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2,564 thoughts on “What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Blocks You”

  1. Rebecca Moden

    April 29, 2015 at 4:59 am

    My bf of 3 months suffers from premature ejaculation where he cums after 1 minute of penetration. Two days ago we had sex where he lasted less than a minute and I got really upset and said “you came already?” He quickly became really reserved and told me that he’s busy and wants me to leave. I got even more pissed that he wanted to kick me out after sex so I stormed out.

    Right after that he blocked me on Facebook and my phone number. I definitely hurt him and I feel like a horrible person… I think I got mad in the moment. I really want to get back together. I still have this Twitter account to contact him.

    When should I contact him apologizing? How long should the NC phase last?

  2. carla

    April 29, 2015 at 4:12 am

    Hi Chris…. Love your insight… You are the most real and honest when it comes to being blocked. False hope isn’t good thus I like ur stats…. Both myself and tha man (let’s call him Rob) I’m involbed with are coparenting with our spouses. We have been together on-off again for 3 years. My ex cheated on me. I told Rob that I wanted to be exclusive and he was ok with that. Rob would go onto the dating siytes and this would get all my emotions going crazy in a bad way. He has 2 best friends that he sometimes went dancing with and this made me jealous and feelings of being left out. So this last time I did my crazy texting after baiting him on one of these sites (which he didn’t know it was me) …. I never heard from him again despite my texting. 2 months later, I asked my friend to ask hom for my dishes back. Plus she said I had been working out and look great. Which is all true. He asked her not to text him again, said he blocked my texts and that he has zero interest in me. A week later I called him and he hung up on me. Its now been another month and I have not sent an email, text or call. He usually comes to my city to do sports. We talked everyday and texted every day for 3 years. He alswyas posted pics of him and his dancing girlfriend on the websites which was also a disrespect to me and she is prettier than me and he says she is eye candy. It made me jealous and this I said said she was my nemesis and I can’t compete with her….. Do I still wai( does he come to my city and miss the good times cuz I’m not with him? Do I try to send an email? Is there hope? Or do I still need patience as my virtue? Thx Chris xoxox

  3. Nicole

    April 28, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    Hi Chris – my boyfriend and I broke up almost 2 months ago. A few weeks ago he blocked me from Instagram and when I asked why he said it was because he didn’t want to see what I was doing on the weekends. I haven’t posted any partying pics (I’m not really into that) and the pics have mostly been with my family. I let it go and said I understood. a few days ago he changed his profile pic to him and one of his (used to be) best friends. His friend tried to make a move on me about a month after we broke up and I told him (probably shouldn’t have, but was trying to look out for him bc I found out this “friend” had been trying to break us up for awhile) and he thanked me and said he didn’t consider him a friend anymore. So it was weird that he changed his profile pic to one of them but I just ignored it. Last night I uploaded a pic of me and my friend that I looked pretty good in and this morning noticed he unfriended me. Any thoughts on what’s going on?

  4. Olivia

    April 28, 2015 at 2:48 am

    What do you do if your ex didn’t block you but he deleted you off of almost every social media sit he’s following you on? I’ll be done with the NC rule at the end of this month and my ex has sent a couple anonymous messages on tumblr and has texted me once saying ” I hope everything is going good for you” and after I didn’t reply a couple days later he sent me another anonymous message saying “I’m still so sorry for everything. I really did love you with all my heart, I still miss you when I’m alone and you really made me the happiest I could have ever been. I promise I’ll get out of your life and out of your way. I wish you nothing but happiness in the rest of your adventures. Goodbye….” And not blocked but deleted me off of almost every social media he’s following me on. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!?! Do you think he’s just trying to get me to text him or do you think he is serious and is moving on? I don’t want to lose him. I hope doing the NC rule was a good Idea. I know you get questions from women all day and I would have used the voice question thing but my voice is gone from being sick. So I hope you will reply and can give me some advice because I don’t see any posts you’ve done that over what to do if an ex deletes you off of stuff.

