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1,563 thoughts on “The Friend Zone: What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Just Wants To Be Friends”

  1. anne c.

    April 30, 2014 at 6:12 am

    My ex & i broke up 9mos. ago. I chased after him and acted all crazy in the 1st 3mos. of the break up, but after that, i went into NC, during NC, he texted my best guy friend (they werent close) a few times about useless stuff and acted as if they were close. After 3mos. of NC, he texted me, asking how i was, apologizing and asking to be friends. I accepted. He didn’t contact me after that, so i texted him 2 weeks after, asking to hang out, but he said he was busy. So i asked him what his motive was for wanting to be friends, and i told him that i want to try again, but he said he only wants friendship. I told him that i cant be just friends coz i want more than that. He told me he cant offer anything more, so i told him i dont want to be friends. Last week, i texted him, asking if he still wants to be friends, and he said yes. But we didnt really talk after that coz he said he was out. What is going on? Is it really over? If not, what should i do next? Help? Pls.

    1. admin

      April 30, 2014 at 1:57 pm

      What caused you to cheat?

    2. anne c.

      April 30, 2014 at 8:00 pm

      I didnt cheat. We broke up coz he said he needed to be alone. What should i do next?

    3. anne c.

      May 7, 2014 at 2:13 am

      Should i still keep trying? Or is it too late?

    4. admin

      May 7, 2014 at 3:41 pm

      You can keep trying as long as you think its whats best for you in the long run.

  2. R

    April 27, 2014 at 1:47 am

    Ok I’ve written a couple of times and not had a reply so maybe third time lucky. He’s been in contact steadily the last few days. I’ve kept it short, polite and now he’s just asked the dreaded “do you think we could be friends, still be close”. Bearing in mind out no contact period is over now. He rang me, texted, face booked all leading up to the dreaded f bomb. I genuinely have no idea what to say. I don’t want to be friends of course not but how do I get myself out of this one.

    1. admin

      April 28, 2014 at 4:19 pm

      Third time is lucky!!!!!

      So, during NC he is going crazy without talking to you basically?

  3. shay

    April 24, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    I’m in the middle of the NC rule and we have not spoken for 3 weeks and it seems as if he has forgotten about me or he doesn’t care but randomly yesterday his best friend texted me and was like “his phone is off lol” & I just put “???” Like was actually meaning (y r u telling me this.) & then he responded “his phone is off Idk how ur going to reach him” and I don’t know whether or not to respond and tell him “I haven’t been trying to contact him”, or just not to respond at all? I don’t know whether he’s playing a game and trying to communicate through his friend again or what, but does the NC rule go as far as not contacting anyone he knows either? Help please

    1. admin

      April 25, 2014 at 10:15 pm

      I bet he still thinks about you.

      Hes def using his fried to contact you.

    2. Shay

      April 26, 2014 at 1:03 am

      but should I respond to his friend saying “why would I need to contact him?” or “I haven’t been trying to contact him” or should I just ignore and leave it alone?

  4. Maria

    April 23, 2014 at 8:05 am


    My boyfriend broke up with me after 22 months of being together 18 days ago. Our relationship went long distance 9 months ago. We had been fighting a lot for the past 8 months. He says we are incompatible and is tired of the fights. He says we might happen again if we both change and if we are in the same city, but right now it just won’t happen.

    In the initial days,I called and tried reasoning things out, I shouted and I screamed too. And he kept saying it wasnt meant to be. Not now at least. He says he wants to be friends with me and doesn’t want to lose me since I’m a great person and I’m amazing, blah blah.
    I tried the no contact rule for 3 days. He texted me all three days but when the 3rd day came, he ggot really angry saying things that if I’m avoiding him, I should tell him and not leave him hanging. It was rude of me and other such things. So I relented and we have been sending across 2-3 texts every second day. Its been cordial and it seems very formal. Though he drops in kiss smileys in the conversation sometimes.
    If I dont reply to his msgs soon, or withina day , he gets worried and starts asking me if I’m avoiding him.

    His behaviour is confusing and I have no idea what to do from now.

    He is absolutely clear that he wants to be just friends. Bug I still love him and have feelings for him and I want him back. I’m not sure what the best approach is from here.

    What do you suggest will help me the most?

