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February 28, 2015 at 12:39 pm
Firstly, let me say thanks for all the information on this website it’s been a great help for me as well for others I’m sure. Second, I’m not so “eager” to get my ex back, but more looking for a situation evaluation from a guy. My ex and I stopped talking to each other about a year a go, well he did. At the end we said hurtful things to each other which I’m sure none of us mean it, which resulted in me blocked him as you said “emotions run high logic run low”. After few months when I finally pulled my self together and have a clear mind, I realized what an immature thing that I did and things shouldn’t be ending this way, so I sent an email to my ex as this way less personal and more formal because of our “delicate” situation. I apologized for my behavior and the harmful words that came out of my mouth and how I never meant them, I also told him that I moved on and hoping that we deal with our situation in a better way and maybe we could be friends. A couple of days later I found out that he blocked me on Facebook and my family but kept my best friend on which they are not really friends (kinda strange), but didn’t block me on other applications like whatsapp, skype etc. and I don’t know about his phone I never actually tried to call after we stopped talking. Also a month ago I tried to contact him about something entirely different on whatsapp, it only said “hi” to start a conversation and he never replied. He saw it and kept checking like every 5 minutes if I’m still on ( I actually know that because I did it too) and just like that, he never replied in both times that I contacted him. Now, as I said before I’m not eager to get him back, I still have feelings and kinda miss him but the whole getting back thing, I’m just leaving it to chance. He wasn’t the first relationship I have but more like the first “serious relationship” I have. I’m in a good place and I feel good about myself. It’s just I don’t understand what happened back there, I need a guy to explain how guys think and you are the expert :).
March 17, 2015 at 12:37 pm
Never mind, I got the answer.. It turned out he is engaged to be married. I’m very disappointed.
March 18, 2015 at 8:49 pm
Well, do you need help moving on?
March 28, 2015 at 12:06 am
yeah, I’d really use some advice now, if you can help 🙂 this was the deepest and most serious relationship I ever had (at least to me).
March 29, 2015 at 2:32 pm
Sure, what exactly can I help you with?
February 26, 2015 at 1:51 pm
Hi, I have dated this man for 2 years. We both planned to get married soon after I’ll finish my studies. However, he had met a girl few months back. To cut it short, he had cheated on me. When I found out, he told me that the girl was just a mistakes and we still on going with the relationship. However, he seems to be unhappy. Thus, I had made a contact to the girl and told her to be with him again. Seeing someone that you really love being unhappy is gonna hurt me more. However, the girl refused to because she felt bad about it and she does not even really into this man for he had been irresponsible of abandoning her before and choose to be with me. My boyfriend is more on dilemma and I give him space and time that he wants by applying the NC rule. He had approached the girl but the girl refused to entertain. He had not making any decision whether to break up with me or not. But, he told the girl that he had been single for quite a long time which we both women knows that it was untrue. The day he sent a lengthy messages to the girl which she had forwarded it to me. Subsequently, I’d forwarded the same message to him and asking for explanation. Despite of giving explanation, he was rude to me. I replied him in a rude way which I’d never did that to him before and I know he admitted it too. He knows that I was a very good girlfriend to him but for the first time I acted this way, he seems to point it out as my mistakes that he can’t resist. I was so sad and disappointed trying to point of the reason why I am doing this. I told him that we just wanted to know the truth. Unfortunately, he’s blamed me for ruined his plan of unable to get back to the girl that she cheated on me. The girl and I was only telling each other the truth. I told her that he didn’t end up this relationship well and the girl told me too few bad things about the guy that she don’t even trusted the man anymore. She had realized it long time ago but not only because what I had said. But, he seems to put the blame on me alone. What should I do, he seems to blocked me on FB now, which he never did it before. We had some mutual friends on FB and i was told that he was posted something saying I am give him a bad name. I do not know whether I need to explain the whole thing but I knew whatever I am going to say he still look at me as I am the bad one. But, didn’t he think about all his lies to both of us that cause all this consequences? To be honest, I still love him for who he is, and I want him back. He never gets this angry before.
