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1,034 thoughts on “What To Do When The No Contact Rule Doesn’t Work”

  1. D

    October 16, 2016 at 6:46 pm


    briefly, he dumped me, i did nc after 2 weeks of fighting for more than 2 months, i didn’t mean to get him return.. it was the only thing i could have done, i couldn’t stop myself thinking of him though… so i emailed him to say i was on the route we’d come together last year, i recieved a call from a guy pretented calling by mistake, after 2 weeks i text him on telegram to say i would’nt be upset if he blocked me again, not happy nor upset if he explained why he’d dumped me… he didn’t block me, didn’t text me back though… so what’s next step? should i text him again? have no idea what to say anymore… should i give up on him?

  2. Emma

    October 15, 2016 at 10:56 am

    My ex and i broke up after an argument where he said lets break up and i didnt fight for him as i was hurt. It has been 5 months. Day after break up he asked to just have a break, we argued again, it become friends, we had another argument which then he blocked contact. After 2 weeks he started speaking and we have been chatting last 3mths he told me he does not want a relationship right now with me or anyone and i started to miss him and told him how i still had feelings and wanted him back. He told me he does not love me anymore or anyone, i let us go he just stuck to his word, it has been 5mths and life goes on and has now sent me a message “please dont message me anymore. Thanks” should i initiate no contact now even though its on his terms. Will he still wonder what i am doing and start to miss me or is there no point now as it has been 5mths too much time has gone past to drift apart? Please help.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 16, 2016 at 4:12 pm

      Hi Emma,

      why would you message him when he just said not to message him? I think he wants you to move on because he already has.. If you still want to try, messaging him now is not the best option.. There’s no guarantee that the no contact rule will work but for a chance of a restart, that’s what you need to do.. He has to think you’re either moving on or moved on and that when you start messaging you’re just being friendly and not trying to get him back.. That way, you can slowly build rapport.

  3. A

    October 14, 2016 at 8:42 am

    My boyfriend of 6 years broke up with me 4 days ago. Prior to the break up, I had taken a contract in another country to do some work there for 4.5 months. Nearly two months after he left, I went over there and visited for 9 weeks. We ended up living together in a tiny hotel room which brought its fair share of problems and issues with it. We did argue and fight quite frequently there I guess that is where I started pushing him away with my actions. I have kind of always had trust issues and have dealt with my fair share of insecurities and jealousy. I know that this did a lot of damage in the relationship. I was supposed to leave after 8 weeks but had to push my departure time back a week due to getting extremely sick and unable to fly. During the extra week I was there, we fought even more so because he had made a comment about wanting me to go home so that he could have his personal space and just be to himself. While this was very hurtful for me to hear, I knew that he needed it but I was worried that during our time away, that he would start doubting our relationship even more so. During my stay though, he would randomly talk about our future, such as wedding cakes and children, and the plan was for us to move in together after he got back home. I was back here 12 days before he turned back to the states. After I left, he started going out more and barely communicating with me and that also created problems. He ended up having his mom pick him up from the airport where he ended up getting horrible news about his brother. I knew that he was going to get the news so I backed off, didn’t say anything to him, and gave him some time and space to process what had happened. After I came back to the states, I went and saw my doctor and having been looking at going to therapy for my underlying issues that hurt my relationship. I already started taking steps in the right direction. Two days after he arrived back home, I got a message from him saying, Good morning babe. Sorry I have been so distant. I will come over to your house later tonight. I love you.” So, fast forward 8 hours later, he comes over to my house and I walk outside and run and give him a big hug, which he ends up pushing away from me. I knew right there that something was so desperately wrong. He told me that while he loved me and his feelings hadn’t changed for me, he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. I asked him why naturally. He said that he didn’t want to take the time or the energy to focus on a relationship anymore and that I have a lot of things that I need to change about myself in order to be able to have a relationship with anyone. He told me that he only wants to focus on himself and nothing else. He said that he had been dreading breaking up with me and that it was breaking his heart that he had to do so but that it was the best thing for him. I did a little begging of, why can’t you just give it a week because I haven’t seen you in 2 weeks and I have missed you since I left. No budge. I said so this means that there is no future for you and I and he said no. I told him that while it hurts that he broke up with me, that he has to do what he thinks is best and that I am here if he needs me. I asked him one more time if he was for sure and he said yes, I just need space, told me he loved me, that I wouldn’t hear or see from him anymore, and then drove off. I deleted all his contact information out of my phone as well as texting threads so I wouldn’t have the idea to go back and re-read everything making myself unhappy. It has been 4 days. I haven’t heard anything from him and I haven’t reached out to him either. I started the NC rule. I do miss him and hope for him to change his mind and come back. This happened another time 3 years ago after he had taken a contract again before. I have hopes that he will change his mind but then again I have my reservations that I damaged the relationship too much. Any advice on what I should continue to do or if you think there might be some hope in my situation?