  5. Christine

    April 22, 2014 at 10:16 am


    This past weekend, my boyfriend told me after 9 months that he was not connected to me emotionally in the same way he used to be. This all came out while he was sleeping over at my house. The next morning, as I was crying and desperately trying to understand why, we went about our normal routine, and HE started crying. He emphasized that he wanted to remain my friend, and that he did not want it to be the last time he slept over/last time he showered with me/etc. He tried to stress we could still do all of these things as friends.

    I told him that I would try. Even though I am devastated that I lost the man that I truly believe was meant for me. I want to remain his friend out of the glimmer of hope that I might be able to get back with him. So the past few days, we have been texting the same amount that we normally do. I have occasionally tried to bring into conversation questions about why we could not be together to no avail. I do not think I can keep talking to him without it hurting, and I really think I need him back.

    I am thinking about starting the no contact method tonight. Telling him that I can not keep texting him as much as we used to because it feels like nothing has changed. I want to mention that we can be on and off texters though if he wants to talk to see if he will message me back during the NC period.

    Also, he is 18 and I am 22. He’s finishing high school and about to move into college. He mentioned that was a minor reason why he felt we needed to break up.

    1. admin

      April 22, 2014 at 5:00 pm

      Do you think the age difference is causing issues?

    2. Christine

      April 23, 2014 at 3:25 am

      I don’t think so? We were together for 9 months without any issues. I am just worried whether it will be a lost cause to try and get him back because of his age. We truly shared something special but what if he wants to explore life? He is just starting college after all.

  6. Rain

    April 13, 2014 at 10:29 am

    i and my boyfriend break last year. Chris, can i know why my exbf dont want me to know that once he is in relationship last week and he block me in whatsapps so that to hide he that has girl friend?? ( he put a profile pic with other girl in whatsap)

  7. Maricel

    April 12, 2014 at 8:45 pm

    I need your advice.
    I broke up with my ex a month ago because he works so much and didn’t make any effort to see me,we talked last Sunday and I didn’t hear from him until Thursday he sent me this email.
    What do you think he wasn’t,should I reply or should I move on?
    This is his email.

    Don’t think for a second that I forgot your birthday or that you don’t cross my mind countless times a day because I didn’t and you do. I realized on Sunday after we talked that I’m not the person you want right now and I know you have your doubts too because you said as much. I just want you to know that I got that job and I hope that will help me get my head straight. This year burned me up and I had no energy left over for any kind of life or to give you what you deserve.

    You need to know that I do love you very much and you’re one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. I couldn’t say anything bad about you if I tried and I truly believe you deserve all the happiness in the world I just don’t know if I can give that to you until I get right. I still have hope that this change is all I need and that maybe some day we’ll cross paths again and you can see me for who I really am. I don’t want to say goodbye, but all I can do at this point is leave that up to you. Even to just be friends with you right now would be enough for me.

    Anyway, I love you Maricel and I hope you can forgive me and have best 30th birthday ever.

    1. admin

      April 13, 2014 at 4:38 pm

      I say you reply! This is pretty good in my opinion.

    2. Maricel

      April 13, 2014 at 8:38 pm

      Yes but we talked last Sunday and I told him my feelings for him,so he knows..I just think he’s playing mind games with me,what should I say if he’s telling me he doesn’t want to say good bye but it’s up to me.Help please I love him but he needs to get his life back together and I don’t want to go back and forth.
      Thanks you are awesome!!!!

    3. Maricel

      April 13, 2014 at 8:40 pm

      Also I don’t want to be his friend,I don’t believe it will work like that because I love him.
      What should I say in my reply?

  8. Shannel

    April 11, 2014 at 10:00 pm

    Hey Chris,
    I have been single pretty much my whole life up until I finally gave one guy a chance that showed true potential that he wanted a serious relationship. As soon as we got together we went extremely fast into the relationship we just fell for eachother and went from friends, to dating, to the relationship within 2 months. Our relationship was great! up until we wanted to move even more serious and wanted move out together and our parents were both against us and became to resent one another he wasn’t aloud over and I wasn’t aloud over, we were able to ever see each other unless we snuck around, my parents completely hated him, but we weren’t in a position like we though we were to move out then our relationship got very difficult and stressful and we didn’t know how to take it. EVERYONE was trying to break us up for no reason I was the only one keeping him going to school and doing the right things but everyone else took it as I was controlling him…then eventually I started to become very mean and bash him about what he was doing with his life because its not where I wanted to be I want us to be able to have steady jobs and join the military but he doesn’t want to but yet he wanted a family with me…so I kept pushing and eventually he got overwhelmed and could take all the pressure anymore. but I know for a fact we were deeply in love to the point of blind but we are just too young to be trying to do all these things and now I realized that but I feel like its too late. I love him unconditionally no question about it. but then about 2 weeks ago he broke up with me… over a text message and without any closure really he just said he couldn’t handle the stress and everyone putting him, me, and our relationship down. then I did what every other woman does and started texting calling, showing up at his house to work things out. but we just never talked about it. then a week later I opened up apologizing for everything I did wrong and saying im changing and trying to do better and asked for a friendship. He accepted the friendship but I still get no attempt or contact from him. Now I am officially trying the NC rule and trying to see how it goes. But my questions for you is: Did he really love me? Did I lose my V-card to a player(which is the last thing I wanted) How do I know if he cares? Does he miss me? Is there a chance to get him back?

