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Emma Kirton
December 25, 2018 at 6:25 pm
Me and my ex broke up 2 weeks ago, we had a few arguments as I thought that he was acting odd with me, I looked at his phone and there were some messages to another girl, nothing serious but I was not okay with it, I confronted him and he blew up and left, moved out and went back to his parents, he has gone through a cycle of saying he doesn’t want a relationship right now to lets try again to he is upset and confused, he is being a brat because I caught him out, is the best thing to do to implement the NC rule? We have been in contact nearly every day since the break up, I was needy to begin with and then just started acting normal around him. What do you think?
Chris Seiter
December 25, 2018 at 11:30 pm
Hi Emma!
I sorry your ex blew up. Some guys can overreact and act out their inside brat. NC does sound like a good solution for you. Pick up my epic long eBook so you understand the whole process
December 24, 2018 at 5:26 pm
I accused my boyfriend of cheating on me and I was wrong. We’ve been together for almost 3 years. A while back he lied to me about hanging out with a female and I looked through his phone and found out. We resolved it. Following that, my anxiety turned into paranoia and it was still an issue for me. It led me to look at his phone again. I found a very old message and accused him of cheating. I confronted him and tried to give him his stuff back. I was wrong and the message was from before we started dating.
We’ve talked about me getting help so many times before, I recognize my anxiety is a major issue (not an excuse) and I just never brought myself to do it. I apologized profusely and he doesn’t want to speak for an indefinite amount of time. I don’t blame him. I am giving him his space.
I am working on myself in the meantime for my own wellbeing and because I know I hurt him through my actions. I want to make this better and I know we can get through it. I just terrified he’s not going to reach the same conclusion. I majorly fucked up and all I can do now is wait but the wait is AGONIZING. I’m anticipating we’re not going to speak for like a month.
Chris Seiter
December 24, 2018 at 10:18 pm
Hi Sarah!
I can understand why him lying to you about hanging out with another girl could lead you to be overly suspicious. So you are going about it in the right way by giving him space. Pick up my eBook, “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro” so you have insights into how you should proceed going forward!
December 23, 2018 at 9:11 pm
What to do what to do.
I’m currently in NC from my ex of four years. He’s always came back to me in the past after a fight and or silly break up. I was his first girlfriend and he’s loved me since he was a kid.
We broke up due to my bad depression and I felt I couldn’t be the girlfriend he deserved and he cried and I felt terrible but I didn’t want to bring him down with my depressed attitude. I got some help and I am currently doing my best on getting mentally better and he was supportive. Things were starting to look up until we had a disagreement that he got super angry about so he told me to leave him alone and that’s I’m toxic so I did a full block out so I wouldn’t be tempted to contact him, that maybe immature on my part but that’s what I feel is best for me.
My question is, given that enough time and pass has passed and I continue to improve on myself will this help my chances on getting him back?
Chris Seiter
December 24, 2018 at 3:45 am
Hi Nat!
Yes, your chances will improve if you work on those areas you feel need attention, particularly doing things to make your own self happy, so that no matter what happens, you can stand on your own!
Sylvana Kelley
December 15, 2018 at 8:18 pm
Thank you for the article!
Here is my situation,
I have been together with this guy for about 1 year now and everything has been great after 5 month of dating long distance *would visit him on weekends cause he was at at time, in the military* we decided he would move in with me after he got out.
We had a great time and loved our relationship but he started to get depressed cause he didnt like his civilian job so he applied out of the state and 2 weeks later after living together for 6 month, he picked up and moved away *its only been about a month since he has been sway* He wanted me to move out there with him by the end of the year and told me he wanted to settle and consider a family. But he now regrets leaving because he doesnt like the city or his job, he told me it’s so hard to be away from me but doesnt want me to move out there with him now because he thinks I’ll hate it too. He doesnt know anyone there. He is stressed and tired and now after I asked him why he was neglecting our relationship, he says he is busy and doesnt have time for the relationship even after 4 days ago he was excited for to come out and said all those things about our future yet doesnt have time for social media which is frustrating. He told me he needs space and time to think because he is tired of the whole distance thing again, even when he made that decision, without thinking things through *he said he is not sure how much time he needs. He was also previously married a few years ago, had his wife move in with him after he came back to the States and they ended up getting a divorce and now she’s stuck at the last place they were at, he said he was very fearful of that happening to me, even though we’ve been doing so great. He flies into town next weekend for the holidays and I know I’ll see him just because a lot of his furniture and our dog is here I’m just not sure why he wants space to think when we’re already apart and wonder if he regrets saying those words to me or if he really is going to throw all our amazing times away just because he is unhappy with his situation. I am a firm believer that no matter where you go with the person you love you can make it through the difficult times. We’ve definitely have more wonderful times then bad. Obviously I have strength to respect his wish and disconnect, I told him he can have that. I really want it to work, If he wants to break up, why cant he just do it without the space? I’m just so unfamiliar with what with space will do to us.