March 1, 2015 at 6:18 pm
Did you listen to my podcast over this situation?
February 26, 2015 at 10:14 am
hey chris,
i met this one guy (lets say A) last year in my coaching classes (april 2014). i fell for him at the sight. but i dint do anything hard to get him. i just sent him an fb request. he accepted immediately also sent a hi … i replied n this initiated our chat, it went on well and we used to chat 3 hours evryday.. he had jst comeout from a tragic love story where a girl said she loved him n he dint..later he fell for her and she refused to get along with him.. he was madly in love with her for the next 3 years, all his friends finally helped him get over her.. n i too joined in..i made sure that i’ll restore his happy days and so askd him to smile always n whenevr i enter the class i looked straight up at him first..n he tooo noticed and used to give me a cheerful smile… it all went on well and we became best friends… i caught him staring at me many a times. he never forgot to say hi n bye, waited till i left the place, kept track on where n wat was i doing..he noticed evrything about me too..i complimented him on his clothes n he wore the same pair of clothes for the whole next week…the best part was i n he were 99% similar in our likes and dislikes..our fav color, football player, hobbies, interests, caste, community and evrything of ours matched..except that he was a chess player and i was an artist…. we were all happy and cheerful about our friendship, n one fine day i couldnt resist and told two of his close friends ( one guy n the other gal) about my feelings for him.. we all four were online on fb n then they both askd him about me.. n his reply was ” i jst consider her as my friend, she is not soo pretty” ..our mutual friends informed me about this ..i was heartbroken, cse i deeply had a gut feeling that he too likes me the way i do.. i put myself togeda and said thm i jst wanted to kw the truth that i too dnt hav any feeling for him… i told him too..he dint talk properly to me the next day at class, and i got soo desperate that i asked him whether it was the same matter that was bothering him? he said yes. he told that one of my best friend (guy) had told him that i liked him..n this led to more confusion coz i claimed i dint like him but my besties n his besties told him i liked him… i immediately called my best friend and threatened him to tell who told him n y he did it..that too infront of the whole class… ‘A’ immediately tried to calm me down n told that he wont mind n letz forgo that matter….i agreed.. after a few days.. we still went well…but not like how we used to be in the beginning.. later one day during the break he n me n our friends togeda went down to snack during our break… we came back to class togeda.. he removed his footwear n kept it at a corner..i too kept it in the same rack but in the other corner… after the class he was searching his shoes n i called him n pointed the place where he had kept it… he thanked me n i cldnt help..i looked down n blushed pink! i came home n when we chatted on fb that day…he thanked me again for the shoes n askd me if i really care so much that i remember where he had kept his shoes… i said yep.. dn he askd y i was blushing…. n nw i cldnt resist anymore..i jst indirectly gav him soo many clues abt my feelings…. i askd him if he understood..he said yes..bt dint respond much…. after that he had a chess competion n he got busy…. i too dint bother him cse i was afraid of rejection in case i approach him… so i kept quite… we slowly lost contact and dint chat much..dint smile, dint see each ada..dint talk much..no hi n bye too…… after few days i gathered hopes n askd him to tell me if anything was bothering him..he replied saying he wanted to be left alone n that he wasnt in a mood to chat…i got kindoff offended n so askd him if he was showing me his otherwise attitude n told him to stop being annoyed easily …. he got frustrated..he said ‘i dont want ur advice..thankyou’….n then he dint reply…i lost control n tried to console him n askd him to c our previous texts n kw hw much i care about him n so i get angry when he shows attitude…!! he saw the text bt dint reply… i dn backed off…. later nxt day i spoke to his many close friends and asked thm y is he frustrated nowadays..they dint kw the reason n said he told thm to leave him alone…. after that his best friend (guy)who i had first told abt my feeling ..txtd me n askd me if i really liked him…i said “no…i hate him..” later maybe he sent this to ‘A’ … he told me that ‘A’ told him that he was going to block me….i told i dint care…
after that day he blocked me… stopped talking n ignored me soo hard n made me feel i dint exist…. i thought i’ll giv him time…bt my feelings for him grew more n more… i too ignored him..bt secretly stared at him hoping evrything will be alright soon! it dint..n on friendship day i had made a special greeting card on chess theme that slides to show the message…i had written an apology poem..also bought a friendship band for him… that day before the class i stood outside waiting for him to arrive… he came…immediately i called him … he ignored…i called him again loudly… he acted deaf n when into the class….. ! completely dissapointed i went into the class n acted normal though i was crying inside…. i tied bands to all his friends n my friends except him!
