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January 12, 2016 at 8:56 am
My ex-boyfriend and I had a very nasty breakup 6 months. Last October he blocked me on facebook. We have a lot of common friends. Last December, I finally got to see him and talk to him in an event with our friends. He called me after Christmas and said he wanted to go out with me, but it didn’t push thru. He didn’t give me a heads up. But his friends keep telling me that he wants to see me again. Do we still have a chance to get together again? What should I do to get him back?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 16, 2016 at 11:34 am
Hi Trisha,
There is always a chance. How long has it been since you two talked to each other?
Unusual Story
January 12, 2016 at 3:35 am
You helped me once (thank you!), please help me again! I was saying a fantastic guy last year. He was, unfortunately, fresh out of a divorce. I was not only his girlfriend, but his comfort. Then, after too many drinks together one night (and my accidentally wetting the bed in my sleep), it was over. I began applying every step in your ex-boyfriend recovery PRO and it WORKED after eight long months. But, it didn’t work perfectly, because I left out one crucial step: I slept with him too soon. So, after he “ghosted” me, I became the gnat. Texts. Sending gifts. As a result, he blocked me on the phone. I did not know this, but after two months, I grew suspicious and called him from a friend’s phone. He answered and began talking to me enthusiastically. I asked it he was saying anyone, and he said no. I then asked why he blocked me on the phone, and he told me or was because I called and texted so much. I then (not sure why) asked if he still had the picture of me that I had given him when we were dating. He told me yes. I then asked him why and he said, “Because I like you.” I made an excuse and got off the phone, feeling really confused. I haven’t tried to contact him in any form, but have made my Facebook look good, since we’re still “friends”. It’s been there months. My question is this: Is there any possibility that we could get back together? If so, what would my next move be?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 18, 2016 at 9:59 pm
Hi unusual story
if he answered enthusiastically and the conversation was good mine he was telling the truth. If you’re still blocked from texting him, try initiating contact in Facebook
January 11, 2016 at 4:02 pm
Hey Chris.
My situation is a bit unusual – basically I met a guy online 3 years ago. We messaged for ages, but he will was ill with glandular fever and had to leave London to go back to Australia. We had such strong feelings so we decided to try long distance until we could meet. It went well until he went completely quiet. I decided to cut it off before it got worse and told him to enjoy his life.
Fast forward three years and he got into contact with me, after a whirlwind six months of talking – I decided to go to Australia to finally meet him. It went beyond well. We fell in love completely and I met his parents and had the best time. We made so many plans, the main one being that I would move out to Aus in the next few months.
Then a week ago, he said he doesnt see this working and hes too young and he thinks we said ‘i love you too soon’ (even though technically this goes back three years) Hes 23 and I am 26 so I know hes younger and has things to do. I get that. But then after the break up, he blocked me on Facebook for no reason.. The only thing I had done was tell him hes really broken my heart and then I changed my job title to my new job and within an hour he had blocked me. He also removed any posts of us from my holiday there. It was like he was erasing me.
I havent been in contact since he blocked me. None at all. He is still following me on instagram and hasnt removed the photos he has of us on there and as far as I know he hasnt blocked my number. The last message I sent him was to apologise for my part in anything and to say I hope he will remember how we were before the break up.
Any ideas? Is this him hurting? Or getting rid of me? I cant be annoying him as there has been NC.
January 18, 2016 at 5:10 pm
Thank you – I had a look, but it doesn’t really help, I’ve already been in NC since we broke up anyway and then yesterday I posted a photo on intagram (not of me, but at work) and he unfollwed me straight away and so did his best friend. I dont understand? I havent done anything wrong?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 18, 2016 at 7:45 pm
do you have common friends that you can ask? of none of the reasons mentioned is possible, then he’s the only one who can answer your question.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 17, 2016 at 8:40 am
HI Emilie,
I this video can help you assess probable reasons why he blocked you. Your Ex boyfriend blocked you…what now?
January 4, 2016 at 10:45 am
What do I do if he went straight into a new relationship and then proceeded to block me on everywhere? He also recently unblocked on fb but hasn’t said anything he’s still with the same girl so I blocked him because I didn’t want to see the pics.
