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2,562 thoughts on “What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Blocks You”

  1. Stephanie

    November 10, 2019 at 4:28 pm

    I made the mistake of txting my ex yesterday. It’s been 2 weeks since our last interaction in which he told me he was moving forward with his life. Which I would assume he’s dating the girl he was cheating on me with. I txted him something nice, “I was going through my phone and deleting some old things and saw this video of you and it made me laugh and think of you” he then blocked me on Instagram and also blocked my number. Don’t you think that’s extreme and cruel??? What would be the rationale behind that? I know I’ve been working on trying to move on from it but why do I still feel this attachment to him that I can’t shake. Is there any hope?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 10, 2019 at 8:52 pm

      Hi Steph so the reaction is because youve done this too soon, ( you should have been in a 45 day NC first) and then knowing he was with someone else now hes probably been shouted at by his new girl for having your number still. If you want to get him back you need to do a proper 45 day NC and read about the being there method. Do the quiz on this site and read some articles that are valid to your situation, and make sure you do some Ungettable girl work too

  2. Bri

    November 9, 2019 at 12:03 am

    So this might be lengthy but I am so lost as to what to do. My ex and I went no contact after I took a few months of sending long paragraphs of crap. Long story short, after using no contact and messaging, we were finally getting back to good terms. He then told me that he was in a relationship, so I went no contact again. After a week, he messaged me saying he missed me and we started talking again. However, he would wait until I messaged him, or would only message when he was drunk about all the things that reminded him of me.
    I know that the relationship we had was the best he has ever had and vice versa. Over the last two weeks, I was getting frustrated as I had followed him back on social media but he did not bother to. And was following girls back but not me. So I knew this was a spiteful act on his part since I had taken him off everything to begin with.
    I ended up acting up spontaneously and lashed out because he would take forever to respond to my messages and I know he would check whatsapp to see if I had changed my pictures (he only used whatsapp for me). I know that people get busy and before we ended and started talking again, this sort of waiting time on conversations was never a problem. However, for some odd reason this time it really bothered me that he was almost playing a game with me. He had also just started using endearing names with me which I was sure he was still invested in me. But I also feel like he needed to stop these games cause we had never started off with a problem like this.
    So he responded aggressively stating that he didn’t owe me anything and I agree, he didn’t. So, on spontaneity, I too responded with a lot more harsher words stating that I was travelling to meet up with someone and spitefully sent him pictures of a guy I was talking to.
    We went back and forth and he insulted me as Chris described in this article on something very personal. However, I did not react to it until… well until a few days after. He sent me a message stating that he did not want to hear from me ever again and I sent him one last long message the day after.
    To get back at him for the personal insult about me, while I was on vacation – I sent him a picture of me dressed up and looking really hot and commented on the insult he had given me in retaliation. He opened it right away within the second. However, he then decided to block my number off whatsapp at 2:30 in the morning after that message (I am sure this decision was made at that hour with a lot of alcohol in his system as well).
    Well, now and for the past week, I have been blocked on whatsapp but not any social media.
    I also know that he is checking whatsapp as I have asked a couple of friends to add the number to see if he goes online every now and then. I know that when someone blocks you they are still able to check up on your pictures and changes made but I can’t do anything because he has blocked me.
    So at this point, I have stepped away and going to go with the no contact rule. But, how long does this blocking persist until? It is driving me insane. I know that I made a mistake but so did he with the insult.

  3. Confused.and.Unsure

    November 1, 2019 at 10:11 pm

    So my ex and I were together for about 8 months, we broke up at the beginning of October. So we broke up, and I had moved in so I had gone to see him the day after we broke up to try and talk about it. (We had broke up while he was at work the night before and I had gone to stay at my mom’s). So we had talked the night I had finished moving my stuff and had agreed to co parent our cat. I left her under the pretense we could co parent her and I would still see her and I didn’t want to uproot her so quickly from the place she’d been calling home. And I knew I would need to get settled. So the night that I finished moving out, he told me that he still loved me but he needed to work on himself. A few days after the break up, I contacted him about visiting or picking up the cat so I could spend sometime with her before I went out of town. And then he messaged me saying that he couldn’t talk to me yet as it was too painful and then blocked me (Phone and fb). I went into NC after, trying to get my life back in order. I still haven’t heard from him and I’m still blocked, it’s been about 3 weeks. Is there any chance in him unblocking me? Do you think we still have a chance?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 2, 2019 at 9:21 pm

      Hey so following the program yes there is a chance but you need to put in the work during your NC to become the Ungettable girl while you are blocked

