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909 thoughts on “What Your Ex Boyfriend Says Vs. What He Really Means”

  1. Beth

    August 9, 2018 at 2:56 pm

    So… when my ex and I broke up (after 2.5 years) he asked if we could still be friends. I told him “no, if we break up this might be the last time you ever hear from me”. We broke up in person and I was the one to finally end it. He had given up trying to help the relationship and just didn’t see a way out. He said I was his best friend and he didn’t want to loose me. I started NC that night (12 days ago).

    Did I blow it?

  2. H

    August 8, 2018 at 10:08 pm

    Hey chris.
    My ex boyfriend and I broke up a week ago after we got back from a trip. We were together for almost 6 months. But around three months he started tell me he wanted to be alone. That he wasnt ready for a relationship. I tried to be reasonable with him because his last girlfriend treated him very bad. I’ve always tried to be patient and see his side of things and work on it together. But it’s like the more I tried the less interested he became. He told me we couldn’t go to California for my birthday because he was low on cash. But then later that week he bought a plane ticket to Panama to see his family. I wasnt invited. I got really upset. Then a week later he was invited to go on a cruise by his boss at work. He asked if I could come but said if I couldn’t he was going anyways. I couldn’t go and was devastated. I had asked him if he saw any kind of future with me. And he said he didnt know. That he was focused on himself and he knew that wasnt fair to me. So I told him we could take it one day at a time. He went on his cruise. And he messaged me the best he could and called when he made it back super excited. He said he missed me.Two weeks ago I asked him the question again about our future. He responded the same. So I told him we could date two more weeks and we could talk about what It meant for our relationship. He said he didnt want to wait two weeks. That as soon as we got back from the beach we were through. So when we left for the beach we had a great time. He was super supportive and loving. He had never acted quite that attracted to me before and i thought maybe he was changing his mind. But on the way home he said his mind hadn’t changed. I started crying and realized shortly after he was crying too. So several days later while arguing I called him and I told him I understood he was scared and had dreams. That I knew he loved me but he was holding himself back in life because he wouldn’t decide on anything to go after. He agreed with me. He said I knew his feelings better than anyone. He told me that there was nothing wrong with me. That I was a good woman. He just didnt like the arguing we would have because of his trips and how it made me feel that he didnt include me. He said he didnt want me to blame myself because it wasnt my fault. That he needed to be alone. He wasnt ready to be with someone. I’m on day 4 of no contact after I told him I felt he was making a mistake. The few times I called or texted him after the split he wanted to know where I was and what I was doing. Asking if I was going to a party. Etc etc. Which I thought was odd. And on Instagram I made it where he couldn’t see my stories for 2 days and he did the same thing to me when I realized it. When I took the block off he did the same. I feel like it’s a game. He was always very good to me but he was very contradictory. Which tells me he’s unsure about what he wants. I have your books I’m just unsure about what approach to take on someone who feels this isnt a mistake. Please explain to me what has been telling me. What’s really going on? I thought maybe he was cheating but he insists that isnt it.

  3. Lauren

    August 8, 2018 at 6:30 am

    My ex broke up with me 3 days ago after 6 months together (we had usual couple silly arguments but the majority of time we were great) he said he didn’t know what he wanted and thinks he should be with someone who’s opposite of him (not like me: easy going and chilled out). He wants to go back to Spain in a year or 2 and doesn’t think it’s realistic I’d be able to go because I can’t speak Spanish. He thinks he can do better than me (that’s my analysis) he’s never been with anyone longer than 4 months so I think he’s just freaking out cos it was getting serious. He said he might realise he’s an idiot. He text me to tell me he feels likes absolute shit and called me my nickname. I have to go pick up my stuff from his on Sunday (a week after he dumped me) should I do no contact from them? Should I make sure I look amazing and be really happy when I speak to him? Should I do no contact? Is it worth it? Do you think he likes me and he’s just freaking out?

  4. Hal

    August 7, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    Hey chris,
    My ex boyfriend and I broke up last week. I asked him if he saw a future with me and he said idk. We ended up taking a beach trip together and had an amazing time. But when we got back he broke up with me. We both cried. He said he wants to be alone. I am confused. He told me that I am an amazing person and it wasnt my fault. He just wants to be alone. He said he isnt ready for a relationship. Can you tell me what this means and what I should do? I believe what we had was real. We talked on the phone up until i started no contact two days ago. He kept asking me what i was doing and where i was going when i called so I started no contact because I’m confused. since then he has his privacy settings on Instagram where I cant see his stories. Is he just scared or did he really mean he wants to be alone? Please help.

