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April 18, 2014 at 2:28 am
Hey Chris
I went out on a date with my EX. He had basically designed my ideal date.
On the date he told me that he liked another girl. He also said that he would like to be friends and asked me advice to help him get her.
After excusing myself to cry in the bathroom, I came back and continued talking and pretended all was fine because I knew that we shouldn’t quarrel on the date.
I tried hard to ignore it but when he repeated it the third time later in the night I told him that he should be bringing the other girl for the dinner at the beach instead of me. Then he tells me that he doesn’t like the girl or that the girl doesn’t like him that way and that he wants to be friend zoned by all girls.
I don’t know whats wrong. I followed the NC. Then did the whole 1 week NC after that when I realised that I don’t want to be used emotionally. After that we just continued talking and I followed the texting strategy. Its been 4.5 months since we broke up and I am out of answers.
April 18, 2014 at 3:35 pm
Hmm… did you build up a lot of attraction before the date or did you rush right into the date?
April 19, 2014 at 3:01 am
well its been 4 months since the 30 day NC. I did build attraction through text.
He was the one who asked me out. I also managed to get a second date this wednesday. But I don’t know what his intentions are.
I dont know if he likes this girl or is just saying that because i keep hanging out with my guy friend. I don’t know if he even likes me as a friend or if he likes me more than a friend.
He is going on a road trip with this girl and his group of friends.
I certainly don’t want to be friends at least till after I move on…
April 21, 2014 at 4:23 am
Should I go on the Wed date?
April 21, 2014 at 4:07 pm
I think you should!
April 22, 2014 at 1:02 pm
Today the Ex just bought a bunch a groceries to my home and insisted I take it.
When he left , he sent me a message saying that he can’t meet me over the next few days because he has a lot of work to do and we should keep it platonic.
Now I am confused…
April 22, 2014 at 5:00 pm
….. thats strange… hahahaha I think its a good sign that he got the groceries though.
April 18, 2014 at 10:20 am
well asked him about his plans and he told me that he was interested in the girl. He also told me that his friend told him that the girl isn’t interested in him.
I felt hurt because he let it slip that no one was available, hence he decided to spend time with me.
He swaps from wanting me to be his GF to now he appears to have friend zoned me. He said that he wanted to bring me out because I am a nice friend and he would like to hang with me …
Obviously I am now even more confused. I dont know if he wants a relationship or a friendship.
March 30, 2014 at 7:25 pm
Hi Chris
I really need your opinion on this. So I’m trying to prepare myself for a first date with my ex. I recently cut NC and we havent seen or talked about the breakup in 3 months.
Our last encounter was not a good memory – I fought, begged, pleaded, pointed fingers, gave ultamatims, tried to reason with him in any way to win him back – nothing worked.
He’s up for meeting up for a coffee date. I want to make sure were having a good time, but I also would like him to know that I’m sorry for how I handled the breakup – by owning up to my mistakes and being a woman about it and that I’m not that crazy person I used to be. I want him to know I understand from his side what he mustve felt when things went south (see, I want him back). I dont know if its a good idea to say all of that on the first date since it says not to talk about the relationship. In this case though i’m not picking a fight or pointing fingers, I simply just want to sincerely apologize. What should I do?
Anna Ruth Hall
April 7, 2014 at 12:34 am
Hi EM! So your date may have already passed, and if it did I really hope it went well.
But if it didn’t, then I say NO don’t apologize as much as you want to.
It’s true, I’m not Chris Seiter, but today, I did go on the first date with my ex boyfriend and going into it I really really really wanted to apologize also, because the last encounter ended similarly to how yours seems to have gone. However, BECAUSE this last encounter went to poorly for both of us, it is well-advised to keep his mind off of that last encounter. Think of this first date as fresh start.
As tough as it is, I recommend not apologizing. I didn’t apologize today and the date went well. Instead, I acted really kind but not overly so and gave off the “friend-vibe” Chris talks about.
It worked for me, so I’m sure it will work for you too! 🙂
~Anna Hall
March 27, 2014 at 5:05 pm
Hi, chris, so i followed all the steps NC and the proper textin, n finally got a date , he said he wanted to see me, we met up lastnite n i did eriting right it was light n frendly n fun!, wen i was about to leave, he held me and kissed me, i instantly felt the love agen like wen we first kissed about 2 years ago!, he felt it too cuz he pulled away and said its a long time he havent felt like dat! bt da problem is we continued kissin, and we had sex… i know i was wrong. and the thing is i think he has a girlfren. i dont know how to remedy this situation or wat steps to take now. Please for some advice. Thanks in advance.
