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36 thoughts on “Will No Contact Work If Your Ex Moved On To Someone New?”

  1. Lia

    August 10, 2020 at 9:02 am

    Thank you. The thing is that he’s been with her for three months and he kept looking at my social media, even when he was on holiday with her, and sometimes he even reacted to my posts in a flirty way one month ago. But then I started my second NC, undefined this time and the only thing I had from him was that he kept checking on me. I keep doing things and, of course, I stay in NC, but I am worried that he moved on for good if from one day to another he did this… Because the honeymoon period should be endding and instead of this (even if I say certain signs of possible troubles in paradise), he does this. I don’t understand, but it scares me.

  2. Lia

    August 9, 2020 at 8:43 am

    What if he stops checking social media? I’m in undefined NC, he’s in another relationship (all signs from a rebound) and kept looking at my snapchat, instagram.. But he has stopped a few days ago. How would NC + UG work if he stops ckecking on me?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      August 9, 2020 at 9:30 am

      Hey Lia, it still works because you are not talking to him and you are still doing those amazing things. Think of it this way if he is with someone else now he is going to stop looking for a short while because the new person is not going to like that he is checking in on his ex. Make sure you are posting things to your social media as well as snapchat because he will get curious

  3. Hannah

    August 7, 2020 at 5:53 pm

    My boyfriend of almost 2 years broke up with me 2 months ago. I’ve recently started contacting him again, and it’s been going well until he dropped the bombshell that he kinda likes a new girl and he wants to try having an open relationship with her. I know hes still figuring life out and that we are young. He doesnt know what he wants from life or a relationship and at this point I’m just gonna give up, I guess. Just crazy how a few months back he was telling me forever and ever and that he wanted to marry me. But hes confused and needs to find what makes him happy. I’m just gonna slow communication with him and let him figure his shit out by himself. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Its painful as all hell, but I just gotta keep moving forward.

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