  5. Lauren

    August 6, 2018 at 7:48 am

    My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday after 6 months. We had a good relationship. He’s never been with anyone longer than 4 months before and freaked out a couple of times with me before (classic commitment phobe) he said this is for the best, he thinks he should be with someone who’s opposite of him and compliments him. He has these unrealistically high expectations that I don’t meet. He says he’s confused, he doesn’t know what he wants & he might realise he’s an idiot but for now it’s for the best. After I left he text me calling me my nickname to say I left my stuff at his & then he text me again later asking if I’m okay I didn’t read either message… my question is do you think he’s serious? Is t really just that I’m not good enough and he can do better ? Do I do NC once I’ve got my stuff back?

  6. Lauren

    August 6, 2018 at 7:43 am

    Hi Amor,

    My ex broke up with me yesterday after 6 months together. He’s never been with anyone longer than 4 months before and isn’t good with feelings (aka a commitment phobe) he’s freaked out before and said he knows he’s freaking out but this time he said it’s for the best that we break up. He thinks the grass is greener & that he should have someone who is the opposite of him. He said he doesn’t know what he wants and he may realise he’s an idiot for breaking up with me but this is right thing for now (we had a great relationship & we had a lovely night together before he did this the next day) he says he’s selfish and I said he has these unrealistically high expectations and thinks he can find better.l when we’re all human so he won’t. He kept saying he cares about me. After he text me calling me my nickname to say i left stuff at his. Then he text me a while later again to ask if I’m okay? I didn’t read either message or reply. Do you really think he’s serious? That all his reasons are an excuse and I’m just not good enough? Should I do NC (once I get my stuff back) ?

  7. Μ.

    August 3, 2018 at 9:18 am

    I know I must calm down, I’m quite better now. It ‘s just I see I don ‘ t have any chance, tryied many things but didn t work. And some random girl comes and has it all. How Am I supposed to turn the attention to me when I ve already tried so many things!?

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 4, 2018 at 3:10 am

      I am proud of you M. Knowing is half the battle. Part of it is not dwelling on the past and embracing activities that take you forward. You should also consider my Private Facebook Support Group. Go to my home page to find more about it.

  8. m

    August 2, 2018 at 5:07 pm

    I’ m here writing about a boy again even though I ve promised myself I wouldn t. It s a boy from my village, always liked him but seemed so far away and the kind of chasing girls.Until 2 years ago he comes out of sudden where I was siting with my girlfriends and aks “accidentaly” who am i. Days after he reaches me at a cafe and asks if i’d like to meet him tonight. I was going through a difficult period and said to myself to say yes and give more chances without pushing situations and worry. i really thought it was a one time thing . turns out i really liked him and every now and then he texted me to meet. Eventually i invited him home since I was alone. After some days he came without telling me and rings my bell. he does come and check my house without telling me.Sometimes he opens up to me , talked me about his past,that he had a long relantionship that he can t get over. Also told me that with me it s not just sex but love. Even so when I leave from there he rarerly talks to me on fb or like my posts. Sometimes asks when I will come again, but lately he never talks to me or even say hi in public. Last time we met he was asking me things like if i had done something with someone else, if i have brought other guys at home, other time aked what was going on with some guy that was talking to me and things like that, but when i asked if he had done something with someone else he said yes and asked if it did matter. I didn t reply. He didnt talk to me or wished for my birthday.Now that i m here again for summer holidays he saw me my first week here when i was out saturday night and i returned home he showed up minutes after saying “i thought you would return this time”. It was really late,he stayed very little time And when he left said that we will talk again and “goodnight”. He hadhad to say goodnight since the first times we met. But a month passed and so sign of him. And to make matters worse, a girl we hang out with brought another girl here and immediately he talked to her,she gave him herfb,instagram in frond of me while i was trying to ignore him and he was talking to my friend next to me(?), he asked her go for an evening bath at the sea and next day he was out with them for coffee for hours,at the same cafe i was in. And im sure thethey were out together at night too… I m very devastated. He never sawed that kind of interest on me! Never invited me somewhere and he seems to talk to literally every girl but me! I don t know what to do! I m so frustrated i didn t sleep at all all night. I really havent talked to anyone about all this so i cant ask for any help or anything…please help me

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 3, 2018 at 12:26 am

      Hi M!