December 14, 2018 at 4:41 pm
Hey, Chris.
My name is Lyn. First, of all, thank you for writing this article. I have a semi touchy situation, and I’d like to know if you could answer a couple of questions. Typical girl meets guy, guy says girl is his best friend, they fall for one another, guy asks girl out, they begin dating long distance. It was a short but intense relationship. We were best friends for months before he asked me out because he said I was so different from all the other girls he dated he was afraid to ask and thought I’d say no.
We were the epitome of best friends: telling each other secrets and fears, hopes and dreams, working with each other to solve problems, supporting one another, things we had never told anyone else and having a blast while doing it. We knew each other 5 months before he said he fell in love and another 3 before he asked me out.
The relationship was deep and intense, and I loved being in a relationship with my best friend. It lasted almost 2 months, and then he said he needed a break from us. He had a panic attack about how serious we were getting and how fast it was moving. He is young, and he said he had barely started his life. At that point, he said he was still in love with me. I didn’t initiate any conversations, although I answered him, albeit on my time, when he texted me.
A week later, last night, we had a discussion, and after the initial discussion about a thought provoking video, he said his feelings of being in love with me faded during that conversation and what I said to him made him frustrated at himself becaused we are too similar, and he needed someone who didn’t always know what to say to him when he was sad or angry, that he needed someone who could work with him to solve his problems instead of a “quick fix”, and he said when I did that, he knew I was right and felt like he couldn’t do anything but agree with me, which made him frustrated at himself. I told him I wasn’t going to argue or beg.
But honestly, I am confused. I’m not sure how feelings can that were so strong fade within a few minutes of conversation when he had them just a few minutes before. He said he still sees me as a friend, and he loves me, just not as one would love a lover. I won’t beg or plead. But I am wondering if I continue to be his friend and act like one or if I should use the no contact rule and see if he actually means it.
I would love your opinion on what to do and how much of a chance there is, and if you have the time, I am wondering what happened within those few minutes that made him “fall out of love”. Thank you so much for your time!
Sincerely, Lyn
Chris Seiter
December 14, 2018 at 11:55 pm
Hi Lyn…thanks for your kudos. So frankly, a lot of what you ex is saying about what he wants from you makes no sense. He just seems to philosophical or picky about what he wants for every communication exchange. I am not sure if this is maturity thing or lack of experience or personality preference. I do think given his attitude about how he connect with you that employing No Contact would be a good choice. Pick up my eBook,485 page “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro” or any other resources I make available that can help you through this process! Just know..its not “you”, its “him”. Many of the right guys in the right situation would fall very much in love with you
December 14, 2018 at 11:12 am
I walked away from my ex 3 weeks ago because he kept snapping (not the first time. Done this previously when he was ill) at me over a period of days leading upto me walking away even though I have been there for him through his depression and his father dying. I felt terrible after as I felt his snapping was due to his depression and his dad dying.
Despite this I still felt like he needed to say sorry so I gave him space. However, he messaged me to say he is sorry we disnt work and he doesnt want to go back to where we were and I should move on. I did message him and liaised with his friend (she told me he loved me and wanted to marry me and was devastated I walked away and expected me to come back to him the next day. He also said he disnt know what he hd done wrong) and sister but to no avail. He then messaged to say his father had passed (I was heartbroken that I couldnt be there for him). I messaged him on the day of the funeral to say my thoughts are with him and his family. He replied saying thanks and his mum was doing well.
I then recieved a phone call off him the following morning to say that from a conversation with his friend (the one I was talking to regards our situation) and the messages exchanged between his sister and I he has decided he cannot be friends with me. I remained calm and said ok and we both hung up the phone. Within five minutes he blocked me.