n i decided to forget him n move on…. i tried ..bt cldnt… bt i too yet act like he doesnt exist… i always smile bt put on a stern face incase our eyes meet by mistake…. he used to show me middlefinger incase eyes glance over him… i recently got to know he has a crush on a gal too…i kw her… she likes a guy who likes me… but i like ‘A’ he is my true love….plez help me get him back!
February 25, 2015 at 8:06 pm
So can the same rules apply If I am a guy and was Blocked by a female?
February 25, 2015 at 10:10 pm
Yes, but Alexander… you should check out my other site, Ex Girlfriend Recovery.
February 25, 2015 at 1:59 pm
Well I had a misunderstanding with this guy and I sent him Something on whatsapp, I only just downloaded the programme, this guy I am into has the app also, it said his last seen status when I joined Was One week earlier, I sent him a photo of the present a song and another photo of me, I had bought for him for Valentine’s day, was going to give him when I saw him, he lives overseas, he sent me a message I don’t care, I don’t want anything from you, You give me Space, and Peace, after sending it he logged back in 1 hour later, and then again later that night, he then came on the next day, and has been on everyday multiple times, I Wondered if he was coming on ever since he knows I have known got the programme, and Thats where I sent him photos etc, and before I installed it was a week earlier, so It seemed that he very rarely used the programme. Everytime he comes on he’s on 1 minute, sometimes less so not really long enough to do anything what do you think?
February 25, 2015 at 10:04 pm
Did you read the entire program?
February 27, 2015 at 2:48 pm
Forgot To add on my post,that after we had the misunderstanding/argument,he had blocked me the next day on facebook,that’s why I got Whatsapp,and his last seen status on whatsapp,after I installed the app,was a week earlier,so he was rarely on it,now he’s going on everyday,sometimes 6 times,or more,when before he never used,but after I sent him things on there,he’s now coming on all the time,sometimes only staying on a minute,sometimes slightly longer,but still only a few minutes
February 27, 2015 at 2:50 pm
Forgot to also add I have been doing what he said,I have not sent him anything else or said anything to him since Valentine’s day.
blocked and broken
February 24, 2015 at 9:14 pm
my ex and i were on and off for 2 years and recentley he left and blocked me on facebook saying he hurts me to much and he cant do that anymore. so when i called him he said he was sorry but he cant do this… and that we fight way to much… i would say, yeah we fight but its not bad, its more of a cute argument… i get mad he says i look sexy when im mad and i laugh and get over it haha we were the typical “Notebook couple” but now idk if hes going to comeback… i love him so much… ive known him since 4th grade… i cant lose my baby… i just dont understand because i mean i moved to montana and he is in washington but he told me he was coming up this summer and that he had a ring and was going to propose and that we could make it though this and then that night he left… i dont know what to do… i cant text him but i can call… but i dont even know what i would say… “hey… what did i do?” idk… i just want him back…
February 25, 2015 at 9:20 pm
Well, calling is better than nothing. I might try a NC period before you call though. He may end up unblocking you on text.
February 24, 2015 at 9:14 am
Great site! will share with friends. 🙂 what about the following scenario: he contacts you (apparently accidentally) and then blocks you right afterwards? I don’t know what to make of it. I just find it funny.
February 24, 2015 at 9:47 pm
Hahaha I find it funny too!
Seems like he is just trying to get your attention to me.