      I am sorry you are struggling, but remember, the focus is always to heal yourself first and find your emotional balance. Then you can make better decisions. Utilize the resources here on the site as my advice, ebooks, and tools will show you how you can take care of your personal recovery needs.

  9. Wishful Thinker

    August 1, 2018 at 4:48 pm

    Hi Chris,

    My situation is different and something I’m struggling to navigate through. I have a newly open marriage (married for 10 years) and I met a guy in an online open relationship group. We were long distance but feelings developed fast and heavy. After a week he was saying I was his girlfriend but then clarified that after our first meeting in person we would be dating as long as things went well. I told him I loved him first and he was happy he said but not ready to tell me that. Then a few days later we he said he can’t be with me and had been comparing me to his ex wife which caused him to end things. He saw similar traits in me and her and would call me the nice version of her but it bothered me he did that as she was abusive to him and I was not. We just shared similar thoughts about housework, normal things. The day after that happened we talked and I said it was unfair how he treated me and he agreed and asked to start over. We did. Things were great. We met and things were amazing. We missed each other and then we had a last minute visit and that’s when things were weird. He seemed distracted. He said he was ok but I knew something was not right. He had told me he felt he couldn’t be himself lately with me but I had been working on what was bothering him and he was proud of me. He said he loved me and thinks were great now that we had talked. Then after I got back from visiting him he broke up with me. I was devastated. I cried and cried and he said he never loved me and only said it because he thought it’s what I wanted to hear. I felt used and betrayed. Then he hung up on me part way through the call and when I tried calling back thinking the call dropped, I was blocked. My number and on Facebook. I finally was able reach him but he freaked on me and said he would talk to me in a few if he felt like talking. I was so hurt. My ex has a gf, still lives with his ex wife and has a friend I was worried about who entered his life after me that was just not sitting right. I didn’t care for her because of past drama surrounding her. Anyway, when we broke up a week later his friend messaged me saying to stop dragging things out. I hadn’t talked to him since the breakup. His gf was shocked he broke up with me and the way he did it. She even asked him to reach out to me. He said he was willing to talk when ready. That was 3 weeks ago. I even apologized to this friend because I didn’t like her. she asked me what I wanted exactly after our conversation and I said to talk to him. She said he needs time. He told his gf he felt bad for hurting me but why not tell me? I sent him an email asking to talk and I respect his choice not to date me anymore but I miss our friendship. I’m worried about him and his state of well-being. I did everything for him and he threw me away. He lets his ex wife treat him like crap, stay in the home and gets rid of me because I did too much for him and cared about him. Makes no sense. I don’t know what to do. Why did he block me? Say he never loved me? We were together for 2.5 months. I know, it was an intense connection for us both.

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 2, 2018 at 3:20 am

      Hi Wishful Thinker….sometimes guys just say stupid things. Its like almost in their DNA. I is hateful to tell someone you have been very close to that you don’t love him.

  10. Nahla

    July 30, 2018 at 8:02 pm

    My ex boyfriend and I been together for 4 months and recently this month he broke up with me twice once on July 5th then we got back together July 7th we was suppose to be starting our relationship over and then 9 days later he broke up with me again on July 16th I’ve been very depressed about it because I love him so much I reached out to him today and he told me he wants nothing to do with me and doesn’t want to give it another try so just please leave him alone and I’m so hurt by it because how can he go from loving me to hating me I feel that he hates me even though he said he never hated me but just his actions is hurtful…I just want to be with him and only him so does he mean what he say of him
    Not wanting nothing to do with me is there any hope for us

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 31, 2018 at 12:44 am

      Hi Nahla!

      That was pretty harsh thing for him to say to you, but know that some guys say stupid things they don’t really mean. They can be operating from a place of anger. I think a period of no contact and doing all the things to focus your needs and also advance your ex back plan should be your focus. Go to my website home page and tap into all the resources I make available to people there. You need an organized plan to advance your chances.

  11. Buttercup

    July 29, 2018 at 11:17 am

    My ex boyfriend dumped me to go back to his ex girlfriend. Before I left home I found out I was pregnant and he knew about it but denies it now .
    Since his with this girlfriend. I have been enduring all kinds of emotional and verbal abuse from her and him.They would call and say mean and horrible words.He would say in front of the girl that I need “dick in my life” his saying im so obsessed with him have threatned to kill myself.

