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August 25, 2017 at 12:15 pm
but we are both only 21 years old. why is he afraid to commit when we had already been together 3 years? do you think no contact would work, thanks!
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 26, 2017 at 12:33 pm
HI Strawberry,
it’s not a guarantee..it can only help increase your chances.
August 24, 2017 at 8:20 pm
Hello. my bf (ex) of 3 years broke up with me because of “fear of the future” and being afraid that he will hurt me somehow. He told me he still loves me 100% and is not doing this to meet other girls or to “explore” but he just wants to be alone for now. He says he needs himself. He also says things like he does not want to commit to a relationship now and just wants to be by himself. I told him I would stay and help him get through his struggles but he firmly refuses and says he wants this. for more context he is very loyal and has always been loving and loyal to me and I really do believe it is not to meet girls. when he broke up with me he cried a ton and I could tell he was struggling which also broke my heart. Now, I don’t really have a closure because I feel like its a good relationship to be given up on but he refuses to let me in. its been 2 weeks and I can’t deny that I have been checking up on him and I think I was being pressurising on the relationship because I really couldn’t understand why he would let go of it so easily? and also because I thought he was depressed. (maybe he is?) and I wanted to be there for him. all the times I reached out he just told me to respect his decision and he loves me and only the future can tell if we would end up back together. what do you guys think? can I win him back or do I have to let go?
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 24, 2017 at 11:30 pm
HI Strawberry,
check this one:
Making An Ex Commit When He Doesn’t Want To
August 23, 2017 at 2:13 pm
I am so upset. My guy and I had been together for about a year and nine months. We’ve been having issues—some relating to things we could’ve done differently relating to one another, some breaking of trust, some disrespectful things, and then also we both deal with mental health issues (and physical ones, too)…we also have histories of abuse (emotional for me, emotional/physical for him) and he grew up without his biological father, has had some difficult events happen in his life, and has a dysfunctional relationship with his family—but have been trying to work on improving habits, taking better care of ourselves, and bettering ourselves in our health, careers, and general lives. A week and a half ago, he did something very disrespectful to me, and I wrote him a letter stating that I was no longer willing to be in a relationship where we didn’t respect and trust one another. I said I was willing to help this heal if he was, too, but that I would no longer accept that behavior. I said I was prepared for whatever the outcome was, asked him to take some time to really think about if he wanted this relationship to go forward, and two days later we met up and he read me a letter he’d written where he started by talking about how sorry he was for behaving the way he did, that he wanted to help me heal…but as “me” and “you”, not “us”, and that he felt like he didn’t have romantic feelings anymore, and that he still wanted me in his life but as a friend. Said he wanted to be there to talk to me, if I wanted to talk, whatever. I was not prepared for THAT outcome, because we’ve been making future plans (not like, getting married, but planning a road trip, he’d just come to me with an idea for a 2-3 day getaway, bought tickets to a concert for us next month and was going to get tickets for another one later this year, our physical chemistry is great…so I’m really confused. This happened a week ago tonight, and the last time I texted him was like 6am the next day/Thursday. I have not made any contact with him since. He has not said anything to me. I don’t know what part is my grief talking, what might have some basis (since I do know him well)…but it doesn’t feel like things line up. I am so upset. I am trying to take care of myself, focus on myself, all that, but all I want to do is talk to him. Please help me.
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 24, 2017 at 10:40 pm
Hi ALlie,
Talk to him about what? Staying friends? Be active instead. Start a new routine in your life, engage in new activities and make new friends.
August 19, 2017 at 11:40 am
Hey, so interestingly I previously posted on your site 1 year ago and actually got back with ex 8 months ago. He now wants to break up again – on the basis that our relationship has lost its ‘spark’ compared to our initial relationship and our routine has gotten dull. Since getting back together we have been in long distance, personally, we can’t do anything but ‘game’ together for the past 7-8 months. I actually have a potential job lined up in the town where he is. I thought everything will change once and we can try to regain the spark with new life and activities. but he said that since he feels the spark is gone, he feels he needs to be true to himself and me – so I don’t move down and to only break up – he said he’ll feel really guilty if that happens. We had previously planned a vacation beforehand and he said he still really cares about me and sees me as a good friend. he wants us to go to this trip as friends. I don’t know what to do, part of me i have a big question mark that was it the LDR or more. I don’t know if I can see him as a friend on a 2 weeks trip with just us. Should I do NC – I told him i need to reconsider the vacation and I’m not sure what to do with the job as it was really for him. It’s an isolated small town that I know no one – but I am kind of interested in the job – yet i’ll be in the same city as him.. Should I go to the vacation to try to see if i can get that spark back?