  4. Heartbroken

    October 13, 2016 at 5:31 am

    I need help to heal for the sake of my children from my ex. I love him but I hate what he has done to me. He has attempted to implement no contact rule and he already broke it after 12 days since I left him 4 weeks ago he has bombarded me with emails professing his love and to forgive him and he wants me back blahblah blah lie lielie here’s the messed up part he has a live in girlfriend only there a month he failed to mention while I was there with him! It sucks that we have children together and we were together for 7 years. I was completely blindsided by his initial charm in the beginning but knew something was off about him I just didn’t go with my gut feeling that he is a bad man. so I have implemented a 365 day no contact did I mention that I have unprofessionally labeled him as a narcissistic sociopath? Why is he harassing me when he doesn’t even ask for the kids and has a new girl?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 13, 2016 at 4:38 pm

      Hi Heartbroken,

      It’s better if you would have professional help for you to heal. But in regards with him doing that, it’s more probably because he’s trying to take his chances if you would bite into what he’s saying.

  5. Jinna

    October 13, 2016 at 4:34 am

    me nd my ex broke up one month ago,then i followed the nc rule.He blocked me on whtsapp.i was totally hurt .after 4-5 days there is another whatsapp installed by him in which i was not blocked.plzz pay attention at dis point,then gradually i found that he had just following me he never see onln for even couple of minutes but he continously checking out my status whatever things..but he never tried to msge me. neither he updated any status nor any specific Dp on his whatsapp. he is very stubborn and egostic person. main thing is that day by day i feel we are together except that we were nt msseging to each other.there is lack of only single first step. One month passed away, i am not that type of egostic person. after nc i initiated he rplied very neutrally nd he gave point to point answer which i asked about him nd his work. i got negative response by him i feel bad but i am strong women.He said nothing ,from the begning of us he always hides his all emotions.then what evrything was seems to gone. i lasty asked the truth bcz i have guts to face yes or no by saying this” may be you want to cme back but was unable jst because i contact you buddy”. Then after this the shocking moment arrived he denied and said No . means he was not trying to contact me. How can be possible why he pretended like this even i initiated and i said he was lying then he became angry. that time i was confuzed that were all misunderstanding during the online timings? i said gud bye again and blocked him.Plz analyse this my main point .After few hours i realized all things that continously around17-20 days i saw very nearly, him nd his timings onln. May be coinsdense for 1-4 times but never be 20 days i noticed him 3-4 time at one day daily. He never onln for couple of minutes only was just checking up my timing on whatsapp.How is this possible?From my side confirm he is lying but he will never accept this because of his stubborn nature.Now we are seprate.plzz tell me about this,his intension and what do you think about our worst situation. what to do ??? nd thanks for your this opportunity to post this.

    1. jinna

      October 20, 2016 at 3:02 pm

      gud evening …
      i want to say now that now he liked my recent profile pic on fb even we are not in touch ..and this type of activity never done by him whenever we apart in past. now ?? what to do now? should i also like his pic on his time line yes or no?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 22, 2016 at 11:31 am

      nope..just keep doing what you’re doing ..liking and checking his social media page is not advisable in no contact too..but it’s a good sign that he liked your pic

    3. jinna

      October 14, 2016 at 4:10 am

      Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions. I’ll follow all these points.
      If i restart this nc rule with improving myself. Don’t you think so that gap period will be become double. During this gap if he forgot me completly, or move on.
      possibility will becomes null may be.
      plz clear my doubt .
      thnks again now i will focuss on my studies, interviews.
      and my looks.
      i want to share one more thing during that nc time i tried to communicate with some new peoples but not works the excitment remains only for few hours then sudden all things comes to mind. I rejected two peoples approach just because lack of that feeling. i am not weak but truth is that i truly love him.
      any way see u after nc rule
      thnks again. 🙂