    My blood pressure is so high. I was told if I don’t calm down I would lose the baby. This whole situation has affect me and the unborn child
    He doesn’t have a child and he choses to abuse us cause of his gf.

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 29, 2018 at 3:51 pm

      Hi Buttercup….I love the name you chose! I am sorry your ex dumped you to chase after an old flame. Perhaps it will result in a rebound considering their past history, though I don’t know if you would ever want this guy back considering his abuse. What is important going forward is your health and emotional healing. You should implement total no contact immediately and reach out to your family and loved ones for emotional support. Go visit my home page and check into my ebook, “The No Contact Rule Book” as much of it is about your personal recovery.

  12. Rimi

    April 25, 2018 at 5:22 pm


    Me and the ex dated for about two years. My mom isn’t very fond of him and she brewed a bit of trouble by sending him a message towards the starting of the relationship asking him to stay away from me(she has severe anxiety and anger issues). We initially had turbulence basis the message but we work it out and plan to get married.
    Anyway fast forward two years, I somehow manage to sooth things out with my family and get him to meet my folks. Since I come from an Indian background parents are quite involved in the marriage plans. My family meets his family and suggestion to finalise the dates comes up. His family doesn’t get back on the dates and my mother in spite of anger tells the ex that she isn’t supportive of th marriage if things keep panning out like this. Ex breaks up two weeks later despite me trying to apologize on behalf of my mother and gradually my parents respectively apologizing as well. Tried reasoning with him but it’s like a dead end. He keeps on telling me that I did not stand up for him and how my Mom will keep intervening in our relationship and I did not respect him which is why my mother got away with the messages.
    My question is that is this relationship even worth savjng? It seems to me that either he is running away from conflict or wasn’t invested enough and this is just a reason to call it quits.
    A bit of background-1 before dating me he was engaged to someone else(it was an arranged set up) and he ended it within three months. We started dating almost 9months of this event. 2. We have been in LDR since November last year when he got a job overseas.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 25, 2018 at 11:13 pm

      Hi Rimi…I think its worth exploring. It it doesn’t work out, then at least you will not have any regrets that you didn’t give it the best chance possible to succeed. Since families are involved in all this, it does make things a bit more complicated so let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he is the right guy for you. Maybe he isn’t. Time will tell and it seems like you have good instincts, so I think you will know in due time. Meanwhile, if you want to optimize your chances of getting back with him, I would advise you pick up a copy of my comprehensive ebook, Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro (go to website Menu/Products link). It will serve as your Companion Guide throughout this whole process. Let me know how it goes Rimi!

  13. Sara L

    April 24, 2018 at 9:33 pm

    “My Ex couldn’t commit. He didn’t feel a strong enough connection with you. He had a really bad past relationship causing commitment issues”

  14. Eva

    March 27, 2018 at 2:20 pm

    My Ex ..On OFF LDR… said all of these… at the moment he broke up again but his behaviour more and more changes.

    he said he doesnt see a future with me and that I shouldnt bother him any more and he wants to go the easy way.

    he is very sensitive..if not a committment phobe…and I have the feeling I hurt and scared him.
    after being a text gnat over the years it got better but now I got a small flash back unfortunately.

    I dont know what he means becauaw two days before split up we were super happy and fine.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 3, 2018 at 1:40 am

      May I ask you a question.

      You mention that you and your ex are in an on/off again relationship.

      Tell me about the previous times you got “on” again. How did you accomplish that?

    2. Eva

      April 3, 2018 at 11:04 am

      Hey Chris. well mostly waited bit after stopping gnatting (I read your advices a lot ;))and then talks and understanding and trying to built rapport.He needs a lot of understanding it seems.
      This time he came back after a huge apology from his side. he even considered to marry me..I was the one, but I am still sensitive and raw,my trust is very broken. Yet we tried.
      After a fight that i initiated this morning over something stupid (it was stupid and I tried to apologise), he snapped and blocked me everywhere. He then gets verbally abusive.
      Every new off time it gets worse his reactions get more extreme. I am tired atm.

    3. Chris Seiter

      April 4, 2018 at 1:10 am

      It’s kind of like quicksand, right?

      You feel like you are finally out of it and then it pulls you down again. I have been in a relationship like this before.