March 31, 2014 at 2:01 pm
chris can plz respond i really need ur advice! :(((
March 31, 2014 at 3:55 pm
Ok, I am responding. Sorry about that. How can I help?
April 1, 2014 at 4:59 pm
ok so i followed all the steps NC and the proper textin, n finally got a date , he said he wanted to see me, we met up lastnite n i did eriting right it was light n frendly n fun!, wen i was about to leave, he held me and kissed me, i instantly felt the love agen like wen we first kissed about 2 years ago!, he felt it too cuz he pulled away and said its a long time he havent felt like dat! bt da problem is we continued kissin, and we had sex… i know i was wrong. and the thing is i think he has a girlfren. i dont know how to remedy this situation or wat steps to take now. Please for some advice.
March 26, 2014 at 6:58 pm
Mannnn I’m feeling good! My ex and I have been broken up for about 5 months now. We went through a NC period for 2 of those months, and we’ve had a lot more downs than ups during these 5 months. We’ve fought, deleted and readded each other’s #’s, gone out with other people, told the other we never want to be with them again, etc. It felt hopeless and I really was ready to give up, I had officially decided I was just gonna go into NC for good and do my best to move on.
The very next day after I decided that, I get a call from him. We talked on the phone for 2 hours, and he told me that he still has feelings for me, he always has, and that he’s been thinking a lot lately and he wants things to be good with us again. He said he misses talking to me all day, and being best friends, and just acting dumb together. Then he said that he wished I was there and he wanted to kiss me.
I still wasn’t sure, and I told him that we can start hanging out again but I’m not going to kiss him. He kept saying how badly he wanted to, but I still said no. Last night we went to the movies together, the first time since October. We joked around a lot, held hands for like a second, leaned our heads over on each other’s shoulders, he moved my legs over onto his. At one point he leaned in and put his forehead against mine but we never kissed. After the movie we talked next to my car for a little bit and hugged goodbye, and he asked me if I wanted to hang out again next week.
We’ve been texting today, and everything feels like it’s going good. I’m trying to take things slow, but I’m just really excited for what might happen! I still have my guard up but idk, things feel good. I’ve been getting a lot of tips from this site, so thanks 🙂
March 27, 2014 at 11:06 pm
I am so happy you are feeling good.
So so happy!
March 14, 2014 at 5:47 pm
Advice from anyone would be awesome!!
I am at the stage where I am asking my ex on a “date” so I called him yesterday and asked if he wanted to go for a walk over spring break to catch up on stuff and he sounded willing. The only problem was that he was very vague about when he would be in town. He said he didn’t know so I told him to text me when he found out the dates that he would be available and he said ok. He has been known to blow off plans with me/ignore me in the past so do you think I should bring it up again in a few days or do nothing?
February 25, 2014 at 9:29 pm
Chris, I need help fast. At the end of NC, I basically told my ex I have some of his stuff and he responded positively/neutrally right away. (I know, I know, should’ve gone for a positive memory but I chickened out). How should I act? Chat with him and casually mention hanging out in the future?
February 20, 2014 at 12:56 am
Hey Chris me and my ex are neighbors (talk about seein him everyday). Anyway I live in AZ and we both live on the same mountain. I was wondering would hike be to over the top for our first date? We used to go on hikes once a week(it was our shared thing). I just was wondering because I want to seem uniterested/interested. So I was going to text him saying going on a hike do you want to join?
February 20, 2014 at 7:42 pm
You live on a mountain????
I think a hike is fantastic.
February 20, 2014 at 9:00 pm
Yep and it’s actually common were I live (The houses on mountains part ) 🙂
February 21, 2014 at 6:08 pm
That may be the coolest thing I have heard.
January 31, 2014 at 8:02 am
Hi, Chris! I wish I had seen this page I went on that critical first date with my ex. He hasn’t made specific plans with me for a second date, though he tried to make impromptu plans. If I give some back story, could you possibly give me some advice?
Who asked for the date: he did, after a little over 30 days of NC. After apologizing for having been such a jerk before, saying he was completely in the wrong and I didn’t deserve it, and he wants to make it up to me.
How the date went: he stood up when I came to the table, but I didn’t think to hug him. We also did briefly discuss the failed relationship. So two strikes. But he said he wanted me back, and asked if I would be interested in trying again (though he was offering me less time and commitment than we had before, which I said seemed like a less than attractive offer). But still, at the end of the date, I said cautiously that yes, I wanted to try.
