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2,564 thoughts on “What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Blocks You”

  1. Keisha

    January 3, 2020 at 5:36 am

    Hi, I have an ex or guy I’ve been talking to for a year heavy. Met his parents and all. Around May we got into an huge argument soon as I left from visiting him and meeting his parents and we wanted a break. During the break we were still conversing daily. Then around July he decided to end the break fully and not get back “together” but we were still talking and texting. Flirting and everything. He left for bootcamp and while he was away his texting was scarce. But we still communicated and flirted a bit. When he officially graduates from camp he proceeds to tell me he’s talking to someone and it is serious. That he didn’t want to hurt me. I also found out a little before he told me he was talking to the individual. Then he proceeds to tell me that he told me to move on after the second break up but continued to talk to me and flirt so I thought that something was still there and that we may get back “together”. In the end I wished him luck on his new relationship but I also went off in a way of maturity. I didn’t curse, nor call him out of his name. Just immature for talking to me while still talking to her. Anyways after him responding to my long message that he agrees. He’ll work on it and thanks. 10 days later after me not texting back he blocks me from all social media’s. But I’m still able to text him. My messages are delivering but he’s not responding. Though of course he’s with someone else at the moment. He always stated that he would never block people. Even to the point that he still keeps all the females he’s talked to in the past on his social media’s. So why block me? And why after 10days? I didn’t speak harsh on him nor go off on social media. Just posted regular stuff on the daily. And of course I miss him and would love for us to get in contact again I just want a hint on why me? And why after 10days? And why only social media and not text messages? And is it crazy to still want him back even though I know he’s with someone else now and that our relationship wasn’t always perfect?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 3, 2020 at 6:12 am

      Hey Keisha, so I cant really tell you why hes blocked you now, I can tell you though that if you are living your life and social media is portraying you as a happy person he may have struggled with the idea of that you are happy with out him. Or the other woman he is with has asked him to block you as they see you as a threat to their relationship. If you want this person back then you need to spend a little bit of time in No contact so that hte new relationship has time to pass the honeymoon phase, gives you time to work on yourself some more and also read about the being there method. Which I think you are doing with out even putting in the real work yet if they have blocked you from the start

  2. Kathy

    January 2, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    I noticed my ex has unblocked me on Instagram. He blocked me when he ended things with me.
    It’s been 3 months since we’ve spoken. We had a big row so I decided to block him on WhatsApp as I felt really hurt by his actions one night. I decided to unblock him on WhatsApp due to noticing he had unblocked me on Instagram. Shale I wait to see if he reaches out? Or shale I reach out? What do you think is wise?
    I’m not planning on getting back with him just want to be civil and perhaps talk. I think we do care for eachother still. I don’t want to get my hopes up.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 3, 2020 at 1:27 am

      Hi Kathy, so I would make sure you have spent at least 30 days in No Contact before you reach out and when you do make sure it is a text like what Chris suggests, one which is going to hook his interests and make him want to talk to you

  3. Kassandra

    December 29, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    Hi Shaunna,
    I had to come back here to let you know that he unblocked me on WhatsApp! Friday was my 45th day of NC. I decided to just write a short email. I had a nice anecdote to tell about a recent work situation that he could relate to. I wrote on Friday afternoon. He replied that same evening at a time I know he usually writes/checks emails.

    Strangely enough, he half-asked / half-told me he’d unblock me on WhatsApp. It seems he’s not sure if I want to talk to him. I didn’t want to jump onto the possibility of chatting to him just because he unblocked me, so I waited until Saturday afternoon to reply to his email. I don’t know if that’s the right move, but I gave him an indication that it’s okay to chat on WhatsApp.

    He signed his email off in such a cordial manner (English isn’t his native language) that I don’t know what it means. He’s usually way more informal, even when he was clearly angry and hurt. Does that mean he’s just being very careful?