  4. Ki

    October 31, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    Hi, so I’ve been reading your articles and they have been keeping me kinda sane and together. My ex boyfriend and I broke up around 7/8 months of being together. We had moved in, gotten a cat together and were planning our lives. So since then after the third day I got in contact with him about visiting our cat that we had agreed to coparent. He blocked me. I was hurt (still am or I guess I wouldn’t be commenting on here) but still I’ve been getting on with my life, business as usual, friends and everything else. Working on me and even have put the no contact rule into effect for myself (badly at first but then more effectively). But this was after I had seen him and yes, I admit I cried and begged but then realized it wasn’t helping either of us. I’m trying to figure out why he blocked me when all I had asked was about seeing my cat? And if there’s even a chance he’d unblock me. I’m not fully blocked but he has blocked me from fb and my phone number. I’m about 2 weeks into effective no contact and nothing has changed. Last time we spoke before he blocked me, he had said he still loved and wanted to be with me but then he blocked me. I’m hurt and confused even though I’m working on myself I’m still looking for answers to calm my mind.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 2, 2019 at 9:58 pm

      It sounds like he is confused about his feelings himself so complete a NC and work on yourself in that time so that you are happy with your life again then reach out as a friend to just have a short positive conversation

  5. That.hidden.heart

    October 31, 2019 at 8:04 am

    A case of total block out. Point of never return! He blocked me from everywhere. It’s been 10months complete. I moved on. I am enjoying my life a lot. Life is better ofcourse.
    But deep down, I still feel crushed. I want him to know what he lost. I want him to see me atleast. I am in touch with his friends and they see me on social media. But this feeling is too strong to hurt him. Because the damage he caused was destructive and vast. What should I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 31, 2019 at 10:46 pm

      When you feel this and you havent had the closure you wanted, write it all in a letter and when youre done writing it all down – dispose of the letter somewhere no one else will find it, I’d suggest burning it if you can do so safely…. its a way to get the feelings and anger out on paper and releasing them from your mind so you dont carry that weight around any more. Social media and mutual friends – you can show how youre living your best life now and not phased about him. Or post some photos of possible new guys in your life too. That will get back to him through friends too.

  6. Hannah

    October 27, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    Hello guys, does NC works also for those who weren’t in relationships only on dates? And got into fight? Should I apologise after NC or write something more optimistic/fun? Help me out.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 27, 2019 at 7:55 pm

      Hi Hannah, if the dating was more than 3 months then yes – dont apologise after a NC unless you cheated. You would reach out with a positive text instead

  7. Happy

    October 17, 2019 at 10:01 am


    What if I ended up hurting him due to my mental illness and forgot that he is also suffering. I don’t want to see him suffer because of me and I said things that I do not meant. I ended up saying that I will set him free. Then he accepts it. Then suddenly kicks me that I have should not said that and I started to beg him to stay? He thought I was acting up and playing with his feelings but no. He ended up saying a favor and he is willing to wait for me and talk after I have done his favor? After our conversation, He already blocked me. Is it ok that my ex blocked me?
    He also said that he can’t trust me for now.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 20, 2019 at 9:37 pm

      Hi Happy so you need to do a NC and then approach him as a friend to regain the trust and attraction

  8. Anon

    October 15, 2019 at 11:38 pm

    Thank you Shaunna, I will post UG stuff on my social media even though he probably won’t see it. I think it’s about time I start to focus on me, because he’s been doing it this whole time while I’ve been busy trying to understand him and why he broke up with me out of nowhere. I guess I was just confused on why HE reached out to me after we finally stopped talking, but then blocked me. I love your advice and I hope to see some progress within myself in these coming months. I doubt that he will come back because he’s emotionless and stubborn, but I’ll use social media to my advantage!

  9. Ann

    October 15, 2019 at 1:54 am

    What if he doesn’t have social media and I’m blocked on the phone and I’m pretty sure email?? Would a letter help? He’s very artsy and a poet.

    I’ve been working on myself and am in the middle of no contact. My anxiety and ADHD was left uncontrolled and I never mentioned it to him. I believe it could’ve been a reason. And feel that if i work on this it could make our relationship come back stronger.

    We’ve broken up and got back together before

    We had plans, he canceled, blocked me randomly and ghosted me. (He never done this before-the ghosting) I blew up his phone because I found out I was blocked. But haven’t contacted him since 10/1/19. He’s said before he blocked me that he likes me a lot and ticks the boxes for what he looks for. We were together for 9 months going on 10.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 15, 2019 at 6:45 pm

      Hi Ann the best thing you can do is complete a NC and then i would try to reach out via text. Letter is something you’d consider doing when youve tried EVERYTHING ELSE first.