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 18, 2016 at 1:44 pm
Hi gem,
since you’re unblocked now, i think we just need to move on from him blocking you but if you want him back, you can try doing no contact period. it’s not 100% guaranteed but it can help you to start over trying to reconnect with him
January 4, 2016 at 7:01 am
So my ex blocked me because I was texting him nonstop even after he said the meanest things, cursing me out so that I would leave him alone. He told me he does not love me anymore…Me being “crazy” and emotional, I left him a voicemail after been blocked and contacted his best friend asking for advices….I think I really dig myself a deep hole on this one….I think he hates me….am I having zero chance getting back with him even if I follow the the NC and your pro guide ? Is it too late Chris?
EBR Team Member: Amor
January 17, 2016 at 9:55 am
Hi Tina,
No, it’s not too late. Try doing the NC first and see how it goes.
Lisa J.
January 3, 2016 at 1:45 pm
Very useful! Just got blocked on Xmas eve haha, I’m not even that angry about it but the logic behind it is very interesting. Long story short I think I may have been on the harassing side because the guy wouldn’t communicate with me. Eventually he told me he met someone else. I sent him a message saying if that was the case you should of said something rather than drag this out if I was causing a problem. His response, block and delete!
I doubt I’ll hear from him again but boy I’m relieved, I hope when he gets to a mature stage in his life being honest and not evasive will be the lesson he’s learnt!
December 9, 2015 at 5:01 pm
Your story about your ex girlfriend sounds alot like how I am.. ? What if he will never unblock me like how you never unblocked her?
December 9, 2015 at 9:53 am
Chris, I hope you’ll reply to this because I quickly went out and got the entire $67 set of your books because I needed help. I’ll keep this as short as possible, but can you please help?
I was in a two year long distance relationship via Skype and FaceTime with a guy named spenser. I’m 20 now, he’s 17. (I know we are young but he’s very intelligent.) We met once last year in his home for a week and then this previous year he came to my hometown for a week and both trips were amazing. He has broken up with me a few times before but we always came back together. We have both cheated, I’ve been insecure and unhealthy.
Lately there was tension about if I would be able to get into the same colleges he will and be able to close our distance. He broke it off on nov. 18, right before we were scheduled to have another trip to see each other. he said it the trip being canceled was due to too much schoolwork, and he didn’t know how to tell me.
it’s been maybe 3 weeks now and it’s been awful. he’s told me to move on. We texted a lot in between and things seemed at least somewhat decent but when I would get sad or ask if he would come back he would say his decision is final. I definitely didn’t put the same amount of pressure on him on this breakup- I’ve acted happy, I’ve been a friend, I didn’t break down the ways I did before.
So I go buy your books last night. Today I found out he was back in contact with one of his exes he cheated with but he says it was innocent and so does she (I talked to her.) She went and told him that I felt uncomfortable with them talking and she didn’t want to be friends anymore, and then he sends me:
“I don’t think we should talk for a while. My decision is final, I won’t change my mind and I think you don’t get that. I don’t love you “like that” way anymore, and you need to move on. It’s more for me than you.I’m tired of the pressure, I’m happy right now. We can be friends someday but not right now. ill come back when a bit of time passes and things change. I’ll see you in a few months.”
I acted totally cool and didn’t freak out, I told him to do what’s best and I said my goodbyes.
he apparently blocked my phone number, he deleted me entirely off snap chat, deleted me as a friend off the forum we met on, and he removed me as a friend (you can still see and send messages) instead of blocking me on skype. His Facebook, with our couple’s picture is still up but he took down the relationship status our first day of the breakup and I’m sure he’ll either deactivate it or delete it.
I know the best thing I can do right now is leave him be. I love him and i want him back, but I don’t know what I can possibly do. I am focusing on me and I’m hurt. we’re young but I know deep down I love him and I know circumstances can change.
He is my best friend and no matter what anyone tells me, I know (I really feel it) that it isn’t over- it’s a strange gut feeling of peace like I know it isn’t all done. I know for now I am accepting it but I want the chance with him again.