August 26, 2017 at 1:19 pm
Is NC required? I did it for one week and bit, then he msged me asking whether or not I’ve decided to go on the trip or not. I’ve told I need a bit of time to still decide because I’m not even sure what to do about that job – I potentially might still take it for my personal progression/independence. But I want to sort out that before deciding for the vacation. He also msged me after we this on ‘gaming server – to ask how games was.’ I want to NC him for myself but at the same time it’s hard because we have this trip going on in 2 months – so I’m not sure what to do as ofc you need to be at least civil. Yet I want my time alone and I don’t want him to think he can stay in my life as a ‘friend’. What should I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 27, 2017 at 12:49 pm
Ah, it’s two months from now? I wouldn’t go anymore. You’ve broken up, why go right? If I were you I would start the nc right away.
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 20, 2017 at 8:54 pm
Actually, he did the right thing because if you had moved,it would be really hard for you.. I think you should go to the vacation but if you get him back, let him be the one to invest more in the relationship or mirror him
August 15, 2017 at 6:45 am
So he told me he was planning on moving to another country today whilst hanging out. So I told him how I felt because if I didnt I knew I would regret it. I told him I dont expect an immediate answer, or anything serious but i needed him to know.
He then said he appreciates me being honest and he kind of feels the same but he just is not looking for a relationship and that nothing is finalised yet.
I want to cry
August 16, 2017 at 11:22 am
Is there anything that can be done at this stage?
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 16, 2017 at 2:32 pm
It’s either you restart nc or move on
August 1, 2017 at 1:23 am
Commented on a different post before but, what happens if your ex seems to want to be your friend only out of guilt? I don’t know if this is me assuming or not but
When I try and contact him he’s lovely and nice and attentive. But he never takes an initiative, and acts kind of indifferent. I’m afraid that no contact will just make him think along the lines of “good riddance.”
Please help! (Urgent)
August 14, 2017 at 1:31 am
Hmm okay well I do ideally want him back. What do you mean by no rush?
What if he goes and hooks up with other girls? (I’ve already read about the Worst Fears during NO contact article on the website) but this is after no contact and 2 months have passed since the split. I myself have been on a few dates but it’s not the same as him.
What should I do right now? Do I hang out with him? Do I just let him be? I havent talked to him since the day we hung out.
Because at the moment I”m the only one who initiates hanging out/talking. He’s super responsive / keen but he doesn’t start it. He’s not really an assertive guy and even when we were dating/friends before dating he wouldn’t really initiate much unless he was like 100% sure of my reaction.
When we had a bit of back and forth a couple years ago, he let me walk away and told me when we started dating that he did like me.
I don’t know what exactly to do in this position. I want to be on his radar but not clingy.
Do you honestly think theres any chance?
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 14, 2017 at 8:27 pm
There’s always a chance..if you’re already frirndly, that means approaching the situation like a restart.. Instead of expecting he still feelings for you, think that he doesn’t and build attraction..
August 12, 2017 at 2:53 pm
I really appreciate how prompt you are with your replies! My friend actually recommended this website and the book, and was super successful – she’s back with her ex. I didn’t expect you guys to be so good with responding so thank you.
Anyway back to my case. Last time I was the one who left first but it was also a lenghty hang so it didn’t feel like either left wanting more. I’ve decided to lay off the contact for a bit but I want to eventually tell him how I feel so I can just either get over it or get an answer. What do you reckon
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 13, 2017 at 7:11 pm
You’re welcome! If you want to get him back, don’t rush. If you want to move on and for closure, do it asap.
August 11, 2017 at 11:20 pm
SORRY I accidently replied to Sara’s comment!
I meant to reply to mine – so what now? Is all hope lost?
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 12, 2017 at 12:26 pm
that’s ok.. Nope, I meant you should be friendzoning him.. make him want more. Don’t rush. FOcus more in your activities but when you talk or see each other look your best, have fun conversations or activities but make it short.