In your opinion would it be best to move on with my life?
Chris Seiter
December 15, 2018 at 12:01 am
Hi Stephanie! You can move forward with healing you need to working on being the best version of yourself. And you don’t need to be actively pursuing him. But you need not wipe him clean away from your possibility list.
December 12, 2018 at 1:21 pm
So a guy I was talking to for a month decided he was still in love with his ex. He told me beforehand why it didn’t work between them (different life views, distance between them location wise). He said I handled things well when he told me about trying it out with her, he said he wasn’t even sure if it would work this time but he didn’t want to have any regrets. He said he couldn’t talk to me if he was trying to get her back which I understood but still asked if it was possible to go back to being friends if his situation didn’t work out and I told him if I was available then yes we could. I do miss him but haven’t contacted since having that conversation with him. Do you think I would still have a shot even doing NC?
Chris Seiter
December 13, 2018 at 12:40 am
Hi Ann!
I think so. NC has so many elements and tactics associated with hit and it can help you a heck of a lot in the healing department. You need to be emotionally whole as you embrace the future,irrespective what happens!
December 9, 2018 at 4:02 pm
Hi there,
I’ve been seeing a guy for about a year, he came straight out of a long term relationship and met me. Though he had been trying to end it with her for quite some time but couldn’t bring himself to break up with her. We hit it off straight from the get go. But I always knew from the beginning he didn’t get his space between realtionships. We have an amazing relationship though, I honestly couldn’t fault the guy, even down to opening doors for me, he always goes out of his way for me. We have a lot of mutual friends, we work for the same company but not the same office. Which has always been an issue for him, he likes his privacy. We had a serious conversation a few weeks ago where he was saying he didn’t know if he saw anything long term with me but then 10 minutes after the conversation he said he didn’t mean it. We had an event on Friday night and afterwards he told me that he felt irritated that I was there but then said I had done absolutely nothing wrong and he didn’t know why he was feeling that way. He’s always been so stressed and complicated about our relationship never wanting to put a label on it, but he isn’t a player type.
Yesterday I called him and he said he was going to come and see me because he was getting really stressed out about our situation following on from Friday night and that I was supposed to be spending Christmas with his family but he doesn’t know how he feels and he’s worried the holiday period will make me fall harder and he won’t, he then used the “I love you but I’m not in love with you” but that he still cares about me, which I ultimately turned around and said that he sounded like he needs to figure out what he wants and to take some time. He text me a few hours later asking if I was okay and that he wasn’t and that he is “just trying to think what the best thing for both of us is”
But now what, I encouraged the space, do I wait for him to come back or should I have just accepted that conversation was a break up?
Chris Seiter
December 10, 2018 at 1:03 am
Make use of the space to focus on “you”…your own healing and efforts to be a better you.
November 29, 2018 at 7:08 am
my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago after 2+ years because he said it hadn’t felt right for a while. I know that over the past months things got crazy and that made me get clingy and whiny when I got stressed but I’m trying to work on that now. We share an apartment but aren’t currently living together, so I’m wondering how much space to give him – how can I show him that the break-up gave me the kick I needed to figure out what I had been doing wrong?
Chris Seiter
November 30, 2018 at 3:02 am
Hi Patricia…Its not just you, but him too. I am sure he has done plenty wrong. We all do. Have you tried No Contact. Hop on over to my Home Page and check out my Program so you are up to speed on how to optimize your chances!
November 27, 2018 at 11:57 am
Three weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me, he said he was confused and had been for a month or so, for now I’ve only been in contact with him about getting my stuff back at some point so we’ve only spoken once. The reason he gave for the breakup is that he thought we were only friends however we’ve been in a relationship for three years. Two weeks before the breakup he told me he’d never leave me and was happy we had a deep conversation. But we didn’t see eachother for the next two weeks and suddenly he was confused again and broke it off. However he told me he loved and cared about me during the breakup, but also kissed me, told me to never change and that I was the perfect person for him. What do you think that meant? I think he’s super stressed and exhausted at work but he won’t admit it when I asked, yet would always say he was having a rubbish week at work, and he went and blamed it on the relationship. Will he come back ever?
