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Aurora T.
August 20, 2022 at 10:47 am
My ex boyfriend did a full block-out after I caught him cheating. It made me feel like he was punishing me for catching him.
6 months later, this dude is trying to get back in touch with me and is sending messages asking to get back together.
Why would I? I blocked him right back. During 6 month period, I began to loathe him. That time apart gave me clarity. I didn’t want to go back to being disrespected and hurt over and over again.
August 8, 2022 at 12:25 am
We were friends for over 7 years and recently started dating 7months ago.He has this habit of not calling me as often as i would like,he can stay 2 days without speaking or texting me,when i confront him,he will say it’s his work.Once he admitted that he does it on purpose (like a mind game) well he didn’t change and i kept on complaining because i was getting enough attention from him. Truth is his work is very stressful but I wanted him to make some efforts.Sometimes he will promise to call me back but he won’t..The whole thing escalated and he said i don’t understand him and his busy job which means we are not compatible and he wants a breakup.I begged and cried for four weeks and he remained adamant.Yesterday i had an emotional breakdown and I sent him series of text calling him names and how I’m better off without him,few minutes later,I started crying and telling him how sorry i was and how I’m unable to control my emotions and I told him to block me,let me move on with my life (I didn’t mean it,i was hurting)He blocked my number on his iphone but not on WhatsApp.(He is not on any social media except WhatsApp) he didn’t block me on WhatsApp but he doesn’t read my chats at all..He didn’t even read the ones i sent since two weeks ago.I tried chatting him with my friend’s phone and he blocked her number too but he didn’t block me on WhatsApp. I miss him so much. Do you think he will unblock my line and come back to me?
Coach Shaunna Nicol
September 5, 2022 at 6:34 pm
Hi Rebecca, so I would say that the chances of him unblocking you is there given that you spend some time working on yourself and showing through social media and SOI that you are doing well without him around. Your past friendship is never going to be the same as you have spent this time dating it changes a friendship forever. If you want this guy back in a romantic way then you need to spend some time working through the information here and that starts with a 45 day NC as he has blocked you.
Nicole R.
July 20, 2022 at 2:13 pm
Hello, I broke up with my boyfriend during an argument 5 days ago. After I did it, I immediately regretted it but had too much pride to go back on it. As he left my apartment (he had been staying with me) he said he was bummed and he loves me and will miss me a lot. I haven’t seen or heard from him since. I texted him an hour after he left to apologize and explain what had just happened because I didn’t say anything on his way out (I sent 1 text) but never begged for him back or anything. He didn’t respond. 2 days later I text to arrange to drop off his stuff or to have a friend pick them up but found that I was blocked. The next day his mom emailed me and asked if I had anything to return to him and to drop it off at her house next week (this drop off day will be 9 days after the break up. He is staying with his parents because he just graduated and is studying for the Bar exam and obviously is no longer staying with me). He won’t be there on the day she suggested I bring the stuff. She also said “If no one is home, you can leave them on the porch” implying that she might want to have contact during the exchange if she is home, rather than me just leaving them on the porch regardless.
How do I use this returning his things scenario to my advantage? Can I add anything to his box to make him think of me/instill good feelings? Should I say I am not ready to exchange his things and hang onto the stuff as a reason to reach out later? Any advice is much appreciated!
July 6, 2022 at 8:51 am
He had blocked me on phone, and most of social media as soon as we broke up, even though we still kept contact for a couple weeks. However, he did leave one way open.. we didnt follow eachother & accounts are private so we weren’t able to see each others posts.. a month went by of no contact & I noticed he blocked me on that site, as soon as 4 weeks on nc hit…. I don’t understand. I wasn’t bothering him, and it’s not like I’m able to see anything. It took him a whole month to block me there which means he went out of his way to search me since we weren’t even friends on it.
What went wrong?
Coach Shaunna Nicol
August 6, 2022 at 7:37 pm
Hi Marisol, it sounds as if he had an emotional moment himself about your break up or relationship and chose to block you as he was checking your accounts. Or he is worried that you are checking his accounts – even though you aren’t friends it sounds as if he wants more space from you at the moment.
July 1, 2022 at 1:04 pm
We had a huge fight, after going through a rocky patch when he hasn’t been sure about me. We had been together for three years. After the awful fight, he said I did and said things that he will never forgive me for or take me back and I need to move on. I blew up with messages etc and he blocked me everywhere and told me to move on. That was three weeks ago. Around two or two and a half weeks ago he unblocked me on WhatsApp but hasn’t reached out. Nor have I. I’ve gone NC. Do you think he will message me? I’m loathe to make the first move as I really tried to fight for him (it was the wrong thing to do I know) and I feel humiliated.