Do you think he was reacting emotionally to what I said to his ex? is there still a chance and me ignoring him might make him miss me?
If I can’t get him back I really want a refund. I don’t think your system will help me when I can barely get ahold of him. ;(
December 7, 2015 at 9:36 pm
Hi Chris, my ex and I were on and off for months but even when we were off have remained bestfriends and cared about eachother but at one point we broke up and he found someone else and I was very jealous then they broke up and he told me he wanted to get back together with me but then randomly he started ignoring me so I did the no contact rule and we hooked up about a month ago and the only times we have spoken are him getting mad at me for things via social media and yesteday he blocked me. Why did he block me? Also do you think we’re so back and forth because he denies his feelings for me? And do you think we will ever get back together ?
December 7, 2015 at 4:53 pm
Hi Chris. Thank you for posting. It has helped me a lot, even though I am still upset and confused why my ex of 4 months blocked me on Facebook, but has not blocked me from voice calls on his phone. He has it set on call reject, so he still gets voice mails. This is telling me he is leaving a line of communication open. I haven’t done well with NC, I admit I have texted multiple times and even called and left messages, “when emotions run high, logic runs low”. He still has not blocked my number. I am trying really hard to go no contact. Do you think he’ll eventually contact me?
December 7, 2015 at 8:45 am
My boyfriend blocked me on telegram after I pleaded for him not to leave. Will he ever unblock me? ?
December 9, 2015 at 2:11 pm
He blocked me again awhile ago saying that he couldn’t stand me anymore. I messed up what was possibly my last chance. ? Do you think he would unblock me?
December 8, 2015 at 10:24 am
I feel like I’m at the bottom of his list of priorities and he’s been hanging out with his friends majority of the time. I don’t mind that.. but I just wished he would make time for me as well.
December 8, 2015 at 10:21 am
Telegram functions the same way as Whatsapp. He unblocked me 10 hours later. I immediately asked for another chance and he gave me another chance. However I don’t know what to do to repair our relationship. What do you think I should do to get us closer without being a pushover?
Chris Seiter
December 7, 2015 at 3:38 pm
Telegram… I am not quite familiar with that?
Is that a social media site or something?
December 7, 2015 at 8:50 am
I’m so scared he’ll never unblock me ?
Chris Seiter
December 7, 2015 at 3:37 pm
Well, let me ask you. What do you have to lose? You have already lost him so its not like you can lose him again. Don’t be afraid. Fear freezes people up. I need you to be strong like a lioness.
December 5, 2015 at 2:58 am
Hey! So I saw your website a few months ago. I thought thought of it on & off but haven’t been back since even though much of what you said resonated with me. I then ended up doing a google search today & this page was my first result.
My, I don’t know if I should call him my exe, blocked me from Facebook first in late January 2015. We started to get to know each other online starting in October 2014. He mysteriously stopped talking to me for 2 weeks before our first date then he apologized & I forgave him of course. We went on our first real date on November 10th, 2014. We seemed very comfortable around each other & we were already in sync. We were matching. He joked he didn’t plan it. There were other ways we seemed connected. I had to leave his country because my tourist visa was up. But it seemed as if from our first date we already knew we should be involved more seriously.
It turns out that I couldn’t come back as soon as I wished. I only wanted to be gone for a month or so. But instead I decided not to return back to his country until March. I told him this. He just shut down, & he starts to date someone 8 years younger than us a few weeks later. A 20 year old. We start to get into a bit of a fight over text messages because I’m upset he didn’t tell me. & then he calms me down. We stay Facebook friends. He told me to just talk to him when I’m not angry with him.
I waited weeks then I did talk to him when I was feeling ok about the situation. I sent him a bunch of things on Facebook that I thought he would find useful/that reminded me of him. I was thinking this was completely friendly. It was a Friday night there in Europe & it was early afternoon on the east coast of the US. A few hours later or the within the next day he blocks me.
I’m so hurt that I’m crying in a ball on my bedroom floor.
That time of being blocked felt like eternity but now, in perspective doesn’t seem that long.