  10. Anon

    October 13, 2019 at 1:33 pm

    Hi Shaunna, I’ve been reading all of Chris’s articles about hot and cold exes and the inside voice. I should mention that the Snapchats were not sexual, but we did talk about a funny memory from the past, which may have been emotional I guess. During our time together, we hardly ever got to hang out more than twice a month because of our schedules, so I think he’s content with our distance because we’re used to it. We are both each other’s first real relationship and I don’t think either of us knew how to deal with the breakup, but it’s truly unlike him to block anybody, let alone block me. He’s making it seem like he’s so over it and he doesn’t need me in his life, like he’s better off without me. Should I do the same?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 15, 2019 at 8:38 pm

      Hi Anon so if he is hot and cold then it shows he isnt fully convinced of his decision so when he blows cold just take it like hes having a “off day” and you focus on you post some positive things to your SM showing how great you are and your life. Do things hes interested in. And then when hes coming to you you need to not get ahead of yourself and over do it. Always end conversations first and make sure you flirt/friendzone/flirt just to get him wondering if he can still have you back

  11. Anon

    October 12, 2019 at 8:17 pm

    Hi! My ex boyfriend (3 years LDR) broke up with me on Monday. I begged him not to leave me and eventually I ended up on “seen”. After this, I went no contact. He blocked me today. Not everywhere yet. When he broke up, he said that he will never be with me again, because I will never make him happy (we used to fight a lot) and he also said that he doesn’t have any feelings left for me anymore. We also broke up one year ago because of the same reasons but eventually we got back together after 3 months (at that time, he didn’t block me, we stayed friends). What should I do? Should I try to contact him after “no contact” or not?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 12, 2019 at 10:52 pm

      Hi A – so need to complete the NC and work on yourself. Its up to you if you want to reach out and try to get him back after your NC

  12. Anon

    October 12, 2019 at 2:02 am

    So my last time reaching out to my ex was about 2 weeks ago (we broke up 3 months ago) and we basically talked about how we’re both focusing on ourselves, and he told me he doesn’t see a future with me and doesn’t care for me in that way anymore. I fully intended to keep no contact going, but he sent me a Snapchat two days ago and we talked for a bit, the conversation was smooth and casual, just talking about work and school. I woke up the next morning and we talked more, but when I went to reply to what he sent, I found myself blocked. I sent him a text asking why he suddenly blocked me on Snapchat and he hasn’t replied yet. Why would he block me so long after the breakup, after we both made our peace with it? I thought we were getting back on good terms and we’d be good to start building a New bond one day. I’m upset because I broke my no contact thinking he was reaching out to be friendly, but he just straight up blocked me and won’t tell me why. Any advice?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 12, 2019 at 7:29 am

      Hi, so him blocking you out of the blue (giving that the snap was emotional or sexual) He could have got himself conflicted. “The Inside Voice” that Chris talks about in the videos and articles about guys pulling away. Read up on the Hot vs Cold situations through the website.

  13. Brandi

    October 3, 2019 at 11:31 am

    So he hasn’t completely blocked me but has set his FB & Snapchat to where we are still “friends” but I can’t see anything he is posting or saying….

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 3, 2019 at 9:59 pm

      Hi Brandi, this means he can see what you are posting so make sure that you post Ungettable Girl things

  14. Phoenix

    October 1, 2019 at 5:33 am

    Dear Chris. Loved reading every article, you really put some great effort in figuring this out. Ive had a close friendship for 1,5 year with someone 2500km away. Last summer we eventually met and the bond in real life was there too. He has high control over emotions (or thats what he wants people to think), but he was the one starting the “being together” picture. I opened up to that idea but felt his actions and words didnt match. Thats why i became like your negative blocked friend and kept lashing out cause i felt he was lying, he also gave me the warning he was done with negativity, but he still insisted he has feelings. In the end i summed up what he said and that it didnt make sense and then he confessed he lied about ever having feelings at all. I was angry, disappointed and ofc wrote him a emo message. He blocked me (had that coming), so i texted him that i only want to say i valued and enjoyed our friendship and that i wish him well. He replied that he is not mad but it just hurts. So, any thoughts on this subject?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 1, 2019 at 8:26 pm

      Hey Phoenix, so what you’re going to have to do is take a slight step back and consider your emotional control here. Where I agree actions speak louder than words when you have a LDR words need to be taken into consideration because there is not much he can physically do with that distance. Once you’ve given him some space you can reach out with a positive and interesting (to him) text and see how it goes from there