August 11, 2017 at 5:01 am
I went around 3 weeks without contacting my ex after a messy breakup with a lot of back and forth.
After this no contact, I felt like I’d gotten to a better place and since I was just awkwardly avoiding him around uni, I contacted him and we hung out today (since we had agreed to be friends earlier). Now I’m rather confused because when we hung out it was really really nice, he brought up a lot of old memories and pointed out a lot things that he said he noticed I did that were kinda cute.
On the other hand, he also talked a fair bit about how much he’s been going out with his mates (and he never used to when we were dating, even though I supported it. he mostly just cut ties with his friends for me, and I need to stress that this was voluntary and I never told him who to befriend ).
Now I’m confused as to whether this is a friendzone and he’s just trying to move past the awkwardness, if he doesn’t care, if maybe he’s slowly getting feelings again, or if he’s just completely moved on since he’s changed a fair bit. (please help, your advice and the guides here have been rather helpful up till now)
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 11, 2017 at 4:56 pm
your friendzoned.. he’s noticing the change but you’re jumping the gun… you should be the one friendzoning him.. You should be more busy with your own thing over him.
August 1, 2017 at 11:55 pm
I’ve currently not initiated any contact for a week, and was planning on doing another week of no contact. So like a half no contact because I felt I was being a bit clingy.
Will that work or should I just contact him now? I don’t know what to do. We have hung out when I initiate and I still feel the spark and chemistry when we do talk. Its there. Basically I know him, and I know he has feelings but he’s trying to repress them. He doesn’t want to try and give it a chance.
I just don’t know what to do at all. Is it time to move on or do I have a chance?
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 3, 2017 at 6:56 pm
If you haven’t done nc, you should do at least 30 days.. If you want to get out of the friendzone, he has he may lose you… Improve yourself, have a new routine and have your own life, and be active in posting
EBR Team Member: Amor
August 1, 2017 at 4:56 pm
If he’s doing it out of guilt, not doing nc and continuing to initiate contact with him now will help you more?
July 31, 2017 at 2:51 am
I was dating my ex for just three months and he broke up with me a week ago. In that short week i have reflected a lot on what went wrong, and I think he was right about me being completely tied down by my kids (12& 15). I have them 100% of the time even though their dad should have overnights with them.
I have spoken to their dad and hope that within a few months he will change his living situation to allow me more time off, but my ex has already become so frustrated with this that he doesn’t want to negotiate a way to work it out. I realize now that I wasn’t prioritizing him, and he feels guilty if my kids are unhappy. He has one child who is grown and says we are in different stages of life. I know I can be more available to him once my kids are not clinging to me 24/7 and there is more balance in my parenting schedule.
I want to get back together with him, is there any hope? I texted him once since we broke up but now I see the NC idea.
Thank you!
August 11, 2017 at 11:17 pm
So what now? Is all hope lost?
I just don’t know what to do. :/
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 31, 2017 at 4:15 pm
Hi Sara,
Yeah, I think you have a chance if you and your routine changes
July 20, 2017 at 4:20 am
Hey team,
I went through the whole no contact for 30 days. He ended up contacting me first on July 4th and continued since then. I followed everything I’ve read so far in all the articles, becoming the ungettable girl, working on myself, remaining on social media and allowing him to see it with him still as a friend on everything. We started off with small talk, to him reminiscing good memories and not so oftenly about bad things, like stuff we’d get mad at each other about and the break up itself (were together for 3.5 years, broke up 1.5 months ago because he felt he needed to work on himself and stop depending on me so much). All in all he says I’m the best he’s had and his family has all made it clear that if he were to ever date anyone after me they’d hate her.
I’ve been laying low lately, because I did find out from another source he had been seeing someone while we’re broken up, about a week or 2 after we broke up he started seeing her and had continued fooling around with her. He hides her from his friends, and the family hasn’t heard about her yet. So I’ve heard. Also as he talks to me, he tried to be slick about trying to see if I was dating anyone by jokingly referring to me probably moving on to someone who could treat me better. I just laugh and try not to give so much info and I reciprocate that to him, and he claim’s there is no one. Although I know there is. Idk..
