with my boyfriend almost 2 weeks.. i want to contact him but he blocked me in messenger but we are still facebook friends. how can i get back to him

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 28, 2018 at 5:09 pm

      Hi Jess
      Let him be for now and do you want to try the advice above?

  12. Rose

    March 21, 2018 at 10:30 pm

    Hi, my boyfriend blocked me on Facebook 3 weeks after the breakup, after he returned all of my stuff. After I found out I was blocked I acted a bit desperate and sent him some messages on his phone about it. He cut the conversation short and told me to write to him only in case I find one of the car keys that he had lost (which I haven’t). Should I still contact him at the end of NC?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 27, 2018 at 12:45 pm

      Hi Rose,

      How many times have you done nc?

  13. Rebecca

    March 20, 2018 at 12:31 am

    My ex and I were in an off and on relationship that lasted 4 years. He broke up with me in December. He told me that he wasn’t happy anymore because we were having lots of fights. He also told me that he was extremely in love with me and that he was sure that I was the one but that maybe a time apart will help us find happiness on our own and then we will be able to be happy together again. After the breakup we keep in contact till January. In the last conversation we had he told me that he couldn’t stop thinking about me, that he was sure that someday he was going to marry me but also that he was actually happy with his choice even thought he missed me. I was feeling so devastated at this point of the conversation that I told him that it is for the best that we stop speaking, that I could’n be waiting for him. His respond was “Ok.. I love you so much. Take care.”. Three weeks after that was my birthday. I was feeling so sad because in that week I found out that he was sleeping around with a few other women. So my birthday arrived and I call him (yeah I know. I should not had done that..) but he didn’t even respond. He texted me and ask “did you call me?” and I call him again and he didn’t respond. He actually didn’t even said happy birthday or anything. I was sooooo mad that I texted him saying that he is not a good person and a bunch a of mean stuff. He didn’t respond. He blocked me after this on evrything.Yesterday I saw him for the first time after that conversation but he ignored me completely. He didn’t even said Hi to me. I don’t know if another woman is in the picture, but what I do know is that he is treating me like a stranger and that he is showing to everyone and to me that he has move on.. that I’m not important anymore. I don’t even know what to think anymore..It’s been over a month and he didn’t even unblocked me.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 25, 2018 at 4:19 pm

      Hi Rebecca,

      That means it’s time to move on.

  14. Saanvi

    March 18, 2018 at 8:26 am

    My exboyfriend cares for me, when I had issue in applying for this University, he helped me a lot even with apartment (this was in 2015 before breakup)

    My ex boyfriend and I broke up in December 2015, he contacted me again in July 2017, then he visited me multiple times. He also took our pictures and in response sent his parents pictures, which was wired. He also mentioned that he wants to talk to his parents about us and asked me if my parents asked me anything. We are not in relationship now so all these was very very wired for me.

    He was always very possessive and he always asks if I am still talking to one of his friend, on which he doubts the most. He also told me that the friend is like my brother, I said no, he is a friend.

    Because we were in the same university, we have many mutual friends and if I am in contact with anyone, he doesn’t like it.

    Especially all his friends should be like my brother, not friends.

    He messaged two days ago regarding some university information and I told him that I gave this information to everyone in our batch as it is useful for all.

    He blocked me immediately from Whatsapp.

    I do not really know what to do. He is not bad, but very complex and weird.

    There is nothing between me and any of his friends/my friends. It’s just making them all brother it’s so weird.

    I really like my ex as we were best friends before and we are very comfortable with each othe. I just do not know if I can explain him that I like him, not anybody else

    Could you please suggest on this.


    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 22, 2018 at 6:21 pm

      Hi Saanvi,

      Just talk to him in a calm way and ask what you need to ask because it’s to make things clear and ask him why he’s acting like that.

  15. Pippa

    March 15, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    My NC is over and I’ve just found out that he’s blocked me on FB and FB Messenger but is still one of my Instagram followers. I tried to send him a text message but it rejected. I know he’s having huge money problems so I can accept that maybe he can’t afford to pay for his mobile phone right now. But I don’t know where it leaves me? I didn’t break NC or pester or stalk him at all so he had no reason to block me from FB. Maybe he’s still on my Instagram because he hasn’t realised it or can’t use his phone to break that connection too? When we were still together he sometimes complained that his phone wasn’t working properly but I don’t know if that’s a convenient excuse.