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 14, 2016 at 4:18 pm

      Well you don’t have to go through romantic dates, but it’s important to make new friends.. well,if you tried to talk to him, when he doesn’t want to talk to you will not help right? So, the gap, is not really a gap for him..it’s a breather.. take it as a chance to influence his thinking, that you’re not a chaser and you have your own life too.. let him miss you

    5. Jinna

      October 13, 2016 at 6:15 pm

      I realized that the way I asked him was completly wrong,you are right. Now i am very very sorry for that mistake. I had no idea this will be happen to me. During the nc nothing special kind of stuff did by me except some study.Not posted any special kind pics on facebook. one year connection. Exact before one month ago 30 th day i contact him. we both are 20 . breakup jst because of my small mistake by me i faught with him and i also said him sorry for that then we continued nd after few days he broke up and I said gudbye to him. You are right jst lack of patience ..i was trying to listen by him only “yes” after knowing that he is too stubborn. The past is gone,i can’t change it but now i want to alert for each small step.

      plzz tell me is he hates me right now? or has soft corner for me? i have no idea about male mind what is he thinking about me right now?
      truth is that i really care for him.Now what to do????
      i even can’t understand.
      tell me about the procedure to get him back. Nc rule was working but i ruined every thing jst bcz i really don’t know what would i say to him?
      Is he missing me?
      want him back as long as tym taken by all rules i’ll wait for him but silently. plzz say what to do…. 🙁

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 13, 2016 at 8:56 pm

      There’s no guarantee that the nc rule will get him back.. it can only help to increase your chances.. but you actually need to restart it because the most important part of no contact is that you improve yourself in health, wealth and relationship aspects.. You need to improve your looks, learn new things and meet new people and be active in social media.. He has to think that you’re moving on and improving.. Go to classes or volunteer to make new friends and then after that, slowly rebuild rapport with him while continuing the routine you started during nc..

    7. Jinna

      October 13, 2016 at 11:40 am

      reply fast please..

    8. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 13, 2016 at 3:34 pm

      Hi Jinna,

      He may have been checking up on you in Whatsapp, that can mean he misses you but that doesn’t mean he wants to go back with you. And also, the way you asked him was too forward, it was demanding, so he was annoyed with it.. And also, you rushed things.. After no contact, you’re supposed to slowly build rapport and attraction through texts firsts, then calls and then meet ups..

      I have a lot of questions too. How much did you improve during the no contact? How long was your relationship? How old are you both and when and why did you break up?

  6. jinna

    October 13, 2016 at 3:30 am

    me nd my ex broke up before one month ago,then i follow nc rule.

  7. Anna

    October 9, 2016 at 2:21 pm

    Hello, I’ve completed a strictly 30 days no contact rule, however I’ve found out my ex have blocked me on Facebook on the day 28, I swear I never post anything passive or desperate on my social networks, only pictures about me enjoying my life and work, also I wasn’t a gnat before entering no contact, his action confuses me and even though 30 day is up I still don’t have the guts to contact him, I hope to learn some wise suggestions from the EX Boyfriend Recovery Team, thank you ^_^

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 7:37 am

      Hi Anna,

      if you’re blocked in all forms of communication, you have to extend no contact.. If not, which ones are you not blocked with? If you’re not blocked in texting, and you text before, you can text.. just don’t bring up being blocked.. you’re going to look like you’re checking his social media profile

  8. Jhuma

    October 9, 2016 at 1:17 pm

    Me n bf were together for two months,he told me he thinks I flirt a lot .one day he saw a Facebook foto with one of his friends,he didn’t like us hanging out.n he broke up with me,it’s been almost one n a half month since then.i tried to explain,he is not ready to listen ,he said once he moves on he doesn’t look back.
    While we were together,we were both afraid of commitment but eventually we got really attached.
    Now his behavior surprises me,how can he be so stubborn.
    A week after the break up ,I stopped texting him.
    After about a weeks no contact ,he texted me wishing me birthday.
    We started chatting as friends,we even met once.after a couple of weeks I told him ,I still miss him. He was extremely rude to me.
    After that he replies to my msgs ,but it’s hardly any conversation.
    I really wanna get back but I don’t know what to do. Plz help

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 7:20 am

      Hi Jhuma,

      You can use the advice in the link I paste below.. but honestly for me, you were just together for two months, and yet, he doesn’t trust you and is being rude to you.. for me, you should move on..