July 1, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Hi I purchased you ex recovery program and it’s great. One question: my ex blocked me and refused to see or speak to me. We had a crazy argument and he said I did something he could never forgive and he would never take me back. Admittedly, he did far worse. Anyway he blocked me. I tried to contact him lots of ways but he blocked me and I kept sending lots of messages. Then I went NC. 7-10 days later he unblocked me on WhatsApp but hasn’t messaged. It’s been 2 weeks. Still nothing. Do you think he will reach out? I really don’t want to have to make the first move.
June 22, 2022 at 5:19 am
My ex cheated on me I did the no contact rule on him try to talk back to him he became anger and kept talking about our relationship and playing the blame game it kept saying we don’t talk so I stop calling so Father’s Day he calls me I didn’t answer kept calling so I finally answer and he kept being negative and playing the blame game I kept quiet the phone hangs up n he blocks me but didn’t on fb
May 26, 2022 at 11:32 pm
Hi! So I said a bad word to him over a text as we were texting and immediately he blocked me. I messaged him several times on messenger but no reply also not picking calls. Today he blocked me everywhere I also can’t call or message him. ( in my messages I said sorry asked for forgiveness but he never replied them) today blocked everywhere. Do you think he will unblock me again and we get to talk? Or should I email him?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
May 27, 2022 at 8:55 pm
Hi Kendall, you need to follow a 45 day NC where you do not reach out to your ex AT ALL. In that time spend it working on yourself. Understand that right now he is angry and needs some space from you.
Deirdre Brown
May 26, 2022 at 2:25 am
I am an older female. An older male blocked me on everything possible because he was tired of me blowing up his phone. He was very angry at the time. There is no way for me to contact him. Think he will ever unblock me?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
May 27, 2022 at 8:48 pm
Hi Diedre, yes he will likely unblock you when he has had some time to compose himself and be less angry with you. But it is important that you learn not to blow up his phone when he does!
May 21, 2022 at 1:00 pm
What about this ? He thought I blocked him on WhatsApp, we had a fight. Not long ago we where friends with benefits. I deleted his number and my settings are so that only contacts can see my info. He saw it as said to a friend that well if she is doing it I’m doing it.
Will he eventually unblock me ? I’ve teiwd contacting him by imessage but he doesn’t respond
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
May 22, 2022 at 9:44 pm
Hey Maryke, yes it is likely you will be unblocked when your ex has allowed himself to settle and less emotional.
May 20, 2022 at 3:58 am
My bf blocked his ex because she was a toxic narcissist and didn’t want any details of life to be known to her.
Christi Garber
May 15, 2022 at 2:14 am
I dated a guy for 2 months and it was magical for both of us. He would tell me that he couldn’t believe he found me and how much we had in common. He is an excellent communicator. Then he started having severe health issues, incredible work stress. His instinct is to isolate when he feels overwhelmed and he communicated to me via text that he was struggling with life overall and all he wanted to do was isolate and not talk to anyone and that he needed space and apologized profusely. I wished him well and said not to worry about me to take his space and touch base when he got things sorted. I texted him on his birthday to wish him happy birthday a few weeks later. He thanked me and said he was still struggling but was hoping to reach out to me sooner than later. A few weeks after that I texted him a quick note to tell him I was hoping things would turn around and that I hoped he was keeping his tennis skills sharp because I know he hates to lose. He responded immediately and told me he liked the tennis challenge and then accepted and would reach out to me in the next two weeks although he was still struggling and his mom’s cancer had returned. I told him I hope she felt better and he hearted the response. Then a week later he blocked me on facebook. I have no idea why. We have never fought. I don’t interact with his page with the exception of liking one post. I don’t post anything about him. He doesn’t ever post anything on FB except on his birthday once a year. I had been posting a bit on FB, mostly Happy Birthday posts with old pics with friends. However, I had not posted anything in the past week and a half. Admittedly, I wanted him to wonder about me by not giving too much info out on FB. The only thing I can think is that he was obsessing over me and blocked me so he wouldn’t be tempted to look at my page. Otherwise I am at a loss. Do you think he will unblock me or reach out at some point? I am so confused!
Happiness chidinma
April 24, 2022 at 12:47 pm
So I made a comment about being okay with or without him in my life, just before he blocked me……is there a chance he would unblock me after that statement was made?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 26, 2022 at 9:01 pm
Hey there, so likely this comment upset him but yes I think you will be unblocked eventually.