November 14, 2018 at 5:58 am
So I met this guy online. He is actually from a different country so we haven’t met yet. We’ve been talking for like a month now. I started liking him cause he is so sweet and all. Thought he liked me back. But something cropped up at his work place and he has been so distant then. I noticed and confronted him about it. He told me that he is so stressed with work and that he isn’t the most available person at the moment. So I asked him what he wanted me to do. He was like it’s best we both focus on ourselves for now. What does that mean. He doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore? Today is the second day iv not contacted him. He hasn’t contacted me either and but he is always on my instagram viewing my stories. I really like him. And I’m just sad that he is so held up that our relationship didn’t really blossom but he once told me that he liked me too. So what should I do? Like should I continue the no contact rule till he reaches out? What if doesn’t reach out? I really want him to. I just donno what to do so he can.
November 12, 2018 at 2:56 am
Hi there, I am seeking advice about my situation.
My ex and I had a great relationship, Talked about a future, Traveling and He even was looking for apartments close to me because we had formed a strong connection. Me and him eventually got busy and stopped seeing each other as frequent however, kept in contact on social media, Calls, Face time and text. We broke up and talked about it and it seemed mutual but we both were lying.After the breakup he said he wanted to stay friends and continued to text me! I texted him a day later and poured my heart out because watching (In person) Him smile at me and walk away made me cry and the thought of it still does.I thought to myself why did I let my insecurites and fears that he was goung to hurt me make me do this. Anyways after the text he didn’t respond for a few hours no more than 12. I thought he was ignoring me but said he was busy. In the coming days his friend duke passed and I tried to help and talk to him but he pushed me away… Im sure you can see how this can and did turn ugly….
I kept gnating and gnating and gnating for a week. During which he still said he still loves me and continuously told me he missed me. I panicked and did not want to lose him so I wrote a love note and sent it to him……. Wrong time.
It did the opposite and he asked for space. When he asked for space I was so desprate to please his wishes as I did not want to lose him I said I wouldn’t speak to him until my birthday. (80 days) he agreed,
To which I did not give..
Now currently my gnating got me blocked by my number and facebook (Where I gnatted).
-Note I am not blocked on everything.
I found him on a dating/hookup app stating he was “Happily in a relationship”
-Note platform we met.
I got jealous and messaged him and he basically told me to move on, i said : I thought you loved me” his response? “Me too”
-Note even finding him on this app he said He still wanted to be friends but I was making it difficult.
NC has been initiated Oct 11th (A month to the day!!!)
*He has not reached out since
* During NC I have been finding new interests and hobbies like
I have started a collection of Hats
I posted a Selfie on instagram for eveyone and stepped out of my comfort zone.
I started going to the gym
out with friends more!
Final thought: I do very much love my ex and he has been on my mind everyday since the breakup. At first I was very unhealthy and only thinking for myself. Now I can see why my ex reacted how he did. I was very very annoying but at the end of the day I am a prize to be won and I fight for what I love. Now I know you cant give me the definite yes or no however do you think I have a shot?
Chris Seiter
November 12, 2018 at 5:02 am
Hi Ariana!
Proud of your Ariana for your amazing efforts in NC to find new interest and hobbies! Find that love for yourself and do things for yourself….date yourself. This is a big part of learning about things that matter. Beyond that, be sure you are following some kind of ex recovery program. I am partial to mine and have lots of eBook that can help dive into the details of all of this!
November 7, 2018 at 8:55 am
Hi There!
Is the 21 or 30 day NC rule applicable for short term relationships? Or should i shorten the NC period?
I was with my ex for about 3 months when we had an intense and whirlwind romance. Both fancied each other very much and very attracted to each other. We even went on a trip together which was amazing. 2 months into dating, he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was hesitant at first as he has been struggling with self esteem issues. Also, he feels that i am completely out of his league. Hence he was quite insecure as well and needed reassurance as he was hurt in his previous relationship.
After a few weeks together, we had a huge argument which ended up in him asking for a breakup. He wanted space to figure himself out. Next day we had a talk and he seemed decided on the breakup and felt it was for the best as he felt that he needs time to know himself before he can love someone else. He said he thought he was ready for a relationship and was not and also did not want to go through another huge argument. Also, he built many barriers due to past insecurities and told me that though i had broken down much of his barriers, he couldn’t get past the final hurdle to completely open himself up. He was clearly very upset and even cried when we parted. Afterward i texted him and asked for another chance but he said he was having a meltdown and felt very scared as he did not know who he was and wanted to be alone for awhile and said we were both very emotional at that time and would be better to not contact each other for awhile. He said he liked me very much and his feelings for me was very real and he saw a future in us but need some time to find himself first. He also said he hated himself very much and felt that he failed me and disappointed the both of us.