He unblocks me close to my birthday in March, when I originally said I was coming back. He also breaks up with his 20 year old girlfriend. He starts contacting me on the dating site we first met on. I didn’t talk for maybe 2 days. Finally I did & he apologized. I forgave him again easily. No questions. Just using my own understanding of him to meet him halfway I guess. He starts things off slowly, we should get a drink but quickly escalates.
He asks when I’m coming back again, I say May. Then we start talking more just like usual. He suggests that I should live with him if I don’t have any place to stay when I first come back. I’m really taken aback by this. But I think its sweet even though of course I’m not going to.
When the time comes for me to come back he is working 2 jobs, one which is volunteer both demanding. So I try not to be more demanding. Plus I’m working a kit to save because the dollar isn’t very strong against the currency there. So I don’t take it seriously we aren’t talking as much. A week before my flight he texts to make sure I’m still coming.
When I get there we don’t talk for 2 weeks at all. Then when I contact him he says, “you have been gone a long time”, & “we don’t talk that much anymore” I start crying because I said “I am giving you space to accomplish your goals”, & I took it as “him not wishing to talk to me as much”. Then he tells me his mind has been all over the place & also that he has met someone else & will likely start dating her. I break down for 2 hours, then my mood & tone completely changes. I tell him to “do whatever he has to do”, “if you do not become serious with her we can be friends with benefits”.
He doesn’t say anything to me for a few days then replies “yes I would like that to be friends with benefits”. I don’t reply for a couple days at all then I guess he is upset that I’m ignoring him so he changes his mind “things will likely be getting serious with her so I need to be fair to her”.
One thing that stood out, you have the nerve to discuss being fair to her to me??? The next thing is, it seemed like somehow I put the idea into his head of becoming serious, as he kept using my words to describe starting a relationship with her.
So this is when. I was ok. I texted back, I do not remember what I said. I remember saying something kind of mean & regretting it. Then I deleted him from Facebook. A couple weeks later I realize that was a mistake, to be mean & to delete him. I send him a text apologizing saying he made me feel insecure so I tried to do the same to him, & I wasn’t being myself. He said “its ok, lets talk about it after this weekend”.
Something in me was already upset because I was already all over the place. Then I realized when he was out of town he was taking her out of town with her. He was doing things with her he promised to do with me! I felt enraged & I literally spent the final day texting & calling him. I sent him some pretty mean texts & he said he didn’t even want to be friends with anymore because I will always have feelings for him. This is what made me particularly mad because I don’t know where he was getting that from except to make himself feel better &/or to hurt me.
But he blocked me on Facebook again after I deleted him. Then I called him a coward & I told him to block me on another site we talked on sometimes…linkedin. So he did.
My point is now, after that downward spiral I sort of had. I know that he is getting bored of the girlfriend who probably wouldn’t have been his girlfriend if I wasn’t freaking out all the time. But I did. I have a feeling he is going to try to find a way to get in touch with me & I feel he has grown up just the slightest bit & he regrets how he treated me when he was angry/trying to have a disingenuous romantic weekend. Just now I blocked him on as many things as I could. I left the most elusive forms of communication open. Thinking if he really wanted to get in touch with me & realizing he was blocked everywhere else he would remember those ways.
I’m just asking you. Well you can use me as a case study because this guy is probably the hardest nut to crack. Or maybe I’m not seeing things clearly. I’m wondering what do you think happened in some of these instances? How do you think I should act if he unblocks me & then I do not reply for 30 days? I’m sorry this is so long, its the most complicated situation I have been in. If he doesn’t add to my life, if he continues taking I’m going to have to cut him off because he is making mine far less enjoyable. But if he is just going through some confusion that guys do at times & otherwise we are really compatible I want to see that through. Thank you.
December 7, 2015 at 2:58 am
Also just to add to this. He told me at least 3 times that our time for being in a relationship has passed. The last time he said this was admittedly much nicer, “we would have been great in a relationship but that time has passed”. I just don’t know why someone, a man, would say this, especially if nothing major has happened? I feel confused about so many things when I think of this.