    1. jimmy

      May 27, 2015 at 2:51 am

      i m not Chris but a guy who was blocked by my partner.
      I would say if a guy say something like that to you he is serious to win you back!
      do let go. good luck!

  5. Oliva

    April 27, 2015 at 11:41 pm

    What do you do if your ex didn’t block you but he deleted you off of almost every social media sit he’s following you on? I’ll be done with the NC rule at the end of this month and my ex has sent a couple anonymous messages on tumblr and has texted me once saying ” I hope everything is going good for you” and after I didn’t reply a couple days later he sent me another anonymous message saying “I’m still so sorry for everything. I really did love you with all my heart, I still miss you when I’m alone and you really made me the happiest I could have ever been. I promise I’ll get out of your life and out of your way. I wish you nothing but happiness in the rest of your adventures. Goodbye….” And not blocked but deleted me off of almost every social media he’s following me on. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!?! Do you think he’s just trying to get me to text him or do you think he is serious and is moving on? I don’t want to lose him. I hope doing the NC rule was a good Idea. I know you get questions from women all day and I would have used the voice question thing but my voice is gone from being sick. So I hope you will reply and can give me some advice because I don’t see any posts you’ve done that over what to do if an ex deletes you off of stuff.

  6. JC

    April 26, 2015 at 3:28 pm

    As a man (36) that just blocked his gf of 3 years. It’s very sad. I had to do it. It’s like pulling a trigger for me. It’s very hard to do because I love her so much and I know she loves me. I’m in the “It Hurts Too Much” camp. Twice she has made me Jealous, Very Angry, and Very Sad all at the same time. It’s a lot of emotions to deal with. I’m very depressed and upset about this. I loved texting her back and forth (like we used to do). We did a “quasi-NC” for a month and a half. Then for the last month and a half we have texted here and there. In that three month time. She has met up with TWO guys that I know of. She would tell me she “went to lunch” with someone, or “went to dinner” with someone, not saying who etc. but of course k owing I would inquire as to WHO she went with. Both situations were with different guys. ONE was an ex bf from like 6 years ago,she dated for a brief period, and the other is a male friend she’s known for 20 years. A guy I’ve never even heard of in 3 years, but she says he’s just a friend and nothing has ever happened between either guy EVER. I call BS, I don’t believe that. Either way even if that were true. I feel like she has made it a point to (indirectly) let me know that she’s been hanging out with other guys. Other than those two guys, she has been all lovey with me with emotions.Misses me etc. loves me so much etc etc. etc. Women are so messed up sometimes. Stop playing with my emotions and my heart. It sucks!
    This is why I will NOT be ever giving my heart to another woman again. I went through a divorce, and now this. Enough is enough. Reasons like this, is why men choose to not enter relationships. It’s too messy and dramatic. We dont know how to deal with the emotions like women can.
    I had to block my live because it hurt too much to hear that she is out with other men. Even if they are some “male friends”. I know how male friends are. They pounce when the timing is right. I’m no idiot. She’s probably already done something with them. Maybe even at the same time. Whatever. Love SUCKS! Peace ✌️

  7. J

    April 26, 2015 at 12:01 am

    Hey Chris, I have a unique situation. My ex isn’t a textbook/normal guy (he’s had some anger issues, he’s pretty immature, etc.), and beyond that, I’m not sure if I want him back or not, I mostly just need a guy’s opinion (esp yours as this is your specialty) on how to perceive the situation so I can decide how to handle it. It’s not something I can really explain in 90 seconds – if it was, I could probably clearly see the answer for myself haha. I would so appreciate it if you could email me and I could explain. Thanks for your time; I understand if that’s not possible.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 27, 2015 at 10:22 pm

      Hi J,

      I am sorry I no longer answer emails (they take up too much of my time.)

  8. Lover No Hater

    April 25, 2015 at 6:58 pm

    Hi Chris, hope you can advice me regarding the situation i’m in right now which i still have a part in my heart i wish to save it.