The date was exactly one hour, as I had to leave for another appointment. He took my hand at the end of the date, held it while looking into my eyes, then asked for a hug when I got up to leave. The hug was sort of medium-length. We agreed to continue talking and negotiating about how to get back together, but he didn’t make specific plans with me.
A few days later, on a Saturday, he text’d me around 5, asking if I was free at 6. I was driving back from a snowshoeing day trip, and said so–and that I likely wouldn’t be home until very late. Besides the fact that it was true, I was also a little annoyed that he would ping me on a Saturday at 5 and expect me to be available, just like that. He knows I’m a very busy person with lots of friends and interests, and my weekends book up well in advance. (Also, I didn’t think it would be a good move to race back to town and chance a speeding ticket–not only would it put me at risk, but it would make me appear desperate.)
So essentially, I turned down the second date, but for the very good reason that I was 60 miles away. But I added that we should get together to talk again soon. He said yes, we will.
But that was almost a week ago. Since then, he has been kind of curt with me in text. I’m still ending the conversations first, and usually for perfectly valid reasons like work meetings (we are both busy professionals). But he still hasn’t made specific advance plans to meet with me again to continue talking.
Did I blow it on that first date? Did I blow it by turning down the impromptu date?
Help me, Obi-Chris Kenobi…you’re my only hope.
January 31, 2014 at 8:03 am
That first sentence should have been, “I wish I had seen this page before I went on that critical first date with my ex.”
January 18, 2014 at 12:33 pm
Loved this article, thank you so much! I’m seeing my ex boyfriend for the first time since I ended N.C this week. He’s currently in a rebound relationship. Does this change anything that you mentioned above?
Thank you!
January 20, 2014 at 12:30 am
Maybe just no kissing.
January 15, 2014 at 9:06 pm
Hi Chris,
My ex invited me to his house. He invited me over but I declined because I was busy that day and I don’t want him to think I’m always available or that I will drop what I am doing. So we decided on a different day. Unfortunately, I had to cancel due to a family emergency. We have not seen each other in 4 months and I completed NC however we have not had a phone conversation yet; we just text. Anyway, I have mixed emotions about going to his house, since we have not seen each other shouldn’t we start over and go on a date? I don’t want to pick where we left off. Nonetheless, I don’t know what to expect. We have not discussed why we broke up (he just stopped talking to me suddenly). What do you think? Should I go to his house or suggest that we go out? Thank you.
January 16, 2014 at 5:40 pm
He never even discussed? The two of you haven’t had a breakup talk yet?
January 16, 2014 at 8:44 pm
No break up talk yet. On New Year’s day he told me he misses me (I call that New Year’s fever), however I had a really bad cold for two weeks and he has a virus. A couple of days ago he texted me and asked me if I was still sick and when I responded no invited me over “for a little bit”. However, we have not had the break up conversation yet. This is why I’m nervous about going to his house. Any thoughts or advice?
January 11, 2014 at 7:27 pm
Hi Chris,
Thanks for ‘betraying’ your gender, and giving us girls great advice. Your website is detailed, informative and best of it, 100% accurate, so thank you 🙂
I’ve a question. After 3 weeks of NC, he contacted me. I was curt bc I wanted to end the convo (it hasn’t been 30 days of NC yet). He was relentless (out of character), and wants to meet up to return my clothes, etc. He told me several times that I can call him whenever I want, and he’ll come meet up with me. I want him back, but am not in a rush to see him (I kinda want to punish him a little longer for blindsiding me with the breakup haha). From a guy’s perspective, is this helping or hurting me?
January 10, 2014 at 5:01 pm
Hello Chris
When you correctly get to the point of having a date with the ex (correctly meaning no contact rule, positive response, etc), what if he has moved one state over from where I live? I plan on driving there because before we broke up over 2 months ago, we were planning on moving to this state together until we got into a fight the day before leaving. Plus, he wants to show me his new place and I don’t mind getting out of my hometown for a weekend. You said the first date should be no more than an hour but in this case, I’m not going to drive all the way there and back just for that. I was planning on staying there for a weekend. I was still planning on taking things slow and not having any pressure and jump into having sex right away. I think it would give us a chance to talk too. And by the way,he asked me to come there, I did not suggest it or ask him. So if I’m spending a wknd where he lives out of town, and this is our first date, what do you suggest?