December 3, 2015 at 6:43 pm
Hi Chris
My ex and I Broke up in Autumn and I have already done 30 days NC. I have your pro book and have been following it and it was going well
We’ve been texting alot and we’ve actually had a few sucessful dates, with kissing and holding hands and its been really lovely..
Yesterday I was in a text conversation with my ex as is now the norm and we were sending funny memes of people dancing back and forth and flirting.
He said “show me your best moves”
I said “Nope, you’ll have to ask me on a date ;)”
He said “Whaaaaattttt…… I want a date right nowwwww, naked”
I knew he was only joking about the naked thing but it bugged me that he didnt suggest a real date as its been a couple of weeks since I saw him last so I said “Borinnnnnng, I don’t want a text buddy”
He replied “Ok” then immediately blocked me
We’ve been talking for a good 6-8 weeks most days for long periods of time and spending time with each other so it seems so odd. I am thinking it was the “I’ll show you” or the “it hurts option” as he’s been talking seriously about family and kids with me again. The blocking seems like it was a kneejerk reaction.
How long should I do my new no contact period for? What do you advise?
December 2, 2015 at 5:32 pm
Hi Chris,
I’m in a little bit of a situation. I was hoping you could give me some advice? My ex and I broke up over texting 3 weeks ago. The break up happened after a fight that occurred because he wasnt willing to communicate with me. In fact, he ignored all my calls and gave me short answers which made me really angry and I ended up breaking up with him through texts and saying some pretty mean things. (I didnt want to do this, but he didnt answer any of my 10 phone calls) To this he replied “okay fair enough”. This got me even more angry and I ended up deleting him off my instagram only at first. After 5 days of not contacting each other, I messaged him saying “I dont hate you and I never will” He didnt respond. The next day, I texted him saying I didnt have it in me to delete our pictures. To which he replied “We’re not right for each other. We keep fighting, it doesnt make sense.” All of this happened through text. At the time he texted me those things..I didnt beg for him back but I did try to remind him of all the positives in the relationship. I also admitted that I still loved him. He replied saying, “I still love you but I have accepted the reality that our relationship was a fantasy” and that he was too much of a coward to do this in person. Our conversation ended there and we havent contacted each other since. It’s day 11 of the NC rule. You see, I have a problem because I was really angry that he didnt even call me to say all of that through the phone that I ended up blocking him on facebook and snapchat that same night. So I was the one who blocked him…not the other way round. I did this mainly for myself because I knew having him on social media and doing the NC would be really difficult. What should I do? Have I lost all chances of getting him to miss me?
November 22, 2015 at 11:46 pm
Hello chris,
My boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up 2 months ago and I have not heard from him ever since then. I tried contacting him after the NC period by I did not get a reply back. But last night I realized that I was blocked. What do I do ?
Chris Seiter
December 3, 2015 at 6:20 am
Why did you break up?
November 18, 2015 at 9:37 am
Hi chris I read a lot of your post and they always make sense. I have been seeing this guy for a few months. Our story was an odd one, we met online last year and after 4 months of talking (he wasn’t in the country) we finally got a date. Fantastic time and he dissappear, after me sending messages over and over I learnt and walked away. 3 months down the line he returned and apologised. We went again, this time when he started to play his old tricks I stood up and walked away. In February of this year he contacted me again. We met up and ended up in a friends with benefits relationship, I decided it wasn’t what I wanted I told him and we willing went for more. Started dating and staying over each other, became a couple, at times he would say I’m your boyfriend other times he would say he wasn’t. I asked on Saturday if we could possibly start doing a little more, he replied he’s not sure if that stuff makes him happy. And I heard nothing back. I freak like the typical response from a girl. And he ended things via text and blocked all communication from me, the full block out. I know I should walk away and I set myself up for it. I left voicemails when i was able to and sent a few emails. I noticed he is back on the dating site we met on, I admit neither of us deleted the accounts. I know for a while he used the site to find fun and people to flirt with. I admit I sometimes wold over think him not replying and message, due to past of what he did but he that and understood. We had one argument where we didn’t talk for the weekend, but after he said he missed me and just wanted to remember that. Am I right in thinking he’s walked away for good? Thanks. I’m 22 and never had good experiences a hopeless romantic and I no longer no where to go with this situation. He seemed so good when we started trying for more andetails then all at once slipped back into his old ways. Thanks Amanda