      How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back If He Thinks You Cheated But You Didn’t

  9. Jhuma

    October 9, 2016 at 1:02 pm

    My bf broke up with almost one a day half month ago.i texted him n called him for a week ,then I stopped.after a week he messaged me birthday n we started talking as friends.then one day I called him n told him I still miss him,he was really rude ,told me I should move on.
    Then I texted him a couple of times,to wish him ,he replied.
    I don’t know what’s next .I want to get back with him.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 7:20 am

      Hi Jhuma,

      You can use the advice in the link I paste below.. but honestly for me, you were just together for two months, and yet, he doesn’t trust you and is being rude to you.. for me, you should move on..

      How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back If He Thinks You Cheated But You Didn’t

  10. Confidential

    October 7, 2016 at 11:39 pm

    Hi, I wonder if me and my ex will be back. We broke up because my parents doesn’t want me to be in a relationship. He just lets me go but I still want to fight for him. I started thd NC rule. After the 14th day, it was my birthday so I unblocked him and said we would still be friends. He just got so cold replies so I just didn’t mind him already. What should I do next? Why is he acting like that? We were together for 9 months. Thanks for your reply

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 10, 2016 at 1:47 pm

      Hi Confidential,

      how old are you both? And you have to restart the count of no contact.. from what you read, it sounds like you broke it too early, didn’t have a proper first contact and it looks like you weren’t focused in improving yourself right?

  11. Loraine

    October 7, 2016 at 3:21 pm

    This Sunday will be 3 weeks since my ex has dumped me, I failed hard afterwards and called him and txtd him saying let’s put this behind us start again, how much I loved him and didn’t want to loose him and reminded him of all the plans we had together, we have been dating since the beginning of the year but there is a big age gap between us, in the entire year this was our very first fight in almost a year and this fight resulted in him saying he did not think we should be together for right now, I spent 2 weeks trying to get in touch with him and he has ignored all my txts and calls, we had a lot of plans with each other we’re looking at rings and houses to buy we had a date set for our wedding already and after this big fight he ended it and just ignores me, I have given up reaching out to him and am now just leaving him alone, any advice?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 9, 2016 at 7:35 pm

      Hi Lorraine,

      do you want to do the no contact rule?

  12. Olivia

    October 6, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Hello! I was just wondering on how to approach my ex after no contact. My ex and I are both still in high school and seee each other quite regularly. He broke up with me because i did not trust him and acted as though i didn’t believe he loved me. This continued for a while and one day he just couldn’t take it anymore because he was always breaking down over the idea of making me mad, however he did say he still loved me. After the break up, I was quite needy and begged for him to come back. After a week, i asked if he still loved me and he said he didn’t think so but wouldn’t tell me why and said he couldn’t talk. After this I just accepted the break up and applied no contact. At school, we pass each other about once a day, but we avoid eye contact. He hasn’t told anybody about the break up except for one close friend, who is a girl, who I am quite concerned about. We just had school holidays and he was sad before the holidays, but now that we are back at school after that period of time, we are both composed and happy, however he doesn’t seem to want to speak with me. Sometimes i look at him to smile, but he looks straight forward. I applied no contact and it finishes soon. It is his birthday a few days after no contact finishes, and i don’t know whether or not to say a simple happy birthday and try to continue a conversation from there, and actually leave his birthday. I feel that he might think it is rude. What do I do at school to get his attention more and make him want to talk to me?

    1. Olivia

      October 10, 2016 at 6:24 am

      Should I just keep the birthday message simple? What do I say to make sure he’ll talk to me. We’re just school mates, we don’t share any classes together.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 10:13 am

      yes, make it simple.. Use a topic he loves talking about and check this one for a first contact text:
      EBR 053: Deconstructing The Perfect First Contact Text Message

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 9, 2016 at 11:15 am

      Hi Olivia,

      you can greet him because that’s after no contact.. if he’s not responding to you when you smile, that’s ok.. just keep being nice.. are you classmates or just school mates?