January 7, 2014 at 5:10 pm
Hi Chris,
My ex and I broke up a couple of months ago. I applied the no contact rule for about a month and a half and then send him a text. He responded positively and asked if I wanted to meet sometime to catch up. I said yeah, that’s fine (i didn’t want to come across too eager). At new year’s he sent me a text saying he really hoped 2014 would be a great year for me. This all seems really positive, but the problem is since the breakup I moved away. So we don’t live in the same city anymore. He doesn’t know this and it would make meeting up quite difficult. Also I haven’t heard anything since that last text, so i’m not sure he still wants to meet. What do I do?
January 3, 2014 at 6:23 am
My ex broke up with me about 3 months ago. I did no contact for 30 days. We broke up in a pretty positive way, there was no yelling or screaming at each other. We both told each other that the break up was for the better and told each other that we will always care for one another. Since then any time we have communicated we have both been polite with eachother. (Ex- I told him I was having a good time back home spending the holidays with family and he responded back with, “im happy you are having a good time”) The situation we where in just made it difficult to be together. We just started long distance and I had to focus on my new job while he had to focus on his. Plus, both of us were new to big cities and had to take time away from each other to make friends and get our own lives settled in. He said he had to end things because I became too controlling.. and I agree that I did. I was under a lot of pressure moving and finding a job that I became difficult to deal with. Since the no contact we had talked on the phone twice and texted three times. The calls where about an hour and the texts where always short. Basically just wishing each other a happy holiday and some quick joke. Now he told me that he will be around my area for a day for work stuff and wants to meet up for a little bit. I still completely love him. Im not sure if he wants to maintain a friendship or is actually showing a sign that there is a chance for us to get back together.
January 3, 2014 at 8:02 pm
I think its positive.
December 30, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Hey Chris!
I been on your other pages a few times so I think you might remember my story a bit well, I did all those texts like you said I should do and well we talked about some of the good times and its been over 2 months and well 1 months since we lasted talked and so I went out of my way and just said something I knew he would laugh about and which he did. so i just asked him how he was doing and like how school went and work adn he would ask me the same stuff adn I said how Im gonna get another job adn starting to move and so its all good from then adn then he said after the gym he was gonna call me. So he did and well we talked and I guess he started talking about the past of us and well I sort of was telling him some things I felt that I never got to say to him and well it wasnt suppose to be like that and so i randomly would talk about other stuff and so then I mention i was going into town this week (it was a monday i was talking with him and friday i was going into town, this happened last week) So he told me he would meet up with me when i was in town that day. i was shocked and said alright see ya then. Christmas came and we both said merry christmas to each other which was good. So then friday comes along I go to my interview for this new job in the morning and well i asked him when we were meeting up and he said at 2 at a starbucks and that it wont last longer than 20 mins cuz he had stuff to do and I said okay that sounds good. So well the vet place I went to they couldnt see me then cuz they had stuff to do even though they told me to come in. So it didnt start the day off to well. So I went around other places and then finally i went to where we were gonna meet up and i got there early. I looked my best and actually wore a good outfit which I knew it was his favorite. So then he comes up and I got out of my car and I can tell that it wont awkward now. So I go by his car and we actually sat in his car outside of starbucks. ( we use to do this actually sometimes after work or any other time to just talk) So we started off asking how school, work, everything else was going, anything new and like at first he kept his sunglasses on and wouldnt look at me. So i told him to take them off and well then i started to tell him how some things that have happened shouldnt have, he would tear me down at times when he was stressed with things, and he goes into saying that hes not in love with me anymore since we kept fighting being away on the phone and like it got him annoyed alot and upset adn same with me. I told him that whenever he came to visit me i was trying to work on it but it seemed he didnt even notice and like he felt really bad, im like not trying to get things back together just work on being friends cuz you know ppl alwasy fall back in love with each other again. He said he still likes and loves me but not like before. I asked when did this start he said a few months agoo beofre we broke up which make sense cuz he was alwasy harsh and insult me at times and like always got angry at me and i got upset and tried even harder to fix things. but then he told me that we can see each other again maybe when im moving back. During this time we talked about the old times adn he was saying he stil lives at home, wants to move out but has no money, still has the same job and like he just wants his own place to be on his own. I said that why did he get so angry adn stuff and he said his medicine he takes for depreseion has so many side effects. He had one that made him sleep all day, one that made him not eat, one that made him gain weight, like he changes them so often thats why in a way he