    1. admin

      April 12, 2014 at 4:18 pm

      I am sure in the moment he did.

      May I ask both of your ages?

      If he was younger he may have just not been able to handle the emotions properly yet.

    2. sh

      April 19, 2014 at 7:02 pm

      I’m 18 and he’s 19 but I have the mindset of a 24 yr. Old… how would I know if he’s ready and willing for the emotions and relationship? Because he began avoiding me after saying we would finally meet up and talk, then make a last minute excuse not to. What I don’t understand is that he gave his other ex’s a 2nd chance and they’ve done everything possible to hurt him? cheat on him and treat him poorly, but I cooked, cleaned, served him, massaged and took very good care of him everyday that i could and i don’t even get a face to face explanation?

  9. Nana

    April 11, 2014 at 1:57 am

    My bf broke up with me 2 months ago. I texted him 3 weeks after the break up, he said he wanted to meet a couple of days after that.
    We have been hanging out for about 6-7 hours every week day. He is the one who asks me out every day. We make out a lot and sometimes have sex, but we don’t call ourselves friends with benefits and when I told him he is just using me for sex, he stopped all the sexual stuff altogether but continued to see each other.
    Will the NC rule work or do I need another approach? (I can’t open the subject of getting back together because he will withdraw into his shell again, even tho’ once he joked about getting back together)

  10. Deanna

    April 2, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    I just have a wtf question. I just met this guy. For about three weeks he came on really strong. Finally gave him a date. We Made out. Istopped us from going too far. We agreed that went too fast but we would set up boundaries. Now a few days later I get the, I’m not ready for a relationship text. I want to be friends though. …. … Really???

    What was that?
    I don’t know if I want him really… I’m Judy trying to figure out where I went wrong. I mean… I was the reason we stopped. Ugh. Men.

    1. admin

      April 4, 2014 at 4:32 pm

      Do you think he was just trying to use you? I mean, if you wanted to slow down and he didn’t like that and is punishing up then that would be indicitave of him trying to use you.

  11. Stacey Jane

    April 2, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    usually men say “let’s be friends” to soften the blow. They don’t mean it at all. In my case he says he has no feelings for me any more and we will not be a couple but he seems extremely eager to keep me in his life as friends. He actually called and pleaded with me numerous times as in a break up. He called me all the time to tell me this. I don’t get it. Why would he chase to reject me if he doesn’t love me? I have frozen him out for the past 3 days and he texted twice after a day of silence. When I emerge and begin speaking with him (if I am not over him by that time)he is bound to ask me again if a “friendship” between us is possible but if I say ok does he not then get what he wants? Me back in his life without him committing. He always had a thing with labels, it is what broke us up. Is there any hope? For the most part of 2 years we were very happy together. Thanks so much for the blog and the information