    I met this guy and be friends for 6 years and moving forward this year is our 6 years of serious relationship; known together for 12 years in total. I got blocked in facebook, calls and sms but not email and instagram. The last arguement we had was over things like, i took his freedom and never encourage his hobby that he just newly discovered and also wanted to spend more time with his friends. All that said, i never had the intention of stopping him but normally i will ask of his whereabouts only.

    The next day before i managed to wake up, he texted me for a breakup and added that he doesn’t want this relationship anymore. He added that he has wasted 6 years with me and i was so miserable and went panic mode and started to call and tried to ask him out for talk and apologies. Of course its a no show and there won’t be any replies, and if he does, he will say he wants to move on and never want to continue this so that can focus on things he likes to do (at a point before all of these, we had an understanding of wanting to grow old together).

    It is already 3 weeks since his request of breakup. I’ve applie NC for only 1 week since the last i emailed him begging to save this. Now, i saw his sister’s facebook posted saying one of his close relatives has passed away. Do you think I should send my condolences via email within NC period? I am afraid that he will hate me more by doing so. On the other hand, do you think he will be completely move on if i need to apply longer NC?

    Thanks in advance Chris, your article is awesome.

    1. Lover No Hater

      April 28, 2015 at 1:18 am

      Oh no, i’ve sent it just before i got to see this! Should i reapply NC? If yes how long? Thanks Chris.

    2. Chris Seiter

      April 27, 2015 at 10:18 pm

      NO NO NO do not text him or send condolances during NC.

  9. Sarah

    April 25, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    I was dating a guy for three months and everything was going great. We NEVER fought about anything. He has full custody of his son but his ex has visitations. The visitations used to be set up so they were at a great time so I could see him (before meeting his son which we wanted to wait a few more months with). After the visitations were changed I could only see him very rare times. He thought we should break up but we decided to try to make it work. Then his son got extremely sick (he isn’t sure what is going on yet) and other stresses popped up. We didn’t even fight but he told me he had all this going on and couldnt talk to anyone. I respected that and didnt text or message him and all the sudden a few days later he blocked me (I could understand it if I was bothering him but I was not). Technically we didnt break up lol but I am certainly taking it that way. I think this was a way of lashing out at me so he could focus on something else other ( like the blocking) than all the stress he is under. He did used to text me maybe only twice a week previously when he was under this much stress but whenever we were together in person (rare) life was epic. Before the visitation issue he literary was clingy and texted every moment he could. Do you think if things get better with his son (which is likely) he will contact me? He blocked me on facebook and his phone, we do not have really mutual friends maybe one but he barely talks to her. I did mail him a letter but no response. I have a fake Facebook profile and I was thinking about waiting a month or two messaging him from it just saying I hope all is going well and also inform him that if he wants to block me here too he can but I will not bother him again if he doesnt contact me back (so he maybe thinks I haven’t gone crazy). It should show restraint on my part that I am waiting to contact him and haven’t used the fake account earlier (but he doesnt know about the account) . I really love him but it hurts so much that he literately never said goodbye. We had been talking about marriage (yes I know way too early but I told him not to unless he meant it and he got my hopes up) than he left with saying nothing at all. I dont know if maybe the stress is what got to him and he was too stressed to deal with breaking up with me the right way. I deleted his number because I thought I would be too tempted to leave him a million voicemails (so I only left one and that is it). Do you think he may come back? Do you think messaging him in a couple of months is a good idea or how long should I wait? He can’t even see my facebook profile because he blocked not just unfriended me. Thank you for writing an awesome article. It gave me a ton of hope but I am also afraid of getting hopeful and my heartbreaking again.

    1. Sarah

      April 29, 2015 at 2:45 pm

      One week and he hasn’t contacted me i sm not contacting him for a month

  10. Amanda

    April 24, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    So what if after the NC, i didn’t play it cool when I found he was already sleeping with someone else, and I acted pyscho? I told him I would tell the girl we were sleeping together (we were, but I would never do that, and tho he believed me, he was upset that I let myself say it). And the created a lie/ploy to see him. Once he found out it was just a lie, he blocked me. Never has, and it’s on Facebook. I am very stable, and I am embarrassed. I feel our relationship is toxic. At this point I just want to be on good terms and friends. Do u think he will get over what I did?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 27, 2015 at 9:53 pm

      I think he will but it will take some time.