February 23, 2015 at 4:55 am
my ex broke up with me for 4 months already, but no contact since the end of January because i knew him was hanging out with a girl a lot, so I got jealous and told him I need to blocked him, otherwise I cannot treat him as real friend (i know i was so stupid, the fact I still in love with him) and told him i cannot be friends and tried to move on. I was hoping him to contact me but it never happened. after a month I unblocked him and try to be friend and he told me he doesn’t want to be friend at all. I know he is single and the girl is just a friend. I wanted to see him, but he doesn’t want to see me either. So after the last conversation, he was really cold to me and blocked me on gmail, but i can still message him on fb or call him if i want. But i never do so because i think he needs time to cool off the tension. However I think he is a very proud guy, he may never try to contact me himself, What should I do in my case? wait for couple months more before I contact him? I am afraid he will never be friend with me again. I don’t know what type of block he is thinking at all.
LDR and blocked
February 22, 2015 at 6:29 pm
Hi Chris,
I love the podcast and the website. I heard the entire podcast! 🙂
I am in an icky situation- I met this guy through my cousin and clicked instantly. He lives on the East Coast, so it automatically was a “LDR” once I returned home to San Francisco. We had been talking for 5 months, and met twice during that period.
We got into a disagreement/misunderstanding over texting 3 weeks ago. I called him right away, but he didn’t answer. I text him the next day. No answer. I decided to give him space and contacted him a week later. Nothing. Then again 5 days after that (I was a little annoyed and left a voicemail & 2 texts), but I think he had blocked me by then. 5 days after that he drops me as a friend on Facebook.
I implemented the NC last week (considering he possibly blocked me). Now here’s the thing- I’m supposed to visit my cousin for St Patricks day. The NC ends right then, but I have 4 days to initiate contact & meet- because I don’t know when I’ll visit again. Any advice?
2nd question- he was meant to be my date for an event in April. I don’t know how to go about it. He had already bought his ticket.
Please help!!!
February 23, 2015 at 9:18 pm
Well, there is a new episode to the podcast today so technically you haven’t heart it all ;).
I think I am going to do another long distance episode so you can stay tuned for that.
Keep to that NC!
February 22, 2015 at 2:03 pm
I was dumped 8 days ago. His birthday is in three days. Can I wish him for his birthday via text in NC phase? Thank you.
February 24, 2015 at 9:06 pm
just say “happy birthday i hope your day goes great.” and be done with it. he may say thanks or say nothing but it doesnt sound needy so you wont seem desperate.
February 21, 2015 at 8:05 am
hi me and my exboyfriend just broke up yesterday. we met through OKC. and then he always message me there.. and he ask for my number..we always text or fb message for one month.. until we decided to meet up. We got along so fine.. and the next day he decided to visit me at my house. and we become bf -gf. After a week he will go to a party with his friends and he wants me to fetch him and go to my place. And we make love… the next day he texted that he has a problem. he told me that i might get pregnant.. and he wants to break up with me.. and then he texted me and his last meassage i didn’t response to his message.. after one day… i decided to message him on facebook.. i told him if we can go for a coffee or lunch coz i wanted to talk to him. i told him that i need to be told in person. so he agreed. and he told me that he still loves me and miss me.. and on that night he wants to get back together.. and i agreed. So we get back together. We always text each other and call. we see each other twice a week.. he spends his time with me on my birthday and also on valentines day. and then.. last thursday night he told me that he really loves me so much and he can’t wait to see me.. and when i woke up i received a message from him that he wants to break up with me coz he is becoming a bad person. i told him i want to see him and talk to him and i want our break ups to be in a formal way.. but he didn’t agree. he told me he cant see me and told me that there’s nothing wrong with me . the proble is with him. he also told me that he still loves me but he can’t stay with me.. i didn’t reply to his last message. when i checked his fb.. he blocked me. which hurts me alot. i dont know what to do now.. please help.
February 22, 2015 at 4:44 pm
You should listen to my podcast on blocking!
Seriously it would be incredibly helpful for you.
February 20, 2015 at 8:16 pm
My ex has blocked my phone numbers, but not on FB. He reads all of messages, but never replies back. I am on day 5 of the No Contact rule.