      I think it’s important to have clear boundaries set. Sometimes men need consequences if they mistreat you.

    4. Eva

      April 11, 2018 at 4:41 pm

      Oh yes I completely agree (nice picture with the sand 🙂 the more I think about it!)
      But how to make clear boundaries, when fear of his mood is huge and due to the tiring patterns? I am too empathic and understanding with him!

    5. Chris Seiter

      April 11, 2018 at 10:58 pm

      Hi Eva. I consider empathy a wonderful quality. It is usually the glue that makes relationships work. So you must be a wonderful person! Yep, moody people can wear on you. Just layout out your expectations and hold firm, then focus yourself on other things, like yourself and becoming the best YOU. However this turns out, you are going to be just fine. That I know.

  15. shasta

    March 7, 2018 at 6:34 am

    Hi I’m really confused at this point because I had a bf for 1.5 years, we broke up because he said he realised he never really did love me and just liked me because I loved him. So we broke up, but we had booked a trip that we decided to just go on as our ‘goodbye’ trip. I was heartbroken but accepted that I was not meant to be his and just focused on having a good time on the trip. We were in NC for two weeks and then got in contact in the last week before the trip, a month after we broke up.
    On the last day of the trip he says he realises how much I cared for him and that he doesn’t want to lose me and that he loves me after all. It is ironic because in fact he knows very little about me despite the fact we’ve been dating for over a year.
    He did this 180 turn when I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore and that I was tired of being the one loving him more and I didn’t want to do it anymore and go through the risk of breakup again (third time). He went to begging and pleading mode (very out of character for him because he’s emotionally detached) and said that he would promise to change and that he really loves me.
    I have seen something like this before in a friend who treated his gf really badly and she broke up with him for another guy which drove him berserk and he started begging and pleading with her. However she never did take him back and he got over it and in hindsight he wasn’t sure what drove him to do what he did.
    Anyway, although I still care for my ex, I don’t want to be involved with him if these emotions he’s experiencing are just his ego talking from being rejected. Because it’ll just fade out and he’ll revert to his old self even though he says he’s different, how can I know he’s being authentic?
    I’m so confused, I wish I could accept him but I’m so afraid he’ll go back to saying he doesn’t love me anymore because he’s done this twice already. HELP! I’m so torn…

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 10, 2018 at 8:33 pm

      Hi Shasta,

      I think you should move on because it looks like he’s just afraid to lose someone that cares for him..

  16. Jackie

    March 7, 2018 at 2:57 am

    Hi EBR..
    I was with my ex for 4 months, but in those 4 months we were extremely happy together, we never wanted to be apart. He said he found “the one” when he met me, his vision for our future is bright.
    He would meet me after work, take me out for dinner, etc. When we met at clicked instantly, we had many things in common and would often stay up late having deep conversations. Lately things weren’t as great as they used to be, he was pressured to get a job while continuing his studies. While this happens I noticed we were sort of falling out and i naturally got insecure. We spent lesser time talking about things and more time seeing each other for the sake of seeing each other. I’ve also been tired from work so i slept really early and normally he’d be the one to speak more. I vaguely told him one night (out of insecurity) that I’m afraid of losing him and that it seems as if there’s a difference in our communication compared to last time.. it really hurt but i was just expressing my fears.
    Somehow what i mentioned that night triggered him and he spent the next few days thinking about what i said.. he felt upset that we were falling apart (he actually never noticed until i stupidly mentioned it) and he felt like he wasn’t doing enough. He told me he needed space and went inside his man-cave for a week. I cried and beg him as i knew I would.

    2 weeks later we met and he gave me back my things. i started crying my eyes out telling him “I’m sorry” and to give us a “2nd chance”.. He told me he still loves me but we should take things slow, and tells me to believe in fate (all the bs) and to keep in touch and only get back together when things feels better. it sounded hopeful to me..
    We tried texting but i was the one doing all the talking, he was distant and cold.. so i stopped texting him because it hurts.

    1 week of NC now, i contacted his friend to ask about him. I was informed that he’s been out and about looking for new girls in clubs, telling his friends he’s officially single. When asked why, he said he “didn’t felt a connection with her. we didnt have anything in common.”

    Didn’t have anything in common??? No connection!!? What about all the sweet memories we had?? Didnt it meant something to him? How could he judge the relationship based on the less pretty parts..