We used to communicate via text all day and he would wish me good morning and night without fail during the time we were together. Now it has only been 3 days of no contact and i am missing him very badly. What should i do? Do i still stand a chance at getting him back?
Chris Seiter
November 8, 2018 at 3:11 am
Hi Andrea…great question
In most cases, yes. But every situation is unique and its impossible to analyze and discuss in one response. Take a look at my eBook, “The No Contact Rule Book” as it is a great resource!
November 4, 2018 at 6:03 am
Hi there! My ex and I had non stop contact since our breakup for 2 and half months ago. We’ve had ups and downs during this times where he showed hot and cold behavior towards me. We’re in a long distance relationship so we would normally communicate through text and video calls. Last week, he told me that “he’ll be back soon” as I showed him signs that I want him back. But just yesterday, I asked him to call me and I think I smothered him. He asked for a week of space since he said we had not stopped talking and he needs to recharge himself. He told me to trust him and it’s just a matter of recharging himself. He sent me a final message to end our conversation that day saying “trust me, I’ll be back soon”. I don’t know what that means. He’s scheduled to come over in a couple of weeks. Do you think he wants me back as well or maybe that space will make him decide to leave for good? I worry that in this time apart he will get used to life without me and gets a new routine. I mean no text or anything from me. thank you so much!
Chris Seiter
November 4, 2018 at 3:39 pm
Hi Sandy!
Its true…sometimes guys just need to get away from everything. Some of them feel the call for independence and if they feel smothered they will pull away. So focus on yourself and getting yourself to a better place emotionally so you can see your life need not revolve around him, especially if he needs a 1 week mental vacation.
Ashley Dawson
October 28, 2018 at 6:51 pm
Yea. Im actually considering to follow the No Contact Rule. So do you think he’s just asking for a space? Cause he did not mention we are already done though. Or Im just the only one thinking that?
Chris Seiter
October 29, 2018 at 2:51 am
Hi Ashley…sometimes it helps everyone to take a step back and dial in the emotions and get in touch what is important. Calmer minds lead to better decisions. Your relationship may very well survive and do well. Just take things slow and execute your ex recovery plan.
Ashley Dawson
October 27, 2018 at 4:56 pm
Glad I came across to your blog, so here’s my story. My BF for 5 years have been on LDR for one month now, We had an argument last week and he pulled himself away from me. I keep on chatting, calling him but to no avail. I’m feeling so hopeless and afraid he might no longer talk to me thats why I keep on nagging him, asking how can he manage not to talk to me for that long. (which I then realized is a major turn off to every guy right after I discover your blog) Then 1 week after he finally messaged me telling that whatever I think about him is wrong. That I always think of others that I tend to forgot myself. He also said he wants me to learn to live on my own, to be independent and to grow as a person. And him pulling away is just a part of it. He wants me to focus on my work instead of thinking about him or anything else. Besides, he can handle himself alone. I never had a change to respond nor to clarify what he meant since he deactivated his fb right after messaging me. I know I acted too clingy and needy that draws him futher. Now, I am confused with our status. Is he just asking for space? Or he’s implying a break up? He did not mention about it though. I stll have hopes that we may just need space since he still keeps on logging my fb. I can see it on my email that my account has always been reactivated even if I already deactivated it twice. I am left here hanging.
Chris Seiter
October 28, 2018 at 4:30 am
Hi Ashley!
Thanks so much for visiting. So I see you have some solid experience….5 years…with your ex. That kind of relationship traction can pay off in your efforts to win him back. Don’t beat yourself up for being too clingy. Lot of people get pulled into that behavior. Have you considered implementing no contact? Also, pick up my Companion Guide, “Ex Boyfriend Recover Pro” if you need a blueprint to follow!
Paige Wilson
October 27, 2018 at 3:52 am
Hi there!
My ex boyfriend dumped me 7 weeks ago, reasons I can’t even quite explain myself, mostly because we were unhealthy and stressing eachother out. I got help with some mental illnesses in the mean time, learned a lot of the reasons this happened in therapy etc.