Anyway, I was told in another post to lay low for now while still building some rapport. I’ve been trying to do so, I’m just confused as to whether or not he is talking to me more because he sees me as just a friend or if he’s trying to find a way back to me to reconcile? He’s already gotten to telling me that he regrets his decision on leaving, isnt happy about it, told me that he “did love me and still do love you, I dont care what you say..”
and then said that he did what he thought he had to do, and that “it is what it is.” He’ll go back and forth between talking about future events with me, like going to places nothing like buying a house, but also go back to saying things like I’ll find someone better.. then sometimes he’ll bring up the past, reminicse, and then say stuff like “too bad we didn’t have our own place”….! I’m effing confused at this point. We’ve still been talking. I just want to know if I’m able to get out of the friendzonewith my situation or not, or what to do? Or if I’m solidly in this zone?
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 25, 2017 at 8:14 am
It looks like he himself is confused.. Just dont rush it.. And dont be emotional with him…continue building rapport by continuing to improve yourself, having your own life and having fun talks while being indifferent whenever he’s negative
July 17, 2017 at 2:40 am
Hi EBR Team,
My boyfriend is undeniably my best friend, and he has likewise admitted that I am his. He wants us to remain close friends despite the breakup (which occurred four days ago after two years of dating). His reasoning behind the breakup is wanting no part in a relationship during college and we are both attending the same school. I feel like that would lead too easily to a FWB relationship which I am not cut out for. I fear that no contact will make him resentful of me abandoning him when we’re still supposed to be such good friends. The break up was pretty amicable, although I did try to argue it which didn’t work but to make him feel guilty and yet still stand by his decision to end things. Should I utilize the shorter 21 day NC rule? What steps should I take as to not hurt him in the process of making him regret the decision to demote me to a friend?
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 18, 2017 at 9:08 pm
Hi Calicat,
check this one:
Your Worst Nightmares During The No Contact Rule
July 1, 2017 at 11:18 pm
Me and my ex broke up 1 year ago. Since then we have been on/ off dating and friends but more recently just friends. EVery time we try be friends one of us catches feelings – more recently it has been him, and then he finds the need for space from me. We are just starting to get close and rebuild and then he closes the door on me for 1-2 months. I hate this rollercoaster im being put through – i still love him and think he is my soulmate. When we first broke up he said he needed to be older before he wanted to be in a serious relationship and that is why we cannot be together. But now he says he just doesnt see it every happening, but when it starts to happen right infront of him he doesnt let it hapen. He clearly still loves me but I think his dad has brainwashed him against me because he did not like me but he had no reasoning to not like me and i hardly knew his dad, but he really loves and respects his father. What do i do ?
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 4, 2017 at 8:58 pm
Hello google eyes,
Check this one:
What Do I Do Or Say To Get My Ex Back Into A Committed Relationship?
June 22, 2017 at 8:35 am
My ex bf broke up with me in the month of february..i became desperate after that…he told he had family problems his family is very strict and we will never get back together..sometimes he tells that maybe also something can work between us in the future..2 months after the breakup we contacted each other but stopped contacting in the middle like for 5 days and he again used to initiate contact by himself saying how he misses me..everytime he used to do this after 5 or 6 days he used to initiate the contact and i also replied..i thought at that time i would ignore him and won’t reply but i used to miss him and reply to his texts and phone calls…few days ago he said that he misses me and also loves me but dosent want to get back to me because of family problems…but he says also he has a chance to meet me whenever he likes but he would not do that…so today i ignored his texts and he told that he wants friendship with me so that maybe we can get back together in the future at some point of time but i said i dont wanna be friends with him and i only want a relationship with him and then i ignored his texts..its been 4 months since the breakup and everytime he initiates the contact..i am confused what to do..will he ever come back to me..i am also afraid if i do the NC rule maybe after 4 months he would move on with someone else..i am not sure..but also he tells i am the only girl in his life i am his first and i would be his last love..i am seriously confused what to do..should i accept friendship with him would it be a good idea or should i ignore him if i want him back?