February 2, 2022 at 2:01 pm
We’ve broked up 2 days ago Jan 31,2022 he blocked and deleted my number to his contact list and the other social online contact ( FaceTime, whatsapp and on his phone) he was send me a mess theough whatsapp that he’s done and were done. Then he told me I’m gonna blocked you now to all. Then upto now we still didn’t have any communication and its seems he’s already into another relationship with someone else. So ive tried to talk with him but nothing happened and now I decided to deleted and removed him and I already accepted that we were really done. And i should need to move on and think my self
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
February 21, 2022 at 10:37 am
Hey Franze for at least 45 days NC working on yourself and ask yourself what you want from a relationship and the partner you have that relationship with. If he IS that person without changing then read about the being there method. If he isn’t that person then you need to start focusing on moving on.
January 29, 2022 at 8:03 pm
Does this also apply to an ex- fiancé? Thing is, if your ex blocks you on FB, they have no way of seeing anything you post unless they unblock you. Unfriending is different than blocking.
I am blocked on FB, but we still occasionally text. He will reply if I text him usually or wait a few days. And it’s not short responses, usually explanations of why he’s busy etc. not sure why I got blocked because neither one of us were active on FB and we never posted anything. Maybe he wanted to secretly take down our profile picture without me knowing ? or there’s someone he’s talking to…hard to say. Maybe shed some light..
Lina Njeri
November 4, 2021 at 5:44 pm
What if I get to see him every-day.
October 28, 2021 at 7:30 am
We were in a textationship for a year over Covid. Two months ago I put my cards on the table to see where we were at because I wanted to start dating again and felt I had developed feelings for him. If he didn’t feel that way, then now would be a good time to move on without hurting too much.
He didn’t even acknowledge my message and gave me silent treatment for 4 weeks! Just two weeks before he was planning taking me for lunch for the first time. I then discovered innocently from a common acquaintance that he had another woman. I politely told him I am up to speed with the gossip and he suddenly replied saying he doesn’t know what I mean but also he doesn’t feel the same way and didn’t think he led me on. I thanked him for letting me know but also that I will not comment on the rest. If he didn’t have any feelings for me or was just being friends for a year, he could have responded to my texts on the same day saying he has met someone else or he is not interested! I felt betrayed, disrespect and lied to.
24 hours later I politely told him that his behaviour was not acceptable, he could have communicated he was seeing someone else instead of going silent and defensive and he can do better. This made him angry, more defensive and he said things to hurt me. I didn’t want to fight or argue on facts or hurt him and valued my peace. I said I will leave it here. Deleted. I got blocked. He staged his first accidental bumping into me the next morning at the gym with her and was clearly upset. I decided to ignore. It’s week 4 of NC. During this period he has staged accidentally bumping into me quite a few times but has not approached me to speak to me. Just staring from distance. I have ignored him.
I have been focussing on me. I am sad and there has been a lot of crying but I know I deserve better. I have my closure and I don’t feel the need to speak with him. Just need to move past the feeling of grief and betrayal. I don’t know if I can trust him ever again.
September 12, 2021 at 11:18 pm
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
September 13, 2021 at 7:36 pm
Hi Marcia, I wouldn’t say he has forgotten however if you drop in every few months then you are not in touch enough to work on building rapport with him. I suggest that you keep reaching out and building up conversation quality
September 2, 2021 at 2:57 am
My boyfriend and I had gotten engaged and planned to move for his job and had the world, rarely fought and were very happy. One week later on a date we had a small confrontation about him making plans during time he committed ro me. He went silent then said “I know you’re the one deep down, but it isn’t working, this is me officially breaking it off, don’t contact me and I won’t contact you.” And just left me in shambles. Haven’t heard from him since, he blocked me on everything. His parents are very involved and persuasive with him, however I have no clue where I went from his future wife to someone he never wants to speak with again. Mentally I’ve accepted it but physically I cannot eat, get rid of my tremor, or sit in silence. I’m truly struggling. I still see him as the man I want to marry, not quite now, but I don’t see anyone else coming close to him as an individual and the amazing dynamic we had. What does this all mean and what do I do next?
August 7, 2021 at 1:06 pm
I was involved with a guy for several years. The last seven months of it he had blocked his Facebook posts to me. So he didnt block me on Facebook, so I could still see the things he got tagged in or if he changed his profile picture and his story but I couldn’t see his Facebook posts. I did say to him why cant I see your Facebook posts? But he made up excuses until July came and I realised its cos he had blocked his posts from me. I could still contact him on his phone and I saw him everyday….
So whist we were involved he had done this, blocked his Facebook posts…he had said in dec or January that I was obsessed with him so maybe that is why he did it. Or he might have been angry about an argument…I dont know the reason. Those are my best guesses. It really hurt me.