November 15, 2015 at 3:54 pm
Hi Chris
My ex has broken up with me 3 days ago (distance relationship) through text, we had a call afterwards and I was asking him for reasons, while trying to keep him on the phone as I got on a taxi to go see him with the thought that I can change his mind or at least he can break up with me face to face. Him and his housemates didn’t let me in and his housemate threatened to call the police so I was outside in the rain/cold in shock not knowing what to do. After a while they probably heard that I was still outside so his housemates called the police on me which the police couldn’t really do anything anyway as I wasn’t causing any problems but it did make me leave. I went to see him 4 days before the breakup and everything was fine. He is a fresher at uni and because of distance and I’m his first girlfriend, those are the reasons that he has broken up with me and did all these stuff. He has blocked on FB and snapchat, not sure whether he blocked my number or not as I havent been texting him or calling him, after that night that I went, he now made me seem like a psycho to him and his friends. I know it’s crazy that after all that I still want him back but I really think when we were together it is amazing and he said that himself as well, it’s just the distance that made it tough for us and uni has definitely changed him. I have no idea how and whether it will be possible or not but I want to try. What should I do?
Any help will be much appreciated!
November 15, 2015 at 4:02 pm
He put on a story on snapchat last night that he went back home, I saw it and didn’t do anything. He looked at my stories from last night today and blocked me afterwards so I really don’t know what I should do. Please help!
Kaye Marie
November 9, 2015 at 6:07 am
First off I’d like to say WOW! You really cover all the angles. You are definitely good at communicating to women’s minds. ( since we look at every angle as well, we just get nowhere.)
My ex were together 2 years. They were very, very happy. We made a great team. (Not at all perfect, but genuinely great.) He talked about marriage and family with me all the time. Our only big problem was my family didn’t approve with interracial dating. To the point that after the first year hiding it,when I told my mom she kicked me out for 5 days. (I’m handicapable so that was significant.) But we continued to date in secret another year, determined to be together.
6 months ago he broke up out of the blue with me because his family found out how my family felt, and forbade him from seeing me. He said to give him time to work on some things. So I did. He continued texting, calling, visiting. 3 months ago he visited and kissed me a lot. After that night I texted on 3 separate days. No reply. So I stopped communication too.
A month ago he blocked me on FB. He’s been dating someone else. (Like the month after he kissed me!) After a few weeks, he unblocked me and sent a friend request, but he’s still dating her. It’s been about 80 days NC. Should I accept his request? I love him dearly, but friends say he has my number if he truly misses me and to not accept. What’s your opinion as a guy?
I would appreciate it so much!
Kaye Marie
January 21, 2016 at 6:50 am
I have, not so long ago. I decided a few weeks after I asked to accept his request. But.. I wasn’t able to “move on without moving on” while I saw pictures of them. So I deleted him after a month.
Since then, his gf moved away at the beginning of this month. They aren’t together that I know of. I’ve contacted him a few times, getting what I suppose are “good” responses. When he DOES reply. (I’m taking your advice from this site.)
But I’m unsure if I should try to re-add him on FB, or just continue trying to text him.
He’s such a stubborn guy. Thank you for replying!
Chris Seiter
January 16, 2016 at 10:20 pm
Did you check out my latest video on blocking?
November 8, 2015 at 3:29 am
Hey Chris, I read your full thing about how tp get your ex back… but my case is really complicated…Me and my ex are dating each other from last 6 years.. but things are not longer same that it was to be… what my ex uses to do.. he talks to me 5 days then after he blocks me for 2 months.. then he comes back in my life , chat for 4-5 days . Then the same thing happens continuously from last 1 year. So I want to know , what is really going in his mind..? What he wants to do with our relationship? Please help me … I seriously want that badly..
November 7, 2015 at 3:48 am
Hi chris should i block my ex from whatsapp and social media?
Chris Seiter
November 18, 2015 at 2:15 am
No you will need it later.