  12. louise

    April 2, 2014 at 12:18 am

    me and my ex was together for the best of 5 years, everything use to be great for the first 2 years untill i found out he lied to me a few times over another girl, as he was inlove with his friend still while dating me at the start, then we got pass that and we was both madly inlove and planned a future together but after awhile his friends who were girls online started causing problems which lead to us breaking up serval times over the years where he kept breaking up because i could not trust him or anything, then in the end we broke up for 10months last year and dated other people, but then he came back to me again and we was dating since then, i made a few mistakes which caused us to break up 3 times this year because i was still holding the past and was worried alot if he love me and so on. after i realised that he came back 2 days later and we started dating again and i started trusting him. then all of a sudden after few weeks together working out, he just breakups out of the blue and he said its because i kept asking alot of stupid question about if he love and want me then he starts saying he ” was thinking about it for a few weeks and that all of a sudden he says he loves me but not inlove” but i believe that can change after awhile. then he starts saying ” i am done i cant be with you no more,i have love feelings for you but i cant be with you. then says i dont see myself living with you or spending life with you, then he says we can be friends but nothing more, but also said if he starts getting feelings back i can have him back but he doubts very much he will and that i should not wait for him and that he is not going to wait for me and also said that he never wanted to break up, so when i ask why allow he says he didnt want it before but now he does. but i have heard this all before every time we broke up and he came back, but this time he consistence that he wont.he has said though ‘ even if this is a mistake he is doing and does regrets breaking up and wants me back, he still wont come back” so i dont know what to do, we have been threw alot and pregnancy problems. i want him back and prove to him we can work because wen were together its great. but i still believe the girls from his pass have made him into this. he is very stubborn and wont admite he wrong. what advice would you give?

  13. Soof

    April 1, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Will NC work if you tried to be his friend? While he gives mixed signals but still doesnt want to commit.

    14 days NC after telling him goodbye! Was saying goodbye a good idea?

    1. admin

      April 1, 2014 at 5:16 pm

      It won’t be as effective.

    2. Soof

      April 2, 2014 at 11:20 am


      But I tried to say goodbye before several times and everytime i contacted him again. So he is expecting me to contact him..

      So he probably won’t contact me but will NC maybe give me another change to see him openminded?

  14. annie

    March 31, 2014 at 2:01 pm

    Ok so me and my boyfriend… it’s been 3 yrs… we fought… got back together… the whole mess… well just recent… I logged into his facebook n saw he was messaging some ex girl in another country nasty stuff and having a really long conversation w/her but he barely talks with me… we have great sex… and I did the NC rule for two months… he called a few times and a couple of txts for the day b4 my bday n the day on my bday… This just happened… January 5th I stopped talking to him and didn’t say a word till March 1st… but then I picked him up he cried and said he missed me so much and he loved me (he was drunk though), we had sex… I cried… IDK if I was just very emotional and heart broken b/c I missed him like crazy… He took my virginity at an older age of 27… he lied about his age when we met… he was 37… so now I’m 30 and hes 40… anyways… we got back together… March 1st… but… he is still the same… same bull shit… same distance… same cold shoulder like he doesn’t want me to know at all he cares about me… but when hes drunk he cries like a baby… my friends say im too nice to him and to available… but you would think that after 2 months of NC he would have gotten it together but he didn’t… he’s not mean to me… he doesn’t call me names… but he is not very emotional at all… he told me he wants to get married but not right now… he asked me to move in w/him and I said I wanted to be married and he said he does too but not right now… and 2 yrs ago when he was like marry me, marry me I said I wasn’t ready and now that he knows I am ready and I’ve made it clear I am ready now hes totally not wanting to do it… IDK what to do?? am I barking up the wrong tree here??? Also he has a baby mama… an ex wife (who passed away) and two kids…

  15. Kim

    March 28, 2014 at 12:15 pm

    Hi, my boyfriend for 4 months broke up with me and told me he doesnt love me anymore. We had a great start, went to a trip and treated me like a princess. but because i got 2 jobs later on we didnt had time to spend together. He was mad and said that i should leave him alone..

    After that i acted cool and he even asked to drive me home. In the end it seemed like it was a mutual break up . He said we could be friends and were talking and even laughing while on the way home.. we texted one last more that day.

    I started the NC and kind of moved on and really surprised me that he texted me after almost just 2 weeks.. I was so overwhelmed because i know that he has a very high ego so i texted back!!! :/ he was asking how i was and what i have been up to.. He replys really slow that it took days so i felt like it was just a pity text . So i asked if he had free time to give me back my stuff (phone charger etc) as an excuse to see him and for him to see that ive changed but he said he cant and hes really busy all week because of work.

    . I was worried that NC wouldnt work if its not 30 days so i texted him asking why he had to contact me?, i told him that i was doing very good not thinking about him but he texted and i felt lost again, he said that he thought we were okay and thought it was long enough for me. I said yes were friends and okay but he doest really need me in his life and he could just go on without me in it. And said that I dont mind being friends really but just needs more time. He didnt reply

    Now im starting NC again! Did i ruin the chance? Is it still possible to get hime back? Im worried because weve only been togetherfor 4 months .