  13. Confidential

    October 5, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    I want to be friends with my ex bf but i dont want to be with hm because he smoke , drinks and he does cocaine. I love him but it seems like he loves his drugs more than me. On sunday i found out that he still have commnication with his ex gf who lives in Korea via facetime and he took a screenshot of her naked body and when i saw the date , i was shocked because were still together at that time. I feel betrayed, he just use me as a rebound. I want to do the no contact rule because I want to move on but its difficult because i want to talk to him like friends 🙁

  14. Arjun

    October 5, 2016 at 12:17 pm

    Hi, me and my girlfriend broke up around 35 days back. We both were from the same college. I completed my college last year and i am working now. And she has reached her final year of college. She is 21 and i am 25. Like many of the advisors on the internet suggesting the no contact rule, i applied it. We have had a lot of on and off scenes in our entire 1.5 yr old relationship. The no contact must have happened about 5 times in the entire duration of the relationship. Each of it must have lasted 15 to 30 days after say every 2 months or so. I did feel she could be cheating on me but no it wasnt the case. We just fought too much and equally loved and missed each other! But this time things were a little different. She told me stuff that no one can ever digest and that was regarding me not being able to afford a girlfriend! But knowing the person she is, i know its something else.
    Anyhow..so my concern is..firstly her birthday is coming up and i have not met her since 2 months. And i am blocked from every social media and calls. I cant contact her even if i have to. With what i saw from my friends profile is that she is perfectly unaffected it seems. Still partying and seems to be enjoying herself. We have had a very intense relationship..and like everytime i am really depressed, hurt and sitting home for ages! I just cant imagine life without her! I can tell you all in detail, but its like i cant breath without her. And have this pierced feeling within me! I desperately need your help!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 7, 2016 at 2:15 pm

      Hi Arjun,

      how much have you improved in health, wealth and relationships with your friends and relatives and in making new friends? What do you mean about her birthday? You wanted to greet her but you’re blocked? If you’re still blocked, then it’s better not to greet her in any other way.

  15. LD

    October 4, 2016 at 8:26 pm

    I went 30 days w/ no NC. on the 27th day he reached out to me regarding a gift/surprise and that he would drop it off. I did not respond, not til the 30 day rule. In which that morning i responded ” Hey good morning, surprised you texted and have a gift for me?” Since then there has been no response.

    We dated for 4 months, had a great time. but he had commitment issues. He eventually went on a break to see his family for 2.5 weeks, in which when he got back, he realized that he wasnt ready for a relationship and how much it ‘pained him’ he said there was something that was holding him back from committing to me.

    I do like him a lot, and have been trying to stay off the radar in hopes it works in my favor. I have pretty much adhered to the rules of NC, and the fact he texted me first, gave me a glimmer of hope. But now I am stuck.

    What should I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 6, 2016 at 9:39 pm

      Hi LD,

      you have to wait a week again before initiating contact.. I think it was a test text if you would reply.. because if he really was serious, he would have just sent it or replied to you.

  16. Juhi

    October 3, 2016 at 3:22 pm

    Hi I broke up with my ex coz he was rude to me and banged the phone twice on me. He wanted to time before that as he thinks i was doubting him which in my opinion were regular questions. We had physical relations in a span of two weeks and i think i got really into him and was looking for commitment and he wasnt. Anyways he said many times he loves but he has many other gals in his life. He tried to get in touch with me through calls, facebook, whatsapp and his brother but i rejected everything and tried to move on as i want him to fix his behavior. I have blocked him on all social media, including whatsapp and put all his number on auto reject. I miss him and wish he comes back one day. if i unblock him now will that seem needy? or show him that i forgave him? how do i ensure that he has an option to get in touch?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 5, 2016 at 10:37 pm

      Hi Juhl,
      dont unblock him now.. when did you break up, how long was the relationship and how old are you both?

  17. Becca

    October 1, 2016 at 4:15 pm

    Went 30 days NC to the letter (no word from him). 1st reach out text was “Sorry to bother you, but I think you still have a book of mine (name of book) If so, can you please drop it at the front desk of my office at your convenience ?” He replied 6 minutes later “Sorry about that. You’re right. I do have it. I’ll drop it off.
    I hope all is well with you.”
    I replied an hour later “Great! Thank you. Doing great! Was looking at cars the other day and saw a GMC truck just like yours and it made me think of you.” He has not replied to that yet, and it’s been 12 hours.
    Do I wait 30 days again? Stagger? I have an interesting text ready to go to hook him “You know how I kind of buy into the law of attraction? You would not believe what happened to my Jeep!”
    Is that good? What do you suggest for timeline on sending?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 4, 2016 at 5:08 pm