    Anyway, one thing a 45-day NC taught me is to not be impulsive, not to panick and to just let things sit for a while.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 29, 2019 at 10:46 pm

      This is good to hear Kassandra, he is open to talking with you now go slow and let him see you are not going to chase him down or hassle him to talk to you. And do not bring up the past, you can now message him friendly every few days but make sure you are the one who ends the conversation not him, even if you just stop replying now and again. And always at the best part of the conversation. Look at Chris’ articles and videos about how to end a conversation first, how to deal with texting an ex

  4. Jill

    December 25, 2019 at 8:58 am


    My ex of 2 almost 3 years broke up with me through text the morning he was supposed to fly home ( we were doing long distance for school) . He then blocked me on Instagram, facebook, snapchat and whatsapp. Since I was shocked (he was normal the night before), I wrote him an email, my only way of contacting him. He replied with vague factors. I replied once more explaining and never got another response. I haven’t talked/messaged him since. Its been just over a week. But recently, I realized he unblocked me on Instagram, Facebook and whatsapp. But because of their systems, i have been unfriended as well. I plan to do the NC for at least 30 days but what do you think is going on in his mind? Should I friend him again after the NC??

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 29, 2019 at 7:04 pm

      Hi Jill, no do not refriend him after a No Contact just reach out through text with a message that Chris suggests in his videos and articles

  5. marcia

    December 23, 2019 at 5:38 pm

    Hello to the diamond Chris Seiter team!!!

    My ex, he just blocked me again on messenger. Given the fact he did that just 3 days before Christmas, I quess this is his Christmas gift to me.

    He was ignoring my messages for 1 year (but he was secretly reading them) then he replied suddenly with a ”hello” 2 weeks ago, and after an hour he pressed again ”ignore messages”.

    So now he pressed ”block messages” and I can’t write to him anything. Seeing this change, I think this is a game, but how can I know for sure? It could be that he wants to be undisturbed to be with his current girlfriend (or whatever) during Christmas. Actually he had blocked me again at Christmas 2 years ago for a full week (while we were seeing each other), and then had defended himself ”I dont know what happenned, I didn’t block you”. And I was patient, giving him the benefit of the doubt. But now it happens again at Christmas, so that means he was a liar also before, doesn’t it? And at another incident he had said ”give me your mobile number again, as it seems to have been erased, I don’t know how this happened”. But I am sure this was a lie, he had deleted my number, for whatever reason. He seems a very fishy person. I don’t understand, if he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me, why not unfriend me and block me comptelely, then get on with his life or get married or do whatever he likes?

    What’s the best way I wonder to punish someone who is clearly playing games… I sadly haven’t done any work on getting ungettable, I didn’t feel like it, and was only resorting on eating chocolates, but perhaps I should work on myself. I can wait on him and play the game for 10 years, I don’t mind. I am still single and can’t find a good man to be worth to be serious about. There was another one that came along, but he seemed the same kind of jerk, wanting to come to my house instead of a 3rd date, so I turned him down right at the start.

    Merry Christmas to you all and many thanks for all the comfort and ideas you are providing us with! You are really saving us and I thank God you exist!!!!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 23, 2019 at 7:06 pm

      Im sorry hes playing mind games with you and you need to ignore him and give him the silent treatment instead of replying to him Merry Christmas to you too Marica, have a lovely one and forget about childish games 😉

  6. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

    December 22, 2019 at 5:56 pm

    Hi Shree, its hard going through a break up but you do need to learn how to move past the pain for your benefit. Following the program is going to give you, your best chance of getting him back as you have no choice at the moment as you are blocked but normally when they are less emotional exes tend to unblock us

  7. Cherry Seya

    December 20, 2019 at 4:39 am

    My ex blocked me (total blockout) after an argument. He didnt tell me anything but he told my sister and my son he thinks it wont work out for us. Initially, I tried talking to his kids that made him ask them to block me. I feel devastated. After few days he send me an I Love You message but remained blocked. We had been doing good aside of course from small arguments which are settled immediately. I really want him back. What would I do? I have read everything in this article and I want to give it a try. By the way, he is on his 60s and we are almost 20yrs apart.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 21, 2019 at 10:32 pm

      Hi Cherry, so you have to respect that right now he does not want to speak with you, so you are forced into doing a no contact, so make sure you make it worth while and work on being ungettable. and do not reach out to his children again

  8. Betty

    December 15, 2019 at 3:35 am

    My ex.. now ex I guess has completely Blocked me from all avenues -we had a discussion that turned into a very heated discussion and I said something hurtful that I did apologize for but couldn’t let things go. This back and fourth went through email and texting for another 2 weeks.
    during that two weeks he changed the locks At his apartment that I have keys to and when I came back from Thanksgiving I wrote him an email making light of the situation I mention that we should talk face-to-face because things get lost in translation when we write each other -he wrote me and said I don’t think we should see each other again and blocked me completely. FROM EVERYTHING.
    It was the biggest fight we have ever had and he mentioned that he thinks we have grave differences that have come to light and then makes this decision through email after being on and off for year and a half??
    I’m not sure what to do.
    Is this completely crazy I was thinking of leaving a voice recorder of me talking to him explaining a few things that he is not aware of and leaving it at his store or am I just thinking psycho thoughts now?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 15, 2019 at 9:19 pm