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 23, 2017 at 7:57 pm
Hi Sarmistha,
check this one:
Your Worst Nightmares During The No Contact Rule
May 25, 2017 at 2:46 am
My boyfriend broke up with me today and I was completely shocked, there were no signs at all previous to this happening that signaled he wanted to break up. He said he wanted to break up with me because he’s going to college in September of this year, which is three months away, so that it’d be easier for both of us when he had to go because the initial intensity of our relationship wouldn’t be there. He’s been in a long distance relationship previously an it was a disaster. He said he still loves me and cares about me greatly. And that he wants to be just friends. When we first started talking, we were friends for maybe 4 days before we started revealing every small detail about ourselves to each other (like turn ons, sexual experiences, etc.) and soon became friends with benefits for less than a month before we began dating. We dated for nearly 2 months and we worked so well together. But under the circumstances, he felt he needed to break up with me. I acted as his friend today, and I’m supposed to see him tomorrow because we both chill at the same place and hang out with the same people. I’m not quite sure how to act. Should I seem interested or distant? And should I abide by the nc rule? Even though he’s gonna be leaving soon? And say he does realize he wants me back, what then? Will him going to college ruin it entirely?
EBR Team Member: Amor
May 27, 2017 at 2:08 pm
yup you should start nc to avoid being friendzone.. if he wants to get back together during it, then good.. break it and get back together with him.. check this one too:
The Grass is Greener Syndrome For Ex Boyfriends
May 10, 2017 at 10:55 pm
My bf of 3 years broke up with me Friday . It started with a petty fight & I said something hurtful to him so he said he was done . I begged him but he ignored . Next day says he wants to be friends , wants to be in my life etc . I asked if I could meet up with him next week he said yah he wanted to see me . Then I saw something that made me jealous and began hounding him . Begging again etc he said he loved me as friend but then I said hurtful things again so he ignored . Two nights later I say sorry and he says thank you and we need space but can talk next wk. now today two days lateri break down again saying I want to see him being emotional and clingy. He says h Owen r think it’s a good idea for now, doesn’t want to talk about Us and that I wasn’t “aggressive and feisty” both of us need more space . He said we will try to talk next week . What now? How can I stay strong?! I’m devastated and we have broken up before and he always always came back 🙁
EBR Team Member: Amor
May 11, 2017 at 8:04 pm
Hi Jaydee,
check this one:
You Desperately Begged For Him Back And Failed… I’m Here To Fix That
April 22, 2017 at 7:16 am
My boyfriend dumped me last week and his reason was that he’s ‘confused’ and wants to be on his own to figure his issues out. at the same time, he told me that he still wants us to be in each other’s lives and become friends. I was so devastated by this and told him i still had feelings for him and that i couldnt be his friend, but i can try just for the sake of it. The day after the break up, he texted me and acted as though nothing happened and that we were fine. i responded and we started texting like how we usually do. Then he would text me every alternate days for a week, and its usually him that hits me up first (i never hit him up because i dont like to appear as needy). However, whenever he hits me up, i would respond in a friendly manner. I thought that by being his ‘friend’, it would help make him realize and fall in love with me again. But was I wrong. it made him friendzone me even more. He wouldnt want to hang out with me one on one, without having our other mutual friends there etc. I mean sure we would still text and talk on friendly terms, but I just dont see the progress of him coming back to me if i keep sticking around as his friend. I can’t avoid him because I see him almost everyday in college, we have the same classes together. At one point, I even agreed to become his ‘friend’. Now it’s the end of 2nd week since our break up, is it too late to get him back after me agreeing to be his ‘friend’ and for not going NC since the start? what should i do? please help. Thank you.
EBR Team Member: Amor
April 28, 2017 at 5:44 pm
Start the nc rule..it’s not yet too late
April 8, 2017 at 6:38 pm
I’ve been with s guy for a year, we both in our 40’s we don’t live together but 5 mins away from each other, things were going great texting calling one another, morning and night but not imbetween as both working, he has children so do I , so we don’t see each othea lot, one day I bumped into him at shop and he asked me back for a cupper, I flirted and we ended up in bed, he had to pick up his little one as he had him on weekends, he drove me home and texted me that night and he text me following day asked if I had a good weekend, I replied, Monday I text good morning, but he had not read my message but had been on line, 3 days passed and I text him if he was ok, he read but ignored and by the end of weekend he had apologised for that as work funeral and mediation was getting on top of him, but would love us to still friends but understand if you don’t” I’m not sure what he was meaning, I’ve had no text or calls since, 2 weeks after I rung him he seemed fine on the phone and said it was nice to hear my voice, I mentioned about that I worried that he ignored me and I find it hard to talk to him when I see him as I get anxious and excited, he said it’s the same for him because he gets over whelmed when he sees me that I drain his blood ! And he is trying to get things done with family etc issues that he can’t concentrate , now I have done the no contact thing it’s been 2 weeks and I feel like I’m not hurting so much, what do you think his intentions are?