    It hurts so much. Why do they say such hurtful things? And over something so small, that could’ve easily been talked over and solved.. why did he tell his friends we’re through and let me have hope that there’s a chance to get back together? What should i do? I’m hurting so much.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 10, 2018 at 8:22 pm

      Hi Jackie,

      If he really wanted to work it out, he would have when you said you felt the distance but he didn’t. I think he did that to slowly ease you in the break up..

  17. Hol

    March 2, 2018 at 5:20 pm

    Me and my ex were together for a year and a half. Everything was going so great until he broke up will me claiming he felt unhappy and didnt know if he felt the same anymore. However, the week before he was very loving and we planned to go on holiday together. He said that it is completely over and wants time alone. I’m following the no contact rule but I am very scared that he will find someone else and move on. Also, I have no idea what to do if he doesn’t contact me during the no contact period. What should I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      March 5, 2018 at 5:42 pm

      Hi Hol,

      Check this one:
      Will My Ex Forget Me If I Do No Contact

  18. Abby

    February 26, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    My boyfriend of 7 years broke up with me 3 weeks ago.He said he realized that he is not love with me.He was just blinded because I have always been taking care of him and helping him out financially.I confronted him about cheating which he finally acknowledged.I’ve known that he has been sleeping around but I chose to ignore to keep peace between us.He has asked to take some time apart before but i asked not to so we can work things out.When he called me to break up I was not surprised and told him its ok.We have talked twice in person after the phone call.Its been cordial but pretty much about his decision regarding why he broke up with me.When I wanted to talk about my feelings he didnt want to listen.I did not iniatiate contact with him.He does.We still have some financial issues that we need to sort out.Last friday i text him randomly about something and he called me upset reiterating that we have broken up and now only friends.He said he doesnt want to give me any mixed signals.I replied that I know that and he doesnt have to remind me everytime we talk.He said for me to leave him alone and let him be happy.He told me to focus on myself.He was also angry and accusing me of something i didnt do.He did not believe me when I said I didnt do it.He called me a psycho.The next day he text me thanking me for letting him use the car for few days.I replied very cordially and short.It puzzles me how he can act friendly and angry almost at the same time.I have accepted the breakup
    and told him that I was nor surprised about it.It irritates me that he keeps on reminding me that we are no longer together.

  19. Elicia

    February 24, 2018 at 3:36 am

    So yesterday was my birthday (Feb 22). My ex and I haven’t spoke in a whole month, we had a very ugly break up. The next day (today) after my birthday he called me saying that he was sorry for not telling me happy birthday. I couldn’t contain myself hearing his voice, made mine shaky and i broke down saying: “the nerve you have to call me after a whole ass month out of the blue, you hurt me so bad!” He responded crying, saying, “You’re so right.” Then he hung up on me. I called him back moments later and it was basically the same thing he told me, but he told me to take care of myself and hung up. Moments after that he blew up my phone with text messages saying he’s sorry about not saying happy birthday to me. Then he said, “I didn’t know how to handle the whole situation, now i do, take care of yourself, more life to you.” I haven’t responded to the texts as bad as i want to. I just want to know what he meant by those words in those text messages he sent me. I would really appreciate the help on this. I would love make this work and to be with him, but i don’t know where to even start.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 27, 2018 at 10:58 am

      Hi Elicia,

      Apologize and then ask how he’s been..

  20. Lee

    February 23, 2018 at 12:36 am

    My ex broke up with 3 weeks ago he said he wants nothing to do with me. He blocked me from all social media and all ways of communicating. The day after we broke up I text him and he was such an asshole so mean telling me to leave him the f*** alone and that he’s changing his number which he never did. Then I left it alone and waited 6 days and I wrote to him something along the lines of this is the last time I’m reaching out thank you for the memories bla bla bla. It was a short simple and sweet message. He replied back super sweet calling me babe and this and that. Then we ended it with a sweet have a goodnight baby message. I didn’t say anything else until 3 days later I said hey and he was nasty and rude as hell all over again. Telling me to leave him alone and he wants nothing to do with me but somehow decides to call. At this point I was still blocked on all social media. Then just last night he pops up on my Facebook as “people you may know”. I don’t effing get it. Why did he unblock me randomly? Wtf is his damn deal?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      February 27, 2018 at 9:51 am

      Hi Lee,

      he’s curious on what you’ve been doing lately.

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