  15. Blockity

    September 29, 2019 at 12:42 pm

    I’ve been blocked on messenger. I don’t know the reason. Not an ex but someone I was building a friendship with. We were always happy to great when we pass each other. There were always smiles and eye contact. After sending a giff of a frog running away by accident. I was blocked. I’m not sure why. I’m really confused by this as I don’t even know what Ive done wrong. Only friends. I am married and he is separated but still married too. It’s a very inocent friendship

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      September 29, 2019 at 7:27 pm

      Hi Julie, so you need to take some time to do a No Contact, and work on getting over what he did – like you said you’re still angry. I wouldn’t go to where hes playing music so soon as this is going to make you look desperate and obviously trying to get him back. You need to show your independence and that you are not chasing him anymore. He needs to think you are happy in your life without him and do interesting and exciting new things with your life with friends. Read up on the being there method because it is almost what you’re going to have to do after you’ve completed the No Contact

  16. Humboldt Artist Guy

    September 11, 2019 at 3:10 am

    Today I found myself blocking my ex girlfriend after she randomly accuses me of harassing and stalking her and that she would get a restraining order. (I haven’t seen or reached out to her in 2 months). I text back asking what is she talking about and that it must’ve been a mistake. No response. I’m guessing she saw my car or someone like me and assumed I was stalking her. I admit to being a little needy after the relationship ended 9 months ago, but NEVER have I acted immature as to act like a creep. She had previously blocked me for several months until recently then unblocked me when she saw I wasn’t reaching out…and then I get this threatening text from her out of nowhere today. Before she could block me again, I beat her to it. Was I acting immature or did I do the right thing?

    1. Shaunna

      September 12, 2019 at 8:29 pm

      Hey Humboldt Artist Guy, the angry and accusation messages you are receiving are not good, so it is defusing the situation so yeah blocking may be your only option, I would keep my distance if she is accusing you of harassment and stalking.

  17. Jodi Snyder

    September 9, 2019 at 1:12 am

    I’ve been with my ex now for7yrs we have a 6yr old son beautiful..he heard icheated on him &i honestly never did he blocked me after isent him afew nasty messages iwas angry because he wasnt answering my calls or responding he was just seem sending me short texts saying admit to chuck and will talk…and wouldnt recieve my calls ..iwas calling for my son also though..blocking and doing a nocontact with a child in the midfle i think is horrible..its hurting our son more then me..reason is im not getting answers he said we can Coparent responding through a friends phone because im still blocked..im hurt angry frustrated and dont know what to do.my family is broken and iwant him back but icant even get answers because there is a block on the phone..its confusing because ill text him from a friends cell phone and he gives me all different responses if any but last response was will coparent but im still blocked…what do i do?and is there any chance of getting him back or is he really done?what do i do?there is a child involvef…

    1. Shaunna

      September 12, 2019 at 9:32 pm

      Hi Jodi, there is always a chance. You’re following this program will give you, your best chance. Look up Limited No Contact and then focus on becoming Ungettable.

  18. Jessica

    September 3, 2019 at 10:59 pm

    My ex and I broke up two weeks ago over a really bad fight. He moved an hour away and moved houses and blocked me on alll social media and I think he blocked me on email now … sigh
    He wanted to work it out but I was just not ready and needed time to normalize myself .. I have been pleading to have a phone call but no use he keeps saying please don’t contact me again it’s done:( he emailed me this

    What do i do?

  19. Valerie

    September 3, 2019 at 1:35 am

    Dear Chris,
    Hi my ex just blocked me again today after my friend had lent me her fake Snapchat to text him. We had sort of roasted one another, but I had just been trying to apologize. During our roast sesh beginning he had tried to start a video call with me on Snapchat. Before that he had unblocked one of my insta accounts, aka my poetry account. However he ended up blocking it, and still hasn’t unblocked it. Yet now I know he must’ve memorized the username or something. Either way it’s a very long story as to why we broke up in the first place, but he did something really messed up to me. That’s besides the point know, because I know we’re eachothers soulmates, and he knows so as well. I mean he literally wrote like four different things into my poetry book. However he keeps lying, and denying the fact he even did. Which is why he keeps blocking me I guess. I just really could use your help, if you think there’s anyway to ever get him back. Then please help me because I must admit I kind of miss him, and I know deep down that he does too. We’re just too stubborn and will never cave first.

  20. Tejaswini

    August 23, 2019 at 3:01 pm

    Hi I dated my ex for 2 years but I cheated on him horribly I regret doing that I miss him alot i cry everyday I even call him from different numbers which makes me embarrassed n guilty he has humiliated me in front of his friends too n he has blocked me from all the possible places I see him every Sunday during church he ignores me I want to get back to him what do I do? Will the NC work should I stop going to church?

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