  16. Rachel

    March 27, 2014 at 11:22 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I was in a relationship for almost a year. We were discussing moving in together and it didn’t go well. He talked circles around it. He could of just said no I’m not ready but we broke up. Breakup was awful. He used “cared” in the past tense, and didn’t help me w a car issue (this is also his profession…and also how we met) after the breakup. I was a little needy during the breakup but not too bad. It seemed he intended to not talk ever again. But, went through the 30 days NC, and then I called and asked him to look for a item. He texted back…and we text discussed very briefly over a couple of days about possibly when and what to exchange. I said I would call one night to coordinate…and he didn’t pick up. Shocker. The next day he said his phone was on silent. I got mad and said I didn’t believe him and he said it didn’t matter. I said it actually did…I was nice and accommodating and he couldn’t show me any respect. He said he could and wasn’t avoiding me. I recovered quickly and said I had a busy week and apologized. I saw him to pick up an item- I looked great and made a minute or two of small talk and left. This was the day before my bday. He said nothing and texted nothing. Four days later, I sent a good memories text. No response. 3 days later he texted me about a 1 say sale on sunglasses we both liked. He texted again 20 min later to say it was not legit. The next day, I texted very nonchalantly, too bad. He texted 5 min later that he kind of got scammed. I said in a friendly way, oh well…have to get to my meeting. Bye! 🙂 I don’t know if I maybe shouldn’t have answered since he ignored my text. I feel…as though I’m not quite in control of this. I love and want him back, or at least the choice to take him back if we can truly start again and try not to make same mistakes. How should I proceed? I’m not getting it quite right…I do have emotions about all this. Why did he even text me about the sale? Does he just want to be friends? He still has two items of mine.

    1. admin

      March 28, 2014 at 4:34 pm

      He got afraid of the commitment in other words?

    2. Rachel

      March 28, 2014 at 7:32 pm

      His last relationship ended after living together 1 month. And he lost his whole life- had to move back with parents a few months. But, all of it came about after he told me that I didn’t live there and it wasn’t my responsibility after helping his paint his apt all day. I was hurt. So, a convo ensued and he said he would recommit to me, and when I asked how, he says we could talk about it. Over the next few weeks, we had a few convos, sweetly initiated by me. He talked circles. I finally got frustrated and said I’m not happy where our relationship is right now. Tell me anything, I need a baseline how you feel. He walked out, and later said that we “didn’t have he chemistry to communicate. We don’t have the conversations I wanted.” I never got an answer to living together. Don’t know if it was commitment, he was leading me on, etc. I was shocked. I finally got that one text in previous post…how do I proceed?

    3. Rachel

      March 31, 2014 at 12:12 pm

      We’ll 3 days later I texted “so you were right I like the walking dead! Just finished first season but watching anyway” during the first commercial break of the walking dead finale. He loves the walking dead and I was hoping to catch him when he was excited. The phone is always by his side. No response. How long do I go into NC for?

    4. admin

      March 31, 2014 at 4:38 pm

      Did you see the season 4 finale last night?

      30 days is the general NC rule.

    5. Rachel

      March 31, 2014 at 6:45 pm

      Yep! Just getting into the show! So, another 30 days…again? 30 days round 2. I thought maybe it would be shortened since we did that already and were texting…but not talking. And in the next NC don’t talk to him even if he tries to give me back my stuff?

    6. Michelle

      May 9, 2014 at 8:23 am

      Curious as I read your situation sounds like I guy my friend used to date. He said the same thing to her. She later found out he was cheating on her. His phone is always with him even to the bathroom. When it got serious he started to get emotionally and physically distance. My friend said he was a player with a string of ex girlfriends. He introduced her to his mom right away so she thought he was serious about her. Have you met his mom? Was it a serious relationship quickly?What does he like to talk about? Do you have similar interest in music , sports, food

  17. heather

    March 27, 2014 at 10:42 pm

    I fell in love with my male best friend. We were together for more than 2 yrs as boyfriend and girlfriend. We got along great as bffs but not as boyfriend and girlfriend. I had a life altering event in that caused me to put my life into perspective and I decided to break up with him because im not sure he felt the same way i did. He told me he did but the actions didnt match. It has been a year after the breakup, but i have tried to remain friends with him, but it has been difficult because i still love him like a boyfriend. I would attempt nc but I would do it for a week or so and he would text me and I would answer back. I read how to get over your ex and still be friends. I read 90 day nc. But not sure this pertains to my situation since we have been broken up for a year but still friends on and off. My goal is to get over him as my boyfriend and just be friends. I started nc and its been 11 days. He emailed me on day 10 telling me he isnt happy not talking with me and that im his bff. Should I be still doing no contact when alls i want to be is friends? I feel already that after 30 days he will be really angry at me. If so what do i do after 30 days no contact the same things as getting your ex boyfriend back?