February 21, 2015 at 12:05 am
Did you listen to my podcast on blocking?
February 19, 2015 at 12:14 pm
my ex blocked all of my numbers, but haven’t blocked me on FB
He reads my messages, but does not reply.
February 20, 2015 at 11:21 pm
Well, you might need to let some time go by before you can get him to reply.
February 19, 2015 at 3:08 am
been in NC for 10 days… the last message he wrote me saying he wanted me to be happy, that I deserve the best, that he’s been ignoring me for 3 weeks so I can learn to live without him as live goes on and we learn, break, love, rebuild, etc, etc… I just feel like if he didn’t care he wouldn’t be so sweet. or maybe those are key words that he’s really done done done done done. He’s going to be gone from the country for a few months… do I wait until then to even try to communicate with him? I’ve been blocked on phone and FB most due to the fact that I went crazy, and then my ex best friend got involved and talked a lot of trash about me, mainly out of her jealousy, been a hard breakup losing two people now… my friends tell me to just wait it out. thoughts? do I wait 30 days or just keep it up for a few months? and I just feel the need to apologize and have been advised to just chill out and send a quick message.. thanks. I feel like such a dumb dumb emotional wreck. getting hot in the meantime tho and trying to focus on other productive things 😉
February 20, 2015 at 11:09 pm
Wait, youve been NC for ten days but hes been ignoring you for 3 weeks?
Doesn’t that mean youve been NC for three weeks?
February 22, 2015 at 4:52 am
Yes well he emailed me after the 3 weeks after I begged and pleaded Bc im pathetic, oh well I moved on from hating myself, saying he wanted me to be happy and I deserve better and the reason he was ignoring me was so I could learn to live without him. Any chance at friends ever? He won’t respond to that question…
I also learned my ex best friend told him a ton a ton of negative shit about me. Pretty sure she was super jealous and apologized to me later on so guessing that’s also scared him away. I let long distance get the better of me and just want to be friends. We have so many common interests and it’s upsetting the door is shut. Is it wrong to reach out in a couple months ?
February 20, 2015 at 11:09 pm
Wait, youve been NC for ten days but hes been ignoring you for 3 weeks?
Doesn’t that mean youve been NC for three weeks?
February 18, 2015 at 1:35 am
Hi! I recently posed on an another article of yours but I didn’t think to ask about this when I sent the comment. What if he has blocked me from social media, but hasn’t blocked me from the phone? Is there any good that can come from that? And what if there is a possibility he is using Tinder or websites like that? Does that also mean anything? Thank you for your time!
February 18, 2015 at 9:42 pm
Yes, the phone in my opinion is a lot more powerful and personal than social media.
February 16, 2015 at 10:58 pm
Hi Chris, this was a great, helpful read. My situation is confusing, I met a guy (let’s call him ‘D’) a couple of months ago, and we exchanged phone numbers/Facebook info. Over the course of a month, we started texting and communicating via FB, in a casual, getting to know each other sort of way. We only saw each other at a couple of social gatherings, and he would spend his time talking to me, asking me questions about myself, staying near me. No big deal, as far as I assumed. I was interested in another guy, and thought of ‘D’ as a cool friend. The next time we saw each other (again in a social setting), he walked me out to my car and we talked. Again, thinking of him as a friend, I shared with him something about my feelings for the other guy, and he seemed slightly surprised that I liked that guy. But, he was encouraging and the conversation seemed to go well. I suggested we hang out sometime, but I clearly told him not as a date, because I wasn’t looking to date at that point in time while I was figuring out things with the other guy, but if he was interested in doing something as friends, or with a group, he could let me know. A couple of days later, he bombarded me with text messages about how he doesn’t want to get too close to anyone, he should have been honest and up front about the fact that he is in the middle of a messy, devastating divorce (complete news to me, but upon further investigation, it was true!), that he needs to have space and not communicate while he figured things out and let the divorce play out. I told him I thought we were just friends and I would have been respectful of his situation had I known he was in such a situation, and I apologized for making him think I was interested in him beyond friendship. He said I didn’t, he just didn’t want to be distracted while he was putting his life back together. I told him if he had developed any feelings for me then I thought it would be best for him to step back as well, to which he said ‘oh, cool, thank you!’