Although the entire first month after the breakup I “gnatted” him (to be fair though we dated for two years and compared to the two years we were together a month of gnatting wasn’t as bad as it sounds). I am on one week of NC after sending a clean slate message apologizing for things I had done, saying I was happy to give him space now, wishing him well hoping we can be friends eventually. I just had surgery done yesterday, and he knows, and i’m confident that’s going to have him thinking about me even more and how I am recovering. The breakup did shock me initially because he was always the one to beg over me when I said I needed time away or just a few days of space. Any thoughts?
Love EBR!
Chris Seiter
October 28, 2018 at 4:41 am
Hi Paige!
Thank you Paige for all your love! Don’t be too hard on yourself for “gnatting”. It happens and we all learn our lessons in time. I hope you are feeling better after your surgery. I think NC is the right medicine. Pick up a copy of “The No Contact Rule Book” as it will help you optimize your efforts!
Chris Seiter
October 28, 2018 at 4:41 am
Hi Paige!
Thank you Paige for all your love! Don’t be too hard on yourself for “gnatting”. It happens and we all learn our lessons in time. I hope you are feeling better after your surgery. I think NC is the right medicine. Pick up a copy of “The No Contact Rule Book” as it will help you optimize your efforts!
maryam al enezi
October 25, 2018 at 5:11 pm
Hi i bump into this article, My situation is, I asked my boyfriend if he still loves me and he answered that he is confused because he said he can’t give back the love I am giving him because he is still enjoying his time with his friends and family. Since he was working out of the country for 8 years and its his first time in 8 years to come back for good. we did not broke up He did not asked for space but i was the one who told him that i will give him space and wont bother him. Will he come back to me?
Chris Seiter
October 25, 2018 at 8:09 pm
Hi Maryam!
Glad you found us! It is usually best for you both to take some time and space for yourselves and each other when this sort of thing happens. You can read more about no contact and having a sensible ex recovery plan in any of my books or on my site. The books are more comprehensive.
Letlotlo Phetlhu
October 5, 2018 at 1:13 am
Hi, so me and my ex boyfriend broke up but I want him back. We were fighting a lot, his not a confrontational person so in most cases I would bring up something and he would completely ignore me and that made me more angry. He even stopped trying to communicate with me, I was the one that tried texting and calling him. One day I broke up with him and he didn’t even question it. A few days later I told him I made a mistake but he said he needs to sort things out and I should wait for him. A week later in my drunken I drunk texted him and told him mean things and I felt really bad and tried to apologize a few days later but he completely shut me down and said his tired of me. A few days later I asked him to give me a chance to prove that it will be different and asked to at least give him a chance to think about it. It is basically a long relationship and I’m in his City for a few days and I would like to know if he thought about it before a leave the city again. My friends say I should just leave him alone and move on but I still love him and I want to fight for us and show him it will be different. But I don’t know what to do. I fight with myself everyday with contacting him.
Chris Seiter
October 5, 2018 at 2:10 am
Fighting brings down the spirits an I am sorry you had to go thru that. You should consider implementing the no contact rule and following along in the way I teach it in my Program. It will allow you time to figure things out and accomplish other things too.
Chris Seiter
October 5, 2018 at 2:10 am
Fighting brings down the spirits an I am sorry you had to go thru that. You should consider implementing the no contact rule and following along in the way I teach it in my Program. It will allow you time to figure things out and accomplish other things too.
October 4, 2018 at 10:21 am
My boyfriend and I broke up 2 days ago due to circumstances. He’s a separated man and he needs space and time to think about his courses of actions to take for the upcoming divorce and custody of kids, which he’s afraid of losing of if word gets out of us.
We agreed mutually to just remain friends for now so he can focus on himself and self reflect / grieve over his marriage, whatever he needs to do to sort himself out. He still texts me yesterday, we are in contact, not a lot but just normal texting about what we did.
I’m not sure about the no contact rule.. I’m thinking to not contact him but if he initiates contact I would want to reply him. We broke up very amicably. It’s a case of right person wrong time, we never had any quarrels or fights. It’s all because of the circumstance he’s in.
Chris Seiter
October 5, 2018 at 2:19 am
Hi Kelsey!
Seems like he is still engaged in keeping a connection with you. I agree with your assessment about holding off on NC.