      Hi Betty that is very extreme, you need to give your ex some space! You are not respecting the fact he wanted to break up, or are you following the rules of no contact! Do not voice record anything and do not send him any more emails, texts, or phone calls. Leave him completely alone for 45 days and work on yourself, on your emotional control and learn how to work on yourself, as we call here Ungettable. You have 45 days to reinvent yourself and cultivate a different impression to your ex when he unblocks you, if you leave him alone long enough to do so!

  9. Kassandra

    December 10, 2019 at 10:17 am

    Hi Shaunna,
    Thanks for the reply! That’s great insight into why he blocked me, since it never was his intention to cut ties with me. He was always dead set against it and got offended once when I suggested we give each other space (why?? I still don’t get that).

    I’m struggling with the idea of being ungettable. Breaking up with me surely equates to saying “you’re undesirable”. I’m also not sure how I could make my life look more amazing on social media. My Facebook and Instagram have always been about my hobbies and activities. He knows that because we were connected via social media for many years. I don’t want to suddenly post in an uncharacteristic or insincere way; this guy is stubborn post break-up, but he’s still quite perceptive and will know what’s behind that.

    When he ended it, he said that I enriched his life, and that he thinks I’m very intelligent, interesting and sexy. He expressed heartbreak at the idea that he couldn’t convince me to have higher self-esteem. But rejecting me doesn’t exactly prove his point! It just feeds into my insecurity.

    Do I just keep posting and hope curiosity gets the better of him eventually?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 11, 2019 at 8:55 pm

      Hey K yes keep posting UG things and make sure you are always striving to be the best version of yourself so that you reach a point that you are always doing amazing and are happy in your own company too

  10. Mary

    December 10, 2019 at 9:25 am

    Hello! So my ex blocked me on whataspp a year ago and I haven’t said a single word to him. In september, this year, he contacted me on instagram out of the blue, like nothing ever happened.I made a stupid mistake and slept with him for a couple of times. Yesterday i checked my instagram and I saw that he blocked me, again..Why would he do that when I wasn’t the one bothering him or intiating contact? I am so mad right now and I wanna tell him so many things. What should I do? Why can’t he leave me alone?

    Thank you

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 11, 2019 at 8:58 pm

      Hi Mary Im sorry he did this to you, just ignore him and take it as a lesson learnt that he is not going to be able to do that to you again

  11. J

    December 8, 2019 at 5:21 pm

    Hi EBR,

    Looking for some advice, here. My ex bf dumped me over text message. He said it was because he didn’t have feelings for me, but he has a long history of commitment issues that definitely are playing a key role here. Our friends all agree he had very obvious strong feelings for me. A slight loss of attraction is very possible, but a few weeks prior, he told me he was freaking out a bit about commitment and the relationship aspect of the entire thing. I explained to him that I was very much ok with taking it slow and not labeling things before we felt good and ready. I tried to be as patient and loving about it as I could be. I could go on and on here about reasons I’m sure that commitment is the main cause, but I of course have to take his word that some sort of lack of feelings may exist.

    Anyhoo, I completed an ENTIRE 30 day no contact rule! Very proud of myself, (*insert pat on the back here*) I didn’t think I could do it but I did, I did not reach out to him at all whatsoever, didn’t wish him a happy birthday or happy holidays either. I’ve been hitting the gym nonstop, doing some light traveling, finishing up college and generally living my life.

    31 days later, I sent him a very mysterious (and enthusiastic/friendly) text asking for his opinion on an interest of his. He responded very enthusiastically as well, we had a very brief but positive exchange, and then I ended the conversation by not responding. So I sent him 3 texts, and he responded to all 3. So far, I’ve done exactly as this site has advised me to do, everything has gone according to plan.

    BUT, it’s now a few days later, and I’m feeling stumped. The problem I’m having, is that I actually blocked him on social media during the 30 day no contact rule. I found myself obsessively staring at his social media accounts. He’s a bit of a ladies man, to put it lightly. I needed to block him to make myself sane, and while I don’t regret it, I do realize that in hindsight it is preventing him from seeing how well I’m doing.