After we ended the strange text messages, I blocked him on FB and on my phone for about 3 weeks. I unblocked in the 4th week, and sent him a new request on FB to add him as a friend. I never once texted him, or even added a message in the request, I just thought maybe we could be mature and try to start a friendship again. And after I sent the request, he disappeared from FB, but he is still on my friends page, which tells me he blocked me. Um…I still cannot figure out what I did to make him do that…any insight? Honestly, I am okay with him not being in my life, especially if his own life is full of craziness and instability. But, I’d like to learn whatever the lesson is from this as I move on…was it me? Or was it him? Did I lead him on, or hurt his feelings when I said I wasn’t interested in him? Or when I blocked him to give him space? I’m still very confused by this…thanks for your help!!
February 17, 2015 at 12:37 pm
Maybe it was retaliation for blocking him?
February 18, 2015 at 2:20 am
Thanks for the reply! It probably is retaliation, oh well! 🙂 We will either move past it or we won’t!
February 18, 2015 at 9:46 pm
Good attitude!
February 16, 2015 at 7:51 pm
my guy block me from whatsapp because I told him it’s best for us to be friends. I didn’t mean it I was mad at him for not spending enough time with me which I explained to him all the time. What should I do to get him back?
Emily doerksen
February 15, 2015 at 5:27 pm
So not per se my ex, but yeah my ex who was never made official for a lot of complications throughout our relationship has told me to never talk to him. He was the first guy I had ever been with in all ways haha. We met first year university and he cheated on his girlfriend at the time with me. After that we kind of had a weird off and on relationship where we never admitted our feelings. We were seeing each other exclusively before the summer and when we both went home (were from opposite ends of the country) he stopped talking to me. We had a conversation later on and then I got really clingy and thought we would be together in the fall. He ignored me for months and then when we got back finally admitted to having a new girlfriend and that he didn’t want me to be hung up on him. I did NC and then we started hanging out again and he confessed his love for me and cheated on his girlfriend with me (alrhough we never had sex) and would tell me how crazy he was about me and that he could see us dating and all these things. He even told me if I had been around when he met his current girlfriend he wouldn’t even have looked her way. He convinced me he would be leaving her during Christmas break and obviously didn’t. I found out and basically spent the night crying to him he slept over for some reason but we didn’t do anything. The next time we hung out I told him he can’t sleep over or tell me he loves me or anything anymore and that we can only be friends. After that for the next three weeks whenever I asked him to hang out he ignored me the whole week only to come up with some new excuse. I got mad and told him I was tired of how one sided our relationship and even went so far to call it abusive. And then he was ignoring me so of course I freaked out and my emotions were everywhere so some texts were nice and some mean. Fonally, I told him that although I wouldn’t seeing as I was the only other person who knew he’d been cheating on his girlfriend it’s kinda stupid of his to treat me this way. He got really mad and told me he wasn’t used to staying close to people who act like this and if sabatoging his life and relationship would bring me comfort that’s my call. He then called me and told me he told his girlfriend everything so I wouldn’t get that, and told me that lie realatipnship has gone on too long and told me to never text or call him again. Obviously I’m incredibly upset. I only acted that way because I was desperate for him to choose me. I don’t know how to fix it but it’s all I want. I haven’t talked to him since which was two weeks ago. Is there a way to fix this? Or is it that he seems really done this time? I can’t see him talking to me either way if he’s still with this same girl.
Emily doerksen
February 18, 2015 at 5:15 pm
Basically, I just want to know If I should wait more than thirty days or even bother at all. I don’t want to go back to him if I’m just genna make a fool of myself. Also thatnk you so much this site is incredible!
February 18, 2015 at 10:05 pm
You are very welcome Emily!