  11. Y

    April 23, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I enjoyed reading this article. And I have a question for you please. There was this guy… We liked each other and talked to each other every day all day long. He moved away but the talking didnt stop. Both of us kind of people who like to test each other and we both failed tests because we both gave answers knowing they will hurt us. But I only realise this now.
    We decided to try a relationship but he then disappeared. And I messaged a few times and i got a very unexpected reply.
    1 it stated his sister passed away
    2 it says he can’t handle pressure anymore and not to contact him ever again and that he meant it (we both said never talk to me again a number of times)
    i left it for a few days, messaged, no reply…. left it for a week – messaged – no reply. messaged again – got a reply (it was something about job I told him about). i didnt reply to him till the next day then i got blocked on whatsap. i didnt expect it and was totally emotional… he then didnt block me on viber till months later. i used a different number and he said to please not contact him…. after a long time i pulled myself together so i thought. I am in a relationship but last night I had a dream about this other guy and today I am a mess. and i dont know why. I miss him yes. and i would like to talk to him. but i am blocked on whatsapp and viber. and i dont know how to make him talk.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 24, 2015 at 10:35 pm

      Are you blocked from texting?

  12. Confused

    April 23, 2015 at 11:18 am

    Dear Chris,

    What if a guy is confused about feelings, is scared for a relationship and I pushed him in one argument away. He blocked me and this is for 5 days now. Is this a situation in which I was too pushy and he got very confused and feeling choked.
    Will NC for a while help? As he is leaving in before 30 days would 21 days be enough?

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 1:19 pm

      Yes NC can help.

  13. Amira

    April 13, 2015 at 9:12 pm

    hey I want talk about I was dating this guy and we were all gd at first we dated for month now and he took me out couple times he gives me rides we enjoy each other company until one day he said im smothering him and he want to just be friends and like couple days want by I text him and said I cant be your friend I have feelings for u he apologized and want to see me and now he has attitude problem by the way he a Gemini by one day he with his homeboys he text me saying you call this number 100 which nt tru cuz his phone wasn’t on he had app number so im like im srry everytime I put my earphone in it calls ppl he like whatever u keep calling and u kno I cant talk on here then next day I wokeup I was block on fackbook and instagram I try apologize on his direct message on instragram he didn’t response but just like my pic idk wat to do

  14. ana

    April 8, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    we had a fight and my boyfriend blocked me on facebook about 8 months ago. I wrote sms 5 times saying hello, I miss you but he newer replay. Do you think is there any chance to get back on me?

  15. olga

    April 8, 2015 at 7:18 pm


    after googling for help i finally found THIS. my story is a bit different and that’s why i’m not sure if advices here apply to my case. u may even think it’s stupid.

    i matched with a guy on tinder last year and we briefly talked two times since. recently, we started talking again and we talked for two weeks all the time via whatsapp, snapchat, etc. i completely lost my mind but tried to appear normal. we discussed books, common interests, food, music, etc.
    after two weeks he stopped talking to me, next day i sent him snapchats (normal one, as i send to everyone) but no messages. i thought he was waiting and checking which one of us can last longer without contact. i wrote him after two days that i understand the game but i’m bored and want to talk again. he read it and 15 minutes later i was blocked everywhere, even on fb where we never talked or we weren’t friends.
    i see no reason for his actions and i need help as he seemed to be THE one (as long as it could be so via internet) and now i feel like dying. HELP. i don’t wanna die of course, i just want him back or at least know why. i can still contact him through imessage or email.
    thank u for all the possible comments on this. i just need it so bad.

    1. olga

      May 3, 2015 at 3:53 pm


      i applied NC rule according to ur advices. it’s been almost 40 days but i’m too terrified to make a mistake in contacting him (wrong message, etc.). is there any way u could help?