      Hi Becca,

      I have to ask first, why did you break up, how long were together and how old are you both? Honestly, the second attempt of text wasn’t really something he needed to reply.. it’s not that conversational. It’s like you just informed him after asking for your things.
      YOu don’t have to do another 30 days.. The text about the book is good, but what would you reply after he asks “what”? You need to think about topics that is interesting for him, not for you only. So, that he would be interested to talk

  18. joseph

    September 30, 2016 at 11:29 pm

    Hi there,

    I hope you can answer my question even though I am a guy as I am at a loss now…

    I have been together with my ex for almost six months when she decided to break up with me almost a month ago.. The reasons she gave was that she felt that things were awkward between us, she didn’t know much about me and I wasn’t able to emotionally support her… I have since sent her a text msg explaining to her that I have been filled with self doubt… Looking at the bad possible outcome.. I also was not able to control my emotions at times and Isnapped at her… All of which Ihave apologised during the 3rd week of no contact… She did not reply to that…

    She has also told me and her friends that she doesn’t wish to get back together…. And has totally ignored my instagram posts, gone out with friends everyday.. I think she is trying to forget about me totally….

    My question is… Is there a chance that we can get back together… I really love her and want to cherish her more now without taking her for granted… I am planning to go on no contact until she msges me… Since she is ignoring me and was the one who initiated the break up.. Is this the right path? She also mentioned she wish to be friends only.. To her friends and me..

    She has since gone on a holiday. For two weeks. I would really appreciate any feedback. Thank you..

    1. joseph

      October 7, 2016 at 12:14 am

      Thank you so much, amor. 🙂 I will try that.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 9, 2016 at 4:22 pm

      You’re welcome!

    3. joseph

      October 5, 2016 at 9:04 am

      Hi amor, just a reminder on my last question in case u missed it. Ty!

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 6, 2016 at 1:18 pm

      sorry Joseph, I just haven’t reached yours yet. yes, you have to initiate
      contact after no contact.. but you have to restart the count from the last day you attempted to contact her. and after 30 days from that, you will initiate contact. If she ignores your first contact text, wait a week before trying again. If she ignores it again, wait two weeks, before trying for the last time. And you’re just going to start out as friends. You have to build rapport and attraction through texting, calls and meet ups

    5. joseph

      October 4, 2016 at 7:40 am

      Hi Amor,

      Thank you for the advice.

      Yes, Ihave been working on improving myself. Have been reading, exercising (lost 5kg), spending more time with God.

      Does this mean I would have to be the one to break no contact? I mean.. I have been ignored on 2-3 .occasions.

      Another question would be on the part where u mentioned we can be friends again. Am I to assume that we cant progress further than that?

      Thank you,

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 3, 2016 at 3:30 pm

      Hi Joseph,

      we actually recommend to initiate a text message after no contact but I think you’re no contact is not really a no contact rule because you said you sent her a message in the third of week of not talking to each other and did you focus in improving yourself?

      So, this time, as a last step.. focus in improving yourself and having your own life so that when you initiate she would think you have moved on and she would be more comfortable starting out as friends with you again.

  19. Erica

    September 30, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    My ex broke up with me 2 months ago after being together for 2 years. Greatest guy I’ve ever been with, no question that he loved me but something triggered in him that made him want to be “left alone” to focus on himself. He has not slept with or started seeing anyone yet. Before even knowing the NC rule existed, I didn’t say a word for the first 3 weeks solid. After that I couldn’t hold back and contacted him. I don’t constantly contact him by any means, maybe since then once a week but unfortunately I’ve come off confused, sad and a little needy in the texts, as they are in reference to why our relationship ended. The only communication we’ve had is if I have texted him. He has told me he wants to left alone by “everyone” and i do think there are some deeper rooted issues as well. He is so strong willed and able to completely cut off communication and be “numb” to the situation, some of which I think is related to his military training and possibly PTSD. I guess my question is, if its been 2 months already and I have initiated contact in that time, is it pointless to try and start a NC rule now? Or should I just let it go?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 3, 2016 at 1:26 pm

      HI Erica,

      it’s not really that late. You can still try doing no contact as the last approach because the difference will be, after it, you won’t talk about the relationship.. Take it as a restart and then slowly build rapport.

  20. Alice

    September 28, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    is okay that I’m blocking my ex on social media during the no contact period or is that not reccomended ??

    1. Alice

      September 29, 2016 at 8:49 am

      is someone gonna answer please?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 30, 2016 at 10:14 am

      Hi Alice,
      sorry for the late reply.. nope.. dont do that..

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