said he doesnt get excited for things or even be happy or sad or anything. He does show it on his face or how he acts. Hes lke thats why you thought i didnt want to have sex cuz it was you but it wasnt it was my medicine. it made him get all hot all the time and just so many he has used and this one now makes him get so annoyed and angry. So it was like 3 hours past by and like i should have left and everything but my feelings were coming back in a way like it felt nice we got to be talking about his fam and stuff going on at work and just random things and well sort of us but i tried to change it when it was brought up. so he said he had to go somewhere and i was like well i didnt eat anything want to eat something and he kepy saying no and that maybe next time we can get somethng to eat. I wish i left when he said this but idk i sat in his car and jus still talked to him cuz i was scared to leave that iw asnt gonna see him again. So i like didnt leave and he sort of got mad and stuff and like i told him i had to go check these apartments out so he siad he would show me the light to where the place is to follow him, so i did and like the place was closed and he stopped at this auto zone on the side so i pulled in which i shouldnt have, so then i got out to talk with him and like said i didnt eat anything all day and just idk didnt want to eat alone ( iknow i shouldnt have said any of this but idk why my feelings were telling me one thing again cuz i went in with a logical mind but my feelings just liked his company and idk felt sort of good.) but then hes like no he had to go to stores and meet his friends later. So then im like okay well maybe next time im in town he said if he didnt have plans he prob owuld have and we should have eaten something eaelier instead of in his car. So then he said he has to go to target so i said i have to use the restroom before i drove back home 3 hours away so he said to follow him so i did and we went in there adn was just talked and said hes meeting his friends in 30 mins so he had to go. So then we sat in the parking lot aferwards and he said he had to go home and change and that he owuld talk to me later and idk i just like hated how i knew he was angry at me adn i was scared to leave again. So then hes like telling me i should go eat something then see my friends. So then he left and it was a good note from the beginning and so i called him to apologize adn he got all nasty at me and hung up! Im like in person he doesnt talk mean to me but when hes away from me he does. So he went to his house and like i went by to apologize for how this all went down cuz i hated how i didnt leave when i should haev and al and lieks i have to go and just i feel like i ruined my chances cuz my heart all hurts now and like hes all well i told my mom we were meeting up as friends adn stuff and she didnt think it was a good idea and like i asked him earlier if he told anyone and he said no im like why did you lie about that? he said he didnt know how to tell me. So then he like was backing out of his car adn all and just said he would talk to me later and everything and he knows i love him and all. So then after that i felt like crap cuz i feel i messed up big time. So i went by my friends to talk to her before i drove home. He told me to text him when i got home so he knew i was safe. But earlier he told me he was going out to eat with his friends so thats why he couldnt eat with me so then after i got home i saw online he wasnt out eating he went to a hookah bar with those girls and some guys and all i didnt like at all you know and im like im home but why lie to me? He said he doesnt haev to tell me anything whats going and that after today what i put him through he doesnt know to be friends and then he said just get over it cuz i told him i felt so bad and that idk i felt good hanging out and he said i didnt respect his feelings when he had to leave and all and that like all he wanted was to just talk to me and say he wasnt ready to date me again and that it was gonna end good but i did ruin it and i didnt mean it to be crazy and all he told me to follow him to the stores but then he said he really didn twant me to and then says im this crazy person and that he could get a restraining order im like really there is no need to do that denton..and he said he tired of respecting and caring about my feelings and that he doesnt know if we can meet up again when im in town this next week hes not ready to do that yet. and so my question is, i know i did somethings i shouldnt have and i know hes angry and i let him cool down but i just hope to become friends again and just should i do the no contact thing for 15 or 30 days? Hes gotten so mean lately but not to my face only on his phone. He said hes happier by himself too for now so he can do his own things and he said its nothing new same stuff as when me and him dated and like the big thing we realize is that communication wasnt put in alot as we thought it was. at least i tried but since hes an independent person he likes to keep to himself when sometimes thats not good. I just hope one day to start over again. but now i gave him a bad impression of me adn now i dont know what to do next. any suggestions???
January 1, 2014 at 10:35 pm
I really think you should do the NC for 30 days.
January 2, 2014 at 5:55 am
Okay I am doing that! And thanks for reading my long message 🙂 you think he said those things out of anger? I know I messed it up but he didn’t have to speak to me so rudely. I think I wouldn’t make that mistake again. And I would start the whole thing all over?
January 3, 2014 at 2:09 am
So you think what he said was cuz he’s still hurt about us?
January 4, 2014 at 7:11 am
So no contact and start the process all over again? Btw you think he’s still hurt from the break up or even said mean things cuz in a way he’s still hurt from it all? Cuz I know guys can hide how they really feel inside.