  16. Ashley

    April 6, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    Hi, you’re article was very helpful. But I was wondering if I could get some advice on my situation. So my story my ex and I had dated for 2 years. It was a serious relationship and we were really close. He told me I was the best thing that ever happened to him and wanted to have future with me. He said all that not me. He even wanted me to move in with him. Then all of a sudden he ignores me one weekend to get drunk with his friends. So I confront him the following week and he tells me we should take a break , that he needs to suffer and doesn’t know what he wants anymore. I said okay but started to cry and he got really mad. So he left it as to be continued for us. I saw a werid post on his Twitter so I asked him if this was break up or break for time and he wouldn’t answer the question just kept avoiding it. After that he blocked me on everything. So I have been in NC for a little over a month now. I can see his facebook and other things through mutual friends and it seems like he is having a good old time drinking with friends and getting with random girls. But then there were some posts saying like I’m a fool when will I learn. I’m just very confused. I don’t think he will contact me but our mutual friends say he will. I think he blocked me because it hurts him and he knew it would hurt me. I was wondering if I could get your honest opnion will he ever contact me and what was the reason for blocking me?

  17. samantha

    April 6, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    Me and my ex split in January and did the no contact thing for just over a month after agreeing to be friends. I got I touch first to ask how things were and he was a little off so I figured he wanted nothing to do with me. I cancelled something I had pre booked for us to do together thinking he didn’t want to go, turns out he did and had a bit of a spat over it. I apologised and tried to make it right but he blocked me on whatsapp which was how we mostly communicated. He has stayed friends with me on Facebook and I’m not really sure of my options. Does he need a bit longer to cool off? I tried to follow him on instagram yesterday and he blocked me.

  18. wallflower

    April 5, 2015 at 7:31 pm

    my ex broke up with me in january this year because I had an affair (he cheated on me in the past too though) he said he wanted to stay friends but a few days later I found out that he unfriended and blocked me on Facebook. I went into NC for three months. Today I texted him on whatsapp because that is the only app where I wasn’t blocked on but after I messaged him he came online only to block me on there too.

    I feel so stupid now, what should I do??

  19. Lyndzie

    April 4, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    Hey Chris, i am the nightmare scenario that you have mentioned in your post. I did not cheat on my ex but we have really serious trust and quarreling issues. This is actually the 4 th time me and my ex have broken up and this time he have blocked me up entirely. I’m just wondering, if he didn’t unblock after the No Contact period does it mean that we are truly over? Meaning that there is never a chance that we can be lovers or friends ever again?

  20. Darion

    April 4, 2015 at 3:32 am

    Hello, well my boyfriend and I haven been in a relationship back and forth to other people also for the last five years… Pretty much my whole high school career. Just recently we were back together doing alright until January 2015 came along and we ended up breaking up.. Well since January I haven been trying my hardest to get back with him and prove to him that I would do anything for him.. On Monday night he wasn’t talking to me much. He said his phone died, then that he was charging it and that he would text me later. Well, he actually didn’t text me. He blocked me. He actually blocked me on everything. In our relationship I haven’t been as honest as I should have been, I lied to him about texting other guys and he ended up finding out by looking at my phone. I wasn’t the greatest girlfriend. I wish I could take it all back. Today I stopped my his grandparents house where he lives and talked to his grandma. He called me and told me to leave but I didnt. So, he came to the house and was being a complete jerk towards me. I asked him what i did for him to just randomly block me and he told me he was tired of being hurt and he didn’t want to be put through it again. I am only 18 years old, almost 19 and about to graduate high school. I know that you may say I’m young and there are more guys out there. But, I don’t care. I want to be the one my ex wants to be with. He told me today that he doesn’t care about me anymore and he hates me and doesn’t love me or have any feeling for me anymore. He also told me that he is talking to another girl already and is going to meet her parents tomorrow. He told me that he really likes this girl to.. And another thing he said to me was that he was going to erase me from his past. What should I do? I cannot just give up and throw five years of us being in each others lives away.. I love this kid.. I need help..

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