EBR Team Member: Amor
April 10, 2017 at 6:10 pm
so, he didn’t break up with you outright? It looks like he’s ghosting you. check this:
What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Ghosted You
April 7, 2017 at 2:41 pm
Me and ex were talking about maybe chances in the future since me and him are both very young. We broke up first time because he wanted to go and see if he could experience more in life and see if he could do better. We did argue constantly but then after 3 months we talked again and things were great. We acted like a couple but being immature me I pressured for commitment and I always spiraled in depression and anger till he just said I think we can just be friends, I still care for you. “We argue so much even as friends, if we dated we wouldn’t last” was what he said. I haven’t talked to him since that, and currently trying to figure my own life out so I can come back stronger and happier. But somehow all the obstacles and negativity put me down. At times it feels as tho wanting him back feels wrong. We had a good relationship I just didn’t know the right steps to make it a good lasting one. Any tips on what my next steps are?
EBR Team Member: Amor
April 9, 2017 at 6:13 pm
check this one:
EBR 003: Does Having Your Own Life Help You Get Your Ex Back?
and this one:
The Ungettable Girl
April 6, 2017 at 12:58 pm
My boyfriend just broke up with me four days ago.It was a relationship about 1 year and 5 month. I was very difficult during our relationship also because he is not very good in expressing his feelings.During our relationship we respected eachother but we are from different countries so we speak in english which is not our native language.We have different religions, I am christian and he is muslim.We leave in the same city, in my country. He said he likes me as person and friend too much but not more.He wants now just to be friends and I said to him for me is not possible to be friends.I told him that I was in loved with him and I want to be happy.I told him also that I accept his decision but we will not talk anymore. He ask me to forgive him and I said I forgive him.I suggested to delete me from instagram and facebook and he said he wants to keep. Now there are 4 days since we are not talking anymore, until now we were speaking every day even if we don’t meet every day we were texting eachother throw facebook chat.
I miss him too much and I was hoping he will change his mind, but nothing.
What should I do, should I give up?I can not eat I can not concentrate myself and I am very hurt.
EBR Team Member: Amor
April 8, 2017 at 5:15 pm
do you want to try the advice above?
March 28, 2017 at 7:57 am
Hi, my ex and I broke up almost 4 months ago. I started NC a week or so after breaking up and successfully completed. Then had a great run at first contact text rapport building texts, short 3-8minute calls etc but we never actually made it to the meet up stage. I’ve been really busy lately and since he doesn’t ask to see me I can’t really be bothered so we can 3 or 4 days without contacting each other before he usually sends me a random message ‘actually they’re similar to a first contact message’ where I feel the urge to respond. Is this going anywhere? Should I be the one to ask him to meet up?
March 29, 2017 at 10:09 am
Hi Amor,
Roughly 8-9 weeks now.
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 29, 2017 at 3:06 pm
that’s good that you’re continuing to talk. It’s ok to ask for a meet up. Make it casual.
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 29, 2017 at 10:04 am
Hi Sami,
how long have you been building rapport?
March 27, 2017 at 12:30 am
If I told my ex boyfriend I could eventually be friends is that bad? Should I have told him I don’t want to at all? I’m on day 12 of NC
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 28, 2017 at 2:19 pm
Hi April
not really..your chances will depend more on how much you improve
March 27, 2017 at 12:22 am
My boyfriend of 5 months broke up with me 1 month ago I did NC for two weeks but called him because I thought I wanted closure and to just move on as quickly as possible.I called him and basically said I was looking for closure and I wanted to be told strait up if he thought there was a chance we would get back together. He seems to really want to be friends… On the phone he brought it up and said he misses me and thinks we make really great friends. I told him eventually I would like to be friends I just need time. Was that the wrong thing to say? Will that put me in the friend zone because I said we could be friends in the future or does it add value because I’m taking space? I’ve restarted NC and am about halfway through he has not contacted me yet but likes my social media posts and makes alot of long posts himself, he also has pictures with girl friends I was jealous of during the relationship, I think he’s trying to get a reaction from me, he never used to post that much… Opinions or advice?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 28, 2017 at 2:19 pm
Hi April
not really..your chances will depend more on how much you improve