January 6, 2014 at 2:15 am
Maybe 30 days NC is all I have to do again. But not sure how this will happen again. Why would someone act in such a harsh way?
December 28, 2013 at 1:38 pm
Hey Chris! I’ve got a question. You mentioned in your article that you can use two tactics to ask your ex out. Now if you were my ex boyfriend and if I asked you a week early to meet up when would you most likely reply and why?
December 27, 2013 at 4:39 pm
Hey Chris! I took your advice on being classy! Anyway little recap I finally understood why my ex is ignoring me and after about a week of no contact during which he initiated contact once I texted him and he replied. We talk for a bit like 2 or 3 texts per day. Finally I asked him for a casual meet up on new years eve which would last under an hour and he hasn’t respoded
It hasn’t been even a day and I figured he would want time to think it through. I didn’t call him cos he prefers texting even when we were together cos he doesn’t have a lot of privacy and I wanted to give him time to think things through.
What do you think is going through his head right now? How long should I wait before contacting him again asking if he has made his mind?
December 27, 2013 at 12:01 am
Hi Chris,
I need some input from someone who knows how men think and feel. I met up with my ex today. We separated after a couple months of dating because we live in different states and we decided not to do long distance. I missed him terribly after he left, but I implemented the no contact rule and worked on “improving myself” in the meantime. We’re from the same hometown and met up once over thanksgiving break really briefly just to catch up. Nothing really happened on that date. I just met up with him again, and this time, he made moves on me. He started by kissing my forehead and asked for a “no-obligations kiss.” At first, I resisted kissing him, but I really missed him. One thing led to another, and we started making out. He described this as “having fun with a really good friend,” which kind of bothered me. I wanted to express how uncomfortable with that idea, but I lacked the courage to do so. Later that afternoon, as we were grabbing coffee, I finally spat it out and told him that I didn’t want to be friends with benefits because I was uncomfortable with that, and I also wanted to live up to the standards I set for myself. He was very understanding of it and said that he would still want to continue being friends with me because he values what we have and didn’t want to lose me.
My question for you is… was I wrong for letting it get to the making out, knowing that I was uncomfortable with the idea of being friends with benefits? And have I ruined all chances of getting back with him? Does he see me only as a hook-up buddy? Ugh. I don’t understand guys at all.
December 27, 2013 at 7:21 pm
yes and no.
It all depends on what happens next. Is he hooked and will he come back for more. Lets just see what happens.
Don’t be friends with benefits though.
December 23, 2013 at 8:25 am
Hi Chris,
I’ve already written you but the situation changed and I’d like to know your opinion. We split up 10 months ago. After a few weeks he started to date someone else (rebound) and he split up with her a mnoth ago. All the time he kept in contact with me, in fact we were without contact max.2 weeks. Since that time I tried to follow all your advices I was nice, tolerant I think he really trusted me. In last two weeks we saw each other 3 times it was nice I think we both started to feel comfortable. Two days ago I saw that he put his rebound on his fb (to friends) again and It really made me feel sad. I wrote something like:”Ok I’m not going to disturb you if you have your friend on fb again”. I know I could write in different way, but is it really so offensive? He wrote yesterday that he started to feel quite strong feeling to me but everything is away because of what I wrote and that it reminds him of our arguing and that he doesn’s see the future for us. I suggested to stop contact completely for 1 month and then to meet and discuss it. He agreed. What do you think about it? Can it help?
December 23, 2013 at 8:28 pm
I think it can..
December 24, 2013 at 8:47 am
Thanks Chris, why do you think he behaved so dramatically? To spoilt everything we’ve built for last few weeks or months just because of 1 sentence. I think his feelings are changing all the time, he feels confused… From male point of you, if you feel strong feeling to someone and she hurt you, what is happening in your mind during NC period? Do you have any personal experience or experience of your friends? Thanks a lot and merry Christmas to you.
December 24, 2013 at 7:31 pm
From my point of view…. I am upset, disappointed, sad, depressed, missing the girl and a lot of other stuff.
December 21, 2013 at 7:14 pm
So I’ve asked my ex to hang out with me and he has said yes. We are going to Costa. I’ve asked him out, I’ve established that I am the puller. I’ve tried to keep it casual and have told him that I will confirm the details later (he didn’t respond – grrrr) I don’t intend to get back to him for like another week.
Any other tips?
Would he say yes, even if he is completely not interested?