  16. jasmine

    March 15, 2018 at 3:38 am

    HELLO CHRISS !this wassss beautiful i will be readinggg more 😉 really showed me how to act towards the situation, i will be readinggg more of your articles. very smart guy and i thankyou! just in the middle of reading this guess what… He unblocked me! but he blocks and unblocks me very frequently so i am not surprised but! i definitely will be taking tips and notes because whos to say he wont do it again? were friends btw we were talking but we cant get back because of something i did. but i think hes trying to get back at me with his bestfriend.. but i need advice on what to do like how to stop voicing my opinion as if we are still in relations because thats what makes him mad also but pls help! thankyou 🙂

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 15, 2018 at 4:09 pm

      Hi Jasmine,

      Why did you break up and are you going to do the nc rule?

  17. Ceci

    March 12, 2018 at 1:06 pm

    This guy who I was seeing said he wanted space and wanted to be left alone because he had an anxiety attack. So I did that for a few days but I saw he was still active on Snapchat so I decided to delete him as a friend because I didn’t want to view his stories. If I saw his stories, I would be tempted to actually see how his life is. This happened yesterday. Then later that day, he texted “Deleted me on snap? Kinda surprised you didn’t block my number as well”. That was at night and I was sleeping when he sent that. Then in the morning the next day he sent “Fair enough, well I wish you the best on your journey”. Then he blocked me right after. I am not sure what to do now. There’s no other way to communicate with him and I’m worried I lost him forever.

  18. Sara

    March 1, 2018 at 1:52 pm

    Hi chris..help please
    I broke up with my boyfriend about 6 months ago and 1month ago i realize that we are the best for each other and i followed your tips and we were back together and everything was great we went on a trip we saw eachother every day but yesterday suddenly he blocked me!!!
    And today i call him from another number and he is saying everything i once said when i was breaking up with him..i can’t believe that it was all just a revenge!!!!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 1, 2018 at 3:11 pm

      Hi Sara,

      If he went back to you just get revenge, youu should move on.

  19. Jennifer Caldwell

    February 27, 2018 at 6:50 am

    Hi, thank you for writing this. I’ve been blocked from calls/texts, which is the only form of communication he and i have. He is not on FB. I am, but my posts are private.
    He has a POF profile. I know this because he would check it while with me and liked to show me that women wanted to meet him, but said he never has and isn’t really interested (ego thing?). We were only together 3 mths and our relationship was based solely on sex…and a drug, to which he is an addict. It’s not weed, it’s an upper. I enjoyed doing it with him, but do not do it since he’s stopped coming around. From the get go, i wanted to be serious and he told me he had other priorities, but that it wasn’t out of the question. He does have other priorities because he is homeless and lives, for the most part, out of his truck (which is older, but very well taken care of and nice), hotel rooms and family (not really friends, because he is kind of a loner, like me). He works as a plumber, (which he learned from his grandfather) through temp agencies and is trying to get a place to live for him and his youngest son who is a teen. Pretty much, it’s all he can do to remain close with his sons, keep his job, keep his truck running and support his drug addiction. But i am not judgemental, in fact, i respect his efforts and admire his courage. I am not perfect. I am not at the best place in my life, either, but much better than where I’ve been. I am broken, insecure, obsessive, depressed, I pushed him away, to the point of blocking me. Unlike you, he never told me that I should “move on” and that he for sure wasn’t interested in being serious. I’m not sure if it’s the drugs, but i do think it’s possible that he’s skizofrenik. He would come over, leave with some excuse, say he was coming right back, but never come back. This isn’t why I think he’s skizophrenic, I’m just mentioning it. He wouldn’t call or text or reply to mine. He did this many times, and it hurt me a lot.This isn’t why I think he’s skizophrenic, I’m just mentioning it, and I know I’m jumping all around here, sorry, but thank you if you’ve hung in this long. Anyway, when i asked him if he wanted to be serious, he never gave an outright, no…and if I would assume his not saying yes, meant no, he would say, he wasn’t saying that. He has said many times towards the end that “he can’t do this”. I admit I’m not perfect and when I was hurt I would say things like, leave me alone, don’t ever come back here, you make me sick, even…I hate you. It hurt me to say these things, and they were the opposite of how i felt, but I was angry and didn’t understand why he did some of the things he did, that were very hurtful. I know the drugs (one drug, not a variety) don’t help, but if there’s possibly any advice you can give me, setting the fact that we did them and he does them, aside, i would appreciate it. I’m heartbroken and i care very much for him.

  20. charlotte

    February 24, 2018 at 5:42 pm

    Our relationship had a few fights and was getting a little distant. Then he blocked me because he saw me with my ex who is in the same Uni class as me, three times in one day. He hates my ex. I realised he blocked me so I contacted him on phone, to which he says he blocked me because he saw me with x person. He unblocked me but he hasn’t added me back on apps so I have not added him back either. Should I wait until he does?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 27, 2018 at 11:34 am

      Hi Charlotte,

      but you’re not broken up right?

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