    I have unblocked him on instagram but not followed him, and my account is (and will remain) private. So, he can’t see my account and I can see his. I’d really rather not follow him, because truth be told, I don’t have expectations that things will ever work out for him and I. I of course miss him and want to be with him, but if he has commitment issues, then no amount chasing after him will change that right now. I deserve better and don’t want to get hurt.

    I guess this is where I really need EBR advice. Do I follow him? Does that seem stupid/desperate/too soon/awkward? I’m trying to think very long-term here. Should I text him again in a week or so? Should I build rapport before following him? What do I do?!! I especially fear that I could follow him and he may not request to follow me back. I think I would rather continue texting once in a while (I’m taking things particularly slow because he scares quite easy, and I don’t want to get my hopes up), and then if things are definitely more comfortable in the future, I’d consider following him. There’s always a small chance he’ll notice that I unblocked him and request to follow me first?

    Any advice at all would be excellent here. I’ve managed to come this far, it seems a huge waste to abandon ship at this point. I don’t have anything to lose here, I’m sure it’s over between us, and I’ll be just fine if it is, I know that. But if he does ever regret his decision, I want him to feel comfortable talking to me about it!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 14, 2019 at 9:28 pm

      Hi J, so it really depends on what you want. If you want to follow the EBR process then you need to reach out again and have hopefully the same positive short conversation but a little longer than 3 texts… and so on. I would NOT do anything social media wise until you are texting more naturally or if he decides to start following out again then I would than follow his page in return. But for now keep to the texts

  12. Kassandra

    December 7, 2019 at 6:07 pm

    Dear Chris; dear Shaunna,

    My ex blocked me as a reaction to a farewell message I sent him: I told him that I’d unfollow/unfriend because I’m trying to move on. He reacted by blocking me on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. That was the 3rd week of October. We emailed once a week for about 3 weeks until mid-November. In our first email exchange, I apologised for the farewell message and owned up that I wrote it in a very emotional moment.

    I looked into Instagram’s privacy settings. My account is public, so apparently he can still see my posts even though he blocked me. I’ve kept posting about my hobbies and activities as usual. I changed my gmail and Facebook profile pics to a selfie that I think speaks of deepening confidence (he always said I’m way too insecure). I genuinely feel good about that photo, but I can’t tell if he’s checked up on me or not.

    This is the end of my 3rd week of No Contact. Does anything in this article apply to him and why he went so far as to block me?

    PS. I described my situation under another article, so I don’t want to repeat it here (Kassandra, posted 21 Nov. 2019):

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 8, 2019 at 11:37 pm

      Hi Kassandra, so if your ex thinks you are too insecure then you need to show how you are very secure in yourself and that is doing things that appear Ungetttbale. So doing work on yourself and posting how great youre doing with your life is best way to go. For your ex to block you it would be the fact they feel the need to have space from you and that you were not going to give them that. Sending emotional messages are not part of the program so you are going to have to avoid doing anything like that after no contact

  13. marcia

    December 7, 2019 at 12:02 am

    Hello to the Chris Seiter dream team!!!

    My ex just re-appeared! After 1 year of ignoring my messages, I sent him this: ”finally I have a confession to make, please whenever you have time, open my fb chat”. Suddenly, 15 minutes later, I see a message from him, sent on a seperate thread marked ”secret, encrypted message”, where the chat warns me ”this message will be automatically deleted 10 seconds after reading”. I open the message and it said ”hello!”. That was all. Then his text dissappeared and the space was blank. I understand you can put a timer, and choose for how long you want the message to stay visible, anything from 10 secs, to 1 day. He put a timer for 10 secs. Just to say ”hello” then ghost. How weird!

    I didn’t reply anything, because I don’t want my message to be automatically deleted in 10 secs. One hour later, I see he blocked me on that secret conversation thread as well and I can no longer reply.

    Does this look to you like someone playing games, hiding, re-appearing, re-blocking. Or could he be married. What else could such a behavior be! If after 1 year of no contact I am still worth playing games, is this a good sign? I feel so entertained!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 8, 2019 at 10:33 pm

      Hi Marcia, your ex may have blocked you as you sent the text asking him to go onto fb messenger and then ignored his message. Rather than games I think its a failed attempt of communication

  14. Na

    December 4, 2019 at 2:22 pm


    I have been dating/texting this guy for >2 years.. we met for less than 15 times as he was too busy with work. 8 months later he was also then attached overseas for work.