30 days seems perfect for you.
Emily doerksen
February 19, 2015 at 2:49 am
When i contact him again should I apologize for what I’ve done or just send a casual text? This guy is really weird he’s not a great communicator with anybody. He didn’t delete me off snapchat but he doesn’t have Facebook so if he’s blocked me I’m screwed! And thanks for your advice I appreciate it a lot 🙂
February 24, 2015 at 2:27 pm
Okay I read this again. I would say although not exactly the closest scenario I would be at this point is that friend you had who harassed you. Would it still be wise to message him after 3o days? I don’t want to lose him forever I would rather wait much longer than have him back right now.
Amber Jones
February 15, 2015 at 1:03 am
Hi My boyfriend and I broke up after 3years. We had a bad argument and he decided he wanted to end things in its entirety. He has blocked me on social media and even deleted 90 percent of my photos off his page. I broke down after thinking I would get over him and try the no contact rule. But, I gave in and texted him. Him and I text quite a bit, sometimes it’s just casual and sometimes it’s me expressing how u feel. He did tell me that he still loves me and is still in love with me, but, came to the conclusion that we can not be together. Over the course of three years, we fought alot. Argument after argument. But, somehow we always ended back together. But, this time it feels different. I think this is finally it and it saddens me a great deal! I have not been fully blocked..he hasn’t blocked me from his email or phone. But, twitter,fb and linkedin. He told me he wants to move on and that he won’t be able to do so, if he keeps in contact with me. He has made it clear that he doesn’t want us to be together anymore because he got tired of fighting all the time. Some of his actions don’t match up to his words. If I text him, he responds right away. He wanted to see me two weeks ago. But, I was unable to do so, due to work. I wanted to see him a few days ago, and asked if we could meet, he agreed. But, the timing was off, so it never happened. I don’t feel he is trying his best to get over me. Because he loves me alot and the only way he can do that is if he doesn’t see my face because it will bring back old feelings. Is this a bad sign? I haven’t heard of him dating anyone. But, it wouldn’t surprise me if he started. But, I don’t think he could be all into the other woman, if he still loves me and is in love with me (his words). I have made the decision to give him what he wants and not contact him anymore. I’m going to do the no contact for 30days, and see how that works out. I am hoping that somehow he will start to gather feelings again for me and try to see if we can make it work out. I’m scared that he will move on and I’ll be left heart broken because I love him so much! We have been through a lot, and has always been there for each other. I do feel if I needed a favor, depending on what it is. He would help me. Is there an open window, if your ex tells you that he still loves you and in love with you, still responds to your text, even though it’s not initiated by him? He hasn’t blocked me on his phone or email. But, deleting my pictures off his page, tells me he wants to get rid of his memory of me. Do you think there can possibly be a chance? Or is it a done deal? Please help! I’m so torn!
February 13, 2015 at 5:06 pm
Ok so I messed up big time and wish I read this page sooner, me and my ex had been dating for around 8 years we met in high school were 22 now I was his first girlfriend and his first for everything as he was mine, he broke up with me about 3 weeks ago and told me he was unsure of his feelings and doesn’t know what he wants out of life he said he doesn’t want me or a relationship anymore, that he loves me but not as much as he used to and that the spark was fading, I was thrown off seeing as he did this over the phone, he refused to see me to talk in person, and told me it’s over and to just accept it, and then he said I can make this real easy for you and blocked my number right after our conversation. I was able to make it around 11 days being blocked with no contact and then I cracked I changed my cell phone number and wanted to start fresh with my life then I lost all control and phoned/ txtd him from my new number which is now blocked again, I actually can’t belive how bad I screwed this up he probably thinks I’m so crazy right now and is laughing at me I feel like a fool for trying to talk to him again, the last message I sent to him was just that this entire situation terrifies me and I’m sorry for contacting him it’s just so weird not talking to him sometimes and that I promise to never contact him again and I feel like an idiot for even sending this txt and then immediately after that I was blocked…… I am so embarrassed and feel like a fool for doing this, what the hell do I do now….