  18. kelly

    March 27, 2014 at 10:18 pm

    Right were do I start,
    Well I met my ex threw my bestfriend because he lives in her house and I stay there ever 2weeks for a week or so, now me and my ex had a relationship with eachother when we were kids and then when I found out he was living with my bestfriend I thought Oh this must be faith,, so anyways when ever I came up I started to flirt and get him to want me and succeeded he broke up with his girlfriend and then got in a relationship with me,
    Now the relationship was great brilliant at that, but then later down the line he seemed to change and not been interested so that caused a few fights so I called it quits and dumped him,
    We did the no contact rule for nearly 2months, it was extra hard seen as I was staying in the same house as him but we did not say one word to eachother, so we started back talking when he wished me goodluck on a interview I had and we have been talking ever since, now we haven’t been texting eachother only face to face,
    So now we are back talking and all it’s great, Oh he didn’t ring me once asking me was I pregnant but that was a whole different story, my mates was taking the piss out of him,
    Anyways so I asked my best mate to ask him has he got any feelings for me secretly, and she did and he said “yeah she is a legend, but I only like her as a friend ‘ my heart sunk when I heard that,

    Is there any hope for me and him to work??

  19. Tia

    March 25, 2014 at 6:05 pm

    Hello, Right i need help urgently! Me and my boyfriend were together for around 4-5 months. Everything was so perfect within the relationship and he told everyone including myself, my family and his family and friends that he was besotted with me and that he couldn’t imagine being without me. I have had a lot of bad experiences in the past with men and i ended it with him 4 times in the heat of the moment. Normally he would reassure me and try to win me back, this time he has completely turned cold towards me and has ignored me completely even though i can see he is online? He said he doesn’t care anymore and that i am to move on and he will do the same. I keep making the massive mistake of messaging him and telling him i miss him and that i’m sorry and how i just want him back. When i manage to go a week without contacting him which is proving extremely difficult to do, he randomly messages me! He get’s me to come over to his and he acts all loving and we normally end up sleeping together! He is so gently and loving and there is definetely a strong connection between the both of us. It feel so amazing and special everytime we sleep together.He tells me that i am the sexiest woman he knows and he always tells me i’m beautiful etc. The next day, he ignores me and i’m left feeling heartbroken! I send messages accusing him of being with someone else and using me and again he is horrible to me and tells me it’s over and to move on. The thought of him not wanting me back is breaking my heart. I have never regretted anything as much as i regret ending this relationship. I’m terrified of him moving on and finding someone else and i am finding it impossible to not contact him as i’m desperate to get him back! I don’t want to be his booty call anymore, i want my relationship with him back and i want him to miss me and fall back in love with me! Please can someone help me out here? Is it too late? Am i just a booty call? I love him so so much 🙁

    1. admin

      March 26, 2014 at 5:07 pm

      Have you read my guide on exes using women?

    2. Tia

      March 26, 2014 at 6:32 pm

      No i can’t save i have… where will i find that?

  20. kelly

    March 24, 2014 at 2:10 pm

    Right were do I start,
    Well I met my ex threw my bestfriend because he lives in her house and I stay there ever 2weeks for a week or so, now me and my ex had a relationship with eachother when we were kids and then when I found out he was living with my bestfriend I thought Oh this must be faith,, so anyways when ever I came up I started to flirt and get him to want me and succeeded he broke up with his girlfriend and then got in a relationship with me,
    Now the relationship was great brilliant at that, but then later down the line he seemed to change and not been interested so that caused a few fights so I called it quits and dumped him,
    We did the no contact rule for nearly 2months, it was extra hard seen as I was staying in the same house as him but we did not say one word to eachother, so we started back talking when he wished me goodluck on a interview I had and we have been talking ever since, now we haven’t been texting eachother only face to face,
    So now we are back talking and all it’s great, Oh he didn’t ring me once asking me was I pregnant but that was a whole different story, my mates was taking the piss out of him,
    Anyways so I asked my best mate to ask him has he got any feelings for me secretly, and she did and he said “yeah she is a legend, but I only like her as a friend ‘ my heart sunk when I heard that,

    Is there any hope for me and him to work??

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