    Recently he block me.. because i miss him alot and kept annoying him – asking when will he be back, if he could at least give me a 5 mins call.. Worst, I stupidly went to say I have others guys who want me.. this is when he said “nevermind, you can go for other guys. Ok bye” and blocked me.

    I panicked and use other sim card to text him and he blocked me everywhere.

    Up till today, it has been 2 weeks since he blocked me..

    He is a nice guy, guess I am too temperamental.. How could I get him back?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 4, 2019 at 10:40 pm

      Hey Na, so the best chance to get your ex back is to follow the process starting with no contact and then building up your connection with them again

  15. marcia

    November 30, 2019 at 9:08 pm

    Ah, my ex doesn’t ever unblock my messages, I tried again sending a message, and still it won’t go through. So, there is no way I can message him and send him the letter of closure that I have prepared, or a friendly message, or anything at all…

    So, I went to one of his public photos in facebook and posted a jolly sticker underneath. Just to remind him I exist, and am not angry. Definitely he saw it. He didn’t react to it with a like, but he didn’t delete it either. But we all know, that you do get a notification when someone adds a sticker on your photo!

    So he is openly ignoring me. As if he is in a coma for 1 year, or he moved to Mars. He should go a step forward and block me fully! One year on ”message ignore” and I still can’t understand his reasons. Just a big ”why” floats in my head and I am crying…. Chris says we should forget someone after 8 months… Should I block him I wonder? But no! That will prove my hurting. I won’t give him that satisfaction. Also, we are connected on Instagram, and I don’t want to block him everywhere. I want to keep tabs on him – I am curious to see if scared men really move to Mars 🙂

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 1, 2019 at 1:02 am

      Hi Marcia, if you are still this upset about being partially blocked after 12 months of being apart I suggest you do some work on becoming Ungettable and maybe consider therapy to help you with your emotions on how to move past whats happened in the past

  16. Jennifer

    November 27, 2019 at 5:05 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me last Tuesday and haven’t spoke since last Friday. We were together for 2 months and then BAM it’s over and it’s mainly about me hanging up on him a few times when I did it like what he had to say, apparently I was getting mad when he was expressing his feelings and now he blocked me on Facebook and that is it. Is there a chance for us to get back together after the NC is up or should I move on

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 28, 2019 at 9:49 pm

      Hey Jennifer, so following the program is giving yourself your best chance. In the mean time I would look at how to communicate healthily during a relationship

  17. Patricia

    November 25, 2019 at 9:55 pm

    My ex and I have been back in contact with each other for a month or so via text/phone calls. The interaction has been really positive. He’s talked about future and things. However, he still has me blocked everywhere on social media. I really can’t gather why I still would be. He knows I’m still on there…and I know he’s still active because he’s sent me pictures and things he’s posted. It’s a bit strange for me, but I don’t want to bring it up.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 26, 2019 at 7:57 pm

      Hi Patricia, so I think its good you havent mentioned it to him as this shows you are “not bothered” so continue to not mention being blocked. Wait for him to unblock you and even then dont request adding him wait to see if he is willing to make the first moves

  18. Alice

    November 25, 2019 at 5:48 pm

    I really like my ex so when he broker up with me I did all the desperate things that could have been done. I did it all. To the point that he said that he doesnt exist to me anymore. And blocked me on the cell.
    After that I didnt said a word to him but then I decided to say Hi on WhatsApp.
    He responded: tell me
    And I asked if everything was fine. He said yes and asked me what did I needed.
    I panicked and said that I had a math problem that I already have done.
    Two days later, I said hey again and again he told me that he didnt exist.
    I still wanted to know the limits so I keep texting him and he blocked me on WhatsApp.
    Then, I panicked and went to see how to unblock myself on WhatsApp on the web. And after all that trying I wasnt any WhatsApp group including the college ones. I had an chemistry assingnement to that day and didnt had my colleges saved numbers… So I had to get um touch with my ex on Instagram so that he could include me in the groups. And then I could take my colleges numbers. He refused to do so. And blocked me on Instagram. I had to call him with a private number and ask him to please put me in the groups. He didnt do it… However I got the chance to get in the groups a while after though a Instagram girl that I asked a lot. The paper was delivered. But after all this I got blocked on everything.
    I acted like a crazy girl! He said that I was insane but I never dos something like this.
    What do I do now?
    Is there a chance?
    Should I avoid him in college?
    I just wanna be unblocked… I CAN CONTROL MYSELF!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 26, 2019 at 8:33 pm

      Hi Alice, it sounds like you’ve gnatted him and your college friends. Try to reign yourself in do a No contact and work on yourself for some time. your nc should be 45 days

  19. marcia

    November 24, 2019 at 12:09 am

    Hi to the Chris Seiter great Team!

    I wanted to give to any interested readers some info, as I have done some facebook research, and found out that my ex only has read my first message to him, then he pressed ”ignore messages”. Since then, all my messages that I have sent in the next 3 months, have been deleted straight, before him reading anything! That is a big shock, as it was common knowledge that you can read any messages secretely on Flight Mode, but apparently, if you use this feature, facebook will state ”message delivered” which betrays that the message was read in secret! So, girls, if you get ”message delivered” you will know he has definitely seen the message, although facebook will state is as ”unread”.

    I never got ”message delivered” so now I am sure he did not read my messages, not even in secret. He pressed ”delete” immediately, to everything I have sent.

    Now I want to send him one last message (1 page long) in which I confess something to explain my behaviour, plus to say goodbye to him, and then I will feel relieved and will leave him alone. So I want to start with the words ”I have a confession to make”. But I can’t send it on facebook, he will delete it again before reading!

    So I thought to send a text to his mobile, asking ”may I send you something I would like you to read on your facebook or any e-mail address?”. Then I will wait for a reply. If he sends me an e-mail address, or if he accepts the message in facebook, I will e-mail him my letter. Otherwise, if he ignores that too, I am doomed, and I can never send him this letter. But I need to send him this letter, to get closure. I really need it. If I send this letter, then I can move forward with my life. I can’t move forward if I don’t at least declare a closure.

    I can’t think of any other way to reach him. I don’t want to send him the letter via a new facebook acount, as this will look so creepy. I probably am the most desperate girl over here, looking to craft ways to beg him to read this 1 page that I have written for my closure and peace of mind. Is there anything else, that I haven’t thought of? My head is so stuck….

    If I send ”I don’t recognise you any more, so sad to see you are not the person I met”, will this appeal to a man, and make him reply?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 24, 2019 at 12:20 am

      No that message is not going to appeal to him, if you want him to reply you need to work on a message that is going ot be friendly and about his interests. Read some more of Chris articles to help you work out what you need to be reachign out with

  20. Taylor

    November 17, 2019 at 7:32 pm

    Hey! So I dated this guy for 2 months almost 3…literally the relationship was perfect and we got along great and never fought. While we were still dating I had I really bad month: I was being tested for cancer and a family member died. During all this stuff he was gone on vacation and wasn’t able to be there for me. He came back and we talked about it went on a date and he had all these cute presents for me. The wee after he was kind of quite so I tried being there for him and giving him space and basically everything I could think of to make him feel better. I decided to write him a bunch of cute letters. The day I was being the letters and meeting him he texted me saying he lost interest and it was over… while he was out that night I dropped off all his letters and belongs at his house. He later texted me saying that the letters mad him feel bad about what he did. We didn’t talk for a week then met up to talk about the break up. He said I was perfect and did everything right but for some reason he lost interest. We ended up talking for 5 hours about random stuff and laughing and sharing memories. He would hint and ask what I would do if he tried kissing me or asked me out again. I was getting mixed signals. The next week he would send me messages asking about my dating life and joking about how bad of a driver I am. Later that week I had something terrifying and personal happen to me and he drove to me to be there for me. He then went on to tell people about my personal incident and I got mad at him. After I got mad he blocked me on Snapchat and phone. We didn’t talk for 3 weeks and I reached out with a simple instagram message and he blocked me there too… i have theories that my bad month caused him to lose interest because I wasn’t myself but I don’t understand how it went from perfect to him blocking me so fast (especially when I was going through stuff). His friends say he cares for me but needs space… should I just give up?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 23, 2019 at 11:35 am

      Hi Taylor, the sounds of it the amount of pressure that took place in such a short amount of time for a relationship is why you feel things went from good to bad so quickly. You need to give it some time a full No Contact where you work on yourself and try to get over the hurt and the troubles you have been having lately. Then when you are in a better emotional and mental place you can approach your ex and try to have a positive conversation as friends not about your past. And re build your connection

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